After submitting an application for IP. I registered an individual entrepreneur, what to do after? An example of reducing payments under the simplified tax system for insurance premiums

The choice of individual entrepreneur as an organizational form for commercial activities is determined by the simplicity of registration with the submission of a minimum number of documents.

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The state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is lower than the fee paid legal entity. The entrepreneur does not form an authorized capital; registration is carried out at the place of residence. The legality of the commercial activities of an individual entrepreneur arises after registration.

First actions

State registration is within the competence of the Federal Tax Service. Data about the entrepreneur is entered into the register of individual entrepreneurs with the simultaneous assignment of a unique OGRNIP number. Grounds for registration individual an application accompanied by a package of documents serves as an individual entrepreneur.

The person submits to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate:

  • . The form is filled out according to the instructions. To compile a document, rules for numbering, entering data, abbreviations, and composition of sheets have been established. The form contains information about the individual, his place of residence, passport data, types of proposed activities according to the encoding from the OKVED directory.
  • A copy of all completed passport pages.
  • A copy of the TIN certificate. You must obtain an identification number before submitting documents for registration.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty. The amount of individual entrepreneur registration in 2019 is 800 rubles.

Submitted documents are reviewed by the registration authorities within 5 working days th, after which the receipt is carried out.

An individual may be refused registration if he has:

  • Erroneous data, inconsistencies in forms, absence of any of the required forms.
  • Violations of order or presence of corrections in the application.
  • Bankruptcy status for less than a year before applying to the inspectorate.

If the application is filled out in accordance with legislative norms, the entrepreneur receives a OGRNIP certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and a tax registration certificate within the prescribed period.

What to do next after registering an individual entrepreneur?

Passing the registration stage is the start of activity, after which you will need:

  • register with the funds;
  • obtain a certificate from the statistical authorities;
  • open a current account at a bank institution;
  • order ;
  • define optimal system taxation;
  • outline the main directions of document flow.

For a smooth start of activity, it is advisable to avoid mistakes that entail tax sanctions and close attention from control authorities.

At the start, an entrepreneur can make mistakes:

  • Missing the deadline for applying for a special regime.
  • Late registration with funds.
  • Lack of organization of basic document flow.

These and other errors can be prevented by studying step by step instructions legally competent actions of an entrepreneur.

FSS, Pension Fund

As regards the Federal Tax Service Inspections, individual entrepreneurs are registered in a one-window mode, when, simultaneously with entering data about the person into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, registration with the funds is carried out. In the majority of cases, entrepreneurs register with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund on their own.

In the absence of IP employees and plans for their admission are not registered with the funds.

The registration of an entrepreneur with the Pension Fund for the payment of insurance premiums for itself is carried out by the fund on the basis of a notification from the Federal Tax Service. The entrepreneur does not pay his own contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, which does not entail the need to register with the fund.

Registration as an employer can be done immediately after registration or after hiring employees. Strict deadlines for registration are established when concluding the first contract:

  • To the Pension Fund within 30 days. The requirement is established in relation to labor, civil law, and copyright contracts.
  • To the FSS within 10 days. The condition is mandatory for employment contracts or civil agreements, the provisions of which oblige insurance against industrial accidents.

There is no need to submit data to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund; the functions of the recipient of contributions and maintaining document flow in the field of health insurance are performed by the Pension Fund.

To register with the funds you will need to submit:

  • An application in the form determined by the institution, a sample of which can be found on the information stands of the funds.
  • OGRNIP certificate in original and copies.
  • Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate in the original and copies.
  • Entrepreneur's passport. The original and copies of sheets of pages with personal data and registration are presented.
  • Copies of documents various forms, establishing the fact of hiring employees.

The entrepreneur receives notification of the application and registration number within one to several days, depending on the workload of the fund. Failure to register in a timely manner will result in the imposition of sanctions by the fund, the issuance of an administrative fine and refusal to accept reports, which will additionally lead to financial liability.

Checking account

Non-cash form of payment – ​​optimal and civilized circulation Money. An entrepreneur without a bank account cannot count on the long-term growth of the enterprise. Before opening an account, study the conditions of banks and then select the optimal ones.

To the number important conditions relate:

  • Optimal amount of service. Costs include fees for making payments, accepting cash, and monthly maintenance.
  • Convenient service and low fee for using the client bank.
  • Loyal lending conditions (even if receiving loan funds at the time of opening an account is not required).

After choosing a bank, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of documents required to be submitted to the institution.

The list is approved by each bank independently, but the basic forms are required by all financial structures:

  • Application for opening an account.
  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur.
  • Identity card – passport.
  • Documents of persons who will represent interests.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax office.
  • Certificate from Rosstat (information letter) about assigned activity codes.
  • Letter about the actual location and conduct of activities of the individual entrepreneur.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs with the current date.

Depending on the bank’s conditions, you will need to provide copies of documents certified by a notary or an entrepreneur. Application forms and signature cards are issued by the bank.

If an entrepreneur wishes to work with a bank without a stamp or if there is no stamp on the card, no stamp is placed on the card.

Starting from May 2019, after opening a current account, an entrepreneur does not have to notify the Federal Tax Service. The information function is assigned to the bank institution.


The law allows for business activities without a seal. In a number of situations, having an individual entrepreneur’s seal is a necessity.

Certification of a signature with an imprint is required:

  • When using strict reporting forms.
  • In the case of conducting retail trading activities without a cash register with the issuance of another document similar to a check.
  • In other cases, to enhance protection business papers entrepreneur.

An order for obtaining a seal can be placed in a specialized organization based on the submitted copies of registration certificates and a document of a representative or entrepreneur. Before applying, it is advisable to think through the constituent elements of the seal - name, INN, OGRNIP. Additionally, order stamps for documents of everyday use.

Organization of document flow and cash discipline, BSO

The establishment of document flow at the beginning of the activity determines the successful maintenance of records in the future.

An entrepreneur needs to purchase, sew and number the following magazines:

  • Personnel forms - accounting of work books, .
  • General turnover - outgoing and incoming documents, order books.
  • Occupational safety – registration of training, fire safety.

It will be necessary to issue and approve accounting policies, staffing table, regulations on internal regulations.

The cash discipline of individual entrepreneurs requires significant attention.

For competent document flow, you will need to determine:

  • The need to purchase and KKM registration at the tax office. The obligation to conduct settlements arises for individual entrepreneurs who conduct settlements with organizations or entrepreneurs using the special tax system.
  • The need to purchase strict reporting forms. The obligation arises when there are narrow activities, such as the sale of tickets.
  • Using document forms that replace cash receipt. The opportunity arises in retail.

In addition to external document flow, the individual entrepreneur must organize cash discipline - the movement of funds using PKO and RKO orders, accounting for accountable funds. An individual entrepreneur has the right not to set a cash limit if there is a corresponding order. For operational accounting, you will need a cash book and a journal of the cashier-operator if you have a registered cash register machine.

Choosing a tax system

The type of activity determines the taxation system for individual entrepreneurs. By default it is installed.

The mode is characterized by:

  • Significant document flow for accounting of income and expenses.
  • Complex nomenclature accounting and determination of profit for each operation.
  • The need to maintain KUDiR.
  • The absence of a minimum amount of mandatory personal income tax.

An entrepreneur can apply, the transition to which must be notified to the Federal Tax Service. The individual entrepreneur submits an application:

  • About the transition to the simplified tax system within 30 days after registration.
  • On the start of maintaining UTII - no later than 5 days after applying the mode.
  • On the use of PSN – during 10 days from the beginning of use.

The transition of an entrepreneur to any of the special regimes is justified if the conditions for limiting the number, planned turnover, and property value are met.

Features of accounting under the simplified tax system:

  • Simplified document flow.
  • Responsibility for maintaining KUDiR for the simplified tax system.
  • The need to pay a minimum tax.

The use of UTII is possible only when conducting certain types of activities established by federal and local legislation.

Features of using UTII:

  • Possibility of combination with other modes.
  • The need to take into account only the physical indicator.
  • Obligation to pay tax regardless of the activity.

Starting a commercial business is a responsible time when it is important not to forget anything and do everything right. Therefore, many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in every step they have to take on the path to starting a business. Therefore, below we will consider the main matters that an individual entrepreneur will have to deal with.

Step No. 1. Choose a tax system

After the future entrepreneur submits it as an individual entrepreneur, he is issued a OGRNIP certificate. And also a notification that he is now registered and an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

  1. BASIC. The same basic one that obliges you to fully report and declare income.
  2. UTII. “Imputed”, as people call her.
  3. USN. Simplified system.
  4. PSN. Patent system without declarations and taxes with a single payment for a license.

There is also the Unified Agricultural Tax. But this is a tax for entrepreneurs in the agricultural niche.

As already mentioned, after registration you are automatically placed in the category of individual entrepreneurs working in the main mode. But most often this system is too expensive and complicated for a beginner. That's why many people choose the “simplified” approach. To switch to another taxation system, you need to submit a new application for transfer within a month from the date of receipt of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate. So, in the case of the simplified tax system, this will be an application according to form 26.2-1. For other modes, transition methods also involve statements and a certain time, but are no longer so strictly regulated.

Step No. 2. Find out your own registration number

You will need this number when filing your 3-NDFL declaration. To find out the number of the territorial fund and your own registration number, it is enough to write an application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. It is also submitted to the Federal Tax Service department within a month after receiving the certificate. This service is free, and the extract itself does not equate to a document.

Step No. 3. Register with the pension fund

It is important to separate two points here. The first is that if you registered as an individual entrepreneur and do not have hired employees, then you will not have to do anything. Because after the change in regulations, the tax service itself submits all documents to the Pension Fund for you. And you, without appearing there, will be registered.

The second point is if you, as an individual entrepreneur, also become an employer. That is, they hired employees under an employment contract. In this case, you will definitely need to visit the branch of the pension fund and register as an employer. You have a month to do this if you hire an employee immediately after receiving permission to operate from the tax office.

Step No. 4. Register with the Social Insurance Fund

The Social Insurance Fund is the next step after the Pension Fund. And here everything happens exactly the same. In the case when you are just an individual entrepreneur without employees, then you do not need to come to the FSS branch, you will be registered anyway. And when there are workers, come and register.

Step No. 5. Visit the statistics department

You also need to go there after receiving a certificate from the Federal Tax Service. And based on this evidence, the statistics department gives you a letter! Be careful here, because many people think that this document does not carry any semantic meaning and it is better to put it away so that it does not get lost.

But in fact, this letter will contain information that you will definitely need to use when you open your own personal account.

The department code will also be indicated there, which often also has an important function. For example, it will directly affect the amount of transport tax in the trucking business. In general, do not lose this letter.

Step No. 6. Open a current account.

It should be noted right away that this action is not necessary for individual entrepreneur. There are many areas of activity small business, where an account is not required.

But, for example, if you plan to carry out activities in the niche of large wholesale trade, or you will need to enter into an agreement with large manufacturing companies, then it is unlikely to do without a current account.

To open an account, any bank branch is suitable. There is nothing to advise here, choose for yourself which one you like best, or which one offers, in your opinion, more favorable conditions.

However, remember this. If you are opening an account in a regional bank, then get ready for possible difficulties when transferring to foreign accounts. To work with partners from abroad, it is still better to use the services of federal banks.

When you open an account, you will be asked:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur
  2. Certificate of registration
  3. TIN (copy)
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

Step No. 7. Register the seal

Again, as in the case of a current account, printing is an optional attribute of an individual entrepreneur. However, it is often necessary. And in the future, when it comes to business growth, you cannot do without printing. Yes and commercial activity without the seal it doesn't look so impressive.

Step No. 8. Get a license

A license must be obtained only for certain types of activities that cannot be carried out without special permission. A list of the types of these activities can be found in 99-FZ (clause 1, article 12).

So, for example, for pharmaceuticals you will need permission from Roszdravnadzor, for the fire safety niche - from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And so on.

To obtain a license, you will need the same package of documents - certificate, TIN, extract from the register of individual entrepreneurs.

On a note. There are also certain types of activities that require special notification. government agency according to Federal Law 584. This is usually done when it comes to the biomedical field.

Step No. 9. Registering a cash register

Another controversial point that does not impose obligations on individual entrepreneurs in some cases. But here everything will depend on what choice you made in the first step - that is, on current system taxation. On OSNO, on the simplified tax system, on the unified agricultural tax, the entrepreneur is still required to have a cash register.

Moreover, simply buying a device will not be enough; it must also be registered with the Federal Tax Service. You can read more about how to choose, how to buy, what contracts to conclude and how to properly register a cash register in another article on our website.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are few actions that an entrepreneur needs to take after he receives a certificate from the tax service. Some of them are generally optional, especially for beginners.

However, each of these actions has its own nuances. These are often serious time constraints that must be met. Therefore, in order not to run around wondering where you should go next, prepare in advance for these simple procedures. Everything about everything, if you know what to do, will take no more than a week of real time. And it will save nerves for years.

After state registration with the Federal Tax Service, the entrepreneur receives the right to conduct own business. Unfortunately, the responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur are not specified in any single law, and it is not always possible to obtain specialist advice on this issue. Our article is a kind of instruction from which you will learn what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur.

But first, a little about what documents an individual entrepreneur receives after registration. Until 2017, registration was confirmed by a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. Now, instead of this document, they issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and it is this that is the basis for the opportunity to engage in individual entrepreneurial activity.

Select tax regime

It is best to make this choice even before registering an individual entrepreneur. The fact is that there are certain deadlines for filing an application for transition to preferential tax regimes:

  • – 30 days from the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur;
  • unified tax on imputed income (UTII) – 5 working days from the start of imputed income;
  • patent system (PSN) – 10 working days before the patent begins to be valid;
  • unified agricultural tax (USAT) - 30 days from the date of registration of individual entrepreneurs.

If these deadlines are not met, the entrepreneur will automatically work on the general taxation system (OSNO), and this is not always profitable.

A competent accountant can help you choose the most favorable tax regime. To do this, you need to know the type of activity, place of business, expected income and expenses, and the number of employees. You can get free tax advice.

Know your tax calendar

The tax calendar or schedule for submitting reports and paying taxes depends on the chosen taxation system. These deadlines must be observed, because in addition to fines for unsubmitted reports or unpaid taxes, the Federal Tax Service may block the current account of an individual entrepreneur.

This table shows the deadlines for submitting reports and paying taxes under different regimes.

Tax 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter or year
simplified tax system* Advance payment for the first quarter - no later than April 25 Advance payment for nine months - no later than October 25 Annual declaration and tax payment no later than April 30
UTII Declaration no later than April 20, tax payment until April 25 inclusive Declaration no later than July 20, tax payment until July 25 inclusive Declaration no later than October 20, tax payment until October 25 inclusive Declaration no later than January 20, tax payment until January 25 inclusive
Unified agricultural tax Advance payment for half a year - no later than July 25 Annual declaration and tax payment no later than March 31
Personal income tax on OSNO Advance payment for the period January – June no later than July 15 Advance payment for the period July – September no later than October 15
VAT on OSNO** Declaration no later than April 25, tax until June 25 inclusive Declaration no later than July 25, tax until September 25 inclusive Declaration no later than October 25, tax until December 25 inclusive Declaration no later than January 25, tax until March 25 inclusive

*STS payers pay advance payments in the reporting period only if they have income.

**VAT is paid in a special way: 1/3 of the tax amount no later than the 25th day of each of the three months following the reporting quarter. For example, VAT accrued for the first quarter is paid in equal installments no later than April 25, May 25 and June 25.

Pay insurance premiums for yourself

If you are temporarily not conducting business, then under such regimes as the simplified tax system, OSNO, unified agricultural tax, you will not have to pay taxes. Just don’t forget to submit zero reporting according to your regime on time.

But the lack of income does not affect the obligation to pay insurance premiums for oneself. As soon as you have opened an individual entrepreneur, contributions to the pension and health insurance entrepreneur.

Insurance premiums can be suspended only in certain situations:

  • caring for a child under one and a half years old, a disabled person, an elderly person;
  • military service upon conscription;
  • living abroad with a diplomatic or military spouse.

Moreover, the absence of entrepreneurial activity during one of these periods must be documented. You can find out what documents are needed for this in the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated April 26, 2017 N BS-4-11/7990@, which is freely available. There are no other valid reasons not to pay fees, so take this fact into account before you start.

The mandatory amount of contributions in 2018 is 32,385 rubles per full year and with income less than 300,000 rubles. An entrepreneur who earns more than this limit must also pay an additional contribution to pension insurance– 1% of the amount over 300,000 rubles.

If you did not open an individual entrepreneur from the beginning of the year, then the mandatory amount of contributions is reduced accordingly by the number of months and days during the registration period.

The deadline for paying the mandatory amount of insurance premiums is December 31 of the current year, and the additional 1% contribution can be paid until July 1 of the next year.

Select cash register

If your business is related to the provision of services or the sale of goods to individuals, then sooner or later you will need a cash register. Most sellers on the simplified and general taxation system have been using cash register systems for a long time. Unfortunately, the state is systematically canceling all currently existing opportunities to work without a cash register.

Individual entrepreneurs with employees have the right to trade or provide catering services without cash registers in the EBIT and PSN modes only until July 1, 2018. If an individual entrepreneur does not have employees in these special modes in retail or public catering, then the benefit will be extended for another year - until July 1, 2019.

Until the same date, entrepreneurs in all tax regimes can provide services to the population by issuing a BSO, rather than issuing a cash receipt. What to do next after the end of these grace periods?

You need to choose a cash register, and you shouldn’t focus only on advertising from sellers and suppliers cash register equipment. The cash register model must be included in the official register of the Federal Tax Service, otherwise you will not be able to register it with the tax office.

Submit a notification about starting a business activity

In Russia, business is under the control not only of tax inspectorates, but also of other supervisory authorities. The most famous of them is Rospotrebnadzor, which monitors compliance with consumer rights. In addition to this department, control is carried out by Rosstandart, Rosobrnadzor, Rostechnadzor, Rostransnadzor, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

Before starting real activities, you must submit a corresponding notification to one of these bodies (form of document approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584). This obligation does not apply to all entrepreneurs, but only to those whose activities are listed in Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution.

After receiving the notification, the supervisory authority includes the entrepreneur in the list of controlled entities. If the notice is not submitted before the start of activities, the individual entrepreneur may be fined 5,000 rubles.

Find out about the need for product certification

Products that may affect the health and safety of consumers must be certified by Rospromtest. If you will only sell someone else's certified products, then you do not need to go through this procedure. Simply request copies of certificates from suppliers.

But if you yourself are engaged in the production of such goods, then you need to go through the certification procedure yourself. As for services, their mandatory certification has been cancelled, but you can undergo it voluntarily or if required by a certain GOST.

Register employees

Until 2006, individual entrepreneurs could not officially make entries in work books. But now the responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur are almost no different from the responsibilities of legal entities.

The employer, regardless of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC), must conclude an employment or civil contract with the employee and pay wages and at your own expense transfer contributions for its insurance.

So, we told you what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur, but of course, administrative issues are not the main thing in entrepreneurial activity. Businesses are started primarily to make a profit. Good luck to you on this path!

Have you registered an individual entrepreneur and don’t know what to do next? Entrepreneurial activity involves performing a variety of operations aimed at promoting business and generating income. Experienced entrepreneurs who have been operating for several years, as a rule, clearly understand what they should do in a given situation in order not to incur losses, but rather to make money, with whom to establish partnerships and who to avoid, what directions choose for maximum benefit.

As for beginners, the situation here is different. So, the first question, which is quite relevant among individual entrepreneurs, is what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur, what actions need to be performed, how to start a business machine so that it brings maximum benefit to its owner.

The article provides information about which regulatory authorities should be visited after opening individual entrepreneurship , as well as what documents need to be prepared.

Before moving on to the consideration of the issue, it must be said that an individual entrepreneur is the simplest organizational and legal form, the opening of which requires the fulfillment of minimum requirements. Thus, to conduct business, an individual entrepreneur does not have to open a bank account, make a seal and have authorized capital.

Registration: features of the procedure

Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur is carried out at the tax office located at the applicant’s place of residence. Immediately after completing the registration steps, data about the individual entrepreneur is entered into a special register, after which it is assigned a tax number.

Registration is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  1. application of an individual with a request to register him as an individual entrepreneur;
  2. copies of pages of the internal passport, in particular those that contain personal information about the applicant and his registration;
  3. a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty in in full. At the moment this amount is 800 rubles;
  4. a copy of the applicant's tax number, his TIN.

If a positive decision is made, after 5 days from the date of application, the applicant has the right to withdraw the Individual Entrepreneur Registration Certificate.

When registration may be refused:

  • the information provided is unreliable;
  • the required fields of the application have not been filled in;
  • the data contains errors and inaccuracies;
  • from the moment the individual entrepreneur was declared bankrupt, the period established by law has not passed. According to current laws, this period is 12 months.

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What to do next after opening an individual entrepreneur

The following actions following registration can be displayed in the form of an algorithm:

  1. applying to the funds established by law for registration;
  2. obtaining a certificate from statistical authorities;
  3. registration of an account with a financial institution (not required by law, however, as practice shows, having an account helps promote business);
  4. placing an order for the production of a seal (a seal, as well as a current account, is not a mandatory attribute, without which entrepreneurial activity IP is not entitled);
  5. decide on the taxation system, choose the most profitable option;
  6. resolve issues regarding the main areas of document flow.

Please pay attention Special attention performing the above actions, since lack of experience in this area and haste may cause increased attention from the tax service and, if mistakes are made, may result in tax sanctions.

What mistakes do entrepreneurs make most often at a startup:

  1. failure to timely contact funds for registration;
  2. problems with document management;
  3. the entrepreneur missed the deadline within which to submit an application for the application of a special regime.

It should be noted that registration with the Social Insurance Fund is only necessary if the individual entrepreneur plans to use hired labor; otherwise, there is no need to visit this government agency.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in funds is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  1. relevant statement;
  2. Certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (original and copy of the document);
  3. applicant's internal passport;
  4. materials confirming the hiring of workers ( employment contract, civil and other regulatory documents).

Necessary actions for organizing document flow

To run a successful business, an entrepreneur will need to put in order journals that display the following:

  1. personnel movements;
  2. total turnover;
  3. fact of training and safety procedures.

To choose the optimally profitable tax system, it is recommended to consult a specialist in the field of finance, since independent decision question is fraught with application common system taxation, which is established by default after registration of an individual entrepreneur.

After registering an individual entrepreneur, you must choose a taxation system by submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service within 5 to 10 days. Then you need to receive a letter from the Pension Fund and Rosstat statistics codes. If you have employees, also do not forget to register with the Social Insurance Fund as an employer!


Just the other day you did small step V big world business - officially became an entrepreneur. But what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur, where to go and what to do? Unfortunately, the paperwork doesn't end there.

Preparation and submission of documents: what, where, when?

So, after completing registration with the Federal Tax Service, you should have the following documents in your hands:

  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • TIN certificate (if you have not received one before).

But these documents are not enough to conduct full-fledged legal activities. Therefore, you, an entrepreneur without employees, will have to go through the following authorities with the following goals:

Table 1. Standard list of actions after registration
Name of bodyWhat to do?

Submit an application to switch to a specific tax regime:

  • simplified tax system (within 10 days from the date of registration);
  • UTII (within 5 days from the date of start of use);
  • PSN (no more than 10 days before the start of use).

Receive a letter of registration as an individual entrepreneur within 30 days

Receive statistics codes (Information letter about accounting in the Unified State Register of Industrial Organizations) for maintaining and submitting reports, generating documentation (information is also available on the Rosstat website)

All aspiring entrepreneurs are required to perform the above actions. Further submission of applications depends on the specifics of the activity:

Table 2. Actions after registering an individual entrepreneur for certain types of business.
Name of bodyWhy and what to do?

Pension Fund and Federal Tax Service

If necessary, open a bank account (entrepreneurs are not obliged to do this). If opened, notify the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the account by submitting applications in the prescribed form.

If it is necessary to install a cash register, enter into a service agreement with the service provider, registering the cash register (additionally, a lease agreement for the premises where the device will be located is attached).


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, etc.

Submit to the relevant authority a notification about the start of activity, if it is mentioned in clause 1, article 8 of Federal Law No. 249 of December 26, 2008 (hotel business, personal services, catering services and others)

A few words about individual entrepreneurs with employees

If you are going to hire workers, you have to do a few more things:

Both government agencies will need to submit the following documents:

  • employment contract;
  • copy of TIN;
  • copy of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copy of OGRN;
  • SNILS.

After this, you can safely focus on running your business. But do not forget to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service in a timely manner, and also correctly calculate contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Security, paying them on time!
