Nonverbal communication in profession and hobby. Nonverbal communication and its role in professional activity Nonverbal means in professional activity

The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that currently, when training language specialists, the emphasis is placed primarily on verbal language means. And although more and more linguists and psychologists claim that most information is transmitted by non-verbal means, teaching students the rules of mastery of non-verbal communication means that are inherent in both individual cultures and the world community as a whole. The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge and skills...

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Nonverbal communication is a type of non-verbal interaction of a communicative nature between living beings. In other words, human nonverbal communication is a type of transmission of all kinds of information or the ability to influence the environment without the use of speech (linguistic) mechanisms. The instrument of the described interaction is the physical body of individuals, which has a wide range of tools and specific techniques for broadcasting information or exchanging messages.

Nonverbal communication covers all kinds of gestures and facial expressions, various bodily postures, timbre of voice, physical or visual contact. Human means of non-verbal communication convey the figurative content and emotional essence of information. The language of non-speech components of communication can be primary (all of the above means) and secondary (various programming languages, Morse code). Many scientific minds are confident that only 7% of information is transmitted through words, 38% of data is sent using audio means, which include tone of voice, intonation, and 55% through non-verbal interaction tools, actually using primary non-speech components. It follows that what is fundamental in human communication is not the spoken information, but the manner of its presentation.

The surrounding society can learn a lot about an individual solely by his manner of choosing clothes and conversation, gestures used, etc. As a result of many studies, it was revealed that non-verbal methods of communication have two types of source of origin, namely biological evolution and culture.

Nonverbal means of communication are necessary for the purpose of:

Regulating the flow of the process of communicative interaction, creating psychological contact between interlocutors;
- enriching the meanings conveyed through words, guiding the interpretation of the verbal context;
- expressing emotions and reflecting the interpretation of situations.

Non-verbal communications include well-known gestures, facial expressions and bodily postures, as well as hairstyle, clothing style (clothes and shoes), office interior, business cards, accessories (watches, lighters).

All gestures can be divided into gestures of openness, suspicion, conflict or defense, thoughtfulness and reasoning, uncertainty and doubt, difficulty, etc. Unbuttoning a jacket or reducing the distance between a conversation partner is a gesture of openness.

Rubbing your forehead or chin, trying to cover your face with your hands, and especially avoiding eye contact and looking away to the side indicate suspicion and secrecy. Gestures of conflict or defense include crossing your arms and clenching your fingers into a fist. The thoughtfulness of the interlocutor is indicated by pinching the bridge of the nose, a hand on the cheek (the “thinker” pose). Scratching the space above the earlobe or the side of the neck with your index finger means that the interlocutor doubts something or indicates his uncertainty. Scratching or touching the nose indicates a difficult situation for the person talking. If during a conversation one of the participants lowers his eyelids, then such an action communicates his desire to end the conversation as quickly as possible. Scratching the ear demonstrates the interlocutor's rejection of what the partner is saying or the way he is pronouncing it. Stretching the earlobe reminds that the partner is already tired of listening, and he also has a desire to speak out.

Non-verbal communications also include handshakes, which express the different positions of the participants in the communication interaction. Grabbing the hand of one of those meeting in such a way that its palm is down indicates the authority of the interlocutor. The equal status of those meeting is indicated by a handshake, in which the hands of the participants are in the same position. Stretching out one hand with the palm facing up indicates submission or submission. Emphasizes the different status of those meeting or a certain distance in position, or expresses disrespect by shaking with a straight, unbent hand. Extending only the tips of your fingers for a handshake indicates complete disrespect for the other individual. A handshake with two hands indicates trusting sincerity, excess of feelings, and closeness.

Also, handshakes of citizens of different countries may differ. For example, Americans are characterized by strong, energetic handshakes. After all, they talk about strength and efficiency. For people from the Asian part of the continent, such handshakes may cause bewilderment. They are more accustomed to soft and long handshakes.

Nonverbal communication plays an important role in business communication. For example, picking up lint from a suit is a gesture of disapproval and disagreement in negotiations. In order to prolong the pause before making the final decision, you can take off your glasses and put them on or wipe the lenses. You can also highlight actions that will non-verbally indicate the desire to complete the meeting.

These include: pushing the body forward, with the hands placed on the knees or on the armrests. Hands raised behind the head demonstrate that for the interlocutor the conversation is empty, unpleasant and burdensome.

Nonverbal language of communication is even evident in the way an individual smokes. A closed, suspicious communication partner directs the exhaled stream of smoke downward. Stronger hostility or aggression is indicated by exhaling smoke from the corners of the mouth downwards. The intensity of smoke exhalation is also important. The rapid exhalation of smoke indicates the interlocutor's confidence. The faster it is, the more confident the individual feels. The more intense the flow is exhaled downwards, the more negative the interlocutor is. Ambition is indicated by exhaling smoke through the nostrils with the head raised up. The same thing, but with the head down, indicates that the individual is very angry.

Verbal and non-verbal means of communication during communicative interaction are perceived simultaneously, as a result of which they should be analyzed as an indivisible whole. For example, during a conversation with a smiling, nicely dressed person with a pleasant timbre of voice, his interlocutor, without realizing it, may still leave his partner because he does not like the smell of his eau de toilette. Such a non-verbal action will make the partner think that not everything is all right with him, for example, with his appearance. Understanding this may cause you to lose confidence in your own words, your face to turn red, and ridiculous gestures to appear. This situation indicates that verbal and nonverbal means of communication are inextricably linked. After all, gestures that are not supported by words are not always meaningful, and words in the absence of facial expressions are empty.

The positions of the body, head, arms and shoulders that are most difficult for self-control are of greatest importance in communication. This is precisely the peculiarity of nonverbal communication during a conversation. Raised shoulders indicate tension. When relaxed they fall down. Dropped shoulders and a raised head often indicate openness and an attitude toward successful problem solving. Raised shoulders combined with a lowered head are a sign of displeasure, isolation, fear, and uncertainty.

An indicator of curiosity and interest is a head tilted to the side, and for the fair half this gesture can express light flirting or advances.

The expression on his face can tell a lot about an individual during a conversation. A sincere smile indicates friendliness and a positive attitude. Dissatisfaction or withdrawal is expressed by tightly compressed lips. The bend of the lips, as if in a grin, speaks of doubt or sarcasm. Gaze also plays an important role in nonverbal communication. If the gaze is directed to the floor, then this demonstrates fear or a desire to stop communication interaction; if to the side, it speaks of neglect. You can subjugate the will of your interlocutor with the help of a long and motionless direct gaze into the eyes. Raising the head in conjunction with looking up means a desire for a pause in the conversation. Understanding is expressed by a slight tilt of the head combined with a smile or a rhythmic nod of the head. A slight movement of the head back in combination with furrowed eyebrows indicates a misunderstanding and the need to repeat what was said. In addition, a rather important feature of nonverbal communication is the ability to distinguish between gestures that indicate a lie. After all, most often such gestures are expressed unconsciously, so they are quite difficult to control for an individual intending to lie.

These include covering the mouth with a hand, touching the dimple under the nose or directly to the nose, rubbing the eyelids, looking away to the floor or to the side of the gaze. Representatives of the fair sex, when lying, often draw a finger under the eye. Scratching the neck area, touching it, or pulling the collar of a shirt is also a sign of lying. The position of his palms plays a big role in assessing the sincerity of a communication partner. For example, if the interlocutor, extending one or both palms, opens them partially or completely, then this indicates frankness. Hidden hands or motionless gathered hands indicate secrecy.

Communicative interaction or communication is a rather complex multifaceted process of first establishing and then developing contacts between individuals, caused by the need for joint activity and covering the exchange of messages, the development of a general direction or strategy of interaction and perception with subsequent understanding of another subject.

Communication interaction consists of three components:

1. Communicative, representing the direct exchange of information between communicating people;
2. Interactive, which consists in organizing interaction between subjects;
3. Perceptual, consisting in the process of individuals perceiving each other and establishing mutual understanding.

Communicative interaction can be verbal and non-verbal. In the process of everyday life, individuals talk with many people, using both verbal and non-verbal language. Speech helps people share knowledge, worldviews, make acquaintances, establish social contacts, etc. However, without the use of non-verbal and verbal means of communication, speech will be difficult to understand.

Features of nonverbal communication and verbal interaction consist in the use of various tools for accepting and analyzing incoming data during communications. Thus, people use intelligence and logic to perceive information conveyed by words, and they use intuition to understand nonverbal communication.

Verbal communication implies an understanding of exactly how speech is perceived by a communication partner and what impact it has on him. After all, speech is one of the fundamental means of interpersonal communication.

For the human individual, a phenomenon begins to exist in the full sense when it is named. Language is a universal means of human interaction. It is the basic system by which people encrypt information and the most important communication tool. Language is considered a “powerful” encryption system, but at the same time it leaves room for destruction and the creation of barriers.

Words make the meaning of phenomena and circumstances clear; they help individuals express thoughts, worldviews and emotions. Personality, its consciousness and language are inseparable. Often the language is ahead of the flow of thoughts, and often does not obey them at all. An individual can “blurt out” something or systematically “waffle his tongue” at the same time, practically without thinking about the fact that with his statements he forms certain attitudes in society, directs them to a specific reaction and behavior. Here we can apply the saying: “what comes around, comes around.” With the correct use of words, you can control such a response, predict it, and even shape it. Many politicians master the art of using words correctly.

At each stage of communication interaction, obstacles arise that hinder its effectiveness. In the course of interaction, the illusory nature of mutual understanding between partners often arises. This illusion is due to the fact that individuals use the same words to denote completely different things.

Data loss and information distortion occur at every stage of communication. The level of such losses is determined by the general imperfection of the human language system, the inability to accurately and completely transform thoughts into verbal structures, personal attitudes and aspirations (wishful thinking is perceived as reality), literacy of interlocutors, vocabulary, and so on.

Interpersonal communication interactions are mainly carried out through the use of non-verbal tools. Nonverbal language is considered richer than verbal language. After all, its elements are not verbal forms, but facial expressions, body positions and gestures, intonation characteristics of speech, spatial frames and time boundaries, a symbolic communicative sign system.

Often, nonverbal language of communication is not the result of a deliberate behavioral strategy, but a consequence of subconscious messages. That is why it is very difficult to fake. The individual unconsciously perceives small non-verbal details, considering such perception as a “sixth sense”. Often people unconsciously notice discrepancies between spoken phrases and non-verbal signals, as a result of which they begin to distrust the interlocutor.

Nonverbal interaction plays a significant role in the process of mutual exchange of emotions.

Types of nonverbal communication:

Voice, gestures, appearance (including clothing, body position);
- facial expressions (presence of a smile, direction of gaze);
- movements (nodding or shaking the head, swinging limbs, imitating some behavior, etc.);
- gait, touching, hugs, handshakes, personal space.

Voice is the sound that an individual makes during a conversation, when singing or shouting, laughing and crying. Voice formation occurs due to vibration of the vocal cords, which create sound waves as exhaled air passes through them. The voice cannot develop without the participation of hearing; in turn, hearing cannot develop without the participation of the vocal apparatus. So, for example, in an individual suffering from deafness, the voice does not function due to the absence of auditory perceptions and stimulation of speech motor centers.

In nonverbal communication, it is possible to convey the enthusiastic or interrogative nature of a sentence using just one voice intonation. Based on the tone in which the request was stated, one can conclude how important it is for the speaker. Often, due to the wrong tone and intonation, requests can sound like orders. So, for example, the word “sorry” can have completely different meanings depending on the intonation used. Also, using the voice, the subject can express his own state: surprise, joy, anger, etc.

Appearance is the most important component of nonverbal communication and it implies an image that a person sees and perceives around him.

Nonverbal business communication begins to be built precisely from the assessment of the external attributes of the individual. Acceptable appearance depends on the following characteristics: neatness, good manners, natural behavior, presence of manners, literacy in speech, adequate reactions to criticism or praise, charisma. In life, it is very important for each individual to be able to correctly use the capabilities of his own body when transmitting information to his interlocutor.

Non-verbal communication in business communication is absolutely necessary. After all, business people often have to convince their opponents of something, persuade them to their own point of view and perform certain actions (concluding deals or investing a significant amount in the development of an enterprise). It will be easier to achieve this if you can demonstrate to your partner that the interlocutor is honest and open.

No less important is the position of the body (posture) during the conversation. Using posture, you can express subordination, interest in a conversation, boredom or a desire for a joint partnership, etc. When the interlocutor sits motionless, his eyes are hidden under dark glasses, and he covers his own notes, the other person will feel quite uncomfortable.

To achieve success, nonverbal business communication does not imply the use of postures at business meetings that demonstrate closedness and aggressiveness. It is also not recommended to wear glasses with tinted lenses during any communications, especially at the first meeting. Since, without seeing the eyes of a communication partner, the interlocutor may feel awkward, because the lion's share of information remains inaccessible to him, as a result of which the general atmosphere of communicative interaction is disrupted.

The poses also reflect the psychological subordination of the participants in the conversation. For example, the desire for submission or dominance.

Thus, nonverbal communicative interaction is one of the tools of personal representation of one’s own “I”, an instrument of interpersonal influence and regulation of relationships, forms the image of the interlocutor, clarifies and anticipates the verbal message.

Gestures of nonverbal communication

Often, individuals say something completely different from what they mean, and their interlocutors understand something completely different from what they wanted to convey. All this happens due to the inability to correctly read body language.

Nonverbal methods of communication can be divided into the following:

Expressive movements, which include facial expressions, body position, gait and hand gestures;
- tactile movements, including touching, patting on the shoulder, kissing, shaking hands;
- gaze, characterized by the frequency of eye contact, direction, duration;
- movements in space, covering placement at the table, orientation, direction, distance.

With the help of gestures you can express confidence, superiority, or, conversely, dependence. In addition, there are disguised gestures and incomplete barriers. Often in life, subjects may encounter conditions where they are not entirely comfortable, but still need to appear confident. For example, during a report to a large audience. In this situation, the individual tries to block intuitive defensive gestures that indicate the speaker’s nervousness, as a result of which he partially replaces them with incomplete barriers. Such barriers include a position in which one hand is in a calm state, and the other is holding the forearm or shoulder of the second hand. With the help of disguised gestures, the individual is also able to achieve the necessary level of confidence and calm. As you know, a protective barrier is expressed in the form of fastening crossed arms across the body. Instead of this position, many subjects actively use manipulations with various accessories, for example, twirling cufflinks, fiddling with a watch strap or bracelet, etc. In this case, one arm still ends up across the body, which indicates the installation of a barrier.

Hands placed in pockets can also have many meanings. For example, a person may simply be cold or simply focused on something. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between gestures and the individual’s habits. So, for example, the habit of swinging your leg or tapping your heel while sitting at the table may be perceived as a reluctance to continue communication.

Gestures of nonverbal communication are divided into the following:

Gestures of an illustrative nature (instructions, signals);
- regulatory nature (nodding, shaking the head);
- emblem gestures, that is, gestures that replace words or even entire phrases (for example, clenched hands indicate a greeting);
- adaptive nature (touching, stroking, fiddling with objects);
- affector gestures, that is, expressing emotions and feelings;
- micro gestures (twitching of lips, blushing of the face).

Communication nonverbal communication

Every day a person takes part in the social life of the people around him. Any attempt at communication can lead to the achievement of a certain goal, establish contact with the interlocutor, find common ground, satisfy the need for communication, etc. Everyone knows that communication is a process during which information is exchanged, which helps to increase the effectiveness of communication.

There is verbal and non-verbal communication. Let's take a closer look at the last type.

So, nonverbal communication is personal behavior that signals the nature of the interaction and the emotional state of both interlocutors. Nonverbal means of communication find their expression in hairstyle, gait, objects that surround a person, etc. All this contributes to a better understanding of the internal state of your interlocutor, his mood, feelings and intentions.

This type of communication includes five systems:

1. Look.
2. Interpersonal space.
3. Optical-kinesthetic (facial expressions, appearance of the interlocutor, pantomime).
4. Near-speech (voice range, vocal qualities, timbre).
5. Extra-speech (laughter, speech rate, pauses).

It is worth noting that non-verbal types of communication include:

1. Tactile behavior of the interlocutor. Scientists have found that each person uses different types of touches to their interlocutors during communication. Thus, each type of touch has a certain character and significance. Conventionally, this behavior is divided into: ritual, loving, professional and friendly touches. A person uses a certain type of touch to strengthen or weaken the communicative process of communication.
2. Kinesics is a series of postures, body movements, and gestures that are used as a more expressive means of body language. Its main element is a set of views, facial expressions, postures, gestures that have a sociocultural and physiological origin.
3. Sensory. It is based on the sensory perception of reality by each person. His attitude towards the interlocutor is based on the sensations of the senses (perception of sound combinations, sensation of taste, warmth emanating from the interlocutor, etc.).
4. Chronemics is the use of time during nonverbal communication.
5. Nonverbal methods of communication also include proxemics. This type is based on the use of spatial relations. That is, the influence of distances and territory on the process of interpersonal relationships. There are social, intimate, personal, public zones of nonverbal communication.
6. Paraverbal communication depends on the voice timbre, its rhythm, intonation with which the interlocutor conveys this information, etc.

What is special about body language is that non-verbal behavior is characterized by its spontaneity, the predominance of unconscious, involuntary movements over conscious, voluntary ones. Situationalism, involuntariness, syntheticity (expressiveness in the behavior of the interlocutor is difficult to decompose into individual elements) - all this constitutes features in non-verbal communication.

Examples of nonverbal communication

It just so happens that if a Frenchman or Italian believes that a certain idea is meaningless and stupid, then he will hit himself on the forehead with the palm of his hand. By this he seems to be saying that his interlocutor has gone crazy for suggesting such a thing. And a Spaniard or a Briton, in turn, with this gesture symbolizes satisfaction with oneself as a person.

Nonverbal communication exercises:

1. The first exercise is performed in a group or pair. One participant is a “sculptor”. He establishes a submissive, silent "material" (the person's body must take such a position that its position is typical for the person who portrays it). Your partner orders you to take a specific position. During this “creativity”, the position changes until the “sculptor” is satisfied with the result.
2. Your task is to determine how you felt in both roles, what you learned about yourself and your interlocutor. For what purposes can you use the information received?
3. You need one person's help. Take a thick sheet of paper and two markers. Do not speak. Each participant draws a colored dot on paper to begin the conversation. Alternately, you and your interlocutor draw dots.
4. This exercise gives you the opportunity to understand the emotions, sensations, mood, and mutual understanding with your partner without using words.
5. At least two people participate. Tasks are written down on sheets of paper (for example, “laugh at something..”, “give up something..”, etc.). Participants draw tasks one by one. There is no need to think about the solution to what is written. Participants use everything except verbal communication. Thus, this exercise makes it possible to clearly express your emotions.

So, nonverbal means of communication carry a special meaning in comparison with verbal communication. By learning this language, you will be able to find out more detailed information about your interlocutor.

Nonverbal communication of men

You can be a genius, know how to cook, look great and be an interesting conversationalist, but still not be able to attract a man and show him that you care about him. But there are such lucky women, seemingly unremarkable in anything special, who communicate with the opposite sex easily and naturally and very quickly get what they want. Maybe they know something that you don’t know yet? Learning body language for non-verbal communication with men.

Have you ever noticed how a woman who is interested in a man behaves? She gives him nonverbal signs, often without noticing it herself. She slightly straightens her hair, laughs, raising her chin a little higher than necessary, and looks at him with very special eyes. All these are elements of a subtle love game. People can talk to each other about the weather or train schedules from the Moscow-Tovarnaya station, but nonverbal communication often occurs even against their will. And since such communication occurs involuntarily, why can’t you learn it and use it for your own purposes?

Let's start by analyzing the man's gestures. It should be noted that men's nonverbal signals are much simpler than women's, because men attach slightly less importance to body language. They are characterized by obvious dominance, they are aggressive and are not genetically tuned to painstakingly decipher non-verbal signals. They act and get results. Therefore, gestures characteristic of men are easily perceptible to women. If he starts adjusting his clothes or making himself look too attractive by making appropriate movements, this is a clear sign that he is interested in the woman. A movement such as fixing your hands on a belt is a subconscious sexual signal. The man seems to be showing the woman what she should pay attention to (this gesture is especially obvious if his fingers point to the lower abdomen). A gesture similar to this - hands in trouser pockets. If a man does something like this in your presence, you can rest assured that he cares about you.

Women use much more subtle gestures to attract male attention. Historically, it was necessary for a lady to decipher the non-verbal signals of children, wild animals and other people, which is why our sign language is much richer, and we are better able to use it. So, for example, if you want to show that the interlocutor is interesting to you, try to look him in the eyes and be open and not shy. A slight lean forward symbolizes your desire to get closer to a man and will definitely be interpreted positively by him. But if you cross your arms or legs, this tells your interlocutor that you are worried and don’t want to let him get too close to you, be careful with this gesture.

Frankly seductive gestures are touches and everything that concerns the movements of the lips, chest and nostrils. When a person is excited, his pupils dilate, breathing becomes rapid, and the mucous membrane dries out. Therefore, to create the appropriate impression in a man, you can start breathing more quickly and open your mouth slightly. Remember that all this should be unnoticeable and subtle. A gasping woman with her mouth wide open will cause only bewilderment in a man.

Don't go too far and cram all the nonverbal signals you know into one short conversation over a cup of coffee. Every gesture and movement needs the appropriate time and place, and you need to use your body language correctly. If you can master these simple techniques, communication with the opposite sex will become easy and understandable for you.

Psychology of nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is an important and integral part of the communication process. Facial expressions, gestures, movements, intonation and tone of voice, gaze - all these factors influence the effectiveness of the process of information exchange between the addresser and the addressee.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, with the help of body language, people convey very important, and most importantly, truthful information in the communication process. Nonverbal means of communication and their forms have come to the attention of researchers relatively recently. The result of their detailed study was the emergence of a new science - nonverbal psychology.

In every person, to one degree or another, two forces oppose each other: the need for solitude and the thirst for communication with people.

When analyzing whether our interlocutor is telling the truth, we subconsciously take into account not only the words, but also the messages conveyed through body language. Scientists have been able to prove that almost 50% of information is transmitted by gestures and facial expressions, and only 7% by words.

Undoubtedly, gestures and facial expressions of speech can tell much more about others than their full autobiography.

Nonverbal communication is the side of communication consisting in the exchange of information between individuals without the help of speech and language, presented in any symbolic form. Such means of nonverbal communication as facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, etc. perform the functions of supplementing and replacing speech, conveying the emotional states of communication partners.

If several words or sentences are needed to fully describe an emotional state, then to express any feeling through non-verbal means it is enough to perform only one movement (for example, raising an eyebrow, expressing surprise or nodding).

Basic elements of nonverbal communication

Learning nonverbal communication will make our everyday communication more effective. The ability to read between the lines is very important in the process of building a behavioral strategy, since various manifestations of non-verbal exchange of information can be the key to many mysteries and secrets.

It is believed that no person is able to fully control facial movements and gestures during a conversation.

Even weak signals instinctively given by the interlocutor will help his opponent draw the right conclusions:

Behavior: By observing changes in a person's behavior depending on the situation, a lot of useful information can be gleaned.
Expression – expressive means: gestures, facial expressions.
Tactile interaction: touching, shaking hands, hugging, patting on the back.
Gaze: duration, direction, change in pupil size.
Movement in space: gait, posture while sitting, standing, etc.
Individual reactions to various events: speed of movements, their nature (sharp or smooth), completeness, etc.

Modern scientists have nevertheless been able to develop special techniques that make it possible to mislead even sign language experts. Having thoroughly studied some non-verbal techniques, you can use certain elements to convince the interlocutor of the sincerity of your intentions. But this is quite difficult, since non-verbal accompaniment of speech is activated during dialogue by our subconscious.

The meaning of some poses and gestures

Almost every day a person comes into contact with other people, communication arises between them. As you know, communication is divided into verbal and non-verbal. Methods of nonverbal communication can include everything except speech, that is, facial expressions, gestures, intonation, postures, and more.

Let's look at the most popular postures for nonverbal communication below:

If a person hides his hands behind his back, most likely he wants to deceive you;
Widely open hands, palms up, indicate that the interlocutor is friendly and inclined to communicate;
If your counterpart has his arms crossed over his chest, it means he is experiencing discomfort and does not want to continue the dialogue;
While concentrating on a serious issue, a person will involuntarily rub his chin or pinch the bridge of his nose;
If, while listening to you, a person constantly covers his mouth with his hand, it means that you are not speaking convincingly enough;
If the interlocutor is bored, he rests his head on his hand;
A vigorous handshake accompanied by a joyful verbal greeting communicates the person's sincere intentions;
If your counterpart cannot grasp the essence of the conversation, he will scratch his ear or neck.

Hand gestures when talking

Hand gestures can tell in sufficient detail about the general mood of the interlocutor’s conversation. The richness of a person’s speech and gestures adds bright colors to the conversation. At the same time, overly active gestures or periodically repeated gestures can indicate self-doubt and the presence of internal tension.

In general, hand gestures can be divided into open and closed:

Open gestures indicate trust and friendly attitude of the interlocutor. An addition can be a slightly forward body.
Closed hand gestures in almost all cases indicate some discomfort and a person’s desire to “close up.” For example, hands placed on the elbows and “clasped” indicate the interlocutor’s unpreparedness for a direct conversation and making a decision at the moment. If a person has a ring on his finger, and he periodically touches and scrolls it, then this gesture indicates nervous tension.

If the interlocutor, while at the table, raises his hand to his lips, then most likely he wants to hide certain information or deceive. You should also pay attention to the gesture when the interlocutor touches his ear with his fingers, as it means a desire to stop the conversation.

Leg position when communicating:

Focus position: Open pose with feet together and toes slightly apart. This position indicates neutral human behavior.
The position in which the legs are apart is most typical for the male half of humanity, since it is a certain signal of dominance. At the same time, this position indicates confidence; the person stands firmly on his feet.
If one of the interlocutor's legs is placed in front of the other, then this gesture can reveal his intentions regarding the conversation. If a person’s toe is pointed to the side when talking to you, this means that he is not averse to leaving quickly. And, on the contrary, when the toe is pointed towards the interlocutor, the person is engaged in the conversation.

Variations of crossed legs

All crossed leg positions indicate a closed and defensive attitude. Often, a person takes this position of the legs, experiencing discomfort and stress. In combination with crossed arms (most often in the chest area), the pose speaks of a person’s desire to isolate himself from what is happening and the inability to perceive information. A position called “leg hooking,” which is common among women, signifies fear, discomfort, and constriction.

A person’s gestures sometimes turn out to be much more eloquent than his words. Therefore, when talking with your interlocutor, you should pay due attention to gestures.

Nonverbal communication of a woman

When I first started meeting girls, every time I heard the answer: “I’m busy today” or “I have another guy,” I couldn’t understand what was going on. Don’t repeat my mistakes - take them into account and get the woman you want! I attributed my failures to my shortcomings during my student years. But, damn it, how wrong I was! Time after time I approached women in the subway, on the street, on the train and at the institute, received refusals and made many women fall in love with me, but most importantly, I drew conclusions. Don’t miss the opportunity to make not just a good impression at the first meeting, but to make a woman think about you in her free time. After all, you won’t have a second acquaintance, and the first impression determines whether a woman will accept an invitation to a first date and in what mood she will come to it.

When you speak to a woman for the first time, the biggest role is played not by your appearance, not even by your words, but by how you say them, what emotions are on your face, what kind of gait, posture, and intonation you have. This creates male confidence and strength, which is assessed by a woman by your non-verbal communication with her. And if dry information is conveyed with the help of words, then the non-verbal channel is completely devoted to personal relationships. Remember: you were born a man, and she was born a woman. It is inherent in nature that you get pleasure from the fact that you take, set your own rules, and she derives pleasure from the fact that she obeys and enters the world you have built. If you want to enjoy life: the smiles of pretty strangers, the sympathy, affection and care of the women around you - behave confidently with them. A woman has the internal ability to feel a man’s self-doubt after the first glance at him, after his first words. This feeling is called the mysterious female intuition, but it is simply a highly developed ability to compare the meaning of spoken words with non-verbal words produced.

Soberly assess the woman who has attracted your attention and draw simple conclusions: what she might be doing, what her mood is, whether she is tired or full of energy, good or bad taste, etc. Try to find as much information as possible and draw conclusions, but don’t think too long. Otherwise, you will constantly miss one opportunity after another, and then endlessly exhaust yourself with meaningless excuses: “She’s not right for me,” “Today is not my day, I’ll meet you tomorrow,” “It’s a pity to waste energy, since I’m very tired at work,” etc. .d. Look at what position she is in, what her movements are (smooth, sharp), and her facial expression. These are not complicated things at all; everyone knows and sees them. She looks at one point, does not react to the people around her - she is tired. He runs his eyes around - he's bored. She stands in concentration - she is absorbed in herself, she walks quickly - she is in a hurry, it will be difficult to attract her attention. If a girl is waiting for someone, then the main conclusion for you will be the answer to the question: a man or a boyfriend. If she is tense and concentrated, combed, made up and lightly dressed, then feel free to conclude that she has come on a date, and her boyfriend is about to approach. And vice versa, if she is disheveled, with a large bag, and there is a lack of composure in her movements, then feel free to go and meet her - she just came to meet her friend.

A man chooses a woman from the crowd only based on external appearance and hopes that she will be just as wonderful in communication. And I made a mistake myself: the woman turned out to be completely different from what I had imagined. To avoid this, choose a woman not only by her beauty, but also by her behavior, manners, gait, and gaze, so that her non-verbal language reflects yours as much as possible. Then there is a high probability that your goals and interests will coincide, which means there will already be a platform for communication. She walks energetically, holding her head high in the crowd, and you love to walk like that - it's yours. She carefully studies the space and people around her, smiles at interesting things, just like you - it’s yours. She reads a book, and you like to read - it's yours. She smiles at you, and you smile at her - why aren’t you together yet?

Each new woman, when I got to know her better, only confirmed to me the truth: body language never deceives, unlike appearance and words.

Look slightly above her and let her notice your gaze. The fact that she looks away immediately after your eyes touch says: she saw a man in you and acted like a woman. And then look carefully. If she steals a glance at you again, then she likes you outwardly. That's just how women are made. By the way, this is why it is difficult to catch a woman’s smile on a subway escalator - because even if a woman likes you, she will look up at you later, when you can no longer see him! I trust my instincts and if I notice that a woman likes me, I approach without hesitation.

You can run your gaze over her: from head to toe. By doing this you will make it clear in sign language that she is interested in you as a woman. Women in general are very interested in relationships and recognize such views the first time. After that, without hesitation, go meet her. Because experience confirms the indisputable truth: if you wait for the right moment for a long time, then inevitably the woman will get up and leave, or those whom she was waiting for will come - getting to know her will become physically impossible. And you will be left alone with regrets about failed relationships and shame for your indecision.

Approach with a smile is the most effective way to receive reciprocal sympathy. Look at the woman, not away, when you speak. Otherwise it will reveal your insecurity. I tried to evoke positive emotions in myself, they help fight anxiety. A smile can be different, so at home, smile in the mirror in advance and see yourself through a woman’s eyes. If you don't like your smile, change it. For example, stop opening your mouth too much and showing your teeth. Choose your cutest smile and remember how it turns out. It is good to meet any women anywhere with humor; a smile puts a person at ease and gives the maximum guarantee that even in case of failure he will be polite to you. Train yourself to treat dating a woman like a game at which you are a pro. After all, when we play, we ourselves do not notice our naturalness. And naturalness inspires trust. I had the feeling that I was playing a game with a woman in which I myself set the rules, not soon. It grew with the number of women in my life. And even if a woman didn’t like me at first, I made her enjoy flirting with me, and this greatly endeared her to me. Flirt to the fullest, even where there is no game. This will give you a chance to draw a woman into flirting. They love to flirt, they are professionals at this and get a lot of positive emotions from it.

Watch her reaction carefully. Learn to recognize hidden interest, embarrassment, self-absorption and other states of women. Of course, each person has their own and were formed under the pressure of external circumstances, but still there are common features.

Here are the main signs of reciprocal interest:

Your views often meet;
- quick glances in your direction furtively;
- when you don’t see, an attentive appraising look;
- straightening your hair, clothes or handbag;
- tries to stand with his face and whole body facing you;
- smiles at you, laughs at your jokes;
- listens to you carefully;
- slightly tense posture;
- if you walk nearby, it adapts to your pace.

The girl is not inclined to meet:

Turns the body away from you;
- constantly looks away from you (may openly turn away) with an indifferent expression on his face.

I'm not even talking about such overt gestures as deliberately not answering, getting up and leaving.

Your voice should be clear and natural, but most importantly, self-confident. Record the first phrase for dating on a voice recorder and listen to what the woman hears. Then you will understand: your voice is your strength or weakness.

When you approach a woman, try to take the same position as her. Choose the distance at which you should stand so as not to scare her. We allow people we like to come to us at a fairly close distance, and the more intimate the relationship between a man and a woman, the smaller the distance will be between them when communicating. But you can also go from the opposite: if a woman lets you into her personal zone, then her subconscious will begin to perceive you as a close person. According to science, this distance does not exceed an outstretched arm, but you can get closer, because it is different for each person. But I repeat once again: carefully monitor the reaction to your actions, do not overdo it. Because protecting your personal zones is one of the main principles of wordless communication. And women are very sensitive to the fact that an unfamiliar man approaches her too closely when talking. From experience, the personal zone is an oval, so you can approach a woman closer from the side than from the back or front without the risk of violating the personal zone.

If you feel that the ice between you is melting, then feel free to start invading the woman’s personal zone. In order for a personal relationship to develop between you, so that she perceives you as a man, this must be done first of all: move closer to her, give her your hand, brush a speck off your shoulder, try to touch her once again, hug her, etc.

Monitor the response to your every word or action and immediately make adjustments to your behavior.

If I don’t have much time, then at the peak of her interest in me I would say: “Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go, since I have to finish the business I was going on. But I really want to see you again in order to continue our communication. Leave me your phone number..." Say all this with a sweet smile and a playful mood.

The role of nonverbal communication

Words are good for conveying logical information. At the same time, feelings are better conveyed non-verbally. According to scientists, 93% of information transmitted during emotional communication passes through non-verbal communication channels.

Nonverbal communication is difficult to control even for professional artists. To do this, they need to get into character, which is a complex creative process that doesn’t always work out and requires rehearsals. Therefore, nonverbal communication is significantly more reliable than verbal communication. We can control some of the parameters of nonverbal communication. But we will never be able to control all parameters, since a person can keep no more than 5-7 factors in his head at the same time.

We can convey our feelings and emotions without words. Nonverbal language is also used in verbal communication. With his help we:

regulate the flow of the conversation;

When talking with a partner, we see his facial expressions, gestures that tell us what our interlocutor really thinks and feels. Thus, the seated interlocutor, leaning forward, tells us that he wants to speak himself. Having leaned back, he himself wants to listen to us. A chin tilted forward indicates strong will, a desire to strictly monitor one’s interests. If the chin is raised and the head is straight, then the partner considers himself in a position of strength.

By controlling our non-verbal language, we can evoke the image we desire. When speaking to an audience as an expert, we should evoke the image of a competent, confident specialist. Otherwise, no one will believe our opinion. Moreover, the audience will form their impression of us in the first few seconds of our speech.

If we go up to the podium with our back slouched, our voice sounding sluggish, and our words muffled, then we are unlikely to be able to convince those present to accept our proposals, unless the audience already considers us a first-class specialist and an indisputable authority.

Nonverbal language helps us form a clearer and more adequate opinion about our partner. Tapping your fingers on the arm of the chair indicates nervous tension. Clasped hands indicate closedness. The predominance of consonants in speech is about the predominance of logic over feelings: the interlocutor is more likely a “physicist” than a “lyricist.”

The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

Words are good for conveying logical information. At the same time, feelings are better conveyed non-verbally. According to scientists, 93% of information transmitted during emotional communication passes through non-verbal communication channels. Nonverbal communication is difficult to control even for professional artists. To do this, they need to get into character, which is a complex creative process that doesn’t always work out and requires rehearsals. Therefore, nonverbal communication is significantly more reliable than verbal communication.

We can control some of the parameters of nonverbal communication. But we will never be able to control all parameters, since a person can keep no more than 5-7 factors in his head at the same time.

Nonverbal communication is usually spontaneous and unintentional. Nature gave it to us as a product of many millennia of natural selection. Therefore, nonverbal communication is very capacious and compact. By mastering the language of nonverbal communication, we acquire an effective and economical language. By blinking an eye, nodding our head, or waving our hand, we convey our feelings faster and better than we could with words. We can convey our feelings and emotions without words. Nonverbal language is also used in verbal communication.

With his help we:

We confirm, explain or refute information transmitted verbally;
transmit information consciously or unconsciously;
express our emotions and feelings;
regulate the flow of the conversation;
control and influence other persons;
we make up for the lack of words, for example, when learning to ride a bicycle.

The importance of nonverbal communication is difficult to overestimate. Scientists have calculated that two-thirds, or to be more precise, 93% of all information we receive through non-verbal communication.

Nonverbal communication is usually spontaneous and unintentional. Nature gave it to us as a product of many millennia of natural selection. Therefore, nonverbal communication is very capacious and compact. By mastering the language of nonverbal communication, we acquire an effective and economical language. By blinking an eye, nodding our head, or waving our hand, we convey our feelings faster and better than we could with words.

How great the role of nonverbal communication is in our lives can be judged by studying the main functions of nonverbal communication between people.

The main function of nonverbal communication is to convey extensive information. Sometimes a person says much more with nonverbal messages than with words.

From nonverbal communication you can learn about the interlocutor’s temperament, his emotional state at the time of communication, find out the person’s personal qualities, his sociability, as well as social status.

If you know the functions of nonverbal communication, observing two people, you can easily determine their attitude towards each other, the type and dynamics of the relationship. Through nonverbal messages, people show how comfortable they feel in a given situation and whether they like communicating with each other.

The functions of nonverbal communication are an important part of intercultural communication. For example, if people do not know each other’s language, they can only express themselves using gestures, facial expressions, and kinetics.

Nonverbal communication postures

People's feelings and attitudes can be determined by the way they sit or stand, by a set of gestures and individual movements. It is easier and more pleasant for people to communicate with those who have expressive motor skills and an animated, relaxed facial expression.

Bright gestures reflect positive emotions and encourage sincerity and trust.

At the same time, excessive gesticulation and frequently repeated gestures can indicate internal tension and self-doubt.

Nonverbal communication becomes accessible and the level of mutual understanding increases if you understand the postures and gestures of your interlocutor:

Concentration – eyes closed, pinching the bridge of the nose, rubbing the chin;
Criticality - one hand near the chin with the index finger extended along the cheek, the second hand supports the elbow;
Positivity - body, head slightly tilted forward, hand slightly touching the cheek;
Distrust - a palm covers the mouth, expressing disagreement;
Boredom - the head is supported by the hand, the body is relaxed and slightly bent;
Superiority - sitting position, legs one on top of the other, hands behind the head, eyelids slightly closed;
Disapproval - restless movement, shaking off lint, straightening clothes, pulling down trousers or skirts;
Uncertainty - scratching or rubbing the ears, clasping the elbow of the other with one hand;
Openness – arms are spread out to the sides with palms up, shoulders are straightened, the head is “looking” straight, the body is relaxed.

The distance between interlocutors plays an important role in establishing contact and understanding the communication situation. Often people express their attitude in categories such as “stay away from there” or “I want to be closer to him.” If people are interested in each other, the space separating them decreases, they tend to be closer.

To better understand these features, as well as to correctly distinguish between situations and the scope of contact, you should know the basic limits of the permissible distance between interlocutors:

Intimate distance (up to 0.5 m) – intimate, trusting relationships between close people and friends. May also be acceptable in sports where bodily contact is acceptable.
Interpersonal distance (from 0.5 m to 1.2 m) is a comfortable distance during a friendly conversation where touching each other is allowed.
Social distance (from 1.2 m to 3.7 m) – informal interaction in society, during a business meeting. The greater the distance, right up to the extreme border, the more formal the relationship.
Public distance (more than 3.7 m) is a comfortable distance for a lecturer who makes a public presentation to a large group of people.

Such distance limits and their significance depend on the age, gender of a person, and his personal characteristics. Children are comfortable being at a closer distance from their interlocutor, while teenagers close themselves off and want to distance themselves from others.

Women love closer distances, regardless of the gender of their interlocutor. Balanced, confident people do not pay much attention to distance, while nervous, anxious people try to stay away from others.

In order to feel confident and comfortable in a situation of communicating with different people, to avoid manipulation, you should learn to recognize non-verbal language of communication in situations where they are trying to deceive you.

What means of nonverbal communication, gestures, postures, and facial expressions should you pay attention to in order to recognize a lie:

Excessively long or frequent pauses, pauses and hesitations before starting a line;
asymmetry of facial expressions, lack of synchrony in the work of facial muscles, when there is a discrepancy in the facial expressions of the two sides of the face;
a “frozen” facial expression, when it does not change for 5-10 seconds, is false;
delayed expression of emotions, when long pauses arise between the word and the emotions associated with it;
a “long” smile, where the lips are pulled back from the teeth, creating a narrow lip line;
visual contact is shallow, when the liar's eyes meet the interlocutor's eyes for no more than a third of the entire conversation, while often looking at the ceiling and around with a restless expression on his face;
twitching of any part of the body: tapping fingers on the table, biting the lip, twitching of arms or legs;
scanty gestures that the liar keeps under control;
high pitched voice, heavy breathing;
bent body, crossed-legged poses;
poor facial expressions, weak work of the facial muscles;
quickly moving the eyes first to the upper right corner, and then to the lower left;
quick, imperceptible at first glance, touching the nose, rubbing the eyelid;
brighter gestures with the right hand compared to the left;
any exaggeration: unnecessary movements and gestures, inappropriate emotions;
frequent blinking of the eyes.

Pedagogical nonverbal communication

The role of culture of communication and humanitarian knowledge grows with the development of society, and in pedagogical activity a variety of techniques and knowledge play a greater role, forming a child’s idea of ​​himself and another person, of the possibilities of human creativity. By the form of influence on students, one can judge the teacher’s communication skills, and by the specifics of the organization of the speech message, one can judge his general culture and literacy.

General and communicative culture necessarily includes a culture of nonverbal behavior. Nonverbal behavior creates the appearance of the character and reveals his inner content.

Human communication occurs at the verbal and nonverbal levels. Research shows that in the daily act of human communication, words make up 7%, sounds and intonations - 38%, non-verbal interaction - 53%. The body sends constant signals to the person himself and those around him. “We speak with our voice, we talk with our whole body” - Publ.

Non-verbal means include: facial expressions - movements of the facial muscles, gestures - gestural movements of individual parts of the body, pantomime - motor skills of the whole body.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren are emotional in the sense that they do not know how to hide and restrain the external expression of their emotions. A child’s smile indicates that he is happy, while knitted eyebrows and vertical folds on the forehead indicate that he is angry. A look says a lot. He can be direct, downcast, trusting, gloomy, frightened... On the child’s face with his very spontaneous and expressive facial expressions, the teacher can read what he feels: pleasure or displeasure, fear or shame, etc. Pantomime plays an important role in the appearance of a child. Negative emotions “shrink” his figure, positive emotions, on the contrary, “unfold”. Children with poor pantomime are unable to clearly express their emotional state. This makes the communication process difficult.

Observing nonverbal behavior makes the teacher's understanding of children's behavior more specific, accurate and detailed. The child has just entered, and the teacher can already see the child’s mood. Thus, A.S. Makarenko wrote that for him, in his practice, “like for many experienced teachers, such “trifles” became decisive: how to stand, how to sit, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look.” “Gesture, facial expressions, glance, posture sometimes turn out to be more expressive and effective than words,” says E.A. Petrova. There are many arrogant people who believe that a small person is unlikely to pay attention to their costume, hairstyle and this is unlikely to affect somehow on the success of the education process. It has been established that a person who has received a positive assessment for his appearance is most often characterized positively in terms of personal characteristics. Therefore, it is more important not to dress in what or how, but in each specific case to dress one way and not another.

The teacher needs to pay attention to gestures. Verbal communication through gestures receives serious emotional reinforcement. The accuracy of movements and gestures in the system of pedagogical communication is extremely important, especially if they act as semantic movements that replace words, for example, “stop”, “go away”, “yes”, “no”. Sometimes these movements interact with words, sometimes they completely replace them.

The greatest attention is paid to facial expression. The habit of looking into the face of a communication partner and more or less subtly noting changes in expressions develops in each person gradually, starting from the first weeks of life. Its appearance gives the child the opportunity to anticipate the actions of an adult with “such” a face and builds his behavior accordingly.

The source of personal experience - first of all, the family - from childhood provides everyone with its own ideas about the meaning of expressive behavior. In one family, a child gets used to recognizing the approach of a “thunderstorm” simply by the stillness of his mother’s face, while in another he receives a “full set” of signs in the form of a distorted face, a bared mouth, narrowed eyes, and a wrinkled forehead.

A positive facial portrait of a teacher consists of a disposition towards students, expectations of good on their part, faith in their nobility, and interest in what they do and say. When children characterize a teacher with the words “He is kind, we can always turn to him,” “He is strict,” “He is handsome,” then this is exactly the portrait of the teacher that is meant. Research has shown that all people, regardless of the nationality of the culture in which they grew up, interpret facial expressions as expressions of corresponding emotions with sufficient accuracy and consistency. Knowing your own characteristics and the adequacy of “reading” other people is an interconnected phenomenon. In principle, it is possible to learn this, although it is not so easy.

It is important for teachers not only to be able to control facial expression, but also to imitate certain states to demonstrate their attitude towards the audience. It is advisable to give your face a friendly appearance, concentration and efficiency. You need to look at the listeners directly, but not intently, periodically looking around everyone. Looking at the listener also provides feedback. A hazy haze in the eyes indicates that the listener is not involved in the work. The sparkle of the eyes and active posture indicate that the child listens attentively and is willing to study.

When communicating with children, the teacher receives a significant part of the information regarding their emotional state, intentions, and attitude towards something not from the children’s words, but from gestures, facial expressions, intonation, posture, gaze, and manner of listening. Nonverbal aspects of communication also play a significant role in regulating relationships, establishing contacts, and largely determine the emotional atmosphere and well-being of both adults and children.

Thus, we can conclude that the nonverbal aspect of communication occupies a significant place in the process of interaction between the teacher and children. In order to make his work easier, the teacher must be able to communicate with children without even talking, must take into account not only the child’s speech, but also his every gesture, glance, every movement, and in turn strictly control his non-verbal behavior. The culture of using nonverbal means of pedagogical communication reflects the level of pedagogical skill. You can master the basics of pedagogical communication in the process of professional self-education. Pedagogical technique is a set of techniques. Its means are speech and non-verbal means of communication.

Development of nonverbal communication

The problem of the formation of human communicative and speech activity is becoming increasingly important in modern life. The importance of developing dialogical speech skills becomes most obvious when teaching older preschoolers, when the lack of basic skills makes it difficult for a child to communicate with peers and adults, leads to increased anxiety, and disrupts the communication process as a whole.

A child’s communication is not only the ability to make contact and carry on a conversation with an interlocutor, but also the ability to listen carefully and actively, the use of facial expressions and gestures to more effectively express one’s thoughts, as well as awareness of the characteristics of oneself and other people and taking them into account during communication.

Nonverbal means of communication help enrich children’s verbal communication, make it more natural and relaxed. It is important that the child can adequately perceive non-verbal information and distinguish between similar but not identical emotional states of the interlocutor.

Nonverbal communication, better known as body language, includes all forms of human self-expression that do not rely on words.

Psychologists believe that reading nonverbal cues is essential to effective communication. Nonverbal signals allow us to understand the true feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor, his attitude to the information he is talking about.

The development of nonverbal skills creates additional opportunities for establishing contacts, choosing the right course of behavior, and enhances the effectiveness of social interaction among preschoolers.

The process of teaching nonverbal means of communication to preschoolers includes the main stages of work:

Development of facial and body muscles;
familiarization with basic emotional states and ways of expressing them through facial expressions, gestures, postures and complex expressive movements;
exercises and consolidation of expressive movements in sketches and play activities;
transfer of non-verbal methods of communication into independent communicative activities.

Work in this direction is based on the “subject-subjective” model of interaction between a child and an adult, the essence of which is a change in the position of the teacher, i.e. The teacher takes into account the characteristics of the child being educated, his needs, emotions, capabilities, and also stimulates the child’s activity, without suppressing with his authority.

An important point in such interaction is cooperation, which is a tactic of influence and communication with the child, and the position of the teacher is based on the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development as a full-fledged member of society. In a situation of cooperation, possible egocentrism and individualism are overcome, and a sense of collectivism is formed. With this model of communication, children’s imagination and thinking are not constrained by the fear of failure, they are more liberated.

In the process of specially organized classes, teachers form in preschoolers ideas about the expressive elements of nonverbal behavior and the ability to correctly evaluate them and use them when interacting with others.

Exercises for developing nonverbal communication skills can be divided into two large groups:

1) exercises aimed at developing one’s own gestures and facial expressions;
2) exercises aimed at understanding the nonverbal language of others, at developing the skill of recording the nonverbal manifestations of others and interpreting them.

In the work of a lawyer, communication plays a prominent role. Communication takes place within the framework of a wide variety of professional actions, such as communication with a citizen who has asked for help, during legal consultation, preventive conversation, administrative analysis of an offense, during personal investigation, survey, interrogation, confrontation, and other investigative actions. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is not a simple conversation between a lawyer and another person, but an act of behavior and action carried out to solve certain professional problems. His professional characteristics are determined by the result that must be achieved (giving testimony, establishing the truth, changing the behavior of a citizen, etc.), the course of law and legal relations, contact, as a rule, with difficult people, a situation of tension, often conflict and confrontation .

Having mastered the general psychotechnics of communication, you can adapt it to each specific case.

For some, communication seems very simplified - as an exchange of words and the information behind them. In reality, communication proceeds as contact:

* situational business, carried out to solve a specific legal problem. Goals, objectives, and environment have a psychological impact on its course and result;

* legal, during which legal relations arise that determine the procedure for exercising one’s rights and obligations. On the part of the lawyer, it proceeds strictly in compliance with established norms, which his communication partner understands, and this also affects their psychology and communication;

* status-role. This is not a conversation between two friends talking as equals, when you can say everything. Both the lawyer and the citizen are aware of the differences in positions in the situation that prompted them to communicate;

* cognitive-evaluative. People who come into contact carefully look at each other and, depending on its results, decide what and how to say and what not to say;

* interpersonal, relationship, largely individualized. It is not sound devices that speak, but individuals who relate to each other in a certain way, are subject to likes and dislikes, mutual understanding and enmity, trying to influence each other and using all means of communication to do this;

* informational .

Therefore, people in communication are not like acoustic shells that produce and perceive sounds. They not only transmit and receive information, but interact, interact, study, influence each other, pursue their own line of behavior, and defend their interests. This whole tangle of psychological factors affects the process of exchanging information during communication, and success is ensured by the ability of the initiator of communication - the lawyer - to take them into account and use them to solve the problem at hand.

Rule: communication must be approached with all the psychology that a lawyer is capable of. A lawyer should deliberately translate his thoughts about methods of communication and overcoming its difficulties into the plane of psychological reasoning, assessments, comparisons, choices, intentions and means of their implementation.

The word acts not only with its content and meaning, but also with the entire complex of non-verbal means that frame it. The psychotechnics of using nonverbal means of accompanying speech is associated with their use during conversation, which significantly enhances the power of words, and ignoring it can weaken and even reduce the effect of the word to nothing. The general rule is this: speak not only to the ears, but also to the eyes of those listening.

In the work of a lawyer, there are a huge number of communicative situations in which the use of facial expressions is a significant factor. In a broad sense, facial expressions refer to expressive movements of the facial muscles. It reflects a person’s mental state, attitude towards the environment, his own statements and actions. In professional psychotechnics, facial expressions are used to enhance speech utterances, influence the interlocutor, establish psychological contact, form an impression of oneself and one’s position in a conversation, mask one’s own mental state and attitude to what is happening, and even improve one’s well-being. During contacts with citizens when solving problems that are important to them, they involuntarily intensify their observation of the facial expressions of a government representative. They often try to understand not only the text, but also the subtext, to guess the hidden, real meaning behind the words, to grasp its relationship to information, an event, to themselves, as if “reading a face.” The ability to control one’s facial expressions and use them to solve the task at hand is an important professional skill for a law enforcement officer.

Therefore, a lawyer must always pay attention to his facial expressions: think through what it should be, what it is, whether it corresponds to the situation, when it should be changed and why, etc. Many employees do not think about what kind of facial expression they have, they don’t know, they don’t realize this.

It is advisable for a lawyer to deliberately control his facial expressions, using it to give an expression to his face that will contribute to the desired perception of thoughts and actions by his interlocutor and other people. Most often, in the actions of law enforcement officials, it must demonstrate calm, self-control, confidence, and goodwill.

It is necessary to use all facial expressions to achieve the desired expressiveness of your face. This is, first of all, the expression of the eyes, the direction of gaze, a special pattern of nasolabial folds, forehead folds, the general position of the head (normal, straight position, arrogantly raised chin, bending forward with a sullen gaze, etc.), movements of the facial muscles (including the muscles of the eyelids and those around them, who primarily determine their expression). Facial expressions are diverse and dynamic and can reflect the speaker’s attitude to the spoken words (their significance for the speaker, belief in what he is saying, how he understands what he is saying, how he understands the listener, etc.), the mental states of the speaker (joy, satisfaction, attentiveness , boredom, annoyance, fatigue, surprise, excitement, tension, anger, confusion, etc.), attitude towards the interlocutor (indifference, respect, sympathy, goodwill, neglect, disappointment, etc.), attitude towards oneself and one’s actions (volitional composure, determination, inflexibility, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, complacency, arrogance, preparation for some action, etc.), some qualities (intelligence, intelligence, lack of education, stupidity, self-control, will, etc.).

The expression of the eyes reflects the most important meaning of the conversation. The eyes are rightly called the mirror of the soul. A law enforcement officer needs to talk to his counterpart, as they say, eye to eye, have eye contact, and even in appropriate cases ask him to also look into his eyes and not look away. In most professions there should be no dichotomy between the content of speech and the expression of the eyes, facial expressions, because the same words with different expressions on the face and eyes can take on opposite meanings. You can speak with a serious face and laugh only with your eyes. In the legal profession, there are circumstances when the eyes and all facial expressions are designed to mask his actual states and relationships. This requires artistry and the ability to manage oneself.

Of great importance in the activity of a lawyer is the ability to master the psychotechnics of using gestures and the ability to “read” them. All gestures used in the activities of law enforcement officers can be divided into groups: 8

* illustrators that support the speech message, including: pointers (finger, hand movement), pictographs - a picture representation of the shape and size of an object, ideographs - hand movements that model the dynamics of some event (for example, the movements of a hand with a knife when striking body), signals - movements that seem to beat the tempo of speech;

* homonym gestures - substitutes for the words “come”, “sit down”, “hello”, “go away”, “clean up”, “goodbye”, “hurray!”, “wait”, “bad”, “I don’t believe it” , "horror!" and etc.;

* command gestures. This type of gestures is intended, for example, for the work of road patrol inspectors, during drill formations (“Get in line!”, “Get in column!”, etc.);

* affectors - movements that reflect the attitude to the actions and words of the interlocutor and the emotions that arise: agreement, disagreement, protest, empathy, condemnation, warning (movement of the index finger), attention, etc.;

* regulators - nod of the head, direction of gaze, purposeful movement of the hands, demonstrating the intentions of the speaker: inviting the interlocutor to be silent, wait, interrupt his speech, give or convey something, etc. There are a number of rules and recommendations for the use of gestures:

* actively use the capabilities of gestures when speaking;

* do not allow meaningless gestures - waving your arms;

* avoid stereotypical gestures - using only one or two constantly repeated gestures (for example, “cutting air”, “pointing finger”).

The posture of the speaker has a psychological impact on the interlocutor and reveals the attitude towards him, the attitude towards oneself, the level of culture and ethics, mental state, intention, etc. It also affects the perception of words, and may correspond to their real meaning or contradict it; correct and beautiful words can be perceived as false, as an empty formality. Therefore, it is reasonable to take a pose that is precisely calculated for the psychological effect that corresponds to the goals of the speech. In general, it is intended to testify to culture, responsibility, self-demandingness, respect for the interlocutor, and attentiveness to his words. Its signs are: strict straight landing, body tilted slightly forward.

Gait can say a lot about a person and in a certain way characterizes his psychology. The gait of people who are self-confident and insecure, who have great self-esteem and are undemanding to themselves, who are loose and lax and who have received a good school in the army, who are in a state of relaxation and rest, who are excited and anxious, who are determined and cowardly, who are afraid of something, can be distinguished quite clearly and trying not to draw attention to themselves, preparing for some action, etc. Its features can be noticed by looking at a person from the front, side and even behind, from a distance and from a short distance. Even a not very observant person, having noticed a police officer moving, for example, at a post or approaching him, intuitively guesses some of his features, states and intentions. Therefore, any law enforcement officer, when performing professional duties, should try to assess the role of his gait in a given situation and choose the one that suits it. Understanding the psychological significance of your gait, constantly and persistently practice the necessary one.

Psychologists have found that in the process of interaction between people, from 60 to 80% of communications are carried out through non-verbal means of expression and only 20-40% of information is transmitted using verbal ones. These data make us think about the importance of non-verbal communication in the activities of a lawyer to establish effective contact, pay special attention to the meaning of human gestures and facial expressions, and also generate a desire to master the art of interpreting this special language that we all speak without even realizing it. The peculiarity of non-verbal language is that its manifestation is determined by the impulses of our subconscious, and the absence of the ability to fake these impulses allows us to trust this language more than the usual verbal channel of communication.

The success of any lawyer’s contact largely depends on the ability to establish trusting contact with the interlocutor, and such contact depends not so much on what he says, but on how he behaves. That is why special attention should be paid to the manner, posture and facial expressions of the interlocutor, as well as to the way he gestures. Understanding the language of facial expressions and gestures allows you to more accurately determine the position of your interlocutor. By reading gestures, the lawyer provides feedback, which plays a decisive role in the overall process of interaction, and the set of gestures is an important component of such communication.

Thus, in the activity of a lawyer, the concept of non-verbal language consists not only of the ability to interpret gestures and facial expressions of a partner and control one’s behavior, but also the mental essence of the concept of a person’s personal territory, its zone; national characteristics of the partners’ behavior, their relative position during the conversation; the ability to decipher the meaning of using auxiliary objects. By reading the nonverbal information of the interlocutor and skillfully emphasizing (or hiding) his own, the lawyer receives a unique opportunity to achieve success in the professional sphere and in the sphere of personal relationships.

Conclusions on chapter 1

· To organize the process of assimilation of nonverbal means of communication included in nonverbal behavior, it is important to know their structural and functional identity. Nonverbal communication - the entire set of these means, is designed to perform the following functions: supplementing speech, replacing speech, representing the emotional states of partners in the communication process. For all nonverbal communication systems, one common methodological question arises. Each of them uses its own sign system, which can be considered as a specific code. As noted above, all information must be encoded, and in such a way that the system of codification and decodification is known to all participants in the communication process. But if in the case of speech this codification system is more or less generally known, then in non-verbal communication it is important in each case to determine what can be considered a code and, most importantly, how to ensure that the other communication partner owns this same code. Otherwise, the systems described above will not provide any semantic addition to verbal communication.

· The success of any lawyer’s contact largely depends on the ability to establish trusting contact with the interlocutor, and such contact depends not so much on what he says, but on how he behaves. That is why special attention should be paid to the manner, posture and facial expressions of the interlocutor, as well as to the way he gestures. Understanding the language of facial expressions and gestures allows you to more accurately determine the position of your interlocutor. By reading gestures, the lawyer provides feedback, which plays a decisive role in the overall process of interaction, and the set of gestures is an important component of such communication. Thus, in the activity of a lawyer, the concept of non-verbal language consists not only of the ability to interpret gestures and facial expressions of a partner and control one’s behavior, but also the mental essence of the concept of a person’s personal territory, its zone; national characteristics of the partners’ behavior, their relative position during the conversation; the ability to decipher the meaning of using auxiliary objects. By reading the nonverbal information of the interlocutor and skillfully emphasizing (or hiding) his own, the lawyer receives a unique opportunity to achieve success in the professional sphere and in the sphere of personal relationships.


Topic 1. The concept of communication, its typology. Characteristics of business communication

Communication concept. Types of communication needs.

Typology of communication.

3. Characteristics of business communication: essence, features, role in modern business.

Communication concept. Types of communication needs

Communication- this is a form of activity carried out between people as equal partners and leading to the emergence of psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience and mutual understanding.

Psychological contact ensures empathy and mutual exchange of emotions in communication. Psychological contact characterizes communication as a two-way activity, a mutual connection between people.

Communication - a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person.

Types of communication needs

Human communicative actions can be caused by a variety of needs. The first of these is the need for security.

Need for security

Affiliation- in fact, the very need for communication as such is manifested in the desire to be in contact with others like oneself for the sake of the communication process itself, for the sake of eliminating the discomfort of loneliness.

Need for cognition communication often motivates when a person, through another, wants to clarify his ideas, expand the possibilities of his thinking, get to know a person, his abilities and conditions. When a person is considered as a source of certain information that is needed at the moment, the main motive for communicating with him becomes the need for knowledge.

The need to be individual manifests itself in the desire for such communication, in which the speech and behavior of another person recognizes our originality, uniqueness, and unusualness.

Need for dominance- this desire has an active influence on the way of thinking, behavior, tastes, and attitudes of another person. This need is satisfied only if the behavior of another person or the situation as a whole changes under our influence. At the same time, the communication partner views us as a person who takes on the burden of making a decision. Therefore, along with the need for dominance, some people have the need to submit to another.

Need for patronage or caring for another manifests itself in the desire to help someone with something and experience satisfaction at the same time.

Typology of communication

For the most complete description of communication, consider it typology. The most general classification is the distinction between direct and indirect communication.

Direct - This communication is direct, without intermediaries. Indirect communication - if it is caused by external factors, it is refracted through them. This may be the experience of previous generations, technical means of mass communication.

Communication determined by social functions is regulated both in content and form. Such communication is called formal. Partners in this case may not know anything about each other, since this is not necessary. Instead of knowledge about the personality of the interlocutor, in this case they operate with knowledge of his social role.

The type of communication opposite to formal is informal communication.. It is more filled with personal meaning, due to the personal relationships that have been established between partners. The highest form of informal communication is friendship

Within the framework of the general typology, verbal and non-verbal communication are also distinguished. Communication carried out using words is called verbal(from lat. verbalis - verbal). In non-verbal communication the means of transmitting information are non-verbal (non-verbal) signs (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, glances, etc.).

Depending on how clearly the relationship manifests itself in communication, the following types are distinguished.

Socially oriented communication. Social relations are expressed most clearly here. This is a lecture, report, speech, television appearance, etc.

That is, such communication implements social relations and aims to organize social interaction.

Group subject-oriented communication. Here the relationships determined by joint activities are more clearly defined.

This is communication, for example, in the process of work and learning.

But the immediate task of subject-oriented communication is also social - the organization of collective interaction.

Personality-oriented communication. This is communication between one person and another. It can be in two versions:

1) business, that is, aimed at joint activities, essentially coinciding with subject-oriented; 2) the second option is communication of the “showdown” type.

Of course, the boundaries between individual types of communication are arbitrary, since in reality, communicative situations often cannot be attributed to any one type.

3. Characteristics of business communication: essence, features, role in modern business

Business conversation - is communication that has a goal outside itself and serves as a way to organize and optimize one or another type of objective activity: production, scientific, commercial, etc.

Any common cause requires communication and interaction between participants as a necessary means of ensuring its effectiveness.

In business communication, the subject of communication is case.

Features of business communication are that:

· a partner in business communication always acts as a person significant to the subject;

· communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business;

· the main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

Main forms of business communication:

Business conversation;

Business meeting;

Business meetings;

Public performance.

Topic 2. Nonverbal communication in human professional activity

Nonverbal communication is a non-verbal form of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact, timbre of voice, touch and conveys figurative and emotional content1.
Language of non-verbal components of communication: primary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: a system of gestures, which differs from the language of the deaf and dumb, pantomime, facial expressions, etc.; secondary languages ​​of the nonverbal system: Morse code, music, programming languages.
Nonverbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said through these means than through words. A specialist in “body language” A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted through words, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (non-verbal communication) - 55% 2. In other words, we can say that it is important not what is said, but how it is said.

1.1. Non-verbal communication. 3
1.2. The meaning of nonverbal communication. 5
2.1. Human facial expressions. 10
2.2. Pose and its details. 16
2.3. Gestures and body movements. 19

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1.1. Non-verbal communication.

Nonverbal communication is a non-verbal form of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact, timbre of voice, touch and conveys figurative and emotional content 1 .

Language of non-verbal components of communication: primary languages ​​of the non-verbal system: a system of gestures, which differs from the language of the deaf and dumb, pantomime, facial expressions, etc.; secondary languages ​​of the nonverbal system: Morse code, music, programming languages.

Nonverbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said through these means than through words. A specialist in “body language” A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted through words, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (non-verbal communication) - 55% 2. In other words, we can say that it is important not what is said, but how it is said.

It plays a big role in the exchange of emotions both between people and between animals, including between a person and his trained pets. Observations show that in communication processes 60% - 95% of information is transmitted precisely through the nonverbal system 3.

It consists of: tone of voice, timbre, pitch, speed, intonation and other various non-verbal characteristics, song, your appearance, your clothes, your posture, your facial expression, your smile or lack thereof, your gaze, your movements, your dancing, your gait, the depth and speed of your breathing, your gestures during a conversation, nodding and shaking your head, the direction of your arms and legs, applause, touching during a conversation, handshakes and hugs, behavior. As well as actions: confidence during a conversation, absence of aggressiveness or its presence. Facial expressions are imitation of the behavior of your interlocutor. Preserving the personal space of the interlocutor.

On the one hand, during communication, conversations, negotiations, you must be able to control your own movements, behavior and facial expressions, on the other hand, be able to read information from the nonverbal means of communication of your conversation partners, therefore the language of nonverbal communication must be studied by everyone who is interested in positive and effective negotiations and conversations. However, “reading information” from gestures, postures and other means of non-verbal communication is not always unambiguous; each specific situation requires a specific approach to this process. Nonverbal communication is studied by the following 4 sciences:

a) kinesics (gestures, facial expressions, gait, posture, visual contact);

b) prosody and extralinguistics (intonation, volume, timbre, pauses, sigh, laughter, crying, i.e. intonation characteristics of the voice);

c) tokesics (tactile interactions);

d) proxemics (orientation, distance, i.e. spatial organization of communication).

Most researchers share the view that the verbal channel is used to convey information, while the non-verbal channel is used to “discuss” interpersonal relationships, and in some cases is used instead of verbal messages. Nonverbal communication is valuable because it manifests itself, as a rule, unconsciously and spontaneously and is determined by the impulses of our subconscious; that is, the lack of ability to fake these impulses allows us to trust this language more than the verbal channel of communication. In the process of communication, it is necessary to take into account the general atmosphere of the conversation, its content, general mood and atmosphere. The components of nonverbal communication are also very significant in the very first seconds of acquaintance. At the moment of acquaintance, not a single word had yet been spoken, and the first assessment of the interlocutor had already been obtained by “reading the information” of the components of non-verbal communication, such as your gait, your general appearance, facial expressions, and subsequently this assessment of non-verbal communication will change greatly problematic.

Researchers believe that the first four minutes of a meeting are important, during which a general portrait of the interlocutor is formed, and it is in this short period of time that you should make a positive impression on your interlocutor, and the basis for this will be non-verbal 5.

First, it is necessary to show interest in the conversation ahead of you, your willingness to cooperate, your openness to new ideas and proposals. When communicating, you should pay attention to posture, gaze, gestures - since these are the most obvious methods of non-verbal communication. Your behavior should be natural, not tense, and should not force your interlocutor to tense up and wait for a trick.

When communicating with your interlocutor, you should not take a pose that shows your closedness to communication and aggressiveness: these are frowning eyebrows, elbows widely spaced on the table, clenched fists or fingers clasped together, crossed legs and arms. Do not wear glasses with tinted lenses, especially when meeting for the first time, unless this is urgently necessary - bright sun, strong wind, because without seeing the eyes of your communication partner, your interlocutor may feel awkward, since a significant portion of the information is for him closed, and the person begins to involuntarily tense up. As a result of all this, the atmosphere of direct communication may be disrupted.

1.2. The meaning of nonverbal communication.

Gestures, postures, facial expressions, intonation are non-verbal components of communication; they sometimes mean much more than what is said in speech (i.e. verbally). It is very important for a person to properly control his body and convey, through facial expressions and gestures, exactly the information that is required in a given situation 6 .

In psychology and pedagogy, they usually distinguish, firstly, communicative means of nonverbal communication, that is, those that are perceived and understood by one of the partners in accordance with the intention of the other, and, secondly, informative means of nonverbal communication, meaning by them those that “read” by the second partner in addition to the desire of the first. By carefully observing a person's behavior, you can learn a lot about his true intentions. Psychologists have found that in the process of interpersonal communication, we obtain from 60 to 80% of information about the interlocutor through the so-called non-verbal means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, glances, gesticulations, body movements, intonation, and the choice of a certain distance between partners. A person controls his gestures and postures much less than his words; that is why they can tell more about him than direct statements.

Nonverbal communication is communication through non-speech sign systems. Nonverbal communication is usually represented by the following systems: visual, acoustic, tactile, olfactory 7.

The visual communication system includes:

  • gestures, gestures;
  • facial expressions, poses;
  • skin reactions (redness, paleness, sweating);
  • spatiotemporal organization of communication;
  • eye contact (visual contact);
  • auxiliary means of communication, including: emphasizing or hiding body features (signs of gender, age, race), using means of transforming the natural body type (clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, glasses, beard, small objects in hands), etc.

These gross motor movements of different parts of the body reflect a person's emotional reactions, making communication more nuanced.

The acoustic system is divided into the following aspects:

  • paralinguistic system (vocalization system, i.e. voice tempo, range, tonality);
  • extralinguistic system (inclusion of pauses in speech, as well as other means, such as coughing, laughter, crying, rate of speech).

Tactile system - touching, shaking hands, hugging, kissing.

Olfactory system – pleasant and unpleasant odors of the environment, natural and artificial odors of humans.

The following main functions of nonverbal communication 8 are distinguished:

  • expression of interpersonal relationships;
  • expression of feelings and emotions;
  • management of verbal communication processes (conversation);
  • exchange of rituals;
  • regulation of self-presentation.

The peculiarity of nonverbal communication is that its appearance is determined by the impulses of the human subconscious, and a person who does not know how to control his nonverbal means of expression cannot fake these impulses, which allows him to trust this language more than the usual verbal channel of communication. It is believed that it is almost impossible to fake or copy gestures and other non-verbal signs, since for a long time it is impossible to control their entirety and at the same time the spoken words. Knowledge of nonverbal language allows you not only to better understand your interlocutor, but also (more importantly) to foresee what reaction was caused by what you heard even before the interlocutor speaks out, and to feel the need for changes to achieve the desired result. Nonverbal communication allows you to show that you understand the signals sent by others and the responses to them; test one's own assumptions about signals suppressed by others; provide feedback signals. A number of factors can be identified that influence nonverbal language and its individual elements 9:

  • nationality (for example, the same gestures can mean different things among different peoples);
  • state of health (a person in a painful state changes his gaze, the sound of his voice, his gestures are usually more sluggish, although there are diseases accompanied by increased excitability and emotionality);
  • a person’s profession (a weak handshake is not always a sign of weakness: maybe the profession requires you to take care of your fingers);
  • level of culture, which influences the composition of gestures, ideas about etiquette, proper upbringing;
  • a person’s status (the higher he stands on the hierarchical ladder, the more stingy he is with gestures, the more he uses words; gestures become more refined);
  • belonging to a group (group traditions, norms, rules can significantly modify the pantomime of a group member);
  • acting abilities (many know how to play not only with words, but also with non-verbal signs);
  • age (at an early age, the same state can be expressed by different gestures; in addition, the age factor often plays the same role as status. With age, the speed of movements may decrease);
  • a combination of non-verbal signs (usually the state is conveyed not by one, but by several elements of pantomime. If the harmony between these elements is violated, the impression of insincerity is created; the same applies to the coordination of words and gestures);
  • the ability to demonstrate and perceive non-verbal means of communication (a physical barrier between partners makes it difficult to fully perceive them, such as when talking on the phone).

So, we can conclude that although verbal symbols (words) are our main means of encoding ideas intended for transmission, we also use non-verbal symbols to broadcast messages. Nonverbal communication uses any symbols other than words. Often, nonverbal communication occurs simultaneously with verbal communication and can enhance or change the meaning of words. Exchanges of glances, facial expressions such as smiles and expressions of disapproval, raised eyebrows in confusion, lively or fixed glances, glances of approval or disapproval are all examples of nonverbal communication.


2.1. Human facial expressions.

Most often, the main object of research is the human face. The study of basic facial expressions, such as joy, anger, fear, disgust, surprise, suffering, has developed a unit of analysis of facial expression - a facial sign. The combination of such features forms the structure of various facial expressions. Let's consider the most typical emotional states 10.

The first and often the main impressions of a person can be formed from observing the grimaces of his face. Pleasure - occurs when savoring taste impressions. The most pronounced facial expressions occur in those people who have developed kinesthetic perception abilities. An inquisitive grimace (lips are pulled forward, may be slightly open or loosely closed) occurs during assessment and examination. Protest (the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the mouth may be slightly open) is often accompanied by wide open eyes.

Surprise - the mouth is open as much as possible. If this grimace is accompanied by wide open eyes, raised eyebrows, horizontal folds on the forehead, it expresses the highest degree of surprise - stunned.
Concern (lips drawn out into a “tube”) is often accompanied by an appraising gaze staring into emptiness. An open mouth (“sagging” jaw) means not only surprise, but also the inability to make a decision at the moment, the inability to exert volition. This grimace can also express relaxation and passivity. A pointedly closed mouth (tense) indicates firmness of character, often a lack of desire to continue the conversation, a denial of the possibility of compromise. A compressed mouth (often whitened lips are retracted, the mouth strip is narrow) means refusal, denial, stubbornness and even cruelty, stubbornness and annoyance. An “elongated” face occurs when the drooping corners of the lips relax. Such relaxation speaks of disappointment, sadness, melancholy, and lack of optimism. The degree of relaxation, complemented by dull eyes, a slightly open mouth, and vertical folds on the forehead, speaks of the depth of such an emotional state, even to the point of suffering. The downturned corners of the lips with a tense mouth (the gap between the lips is closed) characterize an active-negative position, anger, neglect, disgust, annoyance, ridicule, mockery.
