Shackles for restricting movements - the history of their appearance. Shackles for restricting movements - the history of their appearance How to put on special bracelets correctly

This article will examine the legal and technical aspects of the use of handcuffs by the police, private security units, and citizens, review the laws and materials of judicial practice of the Russian Federation when using special equipment by territorial police agencies, and provide specific practical recommendations for countering illegal actions of police officers.

A little history

Without exaggeration, it can be said with a high degree of certainty that there have always been means of restricting human freedom. With the invention of iron, the first handcuffs appeared, which gradually replaced wooden blocks. The search for the optimal design of handcuffs was carried out in Europe and America. The English company Hiatt introduced the first handcuffs with a lock and key. They were called Darby (hand shackles). They were worn on both arms and legs, but had a significant drawback - their size was not adjustable. In 1862, engineers from the American Tower Company invented and patented handcuffs whose size could be adjusted.

The first Soviet handcuffs were made back in the 30s of the last century and were called “BR” - hand bracelets. They were modified, but, in general, no major design changes occurred.

The legal basis for the use of special means in Soviet times was the famous order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 1962, which allowed the police to use handcuffs.

Handcuffing by police

It should be said right away that the procedure and grounds for the use of handcuffs are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation only for police officers, employees of private security agencies and detectives. Ordinary citizens can also use handcuffs. The main thing is not to violate the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a police officer finds handcuffs on a citizen, they may be confiscated. This will be illegal, since neither the criminal nor the administrative code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for the storage and wearing of handcuffs by citizens.

The current law of the Russian Federation “On Police” determines the procedure for the use of handcuffs by police officers. Law enforcement officers have the right to use handcuffs:

When a person physically resists an employee when a criminal is detained at the scene of a crime and is trying to escape

To deliver the offender to the police.

The same law prohibits the use of handcuffs in relation to:

Pregnant women


Young children under 14 years of age

As can be seen from the law, the main purpose of special equipment (handcuffs) is to prevent (block) the actions of an offender that may threaten a police officer.

But, as law enforcement activity shows, not everything is so simple and unambiguous with the use of handcuffs, which makes it possible to interpret the law in two ways.

For example, we can consider administrative detention. It should begin with the police handcuffing the offender, having previously announced his arrest. The detainee must extend his hands, thereby making the task easier for the policeman. This is an option when the detainee cooperates in his arrest. By putting handcuffs on, the police officer provides himself with a physical advantage over the detainee and effectively limits the detainee’s ability to escape and commit crimes. Next, the detainee is transferred to the police for the preparation of administrative materials.

Many questions immediately arise. How should police officers handcuff a detainee? This is not regulated by the Federal Law (internal police regulations). In practice, handcuffs are most often placed on the detainee in the “hands in front” or “hands in back” position. The very name of the special equipment “handcuffs” already indicates that they must be fastened on the hands (wrists). In police practice, sometimes a detainee is fastened to a battery, a car, handcuffs are put on his legs, his arm is fastened to his leg, and the most inventive law enforcement officers manage to fasten different arms and legs behind his back. Of course, these methods of using handcuffs are inhumane and must be legally assessed (qualified as a police officer exceeding his official powers). The law does not limit the time spent in handcuffs.

Improper use of handcuffs by police officers, such as those placed tightly around the wrists, can result in physical injury to the detainee on the wrists in the form of bruising, abrasions and swelling of the hands, as well as more serious injuries to the extremities.

You should know that in order to be safely in handcuffs, the tightness of the handcuffs clamping your wrists must be certain (to prevent injury, only one little finger should fit under the handcuff). If the handcuffs are tightened too tightly, the blood supply to the detainee's hands may be disrupted, which can lead to injury to the hands. The person who is handcuffed must be under surveillance. A detained offender cannot be placed in handcuffs on his stomach; the detainee’s hands must be checked every hour.

In the practice of using handcuffs, another logical question arises: “Can all modifications of handcuffs be used in the activities of the Russian police?” There can be one hundred percent confidence in the legality of the use of handcuffs if they were issued at the police station and there is a corresponding note in the issuing book with the signature of the issuing and receiving police officer.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for mandatory legal recording of the fact of the use of handcuffs. The police officer must draw up a protocol. It records the very fact of using handcuffs and the time when they were put on and taken off. The fact of delivery of a detained offender must be registered by the operational duty officer of the duty station in a special register of those delivered to the police duty station. Documentary recording of the fact of handcuffing a detainee is also required by the Charter of the Police Patrol Service. The police report must reflect the fact that handcuffs were used. In practice this is done extremely rarely.

Important information is whether the police officer was on duty at the time of the arrest or whether it was his personal time. To confirm the information, the court will request a copy of the service order from the police department. If you find yourself in a situation where handcuffs were illegally used against you, you should immediately report to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs hotline 8-800-222-74-47. Such an appeal will definitely be recorded and, in case of further judicial trial, will be interpreted in your favor.

But the most powerful argument for the court will be a forensic medical study (conclusion), which will record that harm to your health in the form of (name of disease) occurred as a result of the use of handcuffs. The medical report must indicate the cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of the police officer in using handcuffs and the consequences in the form of an existing medical diagnosis.

Use of handcuffs by guards and civilians

The use of special equipment (handcuffs) by private security guards and detectives is legally regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 587. The legislation gives the right to use handcuffs to a private security guard in the following situations:

1) in the event of an attack on him and protected persons, when their life and health are exposed to a real threat;

2) in relation to offenders who encroach on the property they protect and offer physical resistance.

An attack is an act of entering a protected facility, an attempt to seize (theft, destroy) all types of property, as well as an attack on security personnel. Special means (handcuffs) must be used by private security guards in compliance with:

1. Of a certain order actions

First, you should warn about the use of special equipment. After using special equipment, if necessary, the offender must be provided with first-aid assistance. It is mandatory to notify the police about the incident.

The security guard is required to monitor the condition of the detainee until the police arrive.

Private security guards and detectives are prohibited from using handcuffs:

a) when pregnant women are detained;

b) disabled people;

c) minors (under 18 years of age).

Outside a protected facility (in a situation where he is a witness to the commission of a crime), a private security guard or detective can also use special equipment (handcuffs), but as a private person. His actions will be qualified by law as necessary defense (Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) or detention of a criminal (Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Illegal use of handcuffs, liability

The use of handcuffs by police officers in violation of the law of the Russian Federation is grounds for criminal, civil and disciplinary liability. The person affected by such actions has the right to compensation for material damage and moral damage. According to independent experts, the number of illegal detentions by police in the Russian Federation ranges from 17% to 19%, and only about 2% of citizens seek protection of their rights. The detainee may be subject to physical, property and moral harm. The legislation provides for the possibility of appealing against the actions of a police officer:

1. To a higher official (ineffective, the applicant will receive a formal reply).

2. In the prosecutor's office (the period for consideration of the application is 30 days, the result depends on the level of relations between the police and the prosecutor's office)

It is worth going into more detail about going to court. Which court should I go to? There are two options: at the place of residence or at the place of legal address of the police. What are the prospects? They depend on the practicing lawyer, the financial condition of the applicant, and, most importantly, the desire to bring the case to a victorious end. What are the requirements for a lawyer? This must be a specialist in this category of cases. A generalist lawyer will be of no use. How to check the “quality” of a lawyer? It is necessary to ask him about his previous cases and check the declared success against the database (register) of court decisions of the Russian Federation. Before going to court, you should be aware that bringing police officers to criminal liability is a fairly rare phenomenon, and for the use of special equipment (handcuffs) is in the realm of the obvious and the incredible. But, as an analysis of judicial practice shows, this still happens. Typically, the actions of a police officer contain signs of a crime under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violence not dangerous to life or health). Material compensation for physical harm caused can only be provided in the event of consequences dangerous to health. This could be a health disorder, injuries or disability that will have to be proven in court.

The offending police officer may be subject to civil penalties. It is worth knowing and remembering that in civil proceedings the burden of proof (collecting and presenting evidence to the court) lies with the victim himself (the applicant and his lawyer).

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates compensation for moral damage, as well as the amount of compensation in a situation where the applicant has suffered moral damage. The amount of compensation to the applicant is determined by the court. It depends on the moral suffering and physical suffering caused to the victim. In practice, the court assesses the degree of guilt and damage in the actions of the police officer. A practicing lawyer can advise you on the correct amount of financial compensation claimed. Compensation for moral damage to the applicant is carried out in monetary terms.

The most effective way to obtain monetary compensation from the offender (police officer) is to file a claim in court for compensation for damage caused by the police officer when he used special equipment (handcuffs), which resulted in bodily harm to the victim - the applicant.

The statement of claim, which a lawyer will help you prepare, must be accompanied by a medical report indicating the severity of the injuries, and also indicate what kind of property damage was caused (damage to things, shoes, etc.). The application must indicate the amount of damage in monetary terms that must be recovered from the defendant (territorial police agency) for harm caused to health and, separately, damage caused to property. The following must be attached to the statement of claim: medical certificates, doctors’ reports on the state of health, certificates of property damage, testimony of witnesses will be valuable, be sure to attach a receipt for payment of the state duty. Collect everything yourself Required documents and it is almost impossible to competently prepare for the trial, so you will have to resort to the services of a lawyer.

Conclusion. Impunity gives rise to arbitrariness and new crimes.

The permissiveness of the police awakens in them complete confidence in their own impunity. It should not be. The lawless people in uniform must receive their well-deserved punishment.

To achieve this, the practice of holding negligent police officers accountable for violating the laws of the Russian Federation should become the norm. To do this, you must not be afraid to defend your personal property and non-property rights, defend your legal rights and interests in court and, most importantly, remember that only those who walk can master the road.


Ancient tribes made raids and took captives, keeping their movements under control using ropes. After some time, wooden blocks appeared, which, for example, in Russia, were used for a long time. And with the production of iron, the first devices appeared to restrict movement - shackles (hand, leg, neck), and then handcuffs were invented to also limit mobility.

The first mass batch of steel bracelets was produced back in the 16th century. In 1912, this design was improved by Peerless engineers.


According to Russian legislation, handcuffs are special equipment, and they do not belong to edged weapons, but they are considered prohibited means for mass sale. Purchasing and wearing them is possible only with a special permit; without it, handcuffs can be confiscated from civilians, so why run into trouble with law enforcement agencies.

Handcuffs are needed only for special purposes. Previously, even under the USSR, police patrols controlled the streets without the use of batons and the same bracelets, even a pistol was not always present in a holster and the streets were much calmer.

Now the police are in full uniform, the equipment includes a bulletproof vest, a baton, shackles, a machine gun, and a pistol.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and departmental security can use all these devices against offenders in order to:

  • limit the physical force of those arrested;
  • prevent the possibility of resistance by the intruder;
  • suspend the commission of illegal actions;
  • deliver the violent offender to the police station.

Not only police officers use handcuffs; these devices can be used by bodyguards or security guards, but in compliance with strict rules.

Order right actions employees of private security companies, when using bracelets:

  1. The employee should warn the person or group of people about the possibility of their use, and give them time to comply with the requirements. The exception is the situation when the slowness of the security guard threatens his health and life or another person, or more severe consequences may occur.
  2. Employees should try to minimize harm to the health of the offender due to the use of such devices. If necessary, first aid is provided to the victim. In emergency situations, it is advisable to immediately call an ambulance and the police.
  3. Law enforcement agencies are notified of bodily harm caused by the use of special equipment.

These special means are carefully secured on the hands of the offender so as not to cause harm to the offender. The grounds for using handcuffs must be lawful, otherwise criminal liability is provided.

What types are there

There are several types of these special equipment. The classic type of handcuffs consists of two metal bracelets, which are connected by two welded chain links. To latch the lock, a key is not used, the shackles are locked automatically, you just need to make sure that your wrists are not pinched. There are a variety of sizes of handcuffs, it's just that people are different and it is difficult to secure the large type of handcuffs on small hands.

Available Russian species handcuffs, but there are also foreign ones.


  1. Peerless in translation sounds like “incomparable”. Patented in 1912, the patent became invalid in the 70s, which made it possible for other companies to copy them. These devices have anti-squeeze pins and grooves on the arc; the existing lock blocks their further advancement, which prevents excessive tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin with a special pin on the key.
  2. Model No.-100. Widely used for games. This type of bracelets does not cause any injury. Easily opened with folded paper, even when your hands are behind you.
  3. No.-3000 with loops. This type with more rigid fixation of the wrists. The lock on them can be located on the front, which makes opening it easy, but if you try to open them from the back, then skill will be required.
  4. Iron-Masters (Iron Lords). There is a complex lock built in that you just can’t open. They are massive; the long chain provides greater freedom of action.
  5. Darby – translated as “hand shackles.” It is known that the appearance of these ancient handcuffs served as an example for all manufacturers for about 300 years. In some states of America, they are still used in police work. They close without a key, but they open by screwing it in; they cannot be opened quickly, even if the offender has the key. At first they were produced without fitting to the wrists, in various sizes, for men, women and children. However, not all men were suitable for men's types of handcuffs. Nowadays they use mainly universal ones.
  6. Game handcuffs. Most often used for sexual games. They are sold in adult stores and, of course, permission is not required.

Russian species:

  • Tenderness – 1. Produced by a Russian company of the same name, used by the police. The prototype for their production was the American “incomparable” type of 1912. But there were still some differences: the chains were longer, the bracelets were matte. They can be opened not only with a key, but even with a paper clip.
  • Tenderness – 2. Metal handcuffs. The lock prevents excessive tightening and can be activated by pressing in the pin.
  • Samples from the Soviet era. They started making them in the 30s of the last century and received the name “BR” - hand bracelets. They have been slightly modified, but are still used by law enforcement agencies. They are characterized by heavy weight, bulkiness, lack of aesthetics, and have a strong spring. The chain links are welded, with anti-spin and locking mechanism.
  • Model "BR-2M". This is a simplified and cheaper option; there is no anti-spin or locking mechanism. The latch mechanism is the same as that of “Tenderness - 1”, with a weak spring, the slightest effort and they will snap tight.
  • Crab - device Russian production with large arcs, similar to the Western model OVERSIZED, which means “enlarged”. Heavy and crudely made. The closing bow has several large teeth, but the latch mechanism only has one tooth. Thanks to the protruding outward latch, the bracelets can be fixed without using a key; the fixation is removed by turning the key, as when opening. An anti-squeeze groove was placed on one side of the arc, but it does not perform its function well. The key is made from a flat metal plate. Because of their large sizes They are too big even for grown men. This model is easy to open with any hairpin.
  • Operational handcuffs BRS-2V, a widespread Russian model. This is a two-link device connected by a chain, made of blued steel. The device differs in that if the bracelets are slammed and locked, they do not squeeze the hands too much.
  • Finger cuffs. These are modern handcuffs made in Russia. They are worn on the thumbs. They are opened using a key that has a pin that activates the lock.
  • Fixing metal handcuffs without chain.
  • Screw model. It was not possible to establish their origin for certain. There are differences from other types - this is a lock, blind holes instead of teeth, pins in place of the latch with teeth, which prevents them from simply being pressed out. Although the spring is not elastic, they snap into place easily. You can open them with a key using a screwing motion, but due to the inconvenient location of the lock at the end, this will be difficult to do, especially when the bracelets are worn on both hands.

Operation of special equipment is possible at temperatures from -30 to + 40 degrees; they are stored in a special place for this purpose.

During a break from the main activity, handcuffs are cleaned and lubricated. Timely maintenance contributes to the long operation of these devices.

How to put on special bracelets correctly

They mainly handcuff citizens who have broken the law. To do this, you must follow a certain sequence:

  • before putting on the shackles, you need to fully open the rings so that it is convenient to fix them on your wrists;
  • the offender’s hands must be placed behind his back, so he will not have the opportunity to slip out of the handcuffs on his own;
  • Having put them on your hands, you should fix the rings tightly and then slam them shut;
  • The device closes automatically, which minimizes the time spent on neutralizing the intruder.

When closing, the size of the rings is formed; thanks to a special mechanism, it does not increase or decrease. After fixing the rings on the hands, the tightness of the clamping is checked to prevent pinching of the wrists.

How to open special equipment

Most of these designs have a lock out of the reach of the offender's hands, which are in bracelets. There are models with a lock located on both sides, and this increases the possibility of hacking. Usually the device is opened with a key, but this can also be done using improvised means:

  1. A master key for handcuffs.
  2. With a hairpin.
  3. With a pin.
  4. Wire.

There are also craftsmen who can slip out of handcuffs, but to do this you need to have unusual flexibility in the joints of your hands. There are models, unfortunately, in which the handcuff design allows this to be done.

If there is a lock, then there is a way to open it. To do this you will need the following:

  1. Hands should be placed in front.
  2. Needed suitable tool, preferably metal so that it does not break when opened.
  3. If, for example, a wire is found, then it needs to be bent at a right angle. This will allow you to enter the lock mechanism. Bend the wire at a distance of 5 mm from its end.
  4. Now they begin to open the lock, the mechanism is different, so you will have to spend some time to free yourself from the handcuffs.

For autopsy complex structures it takes more time and sometimes you can’t open them with a simple wire.

Prohibition on use

The taboo on the use of shackles applies to pregnant women, citizens with obvious signs of disability and minor citizens, but unless they resist, and then the “Irish handcuffs” will turn out to be real for them.

Irish handcuffs are a joke used to refer to hands occupied by bottles of alcohol. Devices are not used during peaceful rallies and demonstrations unless the operation of vehicles, communications, and organizations is disrupted.

The use of handcuffs, as it may initially seem, is not a simple matter in reality.

It requires skill and dexterity, otherwise you can get injured and even break your own or the offender’s arm.

Over the centuries, hand bracelets have not lost their relevance. Since the beginning of their release, the shackles have changed, but not dramatically. They are an integral attribute of law enforcement and security agencies. We must assume that the shackles will be used for many centuries to come and their history is not over yet.



Currently, quite a lot of companies produce handcuffs that differ in shape and design. All of them can be used by police officers and private security companies, so in the manual it makes sense to consider the main, most well-known and widespread models.


Translated as "hand shackles", this type of handcuffs has been the world standard for approximately 300 years. In some US states, such handcuffs are still used by the police. Similar handcuffs can be found in museums in our country; they belong to tsarist period. Manufactured by HIATT. This company still produces them for collectors. They open by screwing in a key, which is a tube with internal thread. The key is screwed onto the threaded latch, and after pulling it out, the lock opens. No key required for latching.
The presented model is not adjustable to wrist sizes and manufacturing companies were forced to produce handcuffs of different sizes, there were separate ones for men, for women and even for children.

Peerless ("incomparable ")

Famous and widely used American handcuffs, patent 1912, design 1932. In the 1970s. the patent expired and now companies around the world are imitating them. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.
The Russian analogue of this model of handcuffs called “Tenderness” is widespread among law enforcement officials.


Production NPO Special Materials St. Petersburg. Instead of a chain, the halves of the handcuffs are connected by three metal earrings, which only allow them to turn (fold) a little, which provides a more rigid fixation of the hands and does not make it possible, for example, to get into a pocket located on the other side of the cuffed hands. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.


The main model of handcuffs used by domestic law enforcement officers


Simplified version. There is no anti-spin or lock. The latch is similar to the "Tenderness-1" mechanism. The smallest in size among the chain ones. The secrecy of the castle leaves much to be desired, because... there is no pin that prevents access to the lock mechanism, the keyhole is made much larger than it should be. A key hole is made on the opposite cheek, which also causes a decrease in secrecy.


Large handcuff arms. Due to the large teeth on the closing arc, there is only one tooth on the mechanism latch. The latch protrudes outward, which allows them to be fixed without using a key, unlike many other models. The anti-squeeze groove is made only on one side of the arc. The key is bent from a flat metal plate. Unlike other fixed models, the locking is removed when the key is turned in the same direction as for opening.

Finger cuffs.

These handcuffs are not placed on the wrists, but on the fingers. Very light and convenient to carry in your pocket. Open with a standard key. They have a lock, which is also activated by pressing the pin on the key or turning the key.

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A police officer is a citizen of the Russian Federation who carries out official activities in a federal public service position in internal affairs bodies and who has been assigned a special police rank in the prescribed manner. A police officer is considered to be serving in the police also in cases where he is at the disposal of a federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, a territorial body, or an organization included in the system

French police Police, from ancient Greek. ἡ πολιτεία state, city system of public services and bodies for the protection of public order. Performs a wide range of functions, the set of which is different countries varies. The most characteristic function is prevention, suppression, detection and disclosure of crimes and other offenses. The police may also be tasked with protecting various objects, directly maintaining order in public

Police from Greek. ἡ πολιτεία state political system management of the policy, state administration system of specialized predominantly state bodies to ensure the protection of public and political system, the existing legal order. The term police was first used in the 16th century by the German jurist Melchior von Ossa, for whom the word simply meant public order. Until the beginning of the 19th century, this term meant all government bodies,

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs, in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of migration. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, like the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, provides for law enforcement and federal civil civil service.

Police component single centralized system Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Included in the internal affairs bodies. Art. 14 Regulations on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/01/2011 248 Questions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The police are intended to protect the life, health, rights and freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons to counteract

Special ranks of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are special ranks assigned to employees of the internal affairs bodies, institutions, organizations, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia serving in positions that provide for the assignment of special ranks. Special ranks in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are assigned depending on the unit in which the employee serves, and can be ranks of the police, internal service or

Departmental security in the Russian Federation is specialized state and non-state sectoral and departmental armed units designed to protect buildings, structures, structures, adjacent territories and water areas, vehicles, as well as cargo, including during their transportation, cash and other property from illegal attacks. Have the right to use military and service firearms, as well as special means

Departmental paramilitary security of railway transport VO ZhDT are specialized armed units, mainly operating within the country's public railway network. VO ZhDT is created by government bodies in order to protect the protection from illegal encroachments of cargo along the route and at railway stations, infrastructure facilities and adjacent territories and water areas, and to carry out preventive measures against

Paramilitary VOKhR security armed with combat hand-held small arms, specialized security units with special legal status predominantly state-owned, protecting the country’s infrastructure facilities of important national importance, as well as cargo and other property. Nomenclature of property different types property subject to protection by VOKhR lists of infrastructure facilities, names of cargo, etc., are established by legal acts of various

Private security company organization private security company private security organization is an organization specially established to provide security services, registered in accordance with the procedure established by law and licensed to carry out private security activities. Private security organization GBR Years of existence 1992-present Country Russia Type limited liability company paramilitary armed

State public order is regulated and controlled through law enforcement agencies. In our vast country, the police are responsible for these demands. In order to be able to distinguish the shoulder straps of a police sergeant from the shoulder straps of a Major, we wrote this article. The police of the Russian Federation have the main responsibilities and are authorized to carry out actions: Organizing order and creating a safe environment for the citizens of the country. Crime detection and prevention

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 26, 2013 N 575, Moscow, tells how to sew on new police chevrons. Sew chevrons onto police uniforms at outside sleeves, at a distance of 80 mm from the top edge of the chevron to the shoulder. The left sleeve is a sleeve insignia indicating affiliation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The right sleeve is a sleeve insignia indicating affiliation with a specific unit. On the summer

Tactical flashlight - nbsp this is a flashlight that is used with a weapon for targeted illumination. You can also temporarily blind the enemy or disorient the enemy in various extreme situations. Tactical flashlights have a variety of features that make them comfortable to use and safe. Most important criteria extremely bright and powerful LED incredible luminous flux constant brightness extreme time

The world's first clubs appeared at the dawn of human development. In the Stone Age, the club became an effective weapon to protect ancient man from danger. If stone, spears and darts could be used for hunting, then the club was always a weapon of self-defense or attack and was used in close combat. Currently, batons have become much more humane, since many models are made of rubber, and in their own way appearance more like a simple stick. Possession technique

Nbsp During their work, police officers may suffer from overly aggressive ordinary citizens. To prevent this from happening, rubber batons were invented, which, unlike a pistol, will not cause severe harm, but can protect their owners. One of these items is the PR 73 baton, used in the police, correctional institutions, and security structures. 1 The item is not a bladed weapon and is available for free sale. 2 Flexibility of rubber

The history of the main attribute of all traffic cops began at the beginning of the twentieth century in Tsarist Russia, drivers of mares and self-running carriages had to see from afar what was required of them. And in 1907, the mayor of the capital St. Petersburg, Daniil Drachevsky, issued an order according to which road traffic controllers received a special stick, a white wooden cane 90 cm long, which had to be carried with them in a leather case. And she could only give two signs pointing to the car,

Description handcuffs Handcuffs are special equipment with nbsp passive action and nbsp look like two interconnected rings with nbsp locks. Main purpose of this device is a limitation

A sword belt is a piece of military equipment, a belt or braided belt in the form of braided belts of various lengths and widths, thrown over the shoulder of a soldier to carry bladed weapons, later firearms. nbsp Even in the Ancient world, a belt loop was used - a wide leather belt that was worn over the neck. This method of carrying weapons was used by the ancient Greeks and Roman military leaders. Roman warriors put a sword belt over their shoulder and then a scabbard with weapons

They do not emit a warlike roar, do not sparkle with a surface polished to a mirror shine, they are not decorated with plumes and embossed coats of arms, and are often completely disguised under jackets. But today, without this unsightly-looking armor, it is simply unthinkable to send soldiers into battle or ensure the minimum security of VIPs. Who first came up with the idea of ​​putting armor on a warrior to protect him from a fatal blow from the enemy is still a moot point. In ancient times, hoplites were heavily armed ancient Greek

Protection classes of body armor nbsp nbsp The wide range of body armor in our country is largely due to the classification of armored clothing according to GOST R nbsp 50744-95. Referring to this standard, 10 classes of Special body armor were identified, nbsp 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 6, 6a. The main criterion for such a distribution is the level of protection when hit by a bullet of a certain caliber, mass and speed level. Roughly speaking, the higher the protection class, the higher the bullet resistance, and the body armor itself

The main purpose of an element such as a safety strap, pistol leash or training harness is to secure a weapon. The safety cord is attached to the weapon by means of a carbine and allows the owner of the weapon to avoid the risk of accidental loss. The cord for the gun is able to stretch, as a result of which it does not cause discomfort when worn. The spiral cord can stretch from 13.5 cm to 115 cm and easily return to its original state. At the same time, it has the strength to

The history of the development of souvenirs goes back to antiquity and is associated with magical rituals. To ward off troubles and misfortunes, people learned to depict deities in amulets that were made of wood, clay, etc. In ancient times, a souvenir played the role of a symbol. Nowadays, souvenirs are no less widespread. Souvenir from the French. souvenr is a keepsake, a memorable item associated with an event or stay in a country. Souvenirs are classified according to material,

Pants are one of the most popular elements of every woman's wardrobe. Some people prefer to buy ready-made products, while others sew them to order. But in any case, the determining factor remains the material used to sew trousers. Summer. During the hot season, avoid using artificial materials, as they do not remove moisture and do not allow the skin to breathe. But natural ones allow air to pass through, preventing the body from overheating. nbsp nbsp nbsp Materials for


The Russian Guard Veteran of Service Medal is awarded to nbsp Military personnel and employees of the National Guard troops who are transferred to the reserve upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons, in connection with organizational and staffing events, for conscientious and long-term military service, with experience years of service in calendar terms of 25 years or more, awarded medals of the Russian Guard for Distinction in Service or similar

Nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp The Russian Guard Medal For valor nbsp is awarded to military personnel and members of the National Guard troops for excellent performance in combat training for special distinctions shown during combat service and at exercises for merits in maintaining public order and ensuring public safety

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation For Combat Cooperation nbsp In January 2001, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia signed Order 50 establishing several awards, including the departmental medal For Combat Cooperation. In October 2012, a new order 989 was issued, which amended the Regulations on this insignia. Award rules In accordance with Appendix 1 to the Order Regulations, the medal for military cooperation is intended

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 200 years of the internal guard of the VV On the front side of the medal in the center there is a relief image of the heraldic sign of the emblem of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, below it there is a relief image of a shield in the form of a historical officer's breastplate with the inscription 200 nbsp

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 90 years of the Medical Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation The anniversary medal was established to reward employees of the medical service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for professionalism, distinction, conscientious work, contribution to the prevention and treatment of diseases, timely vaccination and much more.

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 75 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the metro On May 11, 1935, in accordance with the order of the NKVD of the USSR 061 On the organization of police security in the metro, a separate police division for the protection of the metro was created. In record short time In less than three years, the first line of Sokolniki Park Kultury with a branch from Okhotny Ryad station to Smolenskaya station was put into operation. The length of the line was 11.2 km, it had

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 70 years of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate The decision to create a state automobile inspection was made by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1934. Initially, the purpose of creating the structure was to combat the theft of motor vehicles, as well as its misuse. The task of traffic police officers was to prevent accidents, monitor the education and training of drivers, as well as develop legal norms regarding the operation of cars and their accounting. Before creation

Nbsp Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 60 years of the Communication Service nbsp On December 10, 1949, a communications service was created in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; on this day, order 785 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR was signed on the organization of a commission for the acceptance of station facilities of the Automatic telephone exchange of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The date of creation of the service was approved as a holiday by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 590 dated August 9, 1999 On the announcement nbsp Creation Day

Nbsp Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation For service in special forces The main feature of special forces units is their relatively small composition, excellent training, audacity, surprise, initiative, speed, coordination of actions, skillful use of strike and maneuver capabilities of weapons, military equipment, as well as protective properties terrain, time of day, weather conditions. The beginning of the story

Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation For merits FED The Department for Financial and Economic Policy and Ensuring Social Guarantees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is an independent structural unit of the central apparatus of the Ministry, providing and carrying out, within its competence, the functions of the Ministry for the development and implementation of state policy on improving regulatory -legal regulation of the sphere of internal

The Medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for merits in the activities of special units is awarded to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for high professional skill, courageous and decisive actions shown in the operational and service and or service and combat activities of a special purpose police detachment and a police detachment special purpose of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation or special purpose units and units

Medal For demining, departmental medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to the Regulations, the Medal for Demining is awarded to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for their dedication, courage and bravery in performing tasks to detect and neutralize explosive objects on site for skillful organization and direct leadership

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Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material pattern:

The Gorka-3 suit is the most successful and widespread type of Gorka suit. Made from 270g rip-stop material. per 1 m2, black, structurally consists of a jacket and trousers. Used to protect the fighter from adverse weather conditions, all-season. The main difference of this suit is the fleece lining. The jacket has a deep hood with drawstrings, two side welt pockets covered with flaps fastened with a button, one internal pocket for documents and two pockets on the sleeves, just below the shoulders. It is worth noting that the fleece lining is removable, which increases the usability of the suit and allows it to be used in a wider temperature range. Shoulders, elbows, cuffs are reinforced synthetic fabric rip-stop oxford 0. Reinforcement on the elbows of the mountain suit-3 is made in the form of a pocket with Velcro and is equipped with hard inserts. The sleeves are equipped with anti-dust cuffs and a hidden elastic band for volume adjustment just above the wrist. The jacket is also equipped with an adjustable drawstring along the edge and fastens with buttons. The trousers of the slide suit have six pockets. Two side slots, two cargo slips and two rear ones. The knees, the bottom of the legs and other loaded areas of the trousers are reinforced with synthetic rip-stop Oxford fabric 0. The bottom of the legs is double, the so-called “boot”, reinforced with a cuff that fits over the boot and prevents dust, dirt and small stones from getting into it. Just below the knee, the trousers have a fastening elastic band. It automatically adjusts the volume of the trouser leg and prevents the fabric from sailing. The trousers are equipped with removable suspenders. Main features: removable fleece lining demi-season suit strong material internal pocket hood CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: ripstop Composition: 70/30 Density: 240 g. Linings: Oxford 0 Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: yes Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: demi-season Additional: reinforced inserts, removable fleece lining, dust boots on trousers, suspenders included

Semi-fitting dress in dark blue with a V-neck, decorated with a red silk scarf (included in the set). Fabric - gabardine. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 575, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of the dress at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve there is a chevron designating the service of a police/justice officer. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. The scarf is worn with the dress in a triangle folded into a scarf, the narrow ends are tied together and tucked into the back under the collar. The wide side is tucked inside under the neckline of the dress. It is allowed to wear a summer dress without a scarf in office premises. The length of the dress along the bottom edge should be at knee level. The Police/Justice dress with short sleeves is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33% The summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. Stand collar. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners, with belt loops on the inside of the flaps. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps and a hidden fastener.

The jacket is part of the daily and weekend uniform of police officers of the new model. Worn with trousers. Material: Suit (wool blend) fabric. Composition: 75% wool, 25% polyester 280 g/m2 Lining: Twill 100% viscose 105% g/m2. Slim fit, single breasted, fastened with four buttons. Turn-down collar with lapels. Shelves with cut-off barrels. Horizontal welt side pockets in a “frame” with flaps. The back has a central seam, in the lower part of which there is a vent. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Jacket with lining. On the left shelf of the lining there is an internal pocket with a “leaf”. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks, as well as for cadets (students) of educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Has red trim on the sleeves. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. In addition, shoulder straps with buttons are sewn onto this jacket, and two lapel emblems are also attached. How to sew shoulder straps? For this, in addition to the jacket itself and shoulder straps, you will need a ruler, scissors, a needle, a thimble and strong red thread. Be sure to wear a thimble, even if you are used to sewing without one, as sometimes the needle passes through the shoulder straps with great difficulty, and you can injure your fingers. If you find it difficult to pull the needle and thread out of the shoulder strap, you can use pliers or tweezers. 1) First of all, prepare the shoulder straps, i.e. attach all the required insignia to it, since it will be much more difficult to do this on an already sewn shoulder strap. 2) Take the shoulder strap and position it so that the side farthest from the button is close to the seam that connects the shoulder of the jacket to the sleeve. At the same time, the upper edge of the shoulder strap, directed towards the back, should overlap the seam running along the shoulder by 1 cm. In other words, the shoulder strap should be slightly moved forward. 3) Thread a needle and fasten the shoulder strap to the jacket at three points: at the corners of the shoulder strap, at the place where it comes into contact with the sleeve seam and in the center of the semicircular cut. Now the shoulder strap will be securely fastened and will not move from the correct position during the sewing process. 4) Then very carefully sew the shoulder strap around the perimeter, making stitches in such a way that only barely visible points remain on its surface in those places where the needle enters the shoulder strap, and the thread between two adjacent holes passes mainly from the wrong side (along the lining) of the jacket . Then the thread will not be noticeable even if its color does not exactly match the color of the shoulder straps. In this case, the optimal length of each stitch should be about 1 cm. 5) With the second shoulder strap, follow the same pattern. How to strengthen lapel emblems? On the collar of the jacket - along the bisector (a line dividing the corner of the collar in half), at a distance of 25 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem, the vertical axis of symmetry of the emblem should be parallel to the flight of the collar. How to place awards on a police jacket? On the left side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Insignia of special distinction are located so that the upper edge of the medal block is at the level of the ledge of the lapel of the tunic and jacket. When wearing two or more special insignia, they are arranged separately in one row, from right to left, with intervals of 10 mm between the lateral ends of the stars in the order listed. Special insignia of one designation are arranged in the order in which they were awarded. Badges of orders, orders and medals are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge, from top to bottom in the order listed. When wearing two or more orders or medals, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge in the above order. The blocks of orders and medals of the second row must go under the orders and medals of the first row, while the upper edge of the blocks of the bottom row is placed 35 mm below the blocks of the first row. Subsequent rows are located in in a similar manner. Badges of orders, orders and medals are located on the single-breasted police jacket so that the upper edge of the block of orders and medals of the first row is located 90 mm below the level of the lapel ledge. On the right side of the chest, awards are located in the following order: Orders are located from left to right in the order listed. The upper edge of the largest order of the first row is located at the level established for the common bar (block) of the first row of orders and medals placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center of the chest to the edge in the indicated order. The centers of the orders in a row should be at the same level. The distance between orders and rows of orders is 10 mm. The sign of the number of wounds made of golden galun (for a severe wound) or dark red color (for a light wound) is located on the fabric strip of the top of the product. Braid width 6 mm, length 43 mm. The severe wound badge is placed below the light wound badge. The distance between stripes is 3 mm. The number of wounds sign is placed on the tunic and jacket to the right of the sign to honorary titles of the Russian Federation, and in his absence, in his place.

The women's demi-season raincoat is part of the new uniform for police officers. The raincoat has a semi-fitting silhouette, with a central inner hidden fastener with five loops and buttons and an additional top button and a through-stitched loop, on an insulated stitched lining. On the yokes in the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are two belt loops and one non-slit loop for attaching removable shoulder straps. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. Patches are sewn into the lower part of the middle seam of the sleeve, fastened with a loop and a uniform button. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. The removable belt is threaded into belt loops located in the side seams and fastened with a buckle with a tongue, the free end of which is threaded into the belt loop. On the right hem there is an internal welt pocket with a leaf. Jacket fabric (100% polyester) with rip-stop weaving threads and water-repellent impregnation. The second layer is the membrane. Filler: Thinsulate 100 g/m. Recommended temperature regime: from +10°С to -12°С. Worn with a dark blue muffler or a white muffler. It is allowed to wear a demi-season raincoat neatly folded with the front side out on the left hand. Demi-season raincoats are worn buttoned up. It is allowed to wear demi-season raincoats with the top button undone. Demi-season raincoats are worn with or without removable insulation and a belt fastened with a buckle. This raincoat has removable dark blue shoulder straps and dark blue stripes.

Thanks to innovative technologies And quality materials, providing maximum protection from rain and wind, you will be in constant comfort, which helps reduce fatigue throughout the day. Characteristics Protection from rain and wind Regular cut Upper material: Rip-stop Insulation: Thinsulate

Costume Gorka production trademark PRIVAL is made from cotton-blend fabric. The traditional Gorka suit is made from tent cotton fabric, and in areas where increased reinforcement is required, a cotton-blend fabric is placed, which is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. This model is made entirely from cotton-blend fabric, so it will last a long time even with heavy use. Also, this material is pleasant to wear and will provide freedom and comfort in movement. The jacket and trousers are loose-fitting, allowing you to add additional layers of clothing. For better fit, fit and to avoid “windage” in the wind, the suit has a system of ties based on rubber-fabric tape on the sides of the jacket, on the sleeves, under the knees and at the bottom of the trousers. The jacket has 5 pockets, the trousers 6. The pocket flaps are triangular in shape, which significantly reduces bending of the extreme corners of the flap and clinging to ammunition and equipment. The trousers are equipped with comfortable suspenders. The combination of overlays with the main black fabric ensures that the silhouette of a person is broken up at distant distances.

The jacket is short, straight cut. Fabric - gabardine. Designed for employees of internal affairs bodies with special police ranks. According to Order No. 575 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, chevrons are sewn onto the sleeves of a suit at a distance of 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. A chevron is sewn onto the left sleeve indicating membership in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on the right sleeve a chevron indicating the service of a police officer is sewn. You can add Velcro to the chevrons. Central closure with detachable zipper. Turn-down collar. Shelves with detachable yokes in the shoulder girdle area. On the shelves there are chest welt pockets with figured flaps with buttons. Two side welt pockets in a frame with a zippered entrance. Back with stitched yoke. There are soft folds along the yoke line for freedom of movement. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with stitched cuffs fastened with buttons. At the bottom of the jacket there is a one-piece belt, the volume of which is regulated by side sections with elastic braid. The back and shelf are lined with knitted fabric (mesh). The armholes are edged with edging braid. Straight-cut trousers. Stitched belt with six belt loops. The volume of the belt is regulated by side sections with elastic band. Two pockets in the side seams. One welt pocket with flap and internal button closure is located on the right rear half of the trousers. Red piping is inserted along the side seams of the trousers. It is part of the new police uniform. Example of material drawing:

Without Velcro under the chevrons. The size is indicated by the collar. You can use shoulder straps Worn untucked The belt is adjustable in size using side elastic bands 2 pockets on the chest Material: 65% Polyester 35% Viscose

Jacket with a combined (stitched and removable) insulated lining, a removable insulated hood, a removable collar made of faux fur. The jacket is short, straight cut. The central clasp has a two-way detachable zipper, closed with a windproof flap with buttons. Turn-down collar with a pata fastener on a textile fastener. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are shoulder straps, shoulder straps View all products by tag shoulder straps on buttons with removable false stripes for attaching insignia. Shelves and back with yokes. Along the yoke line there is a red edging. Two chest pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. Two side pockets with flaps with buttons and textile Velcro fasteners. The burlap patch pockets have welt pockets with a zippered entrance. At the bottom of the jacket See all products by jacket tag there is a detachable belt, the volume of which is adjusted by the side sections with elastic braid stitched on a multi-needle special. chain stitch machine. Sleeves are set-in, two-seam. On the right sleeve there is a welt pocket with a zipper. A bandage with a reflective tape is sewn inside the pocket, fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. At the bottom of the sleeves there are stitched cuffs with elastic tape sewn on a multi-needle special stitch. chain stitch machine. Stitched insulated lining with Fibertek-200 insulation. On the inside of the left shelf there is a pocket for a pistol (with a carabiner on a cord for fastening the pistol) and a patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. The removable insulated hood is fastened with a detachable zipper. The volume is adjustable at the back of the head and the front neckline. The chin part is fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. A removable collar made of faux fur containing Kanekaron fiber (Made in Japan) is fastened with a detachable zipper. Removable insulated lining (vest) made of Fibertek 150 insulation, quilted on both sides with lining fabric, fastened with a detachable zipper. On the removable insulation there is a patch pocket with a horizontal entrance with a zipper. Fibertek insulation has a number of advantages over traditional fillers: - It perfectly retains its shape and restores it after washing. - Can be washed and dried multiple times. - Provides a greater heat-shielding effect compared to other materials of similar thickness and density. - Moisture resistant. - Stable during long-term use. - It is an environmentally friendly and non-toxic insulation material. - Practical in terms of price and quality ratio.

Material: gabardine - Classic trousers with piping on the side seam. -The volume of the belt is adjusted by the side sections with elastic band. -On the belt-6 belt loops. -Two side pockets. -One welt pocket with a flap on the back half of the trousers. - Along the side seam - red piping Example of material pattern:

The upper is made of genuine chrome leather, 1.4-1.6 mm thick. The lining is made of textile material Cambrelle ®, “Super Royal” ®, high density, dries quickly and does not wear off. Durable sole is made of thermoplastic, withstands temperatures from −40 ° C to +40 °C The toe and heel are reinforced with thermoplastic material TECNO G The model is fixed with lacing and is durable in use Produced and manufactured in Belarus General characteristics ISBN: 5-458-45233-X 978-5-458-45233-5 Publisher: ЁЁ Media Series :- Specifications Army type boots (Boots). Model Omon 701 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm) Lining material hygroscopic and wear-resistant fabric (150 g/m2) Sole fastening with adhesive stitching Arch support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material TEP (±40°C ) 2121 Available size range 36-50 Shoe color black Valve type blind valve Soft edging present Hooks present

The size is indicated by the collar. Without Velcro under the chevrons. You can use shoulder straps Worn untucked The belt is adjustable in size using side elastic bands 2 pockets on the chest Material: 65% Polyester 35% Viscose

Uniform skirt for employees of internal affairs bodies. Summer option made from lightweight gabardine fabric. It is part of the daily uniform of internal affairs officers. According to order No. 575, the length of the skirt along the bottom edge should be at knee level. Example of material drawing:

Patent No. 46636. Pants from a modernized version of the Soviet special forces jump suit known as "Mabuta". Recommended for security services Loose cut that does not restrict movement The suit uses stainless steel buttons High waistband for comfort and ease of carrying equipment on a belt. The sides of the belt are rubberized Belt loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcing pads on the knees Folds in the knee area for an anatomical cut Fly with a zipper The belt is fastened with two buttons The bottom of the trousers is rubberized, with anthers made of thin cotton calico sewn inside. The anthers are equipped with elastic straps. It is recommended to tuck the boots into the shoes and wear the trouser leg over the boots. Pockets: pockets on the front of the thighs with an entrance at the top with two buttons. The entrance of the pockets is bent to protect small contents from falling out; a rear mortise pocket on the right side with two buttons on the right trouser leg; a side pocket for a sling cutter or bayonet knife. The pocket has a rubberized entrance and a flap with two buttons. A sling is sewn inside, forming cells for self-attaching the sheath; side mortise pockets; Material: “Rip-stop”: 53% cotton; 47% polyester "Gretta": 53% cotton; 47% polyester "Standard": 60% cotton; 40% polyester Product weight: 46/176 size -589 g 50/176 size -654 g 54/182 size -690 g 58/188 size -703 g SIZE SELECTION: Download the size chart (. xls) for precise definition required size REVIEWS: Review from tankist_sssr YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

A modernized version of the suit for the RF Armed Forces. The suit has been changed: for greater convenience, the width of the sleeves has been increased, the cut of the trousers has been modified, and other improvements have been made. Jacket: Worn untucked. False shoulder straps can be used. With buttons. Reinforcing pads on the elbows. The belt and bottom of the jacket are adjustable in size using a cord. Puffed cuffs ( fabric insert) on the sleeve to protect from dust and dirt Pockets: 2 pockets on the chest and 2 at the bottom of the jacket 2 internal pockets and 2 on the sleeves Pants: The arrows are stitched Belt loops for a wide waist belt Reinforcement pads on the knees The bottom of the trousers is adjustable in size using a cord Bottom trousers with a height-adjustable strap that prevents them from creeping up Pockets: 2 side pockets and 2 on the hips 1 back pocket Product material: “Standard”: 60% cotton; 40% polyester

All-season jacket for police officers. The jacket is elongated, straight cut with a combined (stitched and removable) insulated lining, a removable insulated hood, a removable faux fur collar. The central fastener has a two-way detachable zipper, closed with a windproof flap with buttons. A turn-down collar. In the area of ​​the shoulder seams there are shoulder straps buttons with removable false shoulder straps for attaching insignia. In the area of ​​the shoulder girdle of the yoke, along the line of the yoke, a red edging is sewn in. Two chest patch pockets with flaps with buttons and Velcro textile fasteners. On the vertical side of the pocket there is a fold for volume. On the bottom of the side seams there are slits fastened with a zipper. The back has a yoke, a red edging is sewn in along the yoke line. The sleeves are set-in two-seam. On the right sleeve there is a patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. A bandage with a reflective tape is sewn inside the pocket, fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. On the left shelf under the windproof flap there is an internal pocket for a pistol with a vertical entrance with a textile fastener. Inside the pocket there is a sewn cord with a carabiner for attaching a pistol. Stitched insulated lining with Fibertek-200 insulation. On the left shelf on the lining there is a chest patch pocket with a vertical entrance with a zipper. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets with a horizontal entrance with a zipper. Along the waist line on the lining there is a drawstring with an elastic perforated braid for adjusting the volume. The free end of the braid is fastened with a button. The removable insulated hood with a fleece lining is fastened with a detachable zipper. The volume of the hood at the back of the head is adjusted with a textile fastener. The volume along the front cutout is adjusted with a cord with clamps. The chin part of the hood is fastened with a Velcro textile fastener. A removable faux fur collar with Kanekaron fiber made in Japan is fastened with a detachable zipper and loops and buttons on the collar. The collar is fastened with a patta with a textile fastener. A removable insulating lining with sleeves with knitted cuffs - wristbands is fastened with a detachable “zipper”, loops and buttons along the shoulder seams and the bottom of the sleeves. On the right shelf there is a side patch pocket with a horizontal zippered entrance. At the bottom there is a drawstring with a cord to regulate the volume, at the ends of the cord there are clamps and tips. FIBERTEK INSULATION - Perfectly retains its shape and restores it after washing. - Can be washed and dried multiple times. - Provides a greater heat-shielding effect compared to other materials of similar thickness and density. - Moisture resistant. - Stable during long-term use.

Part 1. Design and types of handcuffs. Methods of putting on and interaction when putting on handcuffs.

The first handcuffs were placed by one person on another right after iron was invented. And the first mass batch of steel bracelets came out at the beginning of the 16th century. By the way, back then the handcuffs were called “Darby”, translated as “hand shackles”. This model of handcuffs successfully survived until the beginning of the twentieth century. Darby could be worn on both arms and legs. It was not very easy to get out of such bracelets, but they had one significant drawback - the size was not adjustable.
A person with small hands could simply slip out of Darby. Therefore, manufacturers were forced over time to produce at least three different sizes. The largest ones (they were produced in the largest quantities), of course, were intended for men, the medium ones for women, and, finally, the smallest ones for juvenile delinquents. By the way, children's handcuffs were also used to shackle fragile women with thin hands.

In 1912, a revolution occurred in the production of handcuffs. Before this, to be honest, they most closely resembled a padlock. But Peerless engineers decided that this was not enough, and in order to shackle a person securely, an individual approach was needed. This is how a design appeared with a bow that rotated right through. Now handcuffs could be adjusted to the size of the hands of each individual person.
In 1932, Peerless and Smith & Wesson finalized the design of new handcuffs. Since then, they have been used by police officers all over the world. For example, in Russia, NPO Spetsmaterialy from St. Petersburg produces a copy of the Peerless model. In Russia, these handcuffs are wittily called “Tenderness”.

Handcuff device

Classic handcuffs consist of two locking devices, with toothed sectors rotating on an axis, connected to each other by a two-link chain and a key. The locking part of the handcuffs allows them to be latched without using a key, and also to secure the latch from further unnecessary dangerous squeezing.
The size of the handcuffs allows them to be used on as small a hand as desired. in the extreme position, the arms are compressed into an oval with sides of 5 and 4.5 cm, but they can also be snapped onto fairly large wrists or even onto the ankle.

Sector 2 should rotate freely counterclockwise. To fix the sector in an engaged position with the locking device, it is necessary to push the pusher 5 into the locking device with the tail of the key.

To open the handcuffs, you need to insert key 4 into the keyhole and turn it counterclockwise, which will allow you to remove the locking device, then turn key 4 clockwise to disengage the sector from the locking device.

Preparing handcuffs for putting on means that the sector is engaged with the locking device and installed on the last prong. The locking device must be in the unlocked position (the pusher is not recessed).

Before handcuffing, the opponent's hand must be brought into a comfortable position (free the wrist). To put on handcuffs, it is necessary to hold the locking device, apply the sector to the wrist and sharply press the locking device so that the sector rotates 180 degrees on its axis and enters the locking device. Then it is necessary to squeeze the sector in the direction of movement so tightly as to exclude the possibility of removing the hand and excessive compression of the wrist, leading to cessation of blood circulation.
To fix the sector in this position, it is necessary to recess the pusher into the body of the handcuffs using the shank of the key.

Types of handcuffs

Currently, quite a lot of companies produce handcuffs that differ in shape and design. All of them can be used by police officers and private security companies, so in the manual it makes sense to consider the main, most well-known and widespread models.

Darby- translated as “hand shackles”, this type of handcuffs has been the world standard for approximately 300 years. In some US states, such handcuffs are still used by the police. Similar handcuffs can be found in museums in our country; they date back to the tsarist period. Manufactured by HIATT. This company still produces them for collectors. They are opened by screwing in a key, which is a tube with an internal thread. The key is screwed onto the threaded latch, and after pulling it out, the lock opens. No key required for latching.
The presented model is not adjustable to wrist sizes and manufacturing companies were forced to produce handcuffs of different sizes, there were separate ones for men, for women and even for children.

Peerless(“incomparable”) - famous and widespread American handcuffs, patent 1912, design 1932. In the 1970s. the patent expired and now companies around the world are imitating them. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.
The Russian analogue of this model of handcuffs called “Tenderness” is widespread among law enforcement officials.

"Tenderness-2"- produced by NPO Spetsmaterialy St. Petersburg. Instead of a chain, the halves of the handcuffs are connected by three metal earrings, which only allow them to turn (fold) a little, which provides a more rigid fixation of the hands and does not make it possible, for example, to get into a pocket located on the other side of the cuffed hands. They have anti-squeeze pins and a groove on the arc. They have a lock that allows you to block further movement of the arc and prevent possible over-tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin on the side with a specially designed pin on the key.

"BR-S"- the main model of handcuffs used by domestic law enforcement officers.
"BR2-M"- simplified version. There is no anti-spin or lock. The latch is similar to the "Tenderness-1" mechanism. The smallest in size among the chain ones. The secrecy of the castle leaves much to be desired, because... there is no pin that prevents access to the lock mechanism, the keyhole is made much larger than it should be. A key hole is made on the opposite cheek, which also causes a decrease in secrecy.
"Crab" Large handcuff arms. Due to the large teeth on the closing arc, there is only one tooth on the mechanism latch. The latch protrudes outward, which allows them to be fixed without using a key, unlike many other models. The anti-squeeze groove is made only on one side of the arc. The key is bent from a flat metal plate. Unlike other fixed models, the locking is removed when the key is turned in the same direction as for opening.
Finger cuffs. These handcuffs are not placed on the wrists, but on the fingers. Very light and convenient to carry in your pocket. Open with a standard key. They have a lock, which is also activated by pressing the pin on the key or turning the key.

Methods of handcuffing

Methods of using handcuffs are determined in the process of solving specific problems, for example, during escort, hands are cuffed. To prevent violent behavior, other, more stringent measures of movement restriction, including shackling of arms, legs and torso, may be used. As a rule, handcuffs are put on the hands behind the back (when the offender is transported, handcuffs are put on in the front position).
Handcuffing is usually used after painful holds and throws or under the threat of a firearm.

When handcuffing, regardless of the position of the opponent, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Before putting on handcuffs, you should, threatening with a pistol, force your opponent to take a position that is convenient for their use and makes it difficult for him to attack you
  2. the opponent must be pressed tightly with his chest and stomach to the ground, wall, etc.
  3. To put on handcuffs, the hands are placed behind the back one by one, and a painful effect is applied to them
  4. when putting on handcuffs, it is necessary that the locking device is adjacent to the inner surface of the wrist, and the sector is rotated in such a direction as to exclude the possibility of it getting caught on clothing or the body

When putting on handcuffs, you must be on the side of your opponent, out of reach of your legs. It is dangerous to handcuff only one of the detainee's hands while holding the other in your own hand, as he may use this position to strike.
By threatening to use your service weapon, you can demand that your opponent handcuff himself. To do this, without approaching a dangerous distance, throw the handcuffs at his feet and demand: “Take it and put it on!”

To more reliably restrict movement, the following hand positions are used when handcuffing (tying):

  • arms behind your back, hands one above the other
  • hands behind your back, hands pressed back to back

Sometimes two detainees are tied together. In this case, the second offender’s hands are threaded through the handcuffed hand of the first offender (they are turned behind his back), and then they are also handcuffed from behind in a palms-out position.

The handcuffs on your wrists should be checked every two hours. Otherwise, the locking lock may be weakened and, as a result, the escorted person will be freed from handcuffs.

Handcuffing while lying down

First option

- threatening with a pistol, command: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Get on your knees! - Lie on your stomach! - Hands behind your back!
- sit astride the opponent’s back, legs on your knees, with your left hand grab his right hand from above with a direct grip (take a “wrist press” for a painful hold), and with your right hand rest on the elbow; use both hands to increase the extension of the hand, exerting a painful effect on it, put the pistol in the holster, grab the opponent’s hand with your right hand

Place your right leg on the foot so that the elbow (shoulder) rests on the shin (block the hand with the shin)

With your right hand, release the wrist, pushing back the sleeve on the opponent’s hand, take out the handcuffs and take the first locking device with the sector up
- move away with your left hand right hand opponent, bringing her into a position convenient for putting on the locking device, place the locking device behind her wrist from below and put it on

With your left hand, release the wrist on the opponent’s left hand, pushing back the sleeve, holding the hand with your right hand, without releasing the handcuffs
- grab the hand with your left hand and move the opponent’s hand away
- with your right hand, place the second locking device behind the wrist from below, finish putting on the handcuffs

Perform booster and fixation of sectors

This method of handcuffing can be used using fighting techniques: bending the arm behind the back, including in interaction, any transfers to a prone position (throwing, falling, for example, using an arm lever outward, etc.).

After performing any techniques, it is necessary to transfer the opponent to the “lying on his stomach” position and block the hand with his shin (see figure above).
This method of blocking is much more effective than the usually recommended holding of the hands with the thighs. In this case, the opponent’s hand is securely fixed in a painful hold and the possibility of its abduction is excluded. In addition, if the enemy tries to leave this position and counterattack, the employee can easily get up and act further on the situation.
In this option, directly putting on handcuffs is the most optimal. Placing the locking devices behind the wrist with the sector up ensures free rotation of the sector outward, preventing it from snagging on clothing.

This method of handcuffing can be recommended for use in the “standing” and “kneeling against the wall” positions of the opponent.

Second option.

To block the opponent more reliably, he can be taken with two painful holds - on the leg and on the arm.

- threatening with a pistol, demand: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Get on your knees! - Lie on your stomach! - Hands behind your back!
After the opponent assumes the “lying on his stomach” position with his hands behind his back, you need to:
- demand: “Bend your right leg at the knee joint!”
- perform a painful hold
- pinch the calf muscle
- put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs
- block the opponent’s right hand with your left hand, applying painful pressure to it, put on handcuffs

If the enemy resists, you need to act according to the situation: increase the impact of painful techniques, strike with handcuffs, jump up and run away, use a pistol.

Putting on handcuffs after detaining the enemy in the “kneeling, pressed against the wall” position

- threatening with a weapon, demand: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - Come to the wall! - Closer! - Spread your legs! - Wider! - Stand on your knees! - Press yourself against the wall! - Tighter! - Hands behind your back!
- approach the enemy from behind, put your left leg between his legs, take a lunge position, place your left hand under your knee and press the enemy’s knee against the wall, block his right hand with your left hand, exerting painful pressure on it
- put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs and put them on

For convenience, you can stand on your right knee.

In case of resistance, act according to the situation: increase the impact of the painful hold, strike with the heel from above on the calf muscle, hit with handcuffs, run away, use a pistol.

Putting handcuffs on after detaining the enemy in the “standing with hands against the wall” position

A more complex (from a security point of view) method is to put handcuffs on with a pistol threatening the enemy in the position of “standing with hands resting on the wall (roof) passenger car and so on.)". In this situation, the enemy has more opportunities to counter, since he is on his feet.

- command the offender: “Stop! - I will shoot! - Hands up! - All around! - Hands behind head! - Interlace your fingers! - “Come to the wall!” One step short: “Stop! - Put your hands against the wall! - Spread your legs to the sides! - Wider! “Put your right hand behind your back!”
- place your left leg between the opponent’s legs and press him firmly against the wall with your thigh, and with your left hand block his right hand, exerting a painful effect on it
-put the gun in the holster, take out the handcuffs, put them on

Handcuffing interaction

Tactical and technical actions with the use of physical force in various situations of service and combat activity are carried out, as a rule, by two or more employees in cooperation. The most typical situations requiring the use of physical force in interaction are the detention of persons resisting the legitimate demands of a police officer, during special operations, the detention of persons who have committed a crime, the carrying of persons offering passive resistance, the separation of grips from persons forming a chain, and in others situations.
An analysis of specialized literature has shown that the issue of interaction between police officers in such situations is extremely insufficiently covered. Therefore, to help police officers, we offer an arsenal of technical and tactical actions together to suppress illegal actions and detain the perpetrators using handcuffs.

Forceful arrest in interaction can be carried out depending on the situation and tactical plan when approaching from the front, from behind, one from the front and the other from behind.

By convention, when describing actions, employees are designated: No. 1 – performing techniques on left hand, No. 2 – performing techniques on the right and putting on handcuffs.
Actions No. 1 can be carried out by blocking the left hand by grabbing it with both hands, applying a painful hold to it, grabbing the opponent’s neck or head with the shoulder and forearm when approaching from behind and from the side to carry out a choke and painful hold, as well as throws or falls.
Actions No. 2 consist of painful holds: bending the right arm behind the back, throwing or falling down, followed by transferring to a position lying on the stomach and moving on to placing the arm behind the back, as well as putting on handcuffs.

Let's consider options for detaining and handcuffing two police officers with the enemy being placed in a lying position and in a standing position.

If the detention is carried out with the opponent in a prone position, then first he must be turned over to a position lying on his stomach and his hands take the arm lever inward for a painful hold.

Then No. 2 does the following:
- puts the opponent’s right hand behind his back and sits astride his back, placing his left leg on his knee and his right leg on his foot (or he rests the knee of his left leg on his back and puts his right leg on his foot, with his left hand he grabs the right hand from above with a direct grip, and with the right hand by the elbow; with both hands increases the elevation of the arm, exerting a painful effect on it

Places the right leg on the foot so that the opponent’s elbow (shoulder) rests on the shin (block the arm with the shin); with his right hand he releases the wrist, pushing back the sleeve on the opponent’s hand, takes out the handcuffs and takes the first locking device with the sector up

With his left hand, he moves the opponent’s right hand, bringing it into a position convenient for putting on the locking device, puts the locking device behind his wrist and puts it on

With his right hand he grabs the second locking device with the sector up

- No. 1 places the opponent’s left arm behind his back and releases the wrist by pulling back the sleeve
- No. 2 grabs the hand with his left hand, places the second locking device behind the wrist from below with his right hand, completes putting on the handcuffs and performs pressure and fixation of the sectors

The presented option for handcuffing is the most optimal. The enemy is reliably blocked. Placing the locking devices behind the wrist with the sector up ensures free rotation of the sector outward, preventing it from snagging on clothing.

If handcuffs are put on while the opponent is standing, after arrest it is necessary to bring the opponent to a wall, car door, etc. A little short of reaching her, No. 2 demands: “Spread your legs! Wider!”, presses him tightly against the wall

and with his right hand he cuffs the opponent’s right hand.

No. 1 helps place the left arm behind the back, and No. 2 places the cuffs on the left arm.
