Sberbank of the Russian Federation: brief description and history. A brief history of the development of Sberbank - from the Tsar to the President The history of the creation and development of Sberbank PJSC

The first bank of the country was the court adviser Nikolai Antonovich Cristofari, he deposited an impressive amount of 10 rubles into his account at that time and became the owner of a savings book number 1.

Government bodies of Russia carried out active propaganda work in order to explain to the population of the country the main advantages of storing funds in a savings bank. The first Russian advertising turned out to be effective: if in 1842 the savings bank served an average of 70 depositors per day, then by 1860 this figure exceeded 500 people.

Sberbank of Russia initially set a course for large-scale work with all segments of the country's population: among its investors were peasants, nobility, merchants, military men, officials and even the clergy.

The heyday of banking in Russia occurred between 1865 and 1895. During this period, the number of savings banks throughout the country increased from 47 to 3875, and the number of savings books issued exceeded 2 million.

June 1, 1895 became a turning point in the history of the Russian banking sector. It was on this day that the new Charter of savings banks was adopted, which guaranteed everyone the preservation of their trade secrets. In addition, a variety of types of deposits appeared: it was possible to open a savings account for a child or for a funeral.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked for Russia by stormy and large-scale upheavals: the First World War, revolution, Civil War. However, none of these events could slow down the active and sustainable development of Sberbank.

In times of crisis for the country, Sberbank was able to preserve the investments of its depositors, declaring them inviolable. But there were also negative consequences - commercial secrets were, in fact, abolished: the government issued a decree obliging savings banks to provide government authorities with information about the account status of any depositor.

The new economic policy of Russia also entailed serious changes in banking: savings banks began to carry out money transfers, issue their own loan certificates, and conduct transactions with interest-bearing and securities.

The Great Patriotic War and the first post-war period are considered one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russia. However, Sberbank continued to develop and contribute to society at this time. To attract funds, he organized lotteries for the population and was involved in the placement of government loans.

The most important activity of Sberbank in 1941–1945 and subsequent years was cooperation with the state in the field of the nuclear and nuclear industry. Sberbank's assistance in raising funds and financing developments allowed Russia to become a leader in the production and reprocessing of nuclear fuel and remain so to this day.

Despite the difficulties of the first post-war years, starting from the 50s, Sberbank continued its rapid and sustainable development. Over 30 years, the number of savings banks doubled (from 40 thousand to 79 thousand), the number of bank clients increased 12 times, and the amount of their deposits showed record growth rates, increasing 100 times.

Sberbank actively participated in the restoration of the country's war-damaged infrastructure - federal roads and highways were rebuilt and repaired. Today, Sberbank, preserving traditions, continues to develop road construction programs in Russia.

In 1987, as part of the perestroika reforms, savings banks were reorganized into the Savings Bank of the USSR - this is how the financial institution familiar to us received a name known throughout the world. Already in 1989, the first ATM of Sberbank began operating and in the same year the bank became a member of the World Institute of Savings Banks.

The year 1991 was marked by the collapse of the USSR, but Sberbank retained its functions and remained the only bank in the entire former post-Union space that continued to operate.

In the period from 1991 to 2008, Sberbank of Russia underwent significant changes, survived the crisis and finally emerged as a modern and universal bank, open to work with all groups of clients, a pillar and support of the Russian economy.

In 1991, the General Meeting of Shareholders established the Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

In 1993, the first ATMs began operating in the Moscow branches of Sberbank.

In 1995, the Sberbank Non-State Pension Fund was created. Thanks to professional investment of pension funds, the NPF's accumulated return over 10 years amounted to 278%.

In 2001, cooperation between Sberbank and the Olympic Committee began. The country's main bank supported Russian athletes at the games in Salt Lake City (2002), Athens (2004) and Turin (2006).

In 2002, Sberbank issued the first Aeroflot VISA cards - the goal of this project was to make domestic and international flights for Russians comfortable and economically attractive. The high demand for Sberbank of Russia Aeroflot cards, which continues today, confirms the effectiveness of this project.

In 2003, fruitful cooperation between Sberbank and the Russian Northern Fleet began. Thanks to him, today military personnel, their families and civilian personnel have access to a wide range of banking services and have the opportunity to receive loans on preferential terms.

In 2006, Sberbank implements its expansion policy in international markets and opens a representative office in Kazakhstan.

In 2007, a representative office of Sberbank opened in Ukraine; today it has over 80 branches.

On October 21, 2008, the Supervisory Board of Sberbank unanimously approved the strategy “Development of Sberbank until 2014”.

The Sberbank Production System (PSS) has been developed, based on the technology of thoughtful and economical production.

The Sberbank Online service has begun operating, thanks to which bank clients in the Moscow region can carry out banking transactions on the Internet around the clock.

A new project “Credit Factory” has been introduced, the key feature of which is the automation of the decision-making process on issuing a loan.

Since 2008, Sberbank has received the status of a strategic partner of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).

Cooperation between Sberbank and the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University has begun: now the educational institution trains management personnel for the largest bank in the country.

In December 2008, Sberbank of Russia issued a charity card “Give Life” with which Sberbank profit, received from bank clients for servicing the card, as well as interest on purchases made by them, is deducted to help children suffering from severe oncological and hematological diseases.

2009 was the starting point for large-scale deployment and implementation of " Sberbank development strategies until 2014" A parallel, but important task for the bank was to assist society in solving problems caused by the global financial crisis and stabilizing their financial situation.

The services that the bank offers to individuals have been updated and expanded:

Lending programs have been revised and improved, interest rates have been reduced.

A Universal Service Agreement was developed, thanks to which everyone could gain access to all the bank’s services.

The “Credit Factory” project was successfully implemented in Moscow and North-West Bank.

A special unit was created to work with citizens whose monthly income does not exceed 25 thousand rubles.

The “Credit Insurance” system began its work.

Sberbank has begun implementing the “Serving Wealthy Clients” project.

In October, Sberbank began servicing MasterCardPlatinum, VISA Platinum and VISA Infinite cards.

Sberbank offered clients a new type of brokerage services on the stock market - online trading using the Focus IV Online remote access system.

Large-scale work has been carried out to support business activities and new services have been created for corporate clients:

There is active stimulation and support for small businesses. New loan programs have been developed: “Business Auto”, “Commercial Real Estate”, “Express Leasing” and “Microcredit for Small Businesses”.

The Sberbank Business Online system began operating in the bank's branches in Moscow and Samara.

Sberbank's infrastructure is actively developing:

  • At the end of 2009, Sberbank successfully completed its rebranding.
  • A unique, innovative and high-tech “Office of the Future of Sberbank” is opening in Moscow, and preparations are underway for the opening of 20 similar offices in 8 cities of Russia.
  • Projects were implemented to optimize the bank's operating activities.
  • The Sberbank Corporate University was created, the basic principles of which were cooperation with leading international business schools.
  • A project for the creation of the Higher International Banking School has been prepared.
  • The bank's personnel reserve is being actively formed: the search for young talented specialists and the development of their potential.
  • A unified service for monitoring and controlling the performance of ATMs in Moscow has been created.
  • The process of delivering cash to clients and bank offices in Moscow has been optimized.
  • The process of reorganizing the bank's information technology services has been completed.
  • An automatic system for managing relationships with clients - legal entities has been introduced.
  • A project is being developed to create a platform for a comprehensive analysis of the bank’s activities.
  • A new customer service model has been launched - the “Basic Product” program, which allows you to shift the focus from the sale of individual products to comprehensive customer service.
  • A system for managing a single client profile for individuals in Moscow - the “MDM system” - has been deployed.

Sberbank’s position in the Russian and international markets is strengthening:

Sberbank entered the top 20 largest banks by market capitalization.

In December 2009, the Sberbank Group acquired a controlling stake in OJSC BPS-Bank.

A representative office of Sberbank of Russia was opened in Germany, in Frankfurt am Main.

Permission was received to open a branch of Sberbank in India, New Delhi.

Sberbank became the winner in a number of categories at the annual event “Russian Leaders in Corporate Governance”.

The bank's charitable activities are actively developing, and Sberbank's Social Card has been issued.

Sberbank became the general partner of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games.

In 2010, Sberbank continued its sustainable development, a number of strategically important agreements were concluded, certification and assessment of working personnel was carried out, additional measures were taken to improve the quality of service to citizens, and socially significant and economic projects were implemented.

Sberbank has canceled all fees for reviewing and issuing loans.

Lending interest rates were reduced twice.

The Sberbank Customer Care Service has been created, designed to quickly respond to complaints, wishes and comments from customers.

Representative offices of the bank were opened on the largest social networks “VKontakte” and Facebook.

An agreement was concluded between Sberbank and the trade union, which sets out the principles of the bank’s social responsibility for its employees.

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The topic of this article is the history of Sberbank of Russia. Today it is the largest bank in the CIS. A quarter of the entire Russian banking system is covered by his assets. The share in bank capital is about 30%. “The Banker” (an authoritative magazine) conducted a study, according to the results of which Sberbank was on July 1, 2008 in 33rd place in the list of the largest banks in the world in terms of fixed capital.

The history of Sberbank is very interesting. We will talk about the main periods of his development, how he managed to establish himself in such high positions.

First savings bank

The history of Sberbank began with the decree of Nicholas I, who ordered the creation of savings banks in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1841.

They were designed, taking into account foreign experience, for minor contributions from the population, which the Treasury did not accept. Already in 1842, on March 1 in St. Petersburg at the address st. Kazanskaya, 7, the first savings bank began its activities.

In order to explain to the common people the need and benefits of such institutions, advertising posters were previously issued. On the first day, 76 people opened bank accounts. The total amount of deposits was 426.5 rubles. Popular newspapers in St. Petersburg published notes about this event. A savings bank was also opened in Moscow.

Who was the savings bank's first client?

Nikolai Cristofari is the first client of the savings bank. He deposited 10 rubles. It must be said that this amount was quite significant at that time. For example, for 20 kopecks you could then buy 10 eggs. Cristofari was a very insightful and hardworking person. He went through all the steps of the career ladder in the loan treasury of St. Petersburg. The appearance of this successful man on the threshold of the savings bank was significant.

Deposit restrictions and top managers

The deposit amount must initially be at least 50 kopecks. And the maximum investment amount was 300 rubles. However, up to 10 rubles could be deposited into the savings book at a time. A. Lavinsky became the first head of the savings bank. Y. Korchakovsky was in charge of direct operations. His salary was 700 rubles a year.

The initial function of savings banks

The savings bank, according to the Charter of 1841, had the right only to issue and accept money, charging interest. Later they developed the first national charter for savings banks. I. Chertkov became its author. He drew up his project based on similar statutes in force in Western European countries. Chertkov borrowed most of the elements from the German model. This Charter reflected the concepts of the purpose and place of savings banks in the socio-economic sphere that existed at that time.

Growth in the number of savings banks in Russia

The successful activities of the first such institutions led to their opening in various cities of the Russian Empire. Over 30 years, the number has increased several dozen times. There were 47 savings banks in 1865, and in 1895 there were already 3875.

Difficulties encountered in the 2nd half of the 19th century

However, not everything in their activities was smooth. The 2nd half of the 19th century brought many changes that affected various sectors of the life of the state. This also affected savings banks, of course. Interest on deposits in 1957 fell from 4 to 3%, and the number of clients decreased. Savings banks were transferred in 1860 to the subordination of the Ministry of Finance. This connected them with the State Bank, founded at the same time. Free funds from savings banks were transferred there.

Further development of savings banks

The financial policy of the Russian Empire led to the fact that only these institutions could attract both small and large investors. And this, in turn, led to the need to reform savings banks. Institutions began to open at factories and factories, at the postal department.

By the 80s of the 19th century, savings banks had become more than just institutions providing financial assistance to the population. The government also began to use them as a source of credit. This was a consequence of the policy implemented by Yu. Witte, the Minister of Finance.

New Charter and its role in the activities of savings banks

The year 1895 was significant for the further development of savings banks. Nicholas II introduced a new Charter. These institutions are now officially called state institutions. But the most important thing was that the secrecy of deposits was guaranteed to clients. Only they, as well as their heirs and officials, could receive information about the state of the account, according to a special resolution. In addition, several types of deposits were established, for example, in the name of children. Children could receive it when they reached adulthood. There was also a contribution for funerals and several other types. The state Office of Savings Banks was created. The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, therefore, turned out to be the heyday of these institutions.

The fate of financial institutions after the October Revolution

The October Revolution brought radical changes that affected all sectors of life. Financial policy has also undergone changes. Many institutions were liquidated, including mortgage banks, pawn shops, and credit cooperatives. The circulation of securities was prohibited, insurance was canceled, as were mortgage agreements, and private banks were nationalized. The Bolsheviks abolished all national debt. But the savings banks continued their activities. The government now had the right to confiscate “surplus” monetary savings, that is, “unearned income.” There was no longer talk about the secret of deposits, which had previously been unshakable. “War communism” led to restrictions and changes in the functioning of savings banks. They were supposed to insure the lives of citizens from November 1918, but this practice was discontinued by the end of the next year.

Creation of labor savings banks

The deep crisis and high level of inflation led to the fact that all the savings of the population made in the pre-revolutionary years were, in fact, canceled. The financial sector required immediate resuscitation. At the end of December, the Council of People's Commissars decided to create labor savings banks. After this, the authorities began to pay quite a lot of attention to saving money. At this time, the government of the country tried to use the funds stored in savings banks for the needs of the industrial development of the state. The purpose of savings banks, originally the most important - storing money, as well as making a profit from it, has now become secondary. The process of opening an account has been significantly simplified, which, together with a massive campaign, has led to an increase in the popularity of savings banks.

Expansion of services and network of savings banks

In 1925, the Regulations on State Labor Savings Banks were created. It significantly expanded the list of services that these institutions provided. Savings banks began to serve, for example, for the payment of certain types of pensions, money transfers, utility bills and other transactions. Their network expanded and acquired new functions in subsequent years.

Activities of savings banks in the pre-war and war years

Since 1929, the cash desks have become the only credit institution in the country. In general, their pre-war activities tended to develop gradually. There were almost 43 thousand savings banks by the beginning of the 40s. Their contributions helped finance military programs. The limit on withdrawals was established during the Second World War. It was impossible to withdraw more than 200 rubles per month. Savings banks took on some functions that were not typical for peacetime.

Post-war time in the fate of savings banks

After 1945, the network of these institutions began to actively expand, especially in rural areas. The Savings Banks attracted many new clients to the Charter of 1948, which stated that all deposits were guaranteed by the state.

Already in the 60s, they accepted payments for utilities and apartments everywhere. In 1963 they became subordinate to the State Bank of the USSR, thanks to which the number of services provided by them was again increased. The number of depositors and the total amount of deposits also continued to grow.

Creation of Sberbank of the USSR

In 1988, the state labor savings banks finally became the “Sberbank of the USSR”. This is how the credit history of Sberbank began. It was a government agency. The bank specialized in servicing legal entities and individuals. The history of Sberbank continued with the fact that the following year it became a member of the World Institute of Savings Banks.

The fate of Sberbank after the collapse of the USSR

In 1991, the shareholders created the Joint-Stock Commercial Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Of all the institutions after the collapse of the USSR, only it continued to exist. The history of Sberbank at this time is marked by the fact that it had to face many difficulties in the new conditions. However, he successfully dealt with them, thanks to the experience accumulated over many years.

The first Sberbank card

The history of the Sberbank card began in 1990 in Moscow. Its first holder was Alexander Burkov, chairman of the board of this institution. Reading devices were first installed in the Dzerzhinsky branch in Moscow.

Sberbank today

The history of Sberbank of Russia continues today. It is the main financial support of our country. The bank provides many services to individuals and legal entities, supports Olympic athletes, and introduces innovative programs. Thanks to this, Sberbank maintains its position and is among the leaders in the banking sector.

How can I view my loan history? This question interests many today. The fact is that Sberbank most often refuses to provide a loan to clients with a bad history. However, this information is open. Today, a special “Credit History” service is available to clients, which allows them to receive a document with information about the status of all loan obligations in other banks.

This is not the only way that Sberbank takes care of its clients. The history of transactions today is provided much more conveniently thanks to the Sberbank Online service. It is very simple and convenient to use. The history of the Sberbank card is reliably protected thanks to the registration system and one-time passwords. All account information is securely protected. All these and many other services are provided today by Sberbank to its clients. Many residents of Russia have a history of credit in it.

Sberbank today is one of the largest and leading banks in the world. Thanks to the correct prioritization, fulfillment of assigned tasks and unquestioning adherence to its mission, it is recognized as the most customer-centric bank. People from all over the world trust Sberbank with their savings, and the share of demand for consumer loans is growing every year. The organization has existed for a long time; the founding date of Sberbank of Russia is November 12, 1841.

The history of the origin of the savings bank

The idea of ​​​​establishing savings banks arose back in 1820, but the idea materialized in 1841 after lengthy discussions and development of proposals. The authors of the projects relied on the experience of Western European countries, considering cash funds as material institutions capable of raising the level of the poor. The main task of the savings bank was the ability to accumulate funds and receive benefits.

Organizations of this kind were of a charitable nature and were classified as institutions with experience in credit activities. Despite the fact that the year of foundation of the savings bank is considered to be 1841, the first cash desks were opened in the village in 1840. Peasants were reluctant to disclose their income, contributed insignificant amounts, the majority simply did not trust the organizations, thereby state hopes were not justified.

In the St. Petersburg Orphanage, independent projects for organizing cash registers appeared, after which the preparation of the first all-Russian Charter began. Approval from the State Council for the draft charter of savings banks was signed on October 30, 1841. The document was equal in significance to the Prussian 1838. and English 1817 charters, thereby opening the first page in the history of the savings business in Russia.

The history of Sberbank begins in 1841

Savings book and first cash registers

Today's optional savings book was the investor's most valuable document. It was given to everyone who contributed their savings. Despite the fact that the document was personal, the amount was handed over to the bearer of the book and the cash desk was not responsible for the withdrawal of money by another person. In the event of loss, the owner had to immediately inform the cash register, and any disputes that arose were resolved through the courts.

Where and from what year did the first institution exist? Cash desks operated in two cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow. March 1, 1842 The grand opening took place in St. Petersburg, and on April 5 of the same year in Moscow. Despite the difficulties in setting up and organizing work, both capital cash offices achieved good results. During 1842, more than 38.6 thousand rubles were contributed. to the St. Petersburg treasury, 2,400 books were opened, to the Moscow treasury - 15.6 thousand rubles. according to 848 books.

Expansion of operating activities

The revival of the activity of the capital's savings banks came after 1845, when the state took measures to increase the days of visiting banks and the amounts of one-time contributions. The number of clients has increased sharply. Soon cash desks began to appear in other provincial cities.

In 1860, when the unified State Bank of Russia was founded, the organization was already performing various types of operations:

  • carried out accounting of bills and other fixed-term securities;
  • opened deposits;
  • processed loans;
  • bought and sold government securities, gold, silver.

1860-1870 is considered the period of formation of the new banking system in Russia. During this decade, a network of joint-stock companies, commercial, city, zemstvo banks, and mutual credit societies was formed. The credit and banking system existed with the support of the State Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

Savings reform

Since 1862, all sorts of reforms were carried out to expand banking. In 1863, Alexander II signed a new Charter, which eliminated the shortcomings of the previous act. All cash desks were now under the supervision of the State Bank.

Savings banks began to appear in rural areas, and their number grew in all cities. There were strict requirements for savings book holders. Bearer transactions ceased; in order to issue own funds, the client had to provide an identification document, as well as a certificate of trustworthiness from the police.

Savings banks were under the control of the State Bank

Decisive breakthrough

The rapid development of savings began in the 1880s. following changes in government policy influenced by foreign affairs. The number of cash desks has increased tenfold, and the volume of cash deposits has increased. Postal and telegraph cash desks, institutions at customs points, and factories appeared. All of them were created with the goal of reaching all corners of Russia, so that every resident could use the services of a credit and deposit organization.

In the second half of the 1860s. depositors' savings are being formed into the channel of state credit. The treasury allocated these funds for the maintenance of government institutions, railway construction, and land management. Asking the question about the fate of the institution, about how old Sberbank is, we can conclude that over the course of 176 years the system has been constantly improved, despite constant changes in the state.

Savings banks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries

After the introduction of the new Charter, a decision was made to maximize the expansion of savings institutions. The dynamics were striking in their swiftness:

  1. 1897– the number of factory cash registers is growing;
  2. 1900-1902– institutions are opened at stations of state-owned and private railways, on naval vessels.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, Russia overtook its competitors in the West in terms of the pace of development of the savings business. Despite the test of war and revolution, a great shift occurred in the formation of savings institutions.

In the pre-war period, the small lending system developed rapidly. In May 1905, the Ministry of Finance entrusted savings institutions with the mission of insuring low-income citizens in the event of the premature death of the depositor. IN In 1912, a law was passed on insurance of workers in case of disability or illness.

In 1919, the People's Bank of the RSFSR merged with savings banks to create a single cash register. All assets and liabilities came under the control of the Central Administration. The savings business in the USSR was gaining momentum, the number of depositors was growing, the workforce was expanding, and new services were appearing.

1930s institutions performed many operations:

  • accepted and issued deposits and certificates;
  • sold and bought bonds;
  • paid out lottery winnings;
  • made non-cash payments for utilities;
  • accepted premiums for home and life insurance.

The Savings Bank has come a long way in forming a successful credit and deposit organization. The era of the “Great Reforms”, the First World War, the revolution, the Civil War, the NEPA period, Stalinist modernization, the Great Patriotic War - each period was a kind of impetus for the development of a strong banking system.

With every year and changes in management, Sberbank changed its development strategy, improved services and work within branches, striving to truly be the best bank in the world. For the convenience of clients, programs have been developed that allow various procedures to be performed without visiting the office.

Many questions arise among clients: in what year was the remote service founded and how is it different?

In 2011, the Sberbank Online product was launched, which today is one of the best financial planning assistants.

The ability to make payments remotely, open deposits, and view transaction history became available to the common person when Sberbank Online appeared.

Today Sberbank is the largest financial institution in Russia, offering many different products

Sberbank today

Today Sberbank is a leader in the banking sector. The largest network consists of 12 regional banks, with more than 16 thousand branches spread across the globe. Due to the variety of products and operations, the services are used by 11 million people. Sberbank offers a wide range - deposits, loans, bank cards, insurance, money transfers, brokerage services. Works with individuals and legal entities.


Sberbank of Russia is the largest financial and credit organization in our country, with a huge number of branches throughout the Russian Federation. Sberbank's individual clients include many millions of Russians. The number of legal entities - clients of this organization is also large. The main reason is the high reputation of Sberbank and the opinion of many citizens of the country that behind Sberbank is the government of Russia, its state apparatus, and therefore it is the most reliable credit and financial organization in the country.

Working at Sberbank and practicing there is perceived as an honor and trust by any specialist in the financial sector, as well as by future specialists in this field.

The purpose of the educational practice at the Sberbank branch was to become familiar with this organization. During this familiarization, the following tasks were set:

  • 1. Give a brief description of the bank and highlight its history
  • 2. Characterize the current state of the bank according to the following parameters:
    • · Describe and illustrate the organizational structure
    • · Provide bank ratings in their dynamics over recent years
    • · Explore the dynamics of bank assets
    • · Analyze the regulatory documents governing the activities of the institution in question (laws of the Russian Federation and internal documents of Sberbank)
  • 3. Consider the development prospects of the bank and the bank’s strategy

Basic materials for conducting this study can be found on the official website of this financial institution.

Sberbank of the Russian Federation: brief description and history

Sberbank Rossimi is one of the largest banks in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe. Full name -- Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of Russia (open joint-stock company (JSC)). The short official name is Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC. In addition, in business practice, including in internal documents and forms, the abbreviation SB RF (OSB is a branch of Sberbank) is often used. The central office of Sberbank of the Russian Federation is located in Moscow.

The joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the SB RF), in accordance with the charter, was created in the form of an open joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR" dated December 2, 1990. The location of the bank is Moscow. St. Vavilova, house 19.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, which accounts for about 30% of the assets of the Russian banking system, the main creditor of the national economy. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (over 60% of voting shares). The bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand individuals and legal entities.

The advantage of the bank is the presence of an extensive branch network, united into a single settlement system, allowing payments to be made almost anywhere in the Russian Federation.

The bank has the most extensive branch network in Russia: 18 territorial banks, more than 20 thousand branches and internal structural divisions, as well as subsidiary banks in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The bank implements not only a commercial, but also a social program, supporting, for example, orphanages and providing assistance to children suffering from cancer.

November 12, 1841 is considered the date of foundation of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. On this day, by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, the first Charter of savings banks was approved. This was the beginning of the savings business in the Russian Federation. The first savings banks opened in St. Petersburg on Kazanskaya Street, and in Moscow under the Safe Treasury, as well as in Odessa under the Public Charity Order of Sberbank of Russia. Electronic resource on the website. A century and a half later - in 1987 - on the basis of state labor savings banks, a specialized Bank for Labor Savings and Lending to the Population was created - Sberbank of the USSR, which also served legal entities. The Sberbank of the USSR included 15 republican banks, including the Russian Republican Bank.

In July 1990, by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, it was transformed into a joint-stock commercial bank, legally established at a general meeting of shareholders on March 22, 1991. In 1991, Sberbank became the property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as the “Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank of Russia).”

Shares of Sberbank of the Russian Federation have been listed on the Russian stock exchanges MICEX and RTS since 1996. In March 2007, the Bank issued an issue of ordinary shares, as a result of which the authorized capital increased by 12%, and 230.2 billion rubles were raised. The average daily trading volume in Sberbank shares is 40% of trading volume on the MICEX.

The founder and main shareholder of the bank is the Bank of Russia (Russian central bank - Central Bank). As of May 8, 2009, he owns 60.25% of voting shares and 57.58% of the bank's authorized capital. That is, Sberbank. Indeed, it is controlled by the state. The remaining shareholders of Sberbank of the Russian Federation are more than 273 thousand legal entities and individuals. persons The high share of foreign investors in the capital structure of Sberbank of the Russian Federation (more than 24%) indicates its investment attractiveness.

  • · Full bank details
  • · Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC
  • · Legal address: 117997, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 19
  • · Moscow bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC
  • · Postal address: 109544, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Andronevskaya, 6
  • · MFR account 30301 810 8 0000 6003800 in Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC,
  • · MFR account 30302 810 1 0000 6003800 in Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC
  • · Correspondent account 30101 810 4 0000 0000225 in OPERA MSTU of the Russian Central Bank,
  • · BIC 044525225 INN 7707083893 KPP 775003035 OKPO 57972160
  • · OKATO 45286580000 OKVED 65.12 OKOGU 15007 OKFS 41 OKOPF 90
  • · General license of the Russian Central Bank for banking operations No. 1481 dated October 3, 2002.

German Oskarovich Gref has headed Sberbank since November 2007.
