Increased desire in women reasons. Ways to increase female libido. Physiological aspects of decreased libido


The question of how to increase libido in women is not as popular as the same for men, but it also exists. Libido (lat. lĭbīdo - desire, passion, lust) is sexual attraction, the desire for sexual intercourse. Decreased libido - loss of desire to have sex. This phenomenon is a sexual disorder. The opinion of doctors is that a healthy adult should experience libido - this is a physiological norm, a sexual instinct. Sexual desire ensures a person’s normal mental state. Do not confuse decreased libido and frigidity - these are different degrees: in the first case, desire is permanently and completely absent, in the second it is a temporary phenomenon that can be corrected.

Increased libido in women

Sex is an integral part of the life of any normal person. Lack of sexual relations causes mental and physical illnesses. The sexy woman in the photo looks attractive to men precisely because not only her beauty is visible, but also her sexual potential. This ability to seduce helps a woman's libido. What are the signs of decreased libido in a woman? This is a loss of interest in sex, lack of G-spot sensitivity, reluctance to have sex without objective reasons, increased irritability, nervousness, lack of orgasm, depressed mood. If everything depends only on physiology, then no treatment is required, everything will recover on its own. But if the process is delayed, you will need the help of specialists.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Reasons for decreased female libido

This is fatigue, depression (including postpartum), resentment towards your husband after cheating or a quarrel. Physiological factors include: pathologies of the cardiovascular system, endocrinopathies, infections and inflammation of the MPS, lactation, pregnancy, menopause.

It's all because of complexes. A woman ages much faster than a man, and every year she has more and more self-doubt: weight gain, wrinkles appear, her figure becomes blurred, and health problems. All this does not allow a woman to relax in her husband’s arms. When she constantly remembers her physical unattractiveness, she suppresses her attraction, which causes it to fade.

Problems in relationships with a partner also become a factor in the loss of attraction to your husband. Pleasure is obtained only with complete mutual understanding and love. A man should not be a consumer, but a guarantor for a woman in receiving all her needs: psychological, material and sexual. If this is not the case, then there will be no passion, sex will happen much less often.

Hormonal disorders in women

The desire for sex changes depending on the phase of MC: before menstruation, the desire for sex increases sharply, after the end of menstruation it noticeably decreases - this is physiology. You need to actively have sex during menstruation, otherwise your libido weakens later.

Due to her emotionality, a woman reacts sharply to stressful situations. She becomes mentally exhausted, and the prospect of sex begins to attract her less and less. After stress, an alarming background appears that prevents a woman from relaxing and her body from feeling attraction and pleasure.

Ordinary life together kills sexual attraction: when everything goes as planned, the relationship is stable, insipid, there is no fire, everything is measured and boring. Sex becomes the same - without fantasies and fire, like a glass of boiled water.

Boring sex

Hormones determine a woman's mood. During pregnancy, she is initially very active in bed, then her attitude towards sex becomes much calmer. During pregnancy, the level of hormones that increase desire drops. A man should be patient during this period.

What hormone determines a woman's libido? This is only testosterone - a kind of energy booster for the body. He saves good mood, youth, helps in sexual development, increases overall tone, controls body weight. Its deficiency also leads to decreased libido.

Testosterone deficiency leads to decreased libido

Reasons for decreased libido:

  • thrush and other pathologies of MPS;
  • endocrinopathies - disorders of the adrenal glands, hypothyroidism;
  • menopause leads to a decrease in desire; if it rises, it will not last long;
  • heart disease;
  • helminthiases have the ability to reduce libido in women and men equally;
  • CFS is chronic fatigue syndrome due to the modern pace of life.
  • obesity - here the hormones responsible for libido themselves suffer; such cases are treated by losing weight.
  • conflicts with a partner: if quarrels occur frequently, and reconciliation does not occur quickly, then the woman, due to her emotionality, will get stuck in a depressed state, such a disorder will certainly cause a decrease in desire.

Conflicts in couples

How to increase female libido? For this, there are drugs, folk remedies, relaxation methods, massage, boombuilding, etc.

Why should you try to increase your libido? Firstly, to enjoy life. Secondly, refusals from sex, especially if they are repeated, lead to congestion in the pelvic organs, and this threatens with gynecological problems, poor circulation in the veins, hemorrhoids, constipation, etc. Harmonious sexual relations with a partner they maintain a good hormonal balance, and the woman will never have hormone-dependent tumors in the uterus and breast.

Increased libido in women

Drugs to increase libido in women

Spanish fly for women is a famous ancient aphrodisiac remedy. The remedy received this name because it is prepared from the blister beetle, which is ground into powder and prepared into drops. Contains cantharidin, which pure form is a poison, but in small concentrations it has a stimulating effect. After taking the drops in a short time, a woman has an irresistible desire to have passionate sex. Cantharidin irritates the genital receptors, increasing their sensitivity. A woman receives pleasure even when a man is just touching her genitals. Natural lubricant is released in increased quantities. The medicine lasts 4 hours.

Women's Viagra increases desire within half an hour after taking it!

Viagra for women has a similar composition to Viagra for men - sindenafil, the only difference is in the ratios of the components. It can increase desire within half an hour after taking it. The product is valid for 6 hours. Vaginal ejaculate is released in large quantities, and the orgasm is very bright. The product should not be used in girls under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, or with alcohol. The drug dramatically increases the sensitivity of the genital organs to any stimulation. Women should not take Viagra for men. The product should be purchased only in pharmacies and only in the original. Viagra tablets are prescribed only by a doctor.

Forte Love - female stimulant

Forte Love. The desire appears immediately after taking it. There are practically no contraindications. Contains only natural ingredients: herbs, essential oils, caffeine, arginine, ginseng. The product is produced in the form of a soluble powder. Its effects: increased libido and genital sensitivity, complete liberation, restoration of normal hormonal levels.

The drugs G Female, Gold Fly, Cialis, and Silver Fox are widely used. Drugs that increase libido also include:

  • vitamins E, dietary supplements Loveron, Vuka-Vuka, Provestra;
  • drugs Tadalafil (tablets), Addyi, Cefagil, hormonal patch, etc.
The drug "Silver Fox"

The principle of action of these drugs is the same: stimulation of the clitoris and labia significantly increases the production of vaginal lubrication, they help a woman experience attraction to her partner, and contribute to the onset of a full orgasm. Recommended more often after 50 years. Sprays act faster. This artificial rush of blood can also be obtained by playing sports, and for free.

Vuka-vuka is a collection of African herbs that increase stamina, excite and enhance libido. Long-term use will cause addiction. Does not combine with alcohol and fatty foods. The drug is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, CVD, diabetes.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are a lot of stimulants for women. The simplest thing is honey. It goes well with walnuts, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds.

Increase libido

An stimulating cocktail of kefir, raisins, prunes, figs or fruits with nuts is used. Infusions of chestnut flowers, raspberry leaves, blueberries, fireweed herbs, and sage have a stimulating effect. They are drunk instead of tea. Among the stimulating plants, alcohol infusion of Rhodiola rosea (stimulates estrogen synthesis), damiana, rosemary, juniper, Bay leaf, cinnamon, flax seeds and soybeans (contain phytoestrogens), aloe, sea buckthorn, rowan, rose hips, ginseng (infused with vodka), cilantro, parsley. Folk remedies help effectively at any age.

A proper diet is important for increasing libido. Aphrodisiac foods include dark chocolate, honey, spices (ginger, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon), and seafood (oysters contain dopamine, which enhances libido).

The right diet nutrition plays an important role in increasing libido!

Foods that increase libido in women: meat, nuts (almonds and pine), avocados, garlic, strawberries, pomegranates, figs, asparagus, citrus fruits, celery, bananas. Bananas contain bromelain, B vitamins and potassium, which increase sexual desire and the production of sex hormones. Dark chocolate promotes the production of endorphins and contains phenylethylamine, which enhances libido. Celery contains androsterone, is a pheromone and attracts women. Garlic contains allicin, which increases blood flow to the genitals. Asparagus contains increased amounts of vitamin E.

Vitamin E

It is very useful to arrange evening relaxation at home in the form of a bath with aromatic oils, massage and calm music. It is imperative to exercise, because it promotes the production of testosterone, endorphins, and increases the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. An excellent remedy is Kegel exercises for the perineal muscles. Try to relax every day, at least 5 minutes a day. All these methods increase sexual desire.

Train yourself to do morning exercises. Cycling helps a lot, but no more than 15 minutes a day, wumbling (exercises for intimate muscles). During menopause, sexual intercourse should only be with a loved one, you need to keep yourself in shape with the help of moderate exercises or yoga, use folk remedies, and normalize your weight. Instead of regular tea, train yourself to drink herbal infusions every day.

Morning exercises

After childbirth, an active lifestyle with the same recommendations and proper rest are necessary. Try to diversify sex, don't make it a routine. Eat foods that increase female libido. Comfort in a relationship is achieved after confidential and complete revelation with your husband. A man cannot hear your thoughts, he is not able to intuitively perceive your hints, he needs to be told what you want, to receive emotional release. Hushing up problems is bad for both of you. Eliminate irritants and find sources of joy that increase your quality of life. Liberate yourself and change your attitude towards sex, there is no need to hide behind a high feeling - this is not lust and base motives, this is a natural human desire. Talk about sex, whisper your intimate desires to your husband, flirt with him. Assess the power of your spell.

Preventive actions

Love yourself tenderly and cheerfully. Don’t look for flaws in yourself, life is very fleeting. Your body with all its folds is attractive to your partner, otherwise he would not be with you. Pamper yourself with beautiful lingerie and dress. Exciting aromas: ylang-ylang, orange, patchouli, bergamot, myrrh, sandalwood. Give yourself a holiday, regain your ability to enjoy, and you will feel increased desire.

Don't be afraid of novelty and experimentation. Kama Sutra, porn, sex toys, lubricants, erotica and masturbation - everything is here to help you. New poses, new lighting in the bedroom, sexy games, unusual caresses - everything is waiting just for you. The most the best remedy to raise your self-esteem - regular sex. When you realize and feel how desirable you are, your libido will increase.

Low libido is a common problem for modern women. The reasons for decreased sexual desire can be both psychological and physiological factors. You can restore sexual ardor with various means, both natural and medicinal. Before you find out how to increase libido in women, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its weakening. This may require consulting a doctor.

Low libido is a serious problem that cannot be ignored. For attraction to the opposite sex and the ability to experience sexual arousal Testosterone is responsible in the female body. Women have little male hormone, and its amount can decrease under the influence of various factors, which leads to the disappearance of sexual desire.

The reasons for decreased libido in women can be divided into three groups:

  • physiological or pathological;
  • psychological;
  • medicinal.

Accurate identification and treatment of the cause of low sexual activity will help both increase a woman’s libido and prevent reappearance Problems. In addition, in some cases, decreased sexual desire can be a symptom of dangerous disorders in the body.

A long-term decrease in libido is a reason to get examined, because... this can be a sign of many diseases

Physiological reasons for lack of sexual desire include:

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system include high blood pressure and pathologies of the heart muscle. Severe neurological disorders can also negatively affect attraction to the opposite sex. Often, a decrease in libido is observed against the background of neurocirculatory disorders.

Underfunction of the thyroid gland or hypothyroidism is a disorder associated with a lack of hormone production. Failure of the thyroid gland negatively affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Female gynecological diseases entail a decrease in libido. Lack of sexual desire can be caused by candidiasis or thrush, bacterial vaginosis, or cystic formations. For example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, some women experience a decrease in testosterone concentration and a complete loss of sexual desire.

With obesity, hormonal levels are disrupted and all processes occurring in the body slow down. This leads to decreased testosterone production and problems with libido.

Another physiological reason for decreased sexual desire is menopause. During menopause, which occurs around the age of 50, it is quite difficult for a 50-year-old woman to maintain her previous passion due to changes occurring in the body, so the question of how to increase libido becomes especially relevant.

In most cases, the cause of low libido is psychological disorders. Among them:

  • depression;
  • neurosis;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • disharmony in relationships.

For depression and other psychoneurological disorders, it is necessary complex treatment. Decreased libido is only a symptom, and the cause of the problem is hidden deep inside. Here you need consultation with a qualified specialist and treatment aimed at restoring the nervous system.

The most obvious reason for decreased sexual desire for a partner is disharmony in the relationship. A man’s dismissive attitude, the lack of former tenderness, or, even worse, the coldness and alienation of a partner is what most often causes problems in intimate life.

Medicinal causes of decreased libido are the use of oral contraceptives and some potent sedatives, antipsychotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers. How to increase female libido in this case? Just change the drug after consulting your doctor. Medicines with hormones, used both for the treatment of various gynecological diseases and for contraception, can increase or decrease female libido. Such side effects are indicated in the instructions. If libido decreases, you should consult a gynecologist about prescribing another contraceptive drug. Additionally, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones. Libido usually recovers without treatment within one cycle after stopping oral contraceptives.

Drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system, used for stress, insomnia and depression, reduce sexual arousal. Libido returns to normal without treatment after completing the course of medication, you just need to be patient.

Lack of desire may be a side effect of taking oral contraceptives

How to increase sexual desire?

How you can increase a woman's libido quickly and safely will depend on the cause of its decrease. Since in some cases, a decrease in sexual desire may be due to systemic malfunctions in the body, you should first undergo a comprehensive examination. To begin with, treatment is carried out for the disorder that provoked the decrease in sexual desire. Often this is enough to restore libido.

You can increase libido in women:

  • with the help of drugs;
  • changing your diet;
  • folk remedies;
  • working on relationships.

Men should remember that the cause of decreased libido is not always due to a disruption in the body's functioning. Quite often, the lack of sexual desire is explained by the coldness of the sexual partner or the fading of interest. In this case, it is necessary to “treat” the relationship itself, and not the reproductive system.

Medicines for women

Drugs that increase libido in women affect hormonal levels and the nervous system. They slightly increase testosterone levels and contain aphrodisiacs that activate the center of the brain responsible for sexual arousal.

The following drugs that increase sexual arousal will help increase your partner’s sexual desire and restore female libido:

  • Spanish fly;
  • Viagra for women;
  • G Female;
  • Silver fox.

Spanish fly is universal remedy for women and men. main feature- This is a completely natural composition. This remedy increases sexual desire and stimulates sensitivity, thanks to which intimate intimacy brings particularly vivid sensations. The product also has a pronounced tonic effect. The drug is available in the form of drops. They must be taken half an hour before sexual intercourse. The effect of the drug lasts for several hours. Women who have tried this method of increasing libido note rapid relaxation and positive action medications for the nervous system. A bonus from taking Spanish Fly is the reduction of stress and peace after sexual intercourse due to increased sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Drops can also be used by men

Viagra for women is an analogue of a drug intended to treat impotence in men. The tablets contain 100 mg of sildenafil. The drug stimulates the activity of the center of the brain responsible for sexual arousal. Half an hour after taking the medicine, natural female lubrication is produced and a rush of blood to the genitals is noted. The tablet is effective for several hours.

Another natural stimulant for women is G Female. The product is a potent aphrodisiac in tablets. The composition of the drug is completely natural; the tablets contain more than 20 plant extracts. The product begins to act 10 minutes after administration.

The silver fox is natural remedy with a stimulating effect. It is a complex of extracts and extracts of aphrodisiac plants, as well as L-arginine. The drug acts very quickly and does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by the body. The effectiveness of the product has been proven by thousands of women.

The listed pills help increase female libido in 80% of cases. They may be ineffective in severe psychological disorders, since arousal occurs by stimulating the brain centers. If increasing libido with these means fails to achieve the necessary arousal, you should not use drugs that increase female sexual desire, but consult a doctor to accurately identify the cause of the disorder.

The female version of Viagra is an emergency medicine

Folk remedies

You can also increase libido in women using folk remedies. Here you will have to be patient, because such methods do not work quickly, but require systematic use.

The following folk remedies help restore desire and increase libido.

  1. Tincture of golden root. The second name of the plant is pink radiola. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of the crushed plant and pour 15 ml of medical alcohol. The product should be infused for three weeks. The tincture is taken 20 minutes before sexual intercourse, two teaspoons. The effectiveness of the product is due to the stimulation of blood flow to the genitals.
  2. Regular honey will help increase female libido. You need to eat it regularly - two large spoons per day. The course of treatment is at least two months. Honey improves blood circulation and has a general tonic effect.
  3. To increase libido, you can use ginseng tincture. It is taken daily, 10 drops three times a day. You can also take the product one teaspoon immediately before sexual intercourse.

Traditional medicine knows how to increase female libido at home, but does not guarantee quick effect. Tonics must be taken for several weeks. Women with high pressure It is better to abandon such methods.

To increase female libido and sexual activity, you can take herbs - rosemary, juniper, ginger. They can be added to tea or prepared herbal infusions.

Honey will restore sexual desire, but with long-term and regular use

Products to increase libido

The simplest and safe way The solution to the problem is to introduce into the diet foods that increase libido in women. They must be consumed daily. It would be nice to have a romantic dinner with a predominance of foods that increase female libido. You can add a romantic atmosphere to delicious food - candles with an exciting aroma, pleasant music. Not a single woman will refuse such a pastime, so men need to take note of the method.

The following products increase sexual desire, elevate mood and improve female libido:

  • ginger;
  • seafood;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • celery stalks;
  • cinnamon;
  • natural coffe;
  • avocado.

Bananas can also improve your mood and sexual desire, but you need to be careful with them. Eating bananas daily can be harmful to your health as they are very high in calories. It is recommended to eat one banana twice a week to stimulate libido. The listed products are equally useful for both women and men.

other methods

You can also stimulate sexual desire using non-drug methods. These include:

  • aromatherapy;
  • relaxing bath;
  • massage;
  • slow dancing.

You can increase libido in women with such a folk remedy as aromatherapy. Aphrodisiac essential oils are used for this. A woman cannot resist the smell of rose, patchouli, ylang-ylang.

Relaxing massage with aromatic oils can awaken sexual desire. Also, according to reviews, many women are turned on by a slow dance with their beloved man.

For psychological problems, fatigue and severe stress Active leisure is recommended. You should exercise, go for walks often fresh air. Walking every night before bed will help restore libido.

Remember the romance - and the former passion will return

Libido is a collective concept that refers to sexual activity, (its fundamental presence). In other words, it is a sexual instinct formed during life. often pushes men into promiscuous relationships, and low levels become the cause of complexes, discord in relationships, and nervous disorders. Loss of sexual desire may be a signal of a developing pathology. Pharmacology and ethnoscience offer men an extensive arsenal of libido-boosting products. But, no matter how great the temptation to self-medicate, it is advisable to first undergo a diagnosis from a urologist-endocrinologist.

Sexual desire depends on the amount of free testosterone. It is this hormone that forms libido. A decrease in its level leads to an increase in the female hormone estrogen, which blocks testosterone receptors.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

To maintain libido for a man vitamins A, E, C, group B are needed, as well as lycopene, selenium, magnesium, amino acids. Plays a particularly important role in testosterone synthesis zinc. This element blocks aromatase, an enzyme produced by fat cells that converts testosterone into estrogen (which is why overweight men have low testosterone). Zinc in large quantities found in pumpkin seeds. They are used to produce oil and rectal suppositories ( "Tykvavit"). For weakened libido, oil take 2 tablespoons three times a day (2 months). Oil microenemas and suppositories are effective for prostatitis.

To improve libido, complex pharmaceutical preparations for men will help, containing vitamins, minerals and amino acids in an optimal combination. For example:

  1. from Ecomir.
  2. "Potential forte" from PharmaMed.
  3. "Velman" from Vitabiotics.

Pharmacies offer various dietary supplements, including those that promise to increase libido in a short period. However, performance is more inherent chemicals to excite and stimulate erection.

Herbal-based drugs to increase libido:

  • "Tongkat Ali Premium";
  • "Libidox";
  • "Viardo forte";
  • "Alfit Libidobuster".

To enhance sexual desire, you need to take supplements in courses.

Physical activity

Normalize testosterone levels and increase libido contribute to regular physical exercise . The most effective are those that work the large muscles, the so-called basic exercises:

  1. Squats with a barbell (especially with wide legs).
  2. Deadlifts.
  3. Leg presses.
  4. Bench press with a barbell.

Physical activity has a positive effect on your emotional state, energizes you, and relieves muscle stiffness.

Barbell squat technique

Natural anabolic complexes, including the following components, will help men improve their shape and increase their libido:

  • "Eurecoma extract";
  • "Icariin";
  • "Agmatine";
  • "Tribulus";
  • "Arachidonic acid";
  • "Choline."

Steroid drugs should not be used. They are more effective than natural ones, but upon completion of use, the level of your own testosterone will be reduced, as will libido, and some muscle mass will be lost.

Some advice for men how to increase libido lost after a course of steroids:

  1. Reduce your workout intensity (eliminate cardio and heavy weights) to reduce cortisol.
  2. Introduce fatty acids into your diet to restore cholesterol.
  3. Take aromatase inhibitors (in consultation with your doctor) to reduce estrogen, as well as hepatoprotective agents (Karsil).

Medications to lower blood pressure and suppress cortisol may also be needed. Before you begin to restore your sexual desire, you need to donate blood for hormones.

How can a woman help?

If a man has a regular partner, then it is advisable to involve her in solving the problem of low libido. Couples counseling specialists will be much more effective. Together we can discuss and develop methods of sexual and drug therapy.

If the reason for the missing sexual desire lies in physical condition men (obesity, pathologies), then a woman can try to convince him to undergo an examination, adjust his diet, and encourage him to engage in regular physical activity. Men, especially young ones, are not inclined to independently search for and use folk recipes, which are sometimes really effective for increasing libido. Women are better oriented in this matter.

The main condition for success is the willingness of the man himself, because until he himself makes a volitional decision to restore his sexual instincts, no one can help him.

Psycho and physiotherapy

In men under 40 years of age, the main cause of declining libido is usually not reduced testosterone, but increased level stress, psychological problems. They can be solved using sex therapist or psychotherapist.

With weak libido caused by neuroses and overwork, effective physiotherapeutic methods:

  • Chromotherapy (method of visual color stimulation);
  • Vibration massage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Bath (dry air).

At home, you can practice contrast showers, yoga or qigong. Breathing exercises and water procedures effectively restore the psyche after stress, preserving libido.


Low sex drive is not a problem at all for some adult men. This happens when other interests prevail, and in the family the priority has shifted to the side of friendly rather than passionate relationships. This is quite normal, but it is important to make sure that this condition is not associated with pathological decrease in testosterone and diseases. If inactive libido becomes a hindrance to the psyche and family life, then action must be taken.

The modern lifestyle provokes constant stress and worries that negatively affect the condition women's health. Libido is disrupted, and a woman stops enjoying intimate relationships. Help fix this situation special drugs to activate potency in women: gels, drops, tablets, creams. They have a positive effect on sexual desire, the woman begins to experience orgasm, but they should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Problems with potency in women should be solved in conjunction with psychological consultation.

What is potency

In men and women, the ability to have sexual intercourse is called potency. This word is mainly used in relation to men, but women also have potency (libido). Potency is a set of characteristics human body that relate to sexual intercourse (duration, level of sexual activity).

The problem with potency in women is very common not only in middle age, unlike men, but also in young people. This may be related psychological problems or diseases of the reproductive system. Libido is influenced by a large number of factors, for example, nutrition, daily routine, psychological condition, relationship with a man. To normalize female libido, you need to act comprehensively - not only with medication, but also psychologically, because returning the desire for intimacy is very difficult.

How to increase libido in women

In this matter, many life factors need to be taken into account. A big obstacle to high libido and the reason for the lack of need for sex are internal diseases and psychological problems. First you need to solve health problems, treat chronic diseases and put the body in order. Then you need to restore your diet so that your diet includes everything essential vitamins and elements. You should also say goodbye to bad habits– alcohol and smoking have a detrimental effect on the reproductive system.

When working to increase libido, you need to remember the psychological side of the problem - women's potency disappears due to dislike of themselves and lack of harmonious relationships with their partner. In order to correct the situation, you should gain self-confidence and love your body, correcting shortcomings in order to get rid of complexes. In advanced situations, doctors recommend starting to take special medications to increase potency in women.

Potency enhancing drugs

Depending on the nature of the diseases that caused the woman’s decreased libido, appropriate medications are prescribed. They are aimed at improving blood circulation in the female genital organs, which helps with lubrication and arousal. In pharmacies you can still find dietary supplements, the effect of which begins almost immediately after consumption and lasts no more than 9 hours. Such drugs for increasing libido in women do not adversely affect reproductive system, because they contain only natural ingredients.

Some drugs act directly on the ovaries, providing high level production of female sex hormone. Thanks to this, a woman gets the opportunity to experience an orgasm much stronger, and sensitivity increases when genitals are stimulated. The effect of this product lasts for a day and begins its work within 5 minutes after use. Any drug, regardless of its effect, should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.


When choosing drugs to increase female libido, you must take into account their mechanism of action on the body. These tablets consist of dry herbal extracts, medicinal plants. For example, the drug Laveron has the following spectrum of action:

    stimulates the blood supply to the genital organs, the labia and clitoris increase in size;

    enhances the secretion of natural lubrication in the vagina;

    gradually increases the chance of getting a bright orgasm by 6 times;

    increases sexual desire;

    benefits hormonal levels.

Women's "Viagra" is also called Cialis, which was created on the basis of a drug for men called Tadalafil. It works almost the same as Laveron. Helps to relax before sexual intercourse, increases the sensitivity of the external genitalia, and provides a vivid orgasm. This drug is recommended for use in cases of low sensitivity and lack of natural lubrication. The course of treatment should only be determined by a sex therapist.

Russian drugs

There are not many products available on the domestic market that help increase potency in women. One of the Russian representatives is the drug Sildenafil produced by the Severnaya Zvezda plant. It can be purchased at some pharmacies without a prescription, but you should only start taking it as directed by your doctor. The effect is aimed at dilating blood vessels in the genitals, due to this, arousal and the release of natural lubrication increase. Doctors often prescribe this remedy after taking oral contraceptives, when potency in women is greatly reduced.

How to increase libido in women quickly

If you urgently need to increase sexual desire, drugs that have an effect identical to Viagra are suitable. For example, pills to increase libido in women “Silver Fox” begin to act immediately after taking, within 10 minutes and lasts up to 7 hours. There are many analogues of this remedy, in the form of drops or tablets, but they cannot be used regularly. Taking these medications requires breaks of 3-5 days.

Another drug for quickly increasing potency in women is "". This is very powerful tool, which rapidly increases sensuality, sexual desire, the components of the composition normalize hormonal levels, promote psychological emancipation and relaxation. The effect appears within 10-15 minutes after administration. Long-term use of this drug can cause damage to organs gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, fast-acting products are suitable for one-time use or with a break.

What are the best male enhancement pills?

According to reviews from girls, the most popular drugs are Cialis, Silver Fox and Spanish Fly. These drugs for increasing libido in women have a similar effect. The vessels of the genital organs dilate, the clitoris and labia swell, under the influence of active components it is easier for a woman to liberate, and hormonal levels return to normal. Many components are powerful aphrodisiacs that help in the treatment of frigidity.

How to choose tablets

To choose the right medication to increase a woman’s potency, you need to follow some rules. First, before purchasing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and make sure that the drug is safe to use in each individual case. The choice of product also depends on the desired effect and duration of action. There are tablets with instant action, which occurs 5 minutes after use, and there are those that have a cumulative effect.

Before choosing a remedy, you need to make sure that the patient does not have the following contraindications:

    individual intolerance to components;

    pregnancy, breastfeeding period;

    childhood up to 18 years old;

    diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, anemia);

    liver and kidney diseases;

    diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

    high blood pressure.

Price of drugs

The table below shows pharmacies where you can inexpensively purchase medications to increase potency in women in Moscow. They can be ordered in a catalog or bought in an online store at a low price.

How to increase libido? Watch the video

Pharmacy name

Drug name


Silver fox

4 bags - 1300 rubles,

8 bags - 2450 rubles,

12 bags - 3330 rub.
