Pantogam dosage for a 7 year old child. Why is Pantogam prescribed to children - instructions for use. Which is better: Pantogam or Pantocalcin

Without dosages and scientific calculations (since we are not at the symposium), I will try to clearly and briefly explain what Pantogam is for children - in my opinion, one of the most successful and balanced nootropics.
In general, nootropics are a long-standing, well-known group used for metabolic disorders in the brain, which often occurs in a variety of processes - head injuries, neuroinfections, and hypoxia during childbirth or even before it.
Medicines called piracetam, nootropil and lesser-known analogues are well known to many. Of course, these drugs, including Pantogam, are used in adults, and even in old age, but our topic is still children.
Pantogam for children: what is the difference from other nootropics?
Hopanthenic acid (this is the chemical name of pantogam) is fundamentally different from most nootropics in that, although it is synthetic, it is half a vitamin. Its molecule is the well-known pantothenic acid (vitamin B 15), in which a piece is replaced by GABA - a well-known brain neurotransmitter that is responsible for sleep, equilibrium processes, which (slightly modified and under the name GHB) treat seizures, create medicinal sleep, which is one of the components of long-term anesthesia. The direction is clear - by normalizing metabolism in the brain, pantogam balances the processes of excitation and inhibition, normalizes sleep, relieves convulsive activity - everyone knows how often and unsuccessfully these symptoms are treated in children after concussions and severe contusions of the brain, with epilepsy and cerebral palsy, with delays in development of any origin.
Anyone who has ever been forced to use nootropic drugs knows that their side effects often negate the beneficial effects. Well, for example, piracetam, especially intravenous, is quite effective in bringing out of a coma - alcoholic, drug, but if used by ordinary patients living, working, studying, and not lying unconscious, it often gives the effect of agitation, sleep disturbance and even sleepwalking (such cases have been described). And the physiology of this is clear - the medicine accelerates the metabolic processes of the brain, and the feeling of excitement is a by-product, but an unpleasant product of this treatment.
In contrast, Pantogam for children combines a stimulating and mild calming effect, which eliminates discomfort and the use of tranquilizers or other sedatives along with the nootropic. The medicine improves the absorption of oxygen by the brain, which makes the healing effect more natural. Pantogam can be prescribed from birth - there is a dosage form of syrup for this.
In addition to neurological applications - trauma, cerebral palsy, etc. the drug is effective for so-called cognitive disorders, speech delay, communication and learning difficulties, memory disorders, hyperactivity syndrome - quite common, unfortunately, disorders in our children, not of a purely nervous or mental type, but of a borderline, psychological type. Here, too, it is important that the child, while receiving treatment, lives at home, attends a child care facility, communicates with peers - since Pantogam for children does not show any drowsiness or any other side effects characteristic of the “heavy artillery” of psychiatry. Of course, keeping a child in a familiar environment contributes to better healing and correction of all of the listed disorders without the label of “psycho” and other consequences of being in a certain kind of hospital.
I think Pantogam is an excellent choice, prescribed, of course, by your doctor.

Available in two dosage forms: tablets of 0.25 g and syrup of 100 mg/ml. The syrup is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with a pleasant cherry flavor.

It is released in a dark glass bottle, which is packaged in a paper box.

Each bottle comes with a measuring spoon and detailed instructions for use. The active substance is hopantenic acid.

Mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics

The therapeutic effect of Pantogam syrup is due to the presence of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in its structure. The drug has a nootropic and anticonvulsant effect.

The active substance increases the brain's resistance to oxygen deficiency and the effects of toxins, activates anabolic reactions in neurons, combines a moderate calming effect with a mild stimulating effect, eliminates excessive motor activity, and increases mental and physical activity.

Normalizes GABA metabolism in patients with chronic alcoholism. In addition, the active principle inhibits the process of acetylation, which is involved in the mechanisms of inactivation of procaine and sulfonamides, as a result of which a prolongation of their action is observed. When taking the medication, the bladder reflex and detrusor tone are normalized.

When taken orally, the syrup is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The active substance migrates through the BBB, the maximum concentration is observed in the skin, liver, stomach walls, and kidneys. The medicine is excreted within 2 days in its original form through urine (67.5%) and feces (28.5%).

Application area

Pantogam syrup is prescribed for the following pathologies:

For what pathologies should you stop using it?

You should avoid taking syrup if you experience the following conditions and diseases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • serious kidney pathologies in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy up to 13 weeks;
  • phenylketonuria, since one of the excipients of the syrup is aspartame.

Prescriptions for special categories of patients

Pantogam syrup can be prescribed for newborns from the first day of life. Their dosage is selected individually depending on the age of the patient and his general well-being.

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with severe kidney pathologies.

You should not take the medicine in the first trimester, when the internal organs of the fetus are developing.

Undesirable effects and cases of overdose

Despite the fact that in adults taking Pantogam can provoke emotional breakdowns and sleepwalking, in children the only adverse reactions observed are allergic processes in the form of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and skin manifestations. In this case, immediate discontinuation of treatment and prescription of antihistamines is required.

If the dosage of the medication for a child is chosen incorrectly, then unwanted reactions from the brain may occur, such as:

  • excitability or vice versa;

If the above described phenomena develop, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug.

In case of a deliberate or accidental overdose of syrup, an increase in negative reactions from the spinal cord and brain (tinnitus, headaches) is observed.

In this case, gastric lavage and the use of adsorbents (Polysorb, Smecta, Neosmectin) are indicated. Treatment is symptomatic; there is no specific antidote.

Pharmaceutical interactions

The active substance Pantogam enhances the effect of anticonvulsants and prolongs the therapeutic effect of barbiturates. When taken in parallel, it neutralizes unwanted reactions from antipsychotic drugs.

When used simultaneously, it potentiates the effect of local anesthetics such as novocaine.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is enhanced if it is taken simultaneously with etidronic acid.

Dosage regimen

Pantogam syrup is allowed to be taken by children from birth. It should be taken 30 minutes after feeding. Since the drug has a nootropic effect, it is better to take it in the first half of the day.

The pediatrician selects the dosage and duration of treatment for each child individually, depending on the pathology of the central nervous system and age:

  • in children under 1 year the daily dose can vary from 5 to 10 ml (500-1000 mg);
  • up to 3 years from 5 to 12.5 ml;
  • up to 7 years from 7.5 to 15 ml;
  • schoolchildren from 10 to 20 ml.

A single dose for children of any age should be 2.5-5 ml, the maximum daily dosage is 3 g.

The course of treatment can vary from 1 to 4 months, and sometimes up to six months. The next appointment is acceptable after 3-6 months.

During the first 7-12 days of use, the dose should be gradually increased, then within 15-40 days the drug should be taken at the maximum recommended dosage, then over the course of a week the daily dose should be gradually reduced until complete withdrawal.

Syrup dosages depending on the disease:

During long-term treatment with Pantogam syrup, you should not take others at the same time, since the negative effects of each of them may increase.

Pantogam is a nootropic drug that has an anticonvulsant effect. Improves mental activity, memory and concentration, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

The mechanism of action is due to a direct effect on the GABAB receptor-channel complex. As a result, the drug increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, stimulates anabolic processes in neurons, combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect, reduces motor excitability, and activates mental and physical performance.

Pantogam improves GABA metabolism during chronic alcohol intoxication and after ethanol withdrawal. It is capable of inhibiting acetylation reactions involved in the mechanisms of inactivation of procaine (novocaine) and sulfonamides, thereby prolonging the action of the latter. Causes inhibition of the pathologically increased bladder reflex and detrusor tone.

It is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, the highest concentrations are created in the liver, kidneys, stomach wall and skin. The drug is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged within 48 hours

Indications for use

What does Pantogam help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Cognitive impairment associated with organic brain damage (including traumatic brain injury and neuroinfections) or neurotic disorders;
  • Cerebral organic failure due to schizophrenia;
  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels;
  • Extrapyramidal (subcortical) hyperkinesis, which is accompanied by a number of hereditary diseases of the nervous system (including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, etc.);
  • Hyper- and akinetic extrapyramidal syndrome, which developed as a result of taking antipsychotics (both for treatment and prevention);
  • Epilepsy, accompanied by a slowdown in mental processes (in accordance with the instructions, Pantogam should be prescribed as an addition to anticonvulsant therapy);
  • Reduced mental and/or physical performance;
  • With increased psycho-emotional stress;
  • Urinary disorders of a neurogenic nature (urge urinary incontinence, pollakiuria, etc.).

In pediatric practice (for children), the use of Pantogam is indicated from the first days of a child’s life (in the form of syrup). The drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Perinatal encephalopathy;
  • Various forms of cerebral palsy;
  • Mental retardation, incl. with behavioral disorders;
  • Disorders of psychological status in children (manifested by general mental retardation, specific speech disorders, motor functions and their combination, impairment of the formation of school skills, etc.);
  • Hyperkinetic disorders (for example, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);
  • Neurosis-like conditions (including tics or stuttering).

Instructions for use of Pantogam, dosage

The drug is taken orally. In the form of tablets, the drug is prescribed to adults and children over 3 years of age; it is advisable for young children to use syrup.

According to the instructions for use, a single dose of Pantogam for adults is 0.5-1 g, for children - 0.25-0.5 g. The daily dose for adults is 1.5-3 g, for children - 0.75-3 g The course is 1-4 months (rarely 6 months), after 3-6 months it can be repeated.

For mental deficiency and mental retardation, children are advised to take 0.5 g 4-6 times a day for 3 months. For delayed speech development - 0.5 g 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.

For neuroleptic syndrome, adults are prescribed 0.5-1 g 3 times a day, children – 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times a day. Course – 1-3 months.

For epilepsy, adults are prescribed 0.5-1 g 3-4 times a day, children – 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times a day. Course – up to 6 months.

For tics, adults are advised to take 1.5-3 g per day for 1-5 months. Children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-6 times a day for 1-4 months.

For urinary disorders, adults are advised to take 0.5-1 g 2-3 times a day (daily dose 2-3 g). children - 0.25-0.5 g (daily dose 25-50 mg per 1 kg of body weight). Course – 0.5-3 months.

special instructions

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Pantogam:

  • Allergic reactions: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin rashes (these reactions require a reduction in the dose of Pantogam or its complete withdrawal);
  • Other: drowsiness or sleep disturbances, noise in the head (these phenomena are usually short-term and do not require cessation of therapy).

Due to the likelihood of drowsiness in the first days of therapy, caution should be exercised when driving a car and performing potentially hazardous types of work.


Pantogam is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with acute serious kidney diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • for phenylketonuria (in the form of syrup, due to the presence of aspartame);
  • people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Tablets are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.


When used in large doses, signs of overdose develop, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • increased irritability, disorientation in space.

Treatment with the drug should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

If a large number of tablets are accidentally ingested, the patient should induce vomiting on himself as soon as possible, rinse the stomach, and allow him to take activated charcoal. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

In the case of simultaneous use with carbamazepine, phenobarbital and antipsychotic drugs, the calcium salt of hopantenic acid prevents the development of side effects associated with the use of these drugs.

Pantogam has the ability to prolong the effect of barbiturates and potentiate the effect of anticonvulsants.

Hopantenic acid enhances the effect of topical anesthetics (procaine), and its effect is enhanced by etidronic acid or glycine.

If it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment with this drug, it is not recommended to prescribe it in combination with other nootropic drugs, as well as with drugs that stimulate the function of the central nervous system.

Analogues of Pantogam, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Pantogam with an analogue in terms of therapeutic effect - these are the following drugs:

  1. Ginkgo biloba,
  2. Lutsetam,
  3. Thiocetam,
  4. Encephabol,
  5. Gopantham,
  6. Calcium Hopanthenate.

By ATX code:

  • Amylonosar,
  • Vinpotropil,
  • Glycine,
  • Gopantham,

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Pantogam, the price and reviews of drugs with similar effects do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not change the drug yourself.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Pantogam tablets 250 mg 50 pcs. – from 396 to 473 rubles, syrup 10% 100 ml – from 381 to 425 rubles, Pantogam active capsules 300 mg 60 pcs. – from 460 to 503 rubles, according to 592 pharmacies.

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 25 ºС. Dispensing conditions from pharmacies are by prescription.

What do the reviews say?

The drug receives mostly positive reviews from doctors. Pantogam confirms the high effectiveness of the nootropic drug, especially in children with perinatal encephalopathy with hyperexcitability syndrome, hypodynamic syndrome, hyperactivity syndrome, delay in speech development, mild manifestations of enuresis, and neurosis-like conditions.

In adults, according to doctors, the drug showed good results as part of the combined treatment of anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and anxious depression. Although the syrup is approved for use from the first days of life, some doctors recommend using Pantogam in this dosage form for children older than 3 months.

The disadvantages of the drug mainly include the development of skin allergic reactions.

For infants, reviews are more varied and do not come to a clear opinion. The thing is that many parents do not trust their pediatricians and often do not follow their recommendations, preferring self-medication and the “natural” development of the child. It is worth noting that often they are really right and the normal development of the baby takes place without any medications.

Pantogam or Pantocalcin - which is better to choose?

In fact, Pantogam and Pantocalcin are synonyms, that is, their active ingredient is the same substance. Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness and cost of the drugs are almost identical, and therefore the interchangeability of these drugs is possible. The choice is yours and your doctor.

Pantogam is a nootropic drug. This is the name given to drugs that affect higher brain functions. Prescribing such medications to a child worries parents: how safe is it to be treated with them? After all, not every intervention in the central nervous system remains without a trace. Let's figure out what children get more from Pantogam - benefit or harm.

Pantogam is used for neurological problems.

Effect of the drug

In the instructions for use, the action of Pantogam is described as nootropic and anticonvulsant, i.e. this medicine:

  • stimulates mental activity, motivating the child to understand the world around him and improving mental abilities;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state and ensures complete rest during sleep;
  • prevents development;
  • promotes the preservation of nerve cells;
  • restores damaged neurons and stimulates the formation of new ones;
  • improves cerebral circulation and promotes the removal of glucose breakdown products;
  • protects the brain from hypoxia and the influence of toxins.

The advantage of Pantogam is that the chemical formula of the active substance - calcium salt of hopantenic acid - is close in appearance to vitamin B5. Therefore, the body perceives the main active component as a useful element and does not prevent its penetration into the nervous structure. The constituent elements of the drug do not disintegrate internally and do not combine with other substances. Therefore, they are quickly (within two days) excreted in urine and feces.

The drug is prescribed for speech delay, communication and learning delays.

Indications for treatment Pantogam

The versatility of the active component of Pantogam allows the use of the drug for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the central nervous system. Remedy allowed for children from 12 months(sometimes from birth).

The medicine is prescribed for:

  • disorders of cognitive activity and organic brain lesions;
  • disorders caused by traumatic brain injury and neuronal infections;
  • schizophrenia combined with organic cerebral insufficiency;
  • accompanied by mental retardation;
  • urinary incontinence, the cause of which is neurogenic in nature;
  • mental and emotional overload, leading to a decrease in mental and physical abilities;
  • behavioral and mental development disorders;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • various types of hyperactivity;
  • perinatal encephalopathy (manifested by hypertonicity or an overly excited or depressed nervous system);
  • delays in the formation of the psyche and disorders of the child’s psychological status;
  • speech disorders and delayed development of schoolchildren’s skills (counting and writing);
  • extrapyramidal disorders (neurological disorders - progressive myoclonus, Parkinson's and Wilson-Konovalov's disease);
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency (impaired blood supply to the brain due to atherosclerosis);
  • extrapyramidal syndrome developed during treatment with antipsychotic drugs.

Attention! Pantogam should not be given to a child if he has acute renal failure. If you are hypersensitive to the composition of the drug, stop taking it. In case of phenylketonuria (impaired metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine), the syrup form is contraindicated.

Composition and release forms of the drug

Pantogam is available in two forms:

  • Syrup transparent without color or with a yellow tint and the smell of cherry 100 mg/1 ml (active ingredient content in 1 ml of medicine) in dark 100 ml bottles.
  • Pills white round flat 250 or 500 mg (in a cardboard pack there are 5 blisters of 10 pieces).

Tablets are suitable for children over three years of age.

Pantogam syrup is recognized as effective only for treating children under 3 years of age. Older children are advised to take tablets because this form of medication is better absorbed.

Attention! Pantogam syrup and tablets have different compositions. Therefore, with individual tolerance to certain substances, one dosage form may be suitable, but another may not. Check out the table below to see what substances each contains. If the cell contains “+”, then this component is present; if “-”, it is not there.

Rules for taking Pantogam

The medicine is better absorbed if take it 15-30 minutes after meals. The instructions state that:

  • The minimum single dose for children is 250 mg in terms of the main active component. This corresponds to 2.5 ml of syrup or 1 tablet of 250 mg, or half of 500 mg.
  • The maximum single dose is 500 mg (5 ml syrup, 2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 tablet of 500 mg).
  • The minimum therapeutic dose per day is 750 mg (7.5 ml of syrup, 3 tablets of 250 mg or one and a half tablets of 500 mg).
  • The maximum daily dose is 3000 mg (30 ml syrup, 12 tablets of 250 mg or 6 of 500 mg).

Half an hour before taking the medicine, the child can eat a hearty meal.

Treatment usually lasts from 1 to 4 months, sometimes up to 6. The drug is re-prescribed 3-6 months after discontinuation. The exact dosage and duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis and the severity of the identified disease. Strictly observe the appointment time.

Side effects

In case of hypersensitivity to the composition, allergic reactions are possible:

  • skin rashes;

If you have these symptoms, consult your doctor. He will either reduce the dosage or replace the drug.

The medicine may cause allergic conjunctivitis.

When treated with Pantogam, children often develop:

  • noise in the head;
  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia.

These symptoms are recognized by medicine as safe, so discontinuation of the medication is not required.

Vitalina left a review:

“My six-month-old daughter’s neck is constantly tense. After examination, the doctor said that it was muscle hypertonicity and prescribed Pantogam. On the very first day, the daughter became tearful, and sleep completely abandoned her. She only gave the syrup for 3 days, then she decided to stop, but did not tell the pediatrician about it. My sleep returned to normal and my irritability went away. I heard that therapeutic massage helps. I invited a massage therapist to my house, and soon the hypertonicity went away.”

After taking the drug, problems with sleep are possible.

Valeria's review:

“At five months, my son was diagnosed. The convulsions were so severe that they resulted in mental retardation with delayed mental and physical development. The seizures became more frequent and their duration increased. The only goal of treatment in the end was to relieve him of his torment. The doctor prescribed Pantogam in the maximum dosage. Now Vlad sleeps a lot, the seizures have become rare and less severe. I think that the drug in our case is salvation.”

Manufacturer: Pantogam and drug analogues

Pantogam was invented and produced in Russia. The manufacturer of the medicine is always indicated on the packaging:

  • LLC "PIK-PHARMA PRO" - tablets and syrup;
  • LLC "VIPS-MED" - only syrup.

The price of both dosage forms is approximately the same - they can be bought for 350-400 rubles.

If the pharmacy does not have Pantogam, you can buy another drug with the same active ingredient.

Brief overview of analogues:

  • Gopantham(about 300 rubles) - only in the form of tablets of 250 and 500 mg. It also has an analgesic effect.
  • Calcium hopantheonate(200-250 rubles) - only in the form of 250 mg tablets. The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.
  • Pantocalcin. Tablets 250 mg - about 450 rubles. 500 mg - 600-700 rubles. The description of side effects does not include sleep disturbances, drowsiness or noise in the head.

Synonym of Pantogam - Pantocalcin.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky classifies Pantogam as a medicine whose effectiveness has not been proven. He says that "at best it will do no harm." The doctor claims that the drug is prescribed solely for insurance purposes. This is necessary so that if the child’s well-being worsens, the parents do not come to the attending physician with the complaint: “It’s all because you didn’t prescribe anything for us.” According to Evgeniy Olegovich, electrophoresis and therapeutic massage will bring more benefits.

Angela writes:

“When my son entered school, he became hyperactive. He did not adapt well to new conditions, and school discipline was difficult for him. We were prescribed 2 months of treatment with Pantogam. I strictly monitored the time of administration and followed the recommended dosage. Soon the teachers noticed that their perseverance and performance increased. After 6 months, the pediatrician prescribed a second course to consolidate the effect.”

Pantogam is a remedy with an ambiguous effect. While restoring some functions of the nervous system, it can cause disruption to others. Therefore, it should be given to children with caution. Carefully monitor your child’s behavior to determine whether the benefit brought by the drug outweighs the possible harm caused by the drug.

Alisa Nikitina

Original nootropic drug for children from birth and adults with a unique combination of activating and sedative effects

Pantogam in the treatment of neurological diseases in children

In recent years, in the treatment of various diseases of the central nervous system in children, drugs that affect the metabolism of central mediators, especially drugs that affect the metabolism of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), have become increasingly important.

One of these drugs is , developed in the 70s of the 20th century by the NPO Vitamins, and since 1998 produced by the Russian company PIK-PHARMA.

According to its chemical structure, it is a calcium salt of D(+)-pantoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid and belongs to a mixed-type nootropic drug with wide clinical use.

has a number of properties that determine its special place among other medicines.

  • is a natural metabolite of GABA in nervous tissue, unlike other GABA-driven nootropic drugs.
  • Due to the presence of the pantoyl radical in the molecule, the drug penetrates the blood-brain barrier and has a pronounced effect on the functional activity of the central nervous system.
  • Pantogam, when introduced into the body, is practically not metabolized and is excreted within 48 hours in an amount of 95–98% of the administered dose.
  • Pharmacological effects are due to a direct effect on the GABA receptor channel complex. The drug also has an activating effect on the formation of acetylcholine.
  • helps normalize GABA metabolism in various types of pathology, improves glucose utilization and blood supply to the brain, increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, and stimulates anabolic processes in neurons.
  • It is used in the treatment of neurological and mental diseases, both alone and in combination with other drugs, and is well tolerated by children.
  • The combination of mild psychostimulating and moderate sedative effects (unlike other nootropic drugs) allows you to activate cognitive (cognitive) functions in children, reduces excitement and anxiety, normalizes sleep, promoting good rest for the child.
  • The action combines anticonvulsant, detoxification and neurovegetotropic effects. The drug can be used in children suffering from epilepsy and other convulsive conditions.
  • along with neurometabolic, it has neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects; improves cognitive functions, increases mental activity and the volume of cognitive activity.
  • In rare cases of adverse reactions when using Pantogam, a dose reduction is sufficient to eliminate them. No incompatible combinations of Pantogam with other drugs have been established.
  • The presence of two dosage forms - tablets and 10% syrup - is especially convenient for use in preschoolers and children of primary school age.
  • asthenoneurotic syndrome is manifested by weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, and inadequate response to external stimuli.


In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children with learning difficulties. Changes in the cognitive sphere in children also cause concern on the part of teachers, parents, and pediatricians. Indeed, the so-called higher cognitive functions: perception, memory, attention, sensorimotor activity, analytical-synthetic processes - are the basis for the psychosocial development of the child, his formation as a full-fledged member of society and adequate adaptation to environmental conditions. At the same time, the psychophysiological characteristics of children of preschool and school age against the background of asthenia during the winter and spring periods of study and high mental stress often lead to restlessness, autonomic disorders (headache, dizziness, sweating, etc.), impaired perception of presented material, which makes it difficult to master school knowledge. Cognitive impairment without organic damage to the central nervous system is detected in 30–56% of healthy schoolchildren. This is due to high psycho-emotional and intellectual stress with limited adaptive and compensatory capabilities of the child’s body.

High loads during the learning process of children can provoke the occurrence of three main syndromes:

  • deficiency syndrome attention with hyperactivity is characterized by decreased attention, restlessness and sleep disturbances in children;
  • psychovegetative syndrome characterized by an excessive response in a stressful situation, which is manifested by somatovegetative disorders (headache, dizziness, lability of blood pressure, tachycardia, sweating, frequent urination) and emotional disorders (anxiety, emotional lability, resentment, irritability, hesitation in speech, sleep disturbances);
  • asthenoneurotic syndrome manifested by weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, and inadequate reaction to external stimuli.


A study conducted by employees of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences convincingly demonstrated its effectiveness in correcting cognitive disorders in children of primary school age. The study involved 59 children aged 7–8 years. The volume of voluntary attention before administration was narrowed by 30%, the indicators of memory processes were reduced by 20–40%.

In the form of a 10% syrup, it was well tolerated in 53 children and satisfactory in 3 (recurrent abdominal pain in one case and allergic skin manifestations in three children). All adverse reactions disappeared when the dose of the drug was reduced.

As a result of the use (10% syrup) in children with attention deficit disorder, a statistically significant increase in the main indicators of cognitive functions was noted.

A study conducted by specialists from the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation showed a pronounced effect on the main manifestations of psychovegetative syndrome in children. After a course of use, somatovegetative manifestations significantly decreased: headache, dizziness, lability of blood pressure, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, sweating. The severity of psycho-emotional disorders: emotional lability, anxiety, sensitivity, irritability and sleep disturbances also significantly decreased (p Among nootropic drugs, it has a number of advantages when used in children. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of the drug for the correction of borderline mental disorders in asthenized children. Considering the prevalence of this problem among children of preparatory groups of kindergartens and schoolchildren, especially in the second half of the school year, it is advisable to carry out preventive correction of the child’s psychosomatic health and quality of life.Reception for preventive purposes expands the child’s adaptive capabilities by normalizing the somatovegetative, cognitive and emotional components of children’s mental activity.

– drug of choice for extrapyramidal hyperkinesis. Neurological symptoms that occur under the influence of antipsychotics are manifested by a variety of extrapyramidal disorders. Of greatest interest is the so-called chronic neuroleptic syndrome, characterized by the development of hyperkinesis against the background of increased or decreased muscle tone. The therapeutic effect is observed in the second week of use of the drug and consists of a decrease in the severity of hyperkinesis and their prevalence, at the same time patients become more active, balanced, contactable, their general well-being, memory, and performance improve.

Effective as a means of “cover-up” therapy when prescribing antipsychotic drugs, as well as in patients with a potential risk of developing neuroleptic hyperkinesis. The drug is also effective in the complex treatment of tics and stuttering, neurogenic urination disorders.

The effect on the mechanisms of epileptogenesis makes it especially valuable in the complex treatment of epilepsy. prolongs the effect of barbiturates, enhances the effect of anticonvulsants, and prevents their side effects. The simultaneous administration of anticonvulsants makes it possible to reduce the dosage of the latter while maintaining a stable therapeutic effect. The drug is most effective when prescribed to patients with epilepsy with cerebrasthenic symptoms. During treatment, the activity of patients increases and aggressiveness decreases.

When first prescribed, it is recommended to titrate the dose at the beginning of the course of treatment and at its end, in a trapezoidal manner: gradually increasing the dose over 10–20 days, taking the drug at the maximum dose for 20 days to 1 month and then reducing the dose over 10–20 days until complete cancellation (Table 1).

Table 1
Scheme for using Pantogam in a 3-year-old child diagnosed with
"delayed speech development"

To stimulate mental development, it is necessary to prescribe a course for 2–3 months; a course requires 200 tablets of the drug at a dosage of 0.25. It is possible to repeat the course 2-3 times a year.

In the treatment regimen with “big” nootropics, which include and, the simultaneous administration of other nootropics is not recommended. However, the use of vascular medications, multivitamins, and antioxidants is indicated.

Thus, it should be evaluated as the leading nootropic drug recommended for use in childhood. It is advisable to use it by doctors of various specialties, incl. and pediatricians. The dose and duration of administration should be determined by the child's syndromes and diagnosis.

Information about authors:
Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuzenkova, Head of the Department of Psychoneurology, Research Institute of Pediatrics, Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Ph.D. honey. sciences
Olga Ivanovna Maslova, consultant of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, Dr. med. sciences
