New and accurate facts from the life of Jesus Christ. New facts about the birth of Jesus Christ

The truth about the life and death of Jesus Christ

Frankly speaking, we no longer hoped to ever learn at least some truth about the life of the most famous earthling - Jesus Christ. The information about him that the Bible gives is very fragmentary and clearly incomplete, and I don’t even want to talk about its plausibility. But about this outstanding person many people would like to know as much as possible! It was time to despair: he doesn’t want to reveal true information at any cost, stubbornly persuading believers to read biblical fables and insisting that knowledge harms people: they say, it’s better for us to believe and not think about anything...

In such a mournful atmosphere for thinking people, a book by Svetlana Levashova suddenly appeared "Revelation". This book was supposed to contain detailed history the life of a very strong sorceress, the story of discovering unusual qualities in oneself (as we say today - extrasensory); ways to master and tame unusual capabilities; ways of self-improvement and much more. However, Svetlana only managed to write the first volume of the story of her life. In November 2010, she was mysteriously murdered at the Levashov family castle in France.

In the first volume "Revelations" Only the first ten years of the life of the future sorceress are described. But even during these years she managed to learn a lot of things that we, without her gift, would never have known. In particular, she was lucky enough to hear a story about the true life, tragic death and real resurrection of Jesus Christ, whom his parents - from Meteora and the witch Maria - named Radomir. For a better understanding of how interesting the real life of Radomir (Jesus Christ) was, I offer you a small fragment from the book by Svetlana Levashova. And then I suggest you definitely watch it most interesting filmfilm adaptation Svetlana’s book, entitled “Hidden Facts from the Life of Jesus Christ and Magdalene”, made by the hands of her comrades from Tomsk - studio Arigrad...

«… each of those people called The gods were very bright and very different their own unique Lives, which would wonderfully decorate the True Chronicle of Humanity if people knew about them,” the North continued sadly. - Tell me, Isidora, has anyone on Earth read records himself Christ?.. But he was a wonderful Teacher, who also wrote wonderfully! And he left much more than the “Thinking Dark Ones” who created his fake story could even imagine...

Sever’s eyes became very dark and deep, as if for a moment they had absorbed all the earthly bitterness and pain... And it was clear that he didn’t want to talk about it at all, but after being silent for a minute, he still continued.

- He lived here from the age of thirteen... And even then he wrote news of her life, knowing how much she would be lied to. He already knew his future then. And even then he suffered. We taught him a lot... - suddenly remembering something pleasant, Sever smiled completely childishly... - A blindingly bright Power of Life always burned in him, like... And a wonderful inner Light. He amazed us with his boundless desire LEAD! Know ALL, what we knew... I have never experienced such a crazy thirst!.. Except, perhaps, from another one, equally obsessed...

His smile became surprisingly warm and bright.

- At that time, we had a girl living here - Magdalena... Pure and gentle, like the morning light. And fabulously gifted! She was the strongest of everyone I knew on Earth at that time, except for our best Magi and Christ. While still with us, she became the Witch of Jesus... and his only Great Love, and after that - his wife and friend, who shared with him every moment of his life while he lived on this Earth...

Well, he, studying and growing up with us, became a very strong Sage and a real Warrior! Then it was his time to say goodbye to us... The time had come to fulfill the Duty for which the Fathers called him to Earth. And he left us. And Magdalena left with him... Our monastery became empty and cold without these amazing, now fully grown, children. We really missed their happy smiles, their warm laughter... Their joy at the sight of each other, their irrepressible thirst for knowledge, the iron Power of their Spirit, and the Light of their pure Souls... These children were like the suns, without which ours faded cold measured life. I was sad and empty without them... We knew that they would never return, and that now none of us would ever see them again...

Jesus became an unwavering warrior. He fought evil more fiercely than you, Isidora. But he didn't have enough strength. - The North has drooped... - He called his Father for help, he mentally talked with him for hours. But the Father was deaf to his requests. He could not, had no right to betray what he served. And for this he had to betray his son, whom he sincerely and selflessly loved - in the eyes of the North, to my great surprise, tears shone... - Having received his Father’s refusal, Jesus, just like you, Isidora, asked for help from all of us... But we also refused him... We had no right. We suggested that he leave. But he stayed, although he knew perfectly well what awaited him. He fought until the last moment... He fought for Good, for the Earth, and even for the people who executed him. He fought for the Light. For which people, “in gratitude,” slandered him after his death, making him a false and helpless God... Although Jesus was never helpless... He was a warrior to the core, even when he came to us as a child. He called for, he destroyed the “black”, wherever it came across, on his thorny path...

“Man is still a weak-willed creature, Isidora...” suddenly Sever spoke quietly again. - Unfortunately, there is more self-interest and envy in him than he can handle. People do not yet want to follow the Pure and Light - this is hurts their “pride” and makes them very angry, because too different from the “usual” person. And the Thinking Dark Ones, knowing full well and using this, always easily guided people first to overthrow and destroy“new” Gods, quenching the “thirst” for the collapse of the beautiful and bright. And then, having been sufficiently disgraced, they returned the same new “gods” to the crowd, like the Great Martyrs, destroyed “by mistake”...

Christ, even crucified, remained for people too much distant... And too much pure... Therefore, after death, people stained him with such cruelty, without pity and without embarrassment, making him like themselves. So from the Warrior only the cowardly God remained in people’s memory, calling to substitute left cheek, if they hit you on the right.... And from it great love- all that remains is a pathetic laughingstock, pelted with stones... a wonderful pure girl who has turned into a “forgiven” by Christ, a “fallen” woman who has risen from the mud... People are still stupid and evil Isidora... Don’t give yourself up for them! After all, even after crucifying Christ, all these years they cannot calm down, destroying His Name. Don’t give yourself up for them, Isidora!..

The air around me shook soft waves, sparkling and thickening, as if a mysterious invisible door was opening. And then I saw them!..

In a spacious stone cave, two wonderful blonds were happily talking about something, sitting by a small natural stone fountain. The world around them seemed happy and sunny, absorbing the quiet joy flowing from their wonderful souls... The boy was proud, tall and very slender for his thirteen years. A huge raged inside him inner strength, but at the same time, it was soft and very pleasant. He looked at the world cheerfully and... very wisely, as if he was at least a hundred years old inside. At times his radiant blue eyes flashed, piercing with steel gray, but immediately sparkled with joy again, admiring their charming, laughing interlocutor...

And the girl really was unusually good. She resembled a pure angel who had just descended from heaven. Pressed to her chest, she held an old, fat one. And apparently she was never going to let her go. Her wavy, very long golden hair was tied with a blue silk ribbon, which successfully set off the color of her laughing, sky-blue eyes. Small dimples on her pink cheeks made her sweet and cheerful, like a clear May morning...

The children were dressed in long, snow-white identical clothes, belted with gold belts and looked like a wonderful couple, emerging from a beautiful old... They wonderfully suited each other, complementing with something and connecting what was missing to each, creating one unit, which was impossible to break... These were Jesus and Magdalene, the future Savior of Humanity and his only and great future Love.

- But they completely different! - I exclaimed, sincerely surprised. - Not at all the way they are painted! Aren't they Jews?!

“But they never were,” Sever shrugged. - These are people who needed power, Very clever" decided to become “children of the murdered God”, thereby making the most dangerous people on Earth “CHOSEN.” Jesus was the son of the White Magus and our disciple, . They gave birth to him to bring his amazing Soul to Earth.

I stared at Sever in shock...

- What about Jewess Mary and Joseph?! What about the same Nazareth?..

- It never happened Jewish women Maria, Isidora, no Joseph next to Jesus. Was Witch Maria, who right before his birth went here to Meteora, so that he would be born here, among the Magi and Witches. But she was late... Jesus was born a week earlier, AT DAWN, V small house on the river bank. And his birth was accompanied by the Bright Morning Star.

Our Magi hurried to him to see and protect him. And his Father came to worship the wonderful soul of his newborn son.

The Magi called him to Earth to stop the “plague”, which, like a spider, had been weaving its black webs here for a long time. And it is the Magi sent Christ to the Jews. But Jesus himself I've never been a Jew.

The Magi hoped that he would have enough strength to stop the “black” Evil that was already spreading across the Earth. But Jesus lost by underestimating the “great weaknesses” of man...

The earth was not ready for His coming, just as not ready to the arrival LEADERS, Isidora. And we are not ready to help her. When will he come correct time - we will open the Doors. And perhaps Light will triumph on Earth. But this won’t happen for a very long time... I’m sorry...”

Screen adaptation of Svetlana Levashova’s book “Revelation”, film by Arigrad studio "Hidden facts from the life of Jesus Christ and Magdalene"

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who is interested. All Conferences are broadcast on Internet Radio “Vozrozhdenie”...

It is difficult to downplay the importance of Christ for history; perhaps, it is difficult to imagine a more controversial and famous person. True, because of this we forget that Jesus, first of all, was a man with his own advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, we have collected for you the most interesting facts from his biography:

1. Let's start from the very beginning; no one has accurately determined the date of birth of Jesus. It is believed that he was born either in the 4th or in the 13th year BC, on December 25th, according to the old style. A small note: the year of the Nativity of Christ is considered the beginning of our era, but in this case Jesus was born four years before his birth?

2. Taking into account the fact that the Torah does not recognize Jesus as the Son of God, it indicates the Roman soldier Pandira as his father. Mother is Mary, and stepfather is Joseph, a carpenter and mason. The Bible says that Mary conceived immaculately, that is, the father is God.

3. In addition to his parents, Jesus had brothers and sisters, and the same Bible confirms this: “And when he came into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were amazed and said, “Where does he get such wisdom and power?” Isn't He the son of carpenters? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers Jacob and Joses and Simon and Judas? and are not His sisters all among us? where did He get all this from?” © Matt. 13:54-56

4. The Talmud says that the head of the yeshiva gdola refused to let Jesus cross from junior school to the older one. It turns out that Christ did not have a fully completed education. Therefore, according to the rules of that time, he could not get a respected profession.

5. Christ worked until he was 30 years old an ordinary carpenter and only after baptism did he begin to preach.

6. Many of the tenets of the New Testament coincide with the ideas of the Essenes sect. For example, non-acceptance of sexual pleasures, refusal material world etc. Some researchers explain the lack of clear information in the period from 13 to 30 years of Christ’s life by adherence to this sect.

7. Most of Jesus' life was spent in Galilee. And the Galileans were considered inferior to the Jews because of their close proximity to the pagans. It is in connection with this proximity that the “casting out of demons” and other moments unusual for Judaism appear in the teachings of Christ.

8. Scientists have proven that Jesus was married after all. An ancient papyrus was discovered, which confirms the presence of a wife of Christ.

9. Crucifixion was considered not only one of the most painful, but also the most shameful form of execution. Only the most “advanced cases” were subjected to it.

10. Jesus insisted that even punctuation marks cannot be changed in Jewish law. It was much later that his students simplified the requirements of religion and began to bring it to the masses.

10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT JESUS ​​CHRIST Fact 1 - There is still debate about the date of birth of Christ. But it is known that the census described in the Gospel of Luke took place in 6 BC. So Jesus appears to have been born sometime between 6 and 4 BC. Fact 2 - Mary and Joseph had to travel approximately 90 miles (about 150 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem in order to take part in the census. Fact 3 - Jesus was circumcised like everyone else Jewish men. Fact 4 - Christ had several half-brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:46-47; 13:55-56) Fact 5 - Evangelist Mark calls Jesus a “carpenter” (Greek - tekton). But, apparently, he had other skills, including working with wood, stone and metal. It is possible that Jesus, trained by his adoptive father Joseph, wandered through Galilee building synagogues and other buildings. Fact 6 - Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who was his second cousin. Fact 7 - Christ spoke three or four languages. From the Gospels we know that Jesus spoke Aramaic. Aramaic was spoken language ancient Israel. There are even some in Scripture Aramaic words. But as a Jew, he certainly spoke Hebrew, which was used as the language of prayer and temple services. At the same time, many synagogues used the Septuagint, a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek language. Therefore, when speaking with pagans, Jesus most likely used Greek, the language of trade throughout the Mediterranean at that time. And with the Romans, although we cannot say this with absolute certainty, Jesus could speak Latin (Matthew 8:13) Fact 8 - Jesus preached in Galilee and Judea, which are now known as Israel and Palestine. Fact 9 - Christ was crucified on Calvary. At the time of Jesus Christ, Golgotha ​​was located outside of Jerusalem. Gradually the city grew, and now Golgotha ​​lies in the center. Fact 10 - On the day of Christ's trial, Pilate's wife convinced the procurator to have mercy on Jesus. In her last letter to her husband, she asked him: “How will you atone for your guilt on earth, if it turns out that the one you condemned is really the Son of God, and not a human criminal?” Pilate answered her: “If this is the Son of God and He is resurrected, then the first thing I will do is forbid the minting of my image on coins while I am alive” (it must be explained that being depicted on a coin in Rome was considered a high honor). Pilate fulfilled his promise when it was established that Christ had risen. He actually forbade depicting himself on coins. This message of Garmisius was confirmed by indisputable evidence. From Roman numismatics it is known that in Jerusalem at that time coins were made with the image of Caesar on one side, but without the image of Pilate on the other side.

Fact 1 - Jesus was crucified on Calvary. At the time of Jesus Christ, Golgotha ​​was located outside of Jerusalem. Gradually the city grew, and now Golgotha ​​lies in the center. Fact 2 - Mary and Joseph had to travel approximately 90 miles (about 150 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem in order to take part in the census. Fact 3 - Jesus visited Bethany often, especially in last days Your earthly ministry. Here He raised Lazarus and from here He ascended into heaven Fact 4 - Jesus was circumcised, like all Jewish men, as part of their covenant with God. Fact 5 - Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, who was his second cousin. Fact 6 - Jesus predominantly spoke Hebrew and Aramaic. Fact 7 - Jesus had several half-siblings (Matthew 12:46-47; 13:55-56) Fact 8 - The most popular verse in the Bible about Jesus John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that he gave his Son the only begotten, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." Fact 9 - The name Jesus comes from the Latin form of the Greek name Iesous, a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua, which is also used as Joshua or Yesua. Fact 10 - Celebrations of Jesus' birthday began more than 100 years after his crucifixion. Egyptian Christians celebrated it on May 20 while other Christians celebrated it in March, April, or January. Why, because there are no documents about the birth of Jesus and no one really knows. Fact 11 Isn't He the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, Josiah, Judah and Simon? Are not His sisters here, between us? And they were offended because of Him. (Mark 6:3) They said, “Is not this a carpenter?” In the original Greek, carpenter is tecton. The word tekton means a woodworker, not just a carpenter, but a craftsman and craftsman in general. According to Homer, tekton built ships, houses and temples. In the old days, and even today in some places, in small towns and villages, you can find people who build everything from a bird cage to a house. They can build a wall, mend a roof, fix a gate - jacks of all trades who, with few or the simplest tools, can put their hand to any task. This word generally denoted an artisan worker involved in construction work. This included working with metal, wood and stone. This is the sense in which Jesus is a carpenter. Fact 12 -Jesus preached in Galilee and Judea, which are now known as Israel and Palestine. According to the Bible, those who moved here in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Jews called this area "Canaan" ("Cnaan" in Hebrew). The Book of Joshua 11:23 (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן-נוּן‎, Yehoshua ben Nun) mentions the name “Land of the Children of Israel” (Hebrew: ארץ בני ישראל‎, Eretz B ney Israel). Fact 13 - The name Jesus appears 700 times in the Gospels and the book of Acts and less than 70 times in the Apostolic Epistles. The word Christ is used 60 times in the Gospels of Acts, and in the Epistles of the Apostles and in the book of Revelation it appears 240 times.

The choice of religion is a personal matter for each person; no one has the right to force one to believe in one god or another. Some believe in Christ or Allah, others believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and that's their own business.

We at Interesting to Know decided to tell you a few interesting facts about Jesus Christ.

1. Jesus and John the Baptist were second cousins.

2. The disciple first called Jesus “Son of God” when he saw Christ walking on the water.

3. The only “crown” Jesus wore was a crown of thorns. The Romans put it on the head of Christ to mock him.

4. Jesus was 30 years old when He began to preach.

5. Jesus had several half-brothers and sisters (Matthew 12:46-47; 13:55-56).

6. Jesus had a quick temper and could become angry. But the Bible also says many times how He had compassion on someone (Matthew 9:36-38; 21:12, Mark 1:41, etc.)

7. Evangelist John was the only disciple of Jesus who was at the foot of the cross when Christ was crucified.

8. The shortest verse in the Bible: “Jesus shed tears.” John 11:35.

9. Jesus sang on the cross. In the first century AD, Jews always sang psalms. Jesus is known to have quoted the Psalms when he was going through his darkest times at Calvary.

12. Scholars agree that the life of Jesus is better documented than that of any other historical figure in the ancient world.
