Heating boiler wiring diagram. How to piping a heating boiler Correct piping a heating boiler

Installation and strapping gas boiler for heating a private home must be carried out in accordance with the rules prescribed in regulatory documentation. Compliance with them is mandatory, since any gas-using equipment is a source of increased danger. The purpose of this article is to explain the essence of these rules, as well as to describe methods of connecting various heat generators and present the corresponding wiring diagrams.

General rules for installing gas equipment

A homeowner planning to install a gas boiler in his home should understand several general rules:

  • building codes stipulate that gas-using equipment, including boilers, can only be installed if design documentation is available.
  • technical conditions for the implementation of the project are issued by the organization that supplies natural gas, and it also carries out subsequent approval of the documentation;
  • you can do the installation of the heating unit, as well as its connection to the heating system and chimney, with your own hands, but in accordance with design solutions;
  • It is prohibited to independently supply a gas line to the combustion room and connect it to the boiler. This work must be performed by companies with special permission.

Note. Typically, the gas supply organization undertakes the entire complex of work on design, installation and connection to the main line.

Requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler in a private house

The homeowner’s task is to decide in which room to place the boiler installation. Users often have questions about whether it is possible to install a gas boiler in a bathroom, toilet or other rooms. In this regard, building codes provide clear instructions according to which installation of a heat generator is allowed in the following places:

  • in the kitchen if thermal power the unit does not exceed 60 kW;
  • in any separate room located near the outer wall of the building;
  • in an external extension to the house;
  • in a separate boiler room building.

For reference. IN Russian Federation all standards regarding the placement of gas boilers are prescribed in the document MDS 41-2.2000. In other countries former USSR operate their own regulations, but from the technical side they are practically no different from Russian ones.

It turns out that placing a heat generator in a bathroom or other living room is not allowed. If you plan to install a heating unit in the kitchen, then you must take into account that its height must be at least 2.5 m. Second requirement: the minimum volume of the room must be 15 m3 + 0.2 m3 for each kW of boiler power. For example, to install a 15 kW unit, you need a kitchen with a volume of 15 + 15 x 0.2 = 18 m3. In addition, a window and a supply grille built into the lower part are required. front door. Its flow area is at least 0.025 m2.

Which gas boiler is allowed to be installed in a kitchen or other separate room - floor-mounted or wall-mounted - is not regulated by standards.

When placing thermal equipment in others separate rooms or extensions to them are subject to the same height requirements, and the minimum volume is limited to a fixed figure - 15 m3. In this case, the following distances must be maintained between the body of the floor-standing unit and the walls:

  • from the edge of any part protruding from the front side to the wall - 1 m;
  • if maintenance is necessary, passages at least 0.6 m wide are required on the sides;
  • At the back you need to provide enough space for connecting the chimney and servicing it, that is, at least 0.6 m in width.

When installing a wall-mounted gas boiler, including inside kitchen cabinet, the intervals shown in the diagram should be observed:

IN external wall room needs a window opening for organization natural light. The glazing area is taken at the rate of 0.03 m2 for each cubic meter of boiler room volume. The partitions separating it from adjacent rooms must be fireproof and withstand the effects of flame in the event of a fire for 45 minutes.

A few words about supply and exhaust ventilation. Its task is to ensure that the air in the boiler room is replaced three times within 1 hour. In numbers, this is expressed as follows: the volume of the room is multiplied by 3, resulting in air flow in m3/hour. This is sufficient for the operation of gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber. But for heat generators that take combustion air directly from the room (open chamber), the consumption of this air should be added to the threefold exchange. Its meaning can be found from technical passport on the product.

Is it possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment?

The difficulties associated with this event are not at all technical. In fact, the technical requirements for installing a gas boiler in an apartment are no different from the standards for a private house. We need a kitchen of the required volume that meets these requirements, in which it functions normally supply and exhaust ventilation. According to these indicators, most kitchens in apartments in multi-storey buildings are suitable for placing boilers.

Another thing is that the installation of individual heating requires obtaining permission from local governments. This can be difficult and sometimes impossible. In addition, the legislation of some countries of the former USSR directly prohibits the installation of individual heating using gas boilers. Hence the conclusion: theoretically it is possible to install a heat generator in an apartment, but in practice you may encounter problems with its legalization and connection to gas networks.

How to wire a heat generator

At its core gas boilers They are high-tech automated devices, so tying them is quite simple, even with your own hands. It consists of the following activities:

  • connection to a water heating system;
  • organization of removal of combustion products;
  • connection to the DHW network if the unit is double-circuit.

Note. We do not consider connecting to the gas main, since it is impossible to do it yourself.

The easiest way to tie a wall-mounted boiler is that it already has a built-in circulation pump, and it happens that expansion tank. You just need to hang the heat generator on the wall and connect the heating system pipes to it from below. They should be connected using American connections, installing shut-off valves in front of them. It is also necessary to install a strainer (dirt filter) on the return pipeline.

The connection to the chimney depends on the type of boiler. Unit with open camera combustion is connected to a vertical chimney pipe brought to the roof level. Turbocharged heat generators take air from outside, so they require a short horizontal chimney, called a coaxial one. It is laid directly through the wall to the street, although no one forbids bringing the pipe to the roof.

Attention! It is prohibited to connect a gas-fired boiler to the ventilation duct.

As for floor heating units that are not equipped additional equipment, then tying them is somewhat more difficult. You need to buy and install a circulation pump, expansion tank and safety group. How to do this correctly is shown in the diagram:

With more complex system with several heating circuits, a piping method with a hydraulic separator is used, as shown below:

Piping diagram for a double-circuit gas boiler

It cannot be said that connecting a heat generator to a hot water supply network greatly complicates the entire process. Unlike a conventional boiler, the piping of a double-circuit boiler involves 2 additional pipelines, which must be connected to the corresponding pipes of the unit. So there are no special difficulties, you just need to spend more time. The correct connection of a heater with two heating circuits is shown in the diagram:

Note. It is assumed that the strainer is installed at the entrance of the water supply to the house.

Because the double-circuit boilers are not designed for intensive hot water supply, then it will be enough to lay a pipe to 2-3 main consumers in the house. In this case, you should not increase the diameter of this pipeline; be guided by the dimensions of the connecting pipe of the heat generator.


When installing and piping a natural gas boiler, you must not deviate from the requirements regulatory documents. Not only that, the very first inspection of the gas service will reveal violations and give an order to eliminate them. Failure to comply with the rules can endanger the health and life of your loved ones, as it can lead to consequences of varying severity.

Piping the heating boiler is a mandatory procedure that will be required if you decide to install the entire system yourself. This article will help you understand many of the nuances and take into account possible pitfalls. You should understand various schemes and solutions.

What it is?

To put it simply, this is a sequence of actions that includes the calculation and connection of various components. This is necessary so that the entire system functions smoothly and the boiler can operate at the highest possible efficiency. This will contribute high efficiency and economical energy consumption.

The set of components will depend on which type of system is selected:

  • natural or gravitational circulation;
  • forced circulation;
  • mixed.

For the first option it will be as follows:

  • Boiler. This is the heart of the entire mechanism. It is he who, by heating the liquid, forces it to act in accordance with the laws of physics - to rise up and pass along the entire circuit. After which, cooling down, it returns to its original point. For the natural circulation option, floor heating devices are used.
  • Pipes. For such a solution, it will be relevant metal pipes large diameter (in some cases, the supply pipe can be 2″). This is important so that there is no resistance from the main line for free circulation of water.
  • Expansion tank. It can be either open - in contact with environment- and so closed type– do not have contact with air. No additional membranes are used here, because no need to maintain set pressure. It is mounted in the high point the entire system.
  • Batteries Both cast iron and steel radiators can be used.
  • Mayevsky crane. It is advisable that it be installed on all batteries where it is necessary. In this case, it will be possible to bleed air from the battery at any time.
  • Fitting. The most commonly used metal threaded or welded angles, tees, elbows and other connectors.

The advantages of such a system are ease of installation, accessibility of all components, possibility self-installation. The disadvantages include the significant dimensions of the components, which greatly affects the appearance. Also, the other side of the coin is inertia or slow heating of the entire wiring.

For systems with forced circulation, the components will be as follows:

  • Boiler. In this case, you can use any option. The wiring of a wall-mounted appliance is fundamentally similar, but includes additional elements. Also, this type of heaters is equipped with additional protective systems.
  • Pipes. With this implementation, both metal and all types of suitable plastic products can be used.
  • Expansion tank. Here it is of membrane type. There is a “pear” inside it, which allows you to maintain the pressure inside all circuits at the same level. Usually installed close to the equipment.
  • Radiators. The same options as in the previous scheme can be used. Steel ones will be more economical. They contain a smaller volume of water, so it heats up faster and uses less fuel.
  • Mayevsky cranes. Installation is the same as in the previous version. In addition, an air relief valve can be installed, which automatically removes it from the circuits.
  • Fittings are selected depending on which pipe is used during installation.
  • Circulation pump . Usually it is already installed in the heating device. If there are several circuits using a collector, additional units are installed.
  • Hydraulic arrow. This is very important element, which makes it possible to beam scheme layout create a balance between the different contours. It is designed to equalize pressure and ensure timely supply of hot media to each point.
  • Pressure gauge. Usually present in all modern equipment. If it is not there, then it is installed next to heating device. It is necessary in order to control the constancy of pressure within the entire system.
  • Collector. The element from which the various circuits are wired is supplied with coolant.

The positive aspects of this arrangement are high speed warming up the entire coolant, more economical consumption gas or electricity. With this option, it is possible to increase the length of the contours in order to install a water heated floor. The disadvantages usually include the high cost of work, certain difficulty in maintenance and the inability to operate in the absence of electrical energy.

IN mixed system circulation can be accomplished in two ways. The pump runs parallel to the main circuit without breaking it. Two taps are installed on the inlets to the device in order to cut it off at any time, as well as one locking mechanism on the main pipe below it. This valve closes when the pump is running. If you want the system to work in automatic mode, then instead of a tap you need to install check valve. The entire system usually also consists of metal pipes.

Plastic pipes have become widespread. This is due to affordable price as well as versatility. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid any obstacles and complete a contour of any complexity. The pipes are connected using fittings and a soldering iron. If possible, it is better to try to get by with as few connections as possible. This is due to the fact that the internal diameter is often narrowed at soldering points, and this creates unnecessary hydrostatic stress and reduces efficiency. If the design allows, then it is better to use bends with a smooth transition, this will eliminate sudden changes. Modern polypropylene can easily withstand carrier temperatures of up to 95º, and its service life is up to 50 years without the need for serious maintenance.

Selecting a location

For natural circulation systems, a floor-standing boiler is usually selected. There is one very thing about him important condition– it should be at the lowest point of all contours. This is explained by the fact that air bubbles should not accumulate in it. Otherwise, the heat exchanger will burn out faster. Also at the outlet there must be a pipe, which after the transition has a vertical location, this is necessary so that the air can rise up freely and subsequently be removed through a special relief valve or through an open expansion tank.

If a forced system is installed, this condition may not be met. Wall samples can be installed both at the highest point in some cases, and at the lowest point when the heater is installed in the basement.

When piping a double-circuit boiler is performed , Additionally, it is necessary to ensure its connection to the water supply system. This is necessary because it not only heats the coolant for the heating system, but also heats running water that will be used in household needs. For single-circuit ones, a similar scheme can also be implemented. But this can only be done during installation secondary heat exchanger. Its role can be played by a metal cylinder through which the supply pipe enters the system.

Nuances for a solid fuel boiler

Such equipment cannot simply be turned off, like gas or electric. If loading has been carried out, then nothing will change until the fuel burns out completely. Therefore, with such piping it is necessary to provide protection systems. They can be of several types:

  • Using tap fluid. To implement this option, a special device is purchased. By appearance it resembles a heating element. It is built into the heat exchanger; some manufacturers specifically provide an additional input for such solutions. After this, running water is supplied, and the outlet pipe is lowered into the sewer. The essence of the method is that when the circulation pump stops working due to lack of electrical energy or breakdown, a valve opens, which allows cold water, it, passing through the coil, takes away part of the temperature, after which it is discharged into the sewer. The process continues until the fuel is completely burned out. In some situations, this method will be ineffective, because when the lights are turned off, the pressure in the water supply also disappears.
  • Source uninterruptible power supply. Available today various options. Most of them support connecting external batteries. The duration of operation will depend on the selected battery capacity. In this case, the pump is connected to the network via a UPS. As soon as the electrical energy is lost, a device comes into play that keeps the pump operating until the power supply to the house is restored or until the batteries are discharged.
  • Small gravity circuit. It involves circulation of the medium in a small circle that does not require the use of a pump. It is made in compliance with all slopes and pipe diameters.
  • Additional gravity circuit. This option implies the presence of two full-fledged circuits. At the same time, when an emergency situation arises and forced circulation disappears, hot water, under the influence of physical laws, continues to flow into the second circle, giving off temperature to the heating devices.

These are additional components, which for the most part are already included in modern boilers.

  • Automatic relief valve. In appearance it may resemble a structure similar to a valve or a small barrel with a nipple at the top. In order to find out whether it is included in the design of the device, you need to look at design features connections for connection, it is usually located there.
  • Dirt trap. A special flask that allows you to remove unnecessary elements from the heating circuits that got there when the system was filling. It is installed in front of the boiler entrance. It is necessary to clean it periodically.
  • Coarse filter. Ordinary tap water is used. It is usually mounted at the entrance of the main line to the equipment.

Sequence of installation work

  • Installation. If a solid fuel version of the boiler is used, care must be taken to ensure that there is a solid base underneath that will be resistant to impact. high temperatures. For the gas floor-mounted and wall-mounted turbocharged version, a hole is made in the wall through which a pipe is brought out to discharge exhaust gases and supply fresh air. For the chimney version and solid fuel equipment, an additional pipe will need to be brought out to the required height to create draft.
  • Connection to the chimney. For modern samples, a special pipe with two sleeves is provided, one goes inside the other. One is used for withdrawal, and the other is for delivery. In other options, a clay solution is used to seal the seam. It is not advisable to use cement, as it will crack quickly.
  • Ensuring good air supply. For solid fuel, you can additionally supply supply valve, with the help of which it will be possible to regulate the incoming air and combustion force.
  • Installation of pipe distribution. When the device is installed, it is easier to navigate how best to lay the highway.
  • At the same time, systems that will ensure safety, as well as expansion tanks, are connected.
  • Installation of a circulation pump, if necessary.
  • Installation of additional temperature sensors.
  • Connection to gas pipeline. It must be remembered that such a connection must be rigid without the use of flexible hoses.

Under no circumstances should you skimp on components or neglect protection systems. Which specific method of pipe routing will be relevant in your case will depend on many factors, the main one of which will be the device itself.


This video shows how tying is done.

The tasks and purpose of boilers are clear to everyone. This is literally the “heart” of the entire heating system, without which the coolant simply will not warm up to the required temperature and provide comfortable living conditions. But in order for all the component elements of the unit to function fully, the heating boiler must be properly piping with polypropylene, diagrams and photos of which will be presented in this article.

Purpose of the strapping

The initial task for which heating boiler connection diagrams were developed was to protect all components of the heating unit from overheating and, accordingly, from breakdown. This ensures that all key performance characteristics heating apparatus.

Various circuit examples

The boiler piping, to put it quite simply, is everything that is located between the boiler/stove and the radiators. The functionality of the entire system and the rational use of finances depend on how correctly and in accordance with technical recommendations it is carried out. Important! A properly selected and implemented connection diagram for a heating boiler makes even a low-power unit work more efficiently, maximizing its energy resource to the heating main.

But it is even more profitable to wire the heating boiler yourself, because there is no need to resort to the help of specialized companies that provide similar services. Of course, if you do not have certain skills in this area of ​​​​activity and are afraid that you will not be able to cope with the implementation of the task on your own, then it is still better to entrust the connection of the heating boiler. Believe me, sometimes it makes sense to overpay, because not everyone can assemble such a large thermal unit with their own hands without making mistakes, which can subsequently lead to a decrease in the quality of the equipment and its breakdown.

Classic version

Classic strapping pattern

Correctly performed piping of a gas or solid fuel boiler is a guarantee efficient work the entire heating unit. In this process, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a moment as adjustment temperature regime at the entrance and exit thermal circuit. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the temperature difference to a minimum, which, in turn, results in the use of a minimum amount of fuel, and, as a result, a reduction in financial costs for their purchase.

First, until the water in the system reaches the required temperature, the coolant will be moved along an auxiliary line. After the temperature of the coolant corresponds to the value set by the thermostat, it will go into the main pipeline, through which the room will be heated.

Complete set of strapping diagram

What's included

Almost any boiler piping scheme involves the use of the following structural components:

  • bypass valve;
  • centrifugal pumping unit(circulation pump);
  • valves of various configurations and purposes (drain, ball, etc.);
  • expansion tank;
  • a device for monitoring pressure in the system;
  • pass filter;
  • tees, connections, couplings, clamps;
  • washers, nuts, bolts;
  • valve set;
  • or automatic valve for air venting or heating circuit.

In addition, you will need another set wrenches And welding machine, which, in the absence of one, can be easily rented at a hardware store.

Using a wall-mounted boiler

Components that are connected to a wall-mounted gas heating boiler must be lined up in a piping diagram. You can connect nodes on your own using three methods:

  • hot water supply;
  • floor hidden heating installation;
  • carrying out heating circuit around the perimeter of the entire house.

If you are planning to equip your home with a single-circuit heating unit, then coping with the task will not be so difficult.

When piping the boiler with your own hands, you must strictly follow the diagram offered by the manufacturer of this device. Otherwise, even minor flaws made during the installation of the heating main can reduce the efficiency of the entire installation as a whole or, even worse, lead to a malfunction of the heating unit!

The piping scheme of a double-circuit heating boiler deserves special attention, since it can be either direct or mixing. The first option is characterized by temperature control via a burner, while in the second option, not only a burner is used for these purposes, but also a mixer with a tracking drive. And if you are far from all these subtleties, then it is better to entrust the process of constructing such a unit to professionals.

VIDEO: Connecting a gas boiler

What are emergency harnesses and what is their purpose?

Regardless of which heating boiler connection option you have chosen to furnish your home, any of them must be supplemented with an emergency circuit. It is thanks to the additional piping that your heating unit and the entire system as a whole will be able to fully function in the event that unforeseen emergency situations arise. As a rule, most often boilers stop working due to power outages.

So, today specialists with many years of experience in this field of activity offer 3 effectively working options for constructing emergency circuits.

Feeding the pump from an uninterruptible source

This method of providing uninterrupted operation characterized by the use of battery devices or special uninterruptible power supplies. However, this option cannot always be implemented, since not every owner of such equipment regularly feeds it with electricity. Therefore, if you do not want to get into a difficult situation, do not forget to check the performance of the batteries and charge them from time to time.

An excellent solution would be a 12-volt circulation pump, which charges as long as there is electricity without disconnecting from operation, and when the mains is not working, it runs on battery power. It switches automatically, does not require any forced adjustment, is inexpensive, and works for a long time.

Natural circulation

In this case, the main heating main, which operates by artificially pressurizing the pump, is supplemented by another circuit, which operates through the natural circulation of the heat source. This system is connected immediately after the centrifugal pumping apparatus stops working. However, it is worth understanding that natural way movements hot water the system will not be able to fully heat the room with large area, so install it only in those rooms where there is a need to retain heat.

Design of a special emergency circuit

Bypass for the system

This option is the most optimal, but at the same time the most financially expensive. After all, its device will require another circuit that will work during non-standard situations.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of connecting the thermal circuit together with heating element. We hope our tips will help you create the most comfortable temperature conditions for living in your home!

VIDEO: Heating a house - boiler piping diagram

An autonomous heating system allows you to Vacation home suitable for life even in winter. Of course, to preserve heat, you still need to lay insulation and install reliable windows with a high degree of sealing. But without a good boiler, all this will be useless.

In order for the system to work at full capacity, it is necessary to properly piping the heating boiler. Otherwise, its functioning will be in great doubt. Incorrect piping especially affects the performance of the system.

Attention ! Essentially, piping is connecting the boiler to the heating pipes. But to do it correctly, you need to take into account many factors.

There are a number of rules and regulations that will make the strapping as effective as possible. It is very important to connect everything correctly. This will optimize performance.

The importance of proper heating boiler piping

Before piping the boiler with your own hands, it wouldn’t hurt to find out in more detail why you should do this. Firstly, whether the system elements will not overheat depends on how correctly this operation is performed. Secondly, optimal design allows you to increase the service life of the system.

Attention ! If you want to do heating system that will serve you long years without repairs or replacement of parts - correct piping of the boiler is simply necessary.

If you wire the heating boiler correctly, it will help distribute the heat load with maximum efficiency. Optimal distribution of thermal fluid throughout the entire circuit will make it possible to speed up heating.

The piping scheme is of particular importance for solid fuel heating boilers. The fact is that the automation of the device works quite poorly, and to ensure it maximum efficiency you need to make a good harness. The result of your work will be a self-regulating structure.

Features of the classic harness

Of course, in order to make a high-quality heating boiler piping, it is best to use existing schemes that have been able to prove their effectiveness more than once.

At the same time, in order to do everything as it should, you need to connect everything correctly. It also wouldn't hurt to install regulators at the input and output. Such devices make it possible to perform control functions with much greater efficiency.

Attention ! Temperature control sensors at the outlet and inlet help avoid temperature changes.

By classic scheme You will need to wire the heating boiler taking into account the presence of two system circuits: small and large. This scheme works as follows: first the small circuit is heated, but as soon as the boiler enters operating mode, the liquid flowing through the pipes will be redirected to the large one.

Attention ! The result effective interaction small and large circuits are used to heat the entire building.

From the information presented above, we can draw a logical conclusion - the more contours, the more better heating Houses. This allows for much more precise process control.

To wire a heating boiler you will need the following elements:

  • check valves,
  • safety valves,
  • brackets,
  • filters,
  • shut-off valves,
  • pressure gauge,
  • pump,
  • expansion tank,
  • thermometer.

Having all these elements, you can make a high-quality heating boiler piping. Moreover, the costs will be minimal.

Strapping schemes

To make it easier for you to choose a heating boiler piping scheme that is ideal for your home, you first need to classify them all. Classification is possible according to the following characteristics:

  • circulation method
  • wiring method,
  • using the collector wiring method.

Even the heating boiler piping circuit itself can have several serious modifications, which largely determine its functionality:

  • with heated floor,
  • classic heating structure,
  • with connection to the hot water supply circuit.

The very presence of a double-circuit boiler provides for a direct and mixing heating connection scheme. Therefore, it is at the design selection stage that you must make a decision on which all further operation of the system depends.

Connecting a double-circuit heating boiler is more difficult than connecting a single-circuit heating boiler, but the design possibilities are worth it. Little of, correct connection allows for high thermal efficiency.

Attention ! Connecting a double-circuit heating system to a hot water supply is quite complicated.

Each heating boiler is unique, so to make the correct piping, the first thing you need to do is study the instructions. This will help take into account all the nuances of the device and make right choice in favor of one system or another.

Single-circuit boilers are much less simple designs. For example, they are equipped with only one burner. With its help it is impossible to exercise such precise control as with a dual-circuit analogue.

That is why, in order to make a high-quality boiler piping, it is better to use double-circuit designs. They have two burners and are controlled by a special servo drive equipped with a mixer. This control circuit is much more convenient to use.

It is more difficult to wire a double-circuit boiler than a single-circuit boiler, but the work done is fully justified. Nevertheless, you must remain extremely careful and attentive, because if the strapping is incorrect, the consequences will be more than significant.

Additional schemes

As you can see, the basic piping schemes for a heating boiler can be quite varied. But general work the system depends not only on them. Auxiliary systems are of great importance, which include:

  • Additional water storage. Quite often, when there is a power outage, water also disappears. To avoid this, you need to install a special tank, which will become part of the heating boiler piping circuit. It will allow you to not feel the discomfort of being disconnected for some time.
  • Pump with battery. At first glance, this option is ideal during a power outage. But it's not that simple: you must constantly monitor the condition of the battery. Moreover, similar working diagram not particularly reliable. Because of this, automatic operation may be intermittent.
  • Gravity circuit. The main advantage of such a circuit is the reduction in load on the structure. It allows you to heat only certain places, which makes the temperature maintenance device more economical. The element starts working when the pump turns off. Therefore, its power is not enough to heat an entire house.
  • Emergency circuit. This option allows you to immediately use the gravitational and forced circuits. When the power disappears, only the gravitational component remains active.

All these elements allow you to feel warm and comfortable even under force majeure circumstances. If we talk specifically about power outages, then they are simply irreplaceable if you have an electric heating boiler.

Features of the boiler piping

Of course, this is the most important device in the entire heating structure. That is why it needs to be positioned correctly depending on the type. The best place to start is with floor equipment. It should not be located at the highest point of the wiring.

If you ignore this advice and place the device at the top of the pipeline, then air jams guaranteed. The only thing that can save you from this is the presence of an air vent device.

The main pipe plays a special role. If you do not have an air exhaust device, then it should exit the heating device strictly vertically. Through the pipes below, a connection to the general network is made.

We are piping an open type system with natural circulation

This system is the least difficult to install. The fact is that there is a minimum number of devices that will connect to it. Moreover, it is completely independent of power supply.

Attention ! The main disadvantage this option is the impossibility of controlling the coolant at the outlet.

To install such a structure you will need to follow these rules:

  1. The heating boiler is installed below the radiators. This helps create natural circulation. The minimum difference in height between them is half a meter.
  2. All pipes are installed at a slope. Moreover, the slope should be made in the same direction where the coolant is moving.
  3. The diameter of the pipes must be large. This will reduce the hydraulic resistance.
  4. The expansion tank must be installed in the highest place. Quite often it is installed on the roof of a building. This allows you to achieve a sufficient level of pressure in the pipes.
  5. Try not to abuse shut-off valves.
  6. A large number of regulators makes the flow area smaller. So don't install too many of them.

Using these simple rules, you can make high-quality piping for your home and ensure warmth in your rooms at any time of the year. At the same time, you will minimize your dependence on any external factors.


As you can see, there are many ways to piping a heating boiler. You can choose the one that best suits your purposes. Special attention you need to pay attention to equipment and additional elements.

Autonomous heating allows you not to depend on established consumption standards, pricing policy heat suppliers and their mood. This makes it possible to independently control the heating process and maintain the most comfortable temperature in the house, saving resources at the same time.

And if you have installed a heating boiler piping with your own hands, then it will last longer and will take up less financial resources, isn’t it? But have you never engaged in tying, and the word itself seems incomprehensible to you at first glance?

Don’t be intimidated by the abundance of pipes, devices and technological steps - after reading the article you will be up to the task. Here we consider piping schemes for floor and wall types heating equipment, selected visual photos and recommendations from specialists for performing strapping at home.

A heating boiler piping is a system of pipelines and equipment designed to provide radiators with coolant. Simply put, it's everything except the batteries.

The first step is choosing a heating boiler, the performance of which must be determined in advance.

The calculation of the required power of the heating unit is influenced by many factors, these are:

  • volume of the building;
  • number of windows and total glazing area;
  • number and area of ​​doorways;
  • thermal conductivity of materials used in the construction of walls;
  • degree of insulation of load-bearing structures;
  • average annual temperature in the construction region;
  • location of the building, i.e. Which side of the world faces the main, traditionally most glazed, façade?

However, there is an average indicator that, without in-depth calculations, allows you to determine the required performance.

For middle zone as a starting point (but not a guide to action!) you can take 1 kW per 10 m² of heated area. It is imperative to add a reserve of at least 20% to the design power of the heating boiler.

Heat for heating buildings is obtained by processing fuel in boilers that heat the coolant

Types of heating boilers

Conventionally, heating boilers can be divided into autonomous and manual loading.

Depending on the fuel used, autonomous boilers are:

  • liquid fuel.

The order in the list determines the cost of heating depending on the type of fuel: gas boilers will be the cheapest to operate.

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