Guide and walkthrough for "Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands". Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands Walkthrough Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands Walkthrough


Let's get comfortable with management. We run forward and jump over the gorge. We kill enemies by pressing LMB. By destroying barrels and vases you can replenish your health. By pressing RMB, we climb onto the cornice. You can also run along walls using RMB. We destroy opponents. MMB – pushes them away, and CTRL – dodges attacks. Having jumped over another gorge, we cling to the ledge. We go to the end, then jump down. Having passed to the end, we rise higher again. Holding RMB, we move to the next ledge.

We destroy the enemy group, move forward, remove obstacles from the road. In the room we grab the ledge. We jump off the wall using the SPACE button. Having reached the very top, we go forward, crawl along the walls, grab the flag and go down. After the second flag, we first run along the wall and sharply push off from it and, using the third flag, we find ourselves at the very bottom. Click on the button in the center. We kill enemies. Opening the door again, we quickly run through. We go through a series of simple tests. Open the next door. Grabbing the ledges, we rise up.


We run along the piece of wood. We go down using the flag. On the right, in the room, we destroy the guards. We climb up and cross to the other side. By holding LMB you can deal critical hits. We climb brick by brick. We activate the mechanism on the wall. We run across the wall. Let's go to the other side. Having gone down, we pass forward through the hole in the wall. Having destroyed the guards, we go up again, go to the other side and go down the bricks. Having reached the door, we communicate with my brother. To help him move on, we activate the mechanisms on the tower, which are located in the foreground of the towers. We activate the third and continue our path. Let's go down. Having encountered a new type of enemy, we learn to deal with him. First, we knock SCM’s shield out of his hands, and then we simply finish him off. We activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly run through the door. There are dozens of opponents on the way! As a rule, two or three of them have shields, and the rest are ordinary guards. It's best to use super attacks and leave the clumsy stormtroopers for last. Right after the turn, we activate the mechanism and run around very quickly in order to have time to run (it is best to push off from it at the moment of climbing onto the wall and stay close to the walls). We climb onto the balcony along the columns.


We watch a short cut scene of how our brother is being pursued. We are looking for a way down, moving from column to column. Barrels with healing balls are kindly scattered throughout the hall. We destroy the enemies at the gate. Since the gate is tightly closed, we are looking for an alternative route. We climb up the bricks, jump from column to column. Next we get to the flag and go down.


We go forward, first we jump, and only then, holding RMB, we crawl up. All the way, combining complex tricks, we get to the treasury. We kill the invaders who are trying to steal the gold. Next, pushing off from the wall, we grab onto one of the columns and go up. We watch a video in which our hero meets Malik (brother). Malik does not want to listen to anyone and activates a force of unimaginable power. Now we have to stop this curse! We run forward, jumping over the resulting gaps in time. We see a portal on the wall, we go through it. Finding ourselves in an unknown world, we go to the center. We speak with a girl from the genie family. She warns us of danger and asks us to glue two seals together to stop the queen of the curse. And finally, he bestows upon us the power of the sands. We return back the same way. Let's move forward. In a moment we will fall down and die. But a few minutes ago we were gifted with a unique ability - to rewind time! Finally, the main feature of the game is now available for use. By pressing “Y” we rewind time until we stand firmly on something solid. However, you should not abuse this ability, since you can use time rewind exactly four times. After the cut scene, turn left at the end of the room. Here are the new opponents. From now on, points will be awarded for destroying enemies. You can use points to improve your abilities. For example, make the health bar longer, or increase the number of energy cells. We go up and move along the columns. Hanging on the horizontal bar, we open the door and move on. We jump over obstacles, as shown in the picture.

We go forward and fight with the suicide bombers. After that, push off from the wall in the right corner, hang on the horizontal bar and activate the mechanism. We climb up and get to the only passage. Watch the cutscene. Huge blades strive to chop us into small pieces. We activate the mechanism on the floor. And we try to run in between, that is, with stops. But you can’t hesitate, because the door may close. Having passed the test, we spin the drum exactly once in the hall! As you can see, an obstacle appeared on the left side. From wall to wall and here we are at the top, we jump onto the horizontal bar - the first mechanism is activated. Turn the drum as far as it will go. And now we climb up along a different path and activate the second mechanism.

We destroy the crowd of evil spirits. Great, now we go up in the center from wall to wall. We go through small tests. We meet with our brother and explain to him what’s what and how to stop the evil. We go down, pushing off from the wall, activate the mechanism, go to the other side, activate the mechanism again. We walk along the wall, opening the door, quickly jumping from column to column, and make our way inside.


In the first hall, the tests are quite simple. We run along the walls, waiting for opportune moments. In the second hall everything is also quite easy. Move the drum one position. We climb up until we get to the horizontal bar and activate the mechanism. After activation, the drum will rise to the same level as us. We go to him and move him two positions. We do the same steps again. Now we move the drum three positions, activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly get to the door. Here is the third hall. So, the procedure is as follows: move the drum one position, walk along the opened path, activate the mechanism on the horizontal bar, spin the second drum exactly once. We go down a little lower to the first reel and move it one more position. We go left, go up to the second reel. We jump in a big circle, and from this circle onto a column from a column to another circle and voila we jump onto the balcony and destroy the evil spirits. We go through a series of tests.


Larger creatures have been added to the already familiar hordes of rebels, which can only be dealt with with special attacks. Don't forget to use magic, unless of course you are pumping it up. The buttons “1, 2, 3, 4” are responsible for this. We climb up, destroy the enemies, and continue our journey. We pass the tests, activate the mechanism on the wall below and move on. Next we’ll keep it very simple, so I’ll focus right away on the boss. You can defeat him with four strong combos. We dodge his furious attacks in time and quickly strike with our sword and just as quickly jump away from him. You don’t have to be distracted by ordinary opponents, because the boss will destroy them without our participation, so to speak, they fall under his “hot hand.” There is a mechanism on the wall that can be activated, so we climb up it and at the moment when this wall is at the peak of its exit, we quickly push off and climb to the opposite one. We are passing tests. We try to activate the mechanism on the floor - it doesn’t work. There is a drum nearby, spin it once and unlock the mechanism. Great, let's move on. The second one is a little more complicated. Do as shown in the picture. Having activated the mechanism, we move along the wall. Meeting my brother.

Fortress gate.

We have three mechanisms in front of us, we need to bring the gear to the required position, we do it as shown in the figure. All that remains is to tighten the gear, removing the obstacle in front of it. We jump onto the platform, and from there onto a barely noticeable brick wall. We activate the mechanism and jump again to another platform. The gate is sealed. After talking with my brother, we learn about his bad intentions regarding the power of the sands. We urgently need to connect the medallions to put an end to the evil spirits once and for all. We go through some tests. Portal again! We go through it. Having received the so-called “Power of Marid” we can make water solid! By holding down the Shift key, we stop the flow of water and use it as the most ordinary horizontal bars. We go through easy tests, doing tricks with freezing water.


We go down, where we fight with the dead. And then back up starting from the column. We continue our way up, along the broken wall. Once on the hanging chambers, we quickly move along them, because they can collapse! Below we deal with the creatures made of sand. We activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly push it onto the newly extended platform. We activate the water jet on the horizontal bar. Enemies will appear below, but you can ignore them and continue your way up. Having activated the mechanism on the floor, we quickly run through. We go through some tests.


Finding ourselves in not the best place, we destroy our opponents. Then, stopping the flow of water, we climb up the formed walls. We are trying to get out, periodically passing small tests. At some point we will meet a new type of enemy, the creator of these same sand guards. Therefore, first of all, we kill him, otherwise we can fight endlessly. We climb along the small walls to the drum. We unscrew it to the very last position. We pass through the small shavings of water that have formed to the horizontal bar, which opens the door. Next, twist the drum back until large streams of water form. We go through the door. We climb the walls. Having reached the drain, we destroy the opponents. We activate the water on the horizontal bar. And through the drum we change the location, move on and pass the tests.


We activate the mechanism on the floor and immediately stop the flow of water, we get to the horizontal bar. When the door opens, crowds of enemies will rush towards us. First of all, by any means necessary, we break through to the ancestors of the evil spirits. Otherwise, the battle may end in failure if they are not destroyed in time. Let's move on. In a small room we activate two horizontal bars and, using the water as a wall, we go upstairs. Having met with my brother, we ask him to give the second part of the medallion, but we receive a refusal. Let's climb even higher. After passing some more tests, we go down.

Royal chambers.

We activate the mechanism on the left and go up on the floor. After the demon appears, we try not to fall under its destruction. Having taken cover, we go down. We deal with the evil spirits. We move on and again encounter the demon’s cleverly placed traps. Having taken cover, we kill weaker opponents. Naturally, first the creators of evil spirits. We rise higher and continue our way. This bastard still can't calm down. All his attempts to stop us end in failure. Once again, we are not given rest in the shelter either. We continue on our way.


There is only one goal - to climb to the very top. We activate various mechanisms in every possible way. There shouldn't be any difficulties. In the last test there will be two reels on the sides, the one on the left we spin once, then the right one once and again the left one once. However, after this there will be even more problems, because all the platforms will begin to move in a chaotic manner. As soon as the yellow platform is right in front of us, hold down the Shift key and jump onto it, and from it onto the stream of water in the center. And so, moving from platform to platform, we cross to the other side and find ourselves on the street. We go down, clinging to the flags. Before us is another boss. You can kill him only by inflicting powerful attacks. But first, let's deal with the small creatures. We are going through further tests.

Throne room.

We enter the large gate and see our brother fighting a demon. Having reached them, we ourselves fight this monster. It’s simple, we attack him directly at his feet, it’s best to be behind him, so although he won’t be able to hit us. When he sits down, we do a beautiful fatality. After he leaves, we get to him and the second round will begin, only now ordinary guards will interfere with us. We get close to the demon and begin to attack him. After the victory, we follow our brother’s trail. We dive into the portal. After talking with the girl, we go back. We have a new combo at our disposal! If the enemies in front of us make a jump and quickly press the ctrl key, we will quickly be transported to them and deal a crushing blow. We are passing tests with a new unique combo.


We get to the drum. Then we go down, twisting it. We climb even higher using many mechanisms. We act quickly and accurately. We come across an ambush in a small room, where one mini-boss practically occupies half the area. But with our abilities, dealing with them will not be difficult. After opening the door we continue to move on. In principle, there are no particularly difficult moments until the end of the level; dealing with a new type of enemy is quite simple.

Roof gardens.

We walk along the roofs of the gardens, destroying new creatures, they are like an incentive to complete the levels faster. Having seen our brother, we follow him. At this level, the number of frames per second noticeably begins to drop due to the rather dense and beautiful vegetation. So this level goes to the end in pursuit of the brother. The tests are simple and easy to follow.


We need to get to the bridge. When we move along the water columns, there will be a witch standing ready right around the corner, so you need to kill her very quickly. And in general, in this level, the developers considered it necessary to walk through the water columns with lightning speed, otherwise you simply would not survive. Brother periodically leaves us, and we catch up with him. Malik finally mutates into a huge demon, similar to the one we destroyed earlier. We deal with crowds of enemies. We climb to the very top, using birds to extend the flight.

Solomon's Tomb.

We fight with our brother, who has reincarnated as a demon. Just as in the previous case, we attack at the legs; at the moment it rises into the air, we quickly hide behind the stone slabs in order to avoid damage from the wave. Having taken half his health, he destroys the platform and hides, but having caught up with him, we fight him again. We are right at the entrance to the city of Jinov. First, let's climb up to make it easy. Once in the hall, we fight with a bunch of big flies. Unscrew the drum to the required position. Let's go higher. This is a little more complicated, because now two parts of the figure are spinning and they are in different positions. We stop time, the water freezes, and the Buddha particles align. Now you can move on. We get to the third Buddha. The passage to the city is open! We go down and in time, sliding down, we crawl along the walls. After passing some more tests, we go inside the portal. Now we can reverse time by pressing the Alt key. It doesn't look very impressive.

Ruins of Rekem.

Rekem's throne room.

To the left of the throne there is a stone wall, combining temporary restorations, we continue our path. Having activated the horizontal bar, we go further down. We destroy the boss.

Sacred spring.

Solomon's Hall.
You have to fight two mini-bosses and one large boss! Next, we restore an impressive piece of the wall and climb up along the water column. In the second hall there will be a battle again, but easier. After this we see two destroyed walls. Restoring first one, then the other, we climb up. Having reached the mechanism and the drum, we turn the drum, and click on the mechanism on the floor and, without leaving, hold Shift and run to the secret room. Hurray our sword! We go first to the portal, and then in search of Malik. At the same time, you can try out a new sword that destroys enemies much more effectively.

Royal Tower.
We head towards the palace, performing difficult tests. But if you concentrate, they will not be so difficult.


We activate the mechanism and begin to break through. Now you can’t hesitate, because the flow of sand warriors will be endless! We activate two mechanisms on the walls. And through the horizontal bar we get to the top and eliminate the root of evil. Let's move on.

Last climb.

First we activate the mechanism on the floor. We climb up the walls of water. The level is quite difficult, but there is nothing that would be unclear during the passage. At the end we meet a very heavily mutated brother, who has grown about five times his size since our last meeting. We dodge his attacks, and we ourselves are not inactive: at the slightest opportunity, we attack him right in the heart, that is, the medallion.

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands, from the first days of its announcement, was not even supposed to be a full-fledged sequel to the series, but was associated with the release of the full-length film “Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.” It was logical for the gaming community to assume that it was simply not worth expecting a game made “with soul”, excellent workmanship, design and other joys. The project was supposed to be commercial, and that’s how it turned out.

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands review

Ubisoft's promise that the upcoming part would fill the plot void between the events of Sands of Time and Warrior Within was not destined to come true. Those who bet that “Forgotten Sands” would follow the plot of the released film and correspond to the plot of it also did not guess. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands turned out to be a classic “game based on the film” with all that it entails, but has absolutely no plot connection with the above-mentioned film by Mike Newell.

The final version of the game was an attempt to cross Sands of Time and Warrior Within together. It didn’t really work out, as a matter of fact. Before Sands of Time, there was not enough Mechner's acumen, magnificent atmospheric music, and before Warrior Within, there was not enough a couple of dozen techniques, a brutal prince in dark robes and, in fact, Dahaka - the character who set the dynamics of the entire "Fight with Fate".

Storyline of the PC game “Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands”

The prince was unlucky again. This time, new hemorrhoids, a new headache befell the main character on vacation. Deciding to take a break from daily worries, Prince v 5.0 went to visit his brother Malik, who promised to teach the young ruler the art of military leadership. But the hero of “The Forgotten Sands” learned much more than he himself expected.

Upon arrival to my brother, it turned out that the city ruled by Malik was under siege and enemy troops were about to enter the city. The elder brother turned out to be not as smart as expected, and in order to save his life, his castle and people, he decided to release an ancient evil that had been dormant for hundreds of years within the walls of the fortress. But, as expected, the skeleton warriors refused to obey their liberator, causing a mess that we will have to sort out.

In fact, the rest of the part can be briefly described as “running after Malik.” The classic Sand of Time, familiar from the first games of the trilogy, is not in the game, but the ability to rewind time, like some others, this time came from a genie girl of dubious appearance. But more on that later!

Gameplay Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands

In Forgotten Sands you will not find huge halls and corridors in the manner of Sands of Time, and especially Warrior Within, which added a little dynamics to the game. Now you don’t have to get hung up on one location, trying to find at least a way out. In the current part, all actions are intuitive and are solved by a simple combination of acrobatic sketches.

And the most difficult puzzles only require figuring out how many times to turn which lever, and in which direction. Narrow corridors are usually replete with various kinds of traps, although they are much more primitive and simplified than the same traps from Warrior Within and Sands of Time, and are usually passed through with a couple of unobtrusive jumps.

The dynamics of the game are somewhere between the first and second parts of the game, and much closer to the first. The game doesn't even try to force the player to rush. When the frantic rhythm in the second part of the trilogy was set by a huge demon, and the player with sweaty palms from excitement tried to escape from the Fate that was overtaking him, then in “Forgotten Sands” there is absolutely no need to strain.

Moreover, there is absolutely no need to do it anywhere - sluggish battles with a crowd of skeletons can hardly be called exciting - the prince shreds sand fiends right and left without much effort. It’s a gift that the battles were made larger. Now you will have to withstand the blow of 30-40 skeletons. This did not improve the overall impression of the combat system.

Dumb opponents decide to swing their sword once or twice in a minute, while charging for 7 seconds to strike. With such situations, destroying a small army of skeletons to smithereens is not difficult. The combat system is limited to only three attacks - normal, powerful and jumping.

Mechanics of the game Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Comparing this component with Warrior Within, the fights in the latter with two or three opponents look much more spectacular and dynamic than the unequal battle with the Basurman horde in Forgotten Sands. The bosses are completely disappointing: they look epic, they barely fit on the monitor screen, but they are hardly a problem for a player who has at least once played any decent slasher game. Battles with them are short and rather monotonous.

There are not many innovations, but most of them are very interesting. Now the player is awarded experience points for killing opponents and finding secrets, which he is free to spend on various improvements to both his physical condition and magical skills. By the way, the latter include: trail of fire, ice blast, whirlwind and stone armor. By the way, the last two seem to be the most preferable in terms of usability characteristics.

Perhaps the only thing that more or less refreshed the game were the new abilities that became the highlight of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - freezing water, memory of time and flight. In general, simple combinations of transforming a liquid substance into a slab, crossbar or column, restoring a destroyed wall, beam or bridge, as well as jumping from one strange bird to another in symbiosis make up the best moments of the game.

For all these manipulations, the player requires only 2-3 buttons, but a fast and flexible mind. In a matter of seconds, you have to calculate the time to freeze a waterfall in order to fly past it and push off from the next one, and then jump onto a column, which in flight must be returned in time, and then make a voyage through the air with the help of unsuspecting vultures.

Graphics engine and passage nuances

True, it quickly gets boring, and after a couple of similar trips you look forward to a relaxing fight with the next hundred skeletons. Fortunately, the game has no more than 5 hours of gameplay. This, perhaps, saved her from failure.
The developers did not do a perfect job of debugging the game. Quite often, offensive bugs arise that force you to replay “The Prince” from the beginning. In addition, falling textures, disappearing objects and other nasty things have become commonplace in the game.

The graphics engine inherited from looks exciting in those areas of the game where special attention is paid to architecture. Eastern minarets and rounded domes of palaces look no less fabulous than in Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. But when it comes to character animation, the problems and plastic faces of the characters come to mind. Otherwise, the graphics deserve, perhaps, the same title as the whole game - “ordinary”.


Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, as expected, did not become some kind of innovation in the style of the 2008 game, but at the same time, it cannot be called a failure either. An attempt to combine the merits of The Sands of Time and Brawl with Fate ended up rather combining most of the shortcomings of the first two games in the trilogy.

I want to play Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands only because of the exclusive moments that this particular part brought to the series. offers a couple of innovations that all fans of the series should check out. But at the same time, it does not have any serious plot implications. And, frankly speaking, sometimes you don’t want to reach the final!

Game: Platform: NDS, PC, PS3, PSP, WII, X360 Genre: action Release date: May 18, 2010 In Russia: June 11, 2010 Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment Publisher in Russia: Akella Localizer: Akella /Track Bastions.

Let's get comfortable with management. We run forward and jump over the gorge. We kill opponents by pressing LMB. By destroying barrels and vases you can restore your health. By pressing RMB, we climb onto the cornice. You can also run along walls using RMB. We destroy enemies. MMB – pushes them away, and CTRL – dodges attacks. Having jumped over the next gorge, we cling to the ledge. We go to the end, then we jump down. Having passed to the end, we rise higher again. Holding RMB, we move to the next ledge. We destroy the enemy group, move forward, remove obstacles from the road. In the room we grab the ledge. We jump off the wall using the SPACE button. Having reached the very top, we go forward, crawl along the walls, grab the flag and go down. After the second flag, we first run along the wall and sharply push off from it and, using the 3rd flag, we find ourselves at the very bottom. Click on the button in the center. We kill opponents. Opening the door again, we quickly run through. We go through a series of easy tests. We open the next door. Grabbing the ledges, we rise up.


We run along the piece of wood. We go down using the flag. On the right, in the room, we destroy the guards. We climb up and run across to the other side. By holding LMB you can deal critical hits. We climb brick by brick. We activate the mechanism on the wall. We go along the wall. We run to the other side. Having gone down, we pass forward through the hole in the wall. Having destroyed the guards, we go up again, run across to the other side and go down the bricks. Having reached the door, we communicate with my brother. To help him go further, we activate the mechanisms on the tower, which are located in the front plan of the towers. We activate the third and continue our own path. Let's go down. Having encountered a new type of enemy, we learn how to deal with him. First, we knock the shield out of SCM’s hands, and then we simply finish it off. We activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly run through the door. There are 10 enemies on the way! Usually, two or three of them are with shields, and the others are ordinary guards. It’s best to use super attacks and ultimately abandon the clumsy stormtroopers. Following the turn, we activate the mechanism and very quickly run around in order to have time to run (it is best to push off from it at the moment of climbing onto the wall and stay closer to the walls). We climb onto the balcony along the columns.


We watch a small cut scene of how our brother is being pursued. We are looking for a way down, moving from column to column. Barrels with healing balls are kindly scattered throughout the hall. We destroy opponents at the gate. Because the gate is tightly closed, we are looking for another way. We climb up the bricks, jump from column to column. Then we get to the flag and go down.


We go forward, at first we jump, and only later, holding RMB, we crawl up. All the way, using complex tricks, we get to the treasury. We kill the invaders who are trying to steal the gold. Then, pushing off from the wall, we grab onto one of the columns and rise up. We watch a video in which our hero meets Malik (brother). Malik does not want to listen to anyone and activates a force of unimaginable power. Now we have to stop this curse! We run forward, jumping just right over the resulting chasms. We see a portal on the wall, we pass through it. Finding ourselves in an unknown world, we go to the center. We speak with a woman from the genie family. She warns us about threats and asks us to glue two seals together in order to stop the queen of the curse. And in the end it gives us the power of the sands. We go back using the same method. Let's move forward. In a moment we will fall down and die. But a couple of minutes ago we were gifted with a unique ability - to rewind time! Finally, the main feature of the game is now available for use. By pressing “Y” we rewind time until we are firmly standing on something hard. But you should not abuse this ability, since you can use time rewind exactly four times. After the cut scene, turn left at the end of the room. Here are the new opponents. From now on, points will be awarded for eliminating opponents. You can use glasses to improve your capabilities. For example, make the health bar longer, or increase the number of energy cells. We go up and move along the columns. Hanging on the horizontal bar, we open the door and move on. We jump over obstacles, as shown in the picture.
We go forward and fight with the suicide bombers. After that, pushing off from the wall in the right corner, we hang on the horizontal bar and activate the mechanism. We climb up and get to the only passage. Watch the cutscene. The big blades are trying to chop us into small pieces. We activate the mechanism on the floor. And we try to run in between, that is, with stops. But you can’t mess around, because the door might close. Having passed the test, we spin the drum exactly once in the hall! As we saw, an obstacle appeared on the left side. From wall to wall and here we are at the top, we jump onto the horizontal bar - the first mechanism is activated. Turn the drum to the maximum. And now we climb up along a different path and activate the 2nd mechanism.

We destroy a lot of evil spirits. Great, now we go up in the center from wall to wall. We pass small tests. We meet with our brother and explain to him what is what and how to stop the evil. We go down, pushing off from the wall, activate the mechanism, run to the other side, activate the mechanism again. We walk along the wall, opening the door, quickly jumping from column to column, and make our way inside.


In the first hall the tests are quite ordinary. We run along the walls, waiting for comfortable moments. In the 2nd hall everything is also quite simple. Move the drum one position. We climb up until we get to the horizontal bar and activate the mechanism. After activation, the drum will rise to the same level as us. We go to him and move him two positions. We do the same things again. Now we move the drum three positions, activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly get to the door. Here is the 3rd hall. So, the procedure is as follows: move the drum one position, walk along the opened path, activate the mechanism on the horizontal bar, spin the 2nd drum exactly once. We go down a little lower to the first reel and move it one more position. We go left, go up to the second reel. We jump in a big circle, and from this circle onto a column from a column to another circle and voila we jump onto the balcony and destroy the evil spirits. We go through a series of tests.


Larger creatures have been added to the already ordinary hordes of rebels, which can only be dealt with with special attacks. Don't forget to use magic if you naturally pump it up. The buttons “1, 2, 3, 4” are responsible for this. We climb up, destroy the enemies, and continue our journey. We go through the tests, activate the mechanism on the wall below and move on. Next we’ll be painfully simple, so I’ll immediately focus on the boss. You can defeat him with 4 strong combos. Just in time we dodge his angry attacks and quickly strike with the blade and just as quickly jump away from him. You don’t have to be distracted by ordinary enemies, because the boss will kill them even without our role, so to speak, they fall under his “hot hand.” There is a mechanism on the wall that can be activated, so we climb up it and then, when this wall is at the peak of its own exit, we quickly push off and climb up the other way. We pass tests. We try to activate the mechanism on the floor - it doesn’t work. There is a drum nearby, spin it once and unlock the mechanism. Great, let's move on. The second one is a little more complicated. Do as shown in the picture.
Having activated the mechanism, we move along the wall. Meeting my brother.

Fortress gate.

We have three mechanisms in front of us, we need to bring the gear to the required position, we do it as shown in the figure.
All that remains is to tighten the gear, removing the obstacle in front of it. We jump onto the platform, and from there onto a barely noticeable brick wall. We activate the mechanism and jump again to another platform. The gate is sealed. After talking with my brother, we learn about his bad intentions regarding the power of the sands. It is urgent to connect the medallions in order to put an end to the evil spirits once and for all. We go through small tests. Portal again! We go through it. Having received the so-called “Marida Power” we can make water hard! By holding the Shift button, we stop the flow of water and use it as the most ordinary horizontal bars. We pass easy tests, doing tricks with freezing water.


We go down, where we fight with the dead. And later again upward starting from the column. We continue our way up, along the broken wall. Once on the hanging chambers, we quickly move along them, because they can fall! Below we deal with the creatures made of sand. We activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly push it onto the just extended platform. We activate the water jet on the horizontal bar. Enemies will appear below, but you can not focus on them and continue your own path upward. Having activated the mechanism on the floor, we quickly run through. We go through small tests.


Finding ourselves in not the best place, we destroy the enemies. Then, stopping the flow of water, we climb up the formed walls. We are trying to get out, sometimes passing small tests. At some point we will meet a new type of enemy, the creator of these same sand guards. That’s why we kill him first, otherwise we can fight endlessly. We climb along the small walls to the drum. We unscrew it to the very last position. We pass through the small shavings of water that have formed to the horizontal bar, which opens the door. Then we twist the drum back until huge jets of water form. We go through the door. We climb the walls. Having reached the drain, we destroy the enemies. We activate the water on the horizontal bar. And through the drum we change the placement, go further and pass the tests.


We activate the mechanism on the floor and immediately stop the flow of water, we get to the horizontal bar. When the door opens, crowds of opponents will rush towards us. The first thing we do is, using whatever forces we can, we break through to the ancestors of the evil spirits. Otherwise, the battle may end in failure if you don’t kill them in time. Let's move on. In a small room we activate two horizontal bars and, using the water as a wall, we go upstairs. Having met with my brother, we ask him to give the second part of the medallion, but we receive a refusal. Let's climb even higher. After going through a few more tests, we go down.

Royal chambers.

We activate the mechanism on the left and go up on the floor. After the appearance of a demon, we try not to fall under its destruction. Having taken cover, we go down. We deal with the evil spirits. We pass further and again encounter cleverly placed traps of the demon. Having taken cover, we kill weaker enemies. Naturally, at first the creators of evil spirits. We rise higher and continue our own path. This bastard still can't calm down. All his attempts to stop us end in failure. Once again, we are not given rest in the shelter either. We continue on our own path.

This Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands Walkthrough describes in detail the beginning of the game, every action. As you progress through the game, the number of tricks practically does not change, so in further levels we will simply tell you what to do, and how exactly - you will understand by then yourself. If you get confused, read again the Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands of the first levels, where we described in great detail each action of the prince from the tricks, and also clearly explained how to fight against enemies in large numbers.


In a short cutscene we are informed about the basis of the plot of Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands - the nameless prince came to visit his brother, whose name is Malik. Malik is the ruler of his lands, but the prince came to visit at the wrong time. The massive attack of the enemies brought the result they desired - Malik's people suffer heavy losses, and the enemy moves deeper and deeper into the palace. Actually, the game Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands begins with the fact that the dome on which the prince (our protagonist) was sitting, surveying the situation around him, was hit by a salvo from an enemy cannon, and the entire building began to collapse. The prince, after deft acrobatic stunts, ended up on the bridge. This is where control comes in.

First of all, the passage of the game Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands advises you to pay attention to the control system in Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands - it is very standard. In addition, it was made as simple as possible for the convenience of the player. The first obstacle will be the cliff of the bridge formed after a well-aimed cannon shot - it can be easily overcome by simply jumping (space by default). Ahead, a little further, just before the entrance to the building, repeat the jump procedure and get ready for your first combat experience in the game.

There, your only ally is finished off by two enemies - it is impossible to save “your own”, no matter how much you hurry. Walkthrough Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands recommends - focus on eliminating your opponents. Those who thought that it was unfair - two for one of you - will be very surprised in the future by the colossal superiority of the adversaries in terms of numbers. The enemies, to put it mildly, are dull, the emphasis is on their number - sometimes it will go off scale well beyond 50, or even more copies at a time. In the meantime, with the left mouse button (LMB) we chop off the two that are there. In addition, you still have the opportunity to kick the enemy (the passage of Forgotten Sands informs - press the mouse wheel or the [E] button). This way, you will knock your opponent to the ground, after which you can easily finish him off while he is lying down. In the future, this technique will be indispensable against enemies armed with shields. But first things first. Here, the passage of Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands will mark another strike option - by holding down the LMB for a couple of seconds, you will inflict much more damage on the enemy than with a regular strike. Such a blow kills ordinary soldiers from the beginning of the game immediately. In conclusion to the first combat experience, some more information - you can improve your health by breaking all kinds of jugs and barrels. Some of them will be empty, and those from which a red glow will burst out will help us. Next we have to learn basic acrobatics.

The Forgotten Sands walkthrough informs you that in the far right corner of the room from the entrance there is a small mound. We need to climb up. The game will provide tips on how to do this. We'll just duplicate it. To climb a vertical surface, approach it and hold down the second (i.e. right) mouse button (RMB). It is important not to let go of it as you rise, otherwise you will fall down. After the prince grabs the edge of the dais, right-click again to make him climb to the surface. Once at the top, turn left. There, a few meters away, you will see a wall - repeat the climbing skill by running up to it and holding down RMB.

After the prince climbs up, you will see how the allied archers will be hit by a salvo from a cannon, at the same time demolishing part of the building - now we have a cliff of considerable length in front of us, you can’t just jump over it. But the game will immediately give a hint again, and the passage of Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands will only duplicate it - you can overcome this barrier by running along the wall on the right. To do this, run along it, and just before the cliff, hold down RMB. Important - don't let go of her until you reach the next edge of the cliff.

They are already waiting for us there. There are five enemies. Here will be your first experience of combat against a significant concentration of opponents (relatively significant, of course, especially compared to the first two). Further, as we have already noted, there will be much more massive crowds of opponents, and here we will gain skills on how to deal with them. With one blow, the prince is able to damage several nearby enemies at once. If you click LMB tirelessly, he will actively swing his sword, not allowing anyone who attacks from the front to do anything about it. But again, you can’t get carried away, it’s advisable to attack in all directions whenever possible - while you’re mauling those in front, they may come up to you from behind and cause damage to the prince’s health. Therefore, try to constantly move and attack only the extreme attacking opponents, and not go deeper into the crowd. There are other options when fighting with a bunch of people - a jump strike or a forward somersault (the walkthrough Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands informs you that this is the default key). The somersault will somewhat disorient your opponents, so use it more often if possible.

However, in this case, this is not in great demand - it’s easy to kill five people even on a difficult difficulty level. When you get it done, move forward. In front of you, another salvo from a cannon will create another abyss - overcome it in a similar way, running along the wall while holding down the RMB. Directly ahead - a dead end. But for the prince, it seems, there are no hopeless situations. There is a protruding cornice above your head, you can reach it by climbing in the same way - going to the wall and using RMB.

Walkthrough of the game Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands warns - our hero will hang on the ledge automatically. Now move left (using the same button as for running left, [A] by default). You crawl to the place where the cornice ends, and the game will give you a hint - to go down to the lower cornice, press the key. The prince will deftly jump and grab onto the protruding part of the building below. Move left again. The passage advises you not to pay attention to a whole swarm of burning arrows in the Forgotten Sands - they are scripted, to maintain the atmosphere, and will not cause you any harm. In this way you will get around the corner, moving a little further, you will see how one of the walls of the fortress was brought down with a cannon. That is, there is no direct path, because... there, along with the wall, the cornice along which we are moving collapsed. But right above the prince’s head there is another one - the passage of the game Forgotten Sands informs that to climb, use the same RMB. Move left again. This cornice will end there too - you will have to run along the wall. It is no different from the dashes with which we overcame chasms earlier. Still hold down RMB and the running direction button, in this case - to the left. After running, the prince will cling with his hands to the continuation of the cornice, from it, moving forward, jump to the lower one, along which you move further around the corner.

Having gone around the square ledge along the cornice, you will crawl to a place where you will have to jump directly onto the surface of the fortress. The passage of Forgotten Sands warns - this is done in the same dash as before. A short video will play, where we will be shown the appearance of a solid cluster of opponents - eight people. You can kill them, or you can jerk forward along the fortress - after a few meters there will be another cliff, which we can overcome by running, but the enemies cannot. But to gain experience, it is better not to avoid fighting with them.

One way or another, you will find yourself at that very cliff - run across to the other side along the wall, go forward. There, the entrance to the fortress will be paved with jugs and barrels - break them to get through, and at the same time replenish your health (if necessary). The room we entered is another acrobatics training room. To begin, go to the ledge from the wall directly opposite the entrance. Climb up to him so that the prince hangs in his arms. Crawl to the right to climb out onto the next ledge, which is slightly higher than ours. From here you can (even need to) jump onto the column opposite destroyed from below - hold down the movement key to the left without releasing it - spacebar. The prince will deftly jump onto the column, or rather, onto its ledge. Move along it to the left again, where you will again have to repeat the procedure of jumping onto the wall opposite. Crawl along the ledge until it stops, and when the “stop” is in front of you, run over to find yourself on the other wall right in front of you. There, move left along the next ledge. Soon it will end, but another one will begin, a little higher - climb up, then left again. The passage of Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands warns - after this you will have to use the wall run again - otherwise you will not be able to reach the next ledge. Move along it to the left all the way, in the corner bounce off the wall to jump onto the hill opposite.

Go a little further, you will run into another video - a shell from a cannon will explode very close to you, but will not hit you. The passage of the game Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands informs you that there is another abyss ahead, which you need to cross along the wall on the right. After the abyss we move straight again. Ahead, it would seem, is a dead end again - a destroyed room; if you fall down, you will die. Let's try to find another descent. To start, run along the wall on the right to the nearest ledge. Crawl along it to the left, make a dash, crawl left again along another ledge. At the end of it you will have to make another dash - to the nearest long red flag. The Prince masterfully uses it to make his descent smoother. After going down, go to the next dilapidated balcony towards the cliff. Apply your old knowledge from him - running along the wall, a ledge, a dash, again a ledge, from the ledge - to another flag, along which we go down another flight. In order to jump from the ledge to the flag, the Forgotten Sands walkthrough informs - use the key.

You will find yourself on a very small surviving part of the balcony. Walkthrough Forgotten Sands reports - there we will use a simple combination of tricks for the first time - first run along the wall, then, opposite the other remnant of the balcony, press the jump button to get to it. Run through it, and quickly jump to another flag ahead. Go down it into a fairly spacious room. In the middle you will find a large button on the floor. Step on it, and immediately run to the high gate, which opens for a very limited time. Five brave enemy fighters are already waiting for us outside the gate. While you kill them, the gate will close again, you will have to press the button in the middle of the room again. Therefore, it is not necessary to get involved in a battle with them, you can simply rush headlong headlong to end up on the other side of the gate. Probably, some of the enemies will not be able to keep up with such a maneuver, and it will be easier for you. However, it is not necessary to fight even with the remainder; the passage of Forgotten Sands advises you to simply escape.

Jump down from the small rise, and from there climb up to the next one around the corner on the left. There, press against the wall on the right and run along it to the ledge in the wall. Move forward along it until it ends. Then jump to the one opposite you. Move along the next ledge until it stops, then run along the wall. You will find yourself on a small hill. To the left in front, at a decent height, there is another button that opens the door. But she’s not on the floor, so you’ll have to show off your acrobatic skills again to get to her. From the current elevation, run along the left wall until you reach the button. Having pressed it, immediately press the space bar to jump to the right, where the door we need has already begun to close. The passage of Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands warns that if you don’t have time, you will have to repeat the trick from the beginning. In the room behind the door there is another ledge from the wall, climb out onto it. From there - to the next one, higher. Move to the left all the way, then climb up to the balcony.


Now you have learned the basic tricks. Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands walkthrough will only suggest what to do next, without re-explaining exactly how. If new features appear, we will definitely describe them. In the meantime, we are going through the “Fortress” level.
The Forgotten Sands walkthrough informs you - first, walk along the wooden beam protruding from the balcony to the opposite balcony. There will be another one there - run and jump down to follow the flag to the ground. There will be two enemies in the next room - deal with them. There, opposite the entrance, there is a ledge in the wall that you need to climb onto. Move from it to the next one, the one higher on the left side. Hand crawl along the ledge to the left until the end of the wall, then run along the wall to reach a wooden beam. Walk along it, climb onto the wall, from which step onto the next beam. Take a running jump to the next one, and from it even further, so you will find yourself on a high wall made of wood. Jump from there onto the flag to softly descend to the ground. There are already four opponents waiting for us there. Having dealt with them, go to the next room. There, climb up along the protruding bricks on the wall opposite the entrance.

The passage of Forgotten Sands warns - having risen all the way, run along the wall to the balcony without releasing the RMB - you need to reach the button in front that raises the gate. Now, instead of an opening in the wall, we have a flat surface along which the prince can easily run. So you will find yourself on the next balcony, another video with Malik will start, after which we will continue on our way. From the balcony, run along the wall to the wooden beam. Move along it to the right, climb onto the massive column. Follow it around the corner, and from there, dash along the wall to reach the bricks on top protruding from the wall. First climb them, then overcome the arch, moving to the right by running along the wall. There the prince will grab onto the next bricks along which we will go down.

You will find yourself on another high wall made of wood. The passage of Forgotten Sands informs - from it, jump along the beam onto the bricks from the wall in front, go down. There, through a narrow hole, head somersault forward towards several enemies already waiting for us. When you clear the room, in the far corner to the left of the exit, climb onto a raised platform made of wood. There, climb onto the beams protruding from the wall - first to the lower one, and from it to the one higher. Move to the right all the way, then make another run along the wall, jump from it opposite the beam on the right to end up on it. From the beam, climb up the bricks on the wall, then to the right. When they are over, run to the right along the wall to the next ones. Repeat the procedure to end up on the balcony.

The Forgotten Sands walkthrough informs you - from the balcony, run along the left wall, then repeat the old trick - bounce off the wall to jump onto the beam on the right. Jump from it to the next ones until you find yourself opposite the next balcony. Jump onto it, run jump onto the next stones protruding from the wall, along which first move to the right, then go down to the surface of the lower floor of the fortress. You will go out onto the balcony, from which you need to jump along the beams again to find yourself on the opposite balcony. From there, run along the wall to the left to jump onto the beam. From the beam, turn left - there you will see bricks protruding from the wall, along which it is easy to climb up into the building. A video will start where our hero will communicate with his brother for the first time.

The passage of Forgotten Sands reports that after the video we will find ourselves on the same beam on which we sat in it. The brother asks to activate a mechanism that would prevent enemies from breaking through further into the fortress. You need to activate it in the following way - press three large buttons in succession, stepping on them with your feet running along the wall. Two are located next to us, you can reach them along the beams. But to press the third one, you first need to activate the first two, after which the gate will rise for a limited time, during which you need to have time to activate the last one. You'll have to jump from this building to the next one to do this.

The passage of Forgotten Sands informs you that now the task is to find an alternative entrance to the palace yourself, because we have just closed the gate with the same mechanism. Facing the target building, turn left and jump from the beam to the ledge on the wall, which the prince will grab with his hands. Move along it to the right as far as possible, then run along the wall so that our hero grabs the bricks protruding from it with his hands. Go down along them to the balcony, from it - run along the wall to the opposite balcony. From where it will finally be possible to penetrate inside the target structure. But you won’t be able to move around like a human even there - as soon as you enter, immediately run along the right wall. Then jump away from it to grab onto the bricks protruding from the opposite one with your hands.

The Forgotten Sands walkthrough informs you - move along the bricks to the right all the way, then run along the wall, jump away from it to, again, jump to the opposite side. There we will have our first experience of fighting with two enemies armed with shields. The battle tactics differ in that you first need to kick the adversary with your foot, and after he falls, finish him off. They will block sword strikes. In the same room where we found the enemies, you need to trample the button on the wall with your feet to open the door. It opens, as it should, for a very limited time, so you can’t hesitate so that you don’t have to press it again. There will be a good crowd of enemies waiting for you outside the door, so be prepared.

Having dealt with them, in order to continue passing Forgotten Sands, find the button for the next door, which the camera will successfully show when pressed. You'll have to run to make it in time. Behind the door are further corridors, in the nearest one there will be a strong gap from below, so you will have to run along the right wall until you get to the stones protruding from it. Use the bricks to make another dash along the wall to jump onto the remaining part of the corridor. The corridor will lead us to a hall where you can climb up along the column. More precisely, first climb onto the first column, jump from it to the other, turning towards it. From the second column, jump towards the balcony - the second level will end there.
