8 best methods for determining the sex of a child. Determining the sex of the child. Dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the Rh factor of the parents' blood

11th week of pregnancy - the first trimester is slowly coming to an end. This is the most responsible and important trimester, so by this time the main fears and concerns are already behind us. You have already become accustomed to your new state, you have become emotionally calmer and are already beginning to feel the changes in your growing uterus. Although it is still quite possible to hide a rounded belly from those around you with slightly loose clothing, not fitted dresses and blouses. So what happens to the baby and how does the mother feel at 11 weeks of pregnancy?

What happens to a woman’s body at 11 weeks of pregnancy

In the eleventh week of pregnancy, if toxicosis has not bypassed you, you can happily note a decrease in the activity of all signs of toxicosis. The frequency of vomiting decreases or disappears altogether. From this week of pregnancy, women usually become more sensitive to odors, although, of course, strong odors can still cause nausea. If toxicosis does not plan to leave you yet, you should not worry about it. Very rarely, of course, but it happens that manifestations of toxicosis persist until the 14th week of pregnancy and even longer. But the likelihood of long-term toxicosis is very low. In any case, starting from the 11th week of pregnancy, even if toxicosis does not disappear, the manifestations still become quieter and quieter.

Possible manifestations discomfort V digestive system. This could be heartburn, bloating (flatulence), constipation, or, conversely, loosening of the stool. The hormone progesterone is to blame for all this, or rather not itself, but your body’s reaction to its increased amount during pregnancy. Soon you will adapt and all these troubles will disappear.

You, most likely, have already noticed a rounded tummy in the pubic area. The uterus is still in the pelvic circle and has not come out, but the tummy may well be growing at this stage. And due to flatulence as well. Try to avoid tight, low-waisted trousers and tight straps.

As for vaginal discharge, it is quite acceptable throughout the entire period of pregnancy under one condition - it has a whitish color and a slightly sour smell.

11th week of pregnancy is already the end of the first trimester, but still dangerous period. Therefore, if you are bothered by pain in the abdominal area or the discharge has bloody streaks or turns brown, consult a doctor immediately to exclude the possibility of a threat of miscarriage.

Bellies at 11 weeks pregnant

How the baby develops at 11 weeks of pregnancy

The child will grow well this week. This is a period of very intense growth. On average, at 11 weeks of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 15 grams and is approximately 6.8 cm in size. It is similar in size to an average lime fruit.

By this time, the brain is already well formed; two hemispheres are clearly defined in it. The cerebellum begins to function actively; it is responsible for movements. Therefore, starting this week, the baby begins to consciously move in the uterine cavity, pushing away from its walls.

His body now has body proportions that are unusual for us - his head still occupies half or even more of the baby’s total length, he has long arms and short legs that still fit snugly to his body. But the arms are already moving freely, the baby can bend and unbend them. Also, tactile receptors have already been developed on the palms, so starting this week the baby will explore his location by touch.

The baby begins to respond with his movements to external stimuli, such as sudden movements of the mother or a loud sound.

There is active development and growth of joints, muscles and bones. This week, the baby begins to develop the rudiments of baby teeth, which will erupt in the newborn a few months after birth.

Reflexes appear - sucking and grasping. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby can already characteristically move his small lips, and with his small hands he can already grab and finger the umbilical cord.

Ultrasound images at 11 weeks of pregnancy

3-D ultrasound images at 11 weeks of pregnancy

Examinations at 11 weeks of pregnancy:

  • If necessary, if there are complaints, you need to consult a gynecologist;
  • "Double test" (prenatal screening of the first trimester, biochemical screening of the first trimester) - an examination aimed at identifying fetal malformations. Blood is taken from a vein from a pregnant woman and the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and PAPP-A (pregnancy associated protein) is determined. Based on the results of this test, one can only make an assumption about the presence of congenital malformations of the fetus; a more detailed examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis;
  • Ultrasound - if it was not done before 11 weeks, it must be done at week 11. During the study, the doctor will find out whether the development of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age and assess the condition internal organs fetus and determine the place of attachment of the chorion (future placenta).

Even before the baby is born, many parents begin to wonder who it will be: a boy or a girl. They can satisfy their curiosity after an ultrasound scan, but this can only be done at 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. Until this point, you can try to calculate the gender of the unborn baby in several ways.

By date of birth of parents

From the point of view of the vast majority, this method is one of the most effective. To use it, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Prepare a sheet of paper, red and blue pencils.
  2. Draw a line, dividing it into 12 equal segments.
  3. They must be numbered in order from 1 to 12.
  4. The mother's date of birth is marked in red on the line, and the father's in blue.
  5. Make three more red marks: after 3, 6 and 9 months from the date of birth expectant mother.
  6. Indicate two additional designations in blue: after 4 and 8 months from the father’s birthday.

Many mothers have already written articles to us on the website on the topic of how to calculate the sex of a child. But this topic worries future happy parents so much that we return to it again and again. Although such interest, at first glance, is very strange. After all, if you ask a young family: “Do you want a child?”, they, of course, will answer yes. And when asked who they want to see as their first-born, they will most likely answer that they don’t care. 🙂 Are they lying? 🙂 Only a few people have a clear preference for a particular gender of their firstborn. As a rule, this is connected either with the mother’s dream of a daughter, or with the husband’s thoughts about procreation, and with the desire to have a son. But when it comes to the second and subsequent children, parents today are increasingly asking for help in calculating the sex of their unborn baby.

Today, various sources (specialized literature, the Internet, specialists from family planning centers, psychics, fortune tellers and others) offer their services based on a whole range of theories on how to calculate the sex of a child and predetermine the birth of a daughter or son. We will try to consider all the methods together with you, if possible, test them on our own examples and decide what really works and what is empty fiction. Let's make up, in other words, our own.

A method for determining the sex of a child based on life expectancy and sperm stability

Gynecologists and andrologists believe that the sex of the child depends on the father, or more precisely, on his sperm. Spermatozoa, which, after fertilization of eggs, give birth to boys, are much more active, but less resistant to an aggressive environment, than those, after fertilization, which give birth to girls.

And if we take into account that all sperm live in a woman’s genital tract for 2–3 days, and the egg remains capable of fertilization only for 8–13 hours, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases with sexual intercourse directly during ovulation, and for girls – in a few days before her. It turns out that if you really want a girl, you both have to try.

Firstly In order for sperm to withstand all the tests and safely wait for ovulation, they must themselves be very strong, healthy and active, that is, dad should not drink, smoke, get sick (even with a runny nose), go to the bathhouse and generally overheat for 3 - 4 weeks before ovulation.

Secondly, the probability of the largest number of sperm reaching the target is maximum during the female peak: estrogens are released in huge quantities, opening the entrance to the uterus, and the uterus begins to contract intensively, helping sperm move in the right direction.

My first pregnancy was long-awaited and I didn’t care who was born: a boy or a girl, the main thing was that at least one turned out. Therefore, I calculated ovulation, listened to my feelings and terrorized my husband at that very right moment. Of course, I didn’t try to calculate the sex of the child using this method then, but now I can check its effectiveness. Judging by the fact that we had a son, the boy sperm turned out to be faster than everyone else, and in our case this method worked.

Behavior and life cycle male sperm and female eggs have been studied not so long ago, but already, as we see, there are coherent theories that make it possible to predict the future and try to plan even the gender of the desired baby. In this case, what can we say about the various theories and methods for determining the sex of a child, based on the study of a person’s blood - the main carrier of information about him, about his health, genes, and therefore about his past and future. The most common among people today are: the theory of blood renewal, a method of planning the sex of a baby based on the blood groups and Rh factors of the parents.

How to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal

The essence of the method is based on the fact that there is a difference in the time of the complete blood renewal cycle of men and women. In men, the blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - 3. The only exceptions are women with negative Rh blood, they also have full cycle is 4 years. The method is simple: we take the age of the parents at the time of conception of the baby and divide by the appropriate number (3 or 4), we get a certain coefficient. Whose coefficient is lower, the blood is younger, which means the child will be born of this gender.

For example: my husband is 25 years old, which means 25/4=6.25; The wife is 22 years old, which means 22/3=7.33. The husband's coefficient is lower, his blood is younger - a boy will be born.

Everything seems simple, I just wonder if it works. Let's check for by example. When we conceived our child, I was 28 and my husband was 24. After simple calculations, it turns out that my coefficient of 9.3 is greater than my husband’s 6.0 and a boy should have been born. Our son is already six months old and in our example, this albeit pseudoscientific method works.

How to calculate the sex of a child based on the blood type and Rh factor of the parents' blood

There are many unique calculators, in the fields of which you just need to enter the blood type of the parents or the Rh factor and they will give the result: boy or girl. These calculators are based on data from the following summary tables:

Dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the Rh factor of the parents' blood

Dependence of the sex of the unborn child on the blood type of the parents

Blood type

mom's blood

It would seem that the probability of these methods is 50%, but there is one circumstance that personally threw me into a stupor. A person's blood type, as well as the Rh factor, do not change throughout life. Then how to explain children of different sexes in a family? It turns out that if the mother has I (+) and the father has III (+), only girls should be born in this marriage. And another paradox: if parents can always expect only boys based on their blood type, and judging by the Rh factor - only girls, then how can they trust these methods in planning babies? Perhaps this method of calculating the sex of an unborn child is not suitable for me. Well, I don’t believe in him that’s all!

If the disadvantage of the previous method is the unchanging data for the study (blood type and Rh factor), then the next two methods are based on changing factors: the age of the mother (from 18 to 45 years) and the month of conception of the baby - Chinese table; month of birth of the mother, father and month of conception of the child - Japanese table.

Determining the sex of a child using Chinese tables

What underlies this table is a mystery. Either this is ancient knowledge, or long-term observations, or scientific research - it is not known for certain. Therefore, we will check and look for matches. Let's check: is it possible to calculate the gender of a child using Chinese tables?

For example, I was 29 years old when I conceived my baby in July. According to the table, I was expecting a girl, but I had a boy. So. And my mom was 20 when she and my dad successfully conceived me on their honeymoon in September. And a boy was supposed to be born, but I was born a girl. Although every woman who firmly believes in coincidences and accidents will definitely say: “Yes, a girl, but with a masculine character.”

Month of conception

Woman's age

In general, in the example of my family, the Chinese table did not work either. It's a pity, I had hope for her. Because I would like to have a second girl, and according to the table, at the age of 30, I will be conceiving only girls for almost the entire year. 🙂 Plus, it’s somehow strange not to take into account the data of the future dad, as if nothing depends on him. The same cannot be said about the Japanese table.

How to calculate the gender of a child using Japanese tables

In addition to the fact that this method takes into account three parameters: the month of birth of the mother, father and the month of conception of the child, the degree of probability of the expected result varies here. It’s difficult to write, but I’ll explain now. The Japanese table actually consists of two: in the first, you correlate the key months and at their intersection you get a certain number. For example, I was born in June, and my husband was born in March, our number is 6.

Man's birth month

Woman's birth month

January February March April May June July August September October november December


In the second table we look for our number, in the middle columns we select the gender of the unborn child: a boy or a girl, and in the desired column we look for the largest number of X signs, which corresponds to a greater probability of having a boy or a girl. We correlate the column under your number with the largest number of X signs in the column under a boy or a girl, at the intersection of these cells there will be a month when the probability of your couple conceiving a baby of the exact gender you want.




Let's see: we want a girl, the maximum probability is XXX, and at the intersection of XXX and the number 6 is the month - August. Everything would be fine, but opposite July in the column under the number 6, the probability for us to give birth to a boy is X, and a girl is XX, and we have a son. Either we are somehow unique, or Asian methods are not suitable for us, but the Japanese table does not work in our case. 🙂

So what works then? Is it possible to somehow calculate the gender of a child? When scientific and pseudoscientific methods do not work, it makes sense to turn to the experience of something completely different. 🙂 Let's look at Numbers are as ancient and mysterious as stars, their influence on a person’s life, on his decision-making. Numerology studies the magic of numbers and their role in the destinies of people and history.

Determining the gender of a child using numerology

In view of the fact that numerology deals specifically with the study of numbers, and to study the sex of a child, the data of his parents and the month of expected conception are needed, then first their last names, full names and month need to be converted into numerical values. The following table will help us with this. It is important to know that the first name must be full, and the last name is the one indicated on the birth certificate.

1 A AND WITH Kommersant
2 B Y T Y
3 IN TO U b
4 G L F E
5 D M X YU
6 E N C I
8 AND P Sh

So, each letter corresponds to a certain number. We replace the letters with numbers, and add up the last and first names of the father, the last and first names of the mother, and the month of conception. We get three numbers. We add them together and divide the resulting number by 7, rounding to the nearest whole number. We conclude: if the number is even, expect a girl, if odd, expect a boy. It's that simple.

Let's check, as before, using our own example. Protecting our personal data, we will immediately replace the surnames with the total number, and decipher the names and month of conception:

Mom 56 + MARIA (5+1+9+1+6) = 78

Papa 16 + YAKOV (6+3+7+3) = 35

Conception month JULY (1+5+4+3) = 13


18 is an even number, a girl was supposed to be born, but a son was born. What is it, nothing works for us! Maybe turn to folk wisdom?

Signs and fortune telling to calculate the sex of a child

For many centuries people have noticed, noted, written down and retold to each other. This is how various signs and fortune telling have come down to our time. It was believed that if a woman lies on her left side during conception, she will get a boy, and if she lies on her right side, she will get a girl. Personally, I have only heard signs about second children, depending on the characteristics appearance or the behavior of the first child.

For example, if the first child’s hair on the back of his head curls in a pigtail, the second will be a girl; if it ends straight, it will be a boy. Or if the first child has symmetrical folds on both legs, the second child will be of the same sex; if they are different, they will be of the opposite sex. Here’s another thing, depending on what word the first-born said earlier, “mom” or “dad,” the second child of that gender will be born.

Most of the signs concern already pregnant women; who are they expecting: a boy or a girl?

The gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother can tell the gender of the baby: for meat and salty foods - for a boy, for sweets and fruits - for a girl.

If during pregnancy a woman blossoms, it will be a boy; if she becomes dull (swells, becomes covered with spots), it will be a girl. As they say, a daughter takes away beauty.

If the belly is sharp in shape and it is not noticeable from behind that the woman is pregnant, expect a boy; if the belly is round and spreads out around the waist, expect a girl.

If during pregnancy a woman begins to grow hair on her body, especially on her stomach, she will have a boy; if not, she will be a girl.

To be honest, among the signs I know, some are completely delusional. For example, a bald dad will give birth to a son, or a pregnant woman gets annoyed with all men and is expecting a girl. Believe me, all pregnant women are annoyed with all men and, moreover, with everyone in general, and bald men (Fedor Bondarchuk, Gosha Kutsenko, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel and others) raise beautiful daughters.

It turns out that as soon as you decide to plan who your future child will be: a boy or a girl, take advantage of all possible methods, theories and signs. And at the intersection of them all you will find the maximum coincidence - this is the golden hour.

My husband and I have calculated all our options: we will go for the girl when I am 30 years old, most likely in August and definitely on the right side. We wish the same for you :)

What methods work for you? Let's have a popular vote. Leave it in the comments - who came up with what? Which ones do you consider serious and which ones don’t?

As soon as future parents find out that they are having a child, along with the feeling of joy that they experience, the question often arises: who will be born - a daughter or a son. For many couples, this is nothing more than healthy curiosity, play, a desire to satisfy their interest and start preparing an appropriate dowry for the baby. For some, determining the sex of a child is a more serious issue. After all, there are hereditary diseases that can only be transmitted through the male or female line.

Therefore, the opportunity to find out the sex of the child as early as possible will help the couple analyze the possible outcome of the pregnancy and make a timely choice - to continue the pregnancy or terminate it. There are quite a few ways and techniques by which you can determine the gender of your unborn baby. They take into account the date of conception, the blood type, and the zodiac signs of the future parents, and each of them gives a certain percentage of hits on the target. But the most accurate methods are still medical.

Determining the sex of a child using medical methods

1. Ultrasound is the most accessible, painless and safe method gender determination. Routine examinations of women using ultrasound equipment are carried out three times during the entire period of pregnancy, which makes it possible to monitor the health of the fetus at different stages of its development, identify possible pathologies, and, if desired, determine the sex. More reliable information about the sex of the unborn child can be obtained by 20-25 weeks of pregnancy, although sometimes it is possible to find out earlier - at 14-16 weeks. Determining the sex of a child using ultrasound examination- the method is very effective, but it does not provide a 100% guarantee of the correct result.

2. Amniocentesis is an analysis in which the amniotic sac is taken by puncturing a small amount of amniotic fluid and examine its chromosomal composition. The procedure is carried out at 14-18 weeks of pregnancy only medical indications if you suspect genetic diseases or possible developmental defects. The process of puncturing the amniotic sac poses a certain risk for both the expectant mother and the child, but this is the only way out when it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis or provide timely assistance. When counting and examining chromosomes, the sex of the fetus is also determined. The reliability of the information is 99%.

3. Cordocentesis - the procedure is similar to amniocentesis, only instead of amniotic fluid, the child’s umbilical cord blood is examined.

4. DNA test is a fairly modern technique, developed in 2007 by American scientists. It turns out that the mother's blood contains DNA from particles of her unborn child. Therefore, already from the sixth week it is possible to accurately (100%) determine the sex of the fetus. It has one significant drawback - the procedure is very expensive.

5. Test to determine the sex of the child (gender test) - works similarly to a home pregnancy test. The principle of the method is based on the fact that sex hormones of the unborn child are present in the urine of a pregnant woman, which will help determine its gender. Therefore, if you combine urine with a special reagent contained in the test, the control strip will turn red. green color, if it's a boy and orange if it's a girl. Testing can be carried out from the 8th week of pregnancy, the diagnostic accuracy is about 90%.

Determining the sex of a child using Eastern methods

The East is a delicate matter, and especially in matters of determining the sex of the unborn child. Therefore, you should not ignore such a method of determining gender as Chinese and Japanese calendar tables, especially since the probability of coincidence is almost 70%.

The Chinese method determines sex based on the mother's age and month of conception. The diagnosis is a table, in the leftmost vertical column of which you need to select the mother’s age, and in the horizontal top line - the month of conception. Next, at the intersection of these lines there will be a certain letter - “M”, which means a boy, and “D” - a girl. It’s good if ovulation and fertilization occurred in the middle of the month, then the reliability of the determination will be much higher. You can make a mistake if the fact of conception occurs on the border of two adjacent months, when it is impossible to know with 100% certainty which one.

The Japanese table works a little differently: not only the month of conception is important here, but also the month of birth of the father and mother. First, using the first table, the number that is significant for this particular pair is determined. Finding it is simple: in the horizontal row you need to select the month of birth of the future father, and in the vertical column - the mother. At the intersection of the parents' birth months there will be one of the table cells with a certain number. In the second table, you need to find this number in the top horizontal row and select the corresponding column. This column indicates the months of the year when conception can occur, and opposite them is the number of crosses, which shows the probability of having a girl or a boy. The more crosses there are in the “boy” and “girl” columns opposite a certain month, the more likely it is that a child conceived in that month will be born of one gender or another.

Determining the sex of a child by updating the blood of future parents

There is a hypothesis that in the male body blood renewal occurs after four years, and in the female body - after three (this is taking into account that there were no major blood losses - during operations, childbirth, blood transfusions, etc.). Therefore, whose blood, father’s or mother’s, will be “younger” at the time of conception, i.e. later it was updated, the child will be of the same gender. If the parents' blood is renewed at the same time, the birth of twins is possible. If the father or mother had significant blood loss, the blood renewal should be calculated not from the date of birth, but from the date of blood loss. Determining the sex of a child using this method has no scientific proof, however, many couples use it in practice. The probability of coincidence is low - a little more than 50%. It is more convenient to consider the calculation method using an example:
The father's age at the time of conception was 27 years, the mother's age was 22.
Father: 27/4 = 6 (3 in remainder: 6*4 = 24; 27-24 = 3).
Mother: 22/3 = 7 (1 in remainder: 7*3 = 21; 22-21 = 1).
The mother has a smaller remainder; her blood was renewed later, which means a girl will be born.
One more example.
Father's age is 24 years, mother's age is 21.
Father: 24/4 = 6 (remainder 0).
Mother: 21/3 = 7 (remainder 0).
If the remainders are the same or equal to zero, there is a high probability of having twins or twins.

Determining the sex of a child using traditional methods

This is where your imagination can run wild, because... Over the centuries-old history, many observations and signs have accumulated, with the help of which they try to determine the gender of the unborn baby. Here are just the most common of them:

1) By pendulum. It is necessary to build a plumb line - hang a small iron weight on a thread. Most often used wedding ring. Then hold the plumb line over your stomach - after some time it will begin to move. If it swings from side to side like a pendulum, a boy will be born, if in a circle, a girl will be born.

2) By fetal heart rate. This method is used when it is possible to listen to the heartbeat of the unborn child. If it is more than 140 beats per minute, you should expect a daughter; if less, you should expect a son. This pattern was noticed by gynecologists, and oddly enough, the percentage of matching predictions turns out to be quite high. The most reliable information is considered to be from the 14-15th week of pregnancy.

3) According to the shape of the abdomen. It is believed that if a woman’s tummy is round, she will have a girl, and if it has a pointed tummy, she will have a boy.

4) By the thickness of my father’s hair. If the future dad is bald, the likelihood of having a boy doubles.

5) According to the appearance of the pregnant woman and her well-being:
- if a woman became prettier during pregnancy - for the birth of a son, if she became ugly - for a daughter. It is believed that girls "take away" their mother's beauty;
— future mothers of boys are drawn to salty, meaty, sour foods, and those who are expecting a daughter are drawn to sweets, fruits, flour;
- if a pregnant woman’s feet are constantly cold, she will give birth to a boy;
- if a woman sleeps with her head to the north - to the birth of a son, to the south - to a daughter;
- if you suffer from severe toxicosis in the morning, a girl will be born;
- if the wife loves her husband more, a daughter will be born, if the husband loves his wife, then a son.

Some folk signs make you smile; you can use them except to entertain yourself. But in times when there was no ultrasound, and the sex of the child was found out only during childbirth, any clues were taken into account. And yet, according to by and large, it is not so important who is born - a daughter or a son, the main thing is that this child is healthy. And we will not love our child less if he was born of the wrong gender than we expected. If the birth of a son or daughter is so important, you can make another attempt. And in order not to make a mistake with the color, you can buy a dowry for the baby in the last weeks of pregnancy or immediately after birth.


Answer the following questions

Keep in mind

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Test for the expected gender of the child: boy or girl?

Who will it be - a girl or a boy? Everyone is waiting for the answer to this question. And to determine the sex of your unborn child, you probably resorted to various “folk” methods. Of course, you can try to reveal this secret... but hoping for a 100% hit is not worth it. After conducting research, summarizing all available information on determining the sex of a child, we summarized it in our test. Is he accurate too? According to statistics, this is the most accurate determinant of the sex of the unborn baby.

Answer the following questions

Keep in mind
How nature works and why certain things happen natural phenomena- the biggest mystery on Earth. And, despite the fact that in our test we collected the most reliable information, you still shouldn’t hope for a 100% hit. A positive answer only increases your chances of becoming the parents of a boy or girl.

More calculators:

Want a more accurate forecast? Read other methods of determination:

Who you will be born with is known already at the very moment of conception, when the fusion of egg and sperm occurs. As is known, only the sperm is responsible for the sex of the unborn child. If conception occurred with a sperm that is the carrier of the X chromosome, then congratulations: you are having a girl. If a sperm carrier of the Y chromosome participated in fertilization, then a boy will soon be born. The egg initially carries only the X chromosome.

Now let's move on to the date of conception, which falls exclusively during the period of ovulation. Spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome, are always much more mobile and agile than carriers of the X chromosome. Therefore, if a close relationship between a woman and a man occurs directly during the period of ovulation, then the carriers of the Y chromosome reach the egg faster, resulting in a boy being born. If during this period there was no ovulation yet, then the spermatozoa responsible for the birth of a boy will die very soon, without having completed their mission. The sperm responsible for the birth of a girl will wait for the right moment for several more days. And then, after nine months, a girl will appear in the family.

How to find out the gender of a baby by heartbeat

There are many in various ways, determining the sex of the unborn child. One such technique is the method of determining the sex of a child by its heartbeat. Already at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, if desired, you can hear the heartbeat of the unborn baby. To do this, you can go to a diagnostic laboratory and do an ultrasound, during which it is too early to determine the sex of the child, but the number of beats per minute of the baby’s heart can already be recorded. You can also use a regular obstetric stethoscope and count the baby's heart rate through the abdominal wall.

According to this method of determining the sex of the unborn child, girls’ hearts beat much faster than those of boys. If your baby's heart rate exceeds 140 -150 beats per minute, you can expect the birth of a girl. If the number of beats per minute is less, then most likely a boy will be born. If the value is 140, then you should resort to other methods.

It is worth noting that this technique is quite controversial and most modern doctors reject it. If you want to find out who you will have, wait another 6-8 weeks and do another ultrasound, at which the doctor will definitely tell you the gender of your unborn child.

How to find out the baby's gender by the shape of the belly

For a long time, village midwives accurately determined the gender of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. Although for modern obstetricians such methods of determining the sex of an unborn child are more of a sign than an accurate diagnostic method, many still resort to it, often challenging the results of ultrasound and, oddly enough, they are right.

But still. Midwives predicted the birth of a boy if the belly had a pointed shape, and a girl if the belly had a round shape. This also includes the appearance of the mother from the back. The belly is considered pointed if it is not visible from the woman’s back, and at the same time the waist is clearly visible, that is, in other words, from the back it cannot be said that the expectant mother is pregnant. In this case, you should definitely wait for the birth of a boy.

It was also believed that the belly in which a boy develops would bulge sharply to the right, and in which a girl develops - to the left.

The location of the abdomen is also a very important characteristic. If the belly is high and wide enough, then you should prepare for the birth of a girl. A low abdomen predicts the birth of a boy.

It is worth recalling that, according to doctors, the shape of the abdomen depends on the anatomical features of the woman in labor, and not on the gender of the unborn child

By blood renewal/blood type

Many people believe that the sex of a child can be determined by the degree of “rejuvenation” of the blood. If the father's blood is younger, a boy will be born, and if the mother's blood is younger, a girl will be born. It is believed that male blood renewal occurs once every four years. Women's blood is renewed every three years. Blood renewal is also influenced by events accompanied by blood loss: transfusion, surgery, childbirth and others. This must be taken into account when determining the sex of the baby. The calculation itself using this method is quite simple. If mom is now 24 years old and dad is 27 years old, then we get:

  • 24/3=8,0;
  • 27/4=6,75

Now look at the rest of the resulting values. Mom has 0, dad has 75. Accordingly, mom’s blood is younger, and a girl should be born. It is also believed that there is a relationship between the blood type of the parents and the gender of the unborn baby. In particular, the following dependence is assumed:

This statement is considered quite reckless and is easily refuted in the case of the birth of two children of different sexes to the same parents.

Signs and folk wisdom.

There are many folk signs that allow you to determine the gender of the unborn child by the behavior of the pregnant woman and the baby itself.

One of them is a change in appearance and taste preferences. expectant mother. If a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, skin problems: acne, stretch marks, pigmentation, then according to folk signs a girl is due. Many people believe that girls take away all the beauty of their mother. Regarding taste preferences: they change for all pregnant women, but mothers of girls tend to eat more sweets, mothers of boys prefer meat products and fish.

  1. The gender of the unborn child can also be judged by the age of the expectant mother. If she is young, a boy should be born, if the parents are over 30 years old, a daughter.
  2. Also, mothers of boys tend to go to sleep on their left side, with their heads facing north, and are in an excellent mood almost all day long.
  3. The period between the births of two children also affects the gender of the child. If it is minimal, then the next child will be of a different gender.
  4. The baby himself can “say” about his gender. If he is active and moves a lot, then most likely the baby will be a boy.

Numerology - the magic of numbers

Many, in an effort to find out the gender of their unborn child, turn to numbers and numerology, in particular the Pythagorean numerological system, for help.

In this method, a table is first compiled to determine numerical value(from 1 to 9) of each letter of the alphabet. In the first line we write the numbers from 1 to 9, and in the second and subsequent letters in alphabetical order.

The result is the following table:

Now we write in the line full name the future mother and her maiden name. You also need to write your dad's full name and last name. Opposite the names and surnames are the corresponding numbers from the table. Add up the written numbers.

Now write down the month when your unborn child was conceived. Write down the numbers again and add them up.

Sum up the previously obtained values ​​and divide the sum by 7. Do not pay attention to the remainder, only to the whole value. If it is an odd number, then the birth must be a boy. If the number obtained as a result of division is even, expect the birth of a girl.

If, as a result of dividing the numbers obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the first and last names of mom and dad, a comparable remainder is obtained, then the birth of twins can be expected.
