The fence is cheaper than doing it yourself. What is the cheapest fence for a dacha? Types of concrete fences

Every owner of a plot of land faces the question of erecting fencing structures on a summer cottage or allotment in the private sector. To do this, install a fence in front of the house, a fence between neighboring areas. The owner always wants to get good ones, quality materials, saving the budget allocated for construction. You should know exactly what it is permissible to build from in order to save money, and what it is not possible to use. Cheap is not always good and beautiful, but a high price is not an indicator of excellent quality.

Basic requirements for building a fence

Before the start construction work, you need to know exactly what you are allowed to do. For this purpose, there are statutory provisions that can be found in the Urban Planning organization.

There are a number of separate recommendations for fence structures between two sections:

  • the height of the fence should not exceed 1.5 meters;
  • You cannot install a dense structure: sunlight should fall fairly freely on another plot;
  • if the owner wants to strengthen the fencing structure, it is permissible to make a combined structure that will allow the sun to pass through.

It is important for the owner of the structure to remember that a fence is not only a light decorative element. The main purpose of the fence is to protect the land from encroachment.

Ultimately, the structure should be not only light, economical, beautiful and aesthetic, but also durable and providing a sufficient level of safety.

How to make a fence cheaper

The first cost item during construction work is hiring work force. Experienced workers cost a lot of money; cheap labor help can ruin the whole job so seriously that you have to start all over again. The desire to build cheaper can almost double the likelihood of increasing costs. It is possible to significantly relieve your budget by making the design yourself.

A good fence does not necessarily require expensive raw materials. It often happens that price does not become an indicator of quality - money is given for material that can be found cheaper, more beautiful, better. For example, a forged fence has a very aesthetic appearance, looks solid, but is very expensive. To reduce costs, you should choose solid fences.

Even among a huge assortment of wood or corrugated sheets, it is possible to choose best option at an attractive price for the owner.

Increasing the height of the fence will require the installation of additional logs. If you make a medium fence, then two tiers of transverse support will be enough.

The main source of cost reduction is a well-written technical drawing. Accurate markings and correct calculations contribute to significant financial savings. If it is possible to reduce the number of supports due to a large sheathing run, then it is better to do so.

Will not reduce the level of required strength, stability, and will significantly save the budget good choice type of foundation. The tape option is very expensive: construction requires a lot of reinforcement, construction mixture, sand, time for hardening. The best solution would be a bookmark columnar foundation: You will need to dig a hole, then pour the mixture separately under each support.

It is better to choose iron ones as support pillars. Affordable, reliable, sustainable.

It is possible to choose unusual, non-standard options material. The “wattle fence” is widespread in villages and villages in Russia and Ukraine. The design is light, created from support stakes and wicker rods. The end result is an unusual fence with a rather attractive appearance. Despite its apparent simplicity and accessibility, a certain level of skill is required to make a fence.

Another possible choice would be a picket fence. A decorative fencing structure is much simpler to create than a fence. It is made from polished logs, approximately equal in thickness and height. The name comes from the fact that the top of the fence becomes very pointed.

It is important to carefully calculate the position of the future fencing structure on technical diagram to prevent unnecessary waste or the fact that materials will run out. With an additional purchase, a situation may arise that the remaining part is purchased by another person. You'll have to run around, look for the most similar products, or finish it using leftovers from the store.

What to make a fence from cheaply

Currently on site Russian Federation It is possible to select several types of raw materials for the construction of fences:

  • slate;
  • production network;
  • cuttings from the sawmill;
  • green hedge;
  • unedged boards;
  • scrap metal;
  • brick;
  • decorative stone and so on.

There are materials for the construction of fencing structures, presented as the most popular, giving high level operation with low cost:

  • wood;

A wooden fence can be selected from a specific material suitable for a particular person. It has a number of advantages that clearly distinguish the variety in the general market:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Possibility of painting in any desired color.
  3. The fence is manufactured in different shapes, size.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  1. Not long term exterior finishing services.
  2. Difficulties in care and use.

When building a wooden fence, the following is required:

You can create fences different types. The most popular choice is the picket fence. This is a few wooden planks, 7-14 centimeters wide, 18-22 millimeters thick. The height can be about 1.2-4 meters. The estimated cost of construction will be about 700 rubles per square meter. meter. The final cost of the entire construction is determined by the chosen construction method. Thus, herringbone installation will increase costs by 15-20%, the use of reinforced concrete strip base will require spending an additional 20-25%.

Chain-link fencing is a more economical option. It differs in several ways:

  • resistance to weather changes and wind;
  • high strength, reliability;
  • ease of installation.

To erect this type of structure, you do not need to purchase specialized tools; the main ones will be:

  • support pillars;
  • grid of the required length;
  • cement, sand;
  • fasteners;
  • rope.

Experienced craftsmen advise buying a galvanized version so that there is no need for additional painting to get a long service life.

Produced in various options height, width, size of one cell. The average cost of such a fence will be approximately 160-240 rubles per square meter. meter.

Corrugated sheet structures are the most common choice. To build such a fence you will need a welding machine. The construction process is not too complicated; it is quite possible to do everything yourself. Presented at construction market in different colors, with different coating, large, small, medium sizes. To carry out construction work you will need to additionally prepare:

  • cement mortar;
  • metal logs;
  • special screws for metal;
  • shovel;
  • supports.

The value of the material varies quite a lot, ranging from 450-900 rubles per square meter. meter.

A polycarbonate fence includes several positive features:

  1. Structural strength.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. Aesthetic appearance.
  5. Low cost.

This type of cladding contains a sufficient level of transparency that allows you to install a fence between adjacent land plots, in front of the house, behind the building.

The cost is at least 1000 rubles per sq. m.

The use of a combined type of fence structure helps not only to increase strength. It is possible to use the remains from the construction of a house or other structures on the site. The final product will be quite stable, appearance will be very aesthetic.

How to build a fence cheaper: step-by-step instructions

The first stage of the fence construction work is to accurately determine the boundaries of the fence, wicket, and gate.

Experienced builders advise maintaining a distance of at least 2.5 meters between the supporting pillars so that the fence does not lose its protective properties and also does not lose its appearance.

Under each post, dig holes (holes, recesses - whatever is convenient), where a support is installed approximately ¼ of the entire length. While maintaining the vertical position of the pillar, pour cement mortar until all the free space between the ground and the support pillar is filled.

After the mixture has dried and hardened, crossbars are attached to the posts, and the fence sheathing is directly attached to them.

When erecting a structure from a chain-link mesh, the stage of attaching transverse joists is not necessary. You can attach the mesh directly to support installations. The main thing is to tighten the covering well to prevent sagging of the skin.

For a fence made of corrugated sheets, you will need to pour a high-quality foundation, install support pillars, install logs and secure profiled products. It is important to carry out high-quality welding of the logs to the support pillars. Sheets of metal profiles are fastened with metal screws or special rivets. It is recommended to put a cap on top, which will increase decorative qualities and minimize the risk of injury. You should take the product a little wider than the span of the sheet. If the width of the profiled sheet is 6 millimeters, you need to take a plug of at least 8 millimeters.

When constructing a polycarbonate fencing structure, the determining factor will be the strength of the structure. Metal carcass it is necessary to assemble it correctly, without errors, otherwise the enclosing structure will warp or collapse.

After marking the supports, the pillars are driven into the ground with special equipment or a sledgehammer. The vertical position is secured by installing spacers that will firmly secure the pillars in the soil.

Fence sections are installed before driving in support pillars. Metal piles are installed in the corners of the land plot, which are then stretched along the entire perimeter of the future enclosing structure. The last step is to attach the sections between the pillars.

The final appearance of homemade fencing structures is not always neat and beautiful. But there are still people who make a fence on their own, no worse than special construction crews.

You may not want to mention another lightweight option for fencing material – siding. This option Most often used for cladding buildings and residential buildings, use for the construction of a fence also seems suitable choice, besides, inexpensive. Modern manufacturers offer the consumer a large selection of raw materials, including: imitation of natural stone, wood, brickwork. It is very easy to install a fence made of this material yourself. The owner will not have to attract additional labor help or professionals. This also significantly relieves the budget allocated for the construction of the fence.

Video instructions for building a fence with your own hands cheaply:

The first question that arises before an owner who decides to fence his plot is what material to choose for the fence. Indeed, there are many options, it is difficult to choose the best one for yourself. We have collected the most popular materials for fencing areas today.

Corrugated sheet

If the task is to make a solid fence and reliably cover the area from prying eyes, then corrugated sheeting has no competitors in terms of popularity. This is explained simply - this material is the cheapest. And it’s easy to install a corrugated fence with your own hands.

Have of this material cons, no doubt about it. Corrugated sheeting can be dented upon impact, if it is secured with self-tapping screws, they can become loose over time, there is a risk that the sheets will be unscrewed and stolen, and during windy conditions a metal sheet may make unpleasant sounds.

However, a large selection of colors, the ability to choose corrugated wood or stone, ease of installation and maintenance, durability and reasonable price make this material a leader in the construction of blind fences.


The main competitor of corrugated sheeting, so far completely unsurpassed by it. Wood is an affordable material that allows you to experiment with fences. You can make a wooden fence any way you want - low and high, solid and with gaps, carved and massive, painted in any color. In addition, if the house on the site is wooden, the same fence will create a harmonious picture.

Of the minuses, it is advisable to treat it with fire retardants, because wood burns well, you will have to regularly care for it, renew the paint, and wood does not last as long as metal. However, repairing a wooden fence is not that difficult.


Concrete fences attract owners of personal plots with their reliability, durability, and variety of shapes. A simple gray fence can be painted, and you can choose a fence to your liking. There is no particular need to take care of a concrete fence, but during installation it will require more effort - the fence is heavy.


Inexpensive fencing, which is often used in summer cottages. The main disadvantage is that it does not hide anything, it simply marks the boundaries and prevents neighbors’ animals from entering the site. Chain-link mesh is in demand due to its ease of installation and low cost.


Already more expensive, but popular material for the fence. Brick fences have a number of advantages, including giving the site a well-groomed appearance, looking attractive, one might say, elite, and differing in a variety of colors and shapes.

Build brick fence more difficult than installing corrugated sheets or ready-made concrete sections. But the fence will last a long time and can be repaired if necessary.


Wrought iron fences are always beautiful, elegant, and delicate. Yes, they do not hide the area, but they look very elite and attractive. In addition, it is easy to install ready-made factory sections. Minus - forged fences cost a lot, especially if they are different complex shape. But they last a long time.


Polycarbonate fences themselves can look unreliable, too simple and unattractive. But if polycarbonate is combined in a fence with forging or chain-link mesh, it’s a completely different matter! This type of fencing is now quite popular thanks to excellent result, durability and ease of installation.

Let us repeat - we have selected only the most popular materials for fences today. The choice is actually wider. You can use gabions, hedges, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is just gaining popularity, wickerwork from branches, a natural stone, even plastic bottles.

If you decide to make a cheap fence with your own hands, this is not always a desire to save money. Often this is simply the need to put up temporary fencing with your own hands before starting construction on the site. But even in this case, some developers prefer to first build an economical fence, and only then create a capital fence that matches the house in style and. There are a few available ways, how to make a fence immediately aesthetically pleasing, cheap and without further reconstruction.

Option for a device made from plastic bottles

Fence from wooden picket fence in the country

Its main disadvantage is its relative instability and the need for constant care.

But people have learned to cope with this, using simple impregnations and inexpensive oil paint or expensive impregnations that change color but preserve the natural unique texture.

The photo below shows a beautiful cheap fence for a private house.

Construction example wooden protection plot

Choosing wood as the main material does not always make it possible to build a fence cheaply, if you use it for fundamental reasons and purchase high-quality raw materials, and for its durability, pour a foundation, build it, and decorate it with forging elements or metal edgings. It’s just that those who start know all the pros and cons perfectly well and are consciously inclined to make this choice.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of cheap wooden fence– variability and diversity existing species. The second is the opportunity to show imagination, bring an element of creativity into everyday life, and work not only with your hands, but also with your head.

The versatility of a wooden fence allows you to build:

  • the simplest and lowest demarcations between neighbors in a country house or in a private residential building; build impregnable and beautiful bastions from the street in the most beautiful traditions of Baroque or Russian battle wooden architecture;
  • make do with the familiar and ascetic, which can be diversified by laying out different ways or making different heights;
  • create a whimsical lattice of pillars and wooden slats, utility building for climbing plants and decorative flowerpots;
  • demarcate a large territory in Western or ranch style;
  • weave fences from flexible branches harvested in season, but not leading to the death of the entire tree.

Wattle is a symbol of folk style

Wooden fences are also not always a way to save money and maintain a budget. Much more often in modern world– this is an opportunity to create style matching, decoration, self-realization and creativity.

If we remember the disadvantages - fragility, the need for constant maintenance, poor ability to prevent the entry of robbers and the permanent danger of fire, it becomes clear that a person makes the decision to build a wooden fence not so much for reasons of economy, but from his own preferences and concepts of aesthetics.

The photo shows painting a cheap wooden fence with your own hands.

Painting a cheap fence

DIY fence installation

Simple and cheap option wooden creativity is to make a fence from pallets with your own hands. A pallet for transporting construction goods (pallet) is usually quite well processed and manufactured in standard sizes, but even if the wood is not properly treated, this defect is easily corrected after installation by simple sanding, impregnation or paint.

Construction scheme budget option wood fence

The master will not need any specific skills or a particularly complex tool; the ability to use a jigsaw or hacksaw is sufficient. Cheap country fences made from pallets are a common occurrence, because they can be purchased cheaper than ordinary boards, and built from them is faster and easier:

One of the options for constructing a wooden fence

The construction of a cheap fence from pallets, despite its simplicity, is used for interneighbor, street, permanent and temporary structures, and is used as an option for zoning a small area.

With proper care and original decoration, it can cope with any purpose.

Cheap chain-link fence

Cheapest and affordable option fencing, widely used when creating a temporary demarcation of territory or to demarcate neighboring areas.

Drawing of a mesh model

Advantages and disadvantages

It is quite durable (especially if the mesh is properly coated) and reliable way divide neighboring landholdings or prevent strangers from entering the territory. The main advantage is the speed and ease of installation of a cheap fence. The main disadvantage is the transparency and openness of the area to outsiders, but this can be easily dealt with using plastic slats, camouflage mesh or climbing plants.

Such structures are easy to dismantle when moving

Installing cheap fencing

The process is extremely simple and cheap if calculated correctly required amount supports and mesh footage:

  • having dug holes at the required distance after marking, the pillars are installed in a vertical position;
  • the pits are filled with concrete (if the soil is soft, the pillars are simply hammered in with a sledgehammer);
  • a roll of chain-link is fixed at the first pipe and led to the remaining supports, at each of which the web is fastened in a tense position with the appropriate hardware;
  • if the installation is sectional, then each cut piece corresponding to the perimeter is mounted on a frame made of metal corners, and then the finished structure is fixed between the supports.

Scheme for installing supports with a span length of 2.5 m

For most, privacy is important factor. It allows you to feel safe and be the master of your possessions. It is normal that we do not tolerate unexpected interference in our personal lives. In a summer cottage or country house, it can be easily prevented by installing a fence made from scrap materials. Ordering ready-made structures can be quite troublesome, since a special approach to delivery and installation is required. In some cases, it is difficult to choose exactly what you would like the most. This article will describe what components can be used, and the photo will show ready-made options.

Important Factors

The construction of your own fence at the dacha or in a country house should not begin with installation work, but by compiling a small questionnaire that will allow you to determine your goals and purpose. Here's something to think about:

  • how high will the fence be?
  • what is the main purpose of the fence;
  • will it only be a fence for flower beds;
  • what material is most available for fencing;
  • what can be combined;
  • Is serious protection against intrusion important?

These points will allow you to analyze exactly where the fence will be located. It can serve as a decorative element that will further decorate the area of ​​the site. Perhaps the purpose of such a fence will be to fence flower beds or vegetable crops so that animals do not harm them. It would be good to decide on the material and, if necessary, collect the required amount for the fence.

Metal fence

Perhaps, hearing about a metal fence, pictures of powerful and large structures fences that become rusty over time and require constant painting. But if you approach the issue creatively, you can end up with a very interesting country fence that will attract the attention of passers-by.

Bicycle frames

If you have been repairing bicycles or have a friend who accepts scrap metal, then you can build an interesting fence from bicycle frames. It is better to choose those made of aluminum. They do not require special care and are highly resistant to the corrosive effects of moisture. The first step is to sort the structures by folding them by size. This will allow you to alternate during the assembly of the fence at the dacha. All iron frames are cleaned of old paint and sanded down to a metallic color. After this, it is not recommended to leave them in an open space, as they will quickly become covered with rust.

Next, you need to measure the inner diameter of the tube into which the front fork was installed. Selected according to the specified size metal pipe. The process of installing the fence will be very simple. A piece of pipe of the required length is taken and inserted into one of the frames; it will serve as the initial support. After this, a partner holds one part, and a second person strings the frames, alternating their sides and sizes. Once they are strung, you will need to secure the fence. To do this, metal posts made of the same pipe are installed at the corners of the fence, which are sunk into the ground.

In order not to use a welding machine during installation of the fence, it is enough to cut threads at the ends of the pipe and, using an angle tee, assemble the fence junction unit. Some people prefer to provide additional rigidity to the fence structure by pouring a small base of concrete and immersing the lower part of the frame into it. Once the fence is assembled, the frames can be painted in one or more colors.

Advice! If there are a large number of old bicycles that cannot be restored as a whole, then there is no need to disassemble them into frames for collection. They can be mounted entirely as a fence. An example of such a fence is in the photo.

Embroidered shirt on mesh

Many people have a chain-link fence installed at their dacha, which separates the area from its neighbors or serves as the main fence. Such a fence can be made unique for the entire village. To do this, you can place embroidery on the fence. It is done according to the principle of regular cross stitch. You can use waste knitting threads as material. They can be easily replaced using plastic or cellophane bags. You can definitely find them lying around in abundance. Just cut them into small strips and you're done. You can place any design on the fence. To do this, the photo file must be uploaded to a service (for example, this, which will break it down into colors and squares. After this, you can begin to realize your masterpiece. One of the options can be seen in the photo below.

Wooden fencing

Wooden fence is one of classic solutions fences for summer cottage. The boards are given various shapes so as not to be like your neighbors. This type of fence requires constant maintenance. The fact is that wood is very sensitive to moisture and pests, so the fence must be periodically painted and treated with antiseptic compounds. Here are some non-standard and beautiful options hedges that are suitable to make.

Logs in the form of pencils

If you cleared your site of old trees or prepared firewood, then some logs can be used for a fence. Unnecessary boards are also suitable for a fence. They will not need to be processed in any special way. All that is required for such a fence is to remove the bark and sharpen one of the ends of the log or board. There is no need to equalize their sizes. If they are scattered throughout the fence, they will look more interesting. A special effect would be to paint them in different colors. To fix the fence on the site, it will be enough to dig a little into a few main logs that will bigger size. They need to be placed evenly so that they hold the entire fence. After this, two transverse strips are nailed with inside hedges

Stump fence

This fence will be an excellent decorative fence for the site. It requires virtually no investment. For such a fence, it will be enough to cut round timber of the same length. For example, they can be laid on cement mortar, as shown in the photo below. The solution itself for such purposes is made only from cement and sand. The ratio should be 3 parts to 1 for such a fence. Additionally, the fence will need a good foundation. It is modeled after a shallow strip foundation. A trench is dug under the fence to a depth of 50 cm. A 15 cm layer of coarse sand is placed on the bottom. It compacts well. Next, a layer of fine crushed stone of the same height is placed. After this, the formwork is placed and poured concrete mortar. After two weeks you can install a fence on it. The fence logs are laid in a checkerboard pattern, held together with mortar.

Note! In the photo below you can see another option for implementing such a fence. It is assembled not from whole logs, but from small cuts of round timber. The basis for such a fence can be an old wooden fence or several buried logs.

Plastic is in use

The invention of polymer compounds and their derivatives has greatly simplified life and introduced new types of materials. But in some cases, plastic has only made matters worse, supplying landfills with tons of waste that will take hundreds of years to be digested by bacteria. If you decide to rationally use what others consider garbage, then from plastic products You can implement an excellent option for a fence. You can use bottles and old pipes.

Water bottles

Such goodness can be found both at home and among neighbors. It is easy to make various household items from PET bottles. There are several options for fences that can be assembled quite quickly from this material. The main operations that will have to be done are to soak the bottles that will be used for the fence in water to remove the label from them. It is also advisable to wash them from the inside so that no stains or other inclusions remain on the walls. The lids should not be thrown away. The hedge may collect rainwater and lose its appearance. The air inside the containers will give them good rigidity.

One of the options for implementing such a fence can be seen in the photo below. You will need to sort the bottles by color and shape. Several posts are placed along the perimeter where the fence will be located. They can be wooden or metal. The latter are not simply dug into the ground, but are fixed with a solution, following the example of what was described for a wooden fence. The bottoms of the bottles are cut off, except for those that will be located in the fence closer to the ground. The bottom needs to be cut to the same height, because it will still be useful. If the caps are no longer needed for any projects, then they can be left on the fence, if needed, then they remain only on the top row of bottles.

Depending on the height of the fence, the number of bottles is calculated. You can start from the fact that the height of the bottle is 25-30 cm. For a fence 1.8 meters high, you need to stretch at least four rows of wire between the posts. A bottle is strung on a wire. After this, two bottoms are installed. They are located with the cut part facing the bottle. Their purpose is to ensure the same distance between adjacent bottles so that the design looks more harmonious. Between the bottles that are strung on the fence wire, another one without a bottom is installed. Subsequently, a fence is formed with partitions made of bottles.

Note! Securing the bottles for collection can be a little easier. To do this, they are located not vertically, but horizontally. They are simply strung on a wire, like beads. You can clearly see such a fence in the photo below.

If you want to build a more reliable fence from plastic bottles, you will have to tinker a little. Each individual container will need to be filled with sand or clay. It is important to compact the material inside well. To fasten the bottles together, you will need to prepare a solution of sand, cement and clay. The ratio of sand and cement is as given above for a wooden fence, and six parts of clay are needed. The bottles in the fence are additionally tied at the necks with wire. The elements are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Additionally, the surface can be plastered to create a monolithic fence.

Advice! From plastic bottles you can build an excellent fence for a flower bed. Special effort no need to apply. It is enough to cut off the neck and cap of the bottle and simply sink it into the ground so that the bottom rises 5 cm.

Plastic pipes

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly used for the installation of heating and water supply systems. But some people prefer to replace them with cross-linked polyethylene pipes. It’s not worth throwing away what remains, because you can build an excellent fence from them for a plot or flower bed. All you need for this is the ability to work with a soldering iron for plastic. Implementation options and forms can be very different. Using your imagination and various fittings, you can build a fence following the example shown in the photo.

glass fence

Building your own glass fence using double glazing would be great and expensive. But there is free stuff, which is perfect for these purposes is a glass bottle. Before installing the fence, you will need to carry out the same preparation as in the case of plastic bottle. They can easily be soaked in an old bathtub outside. There is no need to compact earth or sand inside, since the bottle should retain its transparency. There are two main ways to implement this type of fence:

  • monolithic wall;
  • screen made of bottles.

To make a fence in the form of a screen, you will additionally need metal rods or wire, as well as a corner and pipes for posts. The first step is to install the columns that will act as supports. The distance between them will depend on the specific project. They can simply be dug into the ground or fixed to concrete mortar. In the latter case, you will need to prepare a mixture of sand, cement and crushed stone in proportions of 3 to 1 to 2. A hole is made 50 cm deep, a fence post is inserted, leveled and filled with the prepared solution.

The next step is using welding machine Metal frames for the fence are made in the form of rectangles or squares. They are attached to the mounted posts. A hole is drilled in the bottoms of the bottles for a rod or wire. The bottles are simply strung onto the base. A wire or metal rod is attached to a metal base. Adjacent “beads” must be placed end to end to achieve the effect of a wall. On a sunny day such a fence will play different colors when passing rays.

Advice! A screen fence can be made not on metal, but on wooden base. For this purpose, frames are made with additional transverse boards. The distance between the boards should be equal to the height of the bottle. Holes with a diameter similar to the neck are drilled in the boards and inverted bottles are inserted into them.

The monolithic version of the fence will require a lot of effort and time, but the result will pleasantly surprise not only you, but also all passers-by. The first step is to sketch out a small drawing of how the bottles will be positioned. In a fence they can be laid simply in rows with interlacing. Looks quite interesting. The bottoms must be laid outwards, and the necks must be left inside the fence so that light can pass through. You can make a fence with a pattern, as seen in the photo below. To do this, you will need to sketch a small sketch of the fence indicating the specific colors of the bottles and their quantity to make it easier to choose.

The first stage of constructing such a fence will be preparing the foundation. It is made according to the same principle as for a log fence. Next, a solution for the fence is prepared and the placement of bottles begins on it. It is worth laying out in even rows so that the solution gradually gains strength and can hold the entire fence wall.

Advice! A fence for flower beds can also be made from glass bottles. To do this, they are embedded upside down in a makeshift border or simply sunk into the ground.

Rubber fence

Rubber not because it stretches, but because it is made from old tires. In general, such scrap materials make excellent flower beds. But if a full-fledged hedge is required, then this is also easy to arrange. You will have to stock up on enough tires. It would be good if they were the same size and also had a similar tread. You can buy them at car scrapyards at a low price. There is no need to build a base for such a fence. It will be enough to level the area for the fence well.

The first row of tires is laid so that the tires are close to each other. They need to be fastened together so that they do not diverge. Soil or sand is poured inside, which will give additional stability to the fence. The next row is laid out to create a checkerboard pattern. That is, the tires should not lie on top of each other, but on the seams. Soil is also poured into the voids. To make the hedge look alive, you can plant various flowers or climbing plants in the ground. Such a fence has a drawback, which is manifested in the height limitation depending on the diameter of the tires. If a fence of great height is required, and the tires are small, then you will need to mount holding posts that will be located inside the tires. An example of such a fence made from improvised means, which was made by hand, can be seen in the photo.


As you can see, for a fence at the dacha or in a country house, you can use any available means, of which there are sufficient quantities. There is also the option of a wicker fence, as well as a hedge. It is quite problematic to describe each option in one article. In general, you shouldn’t limit your flight of fancy. There is always the opportunity to combine various construction and non-construction materials Construction Materials when building a fence.

Any owner of his own plot of land, be it a small cozy dacha or a countryside area for living, wants to fence off his plot with an inexpensive but attractive fence. Often, owners build fences with their own hands that look beautiful and individual, and their performance is excellent.

To build a fence for your dacha with your own hands, it is possible to use any materials, both purchased specifically for this purpose and those that are “at hand”.

The main thing is to decide for what specific purposes the fence is needed (only decorative functions, for zoning or for hiding from prying eyes and protection), what budget is allocated for construction and in what style the fence will be made.

The cost of a fence is affected by the type of material and dimensions of the finished structure. If metal supports, concrete mixtures, stone or tiled elements are used in construction, the facades are blank, and the structure itself is high, then the price of this structure will not be small.

If the structure is based on a foundation belt type, and the panels are translucent, then the work budget will be reduced.

Construction materials

Wood. A large number of photos of a garden fence demonstrate that the most common material is wood. This material is environmentally friendly and safe, easy to process, and the appearance of wood fences fits harmoniously into the surrounding environment of the dacha.

The variety of forms of wood structures allows you to create fences of any design. For construction, elements in the form of logs, planks, beams, planks, etc. are used.

However, it is worth understanding that wooden fencing need periodic processing special compounds and paints that prevent the formation of fungus, mold and rot.

Mesh materials. Fences with mesh fabrics are inexpensive, but they do a good job of protecting against uninvited guests. A chain-link mesh can be used, which is attached to a metal frame by welding. A cheaper option is to stretch the mesh over the posts.

Corrugated mesh is more durable, however, its decorative qualities could be improved. Welded mesh fabrics are practical and have an acceptable appearance.

The best fences are considered stone structures, which are very durable, reliable and outwardly respectable. However, the cost of such a fence is quite high, and without outside help there is no way around this during construction.

Fences made from corrugated sheets are quite high quality. Look good in combination with stone elements, metal, wood. Color palette versatile, light weight, and durable design.

Picket fences have been used for the construction of fences not so long ago, but this material is already loved by many. The fence is translucent and installation is very simple. Thanks to large selection shades it is possible to choose an option that suits your specific gender needs.

Plastic fencing is worthy alternative option traditional materials. By service life PVC structures exceed metal and wood products. It is very easy to work with such panels.

Non-traditional fencing materials

If the priority is to build a fence, which will not cost much, then it is worth thinking about how to make a fence at the dacha from available materials. Among the most common options are the following:

Plastic bottles - fences built from this type of raw material can be considered eternal, since they do not affect the service life weather, neither microorganisms, nor natural disasters. Plastic elements can be attached to a concrete mixture or mounted on a wire.

And from the lower parts of the bottle you can create a whole plastic sheet by attaching the elements together with a stapler. Between the supports, the canvases are connected according to the principle of working with a chain-link mesh.

And if you collect PVC elements from your neighbors and friends, then the cost of purchasing raw materials will be minimal, and in the end you will be able to build a cheap fence, appearance which will decorate the site.

Glass bottle elements are also suitable for constructing a homemade fence. The elements are fixed with cement mortar. You can choose any masonry technique: checkerboard, bottoms inward or outward, it is possible to lay out inscriptions or patterns from bottles, etc.

It is very profitable to use plants as fencing, because it is absolutely environmentally friendly, very beautiful, but also free. In addition, to maintain such a fence, you only need to acquire pruning shears, with which you need to level and shape the crowns of the fence.

For hedges, it is better to choose seedlings that climb well, and plants with thorns will cope with the protection function. Rosehip bushes, bindweed roses, blackberries or sea buckthorn, etc. are suitable for this.

Sculptural elements in combination with climbing branches of grapes or other plants will give the entire area a medieval touch. Large ancient Greek amphoras are used as supporting elements in such hedges, between which seedlings grow in a continuous linen.

You can purchase such amphorae in specialized stores, order production in a workshop, or cast them from concrete composition on one's own.

In addition to the external design of the future fence, you should also decide on the type of gate and its location relative to the entire fencing structure.

Photo of a fence for a summer residence
