Test on the topic of pronouns as a part of speech. Test work on the Russian language "pronoun". What category of pronouns includes one word

Test for 6th grade on the topic “Pronoun”

Option 1

1. In which row are all words pronouns?

1) first, everyone, with him, near us 3) with someone, any, other, second

2) mine, with someone, with him, any 4) she has, some, several, names

2. Indicate the error in determining the case of pronouns.

1) with him - instrumental case 3) with each - dative case

2) about us - prepositional case 4) with someone - instrumental case

3. Indicate a phraseological unit that contains a pronoun.

1) manna from heaven 3) control yourself

2) Procrustean bed 4) notch on the nose

4. Write down the pronouns, indicate the category.

Cheerful, smart, different, friendly, first, everyone, anyone, do it, some, expressive, everyone, decisive, with them, someone, stranger, nothing, what, white, gloomy, thoughtful, some, any .

5. Indicate your personal pronoun.

1) some, 2) yourself, 3) them, 4) another

6. Which example does not contain a grammatical error?

1) took from her, 2) about him, 3) with them, 4) about her

7. Indicate the reflexive pronoun.

1) by them, 2) with him, 3) by themselves, 4) by someone

8. Which pronoun is indefinite?

1) with me, 2) how many, 3) some, 4) who

9. In what case is a pronoun written together?

1) (not) which, 2) someone, 3) someone 4) something

Option 2

1. Which phraseological unit includes a personal pronoun?

1) jack of all trades 3) some into the forest, some for firewood

2) on your mind 4) they only saw him

2. Which example contains a grammatical error?

1) sad for you, 2) misses you, 3) misses you, 4) thanks to you

3. Determine where the initial form of the pronoun is indicated correctly.

1) about him - you, 2) about her - she, 3) with him - you, 4) with us - they

4. Indicate a pronoun that is not reflexive.

1) for yourself, 2) for yourself, 3) with them, 4) about yourself

5. Indicate the error in the definition of case.

1) by whom - T. p., 2) by what - V. p., 3) about what - P. p., 4) to whom - D. p.

6. Write a sentence with a relative pronoun

1) Who won the last football match?

2) What we dream about now will certainly come true.

3) Who told you about this?

4) What is the weather forecast for today?

7. Which pronoun is not indefinite?

1) someone, 2) something, 3) someone 4) which

8. In what case is a pronoun written with a hyphen?

1) someone, 2) someone, 3) (not) someone, 4) someone

9. Indicate a negative pronoun.

1) someone, 2) no one, 3) some, 4) some

Test on the topic “Pronoun”. 6th grade

Option 3

1. Which statement is false? Reflexive pronoun

1) indicates the one they are talking about 3) varies according to gender and number

2) does not have a nominative case 4) is an object in a sentence

2. Indicate the error in the definition of case.

1) with them - TV. p. 2) about her - Pr. p. 3) for them - D. p. 4) for them - Pr. P.

3. Indicate personal pronouns.

1. A hedgehog lived in our house; he was tame. 2. When they stroked him, he pressed the thorns to his back and became completely soft. 3. For this we nicknamed him Fluff.

4. In what case is a pronoun written separately?

1) (someone), 2) something, 3) someone, 4) some

5. Indicate negative pronouns.

1) This film did not make any impression on me. 2) The participants in the game were not afraid of any obstacles. 3) Petya decided not to leave his post until the city itself. 4) There was no point in thinking about any acquaintance. 5) You should not tell anyone about this incident. 6) No one responded to our knock. 7) I don’t know anyone here. 8) Everything here was familiar to us, we were not surprised at anything.

6. Indicate the possessive pronoun.

1) some, 2) someone, 3) ours, 4) with us

7. Find the demonstrative pronoun.

1) no one, 2) some, 3) this, 4) ours

8. Find an error in the characterization of the morphological features of pronouns.

1) (above) me - pronoun, initial form - I, personal, 1st person, TV. case, units number.

2) (about) her - pronoun, initial form - she, personal, 3rd person, Pr. case, units number, female Genus.

3) them - pronoun, initial form - they, personal, 2nd person, TV. case, plural number.

4) us - pronoun, initial form - we, personal, TV. case, plural number.

9. Indicate the attributive pronoun.

1) yours, 2) this, 3) others, 4) some

Test on the topic “Pronoun”. 6th grade

Option 4

1. Write down all personal pronouns.

(1) At this time the duck surfaced not far from Jack. (2) The dog swam towards her, but as soon as he approached, the duck dived again. (3) Jack is behind her.

(4) A second later he again appeared on the surface, holding the caught duck, and swam to the shore. (5) We rushed to him to take the spoils from him. (6) But Jack looked angrily at us and handed the duck directly to daddy’s hands.

(7) The shot slightly caught the duck’s wing, and therefore it could not fly away. (8) We brought the bird home and put a basin of water in the corner of the barn for it. (9) Soon the duck recovered and became completely tame.

2. Write out from the text (see task No. 1) a pronoun that is not personal.

3. Which sentences of the text (see assignment No. 1) contain pronouns in the dative case?

4. Find the error in the definition of case.

1) by this - T. p., 2) about this - P. p., 3) this - V. p., 4) of this - T. p.

5. Which phraseological unit does not include a reflexive pronoun?

1) live by your own mind, 2) judge by yourself, 3) on your own mind, 4) lose your temper

6. Indicate the interrogative pronoun.

1) someone, 2) with them, 3) another, 4) who

7. Indicate a pronoun that is not possessive.

1) mine, 2) yours, 3) about yours, 4) each

8. Which pronoun is not demonstrative?

1) that, 2) this, 3) that, 4) yours

1) each - each, 2) everyone - all, 3) different - different, 4) about another - different

Test on the topic “Pronoun”. 6th grade

Option 5

1. Indicate reflexive pronouns.

1) I usually began to study any region, as if I was choosing a place where I could put my house. 2) Unbeknownst to me, I got used to reading and took books with pleasure. 3) He told unusually little about himself. 4) One day my father took me fishing with him. 5) I read to myself as usual. 6) Dumas’s heroes inspired the desire to give oneself to some important, great cause.

2. Indicate interrogative pronouns.

3) Who said that there are no miracles in the world? 6) What will you please me with?

3. Which statement is incorrect? Relative pronouns

1) these are the pronouns who, what, which, whose, what, which, how many

2) are used without a question to connect simple sentences as part of complex ones

3) can be different members of sentences

4) change by gender, number and case

4. Provide a pronoun that is not negative.

1) nothing, 2) about no one, 3) about nothing, 4) something

5. In what case is the case determined incorrectly?

1) to yours - T. p., 2) to yours - V. p., 3) about ours - P. p., 4) yours - V. p.

6. Which phraseological unit includes a demonstrative pronoun?

1) by some miracle, 3) not without it,

2) withdraw into yourself, 4) nothing like that

7. Which pronoun is not attributive?

1) others, 2) about anyone, 3) yourself, 4) your own

8. Find the error in determining the rank of the pronoun.

1) such - demonstrative, 3) some - indefinite

2) by yourself - returnable, 4) by yourself - returnable

9. Determine where the initial form of the pronoun is indicated incorrectly.

1) with us - we, 2) from anyone - who, 3) by anyone - anyone, 4) yourself - by yourself

Test on the topic “Pronoun”. 6th grade

Option 6

1. Indicate the error in the definition of case.

1) by yourself - T.p., 2) to yourself - D.p., 3) about yourself - V.p., 4) with yourself - T.p.

2. State the relative pronoun.

1) them, 2) someone, 3) theirs, 4) what

3. Determine which statement is false. Negative pronouns

1) are formed from interrogatives using the prefixes not- and ni-.

2) express the absence of something: an object, a sign, a quantity.

3) change according to cases.

4) the prefix ni- in negative pronouns is always stressed.

4. Determine where the initial form of the pronoun is indicated correctly.

1) yours - yours, 2) hers (bag) - she, 3) ours - ours, 4) yours - yours

5. Find the error in determining the rank of the pronoun.

1) such - demonstrative, 3) own - reflexive,

2) someone - indefinite, 4) nothing - negative

6. Find demonstrative pronouns.

Nothing, himself, himself, this, such, some, any, ours, with them, about this, such, with us, by someone, by that, this, so much, by something, everyone, about him, by those, anyhow.

7. Which pronoun is not declined?

1) this, 2) something, 3) another, 4) someone

8. Identify words that are not pronouns.

About nothing, which, they, theirs, other, somewhere, nothing, to us, to all, to some, to her, nowhere, most, to him, that, whose, to himself, not at all, all, this, his.

9. Write down the pronouns that are written with a hyphen.

Something (something), something (with) something, someone (either), with someone (someone), some (about) someone, some (at) someone, some (with) someone, some (at) some.

Test on the topic “Pronoun”. 6th grade

Option 7

1. Identify relative pronouns.

1) The hunter went to the river in which the cubs were swimming.

2) We went into the forest, where a lot has changed in the spring.

3) I don’t know what to do now.

4) If you knew how many birds flew to our region!

5) Find out who is on duty today.

6) I can tell whose nest is hanging like a wicker basket.

2. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

1) their house, 2) took it from her, 3) her notebook, 4) below me

3. Find the error in determining the rank of the pronoun.

1) so much - demonstrative, 3) every - attributive,

to someone - indefinite, 4) this - determinative

4. Find the extra word

Some, how much, anyone, someday, anything, some, how much, some, someone's, any, something, somehow.

5. Indicate in which sentences the letter and is missing?

        N...no one responded. 2) I will not tolerate untruth in... anyone. 3) Once upon a time there lived a rootless, lonely man, far from the city, in the wilderness. 4) And there's nothing to be surprised about. 5) Don't despise anyone's advice.

6. Which pronoun changes according to gender and number?

1) yourself, 2) someone, 3) such, 4) something

7. Which of the indicated features of a pronoun is constant?

1) case, 2) category, 3) number, 4) gender

8. In which pronoun is the stress indicated incorrectly?

1) nothing ’ , 2) no one’ , 3) ​​no one’ , 4) herself’

9. Write down the attributive pronouns.

Anyone, that, we, ourselves, with someone, how much, himself, no one, yours, in what, how much, which, you, them, whom, yours, no one, no one, not with anyone, nothing, nor before what



1. Indicate the 1st person pronouns.

3) he, she, it, they

2. What pronouns refer to the 2nd person?

3) he, she, it, they

3. Choose 3rd person pronouns.

1) I 2) he 3) you 4) she 5) we 6) it 7) they 8) you

4. Personal pronouns are used instead of...

1) noun;

2) adjective name.

5. Personal pronouns...

1) name objects;

2) point to objects.

6. Personal pronouns answer questions...

1) who? What?

2) which one? which? which? which?

7. Which person pronouns you you?

1) First person.

2) Second person.

3) Third party.

8. The student states that pronounsme, wesecond person. Is he right?

1) Yes. 2) No.

9. Determine the case of pronouns: with me, with us, with you, with you.

1) Nominative case.

2) Genitive case.

3) Dative case.

4) Prepositional case.

10. Indicate the case of pronouns: to him, to her, to them.

1) Nominative case.

2) Genitive case.

3) Dative case.

4) Prepositional case.

11. The student decided that pronounswith me, in front of you, behind you, in front of himare in the accusative case. Is he right?

1) Yes. 2) No.

12. In what case are the pronouns from exercise 12?

1) In the instrumental case.

2) In the prepositional case.

13. Which is correct?

1) a) at her b) at her

2) a) to him b) to him

3) a) in their room b) in their room

4) a) their friends b) their friends

14. Guess the riddles. Find the pronouns in each of them. What kind of face are they?

1) I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots.

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... .

a) 1l. b) 3 l. c) 2 l.

2) There are dense lumps on the branches.

Sticky leaves lie dormant in them.

a) 1l. b) 3 l. c) 2 l.

3) The more you take from it,

The bigger it gets.

a) 1l. b) 3 l. c) 2 l.

4) You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... .

a) 1 l. b) 3 l. c) 2 l,

15. Find pronouns in the lines of poetry. Show their face.

1) He is busy all day,

Can't rest for two minutes:

Then he smears the desk with chalk,

He’s sitting there, tearing up papers!

(A. Barto)

a) 1 l. b) 2 l. c) 3 l.

2) ...You are blacker than a chimney sweep,

Admire yourself:

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot under your nose...

(K. Chukovsky)

a) 1l. b) 2 l. c) 3 l.

3) My aunt sent me

Cookies, Candy, Mittens, Scarf

And warm regards.

(O. Driz)

a) 1 l. b) 2 l. c) 3 l.

16. How many personal pronouns are there in the text?

The white-breasted bird did not pay any attention to me. I wanted to take a closer look at her. But as soon as I took a few steps towards her, she threw herself headfirst into the hole. For one moment I still saw how she quickly moved her wings, as if flying in water. Then she disappeared under the ice. (V. Bianchi)

Check yourself!

1.1; 2.2; 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7; 4.1; 5.2; 6.1; 7.2; 8.2; 9.2; 10.3; 11.2; 12.1; 13.1-b, 13.2 - b, 13.3 - a, 13.4 - b; 14. 1 - a, boletus; 14.2 - b, kidneys; 14.3 - b, pit; 14.4 - in, sun; 15.1 -c, 15.2 - b, 15.3 -a, 16.4.

Verification thematic test in the Russian language “Pronoun” for 6th grade students.

Target : test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students on the topic “Pronoun”.

Instructions for assignments.

The work is performed on printed test sheets, where you must indicate your last name, first name, and class.

45 minutes are allotted to complete the thematic test in the Russian language “Pronoun”.

The test consists of tasks of 3 difficulty levels: A (basic), B (difficult), C (increased complexity).

Level A includes 12 tasks in which you choose one of 4 answer options. Circle the correct answer. If you made a mistake, cross it out and circle the new task number.

Level B consists of 4 tasks. Formulate the answers to these tasks yourself; there are no possible answers. If you make a mistake, cross out the incorrect answer and write the correct answer next to it.

Level C includes 1 creative task (essay-reasoning). Write your essay on the test form.

We wish you success!

Level A.

Circle the number of the correct answer.

A1. A pronoun is a part of speech that...

1) denotes objects, characteristics and quantity;

2) denotes objects and signs;

3) indicates objects, characteristics and quantities;

4) denotes a person, objects and signs.

A2. Determine the rank of the pronoun is yours:

1) personal;

2) index;

3) possessive;

4) returnable.

A3. Find the line where all the pronouns are personal:

1) to you, by yourself, by this;

2) for me, for you, for them;

3) yours, me, mine;

4) they, everyone, you.

A4. Determine the rank of the pronoun nobody's:

1) negative;

2) uncertain;

3) personal;

4) possessive.

A5. Find the line where all the pronouns are indefinite:

1) someone, no one, someone;

2) something, someone, anyone;

3) nothing, any, someone;

4) someone, no one, someone's.

A6. Determine the rank of the pronoun by yourself:

1) definitive;

2) personal;

3) returnable;

4) relative.

A7. Find the line where all pronouns are relative:

1) who, these, are;

2) what, what, who;

3) you, someone, what;

4) this, yours, which one.

A8. Determine the rank of the pronoun every:

1) returnable;

2) definitive;

3) personal;

4) possessive.

A9. Find the line where all pronouns are demonstrative:

1) you, this one, those;
2) yours, those, by you;

3) such, that, this;

4) this, his, hers.

A10. Which pronouns can be written with a hyphen:

1) negative;

2) uncertain;

3) personal;

4) possessive.

A11. When it is written NOT in negative and indefinite pronouns:

1) always;

2) under stress;

3) never;

4) without accent.

A12. Find the line where all pronouns are written with a hyphen:

1) some (someone), some, some (whom);

2) not (who); anything, no one's;

3) something, something, someone’s;

4) something (something), not (that), someone (that).

Level B.

Write your answer after each question, using commas if necessary.

IN 1. When the pronoun YOU is it written with a capital letter?

AT 2. Determine the rank of the pronoun HIS :

His book was lying on the table.

AT 3. Under what condition SOMETHING, NOT, NOR Are pronouns written separately?

AT 4. When are indefinite pronouns written with a hyphen?

Level C.

Write a short essay-reasoning (6-8 sentences), using pronouns of different categories. Indicate the category above the pronouns.

Assessment system for the Russian language test in 6th grade.

Level A.

For completing level A tasks, 1 point is awarded.

For completing level A tasks you can get 12 points.

Right answers.

Job number














Level B.

For the correct answer to Level B tasks, 1 point is awarded.

For completing level B tasks you can get 4 points.

Right answers.

Job number


IN 1

As a form of polite address to one person.

AT 2


AT 3

If there is an excuse.

AT 4

If there is a prefix something and suffixes: -that, -either, -anything.

Level C.

The answer to task C (essay-reasoning) is assessed according to the following criteria.

For completing level C tasks you can get 9 points.


Number of points

1. Disclosure of the topic.


2.Presence of arguments.


3. Semantic integrity and verbal coherence of the text.


4. Compositional harmony of the essay.


5.Spelling standards.

0 errors -1

1 error or more - o

6. Punctuation norms.

0 errors -1

1 error or more - o

7.Grammar rules.

0 errors -1

1 error or more - o

8.Speech norms.

0 errors -1

1 error or more - o

9. Factual errors.

0 errors -1

1 error or more - o

Number of points





Pronoun (test)

Option 1.

    Find matches.

a) mine, yours, ours, yours; 1) identifying places.;

b) something, something, something, 2) negative places.;

about someone;

c) any, other, different, himself; 3) possessive places.;

d) no one, no one, no one, 4) unspecified places.

no one has.

    Which word in each row is not a pronoun? Write these words down.

a) she, ours, both, most, this;

b) so much, all, there, himself, that;

c) as if, everyone, different, those, some.

    Find a sentence in which the word TO is a pronoun.

a) Sometimes the sun was shining, sometimes it was raining.

b) It was the same building.

c) If it starts to rain, we will have to leave.

I, you, he, we, you.

b ) has no nominative case.

myself, all, myself, other, me.

V ) is used to connect simple sentences as part of a complex.

The one, himself, who, no one, no one's.

5. In which sentence is the personal pronoun used as a possessive?

a) We immediately saw him in the square.

b) We saw his house right away.

c) No one wanted to see him again.

d) We won’t forget him for a long time.

    Find the mistake in determining the categories of pronouns.

a) all – attributive; d) any – relative;

b) my – possessive; e) yourself – returnable.

c) about him – personal;

    Determine the category of the highlighted pronouns.

a) Some anxiety showed through her eyes and movements.

b) Other We didn’t expect an answer from her.

    Find a row in which all pronouns are written with a hyphen.

a) (some) something, (nor) anyone, (none) whose, what (that);

b) (something), that (either), someone, (nor) (c) whose;

c) (some) to whom, in what (either), which (either), (something) which;

d) (nor) who, (nor) which, (nor) (with) whom, (nor) (at) whom.

    Find a row in which all the words are written together.

a) (neither) anyone, (nor) anything, (not) what, (not) what;

b) (nor) by whom, (nor) (with) whom, (nor) (c) what, (nor) any;

c) (nor) how much; (not) which, (not) how many, (not) (at) whom.

    Indicate in which column all pronouns are written separately.

a) (nor) (to) whom; b) (someone) (c) whom; c) (something) (in) something;

(nor) (about) com; (someone) who; (someone) (to) whom;

(nor) (with) what; (not with anything; (nor) (about) what;

(none) whose; (some; (not) (at) whom.

11. Find sentences in which pronouns are written with the prefix NI.

1) W...what didn’t she say to him in response. 2) There was nothing left around except the boats abandoned by the fishermen. 3) N...who were silent and listened with attention. 4) N... who to ask if you yourself are to blame. 5) We didn’t hear anyone’s voices there. 6) I didn’t have anyone to turn to. 7) He didn’t engage in any kind of craft.

Pronoun (test)

Option 2.

    Find matches.

a) this, so much, such, that; 1) identifying places.;

b) who, whose, which, what; 2) index places.;

c) other, each, all, most; 3) relative places.;

d) something, something, several, 4) unspecified places.


    Which word in each row is a pronoun? Write these words down.

a) also, also, only, any;

b) there, small, how much, somewhere;

c) general, yourself, there, exactly.

    Find a sentence in which the word TO is not a pronoun.

a) Mushroom caps appear here and there.

b) That event remained in our memory forever.

c) What we saw was unforgettable.

    Indicate which pronoun...

a) varies by gender, number and case:

I, you, that, we, you.

b ) changes only by cases.

someone's, mine, no one, me, another.

V ) does not change by case.

that, such, such, this.

5. In which sentence is the personal pronoun used as a possessive?

a) Nobody knew him there.

b) At that moment they called him.

c) His paintings were always very unusual.

d) What should we call him now?

6. Find the mistake in determining the categories of pronouns.

a) nothing - negative; d) no one - negative;

b) other – possessive; e) someone’s indefinite.

c) we are personal;

7. Determine the category of the highlighted pronouns.

A ) Something We had to learn something interesting at this meeting.

b) It was difficult for us to complete such exercise.

8. Find a row in which all pronouns are written with a hyphen.

a) whose (someone’s), (not) how much, (something) (with) whom, what (that);

b) some (that), (something), whose (someone), in something;

c) (nor) (about) anything, what (either), (nor) (with) whom, (not) which;

d) someone (or), some (any), than (that), (with) whom.

    Find a row in which all words are written separately.

a) (neither) (about) what, (nor) (with) whom, (not) (at) whom, (nor) (in) whom;

b) (not) (at) someone, (at) someone (that), (with) someone (that), (nor) anyone;

c) (not) who, (some) (at) whom, (some) (with) whom, (some) who.

    Indicate in which column all pronouns are written together.

a) (something) (c) than; b) something (or) ; c) (not) what;

(nor) (about) com; (someone) who; (nobody;

(some) what; what (either); (some;

something); (someone); (nor) anyone's.

11. Find sentences in which pronouns are written with the prefix NOT.

    There's nothing to be surprised about here. 2. W...won’t surprise him. 3. N... who should not ask this. 4. I should be afraid of...no one and nothing. 5. We need to separate for some time. 6. There are a lot of people, but no one to work. 7. He wasn’t at all surprised.

Answers to tests on the topic “PRONOUN”.

Option 1 Option 2.

    a – 3; 1. a – 2;

b – 4; b – 3;

in 1; in 1;

g – 2; g – 4.

2. both; there; as if. 2. any, how many, yourself

3. b 3. a

4. a - OH 4. a - TOT


in - WHICH in - IS

5. B 5. C

6. G 6. B

7. A– adv. 7. A – undefined

B – defined. B – decree.

8. B 8. B

9. A 9. A

10.V 10.V

11. 1; 2; 5; 7. 11. 4; 5; 6;
