Legal dictionary translator. English-Russian, Russian-English legal dictionary

– so we continue the section for specialists. Today's episode will be dedicated to legal English. In this article we have collected textbooks, dictionaries, free professional magazines, etc. to promote your English higher and higher.

A lawyer needs English (full stop). This is undeniable. To work in international companies, and even in Russian company, but with a higher salary. For reading professional literature and foreign regulations, drawing up contracts with foreign counterparties, classes scientific activities and much more.

First of all, a lawyer needs specific vocabulary, which must be developed from four sides: reading, listening, speaking and writing. So we have found for you the highest quality sources of legal terminology.

Let me make a reservation right away: The article is intended for those who already have a good level of basic English. After all, in any case, you first need to master General English - common words and 4 skills.

Contents of the article “English for Lawyers”:

We are looking for professional vocabulary:

Downloading skills:

Legal terms in English: sources of vocabulary

The vocabulary for lawyers is very extensive, at least due to the large number of areas of legal activity (civil and criminal specialization, different types rights, etc.). Thus, dictionaries mainly focus on basic legal vocabulary, while more highly specialized words can already be found in textbooks and English-language materials. But first things first.

1. Legal English: textbooks

The textbooks will help those who have decided to fully master legal English on their own, as they will provide a certain guideline and curriculum.

English for Legal Professionals– an express course from Oxford for those who communicate in English with clients, business partners and colleagues. Great for self-study.

Professional English in Use: Lawtraining course from Cambridge, covering a wide range of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, intellectual property law, and others.

Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law) is a course that is even suitable for preparing for the ILEC exam. Consists of nine units and covers the main areas of international law.

Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law– another full-fledged course that covers everything you need: vocabulary, written legal language, etc.

Test Your Professional English: Law– the book contains more than 60 tests and more than 500 words and expressions needed by a lawyer.

Check Your English Vocabulary for Law– a workbook designed to improve knowledge and understanding of legal terminology. Includes crosswords, puzzles, etc.

Just English. English for lawyers. Basic course– contains a lot of English-language materials, which means you will study the “living” legal language. It will help you master basic concepts, develop skills in text analysis, discussion, etc. The textbook is in Russian, which means it is suitable for those who are not yet ready to study entirely using English-language textbooks.

2. English courses for lawyers: online resources

On the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) you can find a large number of sites with various “activities” for the development of legal English.

Regarding specific terminology:

  • – words on the theme “Justice”;
  • – online dictionary of basic legal vocabulary;
  •, www.attorneygeneral.jus – two more online dictionaries of legal terms in English.

I warn you right away that all the listed dictionaries are explanatory, and not English-Russian (that is, an explanation lexical meaning given in English, these are not legal terms in English with translation). If you have any difficulties understanding, use , which will translate any word in two clicks.

4. Professional literature: magazines, decisions of foreign courts and other materials in English

The best way to expand your vocabulary is to study legal articles in English and “take out” new words from there. Then the word will have a high-quality context, and memorization will become much more effective.

Materials on Lingualeo: English legal articles

Journals, court decisions: texts on legal topics in English

The principle of working with texts and materials on third-party resources can be as convenient as in our library: 1. install ⇒ 2. point at unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for further study.

Another lifehack: to our service to study it in free time through (on the road, queues, etc.)

So, where to find those same English texts for lawyers:


Another tip: look for decisions of foreign courts (for queries like judicial decisions). For example, the following sites provide access to court decisions:

  • Public Library of Law
  • Findlaw
  • Justia
  • Cornell University Law School
  • Law Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
  • The Supreme Court of the United States

Upgrade skills: writing, listening, speaking practice

As you already know, speaking a foreign language includes 4 subskills: reading (you will improve it by studying the resources listed above), listening, writing and speaking. We found separate sites for the last three skills.

1. Letter

This refers to the preparation of legal documentation in English. So, here are your helpers:

  • – tips and templates for writing official requests, appeals, etc.

Our readers have long contacted us with a request to create instructions for studying in English for lawyers. This is not an easy task, but still we have prepared this material for you. It will be useful not only to representatives of this profession: many terms are often used in the news, so it will be easier for you to understand what the announcer is talking about.

To begin with, we would like to address lawyers who are not sure that knowledge of English will be useful in their work. Every year, the process of globalization increasingly influences careers: if previously English was required in literally several specialties, now almost every second employer requires knowledge of English, even if you do not work directly with foreign clients. And if we're talking about about a prestigious international company, then only people with at least an Intermediate level have a chance of getting into the desired position. Of course, only you can decide whether it is worth acquiring new knowledge, but we still advise you to read our article and think about it.

Basic dictionary of legal terms in English

In this part of the article we will provide short dictionary basic legal terms, knowledge of which is difficult for lawyers to do without. To make it easier for you to remember and use these words correctly, we recommend using the dictionary. Enter any term into the search bar and under the translation you will see live examples from legal texts using this word. Write down any sentence and learn the word in context.

Now let's find out what they sound like in English different kinds and areas of law. By the way, the word law means not only law, but also law in the broad sense, as well as a legislative act.

Bankruptcy lawBankruptcy Law
Civil lawCivil law
Company lawLegislation on business companies
Competition lawAntimonopoly law, competition protection
Contract lawContract law
Criminal lawCriminal law
Employment lawLabor legislation
Environmental lawLegal standards for environmental protection
Family lawFamily law
Health lawHealth Law
Immigration lawImmigration Law
Intellectual property lawIntellectual Property Law
International lawInternational law
Military lawMilitary law
Private lawPrivate right
Procedural lawProcedural law
Public lawPublic (public) law
Real property lawReal estate law
Substantive lawSubstantive law
Tax lawTax law

As you can see, there are a lot of types of law, and each of them has its own terms. We would like to give you the most frequently used definitions from different branches of law, using the Absolute Legal English textbook as a basis. Let's try to learn the basic terminology.

Intellectual property law - Intellectual Property Law

A commercial nameTrade, brand name
A licenseLicense
A patentPatent
A reproductionPlay; copy
A trademarkTrademark
Author's rightsCopyright
CopyrightPublishing rights, rights of reprint/production
DisclosureDisclosure, disclosure of information
Industrial propertyIndustrial property (a type of intellectual property)
Infringement /ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/Violation (of rights, law, norms), infringement (of copyright)

Competition law - Antimonopoly law, competition protection

A criminal sanctionCriminal punishment, sanction
A trustTrust (association of similar enterprises)
Anticompetitive practicesUnfair competition practices, monopolistic practices
Antitrust lawAntimonopoly legislation
Business entitiesBusiness entities
Predatory pricingDumping (artificially lowering prices)
Price gougingSpeculation, artificially inflating prices
To dominateDominate, dominate (market)
To restrictRestrict, block

Employment law - Labor legislation

A pensionPension
BenefitsCompensation payments, benefits, allowances (what is paid in addition to the basic salary)
RedundancyDismissal (usually layoff)
SeveranceSeverance pay
TerminationTermination of the contract/agreement
Trade unionTrade union
WorkforcePersonnel, enterprise workers, labor force

Contract law - Contract law

A warrantyProduct warranty providing replacement/repair
Ambiguity /ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti/ of expressionsAmbiguity of terms/wording
An anticipatory breachBreach of a contract before it comes into force
LiabilityFinancial, debt obligations
RepudiationCancellation, termination, unilateral refusal
TermsConditions of a contract)
To dischargeCancel, terminate
To draft a contractConclude an agreement
EnforceableLegally valid, enforceable

Real property law - Rules of real estate law

A landlordLessor, owner of real estate
A tenantTenant
An heir /eə(r)/Heir
EasementEasement (limited right to use land)
EstateProperty, possession
Fee simpleRight of inheritance without restrictions
Fee tailLimited right of inheritance
FreeholdUnconditional ownership of real estate
LeaseholdRented property
Life estateProperty in lifelong ownership
ReversionReverse transfer of rights to the original owner; the right to repurchase mortgaged or alienated real estate for debts

Company law - Law governing the activities of joint stock companies (Corporate law)

BankruptcyBankruptcy, insolvency
ConsentConsent, permission
EnlargementConsolidation (enterprises)
RecessionCrisis, recession
RemunerationFee, payment, remuneration
RepaymentReturn, debt repayment
SustainabilityAbility to stay at the same level for a long time
To contributeContribute
To maintainSupport
To remedyCorrect, eliminate

Well, are you ready to continue? All of the terminology listed above relates to specific areas of law, but there is vocabulary that almost every lawyer needs to know. These words characterize judicial activities, pre-trial proceedings, as well as the results of trials and types of punishments. Interested? Then let's get acquainted with these terms.

A breach /briːtʃ/ /violation /ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ of (the) lawLaw violation
A caseA court case
A complaintStatement of claim, judicial complaint
A contractAgreement, deal
A defenseResponse to the statement of claim, defense in court, argumentation of the accused
A defendantAccused, defendant
A fineFine
A hearingCourt session, case hearing
A judgeJudge
A juryJury
A lawsuitCourt case, legal dispute, civil suit
A legal actionLawsuit, appeal to court, litigation
A litigant /ˈlɪtɪɡənt/Any party to a lawsuit (plaintiff or defendant)
A plaintiffPlaintiff, applicant for the claim
A prosecution attorney / prosecutorProsecutor, prosecutor
A tribunalSpecial Court: Court of Issues labor relations, tribunal, etc.
A verdict /ˈvɜː(r)dɪkt/Verdict, jury decision
An accusation (of)Accusation (of something)
An allegation (of)An allegation (about something) in court (usually unfounded), a statement without evidence of guilt
An injunctionInjunction restraining order
An offenseOffense
A settlementSettlement agreement
CourtCourt (as an abstract concept and venue)
The courtCommon name for jury and judge
DamagesMaterial compensation, compensation for losses
JudgmentThe court's decision
Law enforcement agencyJustice body, law enforcement agency
Legal abuseBreaking the law, abuse of the law
Legal proceedingLegal proceedings, procedural actions
LegislationLegislation, law
TrialHearing, trial, legal proceedings
To accuseBlame
To appealAppeal, protest (verdict)
To finefine
Binding (document, decision)Mandatory (document, decision)
CivilCivil, civil (not criminal, not military)
Judicial /dʒuːˈdɪʃ(ə)l/Judicial, legal
LegalLegal, lawful

Well, knowing words alone is not enough: you need to be able to combine them correctly. Below you will see some expressions that will be useful to remember in their entirety, without parsing them into individual words.

A charge againstAccusation against someone
A heavy/substantial/large fineLarge fine
A minor /ˈmaɪnə(r)/ offenceMinor offense
To accuse falselyFalsely accuse, slander
To accuse someone of something / To accuse someone of doing somethingAccuse someone of something / Accuse someone of doing something
To appear in courtAppear in court
To assert your rightsTo stand for your rights
To be charged with an offense / a crimeBe accused of an offense/crime
To be guilty of...Being guilty of...
To come to trialGet to court (about the case)
To deny/refute /rɪˈfjuːt/ denialDeny/refute a statement, unfounded accusation
To face/get a fineGet a fine
You'll face/get a fine. - You will be fined.
To file a lawsuitFile a claim, initiate a case
To make accusation against / about someoneMaking a statement against/about someone
To make/bring an accusation against someonebring an accusation against someone, accuse someone
To pay a fineTo pay a fine
To preside over a court/caseLead a court hearing
To stand trialTo answer to the court, to appear before the court

Please note that we have provided only the basic terms for each topic as examples. If you want to get more complete knowledge, you need to take one of the special textbooks, which we will talk about at the end of the article, and study from it. And in order to quickly master it and easily understand difficult moments, we recommend contacting . They will help you improve your knowledge significantly.

Criminal law - dictionary of criminal law in English

This area of ​​law is rich in specific terms, so we decided to pay more attention to it than to others. Let's start by learning the names of crimes in English. Complete dictionary You will find the names of criminals who commit illegal acts in the article “Types of crimes in English”. Here we will give some basic terms.

(A) burglary /ˈbɜː(r)ɡləri/Break-in
(A) car/auto theft /θeft/Car theft
(A) murderPremeditated murder
(A) robberyRobbery, theft
An outrageGross violation, atrocity, outrage
Drug traffickingDrug smuggling
HijackingAirplane hijacking
Illegal acts/actionsIllegal actions
Malfeasance /ˌmælˈfiːz(ə)ns/Abuse of position/power
MuggingStreet robbery
SkimmingA crime in which fraudsters read your data bank card while you are using an ATM

Please note: next to some types of crimes we have written in brackets indefinite article a/an. The fact is that these words, depending on the context, can be either countable (used with an article) or uncountable (used without an indefinite article).

Are you planning to become a lawyer and defend clients in court? Or maybe you want to become a prosecutor and fight crime? You must be able to correctly express your thoughts in English, using legal terms. In the table we have collected for you the basic words and phrases that you definitely need to know, and for additional knowledge, refer to the textbook.

A crimeCrime
A victimVictim, victim
A witnessWitness
DisputesDisagreements, disputes
EvidenceEvidence, testimony (uncountable noun, used without article)
Investigation of a crimeInvestigation, investigation (of some crime)
ProsecutionAccusation, criminal prosecution
TestimonyWitness's testimonies
To acquitJustify
To arrestArrest, take into custody
To be in custodyBe in custody (until trial)
To commitTo commit a crime)
To convictConvict, find guilty
To incriminateTo incriminate (a crime), to lay a charge
To plead guilty / To admit guiltPlead guilty
To plead innocentPlead innocence
To prosecuteAccuse, prosecute
CriminalCriminal, criminal
A criminal offenseCriminal offense
Accused courtroom rightsRights of the accused at the trial
Circumstantial evidenceCircumstantial evidence
Conclusive/Incriminating/Hard evidenceIrrefutable facts, convincing evidence
Juvenile /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl/ crimeTeenage delinquency
Crime sceneCrime scene
To arrest someone for somethingArrest someone for something
To arrest someone on charges/suspicion of somethingArrest someone on charges/suspicion of something
To be under arrestBe under arrest
To be under investigationBe under investigation
To bring to responsibility / To bring to accountBring to criminal liability
To collect/gather evidenceCollect evidence, collect testimony
To commit a crime / an offense (against)Commit a crime (against)
To commit a fraudCheat
To convict someone of an offense / a crimeProsecution for an offense
To drop the chargesDrop charges
To escape prosecutionAvoid criminal prosecution
To fight/combat crimeFight crime
To find someone guilty / not guilty of somethingFind someone guilty/not guilty of something
To give evidenceTo testify, to testify
To press/prefer/bring chargesPress charges
To produce evidenceProvide evidence
To release someone without chargeReleased without charge
To solve a crimeSolve the crime

What resources for learning English should lawyers use?

Of course, a lawyer’s vocabulary and knowledge are not limited to the vocabulary we offer. That's why we've found resources for you that you can use to improve your knowledge. We recommend taking one of the textbooks below as a basis; in this case, you will receive a “code of laws” of the English language - a clear program of action to improve your skills. And the sites will help you keep abreast of the latest events in the legal world.

What English language textbooks for lawyers do we recommend using:

  1. “Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law)” by Helen Callanan and Lynda Edwards – used to prepare for the Cambridge ILEC Preparation bar exam.
  2. “Introduction to International Legal English (A course for classroom or self-study use)” by Amy Krois-Lindner and Matt Firth (Cambridge).
  3. “The Lawyer's English Language Coursebook” by Catherine Mason, Rosemary Atkins.
  4. “Career Path: LAW” by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, David J. Smith.
  5. “English for Legal Professionals” by Andrew Frost.
  6. “Legal English: How to understand and master the language of law” by William R. McKay and Helen E. Charlton.

If you feel that vocabulary The basic textbook is not enough, or you want to practice your knowledge with exercises, refer to the following manuals:

  1. “Check Your English Vocabulary for Law” by Rawdon Wyatt.
  2. “Oxford: Dictionary of Law” by Elizabeth A Martin
  3. “Test Your Professional English: Law” by Nick Brieger

In addition to books, online resources will also come to your aid. To begin with, we would like to introduce you to a very useful website from the University of Cambridge, Here you will find an interactive trainer for learning unfamiliar words. All terms are divided into topics - choose the one you need and learn new words, do exercises and play special games to memorize them better.

  1. - An online dictionary with simple explanations of terms.
  2. - a dictionary with basic terms and phrases in PDF format.
  3. - another one modern dictionary legal terms.

Do you prefer to read periodicals in English? Read not the entertainment press, but the professional one. Online newspapers and legal magazines will greatly help you in studying this complex area of ​​​​language and will provide you with all the latest information in this area.

10 educational platforms: where to get knowledge in English."

We have tried to compile for you the most useful and complete guide to learning English for lawyers. If we have not mentioned any resource known to you, write about it in the comments, we will be happy to supplement our article.

And if you want to master English for lawyers quickly and professionally, we invite you to attend, in which you will learn only the vocabulary and grammar you need.

We have compiled a document for you that contains all the words and expressions on this topic. You can download it from the link below.

English-Russian and Russian-English legal dictionary

English-russian and russian-english law dictionary

Edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor K.M. Levitan


The proposed publication combines English-Russian and Russian-English legal dictionaries, filling a long-existing gap in the series of modern educational bilingual special dictionaries. This dictionary is intended primarily for students, graduate students and teachers. law schools, scientists, as well as practicing lawyers and translators.

Unlike existing dictionaries, this dictionary, along with established legal terminology, contains a number of relatively new legal terms, as well as terms with a clarified meaning. Their appearance is due to corresponding changes in the political and legal systems of Russia, English-speaking countries, the international community as a whole and the development of information and communication technologies.

The globalization of society leads to the emergence of many global problems and increased international cooperation (for example, the growth of multinational companies and industrial production, deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet, global warming, crisis phenomena in the world economy and finance, increased population migration, international terrorism, increase in interethnic and social conflicts).

Each individual country is not capable of optimally solving problems of this level, since this is only possible in interaction with other states, non-state and supra-state organizations. Therefore, global society needs global law as a means of organizing and managing it, creating and protecting global legal order.

Globalization as the integration of various legal systems is manifested in the interaction of national and international law, legal systems modern societies, as well as in the creation and expansion of “world” law (see the list of Russian-English abbreviations for the names of international organizations in the appendix).

All these changes lead to the emergence of new and rethinking of existing legal terms, which should replenish the corresponding special dictionaries.

The main criteria for selecting lexical units in this dictionary are the frequency of word use and their affiliation with modern legal discourse.

For example:

e-contract electronic contract;

securitization securitization (transformation of any company assets into liquid form by issuing securities);

anti-money laundering anti-money laundering;

President's envoy presidential representative (in any federal district of Russia).

For an adequate understanding of legal terms, italicized explanations in Russian are given in parentheses. The most common legal Latinisms are included in common list English words marked lat. The list of conventional abbreviations is intended to help users of the dictionary correctly navigate in various communicative situations.

The dictionary was prepared by a team of teachers from the Russian Department, foreign languages and culture of speech of the Ural State Law Academy, which includes: head of the department, doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor K. M. Levitan, senior teachers O. A. Odintsova, S. V. Pavlova, N. V. Sadykova, Associate Professor E. V. Troskler, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M. A. Yugova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.V. Yalaeva.

Prof. K. M. Levitan

About using the dictionary

The dictionary is built on an alphabetical nested system. The terms are arranged in strictly alphabetical order. Terms consisting of defined words and definitions should be searched for defined (leading) words.

Inside the vocabulary nest, the headword, which is part of the set phrases, is replaced by the tilde sign (~). Stable terminological phrases are separated from the headword with a diamond sign (◊). In Russian translation, different parts of speech with the same semantic content are separated by two parallel vertical lines (||). For example: state 1. state||state ◊~ at war belligerent state.

Explanations of terms are in italics in parentheses. The optional part of the term is also given in parentheses.

Synonymous translation options are indicated in square brackets (). To avoid repetition, references to a similar term are provided: cm. or etc.

In translations of words and phrases, the following system of delimiters is used: close meanings are separated by a comma, more distant ones by a semicolon, different meanings– in numbers.


Amer.– USA – USA

English– English – English

military– military law

Ch. arr.– mainly – mainly

etc.– and so on – and so forth

and so on.– and the like – and the like

smb.– somebody – somebody

lat.– Latin – Latin

pl. h.plural– pl – plural

eg– for example – for example

esp.– especially – especially

Pat.– patent – ​​patent

preim.– mainly – mainly

decompositionspoken word– colloquial

rare– rarely – rarely

cm.– look – see

etc.– also – also

church– church law – ecclesiastical

Dictionaries V.A. Radovel ENGLISH-RUSSIAN, RUSSIAN-ENGLISH LEGAL DICTIONARY Rostov-on-Don Phoenix 2010 UDC 34(038)=111=161.1 BBK 81.2Eng-4 KTK 8031 ​​R15 Radovel V.A. P15 English-Russian, Russian-English legal dictionary / V.A. Radovel. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010. - 375, p. - (Dictionaries). ISBN 978-5-222-16911-7 The dictionary contains over 20 thousand words and expressions, 10 thousand in the English-Russian part and over 10 thousand in the Russian-English part. It is intended for lawyers, advocates, teachers, graduate students and students of law schools, as well as for a wide range of readers whose activities are related to issues of law, economics and management. The English-Russian part of the dictionary contains a transcription of the main terminological units and an explanation of its symbols for the Russian-speaking user. UDC 34(038)=111=161.1 ISBN 978-5-222-16911-7 BBK 81.2Eng-4 Radovel V.A., 2010 Design, Phoenix LLC, 2010 Preface The proposed dictionary contains over 20 thousands of words, terms and terminological phrases related to various areas of law, economics and management (10 thousand units in the English-Russian part and over 10 thousand in the Russian-English part). For convenience and speed of use, the dictionary is compiled not according to the traditional alphabetical nested system, which involves labor-intensive work with dictionary entries, but in a strict, linear sequence, which greatly simplifies the translation process. In the English-Russian part of the dictionary, the main vocabulary units are provided with transcription, which allows you to pronounce words correctly. For users who are little familiar with transcription, at the beginning of the English-Russian dictionary, transcription signs are explained using Russian letters or additional interpretation. In compiling this dictionary, various domestic and foreign sources were used, as well as the information capabilities of computer technology. This dictionary will be useful to specialists and researchers of a wide range of profiles, and, above all, lawyers, advocates, teachers, graduate students and students of law schools, as well as a wide range of readers whose activities are related to issues of law and business. ENGLISH-RUSSIAN DICTIONARY English alphabet A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z Phonetic signs. Transcription Vowels J - long “eeee” I - short “i” e - “e” in the words “these”, “six” x - “e” very open R - long back “aaa” O - short, open “o” L - long “oooh” V - short “u” with weak rounding of lips H - long “uuu” without rounding of lips A - weak, unstressed “a” W - long “eeee”, but without “th”, as in in the word “Thekla” q - unclear unstressed sound (e, a) Double-vowels (diphthongs) eI - “ei” OV - “ou” aI - “ai” aV - “ay” Oi - “oi” Iq - “ie” Fq - “ea” Vq - “ue” Triphthongs aVq - “aue” aIq - “ae” Consonants T (voiceless) D (voiced) w - “v” with lips extended (as for “u”) p - “p” aspirated b - “b” f - “f” v - “v” s - “s” z - “z” t - “t” d - “d” n - “n” l - “l” m - “ m" r - non-vibrating sound "p" (tip of the tongue against the palate, where the sound "zh" is pronounced) S - soft "w" tS - hard "ch" Z - soft "zh" DZ - "j" N - posterior palatal “n”, pronounced not by the tip of the tongue, but by the back part of its back h - simple exhalation j - weak “th” k - “k” with aspiration g - “g” When pronouncing these sounds - air passes into the gap between the front edge of the tongue and the upper teeth. These four sounds are pronounced not at the teeth, but at the gums (alveoli) 6 ◆ ABA A abate 1. stop, cancel; 2. cancel; eliminate abatement 1. termination, cancellation, annulment; 2. elimination of abatement of suit termination of proceedings in the case abdicate ["xbdIkeIt] renounce, renounce (the right to a person) abdication renunciation of a position, the right abduct abduct a minor abduction abduct a minor abolish cancel, destroy , abolish abolition ["xbq"lISn] abolition, destruction abridge sentence to reduce the term of punishment abridgement of law body of law absconder a fugitive from justice absconding debtor a debtor hiding from justice absence ["xbsqns] absence, absence absence of crime in the act absence of corpus delicti in an act absolute discharge 1. release of a person from criminal liability; 2. exemption from further serving a sentence absolute law natural right absolute power unlimited power absolute presumption irrefutable presumption absolute total loss complete loss of property absolution ["xbsq"lHSn] 1. justification, forgiveness; 2. exemption from punishment abstract ["xbstrxkt] 1. abstract, summary, summary, brief description; 2. extract (from the protocol) abstract of evidence summary evidence abuse 1. to insult; insult; abuse; 3. mislead abuse of power accept 1. accept; 2. accept (check) acceptance acceptance ["xksqs] 1. access; 2. approach accession 1. entry (into rights); 2. joining (to a contract) accessory 1. accessory ; 2. accomplice in crime accessory contract accessory obligation accessory obligation accident ["xksIdqnt] accident accident insurance accomplice accomplice ADJ ◆ 7 accord agreement; agree account 1. account; report; 2. claim demanding reporting account attached account seized account current current account accountability; reporting accountant defendant accusation ["xkjH"zeISn] accusation accuse accuse; bring charges accused accuser accuser acquire acquired allegiance acquired citizenship; nationality acquired rights recognized rights acquit 1. justify; 2. release from liability acquitance release (from liability); repayment of debt acquitted 1. released from liability; 2. justified act 1. action; act; 2. act; document; 3. law act constituting an offense act-in-Law legal action act of God Force Majeure ; spontaneous force act of grace amnesty Act of hostility hostile act act of indemnity legislative act on exemption from liability for illegal actions committed act of law manifestation of the effect of legal norms regardless of the intention and will of the parties act of sale notarial record of sale action ["xkSn] 1. action; act; 2. claim; 3. lawsuit; 4. prosecution action at law lawsuit action for damages action for damages action for declaration of right claim for recognition of right action for recovery of possession claim for return of possession active ["xktiv] capacity actual damages actual damages actual danger address 1. address; to address; 2. appeal adherence compliance with norms, principles adjective law procedural law adjudge 1. decide (in court; 2. make a decision or sentence adjudged bankrupt a person declared bankrupt by the court adjudgement court decision 8 ◆ ADJ adj urati on [ 1. swearing in; 2. taking an oath adjure 1. swearing in; 2. taking an oath adjust coordinate; regulate adjustment agreement; regulation administer 1. manage; conduct business; 2. apply (rules of law) administer justice administer law 1. apply the rules of law 2. administer justice administer oath take an oath administration of justice administration of justice administrative 1. administrative; administrative; 2. executive administrative exile administrative eviction administrative justice administrative law administrative law administrator 1. administrative official; 2. case manager admiralty proceedings judicial proceedings in maritime cases admissibility admissibility admissibility of evidence admissible admissible; acceptable admission 1. admission; 2. recognition (of fact); 3. bail admit 1. admit; 2. admit (fact); 3. allow; allow admit to bail admittance 1. permit (for import, entry); 2. taking possession admitted law generally recognized norm of right adopt 1. to adopt; 2. adopt (law) adopter adoptive parent adopti on 1. adoption; 2. adoption (of the law) Adoption of Children Act Law on the Adoption of Children adult ["xdAlt] adult, adulterer participant in adultery adultery adultery advance 1. prepaid expense; pay in advance; 2. loan; provide a loan; 3. put forward (proposal, argument) advance payment advance payment adversary the opposing party; enemy advice 1. notice, notice, advice; 2. advice, consultation advice note notification advise 1. notify; notify; 2. advise; advise advise of payment payment advice ALI ◆ 9 advise 1. discussion, consideration; 2. meeting of the court before passing a verdict adviser adviser, consultant advisory advisory, deliberative advisory committee advisory committee advisory opinion advisory opinion advocacy ["xdvqkqsI] defense advocate ["xdvqkeIt] 1. lawyer, defender; protect; 2. assistant; advisor affection pledge affiliate 1. adopt; 2. establish paternity; 3. to join, to be part of affiliation 1. adoption; 2. establishing paternity; 3. accession affirm affirm, confirm affirmance statement, confirmation afford proof present evidence affront public insult; publicly insult; challenge against receipt against receipt age of discretion age from which a person is responsible for his actions age qualification age limit aggravate ["xgrqveIt] aggravate (guilt) aggravated circumstances aggravating circumstances aggregate of sentences total term of punishment (according to several sentences) aggregate term of imprisonment the total term of imprisonment (according to the totality of crimes or punishments) aggression aggression, attack aggressive intent aggressor aggrieve to cause damage aggrieved victim of damage, victim; 2. dissatisfied agrarian law land law agrarian legislation agrarian legislation agrarian property land property agree to agree, to enter into an agreement, to agree, to negotiate agree to bet to make a bet agreement 1. consent; 2. agreement; 3. compliance aid and abet render aiding and abetting alien ["eIljqn] 1. foreigner; 2. foreign alienability ["eIljqnq"bIlItI] alienation alienate ["eIljq"neIt] alienation alienation ["eIljq"neISn] alienation alienation of property under ex- ecution alienation of property- RUSSIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Russian alphabet A a B b C c D d E e F f Z h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p R r S s T t U u F f X x C t H h Sh sh sch q y b E e Yu Yu I 198 ◆ ABS A absolute right absolute interest absolute right of property fee advance payment advance payment adventurer knight of fortune; gentleman of fortune advice note, letter of advice, advice note, note authoritative court decision good authority asset holdings real estate agent real estate agent, realtor purchasing agent buying agent selling agent selling agent collection agency collection agency agrarian legislation agrarian legislation aggressive intention aggresive intent aggressive behavior violent behavior aggressiveness aggressiveness, assaultiveness aggressive aggressive, assaultive aggressive delinquent ag- aggressive delinquent, violent delinquent aggression aggression lawyer defense attorney, public attorney, counsellor, counselor, legal adviser, advocate, attorney-ney, legal profession member, lawyer, man of law, pleader, proctor lawyer of the highest category sergeant of the coif, sergeant, Serjeant-at-law lawyer of the state public lawyer defense lawyer defense counsel lawyer of the executive branch executive lawyer plaintiff's attorney plaintiff's attorney-ney, plaintiff's counsel prosecution lawyer Common- wealth counsel, government counsel, People's counsel, prosecuting counsel defendant's lawyer defense (defendant's, defending) counsel, defense lawyer civil lawyer civil lawyer, civil practice lawyer lawyer for minors juvenile lawyer lawyer for inheritance cases succession lawyer lawyer for appointment ap- pointed (assigned) counsel lawyer for tax matters tax lawyer lawyer by agreement ar- ranged lawyer, obtained counsel, private counsel, retained counsel labor lawyer labor lawyer criminal lawyer criminal lawyer opposing counsel opposing counsel consulting lawyer consulting- ing barrister advocacy advocacy ACC ◆ 199 legal practice lawyer-ing, practice of law, law practice lawyer services advocation lawyer advocatory advocacy advocacy, advocate- ship, the bar, legal profession administrative power ad- ministrative government, ad- ministrative power administrative responsibility administrative respon- sibility administrative justice administrative justice administrative penalty administrative discipline administrative power administrative power administrative investigation, consideration of a case ministerial inquiry administrative for the USSR. Moscow, 1982. - 1087 p. 5. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. 6th ed. - Oxford: Oxford University press, 1996. - 1536 p. 6. The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase & Fable. - London: Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 2003. - 1175 p. 7. Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, Third College Edition. - New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996. - 1576 p. 8. Wheeler M. The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary. Oxford, 2002. - 983 p. 9. Wyld H.C. The Universal Dictionary of the English Language. - London, 2004. - 1342 p. Contents Preface................... ........................................................ .......3 English-Russian dictionary.................................... ........................4 Phonetic signs. Transcription..................... .................5 Russian-English dictionary................................. ....................197 Literature................................. ...................................................376 www Series “Dictionaries” V. A. Radovel ENGLISH-RUSSIAN, RUSSIAN-ENGLISH LEGAL DICTIONARY Executive editor I. Zhilyakov Technical editor L. Bagryantseva Cover A. Vartanov Proofreaders E. Kozhevnikova, O. Ignatovich Submitted 12/20/2009 Signed for publication on 03/05/2010. Format 84 108 1/32. Paper type No. 2. Typeface NewtonС. Offset printing. Conditional oven l. 20.16. Circulation 2500 copies. Order No. Phoenix LLC 344082, Rostov-on-Don, lane. Khalturinsky, 80. Printed from ready-made transparencies at ZAO “Kniga” 344019, Rostov-on-Don, st. Sovetskaya, 57.

The second, revised and expanded edition of the scientific and practical complete English-Russian legal dictionary contains about 60 thousand words and phrases used in the legal field. Along with the general legal vocabulary, the dictionary widely represents modern legal vocabulary from international private and public law, contractual relations, foreign trade, banking, stock exchange and Latin terminology used in legal practice and literature. The publication is intended for students, graduate students, teachers of law and language universities, legal practitioners, employees of foreign policy and foreign economic organizations, scientists, entrepreneurs and a wide range of interested parties.

Ah, first class in Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
a dato lat. With the specified number; from the date of execution of the document.
a fortiori lat. heme more; with all the more reason.
a lege suae dignitatis lat. ist.<по праву его величества*, (формула королевского права на помилование).
a posteriori lat. a posteriori, empirically, from experience.
a potiore lat. based on the overwhelming majority.
a priori lat. 1. a priori, in advance; before experience; 2. a priori; pre-experienced; speculative.
conclusion presumptive conclusion.
ab impossibili lat. due to impossibility.
ab initio lat. from the very beginning, initially.
rule pat. the rule that if a patent is declared invalid, all amounts paid for the license must be returned to the licensee.

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