DIY snow removal equipment. How and from what to make a snow scraper with your own hands? DIY snow removal device

Even though the world is experiencing global warming, winters remain very harsh and snowy in most parts of our country.

It is the latter factor that constantly makes it difficult not only to move road transport, but even ordinary pedestrians. In many ways, this issue is more relevant for citizens who have country houses or dachas, because there they have to clear the snow themselves, and not rely on public utilities.

Of course, some people can afford to buy special small snow blowers, but most people cannot afford it. This is why a snow scraper has been and continues to be a very necessary tool.

Criterias of choice

Modern options for snow scrapers can be very diverse. For example, there are manual options and there are mechanical ones. Moreover, the former are much cheaper.

However, all dump models share certain properties:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • They have a high quality handle.

The latter should not slip in the hand and have poor thermal conductivity, which is justified by the need to keep the hands of the person using it warm.

It follows from this that the choice required option snow scraper should be based on these properties.

Expert advice: It is best if the device is made by hand from aluminum.

This is necessary to ensure that the device is lightweight, but at the same time durable. Due to this, the person who uses the scraper will be less tired, and the chance that the device will break is minimal.

Note: In terms of characteristics, purchased scraper devices are not much superior to those models that you can make yourself. Therefore, to clean your yard or sidewalk, it is recommended to make your own scraper.

Shovel shaped

The easiest way is to make an option that looks like a large shovel.

For manufacturing you will need an aluminum sheet whose size will be approximately 30 by 50 cm.

At the same time, it should have a bent side at the top so that it forms a side about 5 cm high.

In addition, for greater functionality, the side sides can be bent in the same way, and the handle can be made from a regular shovel handle.

Wood scraper

To create scrapers with sides made of pine boards, it is necessary to prepare a rail from the same material.

Everyone makes the dimensions of the latter more convenient for themselves. You also need to take a sheet of galvanized iron so that its dimensions are 73 by 70 cm.

This version of the scraper is very simple to make. The sides made from boards need to be attached to the sheet of iron with screws (you can even use self-tapping screws). After this, the rail itself is attached, which will act as a handle.

Experts recommend: You can use a regular shovel handle instead of a slate. In this case, it is desirable that the length and width of the device allow it to be moved freely through doorways and gates in a country house.

Scraper on wheels

Naturally, it is better to use models on wheels. Using a scraper makes snow removal very easy.

To create this version of the device, it is necessary to prepare an aluminum pipe whose diameter is 27 cm.

After this, you need to cut out a sector from it, the size of which will be several centimeters smaller than the semicircle.

The resulting part is used as the blade itself.

The frame can be used from an old baby stroller. You will also need water pipes iron (can be old).

  • first, the cuts necessary to accommodate the wheel axle are made on the pipe, after which it must be welded directly to the blade on the opposite side;
  • applying metal corners, it is necessary to make fasteners for the racks;

Note: When using the device on a concrete or asphalt surface, it is recommended to attach a protective tape to the bottom of the blade. In this case, such a device will not clear the surface of ice.

  • To protect the metal from possible corrosion, it must be painted.

The result will be a very convenient and functional device, which will not scratch the road surface when used.

In more advanced models, you can install a slider on the wheels to make the snow pusher even more convenient to use.

Watch the video in which the master clearly shows how to make a simple and reliable snow scraper yourself:

Ecology of knowledge. Homestead: Let's talk about how to make a regular shovel or scraper for cleaning local area after another snowfall.

Let's talk about how to make a regular shovel or scraper for cleaning the local area after another snowfall. They will definitely come in handy if you live in a private house, because you have to clear the area of ​​snow yourself, without relying on utility services.

Of course, it is very convenient to have your own snowblower on the farm. Snow melting and anti-icing systems also cope well with the problem. However, such devices are not affordable for every homeowner; many are still forced to work with their hands.

How to make a shovel yourself

Let's start with the simplest and available option- plywood snow shovels. All you need:

  • Piece regular plywood“fours” measuring approximately 50 by 50 cm. With a shovel bigger size it will be difficult to work even for an adult and physically to a strong man;
  • A piece of board as long as a piece of plywood, that is, 50 cm for back wall, the end of the working part of the shovel;
  • Ready cutting from an old one garden tools, a wooden strip of suitable length and strength, aluminum pipe- anything that can serve as a convenient handle for a shovel;
  • A strip of galvanized metal, with which we will protect the edge of the plywood and significantly extend the service life of our shovel;
  • Nails. The most common ones. You can also use wood screws or self-tapping screws. And to fasten the handle it is better to take a furniture bolt;
  • The tools you will need are a jigsaw or a wood saw, a hammer or a screwdriver (depending on what type of fastener you use), a tape measure for measurements, pliers to bend a metal strip, a grinder to cut it out, and sandpaper.

First of all, mark the middle on the cut out square of plywood - this is where the handle will be attached. A hole should be cut in the middle of the board for the handle of the shovel. The edges of the plywood and the wooden slats-handle are cleaned sandpaper. At the edge of the holder, a wedge is cut off at an angle so that it fits more tightly to the plywood. If your handle is an aluminum pipe, flatten its end. The galvanized strip needs to be bent along the edge of the plywood. In principle, that's all - you can assemble a shovel using self-tapping screws or nails. To be sure, the handle can be additionally secured with a galvanized strip, which is also attached to the plywood.

If desired, the shovel can be painted. As for purchased options, the simplest snow shovel will cost 250 rubles. And there is no guarantee that it will last long.

Using the same technology, a snow shovel is made from aluminum sheet. In this case, the sheet should be bent at the back so that a side with a height of about five centimeters is obtained. They also make side skirts. Since aluminum is a fairly soft metal, a galvanized strip along the front edge of the work surface is also necessary, as is the case with plywood.

A purchased version of an aluminum snow shovel can cost 400–500 rubles.

A scraper, engine, scraper for snow removal can be the simplest plate from the same light plywood, only in this case experts advise taking the “six”. The leaf dimensions are approximately 1–1.2 m long and 50–60 cm wide. The handle will be not just a handle, but a structure that is attached to the edges of the scraper sheet to make it convenient to work with two hands when removing snow.

The edges of the plywood must be reinforced with metal strips, otherwise the scraper will not last very long. The handle can be welded from metal, and also fastened from three wooden slats. Craftsmen advise using a handle from a scraper as a handle for a scraper. old folding bed- it is round, comfortable, durable, and will attach perfectly to plywood.

A purchased simple version of a scraper or engine for snow removal will cost from 500 to 1200 rubles, depending on the material used and the manufacturer.

The disadvantage of a regular scraper is that it allows you to clear snow from paths and the yard, push it away, but will not help you throw it away, carry it out, or remove it from the territory. In this regard, scrapers in the form of a bucket are much more convenient, where you can load snow and move it outside the site.

It is already more difficult to make such scrapers with your own hands; you will need a sheet of stainless steel, which will have to be bent, and, if necessary, welded to give it the shape of a ladle. It’s not for nothing that such scrapers are often called draggers - they allow you to quickly drag snow out of the yard and operate on the principle of a bulldozer.

Scrapers on wheels or skids are even more convenient. The bucket can be made from half a metal pipe or barrel, and the wheels can be taken, for example, from an old baby stroller. You will have to weld the runners yourself, but they drive on snow very easily. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

In winter, it is important to remove snow immediately while it is still loose. Scattering it with a shovel is unproductive, and it is also impossible to capture a lot of snow at one time. Based on this, many people are thinking about purchasing a scraper. However, in the store these devices are presented in only one size. They may be too big for some and too small for others. If you make your own snow scraper, you can create a device that fits the size.

The structure of snow varies. The tool used should also be different. For example, loose snow requires a large scraper so that you can grab as much snow as possible. For hard snow, you need a more durable tool that can roll on the surface. Wet snow will slide off easier from plastic or metal surface. In addition to scrapers or scrapers, dumps and pushers can also be used.

As a rule, when a scraper is made by hand, it is quite bulky and heavy. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • attach the wheels to the sheet itself;
  • attach them to the handle.

In the first case, you will need two small wheels. Their diameter will depend on the surface from which the snow is being cleared. The smoother the surface, the smaller the wheels you can use. They can also be attached in different ways:

  • each wheel separately;
  • connecting the bridge.

If each wheel already has its own fastening, for example wheels from chairs, it is also more convenient to fasten them one at a time. If they are connected to each other, for example wheels from a traveling bag, then it is easier to attach an additional mount. This can be done, for example, by welding. In both cases, they are attached to the back plate. The wheels must not go beyond work surface, otherwise they will get stuck in the snow. This design allows you not only to clear snow, but also to transport it with a minimum of effort.

However, the design discussed above has one, but very significant, drawback - it is impossible for them to throw snow. This problem can be solved if the handle itself is equipped with wheels.. The advantage of such a device is that you can use large diameter wheels - this will make movement easier. Some models consist of one wheel, but for greater convenience and stability, you can use three or four.

In villages and dachas, a roof scraper has become widely used for cleaning roofs.. It is a metal rectangle. The device is made of light metal, such as duralumin. To prevent the frame from clinging to slate, tiles or other coverings, small wheels are attached to the bottom of it. The handle is assembled from aluminum tubes. The length is chosen so that it can be reached from the ground to the ridge of the roof.

A special feature of this design is the reinforced polyethylene film, which is attached to the bottom of the frame. Its length is calculated from the length of the roof slope. When the scraper is pushed across the roof, it cuts through the snow. Blocks of snow, falling on a slippery belt, are separated from the total mass under the influence of gravity and slide down.

With such a scraper you can work on the roof itself, but not by pushing it, but by pulling it towards you. We must never forget about safety measures. No one should be near the roof while working. If work is done at height, the person must be protected with a safety line. There should be an observer nearby, ready to provide the necessary assistance.

With the onset of winter, the demand for snow removal equipment for the home increases noticeably. Particularly appreciated are removable devices that can be used in conjunction with mini tractors and walk-behind tractors. Some do-it-yourselfers also put up their devices for mechanized snow removal for sale on various sites, exchanges and message boards. Let's talk about how to make a snow blower for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

  • study the design and operating principle of known machines for mechanized snow removal;
  • decide on the type of snow removal attachment for the walk-behind tractor, which you can make yourself;
  • find working drawings or develop them yourself;
  • work out the technology and procedure for performing work;
  • purchase or prepare tools for the manufacture of parts and assemblies;
  • collect materials and components for the future snow blower.

Tools for making your own snow removal equipment

Any work can only be done if you have a tool, so it is advisable to have:

  • electric drill - without it it is impossible to make holes of a given diameter in the right places;
  • riveter - will help create strong permanent connections in sheet material;
  • electric welding machine - required for welding the frame, as well as individual units;
  • angle grinder - will be used for cutting steel workpieces, as well as cleaning welded joints;
  • metal scissors;
  • measuring tool - used to mark and control the parameters of parts, as well as the entire snow blower (usually a caliper, tape measure and ruler are sufficient);
  • hand tools for fixing parts and temporary fasteners - will allow you to perform work efficiently and with minimal costs strength;
  • slipway - even the simplest one, made of wooden blocks, will help simplify the assembly process, design snow blower has a spatial structure that needs to be assembled, fixing individual parts and assemblies in different places.

Types of devices for mechanized snow removal

Mechanical homemade snow blowers are equipped with engines internal combustion. Most often they are mounted (trailer attachments), they are mounted on walk-behind tractors or tractors, including mini tractors. Are different light weight and a simple device.

Based on their operating principle, snow removal machines are divided into:

  • auger-rotor devices having two types of active bodies: an auger or augers that move the snow to the inlet of the rotor, and the rotor itself, which throws the snow in the desired direction;
  • dump grader or bulldozer type - operate on the principle of mechanical movement of snow mass, most often such devices are used on self-propelled equipment;
  • blade shovel, used in conjunction with walk-behind tractors to move snow in a confined space;
  • air-fan units - applicable only on freshly fallen snow, they differ quite small in size and extremely simple device, snow removal occurs due to the created air flow.

The most widespread are auger-rotary snow blowers. They cope well with snow cover different sizes. Sometimes problems arise with compacted snow, so expensive units also have an auxiliary shaft with spikes that destroy compacted snow. In some devices, the augers are equipped with additional removable toothed attachments; they cut through a dense mass of snow.

Features of an air rotary snow blower

The simplest snow blower is based on an air-rotor action. This is usually a box that can be moved on small skis across the snow. There is a rotor inside. The drive to the rotor is carried out from an autonomous engine or from the power take-off shaft of a walk-behind tractor.

The receiving part of the box is designed so that when moving forward, snow flows onto the rotor blades. Next, the mass is thrown out by rotating blades through a pipe located above. Its deflector can be directed in any direction. Therefore, the snow is thrown to the left or to the right, where required in a particular case.

The peculiarity of the device is that, in addition to snow, a fairly powerful air flow is formed. Therefore, a snow-air mixture is formed at the exit, which can fly up to 5-6 m. This is often enough to clear the passages.

The disadvantages of air-ventilated snow blowers include a relatively narrow grip, as well as the impossibility of removing snow in the presence of compacted mass. When clearing passages immediately after snow has fallen, a snow thrower of this type differs quite high performance. Do-it-yourselfers quite often take a similar design as a basis. The main thing is to create high speed rotor rotation.

Blade shovel - the simplest snow blower

In some cases, it is not necessary to have a complex unit consisting of a walk-behind tractor and supports on wheels, equipped with a bulldozer shovel. It is enough to have a mechanical assistant - which will move the mass of snow over a short distance.

A special shovel is attached to the walk-behind tractor, and then only due to the traction force created by the walk-behind tractor, the snowball moves to the side. Using reverse gear shifting, the snow blower moves back. Consecutive movements forward and backward clear the area of ​​snow.

When moving forward, the snow shovel goes down; when moving backward, it is raised up. At low snow cover the efficiency of this working body is quite high.

Snow blower device

Mounted auger rotary snow blower has a metal body with a shaft inside. The shaft has auger blades made of steel sheet complex shape. The shaft is mounted in bearings, which allows it to rotate.

The rotor is visible inside. Above the rotor there is a rotary pipe. It can be turned in any direction. To attach an auger snow blower, there is a hitch, inside of which the power take-off shaft (PTO) of the walk-behind tractor is located.

Torque is transmitted to actuators. When the auger shaft rotates and moves forward, snow is captured by the blades and moves from the periphery to its center. The snow mass, moving along the augers, is destroyed, its structure changes, so it will be easy to throw it to the side.

From the auger picking mechanism, snow flows onto the rotor blades. Here its translational movement is converted into rotational movement. It receives tangential acceleration and is thrown out through the pipe in a given direction: to the right or to the left in the direction of movement of the snow blower. Here the operator directs the deflector so that the removed snow does not interfere with the work.

Buy a hitch and a trailed one for a walk-behind tractor in online stores

Making a rotary auger snow blower for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

For self-made For a mounted homemade auger snow blower (auger rotor), you need to think about the placement of the main elements of the equipment, as well as link the dimensions to the existing walk-behind tractor. Therefore, first of all, a layout diagram of the device is created.

It is important to develop a mechanism for transmitting torque from the power take-off shaft to the actuating elements of the snow blower.

Necessary materials

To make an auger-rotary snow blower, you need to purchase:

  • roofing galvanized sheet, it will be used for the manufacture of auger and rotor housings, as well as a snow ejection pipe with a deflector;
  • an equal-field corner of 40 or 50 mm, it will be used to make the frame;
  • a sheet of steel 2 mm thick, from which the auger and rotor blades will be cut;
  • a profile pipe will be needed to make brackets;
  • bearing housings and the bearings themselves for installing the shaft;
  • a pipe or circle with an outer diameter of 30 millimeters or more will be used as shafts;
  • pulleys, sprockets and other transmission elements;
  • hardware for creating detachable connections.

Making a homemade auger-rotary snow blower

An approximate procedure for manufacturing a mounted auger rotor for snow removal:

  1. Parts of the auger body are cut from roofing sheet. They are bent according to a suitable cylinder. From a rolled corner or profile pipe The frame of the auger body is welded. The body and frame are connected into a single unit.
  2. Screw parts. To do this, segments are cut out of sheet steel, and then blades are formed from them. The auger shaft must be adjusted to fit the installation of bearings, so lathe the surface is machined to fit the size of the supports, as well as transmission elements. The blades are welded to the shaft, forming an auger converging towards the center.

  1. The bearing housings and the bearings themselves are installed. The auger element of the snow blower is being assembled.
  2. The housing of the snow removal rotor is cut out of roofing sheet metal. Using suitable items, the final shaping of the rotor housing is carried out.
  3. Rotor parts. Rotor blades are cut from sheet steel. The rotor shaft is adjusted to accommodate the installation of bearings and transmission elements. The blades are welded to the rotor shaft.
  4. Balancing is necessary, since the rotor rotates at a fairly high speed.
  5. The frame of the rotor housing is welded from a corner or profile pipe. The bearing housings and the bearings themselves are installed. Assembly: the rotor assembly is assembled.
  6. In production homemade frame, on which the rotor and auger assembly will be placed.
  7. The working part of the machine is being assembled. Transmission elements are installed.
  8. Brackets are adjusted to connect the working tool to the walk-behind tractor.
  9. Bench tests are carried out, based on the results of which defects and shortcomings are determined. After eliminating the shortcomings, they begin testing the auger-rotor type snowblower under operating conditions.

All that remains is to use the manufactured rotary snow blower on the walk-behind tractor for its intended purpose.

During the cold season, it often happens that all the roads are covered with snow; it needs to be removed for comfortable movement. Cleaning snow is not the easiest task, it often gets tiring, but it is worth doing it regularly to avoid the appearance of large snowdrifts. But if you build a scraper, then removing snow becomes easier. Today we will look at how to build such equipment on...

  • First you need to purchase a pipe, the diameter of which should be about two hundred and seventy millimeters; it will serve as a blade for cleaning.

  • Next, we find old metal pipes that will serve as a support. Wheels and a blade should be attached to the pipes.
  • To make the equipment as convenient as possible, care should be taken to adjust the height of the handles.

  • We mount a little transport tape to the bottom of the blade.

This equipment is quite easy to use, and you don’t need a lot of materials to create it.

Types of scrapers

One of the most popular types of scraper is brush scraper. A brush is often made from bristles. Such equipment should not be particularly heavy, since with a lot of weight it is much harder to work with it.

The plastic scraper is superior to the previous version due to its light weight and ease of use. Also, snow does not stick to it. Since it will be light, it can be made very wide to cover most of the territory.

How to make a metal scraper

1. First you need a metal sheet, its size should be one hundred and fifty centimeters in height and eighty centimeters in width. Also metal pipe up to three meters long, which will serve as a handle, and two corners one meter long for runners.

3. We secure the upper part of the scraper with clamps, which will help in adjusting the required height.

Useful video: Manual scraper with your own hands

Equipment for cleaning snow can be create it in such a way that it can then be compactly folded in case it needs to be transported, or so that it does not take up much space. With its help, it is very easy to remove snow, and it is also easy to do it yourself.
