Steroids: what are they? Pharmacology Symptoms and signs

Many athletes choose a cycle using “chemistry”. So, it’s time to find out which steroids are safer and more effective. The rating of the best drugs is in this article.

The best steroids for mass gain

Have you decided to build an ideal body with the help of “chemistry” in training? Then you will be interested to know which steroids are the best, most in demand and popular. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to understand the huge range of drugs on offer and choose exactly the one that will give the expected result without harming your health.

Anabolic steroid Deca Durabolin

Deca-durabolin (other names - Nandrolone, Retabolil) is the undoubted leader among anabolic steroids in many respects. This is both high efficiency and relative safety. In addition, do not forget about low androgenic activity and a slight rollback phenomenon. The list would not be complete without adding the absence of aromatization and low toxicity.

This remedy can be used solo or in ensemble with other drugs. Quite often, this anabolic steroid causes erectile dysfunction during use: the whole point is a decrease in dihydrotestosterone during the course of use of the drug via a feedback mechanism.

This injectable steroid helps to quickly grow muscle mass. The results are simply amazing: in just three months you can gain from thirteen to eighteen kilograms of muscle mass. So bodybuilders are happy to take this miracle drug.

This drug is an excellent pain reliever. In addition, it is capable of healing injured joints to some extent. This steroid is almost non-toxic. When you have achieved impressive results in gaining muscle mass, this steroid maintains the achieved results. Side effects include bloating and water retention.

Anabolic steroid Dianabol

Danabol (other names - Methandienone, Nianabol, Methandrostenolone, Naposim) is the most famous and effective steroid among all similar oral drugs. It has not left the first positions in various steroid popularity ratings for about half a century.

With the help of this product it is possible to achieve unprecedented results in muscle mass gain. The same applies to strength indicators. Although there is one “but” - after a course of this remedy there is an impressive rollback. In addition, Danabol retains water, aromatizes and has androgenic side effects. But still, bodybuilders prefer this remedy to many others because of its high effectiveness in increasing muscle mass and increasing strength.

You shouldn’t listen too much to criticism, because you need to try this drug yourself, which is really effective. Its toxicity is quite moderate, by the way. When choosing a steroid course with this drug, the optimal combination would be Deca and testosterone.

Anabolic steroid Turinabol

This steroid ranks third among the best drugs for building muscle mass. In terms of parameters, it is very similar to Methandienone, only even purer. The drug does not aromatize and practically does not retain water. And the rollback phenomenon is small. Therefore, the quality of the muscle mass gained is excellent.

True, due to the lack of aromatization and the effect of a water accumulator, weight gain is worse than when taking traditional methane. That is why this drug takes third place, not second.

The effect of the drug is quite long - about sixteen hours. This is an excellent indicator for an oral product.

During the course of the drug, estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia, are excluded. In excessive dosages, this drug is toxic to such an important organ as the liver. Therefore, it is best to use combined courses rather than solo ones.

Anabolic steroid Sustanon 250

The component of this steroid is testosterone enanthate. With the help of this drug it is possible to achieve impressive success in increasing muscle strength and mass. Due to the fact that Sustanon is an androgenic anabolic, it has negative properties and side effects.

Thus, the drug strongly aromatizes, retains water and inhibits the hormonal system. With excessive doses, even chemical “castration” is possible. The pullback phenomenon is quite strong.

The drug is unique in that individual esters are absorbed at different rates. Therefore, injections of this drug are done less frequently compared to other steroids.

For impressive strength indicators in a steroid cycle, it is best to use Sustanon in combination with other anabolic steroids. Due to the long-lasting effect of the drug, injections can be given once a week.

Anabolic steroid Testosterone enanthate (cypionate)

With the help of this ester you can achieve unprecedented results in gaining muscle mass. Although, due to the fact that it is an androgen, there are also undesirable aspects - side effects and a significant setback after the cycle.

This anabolic steroid is included in almost all courses and complexes in bodybuilding. It is effective not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for working on relief. Impressive results can be achieved in the fight against excess weight. But here, in each case, an individual approach and the choice of a specific type of drug are needed. So, enanthate and cypionate are best suited for gaining muscle mass, and propionate would be more appropriate as a fat burner.

Testosterone plays an important role in any steroid cycle - no matter whether it is short or long, combined. Depending on your goal, you just need to use it differently.

Anabolic steroid Anadrol

Anadrol is one of the most powerful steroids when it comes to increasing mass and strength. Few drugs can compare with it in this. Although there are pronounced side effects here - hormonal imbalances, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, liver damage.

But in general, such reactions are possible only in case of overdose, so it is necessary to consult a specialist about the duration of the cycle and dosages. Your trainer will prescribe the training schedule; don’t forget to consult with him too.

With excessive dosages, the drug can lead to myocardial hypertrophy. In addition, after the cycle there is a powerful pullback.

Anabolic steroid Trenbolone

This is the strongest anabolic steroid, which is four times stronger than Deca-Durabolin in terms of its effect on muscle growth. But, unfortunately, the side effects of Trenbolone are also impressive. This is, for example, increased androgenic activity, resulting in increased aromatization of the steroid.

This drug is the best steroid that increases insulin-like growth factor. As a result, the sensitivity of the receptors increases. The same goes for anabolic activity. The Trenbolone course should not exceed 8–10 weeks, and it is important to rest for at least twenty days.

Be sure to consult a doctor, because this is a steroid with significant side effects. This means that only a specialist will be able to select the correct dosage and prescribe the duration of the cycle. And don’t forget to talk to your trainer about choosing the ideal training regimen while taking this steroid.

Anabolic steroid Equipoise

With an anabolic steroid like Equipoise, you will gain weight quickly. Conventionally, this is an injectable form of methandienone, although the action is radically different from the prototype. The product has little aromatization, and with its help it is possible to quickly build muscle mass.

In addition, this drug perfectly increases appetite and is an excellent stimulator of protein synthesis in muscle tissue. It slightly retains water and allows you to maintain the mass that was gained during the course, even after its completion. The injectable steroid is not toxic to the liver, it improves blood composition.

The best steroids for cutting

  • Anavar. We can say with confidence that this is the safest anabolic steroid. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a drug with a mild anabolic effect. It has fairly low toxicity. The same applies to the androgenic effect. This product is successfully used as a fat burner in a cycle for drying and relief.

    In addition, it is an excellent filler in a cycle for increasing muscle mass and increasing strength. Anavar is extremely popular among bodybuilders and powerlifters. The low-toxic steroid has virtually no effect on the production of endogenous testosterone.

  • Trenbolone. This is an excellent fat burner. It is used not only in courses for mass, but also for drying. This drug is able to increase the level of insulin-like growth factor, which is why it is used to burn fat.
  • Masteron. An anabolic steroid is taken in order to achieve muscle relief. Here there is a pronounced androgenic effect, and, therefore, corresponding side reactions. Thanks to the course with Masteron, it is possible to achieve muscle hardness - it's all about the diuretic effect.
  • Winstrol. A steroid such as Winstrol (Stanozol), which is in demand among athletes, is used during cutting. It is toxic to the liver, so you should consult your doctor about dosages during the course. The tablet form is less effective and more toxic. It is better to pay attention to injections of this drug. With Winstrol you can significantly increase your strength. The same applies to venous detailing.

– regular intake of steroid hormones, which are derivatives of the natural hormone testosterone. Widely distributed among athletes, especially professional ones. It often occurs in people involved in bodybuilding (including at the amateur level). Anabolic steroids stimulate muscle growth and increase muscle strength. With constant use, they negatively affect the liver and endocrine system. There are studies confirming the development of psychological dependence on anabolic steroids.

General information

Abuse of anabolic steroids is a common problem among athletes. Anabolic steroids are used in almost all sports; there is evidence that in the Olympic sports, only figure skating and women's field hockey remain “clean” from anabolic steroids. Since 1974, anabolic steroids have been included in the list of sports dopings, which has reduced their use. Drugs in this group are very popular among bodybuilding fans; they often start using them almost from the first visit to the gym.

Many patients are under 16 years of age at the time of their first appointment. An early age of onset of use increases the likelihood of developing various complications. First, using hormones before adulthood can cause serious harm to the endocrine system and other organs. Secondly, teenagers are impatient, they need “everything at once,” which leads to taking prohibitively high doses. At the same time, anabolic steroids pose a danger not only to adolescents, but also to adults. Drugs in this group are not psychoactive substances, however, due to the development of addiction, this problem is paid attention not only by endocrinologists and sports doctors, but also by specialists in the field of psychiatry and narcology.

Anabolic steroid

Anabolic steroids are a group of drugs made from testosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone. It affects the development of male genital organs and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth, including the appearance of facial hair, the formation of a noticeable Adam's apple, baldness, a small amount of fat, a male body type with a narrow pelvis and broad shoulders). All of these effects are called androgenic effects. In addition, testosterone has an anabolic effect, slowing nitrogen excretion and stimulating protein synthesis in muscles.

In clinical practice, anabolic steroids in men are used for delayed puberty, insufficiency of the gonads due to testicular hypoplasia or their removal (for example, due to malignancy). In women, small doses of anabolic steroids are used for fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis and some postmenopausal disorders. In addition, drugs of this group are prescribed to patients of both sexes for treatment after severe injuries, major operations, extensive burns, chronic infections, etc.

The most common anabolic steroids are retabolil, phenobolin, silabolin, methylandrostenediol and methandrostenolone. Slang names - feed or AC. All of the listed drugs are synthesized on the basis of testosterone, but testosterone itself is not used for medicinal or non-medical purposes due to its very rapid destruction during metabolic processes. The increased effect of testosterone derivatives results in more pronounced side effects. The drugs not only activate muscle growth, but also increase aggressiveness, increase libido, and cause retention of potassium, sodium, phosphates, sulfates and water in the body. In addition, synthetic anabolic steroids affect the testes, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, inhibiting the production of endogenous hormones and disrupting (sometimes irreversibly) hormonal balance.

Distribution and reasons for taking anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids became popular among athletes in the 50s of the last century. At first, only male weightlifters took the drugs, then other athletes, including women, joined them. Uncontrolled reception continued until 1964. Then the use of hormones gradually began to be limited, and in 1974 they were officially included in the list of doping agents. Nevertheless, anabolic steroids continue to be used, often in amateur sports, where there are no such strict tests and restrictions. Drugs in this group are especially popular among bodybuilding fans. Testosterone derivatives are bought in gyms (including in the form of dietary supplements), prescribed via the Internet, etc.

Steroids are taken orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly. Oral medications have a more pronounced destructive effect on the liver. They are eliminated from the body faster, so athletes choose them during preparation for competitions, so that they can then safely pass doping control. Solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration have less effect on liver cells, but when they are taken, the risk of infection through an unsterile syringe increases. Phlebitis, abscesses and other complications are possible.

For the first time, anabolic steroids are used, as a rule, in adolescence. The incentive to take the drug is the example of peers, the impatience inherent in age and the desire to gain an athletic, attractive body as quickly as possible. In groups of people involved in bodybuilding, the “philosophy” of taking anabolic steroids may be widespread as a prerequisite for a good effect from exercise. Young people with fragile psyches adopt this “philosophy,” which leads to a sharp increase in the importance of anabolic steroids in their personal worldview. With long-term use, psychological dependence occurs.

The effect of anabolic steroids on the body

Steroids promote rapid growth of muscle mass and increased muscle strength. However, these effects are achieved only with constant, well-organized training. Taking anabolic steroids without physical activity leads to a slight decrease in fat content and slightly activates muscle growth, but these changes are subtle and practically do not affect the appearance. Even during training, to achieve a noticeable effect, doses of drugs are required that are many times higher than the level of natural testosterone in the body. Such gross interference with metabolism results in a number of side effects.

Taking anabolic steroids in adolescence leads to premature cessation of growth. The likelihood of acne increases. Baldness may develop (in both boys and girls). Sometimes alopecia persists even after the drug is discontinued. In adult men, steroids inhibit testosterone production by the testes. Long-term use may result in sterility and reduction in testicular size. Usually these processes are reversible; with the complete abolition of anabolic steroids, the synthesis of natural hormones and sperm production are restored, and sperm acquire the ability to fertilize within about six months. Some men develop irreversible gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

Women often experience hair growth on the face and body; with a long period of use, irreversible enlargement and hardening of the clitoris can occur. Taking anabolic steroids by persons of both sexes entails impaired liver function. With long-term use, steroid toxic hepatitis develops, which can result in liver cirrhosis and progressive liver failure. The likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus increases. The skin becomes oilier and becomes more likely to become infected. Possible hair loss on the head.

Steroids negatively affect the immune system, leading to a decrease in the level of globulins in the blood. The patient's body becomes more susceptible to infections, frequent colds occur, often with complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis). More often, accidental wounds and abrasions fester. The heart enlarges when taking anabolic steroids, but the growth of the heart muscle outstrips the growth of blood vessels. Foci of necrosis occur in the thickness of muscle tissue that does not receive enough nutrients. Cases of sudden death due to a heart attack have been described.

Taking anabolic steroids provokes an increase in collagen levels and a decrease in elastin levels in the vascular wall. Vessels become less elastic. Cholesterol levels increase. All of the above increases the risk of developing vascular complications. Connective tissue “lags behind” muscle tissue in growth, which entails a high level of injury. Patients who regularly use anabolic steroids are more likely to experience ligament and tendon ruptures.

Steroids do not directly damage brain cells, but they do affect the patient's behavior in certain ways. Pronounced mood swings are possible - from joy to apathy and despondency. An increase in the level of aggression, a tendency to argue, and outbursts of irritability are often observed. Often there is a desire for violence or risky behavior. Some patients develop depressive disorders and steroid psychoses.

Withdrawal syndrome when using anabolic steroids has not yet been sufficiently studied. It has been found that discontinuation of use is often accompanied by subdepression, depression and thoughts of suicide. There are two phases of withdrawal syndrome. The duration of the first phase is about 1 week. You may experience fever, joint pain (arthralgia), runny nose and other symptoms resembling a cold.

The second phase lasts up to six months. Acute somatovegetative manifestations are not expressed; mood disorders, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, fatigue and self-dissatisfaction prevail. There is a need to take anabolic steroids. Athletes often use anabolic steroids in cycles. To avoid withdrawal syndrome, patients continue to take small doses of the drug even during a break, citing the need to prevent the body from becoming weaned, which supposedly will lead to a decrease in the effects of steroids.

Treatment and prognosis for anabolic steroid abuse

Severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts and the need for steroids when trying to stop taking the drug are reasons to contact a narcologist. Due to the danger of developing depression, the plan for discontinuing anabolic steroids is determined individually for each patient, both one-time and gradual cessation of use is possible. The drugs are discontinued against the background of supportive psychotherapy. usually not required; if necessary, sedatives and antidepressants can be prescribed.

The prognosis for abuse of anabolic steroids depends on the condition of the patient’s body and the level of his motivation. Discontinuation of the drug does not entail significant physical suffering; psychological disorders are usually corrected within six months. Most somatic and endocrine disorders are transient and gradually disappear after drug withdrawal. The greatest danger is liver damage. If toxic hepatitis is present, treatment by a gastroenterologist is necessary. In the absence of motivation, the prognosis worsens and breakdowns occur.

) are substances that stimulate protein synthesis in the body; Their chemical structure is similar to male sex hormones. Anabolic steroids include methandrostenolone (see), (see), nandrolone-phenylpropionate (see). All anabolic steroids have male activity to a greater or lesser extent (androgenic activity). The effect of anabolic steroids is manifested by an improvement in the general condition of patients, an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles, the size and weight of the kidneys, liver and bones, an increase in body weight, and accelerated healing of fractures.

Simultaneously with anabolic steroid drugs, the patient must receive the required amount of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Indications for the prescription of anabolic steroid drugs are: of various origins, slow recovery after operations, infectious diseases or injuries, slow healing of fractures, osteoporosis, growth retardation in children, lack of appetite, etc. The use of anabolic steroid drugs is contraindicated during breastfeeding, acute liver diseases; caution is exercised in case of nephritis, nephrosis, heart disease with edema. Side effects - deepening of the voice, male-pattern hair in women - are associated with the androgenic activity of anabolic steroids and disappear after discontinuation of the drugs.

Anabolic steroid drugs are synthetic derivatives of androgens (see Sex hormones) that have a pronounced anabolic effect, i.e., they enhance the processes of protein assimilation in the body. These include methandrostenolone (see), nandrolone phenylpropionate (see), methylandrostenediol (see).

By stimulating protein synthesis, anabolic steroid drugs make the nitrogen balance positive, lead to an increase in protein content in muscle tissue and some organs, cause weight gain, and promote the deposition of calcium salts in bone tissue. The mechanism of action of anabolic steroid drugs has not yet been clarified, but according to available data, their action is associated with an increase in the activity of certain enzymes involved in protein metabolism. By activating protein synthesis, anabolic steroid drugs resist the catabolic effect of various exogenous and endogenous factors, in particular pathogenic, hormonal, etc., including the catabolic effect of glucocorticoids of the adrenal cortex.

Indications for the therapeutic use of anabolic steroids are varied and are determined by the frequent need in medical practice to stimulate protein synthesis in the patient’s body.

Among the indications, the most important are: cachexia, exhaustion and asthenia of various origins, anorexia, slow recovery after acute infections, surgery and trauma, after major blood loss, delayed healing of bone fractures, senile osteoporosis, various systemic muscle and bone diseases, bedsores, renal failure with azotemia, severe diabetes mellitus complicated by retinopathy, inoperable cases of breast cancer, cystic mastopathy, radiation sickness. In pediatrics, anabolic steroid drugs are prescribed for dystrophy, growth retardation of various origins, and loss of nutrition. The administration of anabolic steroids during treatment with corticosteroid drugs prevents or relieves complications associated with the catabolic effect of the latter. According to some data, the “protective” role of anabolic steroids is also expressed in protecting the adrenal cortex from atrophy during corticoid therapy.

When treating with anabolic steroids, a diet with sufficient protein content is necessary.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, prostate cancer, liver disease with severe insufficiency of function. Side effect can be observed with too long use of anabolic steroids in high doses in the form of an androgenic effect (deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, acne). Cases of holostasis and even damage to liver cells have been described. The changes disappear after stopping treatment. Usual therapeutic doses and intermittent courses of treatment (four weeks at intervals of 4-6 weeks) are not accompanied by side effects.

For those who want to switch to powerful means for gaining weight and don’t yet know where to start, it is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of operation of hormonal drugs, their features, beneficial and negative effects on the body, dosages and methods of use. First you need to understand what steroids are and why these drugs should be used under the strict supervision of specialists and only in cases of real need.

This article is written for informational purposes only for general understanding; we do NOT in any way encourage the use of such drugs. And we recommend achieving your goals in sports with the help of competent construction of the training process, observing proper and complete recovery after exercise.

Steroids are hormonal drugs. But to understand how they work and how to use them, you need to know what hormones are and why they are needed. In short, hormones are substances produced by the glands of the body, without the slightest exaggeration, dictating the body’s pattern of behavior and controlling all life processes.

The first steroids appeared in Germany in the late 30s. These hormonal drugs have been used in medicine to treat metabolic disorders. Already in the fifties, steroids were effective in treating:

  • muscle atrophy;
  • burns;
  • anemia;
  • some forms of cancer;
  • stopped the development of AIDS;
  • recovered after operations;
  • rehabilitated after severe fractures;
  • impotence associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • osteoporosis.

All anabolic hormones, with the exception of a few, such as insulin or growth hormone, are synthetic testosterone. It is testosterone that is called the king of male hormones; it is the main one in the athlete’s arsenal. The main properties of testosterone are:

  • increase in muscle mass;
  • a strong decrease in catabolic processes;
  • participation of the hormone in the development of the genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics at a certain period of life;
  • regulation of spermatogenesis and sexual behavior;
  • distribution and regulation of the amount and structure of subcutaneous adipose tissue, acceleration of its breakdown;
  • exerting a powerful influence on nitrogen and protein metabolic processes.

How do steroids work?

With the exception of Insulin, growth hormone and the drug Oxymetholone, which acts to increase red blood cells and is only indirectly related to the production of sex hormones, all steroids have positive effects on protein-carbohydrate metabolism and absorb all the useful and necessary elements for muscle growth.

A great example of steroids at work is a construction site. Imagine that the human body is a multi-story building under construction. For its construction, building materials (protein, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and others) and builders (hormones) are needed. So, a person who does not use doping is a house under construction with a small group of builders. Due to the fact that there are few of them, the process is slow and it takes a long time to build a floor, even if trucks with building materials keep coming and bringing bricks, four builders are not able to erect a skyscraper in a week. The same thing happens with the athlete’s body.

Now let’s use the same example to imagine an athlete using steroids. There are many more builders at his rack (muscle growth), and the longer the course, the more builders can be driven to the construction site. All that remains is to deliver building materials and there should be a lot of them! This example perfectly shows how hormonal anabolic drugs work.

Side effects

Like all drugs, steroids have a number of side effects:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • excess water accumulation (edema);
  • masculinization;
  • irritability, possibly pronounced aggressive behavior;
  • insomnia;
  • baldness;
  • acne;
  • testicular atrophy;
  • hypercalcemia.

What are anabolic steroids?

Steroids come in tablet (oral) and injectable forms.

The oral form is much more convenient, but is considered more toxic to the body. Because drugs pass through the liver twice. In the first round, metabolites enter the blood, and in the second, they are removed from the body. The processes of decay and elimination are accompanied by a chemical reaction that poisons the body.

Injectable drugs can be administered several times a week or even once if used as synergists in combination. The frequency of injections depends on the composition of the oil ester. After administering the drug intramuscularly, a capsule is created from the drug, which is dosed into the blood. Thus, if the density of the ether is higher, and its composition is multicomponent, dissolution occurs more slowly, which gives a longer effect.

The drugs are distinguished by their androgenic and anabolic powers. There is a scale of androgenic and anabolic activity - strength, which is measured as a percentage, and each drug has a special effect, aimed at anabolic effects or androgenic ones.

For example: Methandienone, its anabolic activity is equal to 200% of testosterone, and androgenic activity is 50% of testosterone, and stanozolol has anabolic activity equal to 320% of testosterone, and androgenic activity is 30% of testosterone. The higher the anabolic activity of the drug, the more effective it is for gaining high-quality muscles, and the higher the androgenic activity, the higher the risk of side effects, one of them is rapid weight gain due to the androgenic effect of water retention.

All drugs are focused on strength, mass, endurance, muscle quality, but depending on their profile, aimed at androgenic or anabolic action, the result depends.

How to take and features of use?

Tablet preparations are taken 10 minutes after meals or before taking a sports supplement. Taken before meals is associated with powerful absorption of nutrients for muscle growth. A course of tablet drugs is taken as a “ladder” or a pyramid (gradually increasing the daily dosage) or as a background, when the dosage does not change throughout the entire intake.

It is important to know the time of elimination of a particular drug from the body, so that the hormonal background created by synthetic hormones does not have any “holes”, that is, it has an even effect. For example, the effect of methandienone does not exceed 6 hours and with a one-time dose the effect on the body completely disappears, while a drug such as stanozolol acts for nine hours.

The use of injectable drugs must be taken seriously.

Firstly, oil injections take a long time to dissolve, and if administered incorrectly, they can lead to an abscess. Injections can only be done intramuscularly. The gluteal muscles, deltoids and quadriceps are great for injections.

Secondly, it is important to insert the needle to its full length and use needles from 5 cc syringes, for ease of administration of the drug; needles from 2 cc are too thin and are completely unsuitable for some esters.

Thirdly, the ampoule needs to be warmed up before administration, this will make the oil more liquid. Unlike oral medications, for which a daily dosage is calculated, injectable medications are calculated for a week or ten days. For example: the weekly dose of testosterone enanthate is 500 mg, which means that this dose is divided into two injections, with an equal period of time between them. Or every five days or every day of the week (Monday, Thursday).

Steroid courses for beginners

The first course should consist of simple drugs, or one drug. Dosages should be minimal and the duration should not exceed 6 weeks.

Examples of simple steroid cycles:

  1. Methandienone. 30 mg per day, course duration 6 weeks. The drug should be divided into three equal doses of 10 mg.

Dosage regimen: 5 days 10 mg in the morning. 5 days 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg in the afternoon. 22 days 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg at lunch and 10 mg in the evening. The remaining twenty days there is a gradual reduction in dosage (5 days - 10 mg in the morning, 10 mg at lunch, and 5 days 10 mg in the morning).

  1. Stanozolol and Nandrolone Decanoate. Stanozolol is taken 20 mg per day, and Nandrolone Decanoate 200 or 250 mg (depending on the manufacturer) with a single injection once a week. The principle of taking Stanozolol is exactly the same as other tablet steroids. Decanoate should be injected once a week.
  2. Masteron and Oxandrolone. The daily dose of Masteron is 30 mg per day, Oxandralone is 400 mg per week, which must be divided into two injections with an equal period of time.

Methandienone course table

Table for the course of Stanozolol and Nandrolone Decanoate

Table for the course of Masteron and Oxandrolone

Masteron/Oxandrolone 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week 6th week
Morning 10 mg. / injection on Monday and Thursday 10 mg. / injection on Monday and Thursday 10 mg. / injection on Monday and Thursday 10 mg. / injection on Monday and Thursday 10 mg. / injection on Monday and Thursday
Day From Saturday 10 mg/ 10 mg/ 10 mg/ 10 mg/ 10 mg/ Until Tuesday inclusive 10 mg./
Evening From Thursday 10 mg. 10 mg. 10 mg. 10 mg. Until Thursday inclusive

Some experienced athletes take stanozolol solo and achieve excellent results, so the steroid courses listed above are just examples or one of the light complexes.

What drugs are additionally used during a steroid cycle?

To support the body during long-term use of steroids, you can take cardiomagnyl to thin the blood, in dosages of 75 mg once a day after meals. You can take asparkam to regulate potassium, magnesium and sodium, 0.5 - 1 tablet three times a day. And also, if side effects associated with increased blood pressure and increased heart rate occur, you need to connect a tandem of Enalapril ½ tablet in the morning and Metoprolol ½ tablet twice a day.

Diet during a steroid cycle

While using steroids, the athlete must increase their protein intake in an amount not lower than three grams per 1 kg of weight. Daily calorie content should be at least 5000 kcal. Multiple meals should be followed, with certain restrictions if they are necessary due to the athlete’s special constitution.

Between meals and before bed, you should take protein or carbohydrate shakes.

It is very important to monitor the amount of salt consumed, as well as foods containing bad cholesterol, such foods can retain water and thicken the blood, which is a very dangerous effect, since steroids increase hemoglobin.

Is course therapy necessary after the first year?

Usually, after the first course of steroids, no additional means are required to restore your own hormonal levels, since the dosages and duration of taking hormonal drugs are small. If an athlete is counting on a second course of doping, then it makes sense to use any hepatoprotective agent other than Carsil due to its phytoestrogenic effects.

Anabolic steroidthese are pharmacological preparations (artificial analogues) of the male sex hormone TESTOSTERONE and DIGYDROTESTOSTERONE.

By and large, these are male sex hormones that are very natural for the male body. They cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men, i.e. are responsible for sexuality, promote the growth of muscle mass by increasing the synthesis of protein (protein) in the muscles (in other words, this process is called ANABOLISM), which is why these drugs that lead to rapid growth are called ANABOLICS, which is why they are so common in strength sports ( and more).

The effects of anabolic steroids are conventionally divided into two directions:

  • Anabolic activity
  • Androgenic activity

The word ANABOLIC (from Greek) means ANABOLEIN in translation “INCREASE”.

ANDROGENIC from the words “ANDROS” and “GANEIN” in the translation “to become a man” or “to make a man”.

Other names (synonyms for anabolic steroids)

  • AC(this is an abbreviation: Anabolic steroids)
  • AAS(this is an acronym: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids)
  • Pharma(slang in bodybuilding)
  • Chemistry(BB slang)
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Steroids
  • Androgens

Effects of taking anabolic steroids

The effect of taking anabolic steroids is divided into two main categories (directions), this is what we talked about at the beginning of the article:

  • Anabolic effect
  • Androgenic effect

Anabolic effects:

  • Strong gains in muscle mass (about 5-10 kg per month)
  • Increased strength
  • Increased endurance and performance of the body
  • Burning fat (increasing relief, reducing fat deposits)
  • Increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood
  • Strengthening bone tissue
Androgenic effects:
  • Testicular atrophy (this is a condition in which the testicles decrease in size and their function decreases).
  • Prostate hypertrophy (this is a disease that is accompanied by an enlargement of the prostate gland due to the proliferation of its tissues, symptoms : it is difficult to urinate, the time it takes to urinate increases, and in general you often want to pee (both day and night).
  • Virilization. For those who are not in the know, this is the process of manifestation of masculine traits (body type, masculine facial features, hair, well-developed muscles, timbre of voice, etc.) these are properties for both men and women (in the case of taking hormones).
  • Masculinization. For those who are not in the know, this is the process of accumulation of male secondary sexual characteristics in a female individual (for example, the appearance of a large amount of hair on a woman’s body and face, deepening of the voice, increased muscle mass, other secondary male sexual characteristics, acne) , menstrual irregularities, hair loss on the head, as well as hair growth on the body, face, pubis and enlargement of the clitoris, etc.

From this we can understand that in bodybuilding only ANABOILIC EFFECTS are pursued! At the moment, unfortunately, all anabolic steroids have pronounced androgenic effects. But scientists are also developing steroids that have low androgenic and pronounced anabolic effects (perhaps in the future we will see this miracle).
Additional adnogenic effects :

  • APPETITE increases
  • Increases libido
  • Losing the feeling of fear and increasing the feeling of confidence, self-esteem increases.

Side effects from taking anabolic steroids

On the course:

  • Acne (pimples)
  • Irritability, aggression and mood swings
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increase libido(but after the course, as a rule, there is a sharp decline and becomes even lower than before).
  • Fluid retention
  • Increased cholesterol(as a consequence of atherosclerosis)
  • Gynecomastia(only those anabolic steroids that are converted to estrogens).
  • Hepatotoxicity(liver toxicity)
  • Masculinization in women
  • Hair loss(very rarely)

After the course:

  • Libido decreases (what I was talking about falls below the original level)
  • Impotence
  • Infertility
  • Testicular atrophy(if dosages are exceeded, and long courses).
  • By the way, it's getting used to (I would like to repeat the course again)
  • Depression
  • Decreased sperm production

In principle, almost all side effects can be reversed, except for cases where the athlete greatly abuses it (exceeds the dosage, frequency of doses, duration of the course, in general, does not follow the instructions). Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between such concepts as “use” and “abuse”. Of course, if it is abused, there will be serious side effects (and increases the risk of irreversible complications), so if you see it on TV (as the media provides it to you), be sure that this is precisely such a case of abuse. Because if a person follows the instructions, then in 95% he will not have any complications.

Dealing with side effects or how to prevent side effects from occurring?
  1. Steroids are not recommended for people under 22-25 years of age
  2. Women should not take anabolic steroids at all.
  3. Do not exceed recommended dosages
  4. The duration of the course cannot be increased
  5. You cannot combine drugs if this is not provided for in the course.
  6. Be sure to carry out a course of PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy - this will allow you to reduce or even prevent many side effects.
Anabolics and bodybuilding

AS can be used in BB to increase muscle mass and strength. And also in order to preserve muscle mass during drying, working on relief, as well as AC contribute to training productivity (because endurance and strength increase). If your goal is to gain muscle mass and strength, then it is also important for you to adhere to:

  • Optionally use:

Best regards, administrator.
