Width of room door with frame. Types and sizes of door frames. What standard regulates the dimensions of interior doors?

Sections of the article:

In order to know the standard sizes of interior doors with frames, you need to study generally accepted standards. In addition, there is a special table with exact indicators. It is necessary when ordering, purchasing, and then installing the door leaf indoors. Each manufacturer has its own methodology for creating doors, but they are required to adhere to regulations. Below are the GOST standards on the basis of which they are produced standard doors, tables with sizes and possible markings.

Door size standards

GOST parameters must be taken into account not only when creating a door or frame, but also when calculating the opening. GOST standards related to interior doors:

  • Opening to the kitchen - GOST 702007;
  • For toilets and bathrooms - GOST 55-60190-2005-7;
  • Bedroom – GOST 802007-20;
  • Living room - GOST 2007-20.

In the last we're talking about O double doors and the opening, which must comply with the standard. Most often, when installation is carried out without the participation of a specialist, the standards prescribed in these documents are not taken into account. Construction market offers a lot modern models door leaves, but most often their size indicators have standard numbers: 200 cm, width 60-80 centimeters. The thickness of the box varies from 15 mm to 45 mm, but if you make an individual order at the factory or this homemade production, then thickness indicators may vary.

If you do not comply with GOST standards for door sizes, this may lead to the need to expand the opening.

Common parameters

GOST standards state that the parameters of the box must correspond to the dimensions of the canvas, taking into account the gaps required for installation of the structure. If the manufacturer created the model correctly, the indicators will be as follows:

The proportionality of the frame and the thickness of the wall opening must be observed. If you purchased a canvas of a smaller size, it doesn’t matter, you can use such a device as an extension. It will tightly close the gap and hide the miscalculation.

Standard size door frame, which is registered in regulations, for a door to a room the height should be 190-200 cm. If the doorway is two meters, then the door itself is ordered several centimeters smaller. If this is not taken into account, then it will not be able to open and close freely.

The standard thickness of the canvas is 4.5 cm. The width, as a rule, depends on the dimensions of the room itself.

Double doors have their own characteristics. Wide openings can be present at the entrance to any room, but they are most often found in living rooms. GOST reports that the width of these canvases should vary from 120 to 150 cm. These parameters contain functionality and ease of use.

The largest sizes of door frames used by manufacturers in Russia for interior doors are 90 cm wide. As a rule, they are placed on industrial production, in offices or large country houses. The opening should be proportional to the room itself. If the room is small, then massive door leaf It will look awkward or cumbersome. It is worth noting that this parameter was used in Soviet “Stalin” cars, since living space very spacious. These doors are produced in small quantity, and not very large enterprises make them exclusively to order.


The dimensions of the door directly depend on the dimensions of the opening. Markings even for absolutely identical doors may vary, but all wooden door designs must comply with GOST 6629-88. It states that these parameters are used for the manufacture of interior doors for residential and public buildings. The type of product is marked with the letter “P”, which means panel, and the letter “D” indicates that the product is prefabricated. There is a difference in the type of cloth. If the abbreviation is “O”, it means the product is glazed, and if the letter is “U”, then the glass is made with continuous filling.

You can also find markings in the form of the letter “P”, which means that the product has a threshold, or “L”, telling the buyer that the door is left-handed.

Canvas and box sizes

According to SNiP the standard size between room door with the box is divided into several separate indicators, which are reflected in the table:

Indicators of the door leaf, cm/width*height Opening, cm/width and height
60*200 68-71/205-207
70*200 78-81/205-207
80*200 88-91/205-207
90*200 98-101/205-207
60*190 68-71/195-197
55*190 63-66/195-197
60+60*200 128-131/205-207

If we talk about the European standard, the ratio will be as follows:

The Russian width of the canvas for the kitchen will be 70 cm, for the toilet or bath - 60 cm, and for the room - 90 cm.

Measurement formulas

To take measurements yourself, it is not necessary to call a specialist for this. First you need to take into account such nuances as:

  • Height;
  • Width;
  • Thickness;
  • Platband parameters.

If the height of the leaf is 200 cm, the width is 70 cm, the frame is 3 cm thick, then the gap should be 1 cm, the door block should be 2 cm, and the height of the threshold should be 2 cm. To make calculations, these numbers must be substituted into the following formula: W dv +2*T k+Mz+2*Bd. The result will be: 70+2*3+1+2*2=81cm. If you need to find the height of a doorway with the same parameters, then the formula is as follows: B dv + B p + 2 * T, it turns out: 200 + 2 + 2 * 3 = 208. As a result, it turns out that for a door with parameters 200 to 70 it is necessary doorway measuring 208 by 81.

The standard opening depth is 7.5 cm, so manufacturers create door frames for this size. If the door has already been purchased, but it turns out to be smaller than required, you can find a way out of the situation - buy additional elements.

Algorithm for measuring the size of a doorway

The measurement process itself is no less important. Experts assure that it is precisely in this work that mistakes are most often made, and, accordingly, subsequent calculations will be incorrect. In order for the door frame in a residential or public space for interior doors to be measured correctly, and the dimensions to allow correct calculations to be made, the following sequence of actions must be followed:

  • First, the height changes from the floor itself to the top of the opening. If you are sure that it is not level, measurements should be taken in the middle;
  • The width is measured from the middle of the left to the middle of the right casing;
  • The depth can only be known by taking comprehensive measurements: at the top, middle and bottom to find the widest value.

Standard calculation table doorways:

If a person lives in an apartment or house with a standard layout, then the indicators of his measurements will be identical to those indicated in the table.

Box and gaps

When purchasing a door leaf, you need to pay attention to the dimensions of the interior doors, which are indicated on the packaging. There should be an explanation that the dimensions are written along with the box. As a rule, they should be increased by 10-15 cm when compared with the door dimensions. We must not forget that a gap should be left between the wall and the mounting panel, so the parameters of the panel should be less than the characteristics of the frame. Experts also recommend purchasing the structure along with cash, frame and fittings.

To make the box, manufacturers use bars, which can also vary in size. Average width: 1.5-4.0 cm, but the standard indicator: 3.0-3.5 cm. Only with the latter indicators can you count on the structure being strong enough and will last long years. It is important to pay attention to the thickness of the box. It is best that it matches the parameters of the wall. For brick buildings it is 7.5 cm, and for wood it is 10 cm.


When it comes to standard premises, the applicant should not have any difficulties in choosing a door design and installing it. This applies more to apartments. When a person builds a house on his own custom design, then the doors will have to be made to order, after taking measurements. If a person is afraid of making mistakes in measurements, then it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Height interior door- this is the height of the door leaf, which is 3-5 mm less than the distance from the finished floor level to the level of the inside of the upper edge of the door frame. This indicator is needed to perform several various types work and can often be confused with the height of the door block or the height doorway. We suggest that you first figure out exactly what height you need and why you are going to carry out its calculations.

The height of the interior door will depend on the door block model used in a particular apartment. Under standard conditions for European-quality renovation, openings for interior doors are made such that they can install a door whose design does not include a threshold. If the apartment is not renovated and the doors were installed in it back in the Soviet Union, then most likely they also have a threshold, the height of which is 1-2 cm.

Standard height

We need this information in order to determine the concept of height: from which to which point it will be measured. Speaking about doors in general, there are three heights: the doorway, the door block or door frame, and the door leaf. When figuring out what the standard height of an interior door is, most likely, we are talking about the height of the door leaf. IN apartment buildings most commonly used standard - 2000 mm.

Manufacturers also include canvases with a height of 1900 mm within the standard models. For a double door, for example to a living room, door manufacturers produce models with leaf heights of up to 2800 mm. However, the most common type will, like the single-leaf model, have a leaf height of 2000 mm. Standard width such doors are 120 mm. 60 mm for each sash if their dimensions are equal or 40 mm for the smaller part and 80 mm for the larger sash.

In addition, there are non-standard dimensions for interior doors. IN in this case they relate specifically to height, since width is a standard characteristic that can have several values: 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm. Width exceeding the maximum (900 mm) or less than the minimum (600 mm) already refers to non-standard dimensions. The peculiarity of these sizes is that when ordering them, the store will add a significant markup. Thus, a door with a height of 2400 mm will cost 30-40% more than a standard product. Non-standard heights of the door leaf are heights that differ by 10 cm on the larger side from the standard figure of 2 m. Every 10 cm will increase the cost of the door by about 10%, and the maximum height is 2400 mm.

It is also important to consider that the height of the door is calculated from the level of the finished floor. This means that all calculations should be carried out from the level of the floor covering laid and ready for use. If you order a door block at a stage when the floors have not yet been laid, then take into account the height of the future floor, depending on its design.

Height of door frame and doorway

If you do not need the height of the door leaf, but the height of the door frame, then it will be equal to the height of the door leaf plus 35 mm if the frame does not have a threshold. In the case where the door frame has a threshold, its height will be 70 mm greater than the height of the door leaf. Also take into account the fact that manufacturers produce lightweight door blocks with a frame thickness of 25 mm. In this case, its height without a threshold will be 25 mm greater than the height of the door, and with a threshold - by 50 mm.

Table of box sizes for different canvases:

As for the height of the doorway, it directly depends on the height of the block or door frame. For models without a threshold with a standard height of the door leaf, the height of the opening will be 206-210 cm. In general, a height of 206 cm will be sufficient, since it is calculated from the height of the leaf plus 3.5 cm for the thickness of the frame on top and plus 2.5 cm for the layer of polyurethane foam, necessary when installing the unit. Openings with a height of 210 cm are suitable for both boxes with and without a threshold. A door block without a threshold can also be installed in a larger opening, since the excess space can be filled with foam - it will still be covered by platbands.

Individual height selection

To summarize, we will say that when dealing with standard interior doors, you will most likely come across a model with a door leaf height of 2 meters or 2000 mm. Those who want to know the dimensions of the door for arranging a doorway need to know the dimensions of the frame - its standard height is 2035 mm for a door leaf with a height of 2000 mm. For models with a threshold this value will be 2070 mm. If you are at the stage of choosing a door that suits you, then first find out the height of the opening in your apartment. If desired, you can order a door with a height of 1900 to 2400 mm.

During construction or renovation, especially related to the redevelopment of premises, the question usually arises about required sizes doorways intended for the installation of interior doors. What are the standard sizes of doorways, what are the standard sizes of the door leaf, the door block (the leaf together with the frame), how to correctly determine the required width and height - this will be discussed further. In addition, cases in which it is undesirable to follow the GOST recommendations will be considered, and there is a very high probability that your case is one of them.

What standard regulates the dimensions of interior doors?

The dimensions of interior doors are established by GOST 6629-88 “Internal wooden doors for residential and public buildings" This standard, of course, is very outdated in general, but at the same time, most interior manufacturers comply with it, at least regarding dimensions. The same standard determines the requirements for the size of doorways, and most of those built in the late Soviet period comply with this standard. Another thing is earlier development, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

Most manufacturers still comply with GOST GOST 6629-88 in the production of interior doors

What are the standard door sizes determined by GOST?

For all door leaves there are two possible height sizes:

  • 2000 mm;
  • 2300 mm.

And the corresponding dimensions of the door block (leaf + frame):

  • 2071 mm;
  • 2371 mm;

The following possible dimensions are set for the width of the door leaf:

  • 600 mm;
  • 700 mm;
  • 800 mm;
  • 900 mm;
  • 1100 mm;

And the corresponding widths of the door blocks (leaf + frame):

  • 670 mm;
  • 770 mm;
  • 870 mm;
  • 970 mm;
  • 1170 mm.

Attention! It should be noted that if the dimensions of door panels according to GOST are observed by almost all manufacturers of interior doors, then with frames the situation is somewhat different.

Due to the fact that many new materials and technical solutions In this regard, the dimensions of door blocks from different manufacturers may differ by up to several centimeters.

Measuring the doorway before installing the door

For example: GOST defines the standard size of the leaf as 600x2000 mm, and the door block for such a leaf as 670x2071 mm. Doors made of MDF, which are quite widespread today, equipped with a collapsible door frame made of MDF, have a leaf size of 600x2000 mm, and the size of the door block is 650x2050 mm. At the same time, door blocks with larger dimensions than those prescribed by GOST, for example 680x2070 mm, with the same standard leaf 600x2000 mm are also found less frequently.

What are the standard sizes of doorways

GOST 6629-88 establishes the following standard dimensions of doorways:

  • Heights - 2100 mm or 2400 mm;
  • Widths – 710 mm, 810 mm, 910 mm, 1010 mm, 1210 mm.

For example, according to GOST, a door leaf 800x2000 mm assembled with a door frame should have an installation size of 870x2071 mm, and the doorway for this door should be made with dimensions of 910x2100 mm.

Attention! As can be seen from the above, if you make a doorway in accordance with GOST, and purchase a door, as in the previous example, with a door block size of 850x2055 mm, you will encounter problems during its installation: such an opening is too large for this door block to be securely fastened in it.

Scheme of door and door frame measurements

Here it is necessary to take into account that GOST was compiled at a time when polyurethane foam was not used when installing doors, and is designed for installing doors using the “wet method”, when the gaps between the wall and the door frame were filled with plaster. In itself, this method has completely discredited itself - the consequences of such an installation are still memorable, when in absolutely new apartment from the first days, not a single interior door closed normally: under the influence of moisture from the plaster, the wooden door frames twisted even before use began.

Advice. Doorways must be made 20mm smaller in width and 30mm smaller in height than GOST recommends.

If, after creating an opening for installing doors, you plan to screed and lay floors, the height of the opening must be increased by an amount equal to the height to which the floor level will subsequently rise.

Let's consider two cases separately:

  1. When you need to match doors to an existing doorway;
  2. When you are going to form an opening, and you need to decide on its size.

In the first case, it is important to consider the following: no matter how much you would like to do differently, you need to decide on the choice of door before the stage finishing walls and This is necessary because, as mentioned above, the dimensions of door blocks from different door manufacturers may have significant deviations from the standard ones, and if you have to take measures to expand or, conversely, narrow the doorway, this must be done before completing finishing works. But you can install the doors afterwards.

Right installed door will please owners for many years

In both cases, we check the tables below, and in the first case we select the size closest to the existing one, and bring the existing opening to this size (we expand or reduce it accordingly), and in case No. 2 we form an opening according to the size from the tables.

And for double doors:

The height of the openings for 2000 mm panels should be 2060-2070 mm, for 2300 mm panels – 2360-2370 mm.

Attention! The height of the openings is indicated for the option of installing an interior door without a threshold. If you need a threshold, then the height of the opening should be increased accordingly by the height of the threshold.

We hope that the information provided about standard door sizes will protect you from standard size errors, which are so often the result of lack of awareness.

Video: Measuring interior doors

When installing entrance and interior doors, as well as replacing them, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors that will affect both the installation process itself and subsequent operation. Everything is important, from the side in which the door will open to the presence of a threshold. But perhaps the most important point will be measuring and calculating the installation size of the opening.

Doorway standards

Regardless of whether the premises are being renovated or a new house or apartment is being decorated, the standard dimensions of doorways must be taken into account. The main parameters of the opening are, in principle, standardized, but many door manufacturers may deviate from the standard by a small amount. To avoid unpleasant moments that lead to an increase in the cost of repairs in general, you must know the exact size of the opening, otherwise a situation may arise when you have to order doors of a non-standard size, and this, of course, is more expensive.

Today the manufacturer will offer several standard sizes of doors and door frames. The most common door size is 2 meters in height, and the width can be 60, 70 or 80 cm. However, it is not uncommon to find ready-made doors with a height of 190 cm and a width of, for example, 550 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the door frame can be from one and a half to 5 cm.

You need to pay attention not only to this, but also to many other points that will appear when examining the doorway. local. First of all, you need to pay attention to the following things:

Knowing these nuances, you can easily select and install both interior and exterior doors.

How to calculate a doorway

Calculation and installation of the doorway. will pass without complications in the case when the box matches the dimensions of the opening as accurately as possible. If the box is significantly smaller, it is not a fact that you can securely fasten it in the opening, but it is even worse when it turns out to be larger. In principle, this is not a catastrophic situation, but you will have to either widen the opening or order new doors, which is completely useless.

To correctly calculate the size of the opening, you need to know only a few parameters. First of all, you need to know the height and width of the door leaf itself, know the thickness of the door frame and its width and the width of the trim. An example of the calculation is shown in the diagram in several versions, but for accuracy it is necessary to take into account installation gap at least 2 cm around the entire perimeter.

Box thickness and possible problems

Now it’s worth talking about the thickness of the door frame. IN standard houses, which are built from identical panels or even brick, the wall thickness is, in principle, standardized - it is a stable 75 mm. Based on this size, almost all manufacturers make the thickness of the door frame exactly this way. But if this is not taken into account, then you will have to install an additional expander or, conversely, saw off part of the box, which not everyone can do at home.

If you do not precisely adjust the thickness of the frame to the thickness of the walls, then installing the platband can be either difficult or completely impossible, which will certainly affect the appearance of the door group as a whole. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to measure the thickness in at least three different points and if the size is not too different and is within the standard, then you can do without ordering a custom design. Otherwise, either the installation of additional accessories or longitudinal sawing boxes.

Additional timber can also be useful in cases where the walls are not very pleasing with their ideal geometry, which is quite often found in panel and brick high-rise buildings. If it is not installed, then the platband, like a carbon copy, will repeat the curvature of the wall, which is undesirable, since it will spoil both the overall composition of the door and the interior of the room as a whole.

In principle, this is all that needs to be taken into account when installing a doorway and decorating door arch, however, in the end, the masters give some advice from their own experience:

This way you can avoid mistakes and install doors quickly and efficiently without unnecessary nerves and misunderstandings. Good luck with the repairs and quality doors!

Interior doors play a significant role in decorating the design of premises. A wide range of styles, sizes, production materials, and opening mechanisms allows us to please every customer. But with the sizes interior models you need to be careful, because the process of installation and operation of the products depends on them.

What sizes are there?

The dimensions of the passages between the rooms are smaller than at the entrance to the apartment. According to the conditions of GOST, the opening front door should be at least 80 cm, and the minimum width of the interior is 60 cm. But this width is not entirely comfortable, because through such a passage it is impossible to carry or bring in furniture, kitchen utensils and other large-sized accessories.

As for the thickness of interior doors, according to the standard they should be 75 mm. In individual construction there may be deviations, for example, if the wall is made of plasterboard, the thickness will be less.

There are often situations when the standard door leaf along with the frame does not correspond to the old one. As a result, you will need to either adjust the walls or order interior doors, the sizes of which will be individual. Of course, room doors individual order will cost perhaps even 50% more standard designs, but you can be completely sure that the door will fit perfectly into the opening, and you won’t have to bother with cashing out.

Individual dimensions internal doors can be varied, there are no restrictions here. An important indicator is the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the room, because a large model in small room it will look ridiculous.

Often non-standard doors have dimensions:

  • height from 2 to 2.3 m;
  • width from 50 cm to 2 m;
  • The thickness can be varied, even 9 cm is acceptable.

The weight of structures from the above standard sizes remains practically unchanged. Manufacturers cannot make doors too heavy, because a large mass will negatively affect the operation of the structure; hinges and rollers will not be able to withstand the load.


The height of an interior door is the height of the door leaf, which is approximately 5 mm less than the distance from the floor to the top edge of the door frame.

Speaking of doors, there are 3 heights:

  • doorway;
  • door block;
  • door leaf.

The standard height in an apartment varies from 1900 mm to 2000 mm. Manufacturers offer double-leaf doors with leaf heights up to 2800 mm.

If you don’t know how to calculate the height of the door frame, then you need to add 35 mm to the height of the door leaf if the frame does not have a threshold. When there is a threshold, you need to add 70 mm. The height of the doorway directly depends on the height of the block or door frame. For products without a threshold, the opening height varies within 210 cm.

A door frame without a threshold can also be mounted in an opening large sizes, and fill the remaining space with foam.


The ease of daily use of the door depends on the width of the door leaf. So, for example, the opening for a bathroom should be narrower than for a room or kitchen. For the kitchen, the minimum width of the doorway is 700 mm, and for the living room - 800 mm.

Double-leaf models deserve special attention, which look luxurious at the entrance to the terrace or large living room. As a rule, such products are a combination of two standard identical or different fabrics. The width of double-leaf door leaves can be 1200 mm, 1400 mm or 800 mm.


One of the most important characteristics that affect the quality of a product is thickness. There is no standard indicator; anyone can order a canvas of the required thickness. The most common doors are 35 and 40 mm thick; sliding models have a thickness of 20 mm or more.

The thickness of the structure affects the following characteristics of the product:

  • strength;
  • sound insulation;
  • door weight;
  • design.

In addition to the thickness of the structure, strength is also affected by the filling - wood, glass or panel.


The weight of an interior door directly depends on the material that was used for its production and, of course, on the size. When choosing a design, the mass must be taken into account, because wrong decision will lead to operational problems. For example, too heavy doors It will be difficult for small children to open. If you accidentally push a person with a massive structure, you can injure him. It is also worth noting that if the doors weigh more than 70 kg, then additional fasteners will need to be used.

Weight must be taken into account when choosing a design if operating comfort and safety are important to you.

Types of doors

Interior doors are no longer just a line separating rooms. Today it is one of the main pieces of decor. The doorway can be original; in such a situation, double doors are often installed. But they don’t always look appropriate.

One-and-a-half models are popular. They consist of two door leaves with different widths - the main part is wide, the other is narrow. The secondary door, as a rule, is always closed with latches and is opened only if furniture needs to be brought in. The door leaf can be solid or with glass inserts.

The advantages of one-and-a-half doors include the following properties:

  • simple and quick installation;
  • fits perfectly into any interior, including the bathroom;
  • this model allows you to easily expand the doorway by opening an additional leaf;
  • One-and-a-half models are presented in a wide range, many design options and shades allow you to please every customer. In addition, the variety of materials used allows you to choose doors according to your budget.

Open one-and-a-half doors visually increase the area of ​​the room, so they can be installed in rooms large area with original openings. Together with the unusual decorative finishing they will become a real interior decoration.

The double designs, which are also presented in different designs. Such models look appropriate in rooms that boast a large area.

The advantages of double doors include:

  • respectable appearance gives any interior coziness and comfort;
  • fit perfectly into a spacious opening;
  • visually increase the space;
  • provide high level sound insulation;
  • convenient and easy to use.

But no matter how much you like luxurious large doors, they will be completely out of place in small rooms.

Different manufacturer standards

Each manufacturer of interior doors offers big choice design options, shades, production materials. Also in the catalogs there are doors with standard sizes, but at the same time, each company will be happy to manufacture custom-made doors. When choosing high-quality and durable products, it is better to give preference to well-known global manufacturers, who certainly will not risk their reputation and will fulfill any order at the highest level.

Among Russian companies The company "Profile Doors" gained the greatest popularity, which offers a variety of doors and their components. The undeniable advantage of the products of this company is the stylish and modern design, as well as environmentally clean materials. Profile Doors offers customers both standard sizes with a width of 800 mm, and production in individual sizes.

High quality is noted in the interior doors of the Italian manufacturer Barausse. The company's product range includes doors for residential and commercial buildings; veneered structures are also available. Innovative technologies are used in production.

Chinese manufacturers can offer customers high-quality fittings. The Archie company produces components for doors that perfectly combine high quality and affordable price.

In the company's catalogs you can find limiters, locks, door hinges and other accessories.

Dimensions depend on materials

Interior doors are made from different materials, on which the quality of the product, duration and comfort of use depend. The material used in production does not affect the dimensions, but does affect the weight of the product. Models made of wood are in demand, they are distinguished by their luxurious appearance and wide range.

The doors to the apartment are made of oak, beech, ash, maple, pine and spruce. The advantages of such models include environmental friendliness; unlike other models, they do not harm human health, have an attractive design, heat and sound insulation. But solid wood doors will have a lot of weight, which is not very convenient to use, especially if there are small children in the house. The dimensions of such products are both standard and customized.

Interior doors made of veneer and eco-veneer are made on the basis of a frame made of solid wood or MDF, which is covered with a veneer plate. The cost of such a design depends on what kind of wood is used in production. The weight of the veneer sheet is much less wooden door. But keep in mind that such doors do not “breathe”, since there is protective film, so the room must be ventilated often.

Laminated doors are made from the material “laminatin” - this is a carefully processed plastic. Such designs are characterized by low cost, so most consumers choose just such models. Laminated doors are resistant to mechanical stress and can be safely installed in areas with high traffic.

Doors coated with polypropylene have only recently appeared on sale, but they are rapidly gaining great popularity. They come in a variety of attractive designs and fit perfectly into various interiors. Such products are of sufficient thickness and have a long service life. Polypropylene structures are practically indistinguishable to the touch from wooden models.

Lightness and at an affordable price Doors with fiberboard coating are different. It is worth noting the attractive appearance of such products; they will be a wonderful addition to any interior. Doors made of fiberboard are appropriate in apartments and houses where there are children; you don’t have to be afraid that they will injure anyone.

How to measure?

To measure an interior door, you need to determine the following indicators:

  • width;
  • height;
  • depth;
  • slope;
  • evenness.

Measuring a door begins with measuring its width. The distance between the side supports at the bottom of the passage is measured, but in order for the results to be as accurate as possible, you need to know the distance in the center and at the top. To complete this task, you only need a tape measure.

Then you need to determine the height of the opening, the standard figure is 210 cm. To determine it, it is better to call someone for help, since it will not be very convenient to work on your own. Please note that new doors are installed after the floor has been laid, it is also recommended to measure with a new floor covering. The height must be determined at several points; the center will be the reference point.

Please note that the width of the opening differs from the width of the canvas, the box is selected a couple of centimeters smaller, leaving space for installation. The measurements are completed by determining the thickness of the elements - this indicator depends on the thickness of the wall.

The box must cover the opening; if it is very large, then additional panels are installed.

How to choose?

Choosing interior doors for a room is not such an easy process as it initially seems.

When selecting interior doors, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • cost - first decide on your budget so that you know which price category doors to choose;
  • production material - it can be wood, metal with glass or combined models;
  • design and combination with the interior of the room;
  • ease of use;
  • shade;
  • manufacturer.

Having measured the dimensions of the doorway, choosing the production material and coating, you need to understand what the design and shade of the doors should be. It depends on which room the doors are chosen for. So, for example, for a bathroom they choose a narrow model without glass, but for a living room ideal option will be double-leaf, decorated with glass. If there is a child or active pets in the apartment, then it is not recommended to choose models with glass, or you should install doors with tempered triplex glass.

The following door designs are distinguished depending on the opening:

  • hinged - fixed on two hinges, opens in one direction, is inexpensive, and therefore very popular;
  • tsargovye – with a stacked design;
  • sliding-radius - they open parallel to the wall or hide them in a designated cavity on open rollers;
  • folding - they save space; when opened, they are assembled with a book or an accordion, but they do not have the required level of sound insulation. Also keep in mind that such models are fragile and can be easily damaged if handled carelessly.

Regardless of whether you choose interior doors for an apartment or for a private house, any room is formed certain style, which must be adhered to in all details.

Doors are also classified by design:

  • Classic - characterized by solid canvases that are divided into two parts;
  • Modern - canvases can be original forms and have different dimensions. Doors are decorated with glass or veneer;
  • Techno - this style is characterized by minimalism and severity of forms, its distinctive features are straight lines and the absence of decorative elements on the glass;
  • High-tech - doors of this style are made of aluminum, glass, MDF, PVC film;
  • Baroque - for this style you need to choose luxurious doors with elaborate decorative elements. Here you will see magnificent decor made of expensive metals, the use valuable species tree.

In every interior, the main element is the shade. You can choose the color of the canvas harmoniously with the floor and baseboard, but it should be several shades lighter. If you select doors to match the furniture, then they should be 4 tones lighter so that these elements do not merge. And, when the canvases are chosen in combination with the walls, then opt for models that are several shades darker.

You can choose light shades for the bedroom; they will add lightness to the room and visually enlarge the room. Products with various glass patterns and coatings look beautiful. They make the atmosphere in the room cozy.

Wenge-colored doors look great with a light-colored interior. This noble shade will add luxury to the interior. Models made of wood of any shades always look great both in Khrushchev-era apartments and new buildings.

Do not forget that any door is not just a leaf, it is also component elements, such as a frame, platbands on both sides and “extensions”. Also, the door leaf and frame must be made of the same type of material. A lot of load is applied to the door, so the first place should be not the design, but the characteristics of the model. It must be durable, resistant to mechanical stress and shock.

If you choose products with glass inserts, be sure to check the quality of their fastening; they should not rattle or vibrate. Don’t forget to check what kind of glass is installed on the door and what seals are used; these characteristics affect the strength of the structure.

The modern market for interior doors is able to please every buyer. And in the catalogs you can find models that will satisfy the requirements and wishes of even the most demanding client. Today, interior doors are offered by manufacturers all over the world, including Russian and Italian. Each company has its own advantages and disadvantages. After consulting with experts, you can choose the best model, which will fit perfectly into your interior.

Tips on choosing interior doors can be seen in the following video.
