Venus belt on the hand meaning and interpretation. What does the belt of Venus look like in the atmosphere. The meaning of the belt of Venus on a woman’s hand

Palmistry is the science of reading signs from the palm, according to examples previously seen. But the plans described in advance may not always suit a particular person. For example, the line of Venus can only be seen on the hands of those who have narrow, elongated hands, but it will be almost impossible to find it on wide palms and people of dense build.

It is believed that people with increased sensitivity and emotionality have a Venus line on their hand, but this is not always the case. Persons with narrow palms are especially vulnerable, but for those with wide and plump palms, this stripe denotes depravity and licentiousness.

The second name for the line on the palm is the Belt of Venus or the Crown. It is located in the upper part of the palm: the beginning is approximately under the index finger, and the end is near the little finger. In some cases, it is located under the index and ring fingers or under all of them, closer to the end of the palm.

In very rare cases, this stripe is located below, crossing the arcs of Life and Fate. According to this location, it can also be called the Lower Belt. People with this mark are often subject to depression and mood swings.

The complete absence of such a mark is a sign of reduced emotionality, balance and calm. Such a person may have a desire to live in a sparsely populated place.

People with this symbol are sensitive and because of this it is also called the Soul Line. Such a person will have a lot of interests, so it is easy to communicate with her.

On the right and left hand

Pay attention to which hand the line is located on:

  • In palmistry, the belt of Venus on the right (active) can be interpreted as the emotions experienced by a person at the present time.
  • On the left (passive) it means that a person’s future is encrypted. This strip will tell you about the feelings that he may be experiencing, what his character will be in certain situations.

Appearance Features

It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the Venus belt:

  • Whole and single, as if forming a ring - the best option, which indicates good control of your sensuality. It can often be found among creative people: musicians, artists, writers.
  • Broken - a tendency to carnal pleasures, which is associated with a high passion of nature.
  • Breaking into two parts is hysterical.
  • The offshoot is an instant change of mood, but at the right moment the individual is able to control impulses.
  • An accumulation of lines (double, triple) is a period of failure, especially if it is combined with breaks.
  • The pronounced Mount of Venus and the bright feature of the same name are sexuality and the pleasures associated with it. On the pale, bony hand there is capriciousness.
  • It ends with a in the spaces between the fingers, and under them is an indication of a swindler who will go to any lengths to get his way.
  • If you don’t close yourself off, your energy spills out, which affects both your personal life and your work. Pay attention to which hills it ends on - this will indicate areas that increase depravity.

Beginning and the end

The crown of Venus can begin and end in different places, which will directly affect the interpretation:

Begins on the Mount of Mercury and ends on the Mount of Jupiter - well-developed empathy, allowing you to show sincere sympathy. Despite his altruism, there is a tendency to lead others.

The beginning is on the Mount of Mercury, the end is on the Mount of Saturn - the ability to control emotions. A person who gives the right to choose without imposing his opinion.

The beginning is between the hills of Mercury and Apollo, the end is between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn - a balance of feelings and reason has been found. The bearer of this option is able to both sympathize with loved ones and not interfere with their advice.

Combination with lines

It is very important to pay attention when interpreting the palm as a whole, since some signs can influence others. Also comes from the Venus belt.

A harmonious location in relation to the other arcs indicates the individual’s passion for mysticism. They can easily listen to their spiritual needs and then implement them.


If the thread is brighter than the arc of the Heart, then the person is closed and immersed in his fantasies. Mood swings and the inability to appreciate love lead to the fact that those around them turn away from them.

The intersection with the thread of the Heart can be interpreted as the appearance of pure bright feelings: devotion, love, but at the same time they are rarely connected with reality. The result is a negative outcome. Briefly, we can say that reality coexists with difficulty with the sublimity of nature.

Merging with a heart thread is an artistic character, but there is another interpretation - an extreme degree of selfishness.


The pronounced arc of the Head and Venus is artistry, desire is liked by others, which is achieved with ease thanks to high intelligence.

The intersection of the Arc of the Mind with the Crown of Venus means the end of a career due to the inability to control emotions, which leads to constant conflicts in the team.


The contact of the thread of the Sun (Glory) with the ring is a difficulty in creativity that arose due to the emotional side.


The contact of the thread of Fate with the ring is interpreted as an excellent sense of humor and the development of talent.

Intersection - fate will be changed due to passion that flares up.


If the Marriage trait ends on a ring, then the partner will dominate the family due to the fact that the owner of the combination is weak and too sensitive.


You can learn about character and emotions if you correctly identify some signs and their meaning on your hands:

  • An island on the belt of Venus indicates a person with psychic abilities and healing skills, who has well-developed intuition and sees deception perfectly.
  • The star is a negative symbol, denoting serious emotional instability, which can cause insanity or the development of a depressive state. If the star is located at the end of the line, then this is a sign of crimes of passion.
  • The cross is a manifestation of the talent of clairvoyance after severe mental trauma.
  • Triangle - passion coupled with jealousy, which leads to discord in the family.
  • Period - sexual dissatisfaction will cause mental deviation. Extreme degree of disappointment in the relationship. For a woman - domestic violence and difficult divorce.
  • A grid with a square is a limitation: for men - a prison, for women - a despotic husband.


The Belt of Venus on the arm is a controversial line. Its characteristics depend on a combination of many factors. The palm reader must correctly interpret the emotional background and character of the wearer. With the help of the interpretation of this sign, the bearer can understand himself, learn to cope with unnecessary emotions, and find harmony of feelings and mind.

People have always been interested in looking into the future at least with one eye. In whatever ways we try to do this! And, of course, we prefer to believe only in good predictions. It is foolish to believe that human fate depends solely on the will of fate. As they say, trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself. But still, the life thread of any individual is connected with the Universe and Cosmos. To understand their vicissitudes, you need to be able to unravel the signs.

There are separate sciences that, at a professional level, study the connection between esotericism and human destiny. The article talks about one of them - called palmistry, and also explains the meaning of such a symbol as the belt of Venus on the hand.

Where is the Belt of Venus located?

In palmistry, there are many theories and principles for interpreting signs; different experts designate and explain them in their own way. You may have heard of a term from this area called the belt of the goddess Venus. How can you distinguish it in your palm?

  1. Stretches from the index finger to the ring or little finger.
  2. Located directly under the fingers or closer to the middle of the palm.
  3. There are times when the belt of Venus is placed below, passing through the horizontal lines of life and fate, starting in the area of ​​​​the Mount of Venus and ending at the Hill of the moon.

To make it easier to find the Belt of Venus, it is recommended to look at a photo that clearly shows its location. Depending on the location, palmists divide the belt of Venus into upper and lower. Accordingly, their vital meaning is interpreted differently.

Not every person has the belt of Venus on their palm, this mark from above. According to experts, those who do not have such a sign are less sensitive to the world around them, it is more difficult to reach them, but it is almost impossible to offend them. Basically, they prefer to lead a hidden lifestyle and avoid noisy companies. It is quite difficult to unravel the character of such a person; You can try to do this along the line of the soul or heart.

Interpretation of the sign from the point of view of palmistry

Owners of the Venus belt on the arm belong to the choleric type of temperament. Very sensitive, inclined to take everything to heart, they are endowed with an explosive character, any little thing can set them off. Such individuals are prone to causeless mood swings and frequent stress. Today they are blithely having fun at a party, and tomorrow they do not want to leave the walls of the room, snapping and being rude to family members.

It was said above that the belt of Venus can be located at the top or bottom of the palm. What human character traits are affected by each of these localization options?

  1. The upper line of Venus is present in people who tend to exchange energy with others. They draw their vitality through interaction with others; Possessing the abilities of an empath, they subtly sense the mood and experiences of their interlocutor, therefore they are able to look at his life situation through themselves and help in solving it. Open to others, these individuals prefer to give rather than take.
  2. The bottom line speaks of the energy in oneself. That is, such people are also quite open, but all their activities are aimed at themselves. They look down on others and use the first person pronoun in conversations. Often their words do not match their deeds. They are far from disinterested: first of all, they seek benefits for themselves from communication. In a love relationship, they may not be sincere enough with their partner, being on their own mind.

The belt of Venus is also divided not only into upper and lower. Let's look at other principles of classification and the meaning of each type of arrangement, guided by the tips in the photo.

What else can tell?

If the belt of Venus stretches from the little finger to the index finger, this indicates the presence of self-confidence and a willingness to help others. Lovers of giving advice to others, these people do not welcome interference in their own lives. Strong personalities, leaders in the team, easy-going, no failures can affect their high self-esteem.

Those who have the belt of Venus, ending under the middle finger, appear somewhat different to us. They are ready to listen and help, but will never force their opinions on others. They are more concerned about their own problems. Other people's mistakes help them gain experience. They will never put someone else's happiness on the altar of their own. The Mount of Venus between the index and middle fingers, which ends between the little finger and the Sun, belongs to the creative and protective nature. Such individuals do not like to sit at home. Often their mood influences how they treat people around them.

The location of the belt parallel to the line of the soul means that the owner of the hand is characterized by impressionability. Taking the words and actions of other people too closely to his heart, he himself can throw out his anger at them. True, tomorrow he will come to hug you. The mood swings of such a person do not always make him a pleasant conversationalist. Capable of offending another and immediately forgetting about it. A two-faced person - this is the definition given to this type by palmists.

Deceptive Character Traits

If the sign in question is clearly visible on a person’s right hand, the character traits of such a person may not be entirely good.

  1. The nature is very sensual and very emotional. Agree that it is precisely these character traits that can often complicate life. This person may be unrestrained in his behavior. Sometimes psychological disorders manifest themselves, because such a person is quite hysterical.
  2. When this line on the palm is very clearly visible, a person may not only be unrestrained, but also have low self-esteem due to his increased vulnerability.
  3. Confronting your offenders is not the strong point of the owner of Venus. It happens that when insulted, accused and humiliated by other people, he begins to blame himself for everything, without thinking that he could have defended his “I”. In their souls, such people will suffer very much, because anger directed solely at themselves does not lead to anything good.
  4. The owner of Venus may not give resistance to anyone, but he will react extremely sharply to everything negative that happens around him. Even if he invented all the neglect from his comrade himself, it will be very difficult to bear emotionally. Such a person does not know how to forgive and forget grievances. Once you have lost trust, you may not even hope to regain it. These people are vindictive, but at the same time, from their appearance you can completely miss sincere hatred - they conceal a lot within themselves.
  5. Notice distinct lines on your hand? Think about it, are you one of those who are not used to putting up with reality? Perhaps you take too much to heart and get upset with yourself if something doesn’t go according to plan?
  6. Desbarolles, a well-known person in palmistry, who could not imagine his life without that science, was one hundred percent sure that the presence of Venus on both hands can indicate only one thing - irritability and extreme hysteria.
  7. This line is often found among those people who are very fond of wealth, excesses and luxury.

The belt of Venus begins between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, from the space between the middle and index fingers, and in a semicircle reaches the space between the ring and little fingers, “embracing” the hills of Saturn and the Sun.

When interpreting the girdle of Venus, it is very important to note what type the hand itself belongs to, because on different hands this line appears slightly differently:

  • on a spade-shaped hand - the desire for sexual superiority;
  • on an angular hand - a sign of talent in the field of art, music, literature;
  • on a conical hand - constant dissatisfaction with oneself, constant breakdowns, hysterics, neuroses.

It is worth noting that most often the belt of Venus is found among creative people, with elegantly shaped palms with long, refined fingers. Such people often live by their idealistic dreams, memories and illusions, rather than by reality.

Some books write that the belt of Venus does not indicate excessive sexuality or promiscuity of love affairs. These authors are both right and wrong. The thing is that belts very often are not in the hands of “sex giants” or “lustful stallions” who make up their list of mistresses, but in the hands of courteous, sophisticated, and sometimes somewhat insecure people. For such people, quality is more important than quantity, so there is no need to talk about the disorder of connections here. But one can argue about sexuality, since such people are very passionate and are not averse to experimenting in sex.

Sometimes the belt of Venus on a person’s arm is clearly visible, but in most cases only parts of it are clearly visible. The belt is found on elegantly shaped palms with long, slender fingers that are quite thin. You are unlikely to see such features in people with square-shaped, plump, spade-shaped palms, very long, knobby fingers and curled nails. With a happy coincidence and the presence of all fragments of the Belt of Venus, one can assume that a person has an artistic nature, endowed with creative abilities. Copied from the site:

The belt is found on elegantly shaped palms with long, slender fingers that are quite thin. You are unlikely to see such features in people with square-shaped, plump, spade-shaped palms, very long, knobby fingers and curled nails. With a happy coincidence and the presence of all fragments of the Belt of Venus, one can assume that a person has an artistic nature, endowed with creative abilities. Copied from the site:

There is no line. A balanced, calm person does not attach exaggerated importance to matters of physical love and (unless the Mount of Venus indicates the opposite) often speaks of a cold nature, a certain indifference to the opposite sex. Such people are more interested in ordinary “pure” love than in crazy sex.

Well visible, continuous. Very emotional, craves excitement and variety, increased curiosity and sensitivity.

Gap in the middle (1). Sentimentality, caution and enthusiasm. The ability to experience something that leaves many indifferent. Often a hysterical nature, inclined to dramatize everything and worry violently. A person is interested in the intellectual component of communication, the proximity of spiritual development.

Consisting of many lines (2). Hypersensitivity, anxiety, neurasthenia, mental disorders, various phobias.

Double or triple belt (3). Unnatural psychological sensitivity, uncontrolled fantasy, hysteria and frequent mood swings, “mad” temperament. The desire for luxury and sophisticated eroticism. It is difficult for such a person to navigate the world around him and find the right path.

Short belt of Venus (line in the middle part) speaks of passions hidden deep inside a person. Such a person may seem calm on the outside, but real passions are boiling inside him.

Weakly expressed. A combination of prudence and love, restraint of feelings and increased emotionality.

Open towards the index finger (4). Subtle and very strong sensitivity. Restrained modesty, not containing any affectation and pretense, which leads to noble secrecy and healthy moral perception.

Open towards the little finger (5). Versatile intellectual interests, a penchant for research, a thirst for knowledge, and also a thirst for great variety in sex. There is a high probability that a person will sacrifice marriage to his personal ambitions.

Ends in the marriage line (6). Predominance in marriage of a representative of the opposite sex. Increased sensitivity and eroticism.

Joins the line of the heart (7). At this moment there is a clash of ideals and reality, but at the same time this is also a sign of acting talent. Such a person is often a narcissistic egoist, doomed to loneliness.

A clear and straight line coming from the middle of the Heart line to the base of the fingers between the ring and little fingers (8). This line speaks of increased sexuality. Such a person takes sex seriously and professionally, knows how to give pleasure and loves to get a thrill from sex. A person has a violent erotic fantasy and plays a leading role in sexual relations. This line is often called the line of passion.

Signs on the belt of Venus

Island. Unusual nature, penchant for clairvoyance and telepathy. May be the cause of various scandals.

Star. Possibility of severe nervous shock. At the end of the line is a sign of crime and passion.

Auxiliary markers for studying the belt of Venus are the heart line and the development of the Mount of Venus; these are the indicators in the palm that can confirm or refute the information received at first glance.

The Belt of Venus is an atmospheric optical phenomenon named after an object from ancient mythology - the Belt of Aphrodite.

Moon in the belt of Venus

It appears as a stripe of pink to orange color between the dark night sky below and the blue sky above, appearing before sunrise or after sunset parallel to the altitude of 10°-20° to the horizon in a place opposite the Sun.

During cloudless twilight, before sunrise or after sunset, the sky above the horizon on the opposite side of the Sun is pink. This stripe is best seen in the direction opposite to the Sun. The belt of Venus can be observed anywhere, but only with a clear sky at the horizon.

In the belt of Venus, the atmosphere scatters light from the setting (or rising) Sun, which appears redder, hence the color pink rather than blue.

Aphrodite's Belt

The belt of Venus, the belt of Aphrodite (lat. Cingulum Veneri, cestus) is a powerful attribute of the goddess of love and beauty in ancient mythology. The meteorological phenomenon Belt of Venus was named after him. This belt had the power to endow the wearer with extraordinary sexual attractiveness. There are indications, but rare ones, that Hephaestus made it.

Joshua Reynolds. "Cupid Unties the Belt of Venus"

In ancient literature, in the Iliad, Homer describes how the queen of the gods, Hera, borrows it from Aphrodite in order to charm Zeus and distract him from patronizing the Trojans. This love scene of the seduction of Zeus with the help of Aphrodite's belt to help the Achaeans in the Trojan War - among the fragrant flowers and herbs on the top of the mountain - is a clear analogue of the Cretan-Mycenaean sacred marriage of Hera and Zeus, which was solemnly celebrated in various cities of Greece, recalling the greatness of the matriarchal female deity . The marriage was also celebrated in Crete in Knossos. This marriage was seen as a connection between heaven and earth, fertilized by the beneficial spring rain, recalling the greatness of the matriarchal female deity.

...scarred with a needle on the chest
The belt is patterned: all the charm lies in it;
It contains love and desires, whispers of love, explanations,
Flattering speeches that have more than once captured the minds of the intelligent.


Guy Head. "Juno Borrowing a Belt from Venus"

He is mentioned by Apuleius in The Golden Ass: “...if the hair of the most beautiful women were to be removed from their heads and their faces were deprived of their natural beauty, then let her come down from the sky, born by the sea, raised by the waves, let, I say, be Venus herself, in chorus, accompanied by grace, accompanied by a crowd of cupids, accompanied by her belt girded, fragrant with cinnamon, exuding balm - if she is bald, even Vulcan will not be able to please him.”


In the ring, or, more precisely, the half-ring of love, hugging the tubercles of sadness and art, a person’s sex life is reflected. In palmistry, the belt of Venus begins between the mounts of Jupiter and Saturn (from the space between the index and middle fingers) and reaches in a semicircle to the space between the ring and little fingers. The graphic image of the belt of Venus on the hand is shown by line 7-7.

The meaning of the ring of Venus on the palm

If the belt of Venus on the palm forms a complete semicircle of the correct shape, this indicates a sensual nature. In people who indulge in some secret vice, the ring of love is divided into parts, and at the same time the Mount of Venus is strongly developed and replete with intersecting lines. Especially depraved and sensual women have a double or triple ring of Venus.

If the ring of Venus on the hand remains open on the side facing the Mount of Venus, and one end crashes into the Mount of Fortune, this indicates a person’s victory over base passions. In this case, the love ring only enhances the person’s energy.

If the end of the belt of Venus, having cut through the tubercle of fortune, enters the third joint of the little finger, this speaks of unbridled sensuality that knows no boundaries. Such people are capable of the most serious crimes to satisfy their wild passions. But susceptibility to such strong mental fluctuations can be neutralized by the action of other hillocks and lines.

A developed ring of Venus on both hands means nervous fatigue, bordering on hysteria and resulting from various kinds of excesses. The star in the middle of the ring of Venus indicates a contagious disease of the genital area.

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