Wooden bed creaks, what to do? Why does a wooden bed squeak? What to do? Determining the cause of the squeak

The eventful day is over, and you can finally get some sleep. But the insidious bed suddenly begins to make nasty creaking sounds. It seems like a small thing, but it’s unpleasant; the problem needs to be solved somehow. Buying a new bed is not always the case possible way out, and it can also creak. So, what to do if your bed squeaks?

Creaking occurs when two parts of a product come into contact; as a rule, this occurs when connections become loose, or due to deformation of the material. Poor assembly results in a completely new bed starting to creak, although this rarely happens. Much more often, creaking does not appear immediately, but over time, when the fasteners weaken during operation, and the wood or chipboard changes in size due to unstable climatic conditions. It can also creak spring mattress when it wears out.

If a wooden bed creaks

The creaking of a wooden bed is primarily due to the characteristics of the material. Wood reacts to changes in air humidity in the room. It gets damp when high humidity in the absence of heating and dries out in winter period when the air is very dry. As a result of such changes wooden elements beds often become deformed and begin to “walk” relative to each other; even one millimeter of free space between the elements is enough for a creaking to appear. The greater the difference in humidity at different times of the year, the higher the likelihood of squeaks occurring in the near future.

You need to try to find the exact location of the creaking. Start with the mattress, to do this, remove it from the bed onto the floor, crawl on it and listen, if it makes squeaking sounds, then buy a new one. Otherwise, continue searching. Check all fastening connections - this is the most common reason bed creaks. Tighten the screws properly. If you cannot fix it securely, secure this joint with a metal angle or bracket. You can try to lubricate the joints of the elements with silicone, paraffin, or, in extreme cases, soap. Lubrication removes friction, which means the squeaking will disappear for a while. If there is a sufficiently large distance between the rubbing parts, lay a piece of felt or felt.

The most the right way To eliminate squeaking, it is considered to be gluing the joints with some kind of elastic glue, for example rubber. It is important to remember to degrease the joints before gluing so that the glue sets well and this work is not in vain. Of course, after such a repair it will no longer be possible to disassemble the bed into parts. But there is a great guarantee of getting rid of unpleasant sounds.

If you find that the slats are creaking, then proceed as follows. Lubricate the lamella with paraffin or wax candle. Or pull out the lamella, wrap it with a strip of fabric and insert it back. It happens that it helps to simply swap the slats. It is the lamellas that bear the main load, and over time, cracks may even appear on them. Therefore, if the creaking does not disappear, replace the lamella that has become unusable.

Another radical way to combat the creaking of lamellas is to replace them with two sheets of plywood and carefully screw them to the frame.

Most difficult case- a creaking sound that comes from loose bed legs. Repairing old ones or installing new legs is a very difficult process. Often furniture repair specialists offer to cut down the legs of the bed. For the same reason, many furniture factories They stopped making beds with legs.

Bed with lifting mechanism

In a bed with a lifting mechanism, the base to which the mattress is attached most often creaks. In this case, you should contact the company that manufactured this bed and replace the base. But the creaking can also be made by itself lifting mechanism. It is recommended to lubricate it with silicone. And tighten all mounting screws.

Eliminating the creaking of a metal bed

Metal squeaks are especially unpleasant. Tighten the fasteners, lubricate the joints of the parts. Some models have front and side walls connected by Click-Clack mechanisms, which quickly become loose and begin to creak. It is better to replace them with ordinary bolts and nuts.

If you find touching surfaces on a metal base that make a creaking sound, cover them with tape.

When the worn one creaks armored mesh, then it’s easier to replace it with any other base. You can treat the springs with WD-40, but this is painstaking work, the results of which will not last as long as you would like.

Air bed creaking

Unfortunately, many air beds squeak a lot. Sound is generated by the contact of rubber surfaces. And it is unlikely that we will be able to completely get rid of this phenomenon, but we can weaken it. To do this, place the air bed on the carpet, cover the mattress with a woolen blanket, and then cover it with a sheet.

05/30/2018 0 7,840 views

Why might a bed squeak, and what should its owner do in this situation? How to eliminate unpleasant sound and identify the main causes of squeaking?

Sound sleep is the key to a productive day. During rest, strength is restored, nutrients are absorbed and energy is accumulated. However, certain circumstances can disrupt the quality of your sleep. One of the negative factors can be a malfunction of the bed. Poor quality of the mattress or the furniture itself not only affects sleep, but also leads to health problems.


Before you start to deal with the problem, study the possible causes of its occurrence. Many of them are associated with a long period of use of the bed. Over time, the wood from which the frame and base are made begins to dry out. The mattress also becomes faulty and loses its former quality.

However, even a new bed can cause grinding noise. This indicates that it was not assembled correctly or low-quality materials. To more accurately determine the source annoying sound, you should take a closer look at the following things:

  • Mattress. In most cases, springs creak when they are not isolated from each other. But not only spring mattresses can become a source of unpleasant sound. Poor quality polymer in an all-polymer model leads to grinding noise.
  • Lifting mechanism. The reason may be weak fasteners (heaviness and sudden movements of people on the bed are the reasons for weakening of fastenings), or a malfunction of the spring unit.
  • High legs. Occurs at the junction of the bed frame and legs. And the higher the legs, the greater the risk of squeaking.
  • Support strips. They are lamellas that make up the base of the frame. They contain an orthopedic base and a mattress. One of possible reasons grinding - touching parts.
  • Slatted base. Wooden slats that are attached to the frame. Most often, an unpleasant sound comes from the place where the support bars are attached. In addition, wooden parts tend to dry out.

Determining the source of an unpleasant sound

  1. Pull out the mattress. Place it on the floor, sit on it, then walk around. If you hear a sound, you can safely assume that the problem is a malfunction of the mattress.
  2. Rock the bed without a mattress. If no sound comes out, then the mattress is causing the squeaking. However, there may be more than one sound source.
  3. Check the slatted bottom. Press on each wooden slats and listen to which one makes the sound.
  4. Rock the bed frame. A grinding sound indicates poor fastening or faulty frame materials.
  5. Check the lifting mechanism. If this is the source of sound, it is recommended to check the connection to the frame. For wooden devices There is also a drying problem.
  6. If you have not identified the cause, and the bed still squeaks terribly, contact a specialist.

What to do if the frame creaks?

Creaking is typical for a wooden frame, the parts of which dry out over time. And if you do not eliminate the problem from the very beginning of its appearance, then the gaps that form due to dryness will become even larger. Consequently, the creaking will begin to irritate even more and more often.

Therefore, you can simply tighten the fasteners. After tightening, it is recommended to use silicone lubricant. It will reduce friction between parts. If you don’t have any special lubricant at home, a regular paraffin candle will do.

Eliminating mattress squeaks

First, check if the mattress is lying flat. Even such a stupid reason can cause a grinding noise.

Inexpensive mattresses with spring filling are characterized by the problem of spring contact. Friction leads to an unpleasant sound.

The cause of sound in an all-polymer mattress is the poor quality of materials. A faulty mattress should be replaced immediately.

Subject to absence big money Pay attention to well-known inexpensive furniture stores. Ikea is famous for its affordability and originality. design solutions. If the purchase was recent, contact the manufacturer for warranty information. In this case, you are required to return the money or replace the defective product with a working one.

What can I do to prevent the frame and slats from creaking?

If you find a problem with the frame, start your inspection with the slats. They need to be checked for chips, cracks and other integrity problems. If damaged, they should be replaced.

The most in a fast way To get rid of the squeaking of the support bars is to use the backing of the book. If this method does not help, cover the slats with old clothes; thanks to the fabric, there will be no friction between the frame and the base.

If you are convinced that the lamellas are undamaged and the lattices are in good working order, you should pay attention to the screws. After tightening the screws, you need to lubricate the creaking bases with silicone grease.

Video: how to get rid of a squeaking bed?


If you are lucky enough not to encounter such a situation, this does not mean that you do not need to do anything. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it.

  1. Of course, the quality of the bed and mattress itself directly affects the occurrence of squeaking. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality certificate. An unsuitable mattress or broken bed not only leads to annoying rattling noises, but also to health problems. It should be noted that polymer mattresses have a lower risk of malfunctions. When choosing, you should pay attention to ventilation, because it can become moldy.
  2. It is better to choose wood or metal as the frame material. They last longer and cost less. The density of a chipboard frame is lower, therefore, there is a greater likelihood of deformation under high gravity. If the bed is wooden, then varnish its frame to prevent the wood from drying out. Regarding the type of wood: it is worth taking a closer look at durable species such as oak, mahogany or rosewood.
  3. Pay attention to each lamella, it should not wobble or dangle, all screws and screws must be in place.
  4. At self-installation bed, pay attention to the evenness of the surface. If the distortions are strong, then it will become unusable ahead of time. Uneven pressure on the frame leads to misalignment of parts.

How to get rid of annoying bed squeaks yourself?

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12 Feb 2017 18 Mar 2017

Despite all its advantages, wooden furniture sooner or later he will show his character... It's about about the creaking. And if a table in the living room or another piece of furniture that you don’t use very often begins to creak, then you can pretend that everything is fine. But when the bed on which you have to sleep every night begins to creak, the problem takes on almost catastrophic proportions: you can’t get a good night’s sleep, romance doesn’t go well, and the rest of the household starts thinking about earplugs... Unless your plans include buying new ones bed, then it will be useful for you to know how you can eliminate annoying wooden creaks.

Action plan

The first thing you should do before proceeding directly to eliminating the squeak is to determine the cause of the unpleasant sound.

There are only two main reasons: weakening of fasteners and the natural process of wood drying out. But still, the first reason is more common, if, of course, we are talking about a bed made of wood processed according to all the rules. Creaking is the result of mechanical friction between two pieces of furniture. To determine which parts of the wooden furniture are squeaking, you should remove the mattress from the bed. After this, you need to carefully shake those parts that cause suspicion: first of all, these are the legs, slats under the mattress and fastening points.

The simplest thing you can do is to thoroughly tighten all existing fasteners and after this manipulation lubricate the joints of the two wooden parts glue (preferably carpenter's glue, but in extreme cases you can use any other). After gluing, you will be able to use the bed for its intended purpose no earlier than 24 hours later. But if the bed is no longer new and the fasteners have become rusty, then it is unlikely that they will be tightened. Then it is recommended to install with reverse side bed frame construction corners made of metal.

You can go the other way: lubricate all joints where friction is detected. If you want to approach the issue of eliminating unpleasant sound professionally, then buy in advance from hardware store special silicone or graphite glue. But, as practice shows, you can use a paraffin candle, soap, salidol and even starch as a lubricant with the same success as an expensive spray.

Creaking sounds that are “localized” in the legs of the bed are more difficult to eliminate: here you either need to try to fix them more securely on the floor (this is relevant here old-fashioned method- use of a gasket between the floor covering and the leg), or replace it with new ones, which is very difficult to do on your own. If possible, you can pay a specialist to replace the legs. Or you can, as is happening most often now, remove the “legs” of the bed altogether and turn it into a chic floor podium bed.

Now about the mattress slats. These are the transverse slats that bear the main load of the body weight of the owner of the bed. If they are the ones that creak, then the solution may be to replace the slats with new ones, or, alternatively, the slats can be swapped. More durable (and therefore less squeaky) are the slats located under the headboard and at the foot of the bed. They can be pulled out and swapped with those installed in the middle of the bed.

Such manipulations usually solve the problem of a wooden bed squeaking. But if this does not help, then there is reason to think that it is not the bed that is creaking, but the spring mattress (especially if it is not very new). I also had a case in my practice when a client followed all my recommendations, even changed the mattress, but the bed continued to squeak. Why? It turned out that it was not the furniture or the mattress that creaked, but... the floor. Yes, the wooden floorboards on which the bed stood creaked. Therefore, in order not to do a bad job, just in case, check for squeakiness flooring under your bed!

All photos from the article

How to get rid of the creaking of a wooden bed if it has caused restless sleep? Reasons need to be established unpleasant sounds, determine their location and take measures to eliminate these causes. We will tell you how to remove the creaking of a wooden bed and restore silence in the bedroom.

Determining the causes of the squeak

Most common problems

Most people prefer to buy wooden furniture out of habit and aesthetic preferences, since no material can compare with wood in the beauty of its design. However, it should be understood that this material has special properties, including a tendency to deformation and changes in geometry. They lead to undesirable effects, such as creaking.

The strength of wood is relatively low, and the places of fastenings, joints and connections become loose and loose over time, which causes play, which results in friction, leading to creaks.

So, we have shown that the occurrence of noise is almost inevitable due to the properties of wood, and most often they arise for the following reasons:

  • Wooden parts shrink or absorb moisture, and their geometry changes. Uneven changes in the dimensions of fasteners, changes in gaps and cracks lead to friction and backlash, which cause unpleasant sounds; (See also article.)
  • The places where boards are fastened with bolts, tenons, nails or self-tapping screws gradually wear out under the influence of loads, the holes become larger, the fastening tenons or dowels are deformed, the screws are unscrewed and the nails become loose. All this leads to displacement of parts relative to each other with inevitable friction and creaking;
  • The geometry of the frame itself changes, the legs give way, the angles change. The structure becomes less stable, loads begin to act in other directions and again lead to noise and creaks.

In addition, the mattress can creak, especially if it is spring. Also on wooden frame can be installed metal grid for the support of the mattress, which also sometimes begins to make sounds.

What to do if it squeaks wooden bed? First, find out the reasons.

Finally, the floorboards located under the legs of the bed can creak. Also, the back or side board of the product may rub against nearby furniture or a wall.

Let's figure out what to do if a wooden bed creaks?

Over time, any furniture made from wood begins to make unpleasant creaking sounds. The owners are trying to deal with such troubles with everything possible methods. It’s especially annoying when it’s the bed you have to sleep on every night that creaks. The bed's squeaks can significantly worsen the quality of sleep, ruin romantic relationship between loved ones, and in some cases, thanks to its loud creaks, the bed can interfere with the lives of even people from next room or apartments. How to eliminate the squeaking of a wooden bed. First of all, you need to find out why the bed started creaking.

Principles for choosing wooden beds

Modern people choose wooden beds due to their excellent appearance, durability and strength. Beautiful furniture made of wood can always emphasize the aesthetic component of the interior in any style. A wooden bed has always served as a sign of the good taste of the owners of the house. When choosing any wooden furniture, including beds, you first need to decide on the wood from which the bed will be made.

Quite often oak is used as a material for making beds. Such wood fully justifies its cost, because its service life is extremely long. At the same time, oak has a unique wooden pattern, thanks to which such wooden furniture will be a wonderful addition to the interior of any bedroom.

If you have a sufficiently large amount of financial resources, you can purchase a rosewood bed that is unique in its beauty. Such a tree has Brown color with a characteristic violet tint. When wiping the wood, you can hear the subtle aroma of violets. Rosewood has a porous but solid structure.

The most expensive type of wood used in furniture making is mahogany. If you do buy a mahogany bed, you can be sure of the extremely long service life of such a piece of furniture. Mahogany is not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, or mechanical damage. Many consumers believe that this tree will last forever. At the same time, a pleasant aroma is constantly heard from it. An additional advantage is that insects cannot stand such a smell, so moths will never appear in a room with a mahogany bed.

For people with a special worldview, walnut beds are perfect. This type of wood is characterized by the fact that the young nut is white, but over time it acquires a dark brown tint. Quite often, walnut is used to imitate mahogany.

Causes of bed squeaking

Creaking in the bed may appear as a result of the natural drying out of the wood. The cause of squeaking may also be loosening of fastening elements. In order to determine the main cause of the creaking, first of all You need to remove the mattress with your own hands, put it on the floor and check for squeakiness. It is likely that it is not the bed that makes the nasty sounds, but the cause of the squeaking is the old springs in the mattress.

If you have determined for sure that it is the bed that is the source of the creaking, then you will need to carefully check the entire bed in search of the cause of the unpleasant sound. Creaking can come from old legs, from boards that are located under the mattress, as well as from places where they join together various elements designs. Once the source of the unpleasant sounds has been identified, it is necessary to get rid of the squeak. Let's consider existing methods how to remove the creaking of a wooden bed .

Ways to eliminate squeaking in the bed

Most in a simple way is to tighten all the screws and cogs as tightly as possible, with the help of which your stock is assembled. If this is not possible, then the connecting points are secured with inside with the help of special metal corners. It is also worth noting that in order to prevent squeaking in the future, it is necessary to coat all joints with wood glue. Please note that the bed cannot be used for sleeping until the glue has completely dried.

If pulling up did not help and the wooden bed still creaks, then you should act differently. All places where the bed elements are joined are treated with a lubricant. As such, you can use silicone grease, soap, grease, baby powder or wax. When lubricating the joints of parts, you must be extremely careful, because careless actions can damage the appearance beds. When lubricated, friction between the component elements of the bed should disappear, as a result of which the creaking will disappear completely.

Sometimes the bed creaks due to the unsuitability of the mattress slats. In this case, rearranging them will help eliminate the squeak. If this method did not help, then it is necessary to replace all unsuitable slats with new ones. There is no need for special instructions or education to complete this work; everything is done independently and extremely simply. The reason for the rapid wear of the slats is the constant pressure on them from the mattress. Therefore, the procedure for replacing them should be familiar to owners of wooden furniture.

There are even cases where it was not possible to get rid of the creaking in the bed even after performing all the above steps. In this case, the only way out that will help get rid of the annoying sounds is to completely saw off the legs. Sometimes the price healthy sleep can be high. This is especially true for those beds, in the manufacture of which not a solid piece of wood was used, but particle boards. It is simply not possible to repair them. In this case, the bed will turn into a rather original floor bed. It is worth noting that not many owners would prefer to use such beds in their bedrooms.

For greater clarity, let's put in this article, which will clearly demonstrate the principles of eliminating squeaks in the bed.

