Shefflera care. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Perfectionists will understand me - the cheflera grows quickly, but something always happens, and it begins to stop at some stage or become distorted. I personally don’t like it when my shefflera turns from a straight plant into some kind of twisted stalk, so I fight with it until my persistent methods defeat the stubbornness of the shefflera.

Trimming the top of the shefflera is already a common thing in monthly care. I try not to repeat pruning often, because the plant weakens a little after it. I often use the tip in the method of cutting Schefflera with apical shoots, which I safely place in water, and then wait for the first roots to be transplanted into a special simple and loose substrate for further development.

I cut the tops large enough, so that after trimming the cheflera it becomes much shorter than it was. I don’t know if it’s right to cut off 20 centimeters from the top at once, but the plant then grows like a wild one. I use this technique when the cheflera begins to slow down in his development. Since the cutting that was cut was adjacent to the main stem of the sheflera plant, a few weeks later a new thin arrow appears in the same cut place, which is already beginning to produce leaves.

You can almost simultaneously trace the tendency of germination of Schefflera cuttings that were cut and new branches from the main stem of the plant from the place from which the cut was made. One day my cheflera actually started to rot. I had to cut everything down to an even line and throw away the entire top. I don’t think it was so fatal for the sheflera, because mine is still alive. Trimming the top is still very nice and effective way, at least for the owner, when the plant no longer fits on the windowsill, and why not the entire distance from floor to ceiling. I don’t advise the chefler to let it grow to such a size, because then it will be a pity to cut it off, you will crumple at first, put it off until tomorrow and admire it. But you need to trim the top, because then the cheflera will slow down its growth and stop making you happy, and this large plant need to go somewhere.

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Transplanting sheflera at home

How does sheflera reproduce?

Schefflera Louisiana home care

What to do if the cheflera turns yellow and drops its leaves?

Is it possible to keep a cheflera at home: signs?

Why does shefflera shed its leaves?

Schefflera is a plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family. Such flowers grow well in the house, and are also characterized by high decorative value and relative unpretentiousness.

Schefflera is a plant that belongs to the Araliaceae family.

A huge number of signs and superstitions are associated with the decorative perennial. Culture can become a flower - a talisman for everyone born under the sign of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. If the leaves fall, it's Bad sign , which can be a harbinger of illness or financial loss.

If the leaves darken or flowers fall off, a large amount has accumulated in the house. negative energy. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether such an indoor flower should be grown at home: for some, such a plant brings happiness, and some gardeners are categorically against such a crop.

Gallery: Schefflera flower (25 photos)

Magical properties of shefflera (video)

Description of types and varieties of shefflera

Representatives of this genus are shrubs, vines and trees, with a height of the above-ground part up to 2.5 m. The foliage is complex, dissected into lobes. With age, the stem part becomes bare, and the foliage remains only at the top. Flowering in paniculate or racemose inflorescences. The most unpretentious variety is the Plant Mix variety.

Schefflera variegated

The most popular variegated forms are represented by the varieties Gerda, Sofia, Trinette and Gold Sarella. Spots on a green background may have a yellowish or white color. They differ in leaf sizes, but all have a very high decorative appeal.

Schefflera palmata

S.digitata is a small bush-like plant that is optimally suited for growing by beginning amateur gardeners. The leaves are represented by several lobes, the number of which can be ten. Foliage elliptical in shape, with very characteristic points at the ends.

Schefflera palmata

Schefflera octophyllum

S.ostorhylla - has leaves in which the number of lobes can vary from five to sixteen. Many gardeners know this variety as the octopus tree. The lobes are oval in shape, on an individual petiole. Young foliage often has sparsely serrated or feathery edges. Flowering occurs in November or early December, after which the plant begins to form fruits.

Schefflera woody (tree-like)

S.arboricol is the most common variety in home floriculture. Characteristic of the tree-like Heptapleurum is appearance, resembling a vine without branches, as well as a significant amount of shoots formed from the root system. The most popular varieties of this variety Variegata with dark green leaves and yellow spots, and Janine with dark green leaves and cream stripes or spots.

Schefflera woody (tree-like)

Schefflera radiata (star-leaved)

S.astinorhylla is an independent species with a height of the above-ground part of just over ten meters. It has a powerful and erect trunk with a thickening at the base. Leaves on long petioles are red-brown in color. The leaf blade is green, glossy, with slightly wavy edges. The inflorescences are represented by red flowers.

Schefflera Nora

S.Nora – indoor variety, which has elegant foliage and is easy to care for. It has very long and narrow leaves of a dark green color with yellow specks. The edges of the leaf plate have smooth teeth. The crown is very lush, well leafed.

Schefflera Nora

Scheffler Custer

S.Castera is a low-growing and fairly compact variety, which is very highly valued by amateur gardeners and is optimally suited for growing in small apartments. It has an attractive appearance and unpretentiousness.

Scheffler Louisiana

S.luiziana is one of the most graceful varieties with very decorative and openwork, leathery and shiny leaves. The leaf blade is variegated, with quite numerous inclusions of white or yellow coloring.

Scheffler Custer

Schefflera Gerda

A tree-like variety with very decorative, luxurious greenery, bright green or yellowish-green leaves. To fully grow and maintain all its external attractiveness, the plant requires a large amount of diffused lighting, therefore The flower pot should be kept on windows with diffused light.

Main types of shefflera (video)

Reproduction of Schefflera

Independently propagate decorative perennials in conditions indoor floriculture possible in several ways. The culture is quite easily propagated not only by layering and cuttings, but also through seed material.

How to properly propagate a plant from cuttings

Cuttings are the most convenient way. It is necessary to select a woody trunk, from which a cutting with at least five leaves is cut using a sharp and clean knife. Before planting, the cuttings are kept for several hours in a solution based on the stimulant “Heteroauxin”. Also very good result dusting the cut on the cutting with fine coal or the preparation “Kornevin” gives. Planting is carried out in small flower pots with drainage holes, filled with nutritious soil substrate. All plantings must be covered with film to ensure comfortable microclimatic conditions.

Schefflera cuttings are the most convenient way

How does a flower propagate by air layering?

This propagation option is more suitable for already experienced amateur gardeners. For this purpose, roots are sprouted on the stem part. The cutting itself is not trimmed, but only slightly cut. The cut area is wrapped in moss and then covered plastic film. Do not allow the cut area to dry out. If you follow the technology, in about one and a half or two months you can get a completely finished shoot with a root system. Such a shoot must be cut off from the parent plant and planted in a separate planting container.

Propagation of indoor shefflera by seeds

Seed propagation of indoor perennials is not carried out too often, since in this case the crop grows for quite a long time. Seed propagation should be done in January or February. Seeds should be pre-treated in a solution based on any phytohormone. Sowing is carried out to a depth of one and a half meters. If the temperature and humidity conditions are observed, as well as regular ventilation, the seedlings grow stably.

Schefflera seed propagation is not carried out too often, since the culture in this case grows for quite a long time

Caring for Schefflera at home

Caring for the plant is not too difficult, but in order to prevent the leaves from falling, as well as maintain an attractive appearance on the long years, it is required not only to form the above-ground part correctly and in a timely manner, but also to follow the cultivation technology. It is important to remember that the culture is poisonous, so care must be taken when caring for it.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

The culture requires a lot of diffused lighting, so it is better to place the flower pot on western or eastern windows. Varieties with green leaves are the least demanding, so they grow well even in partial shade. Variegated varieties need to be provided with more light. tropical plant loves warm and fairly humid air. It will be optimal for growing temperature regime at the level of 16-22oC. It is necessary to completely eliminate drafts and hot air flows from heating devices.

Soil and flower pot

When choosing flower pot preference should be given to stable planting containers with sufficient quantities drainage holes. The soil for cultivation must be fertile and slightly acidic, consisting of 10% medium-grained sifted sand, 20% high-quality humus, 30% leaf soil and 40% turf soil. Also You can purchase ready-made soil for palm trees.

When choosing a flower pot, you should give preference to stable planting containers with a sufficient number of drainage holes

The soil in the flower pot must be constantly moist, but without waterlogging, which can cause rotting of the root system. Clean and settled water is used for irrigation activities, room temperature. IN summer period It is advisable to additionally use the so-called bottom watering. The crop will need fertilizing only during the active growing season, in spring and summer. For feeding, complex or organic fertilizers, which are paid every two weeks.

Forming a flower using pruning

It is best to perform the formation in early spring, using a sharp and well-disinfected knife or garden pruning shears. All old and dead leaves need to be trimmed off., and for splendor, excess shoots are removed.

Shefflera formation is best done in early spring.

How to care for an umbrella tree in winter

IN winter period all care activities consist of providing the plant with an optimal microclimate. Watering should be reduced, but the soil should be moist. Feeding during this period is completely excluded. If necessary, spraying of the aboveground part is carried out.

Under what conditions does the plant bloom?

Typically, flowering umbrella tree in conditions of indoor floriculture, this is a rather rare phenomenon. To achieve flowering, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the regime of watering and fertilizing, and also provide decorative crops with the most comfortable temperature and humidity levels in the room.

About transplanting Schefflera after purchase

It is imperative to replant the purchased plant, since the purchased soil is completely unsuitable for permanent cultivation. To properly transplant a plant, you will need to prepare a nutritious soil substrate and a flower pot.

Ordinary garden soil is not suitable for these purposes. You can use ready-made soil suitable for growing palm trees, or you can make your own planting mixture based on turf and leaf soil, humus and sand. Drainage in the form of expanded clay must be poured into the bottom of the flower pot. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod.

Difficulties in growing

The most common reason loss of decorativeness - improper care of the plant. In this case, the leaves of the perennial often turn yellow, the plant sheds its foliage or buds, dries out or dies completely. In this case, you can save the ornamental crop if you adjust the temperature and humidity, as well as fertilizing and watering.

Marked blanching or yellowing of foliage is usually observed when malnutrition

Why does the flower turn yellow?

Pronounced blanching or yellowing of foliage is usually observed with insufficient nutrition. The problem can be solved by fertilizing with complex fertilizers three times a month or every ten days. Particular attention must be paid to fertilizing in spring and summer, at the stage of active growth of the umbrella tree.

What to do if Schefflera drops leaves

If the leaves have drooped or are falling in large numbers, you need to pay attention to the air temperature in the room. Most often this phenomenon is observed when improper watering, as well as too low or high temperature, and with the negative impact of drafts.

We determine the reasons why Schefflera leaves turn black and curl.

If irrigation measures are too intense, as well as using low-quality or cold water, the root system rots, and the foliage noticeably changes color. The leaf blades become covered with numerous spots, turn black, and as a result the perennial dies. To prevent this phenomenon, be sure to ensure sufficient drainage and often loosen the soil in the flower pot.

How to care for shefflera (video)

Flower diseases and their treatment

To prevent spider mite damage, you need to pay attention to air humidification and periodically spray the crown with settled warm water. Massive damage will require the mandatory use of modern chemical insecticides. Compliance with cultivation rules will help preserve the health and attractiveness of ornamental crops for many years.


(Schefflera) - one of the popular indoor plants. Its highly branched liana-like stems need support. Beautiful, fairly large, palmate leaves consist of 7-16 shiny light green oblanceolate leaves. The edges of young Schefflera leaves may be sparsely serrated. There are also variegated forms of Schefflera with light spots and stripes along the edge of the leaf.

Schefflera is a useful indoor plant; it is believed that it reduces the content of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene in the air by 8-10% and at the same time very easy to care for. She will live with you for many years, the main thing is to look after her properly.

Her growth can only be limited by the space of the room and the height of the ceiling. In room conditions, as the stem grows, the shefflers need to be tied to a support. If you don’t want the shefflera to grow upward, then pinching the shoots will help. In this case, the shefflera will not grow upward, its crown will become dense.


To root Schefflera cuttings, use an earthen mixture of peat, leaf soil, humus and sand (1:1:1:1) or just peat and sand or perlite (1:1). If there is no mini-greenhouse, then to root Schefflera cuttings you can use small pots, 7 cm in diameter, placing them in a plastic bag. The air temperature should not be lower than + 23 o C. In optimal conditions, schefflera cuttings take root within 3-4 weeks. After the cuttings begin to grow, they need to be accustomed to the ambient air within two weeks, opening and ventilating the bag longer and longer every day. After this, they can already be placed in bright light and fertilized. As they grow, the rooted schefflera cuttings are transplanted into slightly larger pots.

Propagating Schefflera by seeds takes much longer, and by air layering is more troublesome.


When the air is too dry, Schefflera is affected by scale insects and spider mites. No illnesses were noted.

Problems of growing shefflera

Image source Flores y Plantas, Phil from NB, Verde Profilo, Felice, bisced

Perhaps still unknown to many, the Schefflera plant is becoming increasingly popular today. Taking into account the fact that previously sheflera was grown exclusively in winter gardens and greenhouses, the chefler was still a novice at home. But after a while, the plant increasingly began to be used as interior decoration in houses, apartments, offices and administrative buildings.

Schefflera, home care

An interesting fact is that sheflera has a cute name among the people - “ umbrella tree To". The plant received this name due to its leaves, which diverge into different sides like an umbrella. In addition, its leaves also resemble children's palms reaching for the light of the sun. Lovers of this indoor flower They appreciate it for the extravagance and elegance of its green crown, its rapid growth and its impressive appearance. As a rule, when good care behind the cheflera, this plant can please with its height of up to 2 meters.

How to properly care for cheflera?

Selecting optimal conditions and temperature conditions

If you don’t want to wonder why the cheflera isn’t growing, you just need to remember a few simple rules. Create such a habitat so that the cheflera flower feels more than comfortable. The best place will become for him window sills windows facing west and east. If this is not possible, it will be enough to place it right next to the window, so that the diffused light falls on the flowerpot. sunlight. It must be remembered that this delicate plant costs avoid drafts. An excellent condition will also be that in your home or office space there are air conditioners. This will give you a chance to make the best temperature the room is 18-22 degrees Celsius and the flower will grow much better and faster. But if there is no air conditioning in the room, you should know that then the flower needs to be additionally watered and sprayed with water.

Lighting, humidity and moderate watering are three important criteria

Correctly chosen lighting Another main rule when caring for cheflera. The best lighting for a plant is intense, but diffused light, because direct sunlight can burn the leaves. For a flower with variegated leaves needs a little more light. But green varieties can also be grown on the north side. IN winter time year, it is better to place the plant in the most illuminated place and, if necessary, use ordinary fluorescent lamps.

Schefflera, home care. Photo

Caring for sheflera includes another significant point - humidity in the room. Spray sheflera at home at least twice a day, and in winter even more often, since the plant needs high humidity air.

Before watering It is recommended to stand the water. Do not overfill the shefflera, otherwise this will cause the leaves of the shefflera to fall off. She categorically does not tolerate frequent and excessive watering, this can lead to the roots starting to rot. Wait until the soil dries from the previous watering, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

Relevant advice: pour expanded clay or wet sand into the tray where the pot with the plant stands. In summer the right decision will wipe its leaves lightly damp cloth or a sponge.

With such careful care for the cheflera, it will delight you with its leaves year after year.

How to transplant a shefflera

Transplanting sheflera at home is a simple matter.

The cheflera flower needs to be replanted only once every 2-3 years. Best Seasons it will be spring or autumn for this process. Transplantation can be done more often only when you see that the plant is capable of very fast growth and reaches a decent height. The choice of pot plays a big role; it is better to let it be large and voluminous, it will give the flower the opportunity for rapid growth. A pot with holes is an ideal choice; this is necessary so that when watering, excess water flows into the pan.

And, of course, do not forget about the composition of the soil. To replant shefflera at home, make a mixture of 3 parts soil (greenhouse or compost soil is good), mixed with 1 part peat and 1.5 parts sand (it is advisable to choose a larger one). It would be good to use a special wooden stick to evenly distribute the substrate throughout the pot. Be sure to provide good and strong drainage for correct height and flower development.

How to defrost a shefflera. The most famous methods.

Today, many experienced gardeners know everything about how to propagate this unpretentious and simple plant. But for beginners in this business, our recommendations will be very helpful. So, the main methods of propagating cheflera at home are as follows:

  • by propagation by cuttings;
  • through seed germination;
  • by propagation by layering.

In addition, it is important to remember that without knowledge of the specifics of caring for a cheflera flower, none of these methods will fully guarantee positive results.

The simplest of them is the propagation of sheflera cuttings. To do this, we recommend using semi-lignified cuttings, which are cut in the spring. Next, root the cuttings in water or take a substrate, for example, add sand (necessarily coarse-grained) to regular soil, follow the proportions 1:1. Before this, the places where the cuttings are cut need to be treated with a special root formation stimulator to make rooting easier.

If you use water for rooting, when the roots appear and develop (fastest in Schefflera, a solid green color; in variegated ones, after 4 weeks), plant the cutting itself in the ground, cover it with a bag, after making a hole for air to enter. But at the same time, do not forget to remove the bag every day 1-2 times, the plant should be ventilated for 20-30 minutes.

When rooting in the substrate, the bag should be put on immediately and ventilated according to the same scheme. Do not over-moisten the substrate; it should be kept slightly moist.

Second method- this is the propagation of sheflera through seed germination. Unfortunately, cheflera cannot obtain the fruits of their seeds at home. Therefore, purchased seeds are planted in winter, mainly January-February, but also in March. The soil must be loose, air and moisture permeable. You can use two types of soil mixture that are perfect. We recommend peat with sand or a handful of sand and a liter of soil. The seeds go deeper into the ground about half a centimeter. Next, water, cover with film and place in a place with an acceptable temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius. It is enough to ventilate the flower once a day, while removing the film. The pot where the seeds were sown must have drainage and a hole to drain excess water. When seedlings appear, the plant will require a brighter habitat. Create an air temperature within 15-17 degrees Celsius. When summer comes, do not forget to spray your baby cheflers with warm, not cold, water.

Cheflera propagation will be interesting layering, provided that there is a large version of this flower. When spring comes, cut the trunk of the plant. It is important to wrap the cut area with a layer of green moss, and then cover it with a layer of film. The moss must be wet. After a month, maybe a little later, roots appear and then the stem can be cut off at the bottom of the new roots and planted in soil made from a 1:1 mixture of peat and sand. When the sheflera has new leaves, feel free to replant it in its usual place.

Schefflera, home care. Video

The magnificent ornamental culture Schefflera is tropical evergreen- exotic, cozy and homely and very popular lately. Found in the distant latitudes of Asian, African and American lands, this bright representative of the Araliaceae family with monochromatic lush green or variegated leaves, having the unusual shape of an open, holey umbrella, has firmly entered our homes, creating a warm and lovely atmosphere in them. Therefore, when the leaves of the sheflera fall off, we begin to frantically search for the causes of its disease and ways of treatment. Let's talk about it exotic plant, its requirements and conditions successful growth.

care, types

Named after the German biologist Jacob Scheffler, representatives of the Araliaceae are shrubs, trees and vines reaching up to natural conditions of various lengths (from 1.5 to 40 meters). All of them have characteristic dissected into 4-12 lobes and resemble a palm with outstretched fingers. Schefflera is also called the umbrella tree. In conditions wildlife the plant blooms and bears fruit beautifully, but in quality indoor culture it pleases the eye only with generous, magnificent greenery.

The genus includes up to 200 species. Among them, Schefflera radiata or stellata are used for growing at home. The origin of the plant dictates the conditions of care and maintenance common to all species. Sometimes shefflera sheds its leaves. Let's try to figure out what to do next.

How to care for sheflera: lighting

The most important condition for proper care of cheflera is right choice places with lighting required intensity. The plant should be placed in the brightest place in the room. A window sill facing east or west can be considered successful. The north side is not the best the best option for a plant with variegated foliage. The lack of light will affect the decorativeness of the pattern; it will not be pronounced enough. But on a windowsill facing south, the crop will be uncomfortable and hot. The blinding bright sun can significantly damage the plant, leaving burns on the leaves.

She loves Scheffler (a holey umbrella) high level illumination, but does not accept direct sunlight. In a room facing south, the container with the plant must be placed on a stand near the window so that there is enough light, but the sun's rays do not fall on it. A location far from the window, for example, in the back of the room, can have a bad effect on the development of the plant - in this case, the leaves of the sheflera often fall off. The reasons may also lie in poor lighting.

Spraying and watering

Second important factor Success in growing crops is compliance with the watering regime. It is carried out regularly, but in moderation. It is necessary that the soil in the pot is constantly slightly moist. Drying out the earthen coma is undesirable, but the sheflera can withstand short-term drought, and the plant’s reaction to excess water is unpredictable. It is only known that periodic waterlogging can destroy the crop.

Spraying is very favorable for sheflera. On hot days and when the air in the apartment is dry, light “shower” procedures should be carried out twice a day. Soft water is preferable for spraying. Its use does not leave white streaks on the leaves. To avoid dust deposits on the leaves of the shefflera, you need to periodically wipe the foliage with a damp sponge or give the plant a real shower. Culture loves high humidity and responds with gratitude to placing containers with plants on a layer of wet expanded clay.

In winter, the growth rate and metabolic processes of the shefflera slow down, and watering also decreases, especially when the temperature in the room drops. With stable thermometer readings at any time of the year, spraying in winter continues with the same intensity as in summer.

Room temperature

Sheflera prefers moderate conditions - +17-22C°. But also ordinary ones room conditions are quite suitable for ensuring a favorable microclimate - daily spraying and preventing the plant from overheating.

Sheflera transplant

As the plant grows, the need for replanting arises. Like most indoor plants, sheflera requires increasing the area of ​​the container: once a year for a young flower, and subsequently, in adulthood, once every few years.

Correct selection of soil is also extremely important: it must be water- and breathable, so that in case of waterlogging, stagnation of water does not form and problems arise. Negative consequences. Gardening stores offer universal soil for indoor plants, which is quite suitable for planting schefflera. The bottom of the container must be covered with a thick layer of any drainage material.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the sheflera has many enemies who make her life much more difficult. These are aphids, scale insects. A successful method of combating them is spraying the plant with a soap solution. This measure is also good for preventive purposes. If pest damage has already occurred, then spraying should be carried out daily, leaving the insects not the slightest chance of survival. At large area defeat this may not help. In this case, there is nothing left to do but turn to industrial insecticides, the choice of which is quite wide in flower shops.

Sometimes shefflera sheds its leaves. What to do? The plant can get sick from improper care, and the loss of foliage will be its consequence. Or other changes will occur to the flower. For example, on back side small pimples form on the leaves. This is how dropsy appears, caused by waterlogging of the plant. The same reason can cause the appearance of brown spots, significantly spoiling the appearance of the cheflera and reducing its decorative effect. The situation can be corrected by reducing watering.

But the main problem that most plant owners face is the shedding of leaves. Let's try to understand the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

Schefflera sheds leaves: what to do?

Failure to comply with any of the listed conditions for keeping the plant may cause leaf shedding. For example, when sharp fluctuations room temperature, unusually low or high thermometer readings. How to save the cheflera? When the foliage darkens and falls, you should pay attention to the trunk. If it is alive, then you can save the flower by transplanting it. Dry branches are cut off, the sections are treated with an antiseptic, and the plant is transplanted into a new container by transfer, without disturbing root system.

Loss of leaves and rotting of roots is caused by excessive watering. It is especially dangerous at low temperatures. In such cases, the shefflera sheds its leaves. What to do? The plant is successfully revived by removing all the rotten roots, washing them and keeping them in the Epin solution for a couple of hours. Then the root system is treated with a fungicide and the plant is transplanted into new soil. The leaves are also sprayed with Epin solution, and the plant is packed in polyethylene for 2-3 days for disinfection. It is necessary to periodically remove the covering for ventilation. After restoring the shefflers, you need to adjust the watering, carrying it out only if the earthen clod dries out.

Insufficient air humidity can cause leaves to turn black and fall off. It can be easily eliminated. It is recommended to spray the plant several times a week and keep it as far as possible from heating devices.

Drafts have a detrimental effect on the chefler. The leaves dry out and become brittle. Indoors, you should choose a place that is not exposed to air currents and place a pot with a plant there.

The appearance of brown spots on leaves may be a consequence of insufficient soil aeration. The soil in which sheflera grows must be breathable. It is necessary to check for drainage.

So, whatever the reasons for the falling leaves, they all need to be eliminated. It is important to pay attention to the plant more often: its appearance shows what kind of problems have arisen. Simple measures can quickly restore the health and decorative appearance of a plant called Sheflera care, if carried out correctly, will protect the crop from diseases, and the owner from unnecessary worries.
