Simple fortune telling for Christmas at home. Simple fortune telling on Christmas night. Fortune telling with cups to find out the future

The desire to know their future has never left people. To build an ideal life, to protect yourself from misfortunes, to know in advance is the main motivation in fortune telling, not counting banal curiosity and the desire to pass the time cheerfully. Fortune telling can only be done during certain periods of time, and Christmastide fits these wishes.

The main thing in the article

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home?

You can look into the future at Christmas on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January. At this time, the border between the worlds is quite thin, and you can ask otherworldly forces about the future, ask for help. It’s easy to tell fortunes at home using items that are always at hand.

  • You can actually tell fortunes using an onion or a gold ring to find out the name of your future husband.
  • To see your betrothed, you should use rods for a bridge or eat salty food.
  • There are also many fortune tellings using improvised objects: glasses, mirrors, bread crumbs, candles.

When is the right time to tell fortunes at Christmas?

If you want the prediction to be as accurate as possible, you need to clearly know the correct dates for fortune telling. Starting from the evening of January 6, and until January 18 there is a period called Christmastide , in which girls traditionally tell fortunes about the future, the groom, and wealth. You can’t guess every day, but only:

  • from the evening of January 6 to the morning of January 7
  • from the evening of January 13
  • on Epiphany evening - January 18.
    However, it is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling will be on Christmas evening.

What will you need for fortune telling on Christmas night?

For fortune telling on Christmas night, you will need the necessary equipment for the fortune telling you have chosen, preparation of the fortuneteller and good imagination.

  • Get over your fear.
  • Remove the hair clips; they should be loose.
  • Untie all kinds of knots that are on the clothing (belts and waistbands are also considered knots).
  • Remove all jewelry.
  • Protect the room from extraneous sounds during fortune telling.
  • You cannot cross your arms and legs so as not to lose contact with the otherworldly.
  • It is necessary to clearly formulate the question of interest.

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling by lines in a book

Take any book, concentrate on what you want to learn. Open the book to any page and read the lines. The answer to your question is in these lines.

Fortune telling using cups

Prepare three cups: with water, sugar, and a ring. Close your eyes and, turning around yourself three times clockwise, extend your left hand and take the cup.

  1. A cup of water promises a calm and passive year, not particularly eventful.
  2. If you choose the one with sugar, then the year will be fun, with a lot of good impressions and good luck in business.
  3. A ring in a cup promises the appearance of a young man in the life or an early marriage.

Card fortune telling for Christmas


Take a bath or shower and put on clean pajamas. Select kings of all suits from a deck of cards and place them under your pillow. Ask your betrothed to come to you in a dream:

  • dream about the king of spades - your husband will be terribly jealous and older than you,
  • hearts - younger than you and rich,
  • Crusader - the groom will be a military man,
  • diamond - the one you love will love you.

On request

Shuffle the cards while thinking about your desire. Then draw one card from the deck at random.

  • peaks - the wish will not come true;
  • clubs - unlikely;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but you need to make an effort;
  • worms - will definitely come true.

Is it possible to tell fortunes at Christmas using playing cards?

Playing cards originated from fortune telling tarot cards. Of course they are slightly modified. There are no major arcana in them, except for the Jester (Joker). The suits were replaced:

  • clubs are former wands,
  • swords were replaced with pikes,
  • pentacles turned into diamonds,
  • cups became hearts.

At Christmas you can tell fortunes with playing cards, but the deck must be new and after fortune telling you cannot play with such cards.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed and marriage

Survey of passers-by

This fortune telling does not require special equipment. Walk down the street, looking for the first male passerby. Find out the name. This will be your groom's name.

Prophetic dream about a betrothed

There are several options for inducing a prophetic dream.

  1. Buy a new comb the day before. Before going to bed, comb your hair, repeating “Mummer, come, comb me” and place the comb under the pillow. In a dream, the groom will come to comb your hair.
  2. Eat something salty before going to bed, saying, “Whoever is my betrothed will bring me a drink.” Then immediately go to bed and remember the groom in your dreams.

Fortune telling with four glasses

By this fortune telling you will find out the character of the groom.

  • You will need four glasses, filled with clean water.
  • Next, arm yourself with a teaspoon: drop sweet honey into the first glass, a little salt into the second, lemon juice into the third, add a little wine into the last.
  • Stir the contents, cover the glasses with a cloth or napkins so as not to see the filler.
  • Now it is necessary for someone to rearrange the glasses.
  • After that, without hesitation, grab one of them and take a sip.
  • If you choose honey water, then in the future you will have a kind husband and a sweet life, salty water - to tears and sadness, water with sourness promises a joyless married life, and a glass of alcohol - to a husband who loves to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for children

In addition to the future betrothed, a woman is also concerned about the number of children in the family and the gender of the child.

Fortune telling with a ring in water

  • Fill a bowl or glass with water and place your wedding ring in it.
  • Next, the bowl should be put out in the cold. Let it sit there overnight and check the results in the morning.
  • If the water is frozen and the surface is smooth, don’t expect children this year.
  • If you see a bumpy surface, you will be pregnant with a boy, and if there is a depression on the surface, you will be pregnant with a girl.

If the night suitable for fortune telling is not frosty, you can use the freezer.

Fortune telling needle

  • You will need white thread and a needle.
  • Thread the needle, take the thread by the tip with your right hand, and guide it so that the end of the needle is in the center of your left palm, slightly higher from it.
  • Watch the needle. Rocking across the palm predicts a girl, rocking along the palm predicts a boy.
  • If the needle stops and then suddenly starts swinging again, it means it tells you the gender of the next child.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas by shadow?

Shadow divination is most popular at Christmas.

  1. Find an old newspaper and begin to crumple it in your hands, while formulating a question of interest.
  2. Then the newspaper needs to be transferred to a container and set on fire.
  3. When it burns, turn off the light and light the candle.
  4. Rotate the container with the burnt newspaper in front of the candle until you see a shape in the outline of the shadow.

House means a change of residence or marriage, ring promises a wedding is just around the corner, pig- troubles. In general, interpret such figures as your mind tells you. This is reminiscent of decoding a dream - dreaming about sweets promises happiness for someone, because they are associated with childhood, and bad luck for someone, because the lady wants to lose weight and is afraid to eat sweets.

Fortune telling for Christmas with a mirror

Using such an attribute for fortune-telling as a mirror, the girls tried to look for the image of the future groom in it. This fortune telling is quite creepy, so the girl must be psychologically prepared.

  1. Find two medium sized mirrors.
  2. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a kind of corridor of mirrors.
  3. Light a church candle to the left and right of each mirror.
  4. After waiting until midnight, turn to the mirror: “Betrothed, show yourself to me.”
  5. Next, peer into the mirror.
  6. As soon as you see the outlines of a man approaching you, look at his appearance and say “mind me” or read the Lord’s Prayer.
  7. The main thing is not to let the essence out of the mirror, it is dangerous.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, nutshells and eggs?

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

By telling fortunes with coffee grounds, you can warm up, enjoy the aroma, and find out the future.

  1. Brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot.
  2. Pour into a light cup, mentally formulating the question that is tormenting you. Don't add sugar to coffee!
  3. Drink your coffee in even sips, concentrating on the question. If you decide to tell fortunes in a group, then you cannot talk to each other.
  4. The cup should be held in the right hand, the handle should be on the right.
  5. Leave a couple of teaspoons of liquid at the bottom.
  6. Take the cup in your other hand, beat the liquid clockwise and tip it onto the saucer. Wait a few seconds for the pattern to form.
  • Square – life stability
  • Solid cross - unfortunately
  • Circle with spots - to add to the family
  • Dashes - changes are coming
  • Zigzag - an interesting trip
  • Angel – help from the spirit world
  • Dagger - dangerous enemies
  • Horseshoe - good luck
  • Crow - trouble in the family
  • Cat - problems in the material sphere
  • Eagle - victory in business
  • Rose - wedding.

Fortune telling on a nut boat

  • Decide on the problem you want to ask about.
  • On small pieces of paper, write down possible resolution options.
  • Pour water into the container and attach pieces of paper around the circumference.
  • Take half a walnut shell and place a burning candle in it.
  • Place the boat in the container. Whichever piece of paper with the answer he sets on fire will come true.

Fortune telling with an egg

Prepare a glass of water at room temperature. Beat the egg white into it and see what shape it takes. Interpret the figures like deciphering dreams. Protein that sinks to the bottom promises difficult times.

Fortune telling for Christmas with candles and wax

  1. For this fortune telling, prepare two candles, a tablespoon and a container of cold water.
  2. Chop one candle into pieces and place them in a spoon.
  3. Light the second one under the spoon to melt the wax.
  4. Quickly pour the liquid wax into the container, making sure that the flow is not interrupted.
  5. Interpret the future based on the figures formed, looking at them from all sides.
  • Stripes - for moving
  • Yama is a disease
  • Mushroom - you will live a long life
  • Damn - happy youth
  • Ring - for marriage
  • Bell - to alarming events
  • Flower - to the suitor
  • Star - good luck
  • Egg - for a new thing
  • Apple - to good health.

Christmas fortune telling on paper

They tell fortunes on paper the night before Christmas to find out their financial situation next year.

  1. Cut approximately twenty pieces of paper, trying to keep them the same size.
  2. Leave some of the pieces of paper blank; on the rest, draw symbols of different currencies.
  3. Place all pieces of paper in a bag or fabric bag. Stir.
  4. Next, reach into the bag and pull out a handful of pieces of paper.
  5. If pure ones prevail, the year will be financially difficult.
  6. If, on the contrary, more with “currency”, then financial success awaits you.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas on a ring?

Write the names of the men you know on small pieces of paper and place them randomly on the table. Thread a thread through a gold ring and move it over the names. Above whose name the ring begins to swing actively, he is in love with you.

Simple ways to tell fortunes for Christmas

Fortune telling with cereals

For this fortune telling, you need a jar of cereal.

  • Think of a question, then take a handful of cereal from the jar with your left hand.
  • Now count the number of grains.
  • The answer is yes if the number is even, the answer is no if it is odd.

Fortune telling for 12 wishes

Write your twelve wishes on small pieces of paper and hide them under your pillow at night. In the morning, without putting your feet out of bed, pull out the first three. This year they will be fulfilled.

Fortune telling by cat

Make a wish and call the cat into the room. Look with which paw the cat crossed the threshold. With the right one, the dream will come true, with the left one, it won’t happen.

Fortune telling for Christmas online: how to tell fortunes and is it worth believing?

In times of the predominance of computer technology in all spheres of our lives, many no longer guess the old fashioned way, but trust it to the Internet. There are many sites offering fortune telling online. In order not to wait until the morning, as in the case of fortune telling, when you need to write the names of your betrothed and hide them under the pillow, you can enter them online in a few minutes, put them under the virtual pillow and find out the name of the groom.

You can also cast wax online, throw a shoe, and tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

The advantage is that no props are needed and the result is instant. The downside is that there is no atmosphere of mystery and magic.

Believe it or not - decide for yourself. This is easy to check if you analyze your life this year and what fortune telling online predicted for you.

List of sites where you can tell fortunes:

Christmas fortune telling and superstitions

During fortune telling, everything does not always go according to plan. It happens that objects break, candles go out, cards fall out of the deck. These superstitions foretell certain events in the future.

  • If during fortune telling with a mirror it breaks or cracks, it means the spirits do not want to come into contact. It is necessary to either postpone fortune telling or appease the spirits.
  • If the candles go out during fortune telling, it is an unkind sign. Spirits do not want to communicate with you, it is better to stop fortune telling.
  • Fortune telling should be done in thin, clean clothes without ribbons or knots.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs.
  • It is easier to summon a spirit in a house or apartment where someone has died this year.
  • If the answer to a question is unclear, then asking twice is forbidden, so as not to anger the spirits.

There are a great many variations of fortune telling for Christmas, there is plenty to choose from. Fortune telling evenings with company are a fun way to spend time doing something interesting. Enchant a good future - it’s wonderful, but if a bad one happens, don’t be sad. Perhaps the spirits just want to warn you. And it’s up to you to decide how to get around the troubles.

Before fortune telling for your betrothed, it is important to get in a serious mood. If you take the process lightly, the result will be distorted. The fortuneteller lets down her hair, removes her belts, any jewelry (bracelets, earrings), and her pectoral cross. The room should be quiet and dark. When telling fortunes about your betrothed, it is not recommended to cross your arms or legs. Following the rules will allow you to get the most reliable result. For a prediction to come true, you cannot tell anyone about it.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Fortune telling on an ordinary day

    You don’t have to wait until Christmas time or other holidays to cast a spell on your betrothed. On these days, fortune telling is the most truthful, but you can resort to the sacraments on an ordinary day. The optimal time for fortune telling is the full moon. Days that are traditionally considered women's are well suited - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

    According to papers

    Suitable for those girls who would like to know the name of their future husband. Various men's names are written on several small pieces of paper. Notes are placed in a hat or container. The pieces of paper are thoroughly mixed, and one is taken out at random. The name written on it indicates the future husband.

    On rice grains

    Rice is poured into a glass glass. The left hand is held above the container, palm down. Then the fortuneteller says the question that interests her and takes a small handful of rice from the glass. The grains are poured onto a napkin or paper. If their number is even, the answer is “yes”. If it’s odd, “no.”

    On the bulbs

    Take several bulbs. The names of the gentlemen are written on them. The bulbs are placed in water. The one that takes root faster than others indicates the future spouse.

    Button up

    Several buttons of different colors are placed in an opaque bag. It is recommended to take buttons of the same diameter, similar to each other to the touch.

    Then you need to mentally tune in to fortune telling, ask the question: “My dear, where to look for you? ", and take out one button. Its color will indicate the place of meeting with your future spouse:

    • Regular black - at work.
    • Green - at the market or in a store.
    • Brown - among friends.
    • White - in distant lands.
    • Yellow - on the road.
    • Metal - the spouse will be a military man.
    • With rhinestones or shiny - in the cinema, club, disco.
    • Blue - indicates a chance meeting on the street.

    Fortune telling on things

    Several things are placed in a felt boot or bag, symbolizing different aspects of life:

    • A piece of sugar - the coming year will be happy, financially secure;
    • Ring – wedding;
    • Shawl - a handsome guy;
    • Rag - poor husband;
    • Coin – rich husband;
    • Onion - grief and tears.

    Shake the bag and immediately, without looking, take out the first object that comes across.

    Find out the name of your betrothed by cards

    The classic deck is shuffled and then cards are drawn one at a time. Each of them is called any male name. When the king of hearts appears from the deck, the divination ends. The name said by the fortuneteller belongs to the future husband.

    The girl puts kings from a regular deck of cards of four suits under her pillow. Before going to bed, the words are said: “Betrothed-mummer, appear to me in a dream.” Depending on who dreams, the future husband is judged:

    • The King of Spades is an old man, a jealous owner.
    • Chervonny is a young and wealthy man.
    • Krestovy – military man or entrepreneur.
    • Bubnovy is the man of dreams.


    You can tell fortunes about your betrothed using a Tarot card layout. You need to shuffle the deck and pull out 7 cards, each of which will tell you about the future:

    1. 1. The first card personifies the sorceress, her condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness.
    2. 2. The second card will tell you when the girl will meet her husband. It indicates precisely the time, perhaps the period of life.
    3. 3. The third talks about the circumstances under which the meeting will take place.
    4. 4. The fourth will describe the personality and sometimes appearance of the future husband.
    5. 5. The fifth card indicates whether this person is destined.
    6. 6. Sixth - how life will develop after the wedding.
    7. 7. The seventh card will give advice on marriage and relationships with your future spouse.

    By hand

    For this fortune telling you will need the help of a friend. Fortune telling is similar to the children's game "nettle". The friend takes the fortuneteller by the wrist of her left hand and gently twists it in opposite directions. At this time, you need to take a closer look at the folds of the skin. You can see the outline of the letter in them. It will be capitalized in the name of the future husband.

    Fortune telling at night

    In the evening and at night, even at ordinary times, the divination will be true. After all, in the dark, mysterious forces that hide in the light of day are released. The connection with the other world is strengthened, which allows you to get a more reliable result. The most accurate fortune telling is carried out from midnight to three o'clock in the morning.

    At the church

    Fortune telling is performed only by girls. On a clear moonlit night they go to a church or chapel that is locked at night. According to popular belief, you can hear either wedding singing or the sounds of a funeral service. What you hear shows how the ceremony will be next year: wedding or funeral.

    Near the window

    Sitting in their room, they listen to sounds from the street. When all the household members go to bed, turn off the lights and go to the window, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummer, drive past my house.” After some time, passersby will pass by or vehicles will pass by. If they shout, whistle or laugh, this is a good sign. The husband will be decent and kind. If they pass quietly, it promises a poor man.

    On a candle

    You will need several candles. One symbolizes the fortune teller, the rest symbolize candidates for the hand and heart. The candles are lit and yours is placed in the center. The one towards which the wax flows from its own and points to the betrothed. If the fortuneteller’s lamp burns evenly, the fortuneteller should not make a hasty choice. He will be unreasonable.

    With ring and thread

    The question of marriage comes up. An engagement ring is taken from a mother, sister or friend. A black thread is threaded through it, and the decoration is lowered into the glass. If the ring begins to touch the edges of the glass to the right of the fortuneteller, there will be a wedding. If it’s on the left, you’ll have to sit in the girls for now.

    Having taken out the ring, it is put on any finger for the whole night. Any dream will be prophetic.

    By patches

    You will need multi-colored scraps of fabric. They all fit into a box or bag. Then, without looking, any piece of fabric is taken out. At the same time they ask: “What color is my fiancé’s hair? “Similarly, you can find out other information - for example, the color of your eyes or even your car.

    Fortune telling in a dream

    Before divination, it is useful to place a pen and notepad at the head of the bed. To prevent a prophetic dream about love from being forgotten, you should write down its details immediately after waking up.

    For the dream to be true, you need to properly prepare:

    1. 1. Remove icons from the room.
    2. 2. Be alone in the bedroom.
    3. 3. Remove the belt, jewelry, and unbraid your hair.
    4. 4. After pronouncing the words, do not talk to anyone (otherwise the betrothed will not appear).
    5. 5. Keep the fact of fortune telling secret.
    6. 6. Sleep the other way around - lie with your head where your feet are.
    7. 7. Turn the pillow over too.

    With a frying pan

    The girl puts a frying pan under her mother's bed, but does not inform her parent about this. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller utters the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” If a mother sees in a dream how she feeds some guy pancakes, he will be considered the daughter’s future husband.

    To the bridge

    Several twigs are taken from a household broom, from which a small bridge is constructed. The product is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl makes a wish: “Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge.” In a dream she will see her future life partner.

    On a horseshoe

    This fortune telling uses a horseshoe and a twig from a new broom. Attributes are placed under the pillow. The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of a horseman. If there is no real horseshoe, you can replace it with a symbolic one - for example, by making one out of cardboard.

    On the branches

    Twigs are taken from three trees - birch, willow and apple tree. It is advisable to pick them up from the ground. If there are no dry branches, you should break them off the tree carefully, asking the tree for forgiveness. At home, three branches are tied with thread taken from one’s clothes. Before going to bed, they need to be placed under the pillow, and then the fortuneteller will see her betrothed.

    Advice! If branches had to be broken off, you can hang a satin ribbon on the branch as a sign of gratitude and apology to the tree. Or place a bun at its roots.

    Other options

    There are alternative options for fortune telling, in which special attributes are placed under the pillow (their action is similar to those described):

    • Instead of twigs, three bay leaves are placed. With the words “My betrothed, disguised, appear to me in a dream! "The fortune teller goes to bed.
    • A jar of jam is placed at the head of the bed. In this case, the girl will see in a dream a young man who is already in love with her.
    • A well of matches is made at the head of the bed before going to bed. They say the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
    • A girl sleeping in a new place says before going to bed: “The bridegroom will dream about the bride in a new place.”

    Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

    The fortuneteller buys a new castle. From Tuesday to Wednesday, a ritual is carried out: a lock is held and closed over a container filled with spring water. At the same time the words are pronounced:

    “Betrothed-mummer, appear and ask me for a drink.”

    In a dream, her future husband will come to her.

    Saturday fortune telling

    On a piece of black fabric, circles are drawn on both sides with a wax candle. Their diameter should be approximately equal to the bottom of the glass. On one side the name “Raphael” is written in a circle, on the other - your name. Four crosses are drawn around the circles in the same places: top, bottom, right and left.

    Before going to bed, the cloth is placed under the pillow. The spell is pronounced:

    “Great Lord, from everlasting to everlasting glory be to You in the highest. I come running to You, Father, Your servant (name). Send down to me Your Angel, whose name is inscribed in the circle of pentacles. Let him show me my betrothed. Glory to You, Lord. Amen, amen, amen."

    Before performing this fortune telling, you must fast for three days.

    On Tuesday night

    Take three bay leaves. The names of the angels are written on them - Ananias, Azarias and Misail. The leaves are placed on the windowsill in the bedroom. Before going to bed, the words are said: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill. Whoever dreams of me, let him appear in my dreams.”

    Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling

    January 6 is a special day, Christmas Eve. On the night of Christmas, as well as on Christmastide (from January 8 to 18), you can find out your fate. It was believed that at this time mysterious forces rush into the human world. During the period from Christmas to Epiphany, unclean spirits lose their power, and fortune telling turns from a sin into simple fun.

    The most accurate days for divination are Christmas Eve, Old New Year (January 13), as well as Epiphany Eve, celebrated on January 18.

    On a towel

    On the night before Christmas, they hang a white towel on the street, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come wipe yourself.” If a fortuneteller picks up a completely dry towel from outside the window in the morning, then no wedding is planned this year. If it is wet, it predicts a quick marriage.

    In the old New Year, an armful of firewood

    On New Year's Eve, girls and boys take an armful of firewood at random and take it indoors. The quantity is counted there. If there is an even number of firewood, the one who brought the armful will get married. If it’s odd, he’ll remain single for now.

    With sock

    The girl puts on a sock or stocking on one leg. The second one is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the words are said: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me, come take off my shoes.” Well done, who is dreaming is the future husband.

    With a comb

    Without combing her hair, the girl puts a comb or comb under the pillow. The words are spoken: “My betrothed, the mummer, come and comb me.” In a dream, the fortuneteller will see her future spouse.

    With salt

    This method can cause intestinal disorders. But some fortune tellers still use it. The divination consists of eating a thimble of salt before going to bed and washing it down with a thimble of water, while saying the words: “My betrothed, the mummer, come give me something to drink.”

    Find out your betrothed's name from passers-by

    On the night before Christmas or on the old New Year, you need to go outside and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection. Now you should wait for late passers-by. When the first man appears, they will find out his name under any pretext. This is what the future spouse will be called. Guys can perform a similar ritual on female passersby.

    Traditional fortune telling with a mirror

    Refers to forbidden, terrible fortune telling. Unlike other methods, it is carried out exclusively on Christmastide. For divination you will need two mirrors and two church candles. This is done as follows:

    1. 1. Mirrors are placed on the table opposite each other.
    2. 2. Candles are placed and lit at the same distance from them.
    3. 3. The girl asks her betrothed to come to her.
    4. 4. Next, you should look at the reflection in the mirrors. At first the image will be blurry, but then it will become clearer.
    5. 5. When the image becomes noticeable, the words are pronounced: “Keep me out, mind me! "

    If the sorceress decides to interrupt the ceremony, both mirrors are quickly placed on the table with the reflective surface down. The light in the room turns on.

    On spoons

    Fortune telling is carried out at home by several girls. To perform the ritual you will need:

    • Spoons (the number depends on the number of fortune telling participants).
    • An appropriate number of strips of white paper up to 2 cm wide and up to 30 cm long.
    • Wax candles.
    • Large flat plate or tray.
    • New towel.

    The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Each of the fortune telling participants sits in a circle and lights a candle in front of them.
    2. 2. The presenter places a plate with spoons and paper in the center.
    3. 3. Those present join hands and say the words of the spell three times: “Brownie, brownie, if you are here, answer on the spoon, if not, don’t open one.”
    4. 4. Each participant should take one piece of paper and ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will my future spouse be rich”?).
    5. 5. The cutlery handle is placed in paper folded in half. Both ends are then wrapped around the spoon.
    6. 6. The device is scrolled until the paper strip completely encircles the handle. The spoon is then placed on the tray.
    7. 7. The presenter covers the cutlery with a cloth and quickly spins the plate in a clockwise direction. After making a few turns, she throws back the towel so that each of those present takes the spoon whose handle is pointed at her.
    8. 8. If a strip of paper releases the cutlery freely, the answer to the question is yes. If the spoon remains inside the paper, the brownie answers “no”, the questioner’s wish will not come true.

    In the snow

    They take the water out and pour it under the nearest pole. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “I’ll pour the snow, I’ll wash myself with white. Show me what my betrothed is like.” Having said the spell, they take a handful of snow and rub it on their cheeks. Then the snow is carried home. If a handful is loose and melts in a matter of seconds, the future spouse will be calm and flexible. If the snowflakes sparkle and sparkle, the fortuneteller will have a marriage full of love and happiness. If the snow turns into a lump, the husband will be strict and intractable.

    On pieces of paper

    For the ceremony you will need:

    • Small pieces of paper.
    • Container with water.
    • A piece of candle.
    • Half of a walnut shell.

    The names of the gentlemen are written on pieces of paper. The notes are glued to the inside of the bowl, but so that they are not wetted with water. To do this, the container is filled halfway with liquid.

    A candle is attached to the shell and lit. The resulting structure is carefully lowered onto the water. Then they observe: to which name the “ship” floats, that will be the name of the betrothed. If the shell does not come close to any note, there will be no wedding this year.

    Fortune telling on St. Andrew's Day

    On the day of St. Andrew the First-Called (December 13), divination is particularly accurate. At this time, the girls observe fasting and ask the Apostle Andrew for the gift of a good spouse.

    On the fence

    It takes place after sunset. The fortune teller walks along the fence and counts the stakes. The words are spoken: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Whichever word the fence ends on will be its narrowed word.

    If you dreamed about your ex-husband and behaved kindly, this indicates that, spiritually, the relationship with him is complete. Soon the lady will fall in love with another man. You can find out about this by telling fortunes again, but not earlier than in a month.

    Sometimes the fortuneteller sees the future spouse and can discern in detail the details of his appearance. But in a dream you cannot see your face. Experienced fortune tellers emphasize: this also indicates the remoteness of the meeting with the betrothed in time. A meeting with a man will not happen earlier than in a few years. In this case, it is recommended to repeat fortune telling in a year, on Christmastide or at another time suitable for fortune telling. A girl can remember other details of what appeared to her in a dream - clothes, manners, voice.

    Find out about the groom for Ivan Kupala

    The holiday is celebrated annually on the night of July 6-7. Kupala night is considered the most magical night of the year. Fortune telling is most reliable at this time.

    Since any divination takes away the spiritual strength of the fortuneteller, after the ritual it is useful to wash with holy water and go to the temple. This will cleanse and restore energy.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Celebrated on January 7, as well as Epiphany Night, is the best time to look into the future: see your betrothed, find out whether there will be happiness this year and whether you can expect a promotion at work. For fortune telling, whatever is at hand is suitable: matches, dishes, candles, water... has collected the most popular methods of fortune telling for the New Year and Christmas.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling by dreams

Method 1.
Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but under no circumstances drink anything after that. Lying in bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me a drink!” Whoever gets you drunk in a dream is your destiny.

Method 2.

Before going to bed, four kings from a deck of cards are placed under the pillow, saying: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, then the groom will be an old man and a jealous person. If the king is of hearts, then the groom will be young and rich. Cross - reliable and strict. And the king of diamonds symbolizes a creative person - a musician or artist.

Fortune telling by candles
Candle fortune telling will tell you which of your friends will get married sooner than others. Small lighted candles are placed in walnut shells and placed in a bowl of water. Make sure in advance that the candles you choose are the same size. Whose candle burns out faster will get married earlier than others. If the candle burns for a long time, there will be no marriage this year. And if the shell with the candle sinks, then the girl will most likely not see family life at all.

Fortune telling by cups
You will need several cups - according to the number of fortune tellers. We place symbolic objects in cups: ring, coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt, pour a little water into one of the cups. We quickly move the cups, changing places like in a game of thimbles. Afterwards, the blindfolded girls take turns choosing their fate. The one who gets the ring will be the first to get married. Bread means a prosperous life with a rich man, sugar means a short romance, onions means a romance that will bring tears. Salt - to break. But water symbolizes constancy: there will be no changes in life this year.

Fortune telling by ring
Attach a gold ring to a thread and lower it into a glass. How many times does the ring hit the edge of the glass, so many years still wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling for family happiness

Fortune telling on spruce branches

On the night of January 13-14, take a spruce branch and, having set it on fire, say the following words: “Spruce-queen, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death, wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity?” This spell is recited twelve times, and the burnt branch is placed under the pillow and goes to bed. The dream that you have this night is considered prophetic. In the morning, look at the branch: fallen needles predict illness and troubles, and a whole spruce branch promises happiness and longevity.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring.
Traditionally, fortune telling is done on the eighth day of Christmastide - in the evening of January 15th. Unmarried people take the wedding ring of their mother, sister or friend. Holding the ring in their palms, they shake it, saying: “Run, run ring, tell your fortune, girl. Turn from winter to summer, the clear sun will light up. Go out onto the heavenly road, help me, the red maiden, find out the fate of my relatives.” Repeat three times. Then they look into other people's illuminated windows. If the person in the window is visible with his head on, everything in the house will be fine, and family and friends will be healthy. If only the body is visible in the window and the head is hidden, then the year will be difficult for the family.

Fortune telling on bread.

Take a container of water and cut pieces of bread. There are as many pieces as there are family members. The largest piece symbolizes the oldest member of the family, then the pieces become smaller as the age decreases. The smallest piece belongs to the youngest child. Bread pieces are placed in water, stirring with the finger of the left hand and saying a spell: “Bread and water - here is my family, tell me, show me, there will be peace or trouble.” In the morning they look at the result. If all the pieces of bread are close to each other, there will be peace, tranquility and love in the house. If you scatter in different directions, expect discord. If one piece moves to the side, this family member will leave his home.

Fortune telling for the unborn child

Place the pie in the center of the table. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and asked to cut it. Make sure that the knife has a wooden handle. If the fortuneteller touches the middle of the pie with a knife, you can expect the birth of a boy in the coming year; if the edges, the child will not appear soon and most likely it will be a girl. If the knife lands on the tablecloth, you shouldn’t expect children in the coming years.

Career fortune telling

Pour water into a bowl and, carefully looking at your reflection in it, mentally ask the question: “Will my career work out in such and such a place?” Then look at the water a little more, thinking about your work, and put the bowl out in the cold overnight. Look at the ice in the morning. If he is frozen out by a hole, a career in this place will not work out, no matter how hard you try. If the ice has risen unevenly—hillocks and depressions are visible—then your career ups and downs will be small. If the water freezes evenly, then the career will be gradual. But if the ice has gone hump, then a rapid takeoff awaits you.

Money fortune telling

For this fortune telling you will need three plates and one coin. Ask a family member or friend to hide a coin under one of the plates. If you guess which plate the coin is under the first time, your financial situation will improve noticeably this year. If from the second, you will also be in money.

Fortune telling in questions and answers

Method 1.
Rice grains will help you find answers to all your questions. We ask a question, take a handful of rice (or beans) and count the grains. If the number of grains is even, then the answer is positive, if the number is odd, then the answer is negative.

Method 2.
Make a wish and call a cat to your place. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true. If it's right, it's not meant to be.

Method 3.
Place a knife in the center of a round cutting board, and place pieces of paper with “yes” and “no” answers on the edges. Say the questions out loud, and then spin the knife three times. Which piece of paper the tip of the knife points to is the answer to your question.

Method 4.
Go outside in the evening. Turning your back to the house, mentally ask the question that interests you. Then turn around and count the illuminated windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

Some fortune telling dates back many centuries ago, while others appeared quite recently. So, for example, using a little imagination, you can tell fortunes using a TV, mobile phone and even the Internet. But the main thing that unites all these fortune-telling is a person’s desire to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy over his future.

One of the most ideal times for fortune telling is Christmas night (from January 6 to 7). However, you can try to look into the future and find out the most correct answer at any time during the winter holidays, i.e. from 7 to 19 January.

“Borderline” or “unclean” places that connect the world of the living and the dead are excellent for fortune telling. Many go to find out their fate in a bathhouse, at crossroads, in the attic or in abandoned houses. You can arrange a place for divination in an apartment - corners, thresholds, and doors are most suitable.

1. Fortune telling from a book, TV or radio

One of the simplest fortune telling. To know the future, you need to focus and mentally ask what the future holds for you. Then you name the page of the book and the line number. Open and read. The read phrase will be the answer to a question or a magical prediction. It's the same with TV and radio. Choose a channel or frequency, turn it on, and the first phrases you hear will be prophetic for you.

2. Cards will tell you about your betrothed

Take a regular deck of cards, preferably a new one, so that you can play with it and not guess. Remove all the jacks and kings from the deck and shuffle them. Before going to bed, put the cards under your pillow and say the magic words: “My groom, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself.” Then go straight to bed and don't talk to anyone. In the morning, also silently, pull out the first card you come across from under the pillow. If it is a jack, the groom will be younger than you or the same age; the king is talking about a betrothed much older than you in age. Next, look at the suit of the card: hearts - the groom is very close, in the immediate environment; spades - the husband will be a very wealthy man; baptize - you will find your betrothed unexpectedly; tambourines - friends or relatives will introduce you to the groom.

3. Candle to help

Do you want to know what awaits you with your chosen one? Then during dinner, light a candle on the table next to him and watch its flame. An even and calm flame - to the same life together, love and serenity; flashes indicate that a man is hiding something; an incessant stream of wax can hint at tears and a difficult fate. If suddenly black smoke comes from the candle and a crackling sound is heard, then this is either an imminent separation, or your companion is experiencing a negative magical effect.

4. Gold will tell the truth

Fortune telling on a gold chain is simple and quite correct. At midnight, alone, take the chain in your hand, warm it until it becomes warm, then rub it between your palms. Mentally ask a question about what awaits in the future, transfer the chain to your right hand and throw it on a flat surface. Then look at what shape comes out of the chain, this will be a prediction. A straight line - luck and success in all endeavors; circle or oval - you may find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will not be easy to get out; one or more nodules - financial losses and illness; cloud - all dreams will come true; triangle - great love, luck; snake - betrayal; bow - wedding; the heart is a secret admirer.

5. Paper shadow

This fortune telling is also best done alone; you need a sheet of paper or newspaper, a candle and a plate. Crumple the leaf as chaotically as necessary. Then place the lump on a plate and light it with a candle. Before the paper is completely burned, carefully take the plate in your hands, bring it to the wall and peer into the shadow cast. In the outlines you can see signs of fate. If you yourself were unable to decipher what you saw, take the values ​​from the previous fortune telling with the chain.

6. Wax and water

Prepare a candle, matches and a cup of water. Light the candle and wait for the wax to melt; you need about a tablespoon of liquid wax. Then pour it or scoop it into the water, trying to form a blot. When the wax hardens in water, look at it and try to decipher it. Flower - for a wedding or meeting with a loved one; cross - troubles and health problems; beast - a bad person will appear nearby; wax flowed in stripes - a long journey or move; stars - career growth; tree leaf - to financial well-being; egg - you are ripe for a new stage in life; human outlines - meet a true friend; mountain - obstacles will arise on the way to the goal; fish - to pregnancy or new acquaintances; bag - a gift or unexpected profit; individual wax drops - to prosperity.

7. Fortune telling for the company

Together, as you know, it’s more fun, so we’re telling you an option for a group. Take several items (whatever you have): a coin, a little salt, a ring, sugar, a key, a handkerchief, a passport, a driver’s license, a flash drive, a spoon... Then either hide each item in a separate glass/container/pot, or lay everything out on the table and cover handkerchief. Then leave the room one at a time, the rest chaotically move containers with objects or place them under a scarf on the table. Those entering select a container or touch with their hand the first object they come across under the scarf. Then we look at the value. A coin - for money, salt - for difficult trials, a scarf - for bitterness, sugar - for a carefree life, a ring - for a wedding, a key - for moving, can also be interpreted as your or your husband’s future profession: a coin - for a rich man, a passport - a lawyer , driver's license - driver, flash drive - programmer, spoon - cook, etc. Take different objects and use your imagination, or even better, use your sense of humor.

8. Mirrors and candles

At midnight, place two burning candles between two mirrors and peer into the corridor of mirrors that appears in the reflection. There should appear images that will predict fate. Those who are especially happy see the reflection of the future groom.

9. Find out the gender of the child

Take the ring and hang it on your hair, hold it over a container of water. If it starts moving in a circle, wait for a girl, just as a pendulum waits for a boy. A stationary ring may indicate childlessness.

10. Loves - does not love

Simple fortune telling, but be careful with matches. Place a match on both sides of the box, make a wish on one for your loved one, and on the other make a wish for yourself. Light the matches. Then look at the burnt heads, if they lean towards each other - you are destined to be together and love each other, if not, then no.

11. 7 cherished desires

Write seven cherished wishes on 7 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow on Christmas night. Don't talk to anyone after that and go to bed. In the morning, take out the first piece of paper you come across, this wish will come true for you this year. Some people pull out three pieces of paper.

12. Where is the groom from?

You can go outside and throw your boot over your back onto the road. Where he turns his toe, that’s where your betrothed lives.

13. Needles and love

Take two needles rubbed with lard and put them in water. If the needles have sunk, troubles and illness await; if they come together, they will get married; if they separate, there will still be a very long time before marriage.

14. On coffee grounds

Brew a cup of ground coffee, drink it, cover the cup with a saucer and tip it onto the saucer. Then lift up. Some of the coffee grounds will stick to its walls, and some will remain on the saucer. Guess by the signs and shadows of the coffee mass. Human shadow - date; buildings - wealth; earth and plants - discord, breakup, failure; animals - danger, bad news.

15. Basin and boat

Fill the basin with water. Write your wishes on strips of paper, bend the sheet and hang it on the sides of the basin. Attach a lit candle to half a walnut shell and launch the boat in the middle of the pelvis. Whatever wish he swims up to and sets fire to a leaf, it will come true. In the same way, you can tell fortunes about the name of your betrothed by writing men's names on pieces of paper.

On Christmas night and Christmastide, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed. Popularly, a betrothed is a person with whom a girl is destined to marry. Popular wisdom says: “You can’t outrun your betrothed even on a horse.”

Various fortune-telling can tell the name of the future groom, whether he will be rich or poor, whether there is a long marriage ahead or imminent widowhood...
Fortune telling at Christmas is carried out for the betrothed on the night of January 6-7 and in the next 12 days of Christmastide.

Fortune telling with friends

Joint fortune-telling at Christmas for your betrothed will help you find out which of the girls will get married first.

On the bow

On Christmas night, girls put bulbs in water. Whose onion is the first to sprout green feathers will be the first to get married.

On strings

All girls take threads of the same length. Hold it in your hand and set it on fire at the same time from the lower end. Whoever's thread burns out faster will go down the aisle first. If the thread goes out, it means a long girlhood.

On the cups

They take 7 cups, put different objects in them: bread, a coin, an onion, salt, a ring, sugar, and pour water into the bottom of one. The girls take turns approaching the cups with their eyes closed and choose one.

Each item has its own meaning:

  • bread - prosperity;
  • coin - wealth;
  • onion - tears;
  • salt - misfortune;
  • ring - wedding;
  • sugar - joy;
  • water - everything will remain the same.

Fortune telling to see the future groom in a dream

Often the curtain of the future is lifted in a dream. If you say the cherished words, and then immediately go to bed and not talk to anyone else, the future groom will appear in a dream.


Before going to bed, eat any salty dish to make you thirsty, but you shouldn’t drink afterwards. They go to bed feeling thirsty.
Before going to bed, wish to see your betrothed and say the cherished words

“My betrothed mummer, come to me and give me something to drink”

In your dream you will see your future husband.


They make a bridge about 15 cm long from matches and ordinary sewing threads, so that it is enough to throw over a tea cup.
They put a cup with a bridge under the bed and immediately go to bed. You need to say the following phrase:

“Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge”

Your betrothed will appear in your night dreams.


Before going to bed, you should not comb or wash your face. Soap and a comb (comb) are placed at the head of the bed. Say the following words 3 times:

“Betrothed-mummer, wash and comb me”

Sleeping in a new place

A girl can perform this fortune-telling not only on Christmas, but on any night when she is going to sleep in a new place. Before going to bed, crossing yourself 3 times, say:

“I’m sleeping in a new place, I’m dreaming about the bridegroom”

This fortune telling is considered very truthful.

King of Diamonds

Before going to bed, they advise the girl to wash her face and comb her hair. A king of diamonds and some decoration are placed under the pillow. Before going to bed you should say

“Come, betrothed, come, mummer”

Fortune telling for the groom

How to tell fortunes about your betrothed for Christmas for those girls who already have a fiancé.

For reciprocity

Take the thinnest church candle and a sheet of white paper. On the sheet write the name of your fiance or someone you really like. Light a candle and hold it so that the wax drips onto the written name - until the entire candle burns out. All the time you need to say the words:

“Candle-candle, light the heart of my dear, servant of God (name)”

When all the wax has hardened on the paper, carefully roll the sheet around the wax ingot and carry it with you all the time. It is believed that the guy will develop a mutual feeling for you, or his love will grow stronger.

For life together

The cherished name is written on a piece of paper. The sheet is set on fire in a candle flame and placed to burn out on a plate or in a bowl. When the leaf burns out, all the ashes are collected in the palm. At exactly midnight they open the window to stick their hand out into the street.

  • If the ashes fly up or to the side, you will not be together.
  • If the ashes fly back at you or remain in the palm of your hand, interpret it as a sign of a joint future.

To be faithful

Take two thin church candles. 1 candle is yours, the second is your loved one.

Fortune telling begins at midnight. The candles are strengthened in glasses with salt and placed on the table. Draw a circle around both glasses with chalk. They say three times:

“Let my candle go out if the Servant of God (name) has another. Wax fire and treasured candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything.”

Candles are lit.

  • If your candle goes out first, betrayal awaits you.
  • If the groom's candle burns out first, then he remains faithful to you.

Fortune telling for future family life

Near the window

On Christmas night, when everyone in the household is asleep, you need to sit by the window and listen. They are waiting for the first passers-by.

  • If there is a noisy, cheerful company, family life will be full of joy.
  • If one person or a group of people passes quietly, it means a boring marriage.
  • A bad sign for future family life if a conflict or quarrel breaks out at the window.

Along the fence

They walk along the fence until it ends. For each crossbar they say in turn:

"Rich, poor, widower, single"

At which word the fence ends, such a groom should be expected.

On the maps

They tell fortunes on Christmas night using new cards (a separate deck for each girl). Shuffle the cards well and take out 5 cards one at a time:

  1. for myself
  2. for home
  3. for heart
  4. for the soul

“Red” cards are a good sign, “black” cards are interpreted as unfavorable.

The dropped aces are of particular importance:

  • red - to great love;
  • cross - to a successful career;
  • peak - to a blow of fate;
  • diamond - to wealth.

Consider any fortune telling as a warning that will help you build your own happy destiny.

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