Clock backlight. Luminescent compounds are hazardous to health How to make a watch glow in the dark

So, to the question of what to do if the dial backlight in an “old” watch (10 years and older) stops working, i.e. The luminescent composition, which, as a rule, covers the hands and hour markers on the dial and bezel, in the dark either gives off light very quickly or no longer glows at all.

There are several methods for eliminating this type of problem. Which one to use is up to the watch owner to decide, guided by his or her capabilities (including financial ones) and vision of the final result.

Means, option one - effective . Since the dial illumination, or rather the light-accumulating composition in, let’s say, not new wristwatches, can also age, wear out (crack and crumble) or deteriorate (in particular from moisture getting inside the case), then the only thing guaranteed effective way To fully restore its functionality, it will be necessary to replace all the hands, the dial substrate and, if necessary, the bezel ring.

Of course, such a replacement must be carried out by a qualified technician in an authorized service center (or even a watch factory) and using spare parts from a proprietary repair kit provided (either on order or in the usual manner) by the watch manufacturer.

Along with replacing these elements, you can also carry out inspection and maintenance of the clock mechanism (in particular, lubrication, adjustment of the stroke and other routine maintenance), which in any case will not interfere with the old watch.

Option two is a compromise . Some service centers and watch workshops provide the service of restoring the light accumulator in old and very old wristwatches. Such a service often costs the owner less than replacing the hands and marker backing with branded and new ones.

However, not always. In addition, such restoration involves the use of original materials, with which the restored dial backlight may not function as well and/or not as long as the original one.

The procedure for restoring a light accumulator looks something like this:

The clock is necessary part in the life of each of us. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not ask what time it is at least once during the day. Wall clocks, in addition to their functionality, have served as a worthy decorative element since ancient times. Today there are many different watch designs. This necessary mechanism of each home can have all kinds of variations in shape, color, style. Spectacular decoration the interior will become glowing Wall Clock, which will not only play an aesthetic role, but also provide an opportunity to see exact time any time of the day.

Moreover, you can make a luminous clock yourself using LEDs. The author of the proposed project was a foreign designer, John Schroeder. A luminous wall clock will become an original addition to the decorative look of your home during the day and faithful assistant in telling time at night.

We select materials.

To make a luminous watch you will need a little free time, desire and some necessary technical elements, namely:
1. 4 wooden slats, measuring 30 cm by 1.3 cm by 1.3 cm.
2. Fiberboard. Make sure that its size is 30 cm by 30 cm.
3. White PVC sticker (for the dial) of the appropriate size 30 cm by 30 cm.
4. 12 stetodiodes, with the help of which backlighting will be provided.
5. 2 diodes IN 4007.
6. Capacitor 0.22 uF/400 Volt.
7. Quartz clock mechanism, which can be purchased at the store.
8. Several nails.
9. Solder, soldering iron and other available tools.

It is this equipment that is needed to make a luminous wall clock.

2. We make a frame.
The first thing you need to start with is to create a square clock frame from create a square clock frame from fiberboard. Using a pencil, mark where exactly the clock will be located. After this, we insert the needles into the places where we will later place the LEDs. A very neat thing is the special central hole intended for the clock mechanism. Then we attach the white dial sticker. You can also decorate the frame to your liking.

3. We work with the clock mechanism.
We fix the LEDs in the prepared places (where the needles are located) so that they lie parallel to the main platform. Please note that their “pluses” must be in exactly the same position, in other words, look in the same direction.

4. Make a chain.
Necessary electrical diagram hours is shown in the figure. It should be noted that it assumes operation with 220 V.
We take 6 LEDs and insert them into the circuit, after which we attach a resistor and capacitor. We monitor the polarity. We check that 2 diodes control the reverse voltage.

5. We are engaged in assembly.
We assemble the clock mechanism directly and proceed to connect it to the hands through the central hole made in wooden frame. After that, insert the batteries.

“Let there be light!”

Backlights in the clock– a necessary component of everyday life, without it it is no longer possible to imagine a modern wristwatch. This is a reality in which the quality of the backlight makes all the difference.

Today it is often found in wristwatches electroluminescent backlight, but backlight is also gaining popularity day by day tritium.

Backlight Indiglo, presented by an American company Timex V 1992 year, is perfect as an example electroluminescent backlight. We press a button, electricity is converted into light by applying a voltage of 100-200 volts to phosphorus atoms. Of course, a voltage converter (1:100) plays a role here, without which obtaining even one hundred volts would be impossible. Having received a charge, the phosphorus atoms release photons, which illuminate the dial. The name itself "Indiglo" came from the word "Indigo". Precisely by color indigo(something between blue and purple) the dial of the family watch model was illuminated Ironman. This series of watches was the first in the history of the company Timex equipped with backlight Indiglo.

The ubiquitous Japanese corporation Casio couldn't stay away 1995 responding to the American invention of backlighting Illuminator. Backlight Casio Illuminator its structure is similar to backlighting Indiglo. Backlight in Japan Illuminator is called "Fox Fire".

Only the hands and markers of a single dial can be equipped with tritium backlight, while the electroluminescent backlight illuminates the dial completely. But don’t rush to jump to conclusions!

The use of tritium backlighting in dials is a much more complex process than installing electroluminescent backlighting. Tritium backlight does not require pressing buttons and does not use auxiliary energy sources - be it a watch battery or sunlight. Accordingly, such illumination does not affect the reserve of “vitality” of the watch’s energy carrier.

Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen used in thermonuclear weapons as a source of neutrons and fuel. “That’s enough, I’ve had enough, leave the watch with this backlight for yourself, and I’d rather choose a harmless electroluminescent backlight!” - you will think. And you will be wrong.

Tritium does not pose a radiation hazard because it is enclosed in sealed borosilicate glass containers. But even if the watch dial suddenly cracked, and the sealed container with tritium was damaged, then nothing would threaten our health. The containers located on the watch dials contain relatively a small amount of tritium, which, if leaked, will have time to escape into the atmosphere without harmful consequences for humans. The most important thing is not to inhale or swallow tritium. Especially when the leak occurred from a large container.

Long term service without any recharging - this is the main trump card of tritium backlight. Tritium backlight can last as long as 25 years. During this time, the tritium in the containers will be subject to radioactive beta decay, which causes the resulting electrons to affect the phosphor atoms. It is this process that gives the bright green glow of the hands and markers, which can help out the watch owner under any circumstances.

By the way, tritium backlight can be represented by the most different colors, Not only green, but also dark blue, yellow, orange, red, white. In the watch industry, however, it is green that is used, because the human eye perceives it as the brightest (intensity - 100%). A tritium backlight will lose half its brightness in 12 years, and after 25 years of service it will lose 80% of its brightness.

Watches in constant demand among military and fire fighters Tracer notable not only for its durability, but also for its tritium backlight trigalight. Doesn't lag behind famous company Luminox, which provides a 25-year guarantee for the continuous operation of the tritium backlight in its watches.

The backlight deserves special mention SuperLumiNova. This system announced itself in 1993, clearly indicating your positive properties. Backlight operation SuperLumiNova made possible by strontium aluminate, a substance applied to the hands and markers of watch dials. System SuperLumiNova does not contain radioactive substances, which means it will not lose its quality over time, as happens with tritium illumination. For illumination SuperLumiNova Periodic “meetings” with sunlight or artificial light are important; they charge the luminous coating of the hands and markers with the necessary energy.

Some watches not only have an advanced dial lighting system, but can also be used as an independent light source. Men's Watchthe best one example.

The dial is illuminated by a high-power LED for excellent readability in the dark. But as soon as we go beyond the dial, the flashlight built into the case, operating in three modes, reminds us of itself. With details of the clock lighting system Victorinox Swiss Army Night Vision can be found in a separate article.

Various systems Backlights in watches today can meet the needs of many people. Practical electroluminescent backlight in the watch Timex, Casio contributes to the appearance of attractive prices for models of these companies. More difficult to manufacture tritium backlight awaits on watch dials Tracer And Luminox.

Simplicity and accessibility, or technical delights and innovations? The choice is yours!

Some people believe that luminescent paints are hazardous to health and avoid watches whose dial markings and hands are coated with an impressive layer of glow-in-the-dark composition. Not everything is so menacing, assures Timur Baraev

In principle, any luminescent paint belongs to class IV of dangerous things, there are five such classes in total, and the most harmful is I. That is, luminescent powders, including those used in watches, are classified as “low-hazard”. But we must take into account that in in this case much depends on the amount of such paint.

If you decide to paint a gazebo in the garden with a luminous composition, it is better, of course, to wait for a light breeze so as not to inhale the fumes. The same is required by safety precautions when working with ordinary paints and varnishes. And an insignificant few grams of luminescent from the watch dial will not harm anything.

Rumors about the dangers of luminescent compounds were born thanks to the first special professional watches, the dials and hands of which were painted with radium-based paint.

For example, powder Radiomir based on radium, which was invented and patented in 1916 by Panerai founder Guido Panerai himself, gave the name to the iconic collection of Italian watches. The same luminescent composition was applied to instrument scales and sights, which, among other equipment, the company produced for the Italian Navy “Marina Militare”.

Application to a patent issued in France on March 23, 1916, in which the name Radiomir was documented. Source: Panerai press service

His recipe was top secret because other luminescent paints of the time were much dimmer. When in the process of creation nuclear weapons Scientists have discovered the harmful effects of radiation on human body, Radiomir was banned, and most of the surviving wrist devices with this composition were walled up in concrete cube, taken out to sea and sunk.

Panerai specialists have invented a new luminescent composition Luminor- This is a tritium-based paint. After this, Panerai models began to be called that way. Luminor was not as bright, but it was much safer.

Nevertheless, there were many fans of the good old Radiomir. And some customers continued to order watches painted with this particular composition. The company, without advertising this fact, met the wishes of its fans.

But the Egyptian Navy in 1956 officially demanded that the dials of the watches that Panerai would release for them in limited editions be painted with “radio world”. In order not to lose the order, the company had to agree. The first batch of Radiomir Egiziano watches was released in the amount of 30-40 pieces and later received the name Egiziano Piccolo from brand collectors, since the next batch of watches for the Egyptian Navy had a much more impressive case with a diameter of 47 mm.

Wrist watch Panerai Egiziano Grosso and Egiziano Piccolo. Source:

“Little Egyptian” is one of the most sought-after watches on the secondary market, despite the fact that their dials have turned from black to whitish-brown over time as a result of radio-world radiation.

Tritium-based phosphors are good because they shine brightly and do not require regular irradiation with light. Tritium (or heavy hydrogen, designated H3 or T) emits electrons that attack a layer of luminescent compound, such as Super-LumiNova, allowing you to easily keep time even in complete darkness.

The dial of the Panerai LAB-ID Luminor 1950 Carbotech watch has a two-layer structure: a luminescent substance - Super-LumiNova - shines through the holes of the hour markers. Source: Panerai press service

The radiation from decaying tritium is effective only at a distance of 1-2 mm, that is, most of the rays disappear before reaching the dial. This means that tritium phosphors are generally safe. I can advise particularly suspicious people not to wear such a watch with the dial towards the wrist.

The disadvantage of tritium compounds is the half-life of tritium - about 12.5 years, after which the dial of such watches will fade

Watches with such a luminescent composition are easy to identify: by the letter “T”, which, as a rule, is applied at the 6 o’clock position. Manufacturers are required to apply this mark by law.

“T” mark on the dial of the IWC Aquatimer 2000 watch. Source: IWC press service

To work with tritium, the manufacturer must obtain special permission and train personnel. Since the European Union regularly tightens environmental requirements for products, several years ago watch companies creating watches in unlimited quantity for ordinary customers, they were generally allowed to deal only with the completely harmless Super-LumiNova phosphor and its varieties. But tritium-based compounds can still be used in exceptional cases, for example, in the manufacture of limited editions of professional military or sports watches.

In addition to safety, the advantages of Super-LumiNova include low cost and ease of production, brightness for some time after irradiation with light. The electrons of this composition are activated only under the influence of ultraviolet rays, but after a few hours they “calm down”. So, in order to maintain the functionality of your watch on high level, do not forget to regularly feed them with light energy.

Preview: Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Apollo 13 Silver Snoopy Award, Omega Press Office

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Competent educational program on backlighting in watches

Friends, I present to your attention very intelligent thoughts in hearing about the backlight in watches from a person under the name Strong. Because they ask a lot of questions about different types highlights, I think this article will be a good educational source. Please ask any questions related to the article in the appropriate thread on the forum. We also advise you to read about the types of backlight in watches.

1. In 1902, for the first time, a light composition activated by radium compounds was applied to a watch dial. About the dangers of radiation
Back then we didn’t worry too much, the main thing was that watches and military instruments were visible in the dark. But this phosphor from the alpha and beta radiation of radium degraded after a few years and stopped glowing, although the half-life of radium is 1600 years! But, nevertheless, watches and devices were covered with such light compositions right up to the 50s, then they began to look for a replacement and found tritium.

2. Light compositions with tritium activation are still used today, although to a lesser extent than before, since there is GTLS technology (tritium in tubes in the form of a gas, but more on that later). So, tritium, which is used in technology, is ALL produced artificially, by irradiating lithium with neutrons in reactors. And on Earth there is no more than 1 kg of natural tritium; it is active and quickly dissipates. Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen with a half-life of 12.3 years. Emits beta, which is blocked by a piece of paper, i.e. much less dangerous than radium and its compounds. I wondered how tritium is added to the light composition, since it is a gas! It turned out that in paraffin (candles are made from it) some of the hydrogen atoms are replaced with tritium atoms, and then added to the light composition that covers the dials and hands of watches (The most famous of the Soviet ones are the Vostok, Komandirskie and Amphibia watches, tritium was used there until the end of the 80s ).

3. GTLS technology or Trigalight is a development of the Swiss company Mb-microtec, a revolution in the field of backlighting (IMHO). These are borosilicate glass tubes into which tritium is pumped in the form of gas. The inner walls of the tubes are coated with a phosphor that glows from tritium beta radiation. The approximate time until the complete extinction of trigalight is 25 years (not bad!) The most famous and inexpensive watches with this technology are Traser, then Luminox, Nite, and the very elite Ball (their numbers are laid out from trigalights different colors, in general, beautiful). If anyone is interested, go to the website, everything is detailed there)

This concludes the review of permanent illumination and moves on to light-accumulating compositions

1. Zinc sulfide-based light composition is the worst light-accumulating light composition! The afterglow time is no more than one hour - this is a shame and it is used in watches that are sold in underground passages for 100 rubles (((

2. Light composition based on strontium aluminate - afterglow time up to 18 hours (very good!). Hands and numbers coated with this light composition are visible all night long without straining the eyes. An example is SuperLuminova.

Now the conclusion (this is my opinion, I do not impose my point of view on anyone):

When a person buys a watch, he reads the instructions, which indicate the type of watch mechanism, degree of water resistance, case material, etc. But NEVER IN ANY INSTRUCTION have I come across information about the afterglow time of the light composition! Why? Is this an optional clock parameter? In my opinion, reading information in the dark is VERY important. But manufacturers don’t bother with this in ANY way and this is not good (. I’m not delighted with the neobright used to cover the dials and hands on Casio watches - it’s average (lights up for about 6 hours). I solved the problem individually, I cover the dials myself with a good light composition and hands of my favorite watch. I use a composition based on Green GL phosphor (afterglow time is 12 hours) and INTERCOAT luminescent film (where it is impossible to carefully cover with the light composition in liquid form).

LED backlight, EL-ILLUMINATOR and any kind of automatic backlight do not interest me, because the watch should ALWAYS be visible, without pressing any buttons or other actions, such as turning the hand with the watch towards you. This is not mine...

*Casio does not use tritium.

Expect a continuation of the series of educational publications on the blog (including an article about all possible types of backlighting in Casio watches).
