13 weeks second pregnancy. Discussion of current topics

Fingerprints have appeared on the tiny fingers, veins and organs are clearly visible through the still very thin skin, and the body begins to catch up in size with the head, which is now only a third of the total size. If you are having a girl, by the 13th week of pregnancy, more than 2 million eggs have already appeared in her ovaries. That is, in a sense, you already have your grandchildren and granddaughters inside you. The baby weighs approximately 28 grams, length from crown to tailbone is approximately 7 cm.

During the fetal period, congenital defects, as a rule, do not form. However, drugs and other harmful effects, such as overexertion or radiation, can destroy some important fetal cells at any time during pregnancy. Avoid such influences.

From the 13th week of pregnancy, active growth of the fetus will begin, which ends at the 24th week of pregnancy. Compared to the 7th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus doubled. Changes in fetal weight are most significant from the 8th to the 10th week of pregnancy.

How you change, the sensations in your body

The first trimester is over! The risk of miscarriage has decreased several times! The second trimester is considered relatively comfortable, when there is neither early toxicosis nor a large belly that makes movement difficult. More good news is that many couples notice an increase in their sex drive. Enjoy it before you become a huge, clumsy elephant that you still have to think about which way to stop! There are still months before the birth, but perhaps the breasts at 13 weeks of pregnancy have already begun to produce colostrum, the nutritious fluid that the baby will feed on in the first days before the milk comes in.


Itching (pruritus gravidarum - scabies of pregnant women) is a fairly common symptom of pregnancy. There are always affected areas on the skin that itch. About 20 percent of pregnant women experience itching, usually in the later weeks of pregnancy, but sometimes as early as 13 weeks of pregnancy. Itching can begin during the second pregnancy (and subsequent ones), as well as when using contraceptives in pill form. It does not pose any danger to the child. Itching can be treated with antihistamines or soothing lotions containing menthol or camphor. Often no treatment is required.

"Eating for two"

A pregnant woman needs to increase her diet by only 300 calories per day. Of course, you need to stop eating dry food and replace it with a glass of milk with whole grain toast. But don't get hung up on the numbers. If you eat healthy and your doctor is happy with your gains, don't worry about calories. After all, can you at least treat yourself sometime! The most important nutrients for you and your baby right now are protein (protein), iron and calcium.


Lean meats, eggs and dairy products, as well as nuts, beans and soy products like tofu, are essential sources of protein. Fish is considered a good source of protein and omega-3 acids.


Getting enough iron is especially important to avoid iron deficiency anemia, which sometimes affects pregnant women. Iron from animal foods is more easily absorbed than iron from plant foods. Best source- lean meat. For vegetarians, salvation is in spinach and legumes like lentils. By the way, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron, so combine foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries and Bell pepper) with iron-containing products. But often the iron you get from food is not enough, so your doctor may prescribe additional iron supplements.


Baby needs calcium to form bones and teeth. If you don't supply him required quantity, he will take what he needs from you without asking, and you will lose calcium from your bones and teeth. If both mother and baby have enough calcium, then those who gave birth usually have no problems with teeth, despite popular belief.

Bye, coffee!

Caffeine is a central stimulant nervous system. It is found in many soft drinks and food products including coffee, tea, Coca-Cola and chocolate. It is also present in some medications and dietary supplements, particularly headache medications. In total, more than 200 over-the-counter dosage forms, beverages, and foods contain caffeine.

Just 4 cups of coffee a day (800 mg of caffeine) can result in a baby being born with a reduced weight and a smaller-than-normal head. The maximum permissible dose of caffeine has not yet been determined.

Caffeine does not have any positive effects on you or your baby. Drinking 8 cups of coffee a day (1600 mg of caffeine), a woman sharply loses her ability to become pregnant (fertility decreases). Some researchers have linked caffeine consumption to miscarriages and premature birth. If the expectant mother consumes caffeine during pregnancy, the child may develop asthmatic symptoms.

Caffeine enters the baby's body through the placenta before birth and through mother's milk after. A fetus or child metabolizes caffeine more slowly than an adult, so caffeine may accumulate in the fetus's body. Caffeine also has a negative effect on the calcium content in the body of both mother and child.

The effect of caffeine on a pregnant woman can be expressed in increased irritability, insomnia, neuroses, and then infertility. Smoking can increase the effects of caffeine. In short, try to limit your caffeine intake as much as possible.

What to do at 13 weeks pregnant

Share your perspective on parenting with your partner. For the basis of a conversation, you can use the following exercise: each write two lists on a piece of paper, beginning with the words “my mother always...” and “And my mother never...”. Then also repeat with the phrases “my dad always...” and “my dad never.” When you finish, talk about what you wrote and decide together what behavior you value and would like to continue in your parenting, and what you consider unacceptable for raising your child.

Question to the doctor at 13 weeks of pregnancy:

Why does fungal infection become more common during pregnancy?

Due to the increased acidity of vaginal secretions, conditions for the proliferation of yeast fungi improve. This manifests itself as “yeast colpitis” (thrush).

From the book by W. and M. Sears “All the necessary information for the expectant mother from the birth of the idea to the birth of the child”

Most women believe that the second trimester is much more stable emotionally than the first. The rush of pregnancy hormones that took you by surprise in the first months has now stabilized—and with it, your emotions. You may find that you are no longer so overreacting to events happening around you. Moreover, almost all the women we spoke with said that they felt happier in the fourth month.


After the twelfth week of pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases to almost zero, and although the possibility of a late miscarriage cannot be completely ruled out, the fear of losing the baby usually disappears. You will also feel relieved that you no longer suffer from the constant nausea and fatigue that characterizes the first months of pregnancy. Of course, for some women these symptoms persist over the next few months, but even in this case their intensity weakens.

Now that your appearance confirms that you have a biological basis for your feelings and actions, you may feel the urge to tell your friends and family about your pregnancy. If you previously hid your pregnancy, now the secret has come out - literally. Depending on your body type and how your pregnancy progresses, your condition may be barely noticeable at this stage, leaving others hesitant. When pregnancy becomes obvious, this is the best time to report it.

The beginning of a feeling of connection with the child. The inability to hide the changes taking place in your body, the ability to hear the baby’s heartbeat and see its image on the ultrasound machine screen, as well as the suspicion that you are already feeling the baby’s kicks - all this makes pregnancy more real. These signs enhance the feeling of connection with your baby, as well as the understanding that the tiny creature inside you is a part of you.

Duality of feelings.

Even with all the positive emotions that you will experience this month, on other days you will be visited by doubts. Of course, you endured the suffering of the first three months. But there are still six more to go. Some women experience fear due to uncertainty about their future well-being. The bouts of nausea are still fresh in their minds, and they anxiously await the onset of the next stages of pregnancy, when coping with difficulties will be even more difficult. Other women complain that they are already tired of waiting, that they have the feeling that their life has stopped during pregnancy. One of our friends told me that most of all she wanted to become what she was before. Fortunately, this duality of feelings usually goes away as pregnancy progresses.


Now that you actually look like a pregnant woman, the doubts that visited you the day you received a positive pregnancy test result resurface. This is absolutely normal. Are you ready to have a baby? Are you ready for changes in your lifestyle, career and marriage? Are you ready to become someone's mother? At this stage, when pregnancy has become real, these feelings are quite natural. Major changes in life always raise questions and doubts. Pregnancy and motherhood will of course lead to major changes in your life, and it would be surprising if you didn't at least think a little about how you will adapt to them. Thinking through these questions now will help you adjust more quickly after giving birth. It's better to worry in advance. What good can worry do anyway? If your worries fit into a familiar pattern, find someone (a reasonable friend, a priest or a psychologist) with whom you can talk.


Some women worry and even resent their changing bodies, but most expectant mothers rejoice at their plump figure and are even proud of it. Carrying a child is a huge accomplishment, and now having visible proof of your success can make you feel incredibly proud. You simply must be proud! Pregnancy is a very important stage in life path women, and he deserves to be celebrated. You join your mother, her mother, her mother's mother, and so on in creating a new life, and the awareness of such power is a heady feeling. Keep your self-image positive during pregnancy.

If at 13 weeks of pregnancy your stomach feels tight or hurts, see your doctor so that he can rule out possible uterine tone. Nagging pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy may also mean that you should avoid strenuous exercise. Keep in mind that at 13 weeks of pregnancy, the discharge may become more obvious. This is quite typical for the beginning of pregnancy, and before the birth itself it can be water - be especially careful. On page 13 week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus will help you understand what stage of development the baby is at.

The 13th week of pregnancy is the border between the first and second trimester. Time to exhale, calm down and tune in for the next three wonderful months!

What's happening to the baby

While obstetricians consider your pregnancy to be 13 weeks, the baby is only 11 weeks from fertilization. Soon you will get used to the two-week difference between the real and obstetric term.

What happens to a fetus that is only 11 weeks old? It begins to grow rapidly. Literally 1-1.5 mm per day. At the same time, the head slightly slows down its growth, and the body, on the contrary, accelerates.

The face takes on human features: the skull slightly changes shape, due to which the eyes, previously located almost at the temples, converge closer to the nose. The nose, by the way, is already clearly visible, as is the chin. Of course, whether he will have a hump or not, you can’t say yet - everything has its time!

The lips begin to move. And not just like that, but in the mode of sucking movements. As soon as the arms are long enough to reach the mouth, the fetus will begin to suck its thumb.

The external genitalia are visually identified. With a good ultrasound scanner at this stage it is already possible to determine the sex of the baby with 80% probability.

An important stage in fetal development at this stage is the formation of the placenta. She is already ready to filter the blood and remove metabolic products, but it will take until 15-16 weeks to mature and establish the circulatory system. Of those changes that are invisible externally, it is also worth noting:

  • formation of vocal cords;
  • development of hair follicles;
  • brain enlargement.

Fruit length and weight

On average, the fruit now weighs 20-30 grams and reaches 6-7 cm in length from the tailbone to the crown.

What's happening to mom

Remember this moment, because when would you ever be happy that your trousers are difficult to fasten and your skirt doesn’t meet at the waist!

This is a small belly growing, so far unnoticeable to others. Pregnancy is perhaps the only period in a woman’s life when a growing belly makes her happy and not sad.

As such, the abdomen is not yet visible - although the uterus has risen into the abdominal cavity, it is not large enough to visually indicate pregnancy. Only a slight bulge in the lower abdomen is detected. And that’s not for everyone! Expectant mothers with strong abs or excess weight may not notice an enlarged belly until 15-16 weeks.

Toxicosis passes by this point in 50% of women. The rest will have to wait another 7-14 days. The same goes for drowsiness, apathy and constant fatigue. Very soon this unpleasant state will be replaced by a surge of energy.

The hormonal levels have returned to normal, but progesterone continues to be actively synthesized. It stimulates the growth of the uterus and relaxes its smooth muscles. True, the effect of the hormone also extends to the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. The “relaxed” gastrointestinal tract reluctantly moves the food bolus through the small and large intestines, which is why the stool becomes compacted, dehydrated and causes constipation. At the beginning of the fourth month of gestation, even those women who did not know about problems with stool before pregnancy are faced with this delicate problem!

Constipation in itself is unpleasant, but it is also one of the triggers for the development of hemorrhoids. Products with a mild laxative effect help to normalize stool and “wake up” a lazy intestine:

  • beets and dishes made from them;
  • plum puree, prunes and dried apricots;
  • pumpkin juice or baked pumpkin.

But be careful with pharmacy laxatives - no pills, syrups or enemas without a doctor’s prescription!

The fetus's skeleton is actively ossifying and teeth are being formed. All this requires calcium. The growing fetus takes it from the mother’s body almost completely. To leave something for your teeth, nails, hair and bones, do not forget to take vitamin and mineral complexes and control your diet.

From the end of the first to the end of the second trimester, dairy products, legumes, nuts, celery and figs should be included in your daily menu. See if your multivitamins contain magnesium and vitamin D - components responsible for the absorption of calcium. If they are not enough, even double servings of dairy products will not help provide for you and your baby. the right amount this important macronutrient.

The breast continues to gradually increase in volume. Most likely, after 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, most bras have become too small.

Don't try to squeeze new volumes into old laundry. This is not only harmful, but also not aesthetically pleasing.

Find a pair of new bralettes with wide straps. Properly selected underwear will support the gradually heavier mammary glands, for which after childbirth and breastfeeding they will thank you, albeit not in “pre-pregnancy”, but in good shape.

Analyzes and examinations

The main set of tests for the first trimester is completed before the 12th week. If you didn’t have time to do something, you can submit it now. During a normal pregnancy, no additional examinations are required from the expectant mother.

Unfavorable results of the first screening are clarified using early or late amniocentesis. Early can be done right now, in the period up to 14 weeks. The later will have to wait until at least 15 weeks. This procedure is unpleasant, but necessary if, for health reasons or the results of the first screening, future mom is at risk. There are several such groups:

  • the age of the child's father is more than 45 years and the mother is more than 35 years old;
  • Ultrasound signs of developmental anomalies are observed;
  • consanguineous marriage;
  • heredity is aggravated by developmental defects or hereditary diseases;
  • pregnant woman took embryotoxic medications for early stages gestation;
  • mother has a history of severe chronic disease of the endocrine system;
  • there are signs of Rh incompatibility between mother and child.

Dangers and complications

The placenta protects the fetus from many bacteria, viruses and toxic substances. But not from everyone. Moreover, at the 13th week of pregnancy it does not work at full capacity. During this period, you should be especially careful about your health and try not to get sick with ARVI or the flu. If you fail to avoid getting sick, ensure yourself bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. When suffering from the disease on your feet, there is a high risk of encountering fetoplacental insufficiency in the second and third trimesters. FPN is a set of symptoms in which the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Its growth and development are delayed, brain cells suffer from hypoxia.

By week 13, one of the longest critical periods of pregnancy ends. The risk of spontaneous abortion decreases every day until it reaches a minimum by 16 weeks. But the nature of the discharge and pain in the lower abdomen must still be taken seriously.

Bloody discharge now, as in the first trimester, is a reason for urgent consultation with a doctor. As well as spasmodic, sharp or constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.

13th week of pregnancy - crucial moment. The body is transformed, the mood improves, the circle of friends changes. It may narrow at first, but this is temporary. Very soon you will join the community of pregnant women, and this is a special subculture, with its own fashion, values ​​and... oddities. It may take time to get used to it, but it is a valuable experience that cannot be replaced by hundreds of articles and dozens of books!

Pregnancy at 13 weeks begins to please the vast majority of women. This is the time when the symptoms of the adaptation period cease to bother you. The woman is already accustomed to the fact that in the near future she will be growing a new life within herself.

Therefore, nausea and vomiting stop bothering me. Blood pressure is normalized and dizziness is less bothersome. Those who in the first weeks felt constant drowsiness, tiredness and fatigue begin to experience a vigorous thirst for activity. They become active and cheerful. Sudden mood swings also decrease, and tearfulness disappears. The preparation for growth is over. Now the baby needs to grow day by day. The expectant mother has the opportunity to optimize nutrition and physical activity. This will help you get positive emotions from pregnancy. Reducing the risk of premature termination is also encouraging. So it begins.

13 weeks is how many months?

Obstetricians and gynecologists calculate the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. In this case, pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. This method is most convenient because most women do not know the time of ovulation. And only those who used it know the moment of conception. artificial insemination. Therefore, to calculate gestation periods, the concept of an obstetric week is used.

A period of 13 weeks corresponds to 3 months and 1 week. The main thing in this period is the transition to the second trimester of pregnancy.

Will an ultrasound show the sex of the baby at this stage?

Not only pregnant women themselves want to know the sex of the child. Future dads are waiting for news about a boy or daughter, sometimes even more! What about future grandparents, co-workers and neighbors? They have the same question: “Who are you waiting for?” Therefore, the question to the gynecologist is: “Who will I have?” At week 13, the baby already has genitals. They can be examined during an ultrasound. At this stage, the scrotum with the penis in boys and the labia majora in girls have already been formed. These are the signs that specialists look for on the monitor of an ultrasound machine. It would seem that what is so difficult? However, not all so simple. Several factors influence the reliability of gender determination:

  • the degree of development of the baby’s external genitalia;
  • their condition. If a girl has swelling of the labia majora and clitoris, they can easily be mistaken for male organs;
  • the position in which the baby is at the time of the study. Thus, a loop of the umbilical cord can be mistaken for the penis;
  • ultrasound quality. Not all devices have high resolution for visualizing the genital organs in such a short period of time;
  • doctor's qualifications.

All this will complicate the diagnosis and make it insufficiently accurate. Most experts recommend determining gender using ultrasound after 15 weeks. The method reaches maximum accuracy at 22-24 weeks. At the same time, the genitals are sufficiently pronounced, and the baby has enough space for a specialist to see them.

Some families have a predisposition to serious medical illnesses. They are inherited. Their manifestation depends on the gender of the child. So, hemophilia manifests itself in boys. In this case, gender should be determined as early and accurately as possible. For this we use:

  • laboratory blood test of a pregnant woman. At 13 weeks, this test is the optimal combination of effectiveness and low invasiveness. It uses venous blood;
  • Chorionic puncture. This is a method of biopsy of villi - outgrowths of the placenta. In this case, it is possible to obtain genetic material that matches the genetic material of the unborn child. The method is traumatic and is carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible to feel movements at 13 weeks?

The expectant mother does a lot for the growth and development of her baby: she monitors nutrition, does exercises, and changes her rhythm of life. She is looking forward to its first manifestations. Movements, hiccups, and movement of the baby in the stomach are his signals.

Now the baby is swimming in amniotic fluid. The bubble in which it is located is not large enough - the baby actively moves in it and does not come into contact with the inner lining of the uterus. Since sensitive nerve fibers are located only in the uterus, and there are none in the bladder, it is not yet possible to feel the movement of the unborn child. Everything has its time. He will show himself yet. We need to wait a little.

What happens to the baby at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Inside the uterus, a tiny organism continues to grow and develop. Every day he acquires new skills, grows, and gains weight. He becomes more and more like a man. His proportions and tiny face change.

Fruit size and weight

The baby’s length according to the CTE at week 13 is 6.5-10 cm. He will grow rapidly throughout the second trimester. The baby reached a record weight of 15-20 grams. This parameter will increase faster in the third trimester. These height and weight indicators are not yet great, but they are normal. It's only begining!

Fetal development

In parallel with the increase in height and weight, the baby is developing rapidly. He is expanding his skills. Its structure becomes more complicated:

  • brain continues to improve and grow in size;
  • height heads slows down a little and the proportions begin to approach those of a newborn. The bones of the skull are strengthened;
  • baby teeth(20) completed their education;
  • skin pattern on finger phalanges becomes individual;
  • responsible for sucking facial muscles continue to develop;
  • movements appear lips;
  • larynx finally formed the basis. It is she who will subsequently help the baby make sounds;
  • eyes continue their movement towards the nose from the lateral surfaces of the skull. Their original place is occupied by the ears;
  • V intestines the number of villi increases. It fits in abdominal cavity;
  • pancreas insulin is produced. Thanks to this hormone, the metabolism of glucose and glycogen in the body is regulated;
  • blood cell synthesis continues in the liver, bone marrow, spleen. The formation of B lymphocytes begins. They are synthesized in the spleen and will become the basis for the baby’s resistance to infections;
  • V ovaries The girls already have about 2 million eggs. Prostate boys are actively developing;
  • sense organs are actively working. The baby sniffs the amniotic fluid and tastes it. Right now he is getting used to his mother’s diet. If you consume some foods during pregnancy and others after childbirth, there is a high risk that your baby will refuse to breastfeed. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere proper nutrition, which will continue after childbirth;
  • Grow arms and legs. Their muscles become larger and stronger.

What happens to mom at 13 weeks of pregnancy

With normal well-being after a difficult first trimester, expectant mothers begin to feel the joys of future motherhood. Hormones continue to rage in a woman’s body. This may externally manifest itself as light pigment spots on the face. The color of the nipple and halos may also change. The line connecting the pubis and navel continues to darken. The first tiny discharges of colostrum may begin. If this is the case, you need to take care of comfortable underwear of the right size. It must be made of natural fabrics, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid scuffs.

Uterus size

The size of the uterus at 13 weeks depends on many reasons. The main ones are:

  • the correctness of processes during pregnancy;
  • the number of growing fetuses in the uterus;
  • presence of infectious pathogens.

In a normal pregnancy, if there is one fetus in the uterus, its standing height (HH) is determined to be 11 cm. In a multiple pregnancy, this figure will be higher and will directly depend on the number of babies in the uterus.

Feelings at 13 weeks

What, besides joy from past toxicosis, can an expectant mother feel? The main sensations may be:

  • It becomes a great joy reducing trips to the toilet. The uterus now occupies more space in the abdominal cavity and puts less pressure on the bladder. This is why a woman stops emptying her bladder so often.
  • Heartburn. A burning sensation or warmth behind the breastbone may appear later. However, those who experience heartburn this early should urgently optimize their diet. A banana in your purse, cottage cheese in the refrigerator at work, etc. will become worthy snacks. Small healthy meals excluding fried and fatty foods will help get rid of heartburn;
  • Increased appetite. A woman who ate poorly and felt constant nausea in the first trimester has a huge temptation to eat everything at once! And, at first glance, she should start eating more. No matter how it is! It is precisely when suffering from a voracious appetite that you need to limit yourself. It is very difficult. For proper nutrition, you need to divide your daily food into 5-6 meals. While eating, do not be distracted by watching TV. Eat slowly. Only this behavior will help not cause digestive disorders during this period. In a later period, this will not lead to overeating and excess weight gain.
  • Heaviness in the legs. It seems that with such a tiny increase in weight, the legs cannot get so tired. But here again hormones play their role. They provoke fatigue, heaviness, and sometimes even nagging pain in the legs. In this case, comfortable shoes will help. It is advisable to give up heels - while maintaining your health, you will still have time to show off in stiletto heels after giving birth.

Mom's weight at 13 weeks, permissible increase

The baby is growing, and the expectant mother is adding weight. How much should you weigh? Weight gain and loss at 13 weeks, as in previous periods, will depend on how much the woman weighed before pregnancy. For thin ladies with a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 19.8, an increase of 2.35 kg over 13 weeks will be considered normal. They gain more actively than their larger friends with the same weight. With a BMI of 19.8-26, the acceptable weight gain will be 1.7 kg. If the initial BMI was more than 26, then the desired increase would be 0.95 kg. With this ratio, thin women will gain about 15 kg during a normal pregnancy, and large representatives of the fair sex will gain only 9. This becomes clear if we remember that weight gain is not only due to the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta, etc. , but also due to stored fats for breastfeeding.

Other indicators of weight gain will occur during multiple pregnancies. The more babies are expected, the more weight the mother will gain.

Belly size at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The long-awaited time has come when the tummy no longer hides its interesting tenant. Nowadays, most expectant mothers are asked about pregnancy. Some have already had to change their clothes to more spacious ones. Some people make do with the old one. Whether you decide to purchase a “maternity wardrobe” or stick to regular models, do not allow your belly to shrink or tighten. This may impair the baby's blood supply.

The abdominal circumference is measured by the gynecologist at each examination. This indicator in the second trimester will indirectly indicate an enlargement of the uterus. The doctor will be most interested in seeing the rate of increase in abdominal girth. On later this indicator will help calculate the expected weight of the child.

The increase in centimeters, as well as a woman’s weight, will depend on her constitutional characteristics and weight before pregnancy. This is a strictly individual indicator. When measuring it, the following rules must be observed:

  • The measurement is made with a flexible measuring tape.
  • Measurements are taken in a supine position with the knees extended and the knee and hip joint extended. In this case, there will be constant stretching of the abdominal wall and the condition of the spinal column.
  • Each measurement must be taken after emptying Bladder. In this case, it will not cause errors when recording data.
  • To get a true reading, the tailoring tape should go from the deepest curve of the spine to the navel.

The tape should fit snugly against the skin, but not cut into it.


The baby is growing and the uterus, its container, is also increasing in volume. For most women, it extends beyond the pelvis. In this case, the norm for the height of the uterine fundus is fixed at 11 cm. Of course, this figure will be correct only if there is 1 baby in the uterus. If the pregnancy is multiple, then it can be larger. Pregnancy with twins at 13 weeks will be manifested by an increase in the height of the uterine fundus by 0.5-1 cm.


Most indicators of well-being improve from the first days of the second trimester. However, this may not apply to discharge. Even ordinary (transparent, viscous, odorless) odorless discharge can become even more abundant.

Discharges that differ from normal are a sign of existing problems:

  • Curdled white Discharge during pregnancy is often a sign of thrush. They are abundant, with a sour smell. In addition to the discharge, there is a burning and itching in the vagina, which intensifies in the evening. In this case, pain may occur during sexual intercourse. The question of treating or not treating thrush should not arise. A clear decision to sanitize the vagina is made in the second trimester.
  • If the discharge yellow or green, abundant, with unpleasant smell, you should consult a doctor. The accompanying itching, burning, soreness, and increased body temperature indicate an inflammatory process. Its appearance is based on an infectious agent. Don't put off treatment for too long. Help your baby grow in favorable conditions. Yellow and green discharge is a sign of inflammation of various origins. This color can appear with staphylococcal or gonococcal infections. They can be provoked by E. coli and Trichomonas. Signs of inflammation with them can be the same: itching, burning, redness, rise in temperature. The only way to get rid of the disease is to carry out full treatment.
  • The appearance of blood in the discharge is the most dangerous symptom. If it is detected, you must immediately contact medical care. Bloody, including brown, pink and beige discharge can serve as a sign of various pathological conditions. The most dangerous of these is premature termination of pregnancy. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the doctor - take care of your health.

Pain at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Painful sensations warn of serious changes in the body that require treatment. That is why they frighten pregnant women so much. The first trimester is behind us and panic at the slightest change in condition is no longer observed.

If there is nagging pain on the sides of the abdomen (usually on the right), pain localized in the sacrum and coccyx, and in a sitting or lying position it decreases or disappears, then this sensation only speaks of the body’s intensive preparation for further pregnancy and childbirth. The ligaments of the uterus, as well as the connecting bones of the pelvis and spine, change. They soften and stretch. This causes pain.

In this case, you need to sit or lie down and relax. Sometimes rubbing your back helps. My stomach hurts and feels tight, my chest enlarged and roughened, the lower back makes itself felt with every movement. There's nothing to worry about. This is pregnancy. As well as temperature at 13 weeks of pregnancy up to 37°C, such pain is normal.

What pains can be dangerous?

If the pain is intense, forces you to wake up, immediately stop what you are doing, or differs from what was previously observed, you need to consult a specialist. Especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms:

  • A sore throat may be combined with increased body temperature, weakness, and difficulty swallowing.
  • Stomach ache may begin with heartburn, nausea or vomiting. It can occur after a certain period of time after eating.
  • Pain in right side may be combined with stool disturbances, nausea, and bitterness in the mouth.
  • Pain in the ovary may be accompanied by pain in the ligaments of the uterus and be a normal manifestation of pregnancy. However, its appearance in combination with an increase in body temperature, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, itching and discomfort is not normal and requires medical attention.
  • If my stomach hurts along with increased frequency and pain when urinating, vomiting, fever, vaginal discharge - this is also a sign of a disease that requires treatment.
  • Hip pain occurs quite often during pregnancy. In most cases, it occurs against the background of hormonal changes, mechanical pressure of the fetus and insufficient calcium absorption. In this case, pain should be perceived as an individual manifestation of pregnancy and rest more. However, if pain occurs against the background of an existing joint disease, injury, accompanied by fever, rash and pain in other joints, this may be a sign of a disease and in this case treatment is required.
  • If it hurts back and this leads to a significant limitation of mobility (inability to turn, bend, etc.) or there is an increase in temperature, rashes, cough, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Headache may occur when blood pressure changes due to hormonal changes. We try to prevent them by avoiding sudden movements, proper physical regimen and nutrition. If your head hurts along with a fever, cough, runny nose, etc., this is a sign of a disease that requires the attention of a specialist.

Tests and studies at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The second trimester begins and during this period its own issues arise that must be monitored. The following studies will help resolve them:

  • Blood test (general) with protein determination.
  • Blood test (general).
  • Blood test with determination of coagulogram, lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to phospholipids, to hCG.
  • Blood test to determine antibodies to the causative agent of rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, CMV infection.
  • Smear and PCR for infections.
  • Blood test to determine antibodies to Rhesus and group types in case of incompatibility. Ultrasound.

Frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks

Cessation of fetal development in the second trimester is much less common. However, due to infections or other reasons, this can happen. The danger comes from a situation where no signs of pathology are detected. Then there is a danger of missing the fading of pregnancy and identifying it at the stage of intoxication.

Cessation of fetal development can be manifested by a sudden cessation of all complaints that appeared during pregnancy (including chest pain), cramping abdominal pain, and vaginal discharge (bloody or purulent). These symptoms should promptly consult a doctor. Therefore, to the question: “ What to do if your breasts stop hurting“, you need to answer unequivocally - consult a doctor.

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Healthy sex.
  • Vitamins in food. Take vitamin complexes only after consultation with your doctor.

The first trimester of your pregnancy is ending, behind the anxiety and dangerous periods. You have probably already registered with the antenatal clinic and passed necessary tests. Toxicosis has become much less pronounced, and, perhaps, has completely disappeared. Hormonal balance is gradually established, you have become calmer and more balanced.

After the end of toxicosis, your appetite has significantly improved, and now is the time to create an optimal nutrition plan so that the baby receives all the necessary substances and you do not gain excess weight.

Your tummy is still invisible, but you already need to remember that tight clothes can squeeze it and interfere with the baby. Therefore, trousers with a narrow belt should be abandoned.

How many months have passed? Week 13 is the first week of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy, or the last week of the first trimester. You have crossed the barrier, and basically all the baby’s organs are formed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 15-20 grams, and his height is 6.5 - 8 cm.

What's happening?

The size of the uterus has already increased so much that its upper pole can be clearly felt above the pubic bones. If you lie on your back, you can easily feel it in the form of a round formation. The baby is now about the size of a peach. The formation of the placenta continues. Sometimes after long walks you may feel unusually tired and have a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Try to moderate physical activity, but also not to be too passive.

Fetal development at 13 weeks of gestation

Your baby is now developing incredibly actively. Despite the fact that he is still so small, his baby teeth are already forming, his bone skeleton is actively forming, and mommy definitely needs to include additional calcium in her diet.

Pregnancy 12-13 weeks is the period when the baby’s pancreas begins to produce insulin, the most important hormone that regulates glucose metabolism. Other endocrine glands are also formed.

The baby is growing in size every day. His body still looks disproportionate, because his head is much larger than his body. But now the rate of increase in the head does not exceed the growth of the body as much as before. Your baby is already actively moving, despite the fact that you don’t feel any movement yet. Muscle tissue is being formed, and active movements are necessary to strengthen it. While the movements are quite chaotic, however, the baby can easily move in the uterus and swim up to its walls. The periods of sleep and wakefulness alternate quickly, and only during sleep does the baby rest and gain strength.

Development progresses gastrointestinal tract: at this stage of pregnancy, the villi of the mucous membrane are formed - the most important elements of digestion. The baby’s intestines are completely sterile throughout pregnancy, and only after the first breastfeeding will he receive beneficial bacteria that will populate the intestines and promote digestion and absorption of nutrients.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops facial muscles and a sucking reflex. Already now he can move his lips. The formation of the face continues: the eyes gradually move from the sides of the head to the center, and the ears move from the neck.

The baby's brain is improving. Now there are no convolutions on its surface yet, but the places of their formation are already being laid - small grooves.

At this stage, girls lay eggs. Now there are several million of them, but by birth this number will decrease.

The baby's skin is still very thin, pink, and blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Subcutaneous fat has not yet accumulated. Only in the third trimester will active accumulation of adipose tissue begin.

At 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, sound-reproducing structures are formed, and the vocal cords are almost formed.

Photo of the baby at 13 weeks, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

Expectant mothers at this stage note a significant improvement in their well-being and mood. Firstly, toxicosis of the first trimester has already passed, and if some of its manifestations remain, they no longer cause such discomfort as before. Your appetite has improved, and you can indulge yourself in culinary delights. Try to make them useful.

Usually by this time a screening ultrasound has already been performed, and you know that everything is fine with the baby. And this is the most important thing for every woman. In the early stages, most mothers do not share the peculiarities of their situation with others, but now your condition is becoming more and more noticeable. The belly at the 13th week of pregnancy is still unnoticeable, but a change in gait, sometimes facial features, a change of clothes to looser ones, your high spirits, and a refusal to wear heels becomes clear to many.

You may already notice age spots appearing on your face. Don't worry - after pregnancy they disappear very quickly without leaving a trace. Also typical is the darkening of the strip from the navel to the pubic bones, areolas on the mammary glands, and the genital area. Such changes are associated with changes in the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

You listen more and more to your well-being, your connection with your baby is becoming closer. At this stage, children are already forming emotions, and it is very important that the mother talks more to the baby and strokes the tummy, which is already beginning to become round.

Already at this stage, your mammary glands are preparing to feed the baby, and you may notice how they have enlarged. Now you need to wear comfortable underwear without a frame that does not compress your chest and does not interfere with blood circulation. Special underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers is very convenient.

If your health allows, sign up for sports classes for pregnant women. You need to maintain a sufficient level physical training to be in shape for childbirth, recover well, and avoid unpleasant complications. Also try to walk a lot fresh air, and if your friends invite you to go outdoors outside the city, don’t refuse!

If you are pregnant with twins

A multiple pregnancy at this stage may still be no different. If you have pumped up abdominal muscles, then your tummy may not yet be noticeable, although very soon it will become rounder. A mother expecting twins must also strictly monitor her diet, get enough rest, and go for walks. Enjoy it easy period pregnancy, because very soon you will fully feel the double load. Your tummy will grow faster than that of mothers carrying one baby, and the load on your back will be felt. Start wearing a support bandage in time - this will help relieve pain in the back and pressure on the bladder.

Pain and discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy

Most mothers define the end of the first trimester of pregnancy as an easy and pleasant period, not overshadowed by painful sensations. At this stage of pregnancy, any painful sensations should alert the expectant mother.

The uterus is not yet large enough to cause pain due to compression of adjacent organs. Sometimes you may experience a nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen. Lie down for a while, rest, and if the sensations do not go away, be sure to consult a doctor. At this stage, increased uterine tone occurs quite often.

During pregnancy, a short-term increase in uterine tone is normal. However, constant hypertonicity is dangerous for the baby. If you experience sensations similar to period pain, consult your doctor. You will be prescribed appropriate treatment that will help prolong the pregnancy and prevent miscarriage at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Proper diet

The manifestations of toxicosis have already noticeably decreased, your appetite has improved, and despite the fact that you want to eat a lot and not always the healthiest thing, you need to control your diet very carefully. First of all, you need to create a diet so that your baby gets all the nutrients he needs, while preventing you from gaining excess weight. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to remove “unnecessary” foods from the menu as much as possible: those that contain light carbohydrates and at the same time have a minimum of nutritional value. Eliminate or limit as much as possible White bread, replace it with whole grain. Remove pasta from your diet, preferably potatoes. Side dishes that are familiar to many should be replaced with healthier cereals and vegetable dishes.

Your diet should be rich in protein products, because it is the amino acids that make up proteins that are the basis for the construction of all cells of the body. The source of protein is not only meat (and now you should give preference to dietary meat - poultry, rabbit, veal). Protein is found in large quantities in dairy products, especially cottage cheese, in combination with valuable microelements and vitamins.

Constipation is a common problem in pregnant women. They mainly occur in the second trimester, when the uterus puts pressure on the intestines. But it is advisable to start preventing them now. Make it a rule to start your breakfast with a glass of kefir with prunes. Many people neglect this simplest method, but it really significantly improves the condition of the intestines. Your diet should include foods such as dried apricots, bananas, kiwi, and bran. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Necessary examinations and inspections

Usually, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman is already registered at the antenatal clinic, and now she needs to visit a doctor once a month. At this time, an ultrasound can be performed. The first screening ultrasound examination should be carried out at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, the optimal period is 12 weeks. An ultrasound scan at 13 weeks of pregnancy is performed to exclude gross malformations and chromosomal pathologies. At this time there is still an opportunity to conduct genetic research. If severe pathology is detected, pregnancy may be terminated.

The second reason that ultrasound is optimally performed at this particular time is the fact that now, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist will determine the gestational age of the fetus with an accuracy of 2 days. In some difficult situations, it is this age that obstetricians rely on. After all, there are situations when the mother cannot name the exact date of the last menstruation, for example, in the case of certain diseases, or if in the early stages of pregnancy there were bloody issues.

The study at this stage is carried out with a vaginal sensor. On the monitor you can already see your baby, distinguish where his head, body, arms and legs are, the doctor will show you how his heart beats. But the sex at 13 weeks of pregnancy cannot yet be determined with 100% accuracy. The genitals are still developing. But at the second ultrasound they will tell you exactly who you are expecting - a boy or a girl.

Useful video

Questions - answers

What does brown discharge mean at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

This is an alarming symptom that indicates a threat of miscarriage. Brown color discharge is caused by leakage of blood, and if such a symptom is detected, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help to prescribe treatment that will prevent termination of pregnancy.

I’m 13 weeks pregnant and my stomach hurts – not too much, but periodically after exercise I feel like my uterus is getting very tense. This is not dangerous?

The sensations you describe are characteristic of increased tone myometrium. This may be normal if such sensations are not too intense and pass quickly when you lie down and rest. However, to exclude the threat of miscarriage, it is better for you to get examined.

I developed an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lumbar region and a fever at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What does it mean?

Such symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis. This disease very often occurs in pregnant women, since immunity is somewhat reduced and the risk of bacterial inflammation is high. You should definitely consult a doctor, since pyelonephritis requires timely and adequate antibacterial therapy.

After exercise, my lower back hurts very much at 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy, and during the first I also had pain, but closer to the middle of pregnancy. How can you relieve the pain? Can I take painkillers?

Pain in the lumbar region during pregnancy is not always associated with stress on the back. This may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, so you need to see a doctor to rule out such a pathology. Pain may be a symptom of inflammation of the nerve roots, and in this case, special treatment is also indispensable. You cannot take painkillers on your own - only those prescribed by the doctor that are safe for the baby. If such causes of pain are excluded, you need to try to rest more. However, you should absolutely not lie down all day. Go to gymnastics for pregnant women - you will be shown special stretching exercises and strengthening your back muscles, which you will need to do regularly. A light massage also helps. You can ask your relatives to massage you daily or sign up for a massage course at a clinic.

13th week of pregnancy: belly, sensations, discharge

Pregnancy is a special condition, incomparable. Over the course of 9 months, the miracle of the birth and development of a new life occurs, so each new day of pregnancy is unique in its own way. In this state there are some key points, when with the greatest probability it is possible to predict what the fetus’s chances of life are, whether its development is proceeding correctly or whether there is a risk of serious genetic disorders. This period is the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy.

For expectant mothers, this period becomes a turning point, as doctors conduct examinations to determine the viability of the fetus.

  • Feel
  • 13th week of pregnancy - what happens to the baby?
  • Examinations - screening
  • What should you be wary of when you feel?
  • Sex at 13 weeks pregnant

Belly at 13 weeks of pregnancy and sensations

If they give you 13 obstetric weeks– how many months are these, how to navigate? Count from the delay of your last period - exactly 9 weeks. This will be the 13th obstetric week, which is also the eleventh week from the day of conception. Therefore, this is the third month of expecting a baby.

Mother's feelings at 13 weeks of pregnancy

How does a woman feel during this period? The majority note an improvement in their health. The following unpleasant “companions” of the first trimester are reduced:

  • toxicosis;
  • vomit;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy (or sudden mood swings).

The woman becomes calmer and gets used to her position. The nausea goes away. Toxicosis at 13 weeks of pregnancy is uncommon. A pregnant woman feels fetal movements for the first time.

Occasionally, there is a pull in the lower back and lower abdomen (typical for days when menstruation was due). From the outside digestive system observed in pregnant women:

  • flatulence;

The reason is the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on neighboring organs, especially the intestines. Intestinal motility slows down (due to hormonal changes -).

Other features of the period - the pregnant woman notes a surge of strength, energy, and a desire to act. The belly at the 13th week of pregnancy is rounded. A woman is reviewing her wardrobe and buying loose-fitting clothes. Those around her do not yet notice the changes that are obvious to the woman herself. Exception: twin pregnancy. Then the increase in abdominal circumference becomes more obvious. The breasts are growing and colostrum may be released.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the sensations in the abdomen are not too pronounced, but the expectant mother feels that she is no longer alone: ​​something is growing inside her. new life. The belly at week 13 (pictured) looks rounded and full.

TO unpleasant sensations at 13 weeks of pregnancy include:

  • dizziness, heaviness (manifestations of hypotension);
  • cramps of the calf muscles (mainly at night).

They do not appear in all pregnant women.

The width of the uterus at 13 weeks is 10 cm, height is 3 cm. It is elastic and soft. There is a gradual rise of the uterus towards the abdominal cavity.

The process of formation of the placenta (the organ responsible for the relationship between mother and fetus, performing the most important life support functions for the fetus) ends. The placenta regulates:

  • gas exchange;
  • nutrition of the unborn child.

Nutrients reach the embryo through the placenta. Its functions also include protecting the fetus from infections from outside. The fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is sufficiently protected from the penetration of toxic substances, so the mother can be treated with antibiotics (if necessary).

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is from 10 to 12 cm, weight 20-30 g. Currently, doctors know what happens to the baby at the 13th week of pregnancy. The brain develops and reflexes appear. The child may grimace and pull his fingers towards his mouth.

He spends most of his time sleeping, but his periods of wakefulness increase. The skeletal system is being formed, calcium is deposited, and ribs are forming.


  • chin;
  • brow ridges;
  • bridge of the nose

There is a thin skin covering without subcutaneous fat.

The baby's respiratory system is developing. The fetus is able to breathe, but the glottis is still closed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby is actively developing and begins to gain weight.

Examinations at 13 weeks

What tests need to be taken at this time? Is it possible to find out if there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus? Is everything okay with mom? The screening, which must be completed from 11 to 13 weeks, will tell you about this. The result will be informative strictly at this time.

The examination takes place in 2 stages. The first is an ultrasound, the second is a blood test. The order is exactly this, with a minimum interval: a difference of even 3 days or 4 days can distort the results.

The 13th week of pregnancy is the last opportunity to pass, if this has not been done earlier.

Ultrasound is performed:

  • transvaginally;
  • transabdomial.

The first method does not require preparation. The doctor inserts a sensor into the vagina and examines the uterine cavity. Second, the examination is carried out by contacting the sensor with the surface of the abdomen. You should prepare first: drink 4 glasses of water, do not urinate for an hour and a half. The doctor chooses the method of examination and informs the patient in advance. In practice, they are often combined - first, an ultrasound is performed through the anterior abdominal wall, the woman is asked to urinate, and a transvaginal examination is started.

Discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Noticed discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy

awn? Pay attention to the color. Transparent and white are the norm. Yellow, brown - deviation from the norm. They may contain blood. Even a small amount of blood may indicate the presence of a retrochorial hematoma. With a hematoma (it looks like a bruise on the body of the uterus), sometimes the stomach hurts, sometimes there are no obvious signs except brown spots on linen, lungs pulling sensations lower abdomen. This is a reason to contact an antenatal clinic (as quickly as possible).

Bleeding and pain are a reason to call an ambulance without delay. A large hematoma threatens miscarriage, small ones resolve. Medical supervision is required in both cases.

The 13th week is an important and responsible period (for the mother) of the child’s development. Don't skip the necessary examinations, tune in for the best. Have an easy pregnancy!
