Earth law of the Gracchi brothers presentation. Presentation for the lesson "Land law of the Gracchi brothers." Lesson assignment

1. Ruin of farmers. Wars in the Mediterranean began to lead to the ruin of the farmers who formed the basis of the Roman army. During the war, their plots fell into disrepair and rich neighbors began to seize them. There was no point in complaining to the Senate; the rich sat there. Land cadastre (plan) of the estate of a Roman nobleman.

2. Tiberius Gracchus. In 134 BC. Tiberius Gracchus, who came from a plebeian family, was elected tribune of the people. Even as a child, he noticed that fields throughout Italy were cultivated by slaves. Tiberius feared that this force might rebel, and began to fight for land reform. Only scattered fragments of his speeches to senators have reached us: “Even wild animals have holes and lairs, and those who fought and died for Rome have nothing but light and air... Warriors are called the rulers of the world, but they are not a single lump of earth They can’t call it their own.” Tiberius Gracchus speaking to the Romans

3. Land law of the Gracchi brothers. LAND LAW 1. Each owner is allowed to have no more than 500 units of land. If he has sons, then for each son there are 250 yugers, but each family cannot have more than 1000 yugers of land (250 hectares)

3. Land law of the Gracchi brothers. LAND LAW 2. Surplus state land must be transferred to the treasury and from it plots of 30 yugers are cut out for poor citizens for hereditary lease. The sale of these plots is strictly prohibited. Rent - use of something for a fee

4. Murder of Tiberius. Large landowners who had influence in the Senate spoke out against the law. They persuaded his friend, also a people's tribune, Marcus Octavius, to speak out against Gracchus. He, being a large landowner himself, vetoed the law. However, Tiberius appealed to the People's Assembly and Octavius ​​was removed from office, and the law was adopted. To bring the law to completion, Tiberius had to be re-elected to the post of tribune. The masses supported him, but... During the elections, the poor people engaged in field work were not able to attend the People's Assembly. His opponents organized a conspiracy. One of Tiberius' supporters warned him of the danger. He touched his head, signaling to his friends, but his enemies accused him of wanting to become king. The senators, having received this news, armed themselves with clubs and, smashing Tiberius’ supporters, moved towards him. 300 people and Tiberius Gracchus himself, despite his parliamentary immunity, were killed. Their bodies were thrown into the Tiber at night, secretly from the people. Assassination of Tiberius Gracchus.

5.An attempt by Gaius Gracchus to continue land reform. 9 years after the death of Tiberius, the reform was continued by his brother, Guy. Several thousand landowners received plots. For the poor, grain was sold at low prices. The Senate sent troops into the city and when the massacre began in Rome, Gaius Gracchus committed suicide. Sculptural portrait of the Gracchus brothers.

Land law of the Gracchi brothersLAND LAW

Individual task

Using paragraph 50 and material
presentations, make notes in your notebook,
draw up a logical chain

Reasons for the ruin of farmers

Long overseas trips to
Cultivation of land and grazing of livestock cost
There was no sale of goods produced
Influx of slaves
The arbitrariness of the rich

Tiberius Gracchus

Seeing the deplorable situation of farmers and
injustice, Tiberius Gracchus (youth from the plebeian
kind) began to seek the position of people's tribune in order
rectify the situation
After long speeches and performances, Tiberius Gracchus
becomes the people's tribune
Gracchi brothers with their mother
Cornelia Africana the Younger

Fragment of Gracchus' speech

“Even wild animals have holes and lairs, and those who
fought and died for Rome - there is nothing but air and

Land Law of T. Gracchus

133 BC e. – adoption of the land law of Tiberius Gracchus,
1. Each owner is allowed to have no more than
500 land jugers. If he has sons, then for each son
there are 250 jugers, but for each family it cannot
account for more than 1000 yugeras of land (250 hectares)
2. Surplus state land must be transferred to
treasury and from them plots of 30 yugers are cut for the poor
to citizens for hereditary rent. Sale of these plots
is strictly prohibited.
3. To carry out the reform, a special commission is created from
3 people, elected by the People's Assembly for a period of 1 year from
right of subsequent re-election.

Consequences of the law

The law did not meet with support in the Senate.
The senators persuaded another tribune of the people - Octavius
stand up with the right of veto against this law
Tiberius addressed the People's Assembly: “Can the tribune,
acting to the detriment of the people, remain in his position?”
Citizens voted against Octavius ​​and stripped him of his title
The law was passed


The senators received this news, armed themselves with clubs and,
smashing Tiberius' supporters, they moved towards him.
300 people and Tiberius Gracchus himself, despite his
deputy immunity, were killed.
Their bodies were thrown into the Tiber at night, secretly from the people.

Continuation of the work of Tiberius

9 years after the death of Tiberius, the reform was continued by him
brother - Guy:
Several thousand landowners received plots.
For the poor, grain was sold at low prices.
The Senate sent troops into the city and when Rome began
massacre Gaius Gracchus committed suicide

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Slide 1

"Land law of the Gracchi brothers"

Slide 2

Today in class:

Consider the reasons for the ruin of the peasants in Rome and its consequences; Get acquainted with the reform, find out its main provisions; Find out what the consequences of this reform are.

Slide 3


Overseas campaigns ruined the warrior-farmers. Tiberius Gracchus - protector of the poor. Adoption of land law. Death of Tiberius. Guy Gracchus continues the work.

Slide 4

Lesson assignment:

Consider why the land reform of the Gracchus brothers was doomed to failure.

Slide 5

Slide 6

A Roman peasant returned to Italy after long campaigns, and his plot of land was overgrown with weeds, the fence had collapsed, and the cattle barn was empty, because... the wife was forced to sell the bulls. To restore the economy, money was needed, so they had to go to work. Fact 1.

Slide 7

Not all peasants immediately sold their land. When they returned, they tried to restore the farm. But they went bankrupt very quickly. For example, he will collect wheat, take it to the city, and there they offer such a low price for it that you can throw it into the river. Fact 2.

Slide 8

Large landowners imported wheat from Sicily. Hiring peasants to work was expensive; it was cheaper to use slave labor. And although the quality of the goods produced by slaves was worse, their labor was cheaper, so the peasants went bankrupt. Fact 3.

Slide 9

What are the reasons for the ruin of the peasants?

Slide 10

Long overseas campaigns Cultivation of land and grazing livestock were expensive There was no sale of goods produced by peasants Influx of masses of slaves Reasons for the ruin of farmers

Slide 11

The Gracchi brothers as children with the mother Cornelia Africana the Younger

Slide 12

Tiberius Gracchus.

“Even wild animals have holes and lairs, and those who fought and died for Rome have nothing but air and light...”

Slide 13

Adoption of land law.

1. Each owner is allowed to have no more than 500 yugeras of land. If he has sons, then for each son there are 250 yugers, but each family cannot have more than 1000 yugers of land (250 hectares)

Slide 14

2. Surplus state land should be transferred to the treasury and from it plots of 30 yugers should be cut out to poor citizens for hereditary lease. The sale of these plots is strictly prohibited.

Slide 15

3. To carry out the reform, a special commission of 3 people is created, elected by the People's Assembly for a period of 1 year with the right of subsequent re-election. TIBERIUS GRACHUS

Slide 16

Tiberius did not find support in the Senate, since the senators persuaded another tribune of the people, Octavius, to thwart Tiberius' plan. Octavius ​​used his veto and forbade voting for this law. But Tiberius addressed the Assembly with words

Slide 17

“Can a tribune who acts to the detriment of the people remain in office?” The citizens voted against Octavius ​​and stripped him of his rank as tribune.

Slide 18

Death of Tiberius.

  • Slide 19

    Brothers Gracchi.

  • Slide 20

    Let's summarize the lesson.

    Questions on page 234

    Slide 21


    Paragraph 50, questions, notes, work. notebook Material prepared by history teacher of the Budinsk secondary school of the Tver region Antonenkova A.V.

    View all slides


    �PAGE � �PAGE �4�

    Ancient history lesson in 5th grade on the topic: “Land law of the Gracchi brothers”

    Material prepared by a history teacher

    Budinskaya secondary school, Tver region

    Antonenkova A.V.

    Goals: (seq. 2) - Consider the reasons for the ruin of the peasants in Rome and its consequences;

    - Get acquainted with the reform, find out its main provisions;

    - Find out what the consequences of this reform are.

    Equipment: survey sheets, presentation.

    During the classes:

    1. Organizational start of the lesson.

    2. Checking homework:

    3, Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. (sl. 3)

    Overseas campaigns ruined the warrior-farmers.

    Tiberius Gracchus - protector of the poor.

    Adoption of land law.

    Death of Tiberius.

    Guy Gracchus continues the work.

    (Sl. 4) Lesson assignment.

    Consider why the land reform of the Gracchus brothers was doomed to failure.

    4. Studying new material.

    1) teacher's story:

    - (sl. 5) -

    After the Romans established their power in the Mediterranean, hostility broke out between different groups of the population within the state itself. The era of civil wars began in Rome. Their first victim was Tiberius Gracchus, who spoke in defense of the farmers of Italy.

    - Let's try to establish the reasons for the ruin of farmers from the facts:

    (sl. 6) A Roman peasant returned to Italy after long campaigns, and his plot of land was overgrown with weeds, the fence had collapsed, and the cattle barn was empty, because... the wife was forced to sell the bulls. To restore the economy, money was needed, so they had to go to work.

    (sl. 7) Not all peasants immediately sold their land. When they returned, they tried to restore the farm. But they went bankrupt very quickly. For example, he will collect wheat, take it to the city, and there they offer such a low price for it that you can throw it into the river.

    (sl. 8)- Large landowners imported wheat from Sicily. Hiring peasants to work was expensive; it was cheaper to use slave labor. And although the quality of the goods produced by slaves was worse, their labor was cheaper, so the peasants went bankrupt.

    (page 9) - What are the reasons for the ruin of the peasants?

    Long overseas trips

    Cultivation of land and grazing of livestock were expensive

    There was no sale of goods produced by peasants

    Influx of slaves

    (f. 11) brothers Gracchi with their mother.

    Let's take a little look at the biography of Gracchus.

    Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus were born into the family of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus the Elder and Cornelia Africana, daughter of Scipio Africanus. Guy grew up without a father and was raised by his mother.

    The brothers were on good terms and later acted together, despite their age difference. Plutarch, comparing the brothers, notes the more uneven and hot-tempered character of Guy compared to his older brother. Tiberius first distinguished himself during the 3rd Punic War, according to historical tradition, he was the first to break into besieged Carthage; his bravery was recognized by the strict Scipio Aemilian.

    Sent by the quaestor to Spain, he made many instructive observations on the state of the Roman lands along the way; especially in Etruria, he was struck by the desolation of the country and the disappearance of peasant landowners. He developed the conviction that the predominance of large landownership and the terrible impoverishment of the middle class was the most significant drawback of the Roman economic and social system and the source of all the disasters of the republic.

    (sl. 12) - Once driving through Italy, he was amazed that he did not see free farmers anywhere: plowmen and shepherds were slaves. He understood that the accumulation of a mass of slaves was dangerous. In addition, the ruin of farmers weakened the military power of Rome. Returning, Tiberius began to seek the position of tribune of the people. At gatherings he made the following speech: “ "Even wild animals have holes and lairs,

    and those who fought and died for Rome have nothing but air and light..."

    Tiberius was elected tribune. And he began to develop a land law.

    Returning to Rome, he achieved election to the tribunes (134) and proposed a law (lex agraria), which determined the highest rate of ownership of public land (ager publicus) - namely, 500 yuger per person (yuger = 1/4 tithe), and if If the owner has sons, then each will share another 250 yugers - however, no more than 1000 yugers per family.

    The sections formed as a result of this rule from the large estates that existed before that time were to go to the treasury for distribution in plots of 30 yugera. landless citizens on terms of hereditary lease. The plots were to be considered inalienable (difference from the Licinian law); those who received them were obliged to cultivate them and pay a moderate rent to the treasury.

    This law, which dealt a blow to large aristocratic landownership, found active support only in the close circle of friends and relatives of Tiberius Gracchus and caused fierce opposition from the majority of the Senate aristocracy. Tiberius, soft by nature, inevitably had to resort to a revolutionary method of action. The struggle began when one of Tiberius's comrades in the tribunate, Marcus Octavius, vetoed the law. Then Gracchus violated the inviolability of tribunician power by asking the people the question: “ Can someone who goes against the interests of the people remain a tribune?“The vote decided the issue against Octavius, and he was forcibly removed from the bench of the tribunes. Now the law passed, and a commission was appointed to implement it: the commission included Gracchus himself, his brother Gaius and father-in-law Appius Claudius. Fearing revenge from his enemies, Tiberius began to walk the streets, accompanied by a large armed crowd of bodyguards.

    He was especially afraid of the coming of the new year, when his tribunate would end, and at the same time the guarantee of immunity. Therefore, contrary to the law (it was impossible to hold the same position for two years in a row), he nominated himself for the elections to the tribunes in 133 BC. e.

    (pages 13 – 15)

    (pages 16 – 17)- Tiberius did not find support in the Senate, since the senators

    persuaded another popular tribune, Octavius, to thwart Tiberius's plan. Octavius

    addressed the Assembly

    (f. 18) - In case the aristocracy began to oppose his election, he prepared armed forces on election day. In the Senate, which met next to the place of the people's assembly, voices began to be heard demanding the immediate execution of the rebel and violator of centuries-old institutions. At the same time, a crash was heard in the people's assembly from accidentally breaking benches. The senators took this crash as the beginning of an indignation and, grabbing the first heavy objects they came across, ran out into the square. The people parted; the crowd of senators headed straight to the podium. Amid the noise that had occurred, Gracchus could not speak and pointed to his head with his hand as a sign that he was in danger. This gesture was immediately explained as a demand for the royal diadem, and the people (not the rural population, but the urban proletariat, not interested in the fate of the Gracchian law) completely abandoned the tribune. Tiberius Gracchus tried to escape, but stumbled and was killed.

    According to Velleius Paterculus, when Gracchus " ran down the slope of the Capitol, he was overtaken by a piece of a bench».

    On the same day, 300 adherents of Tiberius were killed, and then criminal prosecutions began, although the agrarian law was not repealed and the commission continued to operate; the place of the one killed in it was taken by the father-in-law of Gaius Gracchus, Publius Crassus Mucianus, and after the death of the latter and Appius Claudius they were replaced by Marcus Fulvius Flaccus and Gaius Papirius Carbo. The commission worked successfully and within 5 years increased the number of peasant landowners from 300,000 to 400,000. The fate of Tiberius Gracchus revealed the inertia of the Roman aristocracy and its inability to timely satisfy emerging needs. Friends of the people's cause and supporters of radical reforms were convinced that for the success of their undertakings it was necessary, first of all, to weaken the predominance of the aristocracy in the political system. An ardent figure in this direction was the younger brother of Tiberius Gracchus, Gaius Gracchus.

    2) work according to the textbook:

    Page 233 – “Gaius Gracchus continues his brother’s work

    Activities of Gaius Gracchus. Ten years later, Gaius Gracchus was elected tribune of the people. He took into account the sad experience of his older brother. By proposing new land reforms, Guy tried to take into account not only the interests of the peasants. He tried to rely on horsemen, landowners who did not participate in government, as well as on the lower strata of the people.

    Guy carried out judicial reform in favor of the horsemen. Horsemen from the 3rd century BC e. turned into the second estate after senators. The horsemen owned large plots of land and had a high property qualification. The political influence of equestrians in Roman society was much weaker than that of the patricians. As a result of the reforms of Gaius Gracchus, the horsemen began to lead the courts that tried cases of extortion in the provinces. This gave them greater power over the governors of the provinces and opened the way to their enrichment. To the Roman poor, according to one of the laws of Gaius Gracchus, grain had to be sold by the state at the lowest prices.

    The main direction in the activities of Gaius Gracchus was the creation of Roman colonies outside Italy. Thus, part of the peasantry, having left their homeland, could receive land and improve their situation. It was also supposed to send the “best citizens” to these colonies to organize the construction and life of the settlers. In the heat of his transformation, Guy Gracchus despised the religious curse that weighed on the land of the city of Carthage. He planned to organize a large Roman colony there.

    The Senate watched with alarm the overly active, as it seemed to it, activity of the people's tribune. The question was raised about the illegality of founding a colony on the site of Carthage. The Senate placed its bet on another tribune of the people, who competed with Gaius Gracchus. For every proposal of Gracchus, there was immediately a proposal from his opponent, which brought Gracchus’ ideas to the point of absurdity. If Guy Gracchus proposed the founding of one colony, his opponent spoke of the founding of 12 colonies. The authority of Gaius Gracchus was falling, and for the third time he was not elected tribune of the people.

    4.Death of Gaius Gracchus. Supporters of Gaius Gracchus organized armed detachments. Senators began to suspect them of an attempt on legitimate power. Nevertheless, some of the laws of Gaius Gracchus were proposed for approval by the popular assembly.

    Roman historians say that all of Rome gathered on the Capitol that day. The supporters of Gaius Gracchus responded to the insult received from the consul's envoy in the most decisive manner. The messenger was stabbed to death. The Senate, having learned about this, announced: “The Fatherland is in danger.” The senators and the horsemen who betrayed Gaius Gracchus armed themselves. Guy Gracchus and his supporters strengthened themselves on the Aventine. Armed detachments moved towards them from the Capitol. Panic began in the ranks of the plebeians. 3 thousand supporters of Gaius Gracchus were killed. Guy himself was forced to order the slave to kill himself. His head was delivered to the Senate, which caused rejoicing among the senators.

    The reforms of the Gracchi brothers were defeated. The impoverishment of the Roman peasantry continued.

    At the beginning of his career, Gaius Gracchus said: “I throw knives into the forum so that Roman citizens can cut each other with them.” This terrible wish of Gaius Gracchus came true. After his death, the fragile peace in Rome was restored for a short time. The contradictions have not gone away. Soon they flared up with renewed vigor.

    The Roman people, as if waking up, again paid homage to the Gracchi brothers. Their images were installed in public places, and the places of their death were consecrated. People made sacrifices here, they prayed here. The mother of the Gracchi, Cornelia, was rewarded with special honor. Although in a tragic way, her dream came true. Cornelia began to be called the mother of the glorious heroes of the Gracchi.

    5. Summing up the lesson.

    6. Homework: paragraph 50, questions, notes, tasks in the workbook

    �PAGE � �PAGE �4�

    Ancient history lesson in 5th grade

    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    Working with concepts: - triumph - province - Punic war - legion - gladiator - amphitheater

    Solving historical problems 1) During the reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus, out of a population of 1.5 million, only 600 thousand were free, while there were 1.5 times more slaves - 900 thousand. Only in the first half of the 2nd century BC. As a result of the wars, 250 thousand slaves were brought to Rome - prisoners. What consequences could the rapid increase in the number of slaves lead to? 2) Estate owners believed that they should not acquire many slaves of the same specialty. How can this be explained?

    “She is richer than anyone in the world, Children run and rush along her. And in spring it’s all in color, and so beautiful at dawn. And feeds all the people in the world.” What is this? Tell me, children.

    What do I know about the topic of the lesson What do I want to know 1. In Rome there were a lot of slaves, a source of cheap labor 1. The causes of the Civil Wars in Rome 2. The peasants went bankrupt 2. Who were the Gracchi brothers 3. The Roman Empire was weakening 3. The land law of the Gracchi brothers What do I know about the topic of the lesson What do I want to know

    Task for students: 1. Why was the land law of the Gracchi brothers doomed to failure? 2. Why did civil wars start in Rome?

    A civil war is a war between citizens of the same state. Reasons: long overseas trips; cultivation of land and grazing of livestock were expensive; the peasants could not find a market for their goods; influx of slaves; the ruin of the peasants; weakening of the army.

    Tiberius Gracchus. “Even wild animals have holes and lairs, and those who fought and died for Rome have nothing but air and light...”

    133g. BC. - adoption of land law.

    Immediately after the promulgation of the land reform bill, obstacles began to arise for Tiberius. His political enemies spread a rumor around the city that Tiberius proposed to redistribute the land only with the aim of angering the people and causing disorder in the life of the state. The Roman Senate took an openly hostile position towards the bill. Think about who was against the bill and why?

    Death of Gaius Gracchus Death of Gaius Gracchus, painting by Jean-Baptiste Topino-Lebrun, 1792

    After the massacre of the Gracchi, the Senate and all their enemies celebrated victory. But the common people did not forget the Gracchi. The places where they were killed were often visited by the people, and their memory was honored with sacrifices. Later, statues of both brothers were erected. Why did the people remember the Gracchi and honor their memory? Why did their opponents celebrate victory?

    1. Why was the land law of the Gracchi brothers doomed to failure? 2. Why did civil wars start in Rome?

    Homework: § 50 read; For “5” Prepare a detailed answer to the question: What prompted the Gracchi brothers to come out in defense of farmers? On “4” Describe the drawing “The Death of Tiberius Gracchus.” On “3” Answer the questions at the end of the paragraph

    After the Romans established their power over the Mediterranean, hostility broke out between different groups of the population in the Roman state. The period of civil wars began in Rome. What events caused the struggle in Roman society? Why were the people's defenders, whose lives were considered inviolable, killed? Who did the descendants of the famous commander Scipio Africanus fight with? You will learn about this in our lesson today.


    In the II century. BC. Rome achieved dominance throughout the Mediterranean (see lesson). Long military campaigns led to the fact that warrior-farmers went bankrupt, since in their absence the farm fell into disrepair or was taken away by rich neighbors. This led to increasing contradictions in society.


    133 BC- the people's tribune Tiberius Gracchus proposes a new land law, according to which one family should not use a plot of land exceeding a thousand jugers. The surplus should have been withdrawn and distributed among poor citizens. The law was passed. As a result of the conspiracy, Tiberius dies.

    122 BC- People's tribune Gaius Gracchus (Tiberius' brother) continues his brother's reform. Opponents of the reform send troops into Rome, many citizens, including Gaius Gracchus, die.


    40s The 2nd century was a time of relatively peaceful existence for Rome. Carthage was destroyed. Most of the Mediterranean states became Roman provinces. However, conflict was brewing in Rome itself. Legionnaires - owners of small plots of land - could not engage in farming during the years of military campaigns, so their plots were overgrown with grass, the house and barn fell into disrepair, and their tools were stolen. The only solution was to sell the land for next to nothing to a rich neighbor. The farmer and his family moved to Rome, joining the ranks of the local poor.

    One noble young man, once traveling around the outskirts of Rome, was horrified to see that thousands of slaves were working in the fields of rich landowners; there were practically no free farmers left in Rome. This observant young man's name was Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus. He was the grandson of the outstanding Roman commander Scipio Africanus. Scipio was famous in Rome not only for his military successes, but was also considered the most educated person. His daughter Cornelia was one of the most intelligent women of her era. Cornelia instilled in her sons Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus a love of knowledge; both of her sons were outstanding orators.

    Rice. 1. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi ()

    At citizen gatherings, Tiberius more than once made speeches that left no one indifferent. “Even wild animals have holes and lairs,” he said, “and those who fought and died for Rome have nothing but air and light!” Tiberius was elected tribune of the people. In 133 BC. e. Tiberius proposed adopting a law on the redistribution of land: no family should use more than a thousand jugers (about 250 hectares) of state land. The surplus should be taken away and distributed in small plots to poor citizens without the right to sell. Not only the Senate, but also the people's tribune Octavius ​​opposed the adoption of the law. Then Tiberius, addressing the People's Assembly, asked the question: “Can a tribune who does not act in the interests of the people remain in his position?” The assembly removed Octavius ​​and approved the law (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Land law

    Tiberius wanted to be elected tribune for a new term in order to bring his plan to completion. The elections took place in the middle of summer, when most farmers were working in the fields. The senators, dissatisfied with the activities of Tiberius, organized a conspiracy. More than three hundred citizens were killed. Tiberius Gracchus himself, the tribune of the people, also died.

    Nine years after the death of Tiberius, his brother Gaius Gracchus was elected tribune of the people. With extraordinary energy, he continued the redistribution of the land. Thousands of farmers received plots. The rich people hated Guy. By order of the Senate, troops were sent to Rome. Three thousand supporters of Gaius Gracchus died. Not wanting to surrender into the hands of his enemies, he committed suicide (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Death of Gaius Gracchus, Jean-Baptiste Taupino-Lebrun, 1792 ()

    A few years later, the ban on the sale of land plots was lifted. The rich began to buy land from the poor. The ruin of the farmers of Italy continued.


    1. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya. Ancient world history. 5th grade. - M.: Education, 2006.
    2. Nemirovsky A.I. A book to read on the history of the ancient world. - M.: Education, 1991.
    3. Ancient Rome. Book for reading /Ed. D.P. Kallistova, S.L. Utchenko. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1953.
    1. ().
    2. ().
    3. ().


    1. Why did the free farmers of Italy go bankrupt?
    2. What prompted Tiberius to stand up for the poor landowners?
    3. What is the name of the period of Roman history that began in 133 BC? e.?
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