Moving by moon of the year. Favorable days for moving. Preparing to move to a new home

The lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon; it is one of the most ancient calendars, which our ancestors relied on. The moon revolves around the Earth and creates a rhythm - moon month, the basis of the calendar.

Why does the Moon influence a person? It affects all liquids that are on Earth, and therefore also affects us, because we are 80% “water”. Moreover, the impact is felt not only and not so much on a physiological level, but on a psychological one.

- a complex and stressful process, it takes a lot of effort, time, and nerves. It is better to start moving when you are cheerful, confident and calm. And the lunar calendar will tell you about favorable days for moving.

Let's figure out which days are favorable for moving in 2018.

Astrologers' opinion: when is the best time to move?

Astrologers say that the best time to move is the waxing Moon, and a couple of days in its third and fourth phases. If you are moving into temporary housing, such as a hostel or hotel, choose days when the Moon is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Gemini. And if you are moving permanently, then the Moon in Scorpio, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn will suit you.

What days are unfavorable for moving? Eclipses, Mercury retrograde, when the Moon has no course, as well as the so-called “satanic” days, days of deception - 9, 19, 23 and 29. Astrologers generally recommend being skeptical of everything you are told on a “satanic” day and not planning for it no serious decisions.

Mercury retrograde in 2018 falls on:

  • from 23.03 to 15.04;
  • from 26.07 to 19.08;
  • from 17.11 to 6.12.

Eclipses in 2018:

  • Full moon: January 31st.
  • Partial sunny: February 16th.
  • Partially sunny: July 13th.
  • Full moon: July 28th.
  • Partially sunny: August 11th.

Calendar: which days are favorable for moving in 2018

And now - a table with all the favorable and Not favorable days a year ahead. You can immediately plan trips and moves - both temporary and permanent.

When is the best time to move:

January 2 5 7 8 14 21 22 24 25 26
February 1 5 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 21 27
March 1 2 5 8 11 12 13 14 21 22 26
April 2 4 8 12 13 14 20 21 28
May 3 6 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 28 30
June 3 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 21
July 3 7 10 11 12 13 21 22 26
August 5 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 30
September 3 6 13 14 17 18 26
October 1 5 12 13 14 21 23 30
November 3 5 12 13 14 15 18 22 23 28
December 6 10 11 12 17 18 19 23 24 30

Pay attention to eclipse days and Mercury retrograde!

What days are favorable for moving according to folk signs?

What about folk signs? Our ancestors believed that moving on Tuesday would be the happiest - on this day nothing will interfere with you, and any undertakings related to changes in life will succeed.

And logically this is reasonable: during the day on weekdays there are fewer traffic jams and fewer orders from moving companies. Taking time off from work and moving on Tuesday is a well-informed decision.

Our ancestors considered Semenov’s day, September 14, to be especially favorable for moving. As you can see, by lunar calendar it is also considered successful. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry and can start planning much in advance, schedule your move for September 14, 2018.

And don’t forget to let the cat into the house first!

Moving is a complex and multifaceted process, the organization of which raises a lot of questions. Already at the planning stage, you need to decide on the date and time of day so that the event goes quickly and without surprises.

Best time to move office

To avoid inconvenience and minimize costs, you can use one of two options:

  1. Step-by-step relocation of each department with a specific date. First, the transportation service is carried out, which provides administrative work and deals with customer service. At the same time, several problems are solved at once - employees settle in a new place, organizing working space; Reception and registration of clients is carried out continuously; other premises are being prepared to accommodate the remaining departments, ().
  2. One-time departure on weekends. Better days for moving - Saturday and Sunday. If preliminary work completed, perfect time will be Friday evening hours. This leaves more than enough time for arranging furniture and arranging the office - by Monday morning you can start working!

Best days to move to a new home

Housewarming is certainly a joy for any family. Despite modern style life, excluding prejudices and superstitions, faith in folk signs remains unshakable. There is probably no person who does not know that a cat should be the first to be brought into a new home. A horseshoe on the front door, hung with the arms up or down, can be found in many houses and apartments.

To choose the best day for, you need to be guided not only by signs, but also by rational arguments. However, there are days that unite these seemingly incompatible concepts. For example, Semenov Day, which falls on September 14th. This autumn holiday It has rich history, it is with him that the tradition of introducing a cat into a new home is associated.

The first half of autumn is the most the right time to move. The heat is subsiding, the roads are clear, since most workers have already returned from vacation, and the rainy season has not yet begun. Unfortunately, in most cases there is no choice of season. The buyer or seller of an apartment will not wait for the onset of autumn and postpone the transaction.

Traditions of ancestors to help new settlers

According to folk signs, there are good and bad days for housewarming. According to this theory better days For moving, 3 are considered - Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are unlucky days; you can safely plan a difficult move on Thursday, since this day is better than others for overcoming obstacles and solving difficult issues.

The best time to move is morning. The sooner residents move out, the richer and happier they will be in their new home. Another sign that promises well-being is rain on the day appointed for moving. It is believed that heavenly moisture washes away negative energy. However, thunderstorms and lightning are attributed to the role of a warning sign sent by nature. Relocation in such weather is fraught with quarrels and various troubles in a new place.

Faith in higher powers, adherence to traditions and ancient rituals will undoubtedly help to do new apartment cozy and will have a positive impact on the energy of your home.

There are situations in life when you have to leave your usual place of residence and move to another. This is completely no coincidence, since each of us is looking for something better for ourselves and our loved ones. In this article we will look at which days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

The most successful numbers

Every month has favorable days for moving. For example, in January, fate promises good luck to those who decide to move on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 29th. These numbers in February will be 3 and 4. There are also many lucky days in March - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. There are slightly fewer periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely September days, may not be the most best time for changes, but there will still be several successful periods - the 3rd, 4th and 30th. And in October, it is best to change your place of residence on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. There are also few days in November - the 24th and 25th. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either unsuitable or neutral, so you should not start important matters regarding moving on them.

Change of residence according to horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, so moving for them always ends successfully. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the Rooster is favorable to those who are active and purposeful. Taurus loves consistency, so it is not advisable to start moving in 2017. It is better to direct all your efforts to creating comfort in the home where you currently live. Geminis cannot imagine their life without changes, so in the New Year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation Cancer can plan to change their place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects in the old one. Leos will be able to feel the fullness of existence, but only if their move is carried out in the north-west direction. Virgos in 2017 can move if they need it to improve their health. The best direction will be south. Libras who dream of finding happiness in their personal lives should move to the East in the year of the Rooster. This move will be successful, since the Rooster gives everyone, without exception, the opportunity to tune in to the wave of love and romance.

If Scorpio feels problems in the financial sphere, you can start packing your bags.

Sagittarius will discover new perspectives for themselves. To do this, representatives of this sign must leave their native lands and go abroad. Capricorns love stability, so moving is, in principle, undesirable for them. And if you decide to leave your home, then it is better to do so for those who are at a young age. Aquarius and Pisces who decide to move will be able to experience significant changes. Their lives will be filled with significant events. It is worth mentioning separately about Pisces, since a change of place of residence should be associated for them with training or subsequent career development.

Moving to a new apartment or house is a very important matter: it is, in fact, the beginning of a new stage in your life. Therefore, this event should be taken seriously. And in order to avoid unnecessary worries during the move and subsequently enjoy life in a new place, listen to the advice of astrologers.

According to astrologers, favorable days for moving to a new apartment or house are periods when the Moon is in its growing phase or at lunar day: 5, 8, 10, 21 and 25. This is the time that is considered the most successful for new achievements of a different nature.

In addition, you need to consider where exactly you are moving: to temporary or permanent housing.
Experts say that in permanent home or apartment It is better to enter on days when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus.

And for temporary home Plan your move during your stay heavenly body in signs:

  • Gemini
  • Streltsov

Don’t rush to pack your things and plan a housewarming party if the Moon moves into the following signs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

Also, avoid periods:

  • eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde

However, before you find out which days are best to move, first find out which days you should and when

Moving on the Moon in 2018

Month Best days to move Days on which it is not recommended to move It is allowed to transport things and furniture to a temporary place of residence
June No 6, 7, 13-17, 23, 24 1-5, 8-12, 18-22, 25-30
July No 3, 4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30, 31 1, 2, 5-11
August No 1, 8-11, 16-18, 26-28 19-23
September 20-22 5-8, 13, 14, 23, 24 1-4, 9-12, 15-19, 25-30
October 17-19 2-5, 10-12, 20, 21, 29-31 1, 6-9, 13-16, 22-28
November 14, 15 1, 7, 8, from 17 to the end of the month 2-6, 9-13
December 11-13, 19, 20 4, 5, 14, 15, 23-26, 31 8-10, 16-18, 21, 22, 27-30

Now about signs and rituals , which, if you believe, must be followed when moving to a new apartment.

Superstitions associated with moving to a new apartment are related to the fact that for a good life in a new house, it is necessary to create harmonious relationships both with relatives who live nearby and with new neighbors. Here are some of them.

Thus, it has been customary since ancient times that the first person to cross the threshold of a new home is cat. It is the cat that is the creature that will be able to establish contact between the residents and the new home.

It is known that a brownie lives in every house.

If at the old place of residence there was always order and cleanliness, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked or rustled, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then you should definitely take this well-mannered brownie with you.

Our ancestors greatly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who protected the home from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

In order to take the brownie to a new apartment, put a small box, a basket, lay a small towel in it and invite the brownie with you to the new home. You can speak in your own words, the main thing is from the heart. At night, be sure to leave a cup of milk and baked goods on the windowsill for the brownie.

It is also believed that brownies live in brooms, so you should definitely take all the brooms with you.

On the eve of moving, do not wash your hair, do not knit or sew - this is considered bad omen. How this is explained is not clear, but it is better to listen to this advice.

You cannot take chipped and cracked dishes, clothes that have become unusable and all rubbish with you to a new apartment, otherwise there will be no wealth in the new place.

In order to live prosperously in a new place, each family member needs to throw a coin at the entrance. You only need to enter in a good mood, think about good things, smile, then well-being will not bypass you.

In a new home, you need to immediately open all the windows, open all the water taps, thereby releasing the energy of the old residents. Then take water into a bucket, dissolve a few spoons table salt and wash the floor. In this way, you neutralize all the bad things that happened before you in another family.
Stock up on St. John's wort in advance, place it in the four corners of your new home, it will scare away evil spirits. Sprinkle holy water in all corners of the house.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red thread. This plant has magical power and is capable of expelling dark spirits and entities. You can even light a sprig of mugwort and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

Sprinkle the corners of a new house with coarse salt - old saying. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers to create amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and unclean.

It’s better not to enter your home empty-handed for the first time. You can bring it with you flowering plant. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up above the entrance, this will attract good luck to your home. And to protect against theft, draw a small cross above the front door. For prosperity, you need to put a coin under the threshold and preferably it should be shiny. Coins can also be left in the old home, this will be like a wish for the new owners to live in abundance, which in turn will have a positive effect on two families.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading prayer. This must be done calmly, without fuss. Go into an apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of the prayer. It is advisable to leave the icon in this place forever. Then cross all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

It is imperative to celebrate a housewarming, and the guests who come should not give money, these can be any gifts, but at the entrance they, just like the owners themselves, entering for the first time, must throw a coin for prosperity. You need to invite only those people you trust; if you doubt someone, it’s better not to invite such guests to your housewarming party.

It would be correct to serve pies that were already prepared in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with new energy and tune the vibrations to a positive mood.

IN middle lane Autumn is in full swing, and according to the Chinese calendar, November is the first month of winter. The world cools down, autumn sadness falls from above and spreads across the earth, freezing in bright colors cooling nature. The breath of autumn is getting colder, and as a result, the bright colors at the beginning will thicken, becoming thick crimson and gold. Absorbing the cold, the leaves cannot stop it and therefore, having spent all their strength, fall down from the branches, covering the ground with a carpet...Nature is preparing to survive the coldest time of the year.

According to the Chinese calendar november- this is a month Pigs, start of the season water. The pig is a peace-loving and noble sign. She is open and friendly, always tries to avoid conflicts, does not like behind-the-scenes fuss, is a little naive and simple-minded, it is difficult to anger her. But in difficult situations can show very strong character, will and perseverance. IN November 2017 Metal Pig will come to visit us .

Element of the month - Yin Metal ( metal jewelry), people will pay more attention to subtleties: in clothes, in hairstyles, in relationships. The month can be quite emotional; some tension, anxiety, and vague premonitions may be growing inside. Intuition will increase, so listen to your inner voice. When faced with difficulties, do not rush to act, but wait calmly until your insight tells you a way out of the situation.

In business and communication at this time, promises are made more easily, grandiose plans are made, at this time it is easier to come to an agreement, and when discussing problems, people are more willing to make concessions. When making plans for the future, remember that literally from the beginning of December Mercury will turn into retrograde motion.

Born in years or days Snake, Rooster, Bull, in November they may feel the urge to move and travel, as Pig for them a symbolic star traveling horse.

If you already have an earthly branch in your chart Pigs 亥, then there is a high probability that you can create difficulties for yourself. Protection - thoughtful, informed decisions and actions.

Born on the year or day Dragon 辰 will be especially attractive, a star comes to them " Wizard of Love».

If you were born in the years Snakes(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or in May month) or you have a collision in your chart Snake - Pig , be sure to pay attention to the cardiovascular system, take a preventive, maintenance course, and take care of your eyesight. Be careful on the roads.

People with an element of personality Fire Yin or Fire Yang can count on additional support from outside, because Pig is for them Personal NobleAssistant.

People born on the day Yang Metal, they can achieve good success in their studies and creative processes. People of Yin Metal , if you have a sign in your map Snakes, be very careful driving and on the road.

Find out your day, year of birth, you can build a map of Ba Zi on.

Favorable dates:

November 8, 20, December 2. The days are right to start new job or taking office, negotiations, visiting friends, commercial transactions and transactions. You can apply for medical care, start a journey or training. It's a good day to start construction, but you can't lay foundations or demolish old buildings. Not suitable for those born in the same year Snakes.

November 10, 22, December 4. Everything started on this day multiplies. You can sign agreements and open a business, celebrate a housewarming, collect debts. Not suitable for weddings, signing onerous contracts, or taking on a new position. You should not take out loans or start legal proceedings. Not suitable for those born in the same year Goats.

November 16, 28. These are the most favorable and positive days. Suitable for any business from which a positive result is expected - engagement, wedding, opening a business, moving, construction, travel, starting treatment, funeral. Don't start litigation. Not suitable for those born in the same year Bull.

Unfavorable days

November 12, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, December 1, 6 - do not start important things these days.

November 7, 11, 17, 23, 29 - You should not choose these days for large purchases or other financial actions; you may spend more than you planned.

Days from "star of the disease" -November 11, 19, 23, 24, December 1 . These days it is not recommended to visit patients and begin serious surgical treatment.

For very important matters, be sure to use a custom date selection!

Health in November

In traditional Chinese dietetics, food is associated with the time of year, climate, prevailing "character" of energy. Often we don’t think about what foods, at what time of year and in what quantities we eat. Fortunately, our body is an intelligent natural system. Therefore, if it is cold, we prefer a plate of hot broth, hot tea, mulled wine - foods that warm and give energy. If you are offered watermelon on a cold winter day, you are unlikely to agree to eat at least a little. In the summer you want something juicy and cooling. If we are sad, we want to treat ourselves to something sweet, or we don’t feel like eating at all.

In winter, we feel the need for products that provide warmth and energy (Yang). From the point of view of Western dietetics, during this period food should be hot, fatty and high in calories. Intuitively, we avoid cold drinks and foods, which slow down digestion and the movement of Qi in the body. Hot foods warm the body, give Yang and move Qi: ginger, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, spiced teas, mulled wine, meat - lamb. Eating these products in cold weather helps prevent colds.

November December They give us the opportunity to replenish the supply of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, carbohydrates, etc. accumulated in root vegetables, as well as the opportunity to cleanse the body and improve the activity of the large intestine thanks to the fiber contained in root vegetables.

IN winter season It is especially not healthy to eat dry food - it is better to exclude sandwiches, crackers, and chips. Also try to exclude from your diet raw vegetables and fruits, cold dairy products in large quantities, they accumulate dampness in the body.

In winter they are most active kidneys- organ associated with genitourinary system and ensuring water exchange in the body. During this period, the kidneys should be given Special attention- take care of them, do not destroy them with alcohol, keep the lower back and legs warm (the kidney meridian begins on the foot), and most importantly, nourish them correctly. Good for the kidneys salty taste, but here you need to know when to stop (you don’t need to over-salt the food), many housewives prepare pickles, so they are just useful this season.

Don't forget the main trends of the year are saved, we just make adjustments every month. If Natal chart at home is initially good, then negative monthly stars will not have a strong impact. This month continues to be very favorable East.

If you don’t have a good sector or in the bathroom, activations and walks around the equipment will help you Qi Men.

South. The South, as we remember, is under the influence of the annual “five” all year round. If this is an active part of the apartment, put “ salt remedy"or hang bell on the door. You can't do renovations in this sector all year!!! Try to stay in this sector as little as possible, be sure to take care of your health if you have a bedroom there. In this sector, it is better not to sort things out, do not quarrel, and difficulties may arise in relationships. Do not start any important projects, do not lend money, do not take out large loans if you have Entrance door on South.

Southwest. The monthly star will be located in the southwest " five yellow", which with the annual seven does not form the best combination. It is better for people with unstable mental health not to sleep in this sector, as their condition may worsen. Monitor the quality of the food you eat if you have a kitchen here. Place in the southwest vessel with still water or a blue glass vase. If this is the front door, then hang it for this month metal bell, check the safety of the locks, insure the property.

West.« Unit» of the month strengthens the “jade three”, which can contribute to quite aggressive behavior, disputes, liver disease and dizziness. But overall, the sector is not bad if you use its potential to your advantage. For those who spend a lot of time here, it is important to control your emotions. Therefore, achieve your goals without overexertion, being able to stop in time and assess the situation.

Northwest. The one-year “star of diseases” will settle in this sector, and in November it will be strengthened by the fiery “nine”. It is especially dangerous for those who have eye problems, cardiovascular system. If you are in poor health, try to stay here less, add metal pumpkin - gourd or simply metal objects to weaken the deuce.

North. The combination of stars promotes new creative ideas, promotion at work, attractiveness. But there may be difficulties in relationships; they are not stable. Women who stay here for a long time may experience exacerbations. chronic diseases, depressive thoughts. For the harmonious flow of energies, you can put a vessel with calm water.

Northeast. In November the monthly star “two” will fly here, so it is better not to be here for pregnant women, elderly weakened people, possible viral diseases, diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract, especially unfavorable for older women. The energies of the sector can also contribute to quarrels between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Keep track of your budget.

East. Favorable sector! This sector will help those who rely on the support of their superiors and superiors to make money, especially in the real estate industry. Use this sector to lay the foundation for future projects, stay here more often, work, carry out monetary activations here, those who have a door on east. Available by-effect- there will be too much work, there will be no time to rest. Here you can carry out activations and, if you have favorable natal stars, you can install the activator for a month; such as, for example, a music center so that music plays there often.

For example, run Mobile November 10, at the hour of the Pig Goats) or November 16 at the hour of the Rooster(date not suitable for those born in the year Bull).

Southeast: Lovely this year southeast will suffer a little from the monthly star 7. It is of a metallic nature and has poor contact with both the annual fiery 9 and the “wooden nature” of the sector. Seven can bring respiratory diseases, allergic skin rashes to those who sleep in this place or if you have a front door here. For protection you can put something ceramic - a vase, or put crystals, stones. Be sure to follow fire safety rules and check the electrical wiring, especially if this is a kitchen. It is not advisable for people with heart problems to be here.

Three Sha months who do not like repair and destructive work, are:

Sha of the month- occupies a sector northwest - 1 (Dog sector). Activation of the energies of this sector will slow down any actions and projects started, create difficulties and problems in any endeavors, ensure stagnation in any of your affairs in work, business, relationships, etc. The Sha of the month is the safest of the Three Shas.

Sha of Disaster- occupies a sector west - 2 (Rooster sector). You should not disturb the energies of this sector, otherwise you will not avoid problems and conflicts in communication, including with the opposite sex.

Sha Robbery- occupies a sector southwest -3 (Monkey sector). Disturbance of the energies of this sector can bring you robbery, theft, loss of money or documents.
Most The best way avoiding problems and troubles means not disturbing the energy of SHA! You can work and relax in sector 3 Sha. Usually they don’t touch the entire sector from the middle northeast to mid-northwest.

You can turn on the fan or fountain in sector 3 Sha for 2 hours. The integrity of the walls must not be violated.

"Warming money star»

Warming the money star is one of the most simple methods attracting monetary energy, and the more you do it, the more it works. But remember that a lot depends on the Luck in which a person is now.

Someone will accidentally receive 100 rubles on their phone, and someone will be given a trip to Paris :) Space itself will determine what you can get at the moment, so be grateful for everything.

Well, its most common results are an increase in the number of clients, transactions, and sales income if you are running a business. If not, maybe your husband will give you an unplanned gift, or they will pay you an unexpected bonus at work :) It works differently for everyone, depending on your main sources of income. If you are a housewife then cash income It will probably be with my husband.

What should be done?

At the specified time and in the specified sector, you need to light a candle. I take thick candles that burn for many hours - they are stable and do not melt much. The candle should burn for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Be sure to take all safety measures - place the candle in a cup so that it does not tip over; if there are small children or pets in the house, make sure that they do not have access to it.

Do not light a candle in the toilet or bathroom - the effect will be very weak.

May your autumn never be cold and dull. She will be warm and cozy, smelling of apples, pies and tea!
