Why does muscle weakness occur in the arms and legs? How to overcome it? The influence of physical activity on body weight and its insufficiency Diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of muscle weakness

1. In what year and what competition did the name of the first winner of the Olympic Games appear?

Koroibos (Coreb)?

a) in 786 BC. in the fight; c) in 776 BC. in discus throwing;

b) in 776 BC. running; d) in 778 BC. on the run.

2. Name the Roman emperor who in 394 AD. banned the holding of ancient

Olympic Games?

a) Theodosius I; c) Nero;

b) Theodosius II; d) Julian.

3. When developing strength endurance, the exercise intensity is...

a) 10-30% c) 60-70%

b) 20-50% d) 85-95%

4. In what year was the International Olympic Committee created?

a) 1898 c) 1923

b) 1911 d) 1894

5. In 1894 At the Paris Congress, the IOC, which consisted of only 13 members, was elected

first Russian. Who is he?

a) A.D. Butovsky c) V.G. Smirnov

b) N.N. Romanov d) S.P. Pavlov

6. For the first time at the Olympic Games in Mexico City, a mascot appeared. And under what talisman and

what games took place in Moscow?

a) XIX – jaguar; c) XXIV – tiger cub;

b) XXII – bear cub; d) XXIII – eaglet.

7. Hygiene is...

a) The field of ecology that studies the characteristics of the impact of the environment on humans;

b) Code of sanitary and epidemiological laws and regulatory documents;

c) The field of medicine that studies the influence of the external environment on human health;

d) All of the above.

8. To improve coordination endurance, use the following method...

a) Interval; c) Variable;

b) Repeatedly progressive; d) Gaming.

9. Lead-up exercises are used...

a) If there are no supporting elements in the engine fund;

b) If the student is not physically developed enough;

c) If it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors;

d) If the method of holistic analytical exercise is used.

10. Choose the correct definition for the term “physical exercise”?

a) This is a motor action used for physical improvement


b) This is a motor action, dosed according to the load and duration


c) This is a form of motor actions;

d) These are movements performed in a physical education lesson.

11. The concept of “sport” is usually called:

a) Historically established human activity aimed at physical

improvement and achievement of high results when participating in competitions;

b) The historically established system of organization and management of the physical process


c) A purposeful pedagogical process during which applied

focus of physical education;

d) The highest level of physical development and physical fitness of a person.

12. Maximum muscle tension is achieved when muscles work in...

a) Inferior mode; c) Holding mode;

b) Overcoming mode; d) Static mode.

13. The best conditions for developing explosive leg muscle strength are created during...

a) Shuttle race; c) Outdoor games;

b) Depth jumps; d) Squats with a barbell.

14. When carrying out hardening procedures, you must adhere to the basic principles

hardening Determine which ones?

1. The principle of systematicity;

2. The principle of diversity; Answer options: a) 2,4,5

3. The principle of gradualism; b) 1,3,5

4. The principle of activity; c) 1,2,4

5. The principle of individuality. d) 3,4,5

15. When performing physical exercises, the load is regulated:

a) A combination of volume and intensity when performing motor actions;

b) Heart rate;

c) The degree of difficulties overcome;

d) Fatigue resulting from their implementation.

16. The sum of movements performed by a person in the process of life is combined into

a) Biological activity; c) Motor activity;

b) Optimal activity; d) Physiological activity.

17. Specify 3 principles of independent development of motor actions in physical


1. From low to high 4. From near to far

2. From known to unknown 5. From subjective to objective

3. From simple to complex 6. From mastered to unmastered

Answer options: a) 1,3,4

18. Complete the definition: “Strength is the ability to overcome... or resist it for


a) Internal resistance; muscle tension;

b) External resistance; muscle effort;

c) Physical exercises; internal potential;

d) Physical activity; muscle tension.

19. The minimum daily energy expenditure for muscle activity should be no more than

a) 1000-1300 kcal; c) 1300-1500 kcal;

b) 800-1100 kcal; d) 1400-1600 kcal.

20. The lack of muscle activity of a modern person is called:

a) Hypokinesia; c) Hypoxia;

b) Atrophy; d) Hypertrophy.

21. Physical culture is...

a) Academic subject at school; c) The process of improving human capabilities;

b) Doing exercises; d) Part of human culture.

22. What is the measure of endurance?

a) Range of movements; c) Time;

b) Muscle strength; d) Speed ​​of motor reaction.

23. The weight of a basketball should be...

a) not less than 537g, not more than 630g; c) not less than 573g, not more than 670g;

b) not less than 550g, not more than 645g; d) not less than 567g, not more than 650g.

24. Playing time in basketball consists of...

a) Of 4 periods of 10 minutes; c) Of 4 periods of 12 minutes;

b) Of 3 periods of 8 minutes; d) Of 6 periods of 10 minutes.

25. To prevent the development of flat feet, the following preventive measures are observed:

a) Do not wear shoes that are too tight, high-heeled or flat-soled;

b) To reduce deformation of the arch of the foot, use arch supports, constantly

perform corrective exercises that strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg;

c) Perform general developmental exercises, exercises for the lower extremities;

d) All of the above.

26. For what number of fouls should a player be removed from the game according to FIBA ​​rules:

27. Physical culture is focused on improving...

a) Physical and mental qualities of people;

b) Techniques of motor actions;

c) Human performance;

d) Natural physical properties of a person.

28. Physical development means...

a) The process of changing the morphofunctional properties of an organism throughout life;

b) Muscle size, body shape, breathing functionality and

blood circulation, physical performance;

c) The process of improving physical qualities through physical exercise;

d) Level determined by heredity and regularity of physical activity

culture and sports.

29. Speed ​​as a physical quality is understood...

a) The ability to run fast;

b) The ability to perform motor actions in a minimum time;

c) Human movements that provide active movement in space;

d) The ability to maintain a high tempo of movement while moving very quickly.

30. In what year and where for the first time did the Russian national team take part in the Olympic tournament?

on football?

a) 1948 in London; c) 1920 in Belgium;

b) 1912 in Stockholm; d) 1904 in Canada.

31. What is the minimum number of players a team must have before it

allowed to play football?

a) At least 7; c) At least 8;

b) At least 6; d) At least 5.

32. What punishment follows in football: if the goalkeeper, being within the penalty area,

touches the ball with his hands outside of it?

a) Corner kick; c) Free kick;

b) Free kick; d) 11 meter kick.

33. Testing the level of physical fitness means...

a) Measuring the level of development of basic physical qualities;

b) Measurement of height and weight;

c) Measurement of indicators of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

a) Elmeri Beri; c) Yasutaka Matsudaira;

b) William Morgan; d) Anatoly Eingorn.

35. Within what time in volleyball must the server hit the ball after the whistle?

first referee to serve?

a) 8 seconds; c) 10 seconds;

b) 3 seconds; d) 7 seconds.

36. Definition used in volleyball: “the action of players near the net along an obstacle

the path of the ball directed by the opponent by raising his hand above the top edge of the net"


a) Attack blow; c) Screen;

b) Blocking; d) Delay.

37. What should be the height of the net in men's volleyball?

a) 2m 43cm; c) 2m 47cm;

b) 2m 45cm; d) 2m 50cm.

38. The creator of the game of basketball is considered...

a) H. Nilsson; c) D. Naismith;

b) L. Ordin; d) F. Schiller.

39. When training endurance, load modes are used, divided into

health-improving, supporting, developing and training. What frequency

does maintenance mode cause heart contractions?

a) 110 – 130 beats per minute; c) 140 - 160 beats per minute;

b) up to 140 beats per minute; d) above 160 beats per minute.

40. In the first ancient Olympic Games, held in 776 BC, athletes

competed in a race over a distance equal to...

a) One stage;

b) Double the length of the stadium;

c) 400 meters;

d) There was no running competition during these games.

The key to questions

Question no.

Correct answer

Question no.

Correct answer

A decrease in motor activity leads to disruption of the coherence in the work of the muscular system and internal organs due to a decrease in the intensity of impulses from skeletal muscles to the central regulatory apparatus. At the level of intracellular metabolism, hypokinesia leads to a decrease in structures. With hypokinesia, the structure of skeletal muscles and myocardium changes. Immunological stability and activity decrease.

The body’s resistance to overheating, cooling, and lack of oxygen also decreases.

Already after 7-8 days of lying motionless, people experience functional disorders; apathy, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate on serious activities appear, sleep is disrupted, muscle strength drops sharply, coordination is impaired not only in complex, but also in simple movements; the contractility of skeletal muscles worsens, the physicochemical properties of muscle proteins change; the calcium content in bone tissue decreases.

In young athletes, these disorders develop more slowly, but as a result of physical inactivity, their coordination of movements is impaired and autonomic dysfunctions appear. Physical inactivity is especially harmful for children. With insufficient physical activity, children not only lag behind their peers in development, but also get sick more often and have disorders in musculoskeletal function.

4.4. Means for stimulating physical activity

Health is complete physical and mental well-being. However, a person is constantly in contact with the external environment, with its various influences. In this regard, his body reacts to various changes in the environment. If a person constantly lives in conditions that differ sharply from usual, so-called extreme, he experiences significant and persistent changes in the body. Thus, for residents of the Far North, the blood sugar level drops approximately by half, and the amount of intermediate fat metabolism products increases. Residents of high mountains are characterized by a persistent increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood - a compensatory reaction to a decrease in oxygen in the air. Polar explorers have a lowered renal barrier to vitamins B and C, i.e. There is a chronic deficiency of vitamins in the body. Meanwhile, in all these cases the person is completely healthy.

Extreme factors constantly amend homeostasis, expanding the boundaries of adaptive shifts. So, the organism is an integral system that self-regulates and self-controls at the biological level.

Bad habits, by-products of civilization, and environmental pollution create favorable conditions for the activation of a dormant infection. In people who are mobile, leading an active, healthy lifestyle, this secretive enemy remains a peaceful cohabitant, and in the most critical situations, in people weakened by irrational work and rest regimes, leading a sedentary lifestyle, the disease triumphs in such conditions. Of course, improving general culture, which undoubtedly includes physical culture, is a health reserve that is far from being used by us. Among the means of improving the health of children and adolescents, a decisive role belongs to a rational motor regime of nutrition and hardening.

Hardening is a system of procedures that help increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Introduction to active physical activity should begin at a young age. Since children’s high abilities to master new movements are gradually lost or simultaneously with the process of growing up. With the onset of maturity and the end of the structural differentiation of the nervous system, mastering new movements requires more time, mental and physical effort.

The child has not only great plasticity of the brain, but also high compliance (sensitivity) to human-specific ways of stimulating its development. This applies, in particular, to the use of suggestion and self-hypnosis as the most important tool for sports and physical growth and development of fitness.

Various means of stimulating physical activity are physiologically justified. Physical exercises performed using simulators and other technical devices are highly effective means of training. An undoubted role is played by the high susceptibility of the human brain to exercises with objects.

The most important adapted properties of a person is his ability to work. This ability also underlies adaptation to new forms of motor activity characteristic of sports. Improving a person (and humanity) through physical education and sports is the most important condition for the progressive development of his mental and physical abilities, as well as the survival of humanity as a whole.

The main social function of sport - improving the physical and mental nature of a person - to a certain extent serves as a positive change in the demographic structure of society. Physical culture adds not only years to life, but also life to years: the duration of active creative life increases, society receives an additional reserve of working-age population.

In the near future, people will dramatically increase their reserves of adaptation to environmental factors through the widespread use of various means of self-improvement. Among these means, sport will play an ever-increasing role.

What is the role of the musculoskeletal system?

Until what age does the human body grow?

A complex of structures that forms a frame that gives shape to the body, gives it support, provides protection for internal organs and the ability to move in space.

Growth and ossification of the skeleton is completed by the age of 25. Bones grow in length up to 23-25 ​​years, and in thickness up to 30-35 years.

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1. How and when is ossification of the skeleton completed? What is the importance of proper nutrition for human growth and development?

Growth and ossification of the skeleton is completed by the age of 25. Bones grow in length up to 23-25 ​​years, and in thickness up to 30-35 years. The normal development of the musculoskeletal system depends on good nutrition, the presence of vitamins and mineral salts in food.

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2. Why is lack of muscle activity harmful to health?

Lack of movement, i.e. physical inactivity (lit.: decreased strength), has a harmful effect on human health. The functioning of the heart and lungs is impaired, resistance to disease decreases, and obesity develops. To maintain physical activity, a person must constantly engage in physical labor, physical education, and sports.

3. How and under what conditions does the training effect occur?

Let's consider what happens during intense muscle work. Intense biological oxidation of organic substances leads to the formation of a large number of ATP molecules, which are involved in muscle function. Muscle work occurs due to the breakdown of ATP molecules with the release of energy. After its completion, usually a significant supply of unspent ATP molecules remains in the muscle fibers. Due to these molecules, the lost structures are restored, and there are more of them than there were at the beginning of the work. This phenomenon is called the training effect. It occurs after intense muscular work, provided there is sufficient rest and proper nutrition. But everything has its limit. If the work is too intense and the rest after it is insufficient, then there will be no restoration of what was destroyed and no synthesis of the new. Consequently, the training effect will not always appear. Too little load will not cause such a breakdown of substances that could accumulate many ATP molecules and stimulate the synthesis of new structures, and too hard work can lead to a predominance of breakdown over synthesis and to further depletion of the body. The training effect is provided only by the load at which protein synthesis outstrips their breakdown. That is why, for a successful workout, the effort expended should be sufficient, but not excessive. Another important rule is that after work, mandatory rest is necessary, allowing you to restore what was lost and gain new things.

4. Why do athletes undergo doping control after competitions?

Now medicine knows substances that can sharply increase nerve and muscle strength for a short time, as well as drugs that stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins after exercise. The first group of drugs is called doping. (For the first time, doping was given to horses participating in races. They really showed great agility, but after the races they never regained their previous form; most often they were shot.) The use of these substances in sports is strictly prohibited. An athlete who has taken doping has an advantage over those who have not taken it, and his results may turn out to be better not due to the perfection of technique, skill, labor, but due to taking the drug, moreover, doping has a very harmful effect on the body. A temporary increase in performance may be followed by complete disability.

3. The effect of insufficient physical activity on the body.

Movement is the same physiological need for a living organism as the need for safety or a sexual partner. Failure to meet this need for a long time leads to the development of serious health problems, premature aging and death.

The vital necessity of movement has been proven in animal experiments. So, if rats (one of the most viable animals) are kept in conditions of complete immobility for 1 month, then 40% of the animals die. In conditions of minimal physical movement, 20% of animals die.

Chickens raised in conditions of immobilization in cramped cages and then released into the wild die after the slightest run around the yard.

There are two types of insufficient physical activity:

hypokinesia - lack of muscle movements,

physical inactivity is a lack of physical exertion.

Usually, physical inactivity and hypokinesia accompany each other and act together, therefore they are replaced by one word (as you know, the concept of “hypodynamia” is most often used).

These are atrophic changes in muscles, general physical detraining, detraining of the cardiovascular system, decreased orthostatic stability, changes in water-salt balance, blood system, demineralization of bones, etc. Ultimately, the functional activity of organs and systems decreases, the activity of the regulatory mechanisms that ensure their interconnection is disrupted, and resistance to various unfavorable factors deteriorates; the intensity and volume of afferent information associated with muscle contractions decreases, coordination of movements is impaired, muscle tone (turgor) decreases, endurance and strength indicators decrease.

Muscles most resistant to the development of hypodynamic signs

anti-gravity nature (neck, back). The abdominal muscles atrophy relatively quickly, which adversely affects the function of the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive organs.

Under conditions of physical inactivity, the strength of heart contractions decreases due to a decrease in venous return to the atria, the minute volume, the mass of the heart and its energy potential are reduced, the heart muscle is weakened, and the amount of circulating blood decreases due to its stagnation in the depot and capillaries. The tone of arterial and venous vessels is weakened, blood pressure drops, the supply of oxygen to tissues (hypoxia) and the intensity of metabolic processes (imbalances in the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and salts) deteriorate.

The vital capacity of the lungs and pulmonary ventilation, as well as the intensity of gas exchange, decreases. All this is a weakening of the relationship between motor and autonomic functions, and inadequacy of neuromuscular tension. Thus, with physical inactivity, a situation is created in the body that is fraught with “emergency” consequences for its vital functions. If we add that the lack of the necessary systematic physical exercise is associated with negative changes in the activity of the higher parts of the brain, its subcortical structures and formations, then it becomes clear why the general defenses of the body decrease and increased fatigue occurs, sleep is disturbed, and the ability to maintain high mental performance decreases. or physical performance.

Lack of physical activity in our country is typical for the majority of the urban population and, especially, for people engaged in mental activity. These include not only knowledge workers, but also schoolchildren and students whose main activity is study.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), as of 1999, the number of people actively and regularly engaged in physical exercise in developed countries (such as the USA, France, Germany, Sweden, Canada) is about 60%, in Finland - 70%, in Russia - only 6% (!).

Some consequences of a long-term decrease in physical activity:

Degenerative-dystrophic changes (degeneration processes due to metabolic disorders) develop in muscle cells, and muscle mass decreases. In this case, layers of adipose tissue may appear between the muscle fibers.

Muscle tone decreases, which leads to poor posture. Poor posture, in turn, leads to displacement of internal organs. Externally, a decrease in muscle tone manifests itself in the form of muscle sagging.

The load on the cardiovascular system is reduced, which leads to a decrease in the mass of the heart muscle and disruption of metabolic processes in the heart cells. The size of the heart decreases, the strength of the heart muscle decreases, and the condition of the heart vessels worsens. These changes increase the risk of developing heart pathologies, including fatal heart attacks.

The strength of the respiratory muscles and the functional state of the respiratory apparatus decreases. Congestion develops in the lungs, which is a prerequisite for the development of inflammatory diseases. In severe cases, pulmonary insufficiency may develop, with even minor muscle efforts causing attacks of severe shortness of breath.

Congestion develops in the organs of the abdominal cavity, including the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to food retention in the stomach, disruption of intestinal function, and increased decay processes. These changes are accompanied by intoxication (poisoning) with rotting poisons and constipation.

Weakness of the abdominal muscles (abdominal muscles, lateral surfaces of the torso, back) leads to a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure. The risk of prolapse of abdominal organs (for example, kidneys) increases.

The condition of the blood vessels deteriorates due to the lack of sufficient stress for them. Small vessels that have collapsed at rest in a sedentary person are closed almost all the time, which leads to a decrease in their number. Reducing the number of reserve vessels reduces the overall reserves of the body. The poor condition of the vascular walls contributes to the development of varicose veins, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other pathologies.

There is a decrease in the functions of the endocrine glands, including a decrease in the release of adrenaline, a hormone that helps to successfully overcome stressful conditions. In a sedentary person, the need to stimulate the synthesis of adrenaline by artificial means increases through smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, etc.

Reducing the load on the bone apparatus and deteriorating their nutrition leads to the release of calcium from the bones, which impairs their strength. As a result, bones become susceptible to deformation under the influence of loads, for example, when carrying heavy loads.

Congestion develops in the pelvic organs with disruption of their function and, as a result, reproductive capacity (the ability to produce healthy sex cells) decreases, libido and potency decrease.

Sedentary and weakened women are characterized by difficult tolerability of pregnancy due to a decrease in the general functional state of the body, a long duration of labor and a high risk of birth mortality, as well as the poor health of the newborn child.

The body's energy expenditure is significantly reduced and, as a result, the metabolic rate decreases and body weight increases due to the fat component.

The rate of synthesis of substances decreases, and the speed and intensity of self-renewal of body cells decreases accordingly. The processes of decomposition of substances can exceed the processes of their synthesis - a premature aging process is observed.

A decrease in impulses entering the central nervous system from working muscles reduces its tone and functional state. As a result, the performance of the brain decreases, including a decrease in higher brain functions (thinking, memory, attention, etc.).

The deterioration of the functional state of the central nervous system reduces the quality of its trophic function - the function of controlling metabolic processes in all cells of the body. Deterioration of control over the flow of metabolism in the cells of the body leads to a decrease in the functional state of all organs and systems.

A decrease in the functional state of the central nervous system is accompanied by a sharp increase in emotional excitability, which, in turn, contributes to the development of emotional stress, and subsequently psychosomatic diseases.

The condition of the sense organs, especially the visual analyzer, as well as the vestibular apparatus, worsens. Coordination decreases, muscle sensitivity deteriorates (the ability to assess the position of the body and its individual parts in space, determine the amount of muscle tension). A person is significantly less able to control his movements.

Reduced control of the nervous system over cell metabolic processes and deterioration of blood supply to organs weaken the body’s immunity. As a result, the body's resistance to the development of any kind of disease decreases. In particular, a low level of immune control over cell division processes increases the risk of developing malignant tumors.

The monotonous sedentary state of the body gradually leads to a smoothing of biological rhythms (daily changes in pulse, temperature and other functions become less pronounced). As a result, sleep becomes weak, and during the waking period there is low performance, lethargy, high fatigue, poor health and mood, and a constant desire to rest.

The performance of the whole organism decreases, the “physiological cost of the load” increases, that is, the same load by a person with prolonged low physical activity will cause greater stress in the functioning of the organs that provide it (heart, respiratory system, etc.). In addition, in people who are physically inactive for a long time, physiological changes during exercise are irrational. Irrational physiological changes during exercise lead to high fatigue even at low levels of physical stress. The level of vital activity of the organism as a biological system decreases. That is, the body moves to a new, lower level of functioning. For example, the basal metabolism of a sedentary organism decreases by 10-20% (basic metabolism is the body’s energy expenditure for the minimum necessary vital functions: 1) metabolism in cells, 2) the activity of constantly working organs - respiratory muscles, heart, kidneys, brain , 3) maintaining a minimum level of muscle tone).

This phenomenon is called “hypokinetic disease” or “hypokinesia”.

As physical activity decreases, muscles experience increasing atrophy with structural and functional changes leading to progressive muscle weakness. For example, due to weakening of the muscles of the ligamentous and bone apparatus of the trunk, lower extremities, which cannot fully perform their function - maintaining the musculoskeletal system, postural disorders develop, deformation of the spine, chest, pelvis, etc., which entail a number of health problems, which leads to decreased performance. Limitation of physical activity leads to changes in the functions of internal organs. At the same time, the SSS is very vulnerable. The functional state of the heart worsens, biological oxidation processes are disrupted, which impairs tissue respiration. With a small load, oxygen deficiency develops. This leads to early pathology of the circulatory system, the development of atherosclerotic plaques, and rapid wear and tear of the system.

Particular attention to physical activity should be paid to schoolchildren.

A necessary condition for the harmonious development of a student’s personality is sufficient physical activity. In recent years, due to the high academic load at school and at home and other reasons, most schoolchildren have experienced a deficit in their daily routine, insufficient physical activity, which causes the appearance of hypokinesia, which can cause a number of serious changes in the student’s body.

Research by hygienists shows that up to 82–85% of the daytime, most students are in a static position (sitting). Even among younger schoolchildren, voluntary motor activity (walking, games) occupies only 16–19% of the day, of which only 1–3% falls on organized forms of physical education. When children enter school, their overall physical activity drops by almost 50%, decreasing from junior to senior grades. It has been established that physical activity in grades 9-10 is less than in grades 6-7; girls take fewer steps per day than boys; physical activity on Sundays is greater than on school days. A change in the amount of physical activity was noted in different academic quarters. Physical activity of schoolchildren is especially low in winter; in spring and autumn it increases.

Schoolchildren not only have to limit their natural motor activity, but also maintain an uncomfortable static posture for a long time while sitting at a desk or study table.

A low-moving position at a desk or desk affects the functioning of many systems of the student’s body, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. When sitting for a long time, breathing becomes less deep, metabolism decreases, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, which leads to a decrease in the performance of the entire body and especially the brain: attention decreases, memory weakens, coordination of movements is impaired, and the time of mental operations increases.

The negative consequences of hypokinesia also manifest themselves in the young body’s resistance to “colds and infectious diseases”; prerequisites are created for the formation of a weak, untrained heart and the associated further development of insufficiency of the cardiovascular system. Hypokinesia due to excessive nutrition with a large excess of carbohydrates and fats in the daily diet can lead to obesity.

Sedentary children have very weak muscles. They are unable to maintain the body in the correct position and develop poor posture and a slouched position.

Quite interesting observations of the effect of restricting physical activity on the physical development of a young organism have been published in the press. Scientists have found that 6-7 year old children who have already been admitted to school lag behind their peers who do not attend educational institutions in height, body weight and brain weight. The difference by the end of the year turns out to be significant: for boys the difference in height is 3.2 cm and body weight is 700 g. And for girls - 0.9 cm and 1 kg, respectively. 300 gr.

The only way to neutralize the negative phenomenon that occurs in schoolchildren during prolonged and intense mental work is an active break from school and organized physical activity.

The schoolchild’s motor regime consists mainly of morning physical exercises, outdoor games during school breaks, physical education lessons, classes in clubs and sports sections, walks before bed, and active recreation on weekends.

With systematic physical education and sports, there is a continuous improvement of the organs and systems of the human body. This is mainly the positive effect of physical culture on health promotion.

Average growth and development indicators, as well as some functional indicators of young athletes are significantly higher than those of their peers who do not go in for sports: the body length of 16-17 year old boys is 5.7 - 6 cm longer, body weight - 8-8. 5 kg, and the chest circumference is by 2.5 - 5 cm, the grip force of the hand is by 4.5 - 5.7 kg, the vital capacity of the lungs is by 0.5 - 1.4 liters.

The following observations are described in the literature: among schoolchildren who do not engage in physical exercise, their back strength increased by 8.7 kg over the course of a year; for teenagers of the same age who were involved in physical education - by 13 kg, and for those who, in addition to physical education lessons, also engaged in sports - by 23 kg. A clear explanation for this is provided by the following experiment. When examining a section of an animal's muscles under a microscope, it was discovered that in one mm square of muscle at rest, there are from 30 to 60 capillaries. In the same area, after intensive physical exercise. During the work of the muscle, there were up to 30,000 capillaries, that is, tens of times more. In addition, each capillary increased almost 2 times in diameter. This indicates that at rest they do not participate in blood circulation, but during muscle activity the capillaries fill with blood and contribute to the flow of nutrients into the muscles. Thus, metabolism during muscle work increases many times compared to the resting state.

Muscles make up from 40 to 56% of a person’s body weight and one can hardly expect good health if a good half of the cells that make up the body do not receive sufficient nutrition and do not have good performance.

Under the influence of muscle activity, the harmonious development of all parts of the central nervous system occurs. It is important that physical The loads were systematic, varied and did not cause overwork. The higher part of the nervous system receives signals from the sensory organs and from skeletal muscles. The cerebral cortex processes a huge flow of information and carries out precise regulation of the body's activities.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the development of such functions of the nervous system as strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes. Even intense mental activity is impossible without movement. So the student sat down and thought about a difficult problem and suddenly felt the need to walk around the room - this makes it easier for him to work and think. If you look at a thinking schoolboy, you can see how concentrated all the muscles of his face and arms are. Mental work requires the mobilization of muscle efforts, since signals from muscles activate brain activity.

A decrease in physical activity leads to diseases (heart attack, hypertension, obesity, etc.). For example, in people with mental work, heart attacks occur 2-3 times more often than in people with physical work.

Pathological changes in the body develop not only in the absence of movement, but even during a normal lifestyle, but when the motor mode does not correspond to the genetic program “conceived” by nature. Lack of physical activity leads to metabolic disorders and impaired resistance to hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

A person’s ability to resist physical inactivity - the lack of muscle activity - is far from unlimited.

After just one or two weeks of bed rest, even completely healthy people experience a significant decrease in muscle strength, loss of coordination of movements, and decreased endurance. The negative consequences of physical inactivity extend to many functions of the body, even those not related to muscular work and movement.

For example, a lack of nerve impulses contributes to the development of inhibitory processes in the brain, which deteriorates its activity, which controls the functioning of internal organs.

As a result, their functioning and the interaction of these organs is gradually disrupted.

Previously, it was believed that physical exercise mainly affects the neuromuscular (or musculoskeletal) system, and changes in metabolism, circulatory system, respiratory system and other systems could be considered as secondary, secondary. Recent medical research has refuted these ideas.

It has been shown that during muscle activity a phenomenon called motor-viceral reflexes occurs, that is, impulses from working muscles are addressed to internal organs. This allows us to consider physical exercise as a lever that acts through muscles on the level of metabolism and the activity of the most important functional systems of the body.

Muscular activity is given one of the leading places in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other organs.

From what has been said, it clearly follows that a long-term sedentary person is a sick person, or a person who will inevitably become sick.

Mental performance. Fatigue and its prevention.

A person’s performance is determined by his resistance to various types of fatigue - physical, mental, etc. and is characterized by the duration of high-quality performance of the relevant work. The mental performance of students, for example, is determined by the success of mastering educational material.

Mental performance largely depends on the state of the psychophysiological qualities of students. These include general endurance, including physical endurance, speed of mental activity,

ability to switch and distribute, concentration and stability of attention, emotional stability.

The health status of students and their resistance to adverse environmental influences are important for successful professional training.

Mental performance is not constant; it changes throughout the working day. At the beginning it is low (the period of working in), then it rises and remains at a high level for some time (the period of stable performance), after which it decreases (the period of uncompensated fatigue).

This change in mental performance can be repeated twice a day. A person’s mental performance largely depends on the time of day. The daily physiological rhythm of the functions of the body's systems determines the increased intensity of the activity of organs and systems during the daytime and the decreased intensity at night.

Mental performance also changes throughout the week. On Monday there is a stage of working in, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there is high performance, and developing fatigue occurs on Friday and Saturday.

That is why on Sunday you should pay more attention to physical training and sports. They reduce fatigue. What is fatigue?

Fatigue is a physiological state of the body, manifested in a temporary decrease in its performance as a result of work performed. The leading causes of fatigue are disturbances in the coherence of the functioning of organs and systems. Thus, metabolism in the peripheral neuromuscular system is disrupted, the activity of enzymatic systems is inhibited, the excitability and conductivity of signals is reduced, biochemical and biophysical changes occur in the receptive and contractile elements of the muscle structure. In the endocrine system there is either

hyperfunction during emotional stress, or hyperfunction during prolonged and exhausting muscle work.

Disturbances in the autonomic respiratory and circulatory systems are associated with a weakening of the contractility of the muscles of the heart and the muscles of the external respiratory apparatus.

The oxygen transport function of the blood deteriorates.

Thus, fatigue is a complex physiological process that begins in the higher parts of the nervous system and spreads to other systems of the body.

There are subjective and objective signs of fatigue. Fatigue is usually preceded by a feeling of tiredness. Fatigue is a signal warning the body about disorganization in the primary activity of the cerebral cortex. Feelings associated with fatigue include: hunger, thirst, pain, etc.

The importance of knowing the degree of fatigue during various types of mental work can be judged from the fact that in the country every fourth worker is engaged in mental work. There are many types of mental work. They differ in the organization of the labor process, the uniformity of the workload, and the degree of neuro-emotional stress.

Representatives of mental labor are united into separate groups. There are seven such groups:

Engineers, economists, accountants, office workers, etc. They perform their work mainly according to a pre-developed algorithm. The work takes place in favorable conditions, with little nervous and emotional stress;

Heads of institutions and enterprises of large and small teams, teachers of secondary and higher schools. They are characterized by irregular workload and the need to make non-standard decisions.

Scientists, designers, creative workers, writers, artists. Their work is characterized by the creation of new algorithms, which increases the degree of neuro-emotional stress.

A group of people working with machines and equipment. The so-called camera work. High concentration, instant response to signals. Varying degrees of mental and neuro-emotional stress.

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Whatever one may say, sooner or later every athlete is faced with a situation where the muscles simply stop growing. In addition, the longer the experience of regular training, the higher the risk of encountering this situation. That is why, most often, questions about why don't muscles grow asked by experienced athletes than by beginners. So what is the reason for the lack of progress and what to do if the muscles do not grow?

There can be many reasons for the lack of muscle growth, as well as ways to solve this problem. However, most often muscle does not grow due to one or a combination of several reasons described below. Let's look at the main reasons why muscles don't grow.

No load progression

Load progression is the most important principle in natural bodybuilding. Without progression of the load, the body simply has no need to build muscle mass. After all, the growth of muscle mass and strength is essentially the body’s adaptation to the gradually increasing impact of training load. Accordingly, if you train without increasing the load, then there is simply no reason for your body to increase muscle mass.

Gradually progress the load by increasing the working weights, the number of approaches and repetitions of the exercises. You can also reduce the rest time between approaches and exercises, and so on. The main thing is not to try to apply all methods of load progression at the same time, otherwise you will get the opposite effect instead of stimulating muscle growth.

Lack of calories

As you know, muscle growth requires not only a progressive load, but also an excess of calories. That is, you should consume more calories every day than you burn during the day. Read more about how to eat right to gain muscle mass.

The question arises, how to find out your daily calorie intake? To do this, you can use a very simple formula:

Weight, kg * 30 kcal.

For example, if your weight is 80 kg, then your daily intake is approximately 2400 kcal. Now add to the resulting figure 500 kcal, which the body needs to increase weight. As a result, we get 2900 kcal - your daily calorie intake for weight gain.

Of course, all these calculations are very relative. They do not take into account the many individual characteristics of each person. Therefore, I recommend not counting every calorie, but focusing on the scale readings. Weigh yourself every week and adjust your diet based on what the scale shows.

Protein deficiency

In addition to the overall caloric content of the diet, a bodybuilder needs to ensure that his diet contains a sufficient amount of a variety of protein-rich foods. After all, protein is the main building material for our muscles.

How much protein should you consume per day? There are many opinions on this matter. Some recommend 3-5 grams per kg of body weight, others claim that a little more than 1 gram per kilogram of weight is enough. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Therefore, for muscle growth, I recommend consuming approximately 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Thus, if you weigh 80 kg, then you need to consume approximately 160 grams of protein per day to gain weight. At the same time, it is important that this protein comes from food of both animal and plant origin so that it is as complete as possible.

Not enough water

Sometimes progress in gaining weight and even losing weight has stalled only because a person does not drink enough clean water. Just think about it, we are 70% water! Without her participation, not a single process occurs in our body. Therefore, regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, you need to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

Lack of sleep

When playing sports, it is very important to get enough sleep, because during sleep our body recovers after training and more. In addition, most of the anabolic hormones responsible for muscle growth are produced during sleep. So if you are constantly sleep deprived, then you will continue to question why your muscles aren't growing, even if you follow all the other rules for muscle growth.

Many people ask the question: how much sleep do you need per day? I recommend sleeping at least 8-9 hours. The main thing is to go to bed earlier, because the earlier you go to bed, the more valuable your sleep and the better sleep you get.

For example, if you always go to bed at 21.00, then you will wake up at 5-6 in the morning without any problems and feel great. At the same time, if you go to bed at 3 am, then you will hardly wake up at lunchtime, feeling exhausted.
