A script for a fairy tale rework for an elementary school. Fairy tale "Teremok in a new way". Scenario for children by role

For interesting holidays. We wish you a great holiday!

Scenario of a fairy tale in a new modern way "Cinderella"

Author This story happened today. Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. And they had a daughter - Cinderella. The queen died, and the king, after a while, married. The stepmother came to the king's house, and with her two daughters. From the very first day, the stepmother took a dislike to Cinderella.

Stepmother My dear daughters, tomorrow there will be a disco, to which we will go. Today let's go shopping and buy the most modern clothes... After all, there will be a prince at the disco!

Daughter 1 Prince! It's great! I hope that he will marry me.

Daughter 2 On you? Look at you! But I ... I deserve to become his wife ... (fighting).

Stepmother My dear daughters, nice daughters, stop ... (the fight continues) What is it ... I can't do anything ... King, dear, come here ...

The king separates the sisters.

Stepmother Dear, we are going to the disco tomorrow ... Give us some money ...

King How many?

Stepmom 5-6 Centimeters

King (pulls out the money) Here you go, is Cinderella going?

Stepmother Well, you know, dear, there are so many things to do at home, so many worries, cleaning ... But you are leaving to hunt, you need someone to look after the house ...

King But ...

Stepmother Shut up, shut up, you know that I am always right ... Cinderella! Cinderella!
Cinderella appears.

Stepmother Why is it taking so long, mean girl? Tomorrow we are going to the disco. Today we will go shopping and buy things that, if necessary, you can fit into our figures at night.

Cinderella Of course, mother.

Stepmother And now go: it's time to get out.

Stepmother My darling daughters, get dressed ... (sisters get dressed, go on stage) So, Cinderella, fix it here, pull it up here, pin a rose here ... Whip my hair plump!

Daughter 1 I hope that I will become the prince's wife

Daughter 2 No, me! I, I say, I!

Cinderella Do not swear, sisters ... I so want you to have good mood and you could have a lot of fun ...

Both sisters Tired of having tips! Go to work!

Cinderella takes a broom and leaves.

Stepmother Where is our Mercedes? Has this chauffeur fallen asleep or what ?!

Chauffeur Bib, sit down ... (stepmother and sisters are leaving).

Cinderella sweeps the floor, then sits down and starts crying:

I also want to go to the disco ... Why is life so unfair ... Why is everything allowed to them, but not to me ... I don't know ... And no one can help me ...

Fairy appears

Fairy Why can't anyone help? I will help you, Cinderella, but my charm will last until 12 o'clock at night ... Do you agree?

Cinderella Of course, yes!

Fairy I'll touch you magic wand, and your dress will turn into a signature suit from Versace! And these are the most fashionable shoes, may they bring you good luck ...

Cinderella Thank you, dear fairy ... Thank you ... Goodbye ...

Fairy Goodbye ...

Author So, Cinderella came to the disco on a trio of magnificent horses, which in fact were not horses, but mice. Thanks to the fairy, they turned into the most beautiful horses in the world ... The fairy did not know how to turn mice into cars: she did not have a suitable spell for this ...

Cinderella Oh how many people are here! And here are the sisters and their mother ... I hope they don’t recognize me ... And here is the Prince ... The Prince ... (dreamily)

Prince What a charming girl ... It is immediately evident that she is also modest and kind ... I want to get to know her ... (approaches Cinderella).

Hello, beautiful stranger ... I don't know how to say ... I liked you very much ... And I ... would like to treat you to cookies ... which are prepared according to my grandmother's special recipes ... And at the same time, let everyone try ... (distributes cookies, sweets to children).

Cinderella Your sweets are delicious!

Prince May I ask you to dance?

Cinderella Everyone is looking at us ... And the sisters are angry ... (very quietly, almost to herself)

Cinderella I have to go, I cannot stay ... runs away

The prince runs after her, Cinderella loses her shoe and hides. The prince takes the slipper.
PRINCE Where is she? Where? I ... I think ... love her ...

Author The next day it was announced that the girl for whom the shoe fits would become the prince's wife ... Girls who wanted to become princesses flocked from all over the world, and the daughters of the stepmother and Cinderella came.

Stepmother My dear daughters, we should go to the palace and try to put on a slipper. (Go to the palace)

Daughter1 Oh, it didn't suit me ... Cinderella, help me ... Cinderella puts on, daughter1 takes two steps, limping ...

Fitter The shoe did not fit you, sirushka

Daughter 2 Cinderella, help me ... Get moving ... Sister will not become the Prince's wife, but maybe I ... Cinderella pulls a shoe on her sister's leg, she takes two steps and falls.

Fitter And your shoe is not on your feet, dear.

Daughter 2 (crying) On my leg, came up, I just stumbled. Give me another chance ...

Fitter (making a decisive gesture) Didn't fit! And now you (points to Cinderella).

Cinderella But I ...

Fitter Try it on!

Cinderella puts on, dances and suddenly finds herself in beautiful clothes ...

The Prince appears.

Prince It is she ... And I love her, my princess ... (the prince embraces Cinderella)

Scenario modern New Year's fairy tale

Scene 1.
Storyteller: Hello, dear viewers! Would you like to listen to a fairy tale? Once upon a time there was Grandfather and Baba ... Do you think I'll say now: "They were poor, very poor"? Nothing like this! This is a fairy tale about the new Russian grandfather and woman. What only they did not have! And the Indesit stove, and the Sony TV, and the Ariston refrigerator, and the Bosch washing machine ... Only they had no one to help them with the housework.

Grandfather and Baba's apartment. Grandfather is watching TV, Baba is spinning in front of the mirror.

Baba: Grandfather, turn off this news, you have no strength anymore! Either the Swan Princess was pecked to death, or Ivan Tsarevich killed the frog! Continuous chernukha!

Grandfather: Shut up, old! Should I know the rate of a dime or not? You'd better clean the apartment, spread the dirt! Why did I give you a washing vacuum cleaner?

Baba: You would still remember dishwasher in which you put the carpet to wash! And then, I have no time to clean, I'm late for shaping! I could have done it myself!

Grandfather: I can't either, I have a business meeting at a bowling club. Listen, maybe we can get a housekeeper?

Baba: Well yes! Where can you find a good housekeeper now? Young people of today are so unreliable, they will not clean, but they will rob! And there will probably be like a horse ... One expense.

Grandfather: Come on, grandma, we will mold our housemaid out of the snow! Let her live with us - she does not freeze, does not eat, does not get tired, and at night you can put her on the balcony so that she does not take up space in the house!

Baba: And in the spring, what are we going to do with her? Keep in the freezer, or what?

Grandfather: Why do we need a housekeeper in the spring? We were going to give up on the Canary Islands!

Baba: Well, okay, I persuaded, let's go sculpt.

Storyteller: And they went to mold themselves a housekeeper. Somehow they sculpted, slapped, stamped, slapped from above. Let's go and see what they do.

Scene 2.
Grandfather, Baba and Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden cleans the apartment: she washes the plates with a mop, she cleans the clothes on Baba with a dish rag.

Baba (groans): Oh my god! Grandfather, what have you done? What did you put in her brains?

Grandfather: Yes, I took out some detail from the TV ... I wanted the best ...

Snow Maiden (happily): Best gift for best girl in the world!

Baba: I wanted the best, but it turned out as always! She can’t do anything, everything is falling out of her hands!

Snow Maiden: When work is not going well and the mood is at zero - Brooke Bond tea!

Snow Maiden: E-mine, what have you done?

Baba: I knew it! Cudgel you stoerosovaya, fool king of heaven!

Grandfather: Come on, shut up!

Snow Maiden: Pause - eat Twix!

Baba (to the Snow Maiden): Go ahead, take out the trash. At least some benefit will be from you.

Snow Maiden (leaving): Not all yoghurts are equally useful ...

Baba: Well, what can you do with her now? She will ruin all our equipment! Here is a present - the Snow Maiden the Fool!

The Snow Maiden is back, with her Maria is the director of the Red Sharz modeling agency.

Maria: Hello, does this girl live with you?

Grandfather (suspiciously): Are you interested in registration? Everything is in order with her - a private balcony with all the amenities!

Snow Maiden: from $ 1000 per square meter!

Maria: No, what are you! I am Maria, director of the "Red Sharz" modeling agency, we organize beauty contests.

Baba: That's what your face is familiar to me! Tell me, weren't you just Maria?

Maria: I, and I also sold aspirin to old women "Panadol" Oops.

Snow Maiden: Aspirin Oops - live without pain!

Maria: And now I want to invite your Snow Maiden to the competition. The main prize is a trip around the world.

Snow Maiden: Five continents are waiting for you! Send three membranes from Nescafe ...

Baba, Grandfather (together): We agree! Take her away as soon as possible!

Scene 3.
Beauty contest, all the girls pose as contestants, walk, smile, wave their hands.

Storyteller: Our Snow Maiden, though a Fool, is a beauty. And at a beauty contest, brains only get in the way. Here our Snegurochka took 1st place.

Maria and Snegurochka enter the middle of the stage

Maria: And here is our winner - Snegurochka!

Snow Maiden: L'Oreal - I deserve it!

Maria: How are you feeling now?

Snegurochka: The feeling of freshness does not leave me all day!

Does the Overseas Prince run out onto the stage, addressing the Snow Maiden?

Prince: Oh, I am the Overseas Prince, and you are the super-rushen-girl! "Genius of pure beauty"!

Snow Maiden: Cleanliness - purely "Tide"!

Prince: You will come with me to my country and be my guest of honor. I will feed you, give you water, give you gifts, dress you in furs ...

Snow Maiden: This season it is fashionable to buy fur coats on "Kozhanaya Ulitsa".

Prince: What is she saying?

Maria: Never mind, she took Panadol and her head was gone! Let's go and discuss the details with you.

Everyone leaves.

Modern scenario for children's party fairy tales "The Adventures of Masha and Viti"



Baba Yaga

King from the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state

Gingerbread man

Scene 1.

Leading. We will now tell a fairy tale

Listen, friends.

After all, without a fairy tale in our school

On this day it is impossible!

Fabulous music sounds. On the stage there is a table, a chair, a computer. Vitya is sitting at the table, writing something down in a notebook. Masha enters. She looks at everything around. Vitya notices her by chance.

Vitya. You again?

Masha. Yes, Vitya, it's me!

Vitya. What are you, Masha, following me all the time? Where I am, there you too! Fell in love, or what, with me?

Masha. Here's another thought - fell in love! Who needs you like that? You mess around with your computer, you don't notice anything around you.

Vitya. Why don't you like my computer?

Masha. What's the use of it?

Vitya. And such! I came up with a program the other day. Do you want me to show you?

Masha. Did you come up with it? Probably downloaded from the Internet!

Vitya. No, not from the internet! There is no such thing. My program is unusual.

Masha. What is so unusual about her?

Vitya. Not a single person can do without it. Okay, step back and don't bother!

Masha. And I will bother you! What is this posting? But this one?

Vitya. Don't touch, put everything back!

(There is an explosion)

Vitya. Oh, what have you done !!!

The presenter enters.

Leading. What is this mess you got?

Vitya. And we had a small explosion here. It's all Masha. She always sticks her curious nose everywhere. What a girl ?!

Leading. Well, children don't swear! You see, Masha, one word was programmed in this computer, without which any person simply cannot exist. Therefore, without wasting time, we must find him.

Masha and Vitya. What?

Leading. Here's what! When you had an explosion, all the letters flew to different places. And now, in order to collect the word, you will have to go on a journey. So, let's get ready to go in search of the missing treasures. And this magic tangle will help us find the right path. Well, let's go, time is running out.

Music sounds heroes leave.

Scene 2.

Imitation of the forest. Trees, fir-trees. Baba Yaga is spinning in the forest.

Baba Yaga. Oh, and I had a dream today! It’s as if I’m angry, contemptuous and cooked some kind of witchcraft filth! Ugh!

I am in fact, a shy girl, a beauty! It's already 3 years old! It's all about me that they lie that I'm so scary! I have a sensitive soul! Again, in the forest I am the best bride, not like some kind of green Kikimore. The dowry is rich, the house is separate, there is some kind of transport of its own.

No, after all, beauty is a terrible force!

(looks in the mirror)

Oh, this is such a mess! Yes, you need to prepare for the wedding. Invite the toastmaster, hire the artists! There is a lot to do!

(Masha and Vitya enter together with the presenter)

Leading. So where did we end up?

Vitya. In my opinion, this is Baba Yaga.

Leading. Hello dear grandmother. We had one trouble, maybe you can help us.

Baba Yaga. Here's another. I have nothing else to do. I have my own worries full. I'm getting married, but I haven't had a horse lying around here yet1 Do you know from these times what a wedding is like? Hire a toastmaster, invite artists, write invitations, send out ...

Leading. Wait, grandma, what if we help you and you help us. Masha and Vitya will print your invitations as soon as the computer is repaired and sent out.

Baba Yaga. Will they be able to?

Leading. Do not hesitate, of course they can! And we can also choose artists for you, we have such nesting dolls in our class, you will not admire! Would you like to see?

Baba Yaga. Well, show it!

(Matryoshka dance)

Baba Yaga. Well, all I take is your artists. How can I help you?

Leading. Yes, you see, we lost the letter, the magic ball brought us here.

Baba Yaga. Ouch! I saw, I saw the letter, I picked it up. I wanted to stick it on the invitation. But since you will help me now, of course, I will give it to you.

Goodbye. Bon Voyage!

(We take the letter and leave).

Scene 3.

The king from the distant kingdom paints the fence and sings.

Vitya, Masha and the presenter enter.

Tsar. Hey, who let the guards. Cut off your head!

Leading. Dear, the king was not ordered to be executed, he was told to say the word!

Tsar. That's it. Well, tell me, what did you come with?

Leading. An unpleasant story happened to us, a magic ball brought us to you. Can you help us?

Tsar. Duc, I, of course, can help, but you would do something nice to me, please the old man, otherwise I am completely bored with this royal life. So he started painting the fences.

Leading. Do you want, Father Tsar, we will give you a surprise and a good mood?

Tsar. Surprise? I've never heard of such a thing. Of course I want!

(* the song "Surprise" sounds)

Tsar. Oh, pleased! Is that what they were looking for! Take it, come again!

Scene 4.

Soundtrack of the music "Well, wait!". A tired wolf appears.

Wolf. Good people, help! The Hare drove me to the end! How many episodes I chase after him, and he keeps running away from me. He erased all his paws, lost his voice. The she-wolf does not let her go home, she says, she completely fought off the family, go, says where you came from. (Yawns) I will take a nap, and if the Hare appears, you will wake me up, please. The wolf lies down under the tree and snores. A Hare drives in on a scooter.

Hare. Wolf! Sleeping ... how gray he is, cute ... when he sleeps! And that we quarrel with him all the time?

The Hare tickles the Wolf's nose with a straw. The wolf wakes up.

Wolf. Finally! Now I, Hare, will definitely eat you!

Hare. Well, I started again: "HOOT! HOOT!" Tired of it! Wolf, let's better dance with you! And the rabbits will help us!

Wolf. Yes, I'm tired of running too! Let's!

Dance "rabbit" to the soundtrack of the song of Y. Nikulin

Leading. Oh, what a fine fellow you are! Do you happen to have our letter?

Wolf. Was there something under my tree? Yours?

Leading! Our! Thanks a lot! Goodbye!

Scene 5.

Lisa enters the stage and dances. On the other side, Kolobok appears.

Fox. Hello, gingerbread man! What a blush you are! Golden! I just want to eat it!

Gingerbread man. Here's another! She wanted to eat me! Have you forgotten, red-haired, who is the boss in the forest now ?!

Fox. I do remember!

Gingerbread man. That's the same! Do you want, Lisa, I'll sing you a song now? Did you compose half an hour ago?

Fox. Sing, bun, sing!

Gingerbread man. Hey fox! Look at me!

I am a bun, do as I do! Etc. (phonogram B. Titomir)

Fox. Gingerbread man, well, you're just Eminem! But I've become completely bad, I'm going deaf! You would have pity on me, kolobok! I would sit on my nose, closer to my ears and sing one more time!

Gingerbread man. You go again?! I know you! Just sit on ns to you, so you will eat me right away! I will not sing more songs to you!

Enter Masha, Vitya and the presenter!

Leading. Hello Kolobok! Hello fox! Don't you accidentally have our letter! We're looking for her everywhere! I can't have it, I suffer from deafness. But Kolobok may have.

Gingerbread man. Exactly! In my new song, it has become one letter more. Is it not yours?

Masha and Vitya. Ours, ours!

Leading. Thank you, Kolobok!

Fox. Gingerbread man, dear, teach me your new song!

Gingerbread man. Do you think you can do it ?!

Fox. I will try very hard.

Music sounds, go away.

Scene 6.

Leading. So we have collected all the letters. Now you can connect your computer too. Come on Vitya, scan them and translate them into electronic view.

Electronic music sounds.

Vitya. OK it's all over Now!

Masha. Well, show me, what is it?

Shows the word "school"

Leading. School is a place without which no person on earth can live! At school we learn to be friends, to be kind and honest people. Friendship always helps to overcome all obstacles, to solve challenging tasks... And if we are all together, we will be able to solve any problem, even the most difficult one.

The final song "The Magicians" is played


He was about to run away.
- Why do you walk along the paths at night?
- In the afternoon, the Chekists are catching our brother.
He looked around cautiously, nodded to us once more, and dived under a freight train stationed nearby.
- What a fool! - said the brother. - This is by order of Felix Edmundovich ... It was he who undertook to collect the street children. He entrusted the best workers of the Cheka with this task.
Holding soap dishes and towels, we, talking, returned to the place where a large pipe hung over the paths. The puddle of soap left after our washing has not yet been absorbed into the ground. And only when we reached this place, we came to our senses, stopped and looked around ...
There was no train. Drops were still falling slowly from the pipe. And the train? Was it not his last carriage that flashed mockingly in the distance and disappeared under the viaduct, between the yellow railway buildings?
And we realized that a rather ordinary, not very terrible, but extremely offensive incident happened to us - we lagged behind the train.
Since it was stuffy in the carriage, during the journey we took off everything we could and jumped out to wash ourselves in shirts. As far as I remember, I was wearing black satin, my brother was wearing some kind of chintz, in a small bunch, it went very well to his rounded-ruddy face, to his blue eyes sparkling with irrepressible joy, to his thick curls the color of a lion's mane. My brother was six years younger than me, but taller and taller. I put my summer military uniform, just received, in a Red Army duffel bag - all this, together with my brother's suitcase, was rapidly rushing south. Fortunately, the documents and money were with us.
We walked along the platform discussing their position. We were hungry, and we immediately bought from the stall a large crunch, sprinkled with poppy seeds and caraway seeds on a donut - NEP was just beginning, and there was no such luxury in Moscow at that time. A telegram should have been sent down the line to hold up our luggage. The brother took it upon himself. With his KGB identity, he went to the UTChK (precinct transport emergency commission), which the speculators nicknamed "the duck." "Look, the" duck "does not get caught, she will devour you with giblets," - they said to each other.
"Duck" was outside the station, on the square, in a small wooden house... The brother entered there. I looked around and sat down on the grass, which had not yet lost its spring freshness.
On April 13, 1918, after graduating from a real school, I immediately bought myself a gray summer cap with a button, marking the beginning of an independent, adult life... However, I did not have to wear this cap - it began Civil War and military service... When I was packing my things for a trip to Crimea, this cap fell into my hands, I put it in my pocket. Now I got it. But either my head had grown, or my cap wrinkled - for some reason it became cramped for me, I took it off and put it in front of me.
Lagged behind! What nonsense! In my duffel bag, now moving away from me, a typewritten copy of my story, already accepted for publication, rushed south. The girl whom I loved, I was carrying this first work of mine, it was dedicated to her.
I was not worried about the copy going missing. Neither my duffel bag nor my manuscript could be lost on the platform of the mail car. But I was annoyed.
Under the morning breeze, tired of the monotonous railway shaking, I dozed off imperceptibly and in my sleep I heard Marianna's sweet, sonorous laugh, saw the quick glance of her small eyes, a thin, slightly upturned nose, a smile, mocking and ingenuous. She will laugh at me to her heart's content!
“Take it, for Christ’s sake ...” suddenly a creaky voice was heard, and I opened my eyes in fright.
The old woman had already passed by, and in my cap lay a million rubles, a "lemon" - the then banknote, depreciated to the point that it was impossible to buy even a box of matches with it.
- Grandmother! I shouted.
She looked around and nodded to me with a kind smile:
- Accept, accept, child ... - and shuffled on.
From the building of the UTCHK brother came out together with a ruddy chekist who looked like a huge child. He walked with us to the platform, to the service telegraph, from where he sent a telegram down the line. Our luggage "was subject to delay", about which the same "duck" had to be reported to Kharkov.

If you want to congratulate the hero of the day in a non-standard and funny way, then here you are at help will come funny script of a fairy tale for adults. He will not require any active actions on the part of the guests, the participants will only have to pronounce their duty phrase in time. Of course, funny scenes fairy tales for adults are held in honor of the hero of the occasion. Therefore, they require his direct participation. Let's give an example of such a poetic work.

Distribution of roles

The host of the festive event, who will read the script of the fairy tale for adults, gives out certain roles to the guests. In accordance with them, participants put on pre-prepared hats on their heads (they will need to cut out images of animals and stick them on a rim made of paper). Each role is assigned a specific statement.

Character Phrases:

· Bear (hero of the day): "Friends, thank you for coming!"

· Fox: "Here you go!"

· Hare: "So great we sit, friends!"

· Hedgehog: "Well, so-so festivities!"

· Boar: "Will you treat me to a cigarette?"


In the process of reading congratulations, all the characters (except for the hero of the occasion) will shout in chorus "Happy birthday", which should be warned about in advance. Guests should listen carefully to the presenter so as not to miss their lines. This unusual and funny scenario of a fairy tale for adults can be included in any program dedicated to the "adult" birthday.


Once at the edge of the forest

The beasts all gathered in the hut,

To celebrate your birthday together

And congratulate the birthday bear.

The animals sat down at the table,

Talk about this and that.

And in chorus all in an instant

Suddenly they shouted "Happy birthday!"

Fox, already a little drunk,

She said in surprise, "Here they are!"

And the bunny is a gray coward

Peeking out from under the table timidly

And he spoke openly, without concealing:

"We sit so well, friends!"

Only the hedgehog was not in the mood.

He, seeing the general embarrassment,

Sprawled imposingly on the couch

And loudly said, "Well, so-so festivities."

But the beasts are upon him

paid no attention

And again in chorus

"Happy Birthday!" shouted.

And the jubilee bear,

Opening your arms

Confusedly whispered:

The fox, pouring wine to the bear,

Suddenly she shouted sharply: "Here they are!"

Here a zainka, noticeably bolder,

He uttered, as if in a chant:

"We sit so well, friends!"

The pig agreed with him.

And her husband is a forest boar

I was already pretty drunk.

He approached everyone with the question:

"Will you treat me to a cigarette?"

Only the hedgehog was lying on the couch

And quietly he repeated: "Well, so-so festivities."

But being away from the holiday


All the guests were buzzing again:

"Happy Birthday!"

Suddenly the birthday bear

Throwing away all your doubts,

Confidently spoke:

"Friends, thanks for coming."

The animals were all amused here,

We ate, apparently already, we got drunk.

They all started dancing together

And invite the birthday boy to dance.

Fatigue fox

A little pale

In the process of dancing

I often repeated: "Here you are!"

Well, the boar galloped to the ceiling,

He tapped with hooves,

And again he pestered everyone with the question:

"Will you treat me to a cigarette?"

And the whole hedgehog

From the smoke of cigarettes in the fog

Grumbled under his breath:

"Well, so-so festivities."

But all forest dwellers are happy.

Everyone is drinking, dancing - they are cool.

And endlessly screaming to themselves in surprise

To the jubilee bear: "Happy birthday!"


In this scenario of a fairy tale for adults, you can also involve all the guests present at the celebration. Let them, together with the characters, shout "Happy birthday!" Such a collective congratulation will certainly please the hero of the occasion. Such funny fairy tales / scenes for adults are especially popular mainly due to their originality and originality.

Tales "Turnip" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us from childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it "in an adult way." Interesting scenes with all familiar heroes will decorate any holiday and amuse all guests.

Try these tales of rework for drunk company by roles!

Merry fairy tale "Turnip" for adult holidays

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the scene. We need one presenter.

Participants should learn their roles, but don't be discouraged - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the scene.

The presenter should speak the name of the hero, and he, in turn, should speak his own words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which should be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the scene, the presenter should not be silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The stage requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can give prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, remove your handles, I'm still underage!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
There will be a booze now!
Baba - Something my grandfather has ceased to satisfy me.

Granddaughter - I'm almost ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandma, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Bug - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
This is not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I'm going to feel bad now - I'm allergic!
Mouse - Maybe we'll have a drink?


Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a fun company

What other tales by roles are there for a drunk company? This tale should also involve about seven participants. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of a grandmother, a grandfather, a hare, a fox, a bun, a wolf, and a bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but their whole life was changed by the bun. He became their salvation and hope - they doted in him.

For example:

The grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the kolobok and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never came.
The moral of this fable is as follows: You should not rely on the love of a kolobok, but rather have your own children.

A funny tale for active guests of the celebration

We choose five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The presenter should read the text:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist king. He decided to take a walk in the beautiful park and jumped up all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw beautiful butterfly... He decided to catch her, and the butterfly only scoffed at him - and screamed obscene words, and twisted her faces, and showed her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king, and flew away into the forest. The king was not very offended, but only more amused and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect that a bunny would appear in front of him and got scared, having got into the pose of an ostrich. The bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he was frightened himself. There is a bunny, legs trembling - and screams in an inhuman voice, asks for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. The beauty worked at a poultry farm and carried a chicken home. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she was frightened. The chicken did not lose the moment and jumped out, hitting the fox on the back of the head.

The chicken turned out to be very lively and first of all pecked the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal position. The bunny became even more scared, and she jumped onto the arms to the fox, taking her by the ears. Lisa realized what legs needed to be done - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the chicken. They grabbed the handles and walked towards the castle. Nobody knows what will happen next with the chicken, but the king will definitely treat her with delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration. "

The presenter invites the audience to pour glasses and drink to the king and chicken.

A funny tale for a company of adults

First of all, you need to pick up heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this tale.

It is required to select heroes for the role of a kitten and a magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of sun, wind, paper and a porch.

Participants must portray what needs to be done for their hero.

“The little kitten went out for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, giving everyone its rays. The cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative magpies sat down on the fence in front of him. They argued about something and conducted a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to crawl carefully to the fence. The magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to rattle.

The kitten almost got to its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. The kid did not succeed, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow in the street - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and pounced on its target. After scratching it a little and biting it, he realized that he was not interested in a simple sheet of paper - and let him go. The paper flew further, and from where a rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised its head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then the hens came running to the rooster and surrounded him on all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the chickens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not allow itself to be offended and pecked painfully. The animal got very scared and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - a neighbor's puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog started jumping on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that it was necessary to return home and painfully hit the dog with his nails. The puppy got scared and missed the kitten. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, albeit a wounded one.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound left by the chicken, and then stretched out to sleep. The kitten had strange dreams - and all the time he twitched his paws in his sleep. This is how the kitten got to know the street for the first time. "

The stage ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can award the most artistic actor with a prize.

Interesting scene for birthday and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even wrap the footcloths normally and sometimes, when I was told "to the left", I turned in reverse side... Besides, I was not at all friends with the shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me, when reading any news, I commented on it and released spatial comments. In those days, I was not yet a member of the party - and Kudryavtsev already then for some reason expected some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his eye on myself. What did I see in his gaze? Probably the fact that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me for now, but one more mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to get better and made a promise to myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had a chance to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often fired upon. A lot of reinforcements, as well as literature, constantly went to the place of work ...

My job was to check the passes of people who were crossing the bridge. Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and sprayed me. Shells were falling near me, and the bridge was already destroyed. Any minute could be the last for me, but I gave myself a condition that I would not leave the bridge anyway.

How did I feel? I did not feel fear - I was already ready for death. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not please me. I felt that I would not leave this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been at this post for several hours, but in fact, only a few minutes - as long as it took Kudryavtsev to reach me. I did not understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled me hard on the belt, and I came to myself.

- Quickly left here! The man said.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit it.

- See what's going on? Why were you standing there? Because of you, I could have been killed!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

- However, you are still a fine fellow, as you showed that you know the charter and were indestructible. You should be commended. But even if this is a matter of the past, I would like you to use your brains. The bridge was destroyed long ago, why were you standing there? What was the point of that? Was everyone ready to check the passes? If you were smarter and did not go to the post yourself, I would not punish you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev's attitude towards me changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked about me. Despite the fact that he was not in the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This person helped me to believe in myself, so his approval was very important to me.

I still remember one incident. We talked about what we will do after we defeat White. I said that I dream of becoming a writer who will portray the peaceful brotherhood of all peoples. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

- You have an excellent goal, - he said - You have a long way, Lebedinsky!

Funny fairy tales by roles for a drunken company

5 (100%) 12 votes

It's not bad if the role of the mouse that decides the whole problem belongs to the leader or hero of the occasion. Seven players-characters of the Repka fairy tale take part. The moderator assigns roles. The game is suitable for both children and adult company... The responses of the heroes can be chosen - which ones you like best. or come up with your own.

Be careful!
1st player will turnip. When the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say "Oba-na" or "Oba, that's what I am ..."

2nd player will grandfather. When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "Would kill" or "I would kill, e-May"

3rd player will grandmother. When the presenter says the word "grandma", the player must say "Oh-oh" or « Where is my 17 years old? "

4th player will granddaughter... When the host says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet" or "I'm not ready"

5th player will Bug... When the host says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof wow" or "Well, you fucking give, dog work"

6th player will a cat... When the host says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow meow" or “Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don’t work without valerian! ”

7th player will with a mouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee-pee" or "All okay, gore you a mosquito!"

The game begins, the host tells the tale, and the players voice it.

Leading: Dear viewers! A fairy tale on new way see, would you like to?

Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions ... in one, well, very rural, area very far from being famous, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: and grandfather planted a turnip.
(Turnip emerges)
Turnip: Both on! Here I am!
Leading: Our turnip has grown big, very big!
(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)
Repka: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: Grandfather began to pull the turnip.
Grandfather:(leaning out from behind the curtain) Would kill, e-may!
Repka: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: called Grandfather Grandma.
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Grandma(emerging over the curtain): Where are my 17 years ?!
Leading: grandma came ...
Grandma: Where are my 17s?
Leading: Grandma for grandpa ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa for a turnip ...
Repka: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: They pull, pull - they cannot pull. Calling Grandma ...

Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: Didn't make up your lips? Granddaughter came ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!
Leading: took up Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa ...
Grandpa: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa for a turnip ...
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: pull, pull - they can't pull ... Granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: well, you damn it, give, dog work!
Leading: The Bug came running ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work ...
Leading: I took on my Granddaughter ...
Granddaughter:: I'm not ready ...
Leading: Granddaughter for Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for Grandpa ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandfather for Turnip ...
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am!
Leading: pull-pull - they cannot pull out ... took the Bug ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading:: Cat!
Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I have an allergy to her coat! I don’t work without valerian!
Leading: the cat came running and how it will grab the bug ...
Leading:: The bug screamed ...
Bug:(screeching) Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: took on the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...
Leading: granddaughter - for Grandma ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma - for Dedka ...
Grandfather: Would kill, e-May!
Leading: Grandpa - for the turnip ...
Turnip: Both on!
Leading:: They pull, pull, cannot pull. Suddenly the Mouse appears from the barn with a wide gait ...
Mouse: Okay, gore you Mosquito?
Leading: Out of need she went out and she did it under the Cat.
Cat: Remove the dog. Allergy to my wool, without valerian - I do not work!
Leading: How to scream with indignation ... Mouse ... Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?
Leading: grabbed the Cat, Cat ...
Cat: Take the dog away, I'm allergic to his coat, I don't work without valerian!
Leading: the cat again grabbed the bug ...
Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work!
Leading: The bug grabbed the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...
Leading: The granddaughter flies to the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where is my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma broke into Dedke ...
Grandfather: e-may, I would kill!
Leading: then the mouse got angry, pushed the people aside, grabbed the tops and pulled out a root crop! Yes, you see, by all indications not simple mouse this!
Mouse: Okay, gore you a mosquito?
Turnip: Oba, that's what I am ...
(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping away tears, Turnip hits the floor with a hat.)

You can, as a punishment for those who got lost, come up with a fine, for example, jump 5 times (for children) or drink a glass (for adults).

The tale "Turnip - 2" - in a new way

Second tale more difficult topics that in addition to words, each actor needs to do the corresponding movements. Therefore, before the fairy tale, right in front of the audience, you can rehearse.

Roles and their description:
Turnip- at each mention of it, raises his hands above his head in a ring and says: "Both on".
Grandfather- rubs his hands and says: "Well well".
Grandma- waves his fist to his grandfather and says: "I would kill".
Granddaughter- puts his sides in his hands and says in a languid voice: "I'm ready".
Bug- twirls its tail - "Bow-wow".
Cat- licks himself with his tongue - "Pshsh-meow".
Mouse- hides his ears, covering them with his palms - "Pee-pee-scatter."
The sun- stands on a chair and looks, as the story progresses, moves to the other side of the "stage".

Likewise, you can play fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok" etc.

If you wish, you can make masks. Print on a color printer and cut, enlarging the picture to the right size- depending on whom the masks are needed for (for children or adults).

"The Tale of Vasilisa the Beautiful"

First action. Storyteller: In the thirty-ninth kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state, there lived a king. And now it was impatient for him to marry in his old age. Many girls visited him in the palace, but he never found a bride among them. (The king sits on the throne. He plays the balalaika and sings ditties. There is a nanny nearby, behind the guards.) Tsar: Eh, nanny! I want to shanatsya. Nurse: Shanitsya! But where do you want the old one to marry? Sand is pouring out of you. Tsar: Be quiet, baba. But actually, what is true is true. (There is a crash. The Tsar presses his head into his shoulders. Everyone shudders.) Tsar: And what is this? Nurse: A! Baba Yaga sent her granddaughter from the city. The goblin has brought it. (A fashionable, brightly painted girl enters) Granddaughter: Hi dad. What do you say you are looking for a wife? Will you take me? Nurse: You? Where can I take such a terrible thing to you? Why did you expose your crooks? Granddaughter: And you're old altogether fuck off, they don't talk to you. Tsar: What? Insult the nanny? Guardians! Get her out of my sight! (Despite the stormy protest, the guards carry off the granddaughter. The door opens and Parashka enters crossing herself. Seeing the king, she falls on her knees and bangs her head on the floor. The king runs up to her and helps her to get off her knees.) Tsar: Stand up girl. Stand up beauty. What's your name, dear? Parashka:(Barely audible) Parashka. Tsar: (screaming) parashka! Well, let's go and drink some tea Tsar: Some kind of fool. Nurse: That's good my friend, there were no psychics in our family, and there shouldn't be. Storyteller: And the tsar heard here that Vasilisa the Beautiful is languishing in the kingdom of Koschee. Tsar: Nanny! And what, really, Koschey - Basilisku hid? Nurse: True, father. Tsar: Guardians! Ivan the Fool to me! 1 guard: No way, your Majesty, he has been resting in Hawaii for the second week after he brought you the firebird. Tsar: Well, then Fedot is an archer to me. 2 guard: And he is in America, at the international congress for the exchange of experience. Tsar: What to do, nanny? Nurse: And the king-father of overseas masters must be called. They are smart guys. 1guard: Aha! Like electric brooms! (An oriental-looking guy appears, if possible, in a kimono. Barefoot feet, a bandage with hieroglyphs on his head. Bows) Tsar: ( nanny) You look and really smart. (To Kawasake) What is your name, is that miracle overseas? Kawasaka: Kawasaki-san! (bows) Tsar: Kawasaka Alexandrovich means! That's what Kawasaka, you must go to the kingdom of Koscheevo by my royal decree and bring me Vasilisa. On which I laid my eyes. I'll give you my heroic horse. Hey guards! Bring this nag! Well, I hope you have your own weapon, since we have no shisha in the treasury. (Kawasaka mounts a horse, makes a circle around the stage and leaves) Second action. The storyteller: And at this time in the kingdom of Koschey (Music by T. Cotugno "Italian" enters Koschey) Koschey: Basilisk! Basilisk come here! (Basilisk appears, walks over and stands in front of him) Koschey: Well Basiliska changed her mind? Vasilisa: No, I won't marry you, besides, I saw in a dream that your death was near. (Music sounds. Kawasaka appears, making a circle he dismounted from his horse) Kawasaka: Hey, Koseya, catch up with Vasilisa. Koschey: (Perplexed) What is it? (fight starts) Storyteller: And here a great battle began and it lasted 3 days and 3 nights. And at the end of the fourth day, Kawasaka began to overcome Koshchei. (Koschey falls and crawls away Vasilisa rushes to Kawasaka and hugs him. He falls senseless to the ground. Vasilisa whistles, a horse appears. She throws Kawasaku across his back and they go home) Third action. (The royal palace. The king sits on the throne. Peers into the distance) Tsar: How is it? Not to be seen? 1guard: Not to be seen! Tsar: No? 2guard: I don’t see (Music sounds, Vasilisa appears. Having passed to the king, she slaps the horse on the rear, the horse with Kawasaka leaves the guards after them) Tsar:(With admiration) Oh-oh-oh! So big and all mine! (Music sounds, Vasilisa sings a song. She dances a waltz with the king. And his legs stumble and she supports him! At the end of the song, she picks him up and carries him away. Then everyone goes to bow.)

Notes: Vasilisa, parashka -2 guy. This option is preferable. Moreover, Vasilisa should be just a huge Parashka - on the contrary. Makeup: Both have bright red cheeks. Vasilisa has half-face lips. She should give an impression that completely contradicts the nickname - beautiful Tsar: Bald. In a long robe. Goat hair, sideburns, long mustache. It is very easy to achieve with the help of padding polyester, glued with BF-2 glue. Nurse An ordinary old woman Koschey: Black tight-fitting suit, glasses are obligatory, Voice and face are calm, low and rough. Granddaughter: A skirt above the knees Boots. Security: 2 guys in camouflage, with black glasses .Kawasaka: Asian type guy. Well waving his arms and legs, as well as his tongue.Author: Sannikova Ekaterina Vasilievna



MODERATOR 1: All this took place in the kingdom of Unutria. Have you not heard? Not surprising. This is a very small kingdom. He is not on any geographic map world. LEADER 2: The king lived and ruled in the kingdom of Uutria. His name was Edward 54. All previous kings were named the same. It was a long tradition. // King Edward 54 comes out. He sighs and sits on his royal throne // KING: It was good for Peter the Great, or Napoleon Bonaparte, or our Edward the Great, the founder of our kingdom. They were all the first. And try to do something historical when you are 54 ... MODERATOR 1: And yet the king's life was very hectic. The country is small, and the hassle is rife. Either the bridge over the Three Wolves River will break ... COURT: // Steps forward // Your Majesty, you have been elected as honorary leader of the repair team I will gilt them for you. Gold ended in the kingdom. The courtyard: // Steps forward // Your Majesty, foreign tourists sent me with a complaint that there were no ghosts in the ruins of the old fortress. Therefore, they demand their money back. From such a life, the king's patience snapped several times, and he demanded that he be released on pension. KING: I demand, you hear, I order to release me. that there was no replacement. LEADER 1: The king had an only son and heir, but he was still small and could not ascend the throne, since he was only eleven recently. LEADER 2: Together with other boys and girls, Prince Edward 55 studied in the capital's secondary school in the 6 "B" class. But it seems that our young hero is returning home from school. But he’s not very cheerful today. // The Prince enters. The jacket is dented and stained. An ostrich feather swayed over the beret. Pants ripped at the knee. There was a big bruise under his left eye. In the prince's room sat the royal court jester. The jester was also 11 years old, and he also studied with the prince in the same class, but on Mondays he did not go to school, as he was on duty at the palace. While the prince was at school, the jester sat at the old chess board and lazily played the giveaway by itself. When Eduard came, he perked up // GENKA: Wow, they gave you a good blamba! // The prince sniffed and threw the briefcase on the floor with force // GENKA: What, your highness, did you get a deuce? PRINCE: Uh-huh! By behavior. GENKA: (whistled) Did you fight again? PRINCE: Yes, with Lizka ... GENKA: Not with Lizka, but with her Excellency the young Duchess Charlotte-Elizabeth de Bina. PRINCE: Well, I don't even want to remember her, abnormal, even to remember ... In ordinary schools, in Unutrievskaya, 40-minute lessons were held, in which the children received knowledge in mathematics, history, literature, geography, wrote tests and answered at the blackboard. But most of all, probably, just like ordinary children in the capital's school, all the guys loved changes, because the most incredible events took place there. So, let's see what happened today. // The funny bell rings. Children run out onto the stage, portraying students of the 6th "B" class of the Unutrievskaya school. They jump, run, play catch-up, rubber bands, etc. During recess, one of the guys puts a charge with a piston on the desk where Dae Bing is sitting, puts a hefty button on her chair. The bell for the lesson rings. De Bina sits down on her chair and immediately jumps up // DE BINA: Edka, these are your jokes again! PRINCE: Are you crazy? (Twirls a finger near his temple) DE BINA: Oh, and who just raised you? It is immediately obvious that your ancestor Eduardo the Warlike was from shepherds! PRINCE: And your ancestors were from crocodiles! DE BINA: You're just jealous! Our ancestors a thousand years ago were the owners of the Bina castle and bore a surname with the prefix "DE" ... PRINCE: Change it to "DU" It will suit you very much. Look how it sounds ... Young Duchess Charlotte Elisabeth DUBINA ... GENKA: Then it all started ... DE BINA: Oh, who is Dubina? I AM DOUBIN? // A fight breaks out between the prince and the duchess. The bell rings. But no one hears him, everyone is shouting, making noise, fighting. The teacher enters the class. She stands in front of the class and speaks in a stern voice // TEACHER: Eduard 55 diary on the table, behavior 2 and don't come to school without a father! // Eduard puts the diary on the table, the teacher writes him a remark. The prince takes the diary and leaves // ACTION 3 GENKA: Yes, it's not good to fight with girls! Moreover, you are a prince! PRINCE: Girl, claws like a puma. She tore her entire collar, witch ... I would have changed clothes before dad came ... MODERATOR 1: But it was too late ... As always, at the most inopportune moment, the daddy king was light on sight. He silently opened the door and found himself next to the prince ... KING: (cheerfully) Well, sir, how are you? PRINCE: (pushing the briefcase with his foot) It's nothing special, it's the same as before. (The king picks up the briefcase from the floor, pulls out the diary) PRINCE: (aside) Well, now it will start ... KING: What is it? PRINCE: What? KING : I'm asking you. What it is. Come here. Go, go, see what is written here? PRINCE: Where? KING: Right here. Exactly! PRINCE: Well? KING: Without any "well". Read immediately! PRINCE: // Sighs and reads in a dull voice // Arranged an ugly fight at recess. In a natural history lesson, he planted a button under the Duchess of DE Bean. He spat a chewed blotter on the Duchess. Behavior is two. I ask your Majesty to come to school ... Dad! But she was the first to climb herself! KING: Ma-hunger! (the king barked, the jester falls from the stool!) Ma-hunger! (The king kicks the crown prince on the back with a diary and stomps his foot.) You will be sitting in the room for a whole week! No partying! No football! No TVs! PRINCE: Well Dad! KING: No Dads! (pulls the cord out of the TV, picks up a soccer ball from the floor and walks widely towards the door. Looks around at the door and notices the jester Genka) KING: What are you doing here, bum? Didn't do anything! Parasite! Two of a Kind. Get out of here! GENKA: I'm on duty. I am obliged to entertain the prince. KING: I will have some fun for you (throws the ball into the corridor, takes the jester under his arm and drags him to the exit). GENKA: (shouts indignantly) At the little one, right? And the king is also called (kicks indignantly. However, the king carries the jester out of the room and shouts): KING: March home, poor student! GENKA: (offended to the king) Well, I'll leave! (then cheerfully and naturally) See you soon, Edka, we'll see you again! ACTION 4. // The prince is left alone on the stage. He is sad. Out of nothing to do, he sits on the royal throne and sings to himself // PRINCE: Once upon a time, grandmother had a gray goat
One, two, one, two gray goat
The goat's grandmother was very fond of
One, two, one, two cooked with porridge! MODERATOR: Three hours have passed since the prince remained alone in the castle. His father, King Edward 54, went to school with a cool lady. From a conversation with her, he realized that Prince Edward is not so bad, and that he studies, as befits the crown prince, with only fives, and as for behavior, so that he is still small and sometimes he, like all children I want to play a little naughty. His royal majesty was returning home in good spirits. // The king saw the prince sitting on the throne. At the sight of his father, the boy quickly jumped up and walked to the side. The king felt sorry for him // KING: Well, the hero fought for a day? PRINCE: Uh-huh! KING: Why is he so sad? The holidays are coming soon, you’ll run up ... And if you want, let's arrange a royal ball! PRINCE: (absentmindedly) Can I ... (but immediately winced) Oh, again in lace, in bows to dress up. I'm tired of school. All the boys are teasing anyway ... KING: What can you do, all royal families have their own difficulties. But I can give you a sword that matches your court costume. PRINZ: Real? KING: The most real and old. She belonged to your great-great-great-great ... In general, Edward 35. It will be just right for you! PRINCE: Daddy, won't you forget? KING: Well, what are you! PRINCE: And when will you give it? ball, in a week! PRINCE: Of course it does, but now, if it's not difficult for you, tell me a fairy tale KING: A fairy tale? Hmm ... Maybe it's better some story about the navigation of Edward 11, the Navigator ... Or ... PRINCE: Yes, no, just a fairy tale KING: What kind of fairy tale to tell you? ... PRINCE: Yes, at least some ... KING: Well, my boy, let's go , I'll tell you a story that your mother loved to tell you. This fairy tale is about Cinderella ACT 5 LEAD 1: Neither the king nor the prince even suspected that not a fairy tale, but a real Cinderella lived in their capital. True, she did not live in the center, but on the outskirts. Not far from the Big Inner Forest. MODERATOR 2: Cinderella lived in a spacious wooden house with her stepmother and two not her own sisters. Her father died five years ago. No, no, friends, her stepmother did not beat her, as all stepmothers do in old fairy tales, but she brought Cinderella with petty quibbles and educational conversations. // Cinderella's House. Cinderella is cleaning up the house. Cleans, sweeps floors, wipes dust. // MODERATOR 2: Cinderella was so tired of permanent work, that often fell asleep while sitting on a chair, but as soon as she fell asleep, a stepmother appeared with her daughters and began to raise poor Cinderella ... STEPMOM: Cinderella .... Cinderella ... (seeing that Cinderella is asleep sitting on a chair begins to read her morality) Cinderella, I am amazed why you cannot observe the daily routine like all normal children? a real slob, how she got her dress dirty ... Daughter 1: Not only slob, but also dirty, look, her nose is covered in soot ... a real hump will grow ... Daughter 2: Ha-ha-ha, humpbacked scum! Here will be fun ... CINDERELLA: I, mama ... STEPMOM: Don't interrupt when the elders are talking to you ... You washed the floors, polished potatoes, ironed our dresses, watered the flowers and went to the market, as I told you? STEPMOM: I'm amazed, you have an answer for everything ... Daughter 1: Did you complete the math lessons for me? CINDERELLA: Yes, sister! And for you, sister, I did everything ... STEPMOM: And yet you are unbearable. When do you have time to complete all the work? MODERATOR 1: Education would not end there, but then everyone heard opened window the sounds of fanfare and the loud voice of the royal herald: HEAD: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The king ordered to notify the residents in advance that soon a disco for all the inhabitants of Unutria will take place in the royal castle! Daughter 1: Oh, what a happiness, I will see the prince and I will dance with him! Daughter 2: It will be me who will dance with the prince. I like him from the first grade Daughter 1: No, I .... STEPMOM: Daughters, do not argue, there will be many noble people of our kingdom at the disco and you will certainly find yourself grooms ... Daughter 1: Cinderella, help me make chemistry ... Daughter 2: Cinderella, do me a model hairstyle .... CINDLE: S great hunting sisters, I will help you make the most beautiful hairstyles…. Mom, can I go to the palace and at least look out the window at the disco ...? Look at how you frayed the dress that I bought you seven .... (recalls) ... no, it seems like it was 9 years ago ... What more! So that you can turn him into a rag too? The program says that there will be a broadcast from the disco from the palace. STEPMOM: (reluctantly) Look, just don't blow the fuse .... But first, go into the forest for brushwood for the fireplace ... CINDERELLA: For the fireplace, it's electric! This is the fashion in all decent houses now. And do not argue. ZODUSHKA: For brushwood, so for brushwood. LEAD 2: There is nothing to do. The sisters and their stepmother called a taxi and drove off to the castle to a disco, and poor Cinderella had to go into the forest for no one needed brushwood. STEP 6. Not a single unnecessary twig or twig lay on the flat lawns. Flowers bloomed everywhere, and motley butterflies circled above them. // Girls-butterflies run out into the clearing and dance a dance // HOST 2: One big and most beautiful butterfly flew around Cinderella for a long time, and then began to fly away into the depths of the forest. And Cinderella went after this bright spot. // Music sounds. Cinderella follows the butterfly. She looks around, looks in different directions ... // MODERATOR 1: How long did Cinderella walk in the forest for a short time, how far was it? Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon. The forest gradually became thicker and it was already possible to collect a lot of twigs. // Cinderella gathers brushwood, sings a song // HOST 2: And suddenly a middle-aged woman ran out to meet her. // A woman in a tracksuit runs out with a sports whistle. At first she does not notice Cinderella and runs around her several times. Suddenly, the woman notices her. And he stops, looking at the girl in surprise // CINDERELLA: Hello, grandmother! Aunt ROSE: Hello, baby! Actually, I'm not a grandmother. I am only some 300 years old. And my name is Aunt Rosa. ZODUSHKA: And you won't eat me? Here's a poacher of some sort, that's another matter. (She waves her arms.) In general, for the last 150 years I have not eaten meat, my liver is sick. I'm on a diet. What is your name then? CINDERELLA: Cinderella. Aunt ROSE: (surprised) Come on! There really are no Cinderellas in the world, these are all grandmother's fairy tales. Cinderella to her little old, but very cozy hut on chicken legs, which stood in a clearing in the middle of the Big Forest. She sat Cinderella on a chair and turned on her old black and white TV. Well-known reporters began to talk about the guests who had already gathered at the DISCO. // Cinderella sighs loudly // Aunt ROSE: I see you, too, really want to go to the royal disco. wait, be sad, better look what I have // ​​Auntie Rosa rummages in an old chest. First, old boots, a cat, a broken old iron, a bundle of old rags fall out of there, and finally she pulled out a beautiful white dress that looks like a fluffy cloud // CINDERELLA: Oh, what a beautiful dress. Where did you get it, grandmother? Aunt ROSE: You see, once I was a girl too. It was ... it was ... it was ... it seems with Edward 35 brilliant. Oh, what the balls were then ... And I was then the same girl as you are now. Come on, go try it on. // While Cinderella tries on a dress, Aunt Rosa tells her // Aunt ROSE: Just remember, every thing has a aging period. And this dress expires today at midnight. When the chimes strike 12 times, this beautiful outfit will turn into old tattered rags. // Aunt Rosa puts Cinderella's hair, strengthens a small crystal crown on them, gives her beautiful shoes // Aunt ROSA: Well, have a nice trip, dear, do not forget to return by 12 o'clock CINDERELLA: Thanks for everything, goodbye! MODERATOR 2: And Cinderella went straight to the royal castle, where the Disco was already in full swing. And of course the prince with his best friend jester Genka were among the dancers ACTION 8 // Sounds contemporary music... The guys are dancing a dance. Among the dancing Prince Edward, Genka, Elizabeth DE Bina, Cinderella's stepmother and her sisters // GENKA: Edka, look, new! PRINCE: (going up to Cinderella) Hello, welcome to our festive evening! CINDERELLA: Hello, your highness! PRINCE : Don't "Your Highness". My name is Edward. And you ... and you? I also live in this city! PRINCE: Do you know how to dance a waltz? CINDERELLA: Yes, we were taught at school! PRINCE: Hey, musicians! Play the holiday waltz! DE BINA: Hmm-mm ...! Just think, And her dress is not at all modern. Now they do not wear such. And in general ... GENKA: You are Dubina. DE BINA: Who is Dubina? I am Cudgel! // DE Bina grabbed Genka's tie and began to ruffle his hair. They were stolen by their classmates. And Cinderella and the prince kept dancing. Suddenly, during one of the dances, the chimes sounded 12 times. Cinderella excitedly tried to free herself from the prince's hands // CINDERELLA: Let me go, you have no idea what will happen now. PRINCE: Nothing will happen while you are with me. Don't be afraid, no one will offend you! Don't hold my hands! // With the chimes of Cinderella's chimes, the dress turned into an old one with patches. Cinderella cried. // CINDERELLA: Why did you detain me? Now ... Here ... PRINCE: What? Because of some rags, the nurses dismissed! All girls are the same, even Cinderella !!! PRINCE: (takes out a handkerchief and hands it to Cinderella.) Wipe your eyes and go dancing! Well, let's go !! CINDERELLA: How am I going to dance in such rags. Everyone will laugh at me. PRINZ: I won't let anyone laugh at you! DE BINA: Fi, in what rags she walks and still thinks, probably, that someone likes! GENKA: Oh, you cows, this is newest model, ball gown "A la Cinderella" - this is how they dress now for the holidays in Paris and London ... Tomorrow this material will cost more than velvet in stores .... MODERATOR 2: Cinderella's tears did not dry out in her eyes, but they were already glowing with joy with happiness. She knew that she would no longer have her old sad life, because she had found new and faithful friends for herself. And the music kept thundering and thundering, but the holiday did not end and everyone was very, very cheerful!
Fairy tale "Teremok"

And on the road, almost boldly, went to the house, look for another

Singing a song quietly, walking along the path

And I never expected to see the terem-house here

Looked around and said:

Mouse: I wonder what is in it? He looks so much like a tower!

Euro windows and a balcony, this house is just a fairy tale!

Who lives? I have to ask, can I live there?

Mouse: Strange, no one is in the house. God, how lucky I am!

Well, I'll live here, let my friends envy!

Without problems and without care, all the water suddenly disappeared

Do not eat her, do not drink, went to ask for help.

He sees the little house standing

Qua: I'll call, suddenly someone will let in. Who lives in the mansion?

Mouse: Who? Who I live here is a mouse! Why are you standing here?

And anyway, go away, it's time for me to sleep, it's already night.

Qua: What are you? You and I are friends, you see, I'm all chilled.

Let me live with you, I will serve you.

Mouse: I don't need a servant, and in general we are not friends

I am rich, you are poor, I will live here alone.

The frog leaves.

and a homeless hare wandered side by side

He was chilled all over, he ate nothing.

His house burned down the night before

He went up to the house, rang the bell

And in response they answer angrily:

Mouse: Who?

Bunny: It's me, bunny, I'm chilled, frozen

After all, my house burned down, there are no more tears

I ask you to warm up and live with you

It will be more fun, we will be friends.

Mouse: Do you know at all who you are talking to?

We won't be friends, I'm a rich mouse

I won't let you in, go away

I'm already going to sleep, the night is falling

The bunny leaves.

I saw the teremok and pressed the bell

Fox: We urgently need to call, who lives here to ask.

Maybe mice, maybe chickens, there will be a delicious dinner!

Who is it? Who is it? Lives here, well open your castle!

Mouse: Who? Who, I live here - a mouse! Why are you standing here?

You won't let me sleep either, you better go away.

Fox: Mouse, you let me in, I will be friends with you

Not where can I go, can I live with you?

Mouse: No, we are not friends with you. I am rich, you are poor.

And besides, you are cunning, I will live here alone.

The fox leaves

He slept under a bush at night, but it was damp in the rain.

Suddenly I smelled, the mouse is nearby, I looked closely with a sly look

There is a little house there. Who is it? Who lives in it?

Cat: I'll call, suddenly they will open it to me, regret it and feed me.

I sense a mouse is hiding here!

Mouse: And why are you standing here? You better go away

It's time for me to sleep, it's already night.

Cat: Mouse, dear, I'm sorry, even though it's already night in the yard

Play hide and seek with me, I'm a good cat Matvey

I will not find you at night, I see very badly.

Mouse: Okay, close your eyes and count to ten, and then go look.

I counted to ten, swallowed the mouse at once

I entered the house and began to live there and plant a farm

In the morning he called everyone's friends, because he was kind Matvey

He did not boast of wealth and shared everything with everyone

All together: A fairy tale teaches us to be friends, to help each other

After all, money cannot buy kindness and friendship!

Tale of the Three Little Pigs

Characters: Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, Wolf-policeman, Hedgehog-sage, 3 Hare-boys, 2 Chanterelle sisters, 2 leaders.

Musical arrangement (songs with words):
m / f "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" song "We are a bandito"
m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians" song "They say we are byaki-beki ...",
m / f "Dog in Boots" song "We are poor sheep, no one grazes us"
film "The investigation is conducted by experts" song "If someone here and there we sometimes ..." film "Brigade" soundtrack or film "Boomer" soundtrack
m / f "Little Raccoon" song "Smile"
Event progress
Scene 1.

1st Lead:
Somehow in some kingdom,
In the distant state
Once upon a time there were pigs
The guys were hooligans.

(Piglets come out to the song "We are a bandito ..." from the film "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel")

2nd Lead:
Here they are along the forest,
Relieve Stress:
Here Nif-Nif plucked flowers,
And then he trampled them,
Here is Naf-Naf to the boys-hares
Shelbanov hung with his finger,
And Nuf-Nuf fox-sisters
Long pulled the pigtails.

(Piglets illustrate the words of the leaders with actions)

And at the end, all together, three,
The song was sung like a howl.

(Song of the Chieftain from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians")
Scene 2.

1st Lead:
For many years now
The forest people are tormented.
From such pigs
The animals are moaning, wailing:


Help, for God's sake!
We cannot live so poorly.

Chanterelle sisters:

No rest for anyone
In our nice house.


Oh, we are tired of rudeness!
Will the ordeal end soon ?!

(Song of sheep from the movie "Dog in Boots" "We are poor sheep, no one grazes us ..")
Scene 3.

2nd Lead:
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
The hedgehog creeps like a lynx.
He was reputed to be wise, no matter where!
His advice is darkness.

Sage hedgehog:
I heard a rumor
That you will not endure the torment,
That three brothers got you,
No one was given a place to live.
I will give advice, animals:
They are too tough for you.
The wolf is our policeman -
Here's who will give them an example here.
He will calm them down at once
And will tune in a peaceful mood.
Call him together -
In a moment he will be here on the spot.

1st Lead:
The animals were silent for a bit
And they all shouted together:

Hares, Chanterelles:
Uncle Wolf is a policeman!
Come, give them an example!
Scene 4.

2nd Lead:
And to that heart-rending cry
The wolf appeared just like a bayonet.

(Wolf's exit to a song from the film "The Consequence is Conducted by Experts" "If someone here and there sometimes cannot live peacefully ...")

Wolf policeman:
Are the hooligans here in the woods?
I'll blow their heads off!
Even though the Brigade itself
Will ambush me here!
Well, where are the pigs ?!
Call them animals!
(Piglets go on stage to a song from the film "Brigada")
Nif-Nif: Who called us?
Nuf-Nuf: Who can't sleep?
Naf-Naf: Who wants Shchelbanov?
Wolf policeman:
I called you, Wolf - the guardian of order.
Are you here that eh Brigade ?!
Are you hooligan?
Oh guys, look,
How will I take you under arrest?
You will get tired of fighting in an instant.
Well this is necessary, on the district
A trifle scared me!
Come on, come forward.
Promise the people
You don't hit in the forest anymore,
You lead yourself quietly here.
Well, I'll take care of you:
I'll visit you at school!
Nif-Nif: Oh, sorry, sorry.
Nuf-Nuf: Don't come to our school.
We promise not to be rude
To be friends with the beast with everything.
Wolf policeman:
Well, look, I'll give you a time limit.
If you fulfill your vow
I will not go to your school,
But I will not take my eyes off you.
Scene 5.
1st Lead:
Since then, there has been peace in the forest,
The robbery does not disturb here.
The pigs calmed down
The word was justified in the case:
Do not be rude, do not offend,
And they help the animals.
2nd Lead:
Spectator, spectator, old and young,
Have you dozed off yet?
Aren't you tired yet?
The finale is now approaching.
Don't look far away!
You've seen this forest
This tale about Russia -
And about us in it - that's the moral!
(All participants go on stage and perform the song "Smile" from the m / f "Little Raccoon")
The tale of the turnip
This comic tale can be played out without prior rehearsal. The texts should be prepared in advance and distributed to the participants before the performance, while each draws out a role for himself. To prevent the grandfather from getting confused, we put paper "hats" with the image of carrots, potatoes on the heads of the participants ...
Grandpa planted a turnip ...
Grandpa turnip said:
You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
There are five buckets of fertilizer ...
Oh, tired, it's time to sleep. (He lies down not far from the turnip and falls asleep.)
Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile, the turnip is growing
Yes fights with weeds:
With their feet and hands ...
It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly September morning
Grandfather woke up and got scared. (Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering teeth.)
Ah, I'm old enough to sleep.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little bit.
Oh, yes, the turnip is ugly!
I never dreamed of this. (Grabs the turnip and pulls.)
Suffice it, but the turnip was outraged.
What an awkward old man you are!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You have not washed your eyes.
I am a hundred times slimmer turnips.
And orange, too.
Kohl Korean salad is needed,
You will be lost without me ...
You can't drink carrot juice,
There is no substitute for me in the soup ...
And one more secret.
I am rich in vitamin
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!
Well, get into the basket.
What is, what a miracle
Maybe I slept poorly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait a minute
I will stretch another turnip.
Oh oh oh,
I am protesting!
I am not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even a cat knows it.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s clear as two times two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
You hear me for chips, grandfather,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look
I can become fries
I am your main crop!
Well, get into the basket.
I'll go over the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the land!
Ah yes turnip, here they are!
Indeed, I am outraged!
Grandfather, you ate too much sneakers,
I've seen enough of the series,
Maybe you fell off the stove?
Once I didn't recognize the cabbage.
I'm not like a turnip
She has one piece of clothing
Well I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons ...
And then ...
I am crispy cabbage!
The salad is empty without me
Any lunch with me
Cabbage roll il vinaigrette ...
Will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear,
You can ferment and salt ...
And store it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!
You are welcome ... to the basket.
What are these miracles?
It's been already broken two hours
I spent in the vegetable garden.
Where is the turnip! This kind of ...
Again, the grandfather did not guess.
Know the glasses you lost
Or has the demon beguiled you?
Mixed up beets with turnips.
I'm a hundred times redder than her,
And healthier and tastier!
No beets and no borscht,
In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...
I am alone - the source of color!
And the beet cutlet -
It's just delicious!
One hundred percent - weight loss.
I am a great harvest!
Well, get into the basket.
And you will find a place.
Only still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?
I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let it be a little tricky
But popular among the people.
The most delicious barbecue
The one in which there is a bow.
All mistresses know me
They add to soup and porridge,
In pies, mushrooms, broth ...
I'm a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu is afraid of me ...
Even though I'm ready to fight now.
I am a great harvest!
Well, get into the basket.
The evening is drawing to a close.
The month comes to heaven.
Yes, and I have to go home.
Tomorrow morning
I will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Uh, heavy basket
A car would be useful ...
A notable crop has grown!
Granny, come on curtain
The fairy tale has come to an end.
The one who listened, well done.
We are waiting for your applause,
Well, and other compliments ...
After all, the artists tried
Let them be a little confused.
Fairy tale gingerbread man

The good old fairy tale about the kolobok can turn into a colorful performance in your home or kindergarten.

Gingerbread man
The narrator

On the left is a village house, on the right there are several trees in the foreground. In the background is a forest.

Grandfather and grandmother are sitting by the house. Grandfather is planing something, grandmother is knitting.

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother. Once my grandfather was sitting and wanted to eat. Here he says to the grandmother.

Grandfather: Bake, grandma, bun.

Grandma: What to bake from? There is no flour.

Grandfather: And you, grandma, go scratch the bottom of the barrel, mark the barn! Perhaps he will have enough flour.

(Grandma stops knitting, enters the house)

Narrator: The old woman took a feather, scrubbed at the bottom of the barrel, swept it in the barn, and a handful of two handfuls of flour was gathered. I kneaded the dough, heated the stove, baked a kolobok. The result is a bun and lush and fragrant.

(Grandma puts a toy bun on the windowsill)

Narrator: Grandma put the bun on the window to cool down. And the bun jumped out the window - and rolled along the path.

(Instead of a toy, a child appears on the stage playing the role of Kolobok. He runs into the forest, sentencing).

Gingerbread man:
I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!
I left Grandpa and
I left Grandma!

(A Hare jumps out from behind the tree on the right to meet Kolobok).

Hare: Gingerbread man, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, oblique Bunny! I'll tell you a rhyme.

I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!
I left Grandpa and
I left Grandma!
And from you, Hare, and even more so I'll leave!

Narrator: And Kolobok rolled on; only the Hare saw him!
(The gingerbread man quickly "rolls" past the Hare and disappears behind the trees on the right. The Hare runs away in the opposite direction).
(Music is playing)
(The gingerbread man appears from behind the trees on the left, from behind the trees on the right the Wolf comes out to meet the gingerbread man).

Wolf: Gingerbread man, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, gray Wolf! I'll tell you a rhyme.

I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!
I left Grandpa and
I left Grandma,
I left the Hare, and I will leave you, Wolf, even more so!

(The gingerbread man quickly "rolls" past the Wolf and disappears behind the trees on the right. The Wolf runs away in the opposite direction).
(Music is playing)
(The gingerbread man appears from behind the trees on the left, from behind the trees on the right the Bear comes out to meet the gingerbread man).

Bear: Gingerbread man, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Gingerbread man: Don't eat me, Clubfoot! I'll tell you a rhyme.

I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!
I left Grandpa and
I left Grandma,
I left the Hare,
I left the Wolf, and from you, Bear, I’ll even leave!

The gingerbread man quickly "rolls" past the Bear and disappears behind the trees on the right. The bear leaves in the opposite direction.
Music is playing.
The gingerbread man appears from behind the trees on the left, from behind the trees on the right the Fox comes out to meet the gingerbread man.

Fox: Gingerbread man, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Gingerbread man:
I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!
I left Grandpa and
I left Grandma,
I left the Hare,
I left the Wolf,

I left the Bear, and I’m even leaving you, Fox!

Fox: Oh, how glorious you sing! Well, I began to hear badly. Come closer and tell me one more time!

Narrator: The gingerbread man was glad that they listened to him, and rolled close to the sly fox.

Gingerbread man:
I'm scraped along the bottom
methen in the barn,
fathoms into the stove,
the window is cold!

Narrator: And the chanterelle, his - Am! - and ate it.
Although no ... Kolobok managed to escape. But after that he never bragged again.
That's the end of the fairy tale! And who listened - well done!

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