The best magicians and psychics. The best participant in all seasons of the “Battle of Psychics. Only the most powerful and famous psychics

Incredible facts

Some call them charlatans and scammers. Others sincerely believe in their gift and turn to them for help.

People endowed with the power to foresee and heal have existed at all times.

The abilities of psychics and clairvoyants have always been questioned,and caused heated debate among others.

They were accused of lying and idolized.

And although skepticsIt is believed that most of the so-called psychics are ordinary swindlers; there are also those who are truly endowed with superpowers.

Without any doubt, these extraordinary people know how to foresee the future and read the past.

Here are 11 of the most powerful clairvoyants in the world who, in a certain time period, amazed the world with their abilities and predictions that came true:

Famous psychics

1. Edgar Cayce

There is evidence that Edgar Cayce had the ability to perform psychic readings during sleep.

It was not for nothing that he was nicknamed the “sleeping prophet”, because most of his insights came to him in his sleep. Cayce's prophetic dreams amazed people. However, what was even more shocking was how he fell into such a state when he made his prophecies.

Casey would lie down on the couch, place his hands on his stomach, and then force himself to sleep. Once Edgar fell asleep, he could answer any questions asked of him. It was believed that these were his predictions.

Many people even vouched for the true value and usefulness of such prophecies. Among Cayce's most famous predictions are the invention of the laser, as well as the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the 90s of the 20th century.

Association for Research and Education, Inc. (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has maintained an archive containing approximately 14,000 Cayce psychic readings.

2. Jeanne Dixon

Jean Dixon was born in Medford, Wisconsin and raised in California.

She became popular for her prophecies, one of which was that President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.

Her prediction was published in the May 13, 1956 issue of Parade magazine, which stated that the 1960 presidential election would be "won by a Democrat. Later, that winner would be assassinated or die in office as President of the United States."

A few years later, she predicted that "in the 1960 election, Richard Nixon would win the presidency."

Great Prophets

3. Michel Nostradamus

Michel de Nostredame or Nostradamus is one of the greatest prophets who have ever lived in the world. His book The Prophecies of Nostradamus was recreated in copies after his death.

Many of the great prophet’s predictions have become almost cultlike. Huge number of people different religions and nationalities believes that Nostradamus is one of the greatest people, and his prophecies are considered a real miracle.

However, many academic sources believe that most of his predictions were the result of misinterpretation or mistranslation, some of which were made intentionally.

Among the prophecies of the great Michel Nostradamus, allegedly, the birth of Hitler, the invention atomic bomb and even the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

4. John Edward

John Edward has a television show called "Crossing". The program serves as a means of communication between deceased family members and living ones. Thanks to this show, people receive messages from relatives from the other world.

Edward also wrote several books on related topics.

Edward's psychic abilities manifested themselves in very early age. People's belief that John actually possessed these powers was also strengthened by knowledge of the events that occurred before his birth.

The clairvoyant spoke about them in great detail, which left no doubt that the man was a prophet or, at least, possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

5. James Van Praagh

James Van Praag is a practicing medium. However, he can also be considered a celebrity as he is the co-executive producer of the series about ghosts and the afterlife.

The psychic was even accused of lying, however, Van Praag repeatedly proved his psychic abilities not in word, but in deed.

In his programs and books, the clairvoyant mainly talks about what happens to the soul after death. Everything related to the other world is within the competence of the medium.

6. Wolf Messing

Famous Polish medium Jewish origin Wolf Messing is one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.

This man, endowed with incredible powers of prediction, aroused the wrath of the Fuhrer himself, who placed a reward on Messing's head.

A few months before the start of World War II, a psychic predicted Hitler's inevitable death if he "went to the east to fight the war."

And if for Germany he became a real enemy, then in the Kremlin he was very welcome. After numerous checks, the highest-ranking officials of the state, including Joseph Stalin himself, could be convinced of his abilities.

There are entire legends about Wolf Messing's incredible gift. Even after his death, this man remains a very controversial figure.

Some consider him the great charlatan of his era, while others recognize him as a great genius who managed to arouse the hatred and respect of the most powerful rulers of the 20th century.

Famous clairvoyants

7. Stuart Wilde

Wilde is both an urban mystic and a seer.

He has written 17 books on self-help, self-improvement, spirituality and consciousness. His works, including CDs containing meditation sessions as well as transcendence, have been translated into more than 30 languages.

In his later books, Stewart touched on very serious, pressing problems that every modern person faces.

In addition, Wilde is one of the so-called "conspiracy theorists" who believe that a corrupt elite controls government, banking and the media, which harm the public.

8. Helen Duncan

Helen Duncan was a Scottish clairvoyant and one of the most controversial figures in the history of dreaming.

She was caught more than once in deception: Duncan conducted sessions during which she released ectoplasm from her mouth. During her sessions, the psychic tried to contact the spirits of the dead.

Although some claimed that she was just a common swindler, and that she had simply pre-absorbed all the substances that then came out of her mouth, many defended her, saying that it was impossible to do such a thing on purpose.

Helen herself has proven more than once that she is not deceiving anyone, and indeed has phenomenal superpowers.

People believed in her gift, including historian Alfred Dodd and Maurice Barbanell. They claimed that Helen was indeed endowed with paranormal powers.

However, Duncan became famous not only for her gift, but also for the fact that she became the last person to be convicted in the UK of the so-called The law on witchcraft.

In Great Britain, a scandal erupted over the sudden death of Helen Duncan in 1956 (according to experts, the medium died from an ectoplasmic stroke).

As a result, the “Witchcraft Law” was repealed, and some of its points were transferred to the “Law on False Mediums”.

9. Daniel Dunglas Home

Dunglass Hume, a Scottish spiritualist medium who became famous for his incredible powers of clairvoyance, divination and levitation.

He also demonstrated other forms of the so-called "psychic phenomenon".

Daniel Dunglass climbed to different heights with ease, and also handled fire and hot coal without being burned. For more than 35 years, Dunglass conducted his sessions without arousing anyone's suspicion that he was a fraudster.

Everyone believed in his gift and accepted him as the greatest psychic.

It is believed that Dunglass had abilities in four types of mediumship. He had a strong voice (the ability to allow spirits to speak), he had the ability to enter a state of trance (spirits spoke through him), he had the gift of clairvoyance (he saw things that others did not see), and he had physical mediumship (moving things, levitation, and others incredible abilities).

10. George Anderson

George Anderson is a medium considered best friend people who left this world.

This is because, thanks to his abilities and gift of persuasion, he helped grieving families move on with their lives even after a loved one had died.

Anderson established a connection between this world and the other world, conveying messages from relatives from the other world to people, and wishes and requests of the living to the dead.

His phenomenal abilities left no doubt that George Anderson was indeed endowed with a great gift.

11. Vanga (Vangelia)

Vanga is a Bulgarian clairvoyant who became perhaps one of the most controversial figures of the last century.

She was born into a poor peasant family in a small Bulgarian village, and at the age of 12, as a result of a hurricane, she became blind. It is believed that it was after the girl lost her sight that she discovered the gift of foresight.

Some call them charlatans and scammers. Others sincerely believe in their gift and turn to them for help. The abilities of psychics and clairvoyants have always been questioned and caused heated debate among others.

It was not for nothing that he was nicknamed the “sleeping prophet”, because most of his insights came to him in his sleep. Cayce's prophetic dreams amazed people. However, what was even more shocking was how he fell into such a state when he made his prophecies.

Casey would lie down on the couch, place his hands on his stomach, and then force himself to sleep. Once Edgar fell asleep, he could answer any questions asked of him. It was believed that these were his predictions.

Many people even vouched for the true value and usefulness of such prophecies. Among Cayce's most famous predictions are the invention of the laser, as well as the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the 90s of the 20th century.

Jean Dixon was born in Medford, Wisconsin and raised in California.
She became popular for her prophecies, one of which was that President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.
Her prediction was published in the May 13, 1956 issue of Parade magazine, which stated that the 1960 presidential election would be "won by a Democrat. Later, that winner would be assassinated or die in office as President of the United States."
A few years later, she predicted that "in the 1960 election, Richard Nixon would win the presidency."

Many of the great prophet’s predictions have become almost cultlike. A huge number of people of different religions and nationalities believe that Nostradamus is one of the greatest people, and his prophecies are considered a real miracle. However, many academic sources believe that most of his predictions were the result of misinterpretation or mistranslation, some of which were made intentionally.

Among the prophecies of the great Michel Nostradamus are supposedly the birth of Hitler, the invention of the atomic bomb and even the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

Edward's psychic abilities manifested themselves at a very early age. People's belief that John actually possessed these powers was also strengthened by knowledge of the events that occurred before his birth.

The clairvoyant spoke about them in great detail, which left no doubt that the man was a prophet or, at least, possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

James Van Praag is a practicing medium. However, he can also be considered a celebrity as he is the co-executive producer of the series about ghosts and the afterlife.

The psychic was even accused of lying, however, Van Praag repeatedly proved his psychic abilities not in word, but in deed.

In his programs and books, the clairvoyant mainly talks about what happens to the soul after death. Everything related to the other world is within the competence of the medium.

The famous Polish medium of Jewish origin Wolf Messing is one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.

This man, endowed with incredible powers of prediction, aroused the wrath of the Fuhrer himself, who placed a reward on Messing's head.

A few months before the start of World War II, a psychic predicted Hitler's inevitable death if he "went to the east to fight the war."

He has written 17 books on self-help, self-improvement, spirituality and consciousness. His works, including CDs containing meditation sessions as well as transcendence, have been translated into more than 30 languages.

In his later books, Stewart touched on very serious, pressing problems that every modern person faces.

In addition, Wilde is one of the so-called "conspiracy theorists" who believe that a corrupt elite controls government, banking and the media, which harm the public.

She was caught more than once in deception: Duncan conducted sessions during which she released ectoplasm from her mouth. During her sessions, the psychic tried to contact the spirits of the dead.

Although some claimed that she was just a common swindler, and that she had simply pre-absorbed all the substances that then came out of her mouth, many defended her, saying that it was impossible to do such a thing on purpose.

Helen herself has proven more than once that she is not deceiving anyone, and indeed has phenomenal superpowers.

People endowed with supernatural powers always stand out from the crowd. Many fear them, respect them, and even feel horror at the mere thought of what they can do by activating their inner strength. The most famous psychics of the 20th century will forever remain in history, because their contribution to the development of science and parapsychology is priceless. Today we will look at 5 of the most outstanding predictors, magicians and esotericists who managed to prove to the world their outstanding talents and convince even the most sophisticated skeptics that Magic force has the right to official existence.

Edgar Cayce - psychic who reads the future in a dream

Edgar Cayce, nicknamed the “sleeping prophet,” was recognized as one of the outstanding personalities in the esoteric world. He knew how to fall into a state of meditative sleep, the events in which were always reflected in future reality. He shocked those around him with his ability to predict the future and answer questions while in a state of sleep.

Casey often practiced clairvoyance sessions. He lay down on a flat couch, crossed his arms over his chest and fell asleep. As soon as this happened, everyone could approach him and ask a question. According to available data, 98% of Edgar's prophecies came true. The most famous prediction of the esotericist, which is preserved in the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach (Virginia), is considered to be a record of the creation of the laser and the collapse of the USSR in the 90s.

Jean Dixon - the woman who predicted Kennedy's assassination

Clairvoyant Jean Dixon, who grew up in California, is considered one of the most mysterious personalities of the esoteric world of the 20th century. She had the gift of foresight, which was especially aggravated at the time of impending cataclysms, political events and disasters. She often informed people about upcoming changes in their lives, felt the approach of death and tried to warn others from wrong actions that had irreversible consequences.

It is known that it was her prediction regarding the future assassination of John F. Kennedy and new presidential elections in 1960, which will be won by a representative of the Democratic Party, was published in the next issue of the popular Parade magazine on May 13, 1956. As we know from history, it definitely came true.

Wolf Messing - the man hunted by Hitler

Every person at least once in his life has heard the name of the famous Polish medium Wolf Messing, whose identity still causes heated debate between psychics, clairvoyants and skeptics who deny any supernatural abilities. Despite all this, during his lifetime Messing managed to gain access to the heads of many states, as well as a “black mark” from Hitler himself, who placed a fabulous monetary reward on the medium’s head. The thing is that just a few months before the start of World War II, the great seer predicted the inevitable death of the Fuhrer if he “decided and went to the east with the war.”

Despite the fact that Wolf Messing became a real “red rag for a bull” for the German government, he was known in the Kremlin as a great medium. Joseph Stalin himself, as well as all his associates, were able to personally verify this. Until now, Messing is considered one of the most famous psychics 20th century, who were able to confirm their abilities in practice.

Vanga - the woman who saw everyone without eyes

Vanga is one of the most mysterious and controversial figures of the 20th century, who managed to prove even to inveterate atheists that people can possess psychic abilities despite physical disability. She was born into a poor Bulgarian family and became blind at the age of 12 due to a hurricane. Many are sure that it was this accident that helped her activate her talent of providence, which helped hundreds of people correct mistakes, reconsider their outlook on life, and also avoid danger.

Vanga gained worldwide fame during the Second World War. She could easily determine the location of missing soldiers, as well as indicate their burial place to their relatives if they were killed. After her words were confirmed, people flocked in droves to her house in the hope of help in their sorrows. Many artists, politicians and even supreme commanders visited the Bulgarian ruler to see for themselves that she was one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century.

Helen Duncan, who knew how to communicate with the other world of the dead

Helen Duncan is one of the most famous Scottish clairvoyants of the 20th century, whose gift was believed by the famous historian Alfred Dodd and Maurice Barbanell. They were convinced that Helen really knew how to contact the souls of the dead, communicate with them and convey important information to relatives, which was always reflected in reality. She also became famous for being the last person to be convicted under the Witchcraft Act in the UK. There are still people who think she's a fraud long years deceiving unfortunate people who have lost their close relatives. But there are also those who are confident in the reality of Helen Duncan’s supernatural abilities, confirmation of which is preserved in the records of her numerous visitors to esoteric sessions.

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The scientific and the unknown still coexist next to each other, and sometimes it is very difficult to draw the line between scientific accuracy and what is difficult to prove, but also quite real. Therefore, most of those whom we call magicians were seriously engaged in science, but many are still considered great mystifiers.

1. Cassandra

"Cassandra." Frederick Sandys

Trojan seer who predicted most of the events of the Trojan War, including the infamous treacherous horse with a squad of warriors inside the statue. According to myths, Cassandra predicted the tragic role of Paris and Helen the Beautiful in this war, her death and the death of her beloved Mycenaean king Agamemnon. However, the drama was precisely that no one believed the girl - such was the revenge of Apollo, from whom Cassandra received her gift. To some extent, everyone who has superpowers has to deal with mistrust.

2. Nostradamus

Researchers are still trying to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus, but each new generation finds in his quatrains all new events taking place in world history. This is what makes his quatrains amazing. According to possible calculations, his predictions are designed for events up to the middle of the third millennium, that is, approximately another 150 years from this point in time. Although the poems are written in very figurative language, many of the events and personalities in them seem very recognizable. You can recognize Hitler, Napoleon, atomic explosions in Japan and even the September 11 terrorist attack in New York.

3. Cagliostro

Cagliostro is more of a deceiver than a magician, but the way he managed to mislead a huge number of intelligent people of his time is certainly worth attention. He was persecuted by the police for most of his activism, but at the same time he convinced monarchs and the rich of his exceptional abilities. Some of his tricks were quite successful for him - he increased the amount of gold, simulated resurrection from the dead, read minds. AND miraculously evoked sympathy and attraction among people towards his personality.

4. Mesmer

Mesmer was a doctor and, to put it modern language, used unconventional methods of treatment, trying to harness some kind of energetic force. According to his theory, it had different properties - from clairvoyance to translucency of bodies and objects. He had his own explanation for how it worked, but it was very far from science. However, he was essentially the first to try to study hypnosis and is still of serious interest to doctors.

5. Edgar Cayce

The American medium spoke in a trance state, making diagnoses and prescribing treatment, talking about the past and the future. Most of these reports were confirmed in reality, but the Cayce phenomenon was never studied. At the same time, predictions were also unsuccessful, so it is impossible to say that the Cayce effect was not the result of popular rumor and random hits.

6. Messing

A recognized Soviet psychic who successfully operated during periods of active atheism and materialism, which in itself is a small miracle. Wolf Messing was considered an artist and they tried not to go into the nature of his abilities. However, he could read and suggest thoughts, and, according to him, participated in solving crimes and advising the leaders of the Soviet state on decisions about the fate of the country. Much of this is criticized and not confirmed.

7. Vanga

The Bulgarian blind woman could only predict, but she did it better than all known contemporaries in the foreseeable past. In addition, she could more or less clearly retell her visions, which made it easier to understand and the ability to decipher the events. Vanga was open to the majority ordinary people and is ready to help almost anyone who had enough desire to get to her. There is no need to list them, but today they are some of the closest to reality.

8. Castaneda

The writer and esotericist explored human nature through the shamanic teachings of the Mexican Indians. The life, work and even death of this mystic are still shrouded in mystery. Whether his experiments were reality or the author’s fiction is still under debate. However, he has many followers who are trying to implement all his ideas into real life. The teachings are based on the ability to control a person’s energy body, change one’s own perception of reality, influence one’s destiny, and take a person’s abilities far beyond currently possible boundaries.

9. Sai Baba

A Hindu miracle worker, considered by his fans to be the incarnation of God. He actually created a rather complex religious teaching with theory and practice, rules and laws. For the general public, Sai Baba conducted demonstrations of all possible types miracles - reading thoughts, healing, prophecies and even the materialization of objects. Critics consider him a fraud, fans consider him an absolute magician. However, who he really is still remains a mystery.

10. Juna

During the heyday of interest in esotericism and paranormal phenomena. She was involved in healing, astrology, social activities and even politics. Juna's biofield was measured using instruments, identifying a certain radiation emanating from her hands. Juna's personality is also surrounded by many myths and blind spots. Juna treated with the help of this gift, but how effective her treatment was - opinions were divided. But in esoteric circles they speak of her as a highly spiritual person who tried to bring goodness and the ideals of her high destiny to people in this world.
