Grout milk soup for children - recipe with photo. Preparing tile grout at home: methods and recommendations How to prepare milk soup grout

Among all the variety of dishes, there are those to which the expression “food of the poor” can be applied. “Zatiruha” just belongs to the category of such dishes.

What is "Zatirukha"?

“Zatiruha” is a liquid porridge made from brewed flour, more reminiscent of a soup in consistency. This dish belongs to peasant cuisine; it was prepared by the poorest segments of the population. It is simple in the method of preparation and quantity of ingredients, but so tasty that it has become firmly entrenched in the cuisine of many nations. In Russia it is called “Zatirukha”, in Belarus it is known as “Zatirka”, in Ukraine - “Zatirka”, in the countries of the East - “Umach ashi”. To prepare such grout, wheat, buckwheat, pea and

There is an interesting legend associated with the origin of this dish. One woman, who served as a cook for rich people, never washed her hands after kneading dough when baking bread for her masters. And at home she ground all the dough that stuck to them into crumbs and cooked bread soup for her children. “Zatiruha,” the recipe for which first appeared in the 15th century, at one time saved many peasants from starvation. Today it is cooked with milk, but it can be cooked with water or broth.

Milk porridge "Zatiruha": a recipe from childhood

Many of us remember this dish from childhood. This is the most budget-friendly cooking option. Some cooked it at home, others tried a dish with the colorful name “Zatirukha” in kindergarten.

Porridge according to this recipe is prepared with milk with the addition of grout made from flour (0.5-1 cup), eggs, salt, sugar and butter (to taste). The ingredients are the simplest, which are available in every home. Depending on the desired consistency, you can take 0.5-1 liter of milk. Porridge with a large amount of the mentioned product resembles But it also has the same name - “Zatirukha”.

How to prepare grout? Take the flour, pour it onto the table in a heap, add a pinch of salt, make a well in the center and beat the egg into it. Rub the resulting mass well with your hands. After this, sift the mixture through a sieve, resulting in small flour grains. After grouting, large flour flakes often form. They can be heated (dried) in a dry frying pan, and then rubbed again with your hands and sifted.

To cook porridge, you need to boil milk in a saucepan, then pour the grout into it. Add sugar to taste (2-3 tablespoons). Cook, stirring constantly, for 7-10 minutes. When the porridge is ready, add butter to taste.

"Milk paste": recipe for children

To make the soup grout soft and tender, the dough for it is kneaded with kefir. To do this, beat 80 ml of kefir, egg and salt in a small bowl. Then gradually mix the flour into the resulting mass with a fork, as if grinding it. After a few minutes, the dough will begin to fall apart into small pieces. They need to be sifted through a sieve. This is grout.

Now you need to boil the milk. Its volume depends on what you want to cook: milk soup or porridge. Pour the mixture into the boiling milk and cook, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add sugar to taste.

“Zatiruha,” the recipe for which is offered above, turns out tender and sweet. Children will definitely appreciate this dish, and adults will not remain indifferent.

"Zatiruha" with potatoes

In the Russian village, “Zatiruha” is a dish that every family loves and knows how to cook. Here it is boiled in water with the addition of milk, grout and potatoes. The result is a delicious and nutritious soup that is served hot.

The recipe for “Zatirukha” with milk is implemented in several stages:

  1. Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan, add diced potatoes (2 pieces), salt to taste.
  2. Prepare the grout from two eggs, 1-2 cups of flour and a pinch of salt. Sift through a sieve.
  3. Add milk (1 liter) to a saucepan with water and potatoes, and after it boils, pour in the grout.
  4. Cook the soup for 10 minutes after boiling. Serve with herbs and finely chopped garlic (add to taste).

"Zatiruha", the recipe for which is presented above, can be cooked in or porridge. When choosing the latter option, the amount of water and milk must be halved.

"Zatiruha" with milk and green onions

To prepare the grout for this milk soup, you can use any of the recipes presented above. The kefir grout turns out delicious, soft and tender.

Put milk on the stove, let it boil, add salt. Pour the grout into the pan. Cook the milk soup for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, add black pepper to taste and a large bunch of chopped green onions.

“Zatirukha,” the recipe for which may seem unusual, actually turns out very tasty. Even gourmets will appreciate this dish.

How to make peasant soup

Peasant dishes can also be tasty. Direct proof of this is “Zatiruha,” the recipe for which has not lost its popularity even after six centuries.

You can prepare the soup using water, vegetable or meat broth. First, potatoes are added to the liquid, and when they are cooked, onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil. But for grouting you can use the following preparation method.

Prepare three plates. Break an egg into one and beat it with a fork. Pour flour into another, and leave the third for the finished grout. First, dip your hands in the egg, then in the salted flour, and rub them together over the third plate. This is how the grout will turn out. The remaining egg in the plate can be added to the soup along with the crumbs. Before serving, sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Soup “Zatirka” aka “Zatirka” is a Belarusian soup that is prepared with milk or chicken broth with an egg-flour mixture called “zatirka”.

The name comes from the words “rub”, “grind”, as this mixture was ground by hand.

In this recipe we will analyze the preparation of this soup with milk.

Milk grout It turns out tasty, rich and its preparation will not take you much time. Try making this milk soup for your children!


  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Milk – 3 glasses
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Sugar, salt - to taste
  • Berries, butter, condensed milk - for serving

Beat eggs with a pinch of salt until smooth.
Pour half the flour into the egg mixture and rub it vigorously with your fingers.

Without ceasing to grind, add the rest of the flour.

You can use another method of preparing grout.

To do this, dip your hands first in the egg mixture, then in the flour.

After this, wipe your palms against each other.
Sift the resulting “pellets” through a sieve.
Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Then add the grout to boiling water and cook like pasta.

Remove from heat and pour in milk, adding sugar or salt to taste.
When serving, add a piece of butter, condensed milk or berries.

Bon appetit!

The soups that our grandmothers cooked are almost forgotten today. Meanwhile, they remain natural, tasty, and of course, healthy. True, they require labor to prepare. To cook this delicious milk soup, you can take little helpers for help - daughters and granddaughters aged 3-8 years. Believe me, they will happily take part in the preparation of this unusual soup! Milk grout, recipe which you will find on our pages will appeal to all household members. And how you will surprise your grandmother and mother!

Required ingredients:

Milk, water, flour, egg, salt.

How is milk grout prepared?

The milk grout recipe is very simple!

Pour water into a saucepan and add twice as much milk. For example, for 2 glasses of water you will have to add 4 glasses of milk. Place on low heat. Pay attention to this point: if the milk has a low fat content (less than 3.2%), then there is no need to add water. Take 6 glasses of milk at once.

While the milk is heating up, pour a glass of flour into a plate and take 2 eggs. We begin to mix with slow movements so that the flour turns into lumps. Children are great at doing this job!

Make sure that there is not a lot of flour on the surface of the lumps, otherwise the soup will turn out thick. Please note that I have some flour left! Which is not entirely correct.

Add a little salt to the boiling milk to enhance the taste and begin to gradually add lumps of grout in small portions. Cook until done. As a rule, 10-15 minutes are enough.

Be sure to add a piece of butter to the plate with the milk grout. You can eat it with salt or sugar. Children love this delicious milk soup in a sweet form.


  • 1 raw chicken egg,
  • 1.5 tbsp. water,
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour,
  • 2 pinches salt salt,
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk,
  • butter.

What kind of soup does mom make?
Without potatoes and cereals?
Can't exist without meat
And soups without vegetables! I'll take a big spoon
And I'll taste it -
Oh, how delicious! Where is the cat?
I'll share it with her too!

In just a few minutes you can prepare a delicious unusual milk soup - grout. This is a fairly well-known peasant one, which is still popular in our time. Its peculiarity is that the base can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for several days. Before serving, all that remains is to add fresh milk. How to prepare milk grout:

Grout soup (milk, children's) - Preparation:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and add a little salt. Beat the egg with a fork in a cup along with salt. Pour the flour into a heap into a deep plate.

2. Make a well and pour the beaten egg into it.

3. Stir in different directions with a fork so that the egg is mixed with flour, but does not stick together into one lump.

4. In the plate you should get a crumbly mass of small egg-flour flakes.

5. Pour the flakes into boiling water, stirring vigorously with a fork.

6. Reduce heat. Continuously stirring, bring to a boil. If there is too much water in the pan and the mixture does not thicken, simply add 1-2 tablespoons of flour, remembering to stir quickly so that the flour is distributed evenly and does not stick together in one lump. Boil for a few minutes. Remove from heat. This turned out to be the basis for the milk grout.

If renovations are being carried out on a limited budget, knowledge about preparing grout from improvised materials, such as plaster, will be useful to you. There are many recipes, so choose the one most suitable for your specific situation.

Mastic can be easily prepared from available materials

What properties should the grout have?

The fugue is designed to protect the seams between the tiles from moisture and dirt. Therefore, even homemade mastic must meet certain requirements.

Of course, the grout you make yourself will differ from the factory one, however, it is quite capable of replacing the purchased one.

High-quality grout has the following properties:

  • Elasticity. The mastic spreads easily along the seams.
  • Strength. After drying, it does not crumble and is not destroyed by mechanical stress or cleaning.
  • Curing time. Remains in a workable consistency for quite a long time.
  • Decorative. The grout should not spoil the overall appearance, so it is recommended to make a colorless mixture or add an appropriate coloring pigment.
  • Water resistance. It should not be washed out from constant contact with water, this is especially important when it comes to the bathroom.
  • Easy to clean. With regular care, joint filling should not deteriorate due to contact with chemicals or exposure to abrasives and hard tools.

Decorative grout plays an important role

Types of purchased mixtures

  • Cement fugue is a common type consisting of Portland cement and other additives. Based on the principle of this composition, a regular solution is prepared for filling joints on tiles.
  • Latex is a modified type of grout. Polymer components improve water-repellent properties. Available in color and glitter.
  • Epoxy is most often a transparent viscous substance containing pigment or supplemented with glitter. An ideal choice for glass mosaic tiles.

What is mastic made from at home?

With your own hands, you can prepare regular white grout for tiles, or make it colored or even dilute it with sparkles. The following components are used:

  • cement and sand;
  • gypsum;
  • alabaster;
  • clay;
  • lime;
  • putty;
  • soda glass;
  • etc.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a grout mixture from these materials.


The simplest and most affordable option is to prepare a durable mortar from cement and sand. In this case, mix both ingredients in equal proportions. Then add water little by little to the dry mixture until a suitable consistency is achieved.

In order not to spoil the appearance of the tiled surface, it is recommended to use not ordinary gray cement, but white cement. This will give you a classic grout. Sand is used in the smallest fraction possible. To give the mass a tint, pigments or colors for water-soluble paints are used.

Cement-sand grout for joints is the simplest and most affordable solution


Previously, this material would have been found in almost every home. It is still actively used today as part of various building mixtures. This is a type of plaster, or rather, its burnt variation.

To knead the mastic, just mix dry alabaster with clean water. The result is a plastic mass that can be easily distributed over the joints of the tiles using a rubber spatula. After hardening, it hardens and reliably protects the seams from the negative effects of the environment. This material is diluted in small portions to maintain its elasticity.

Alabaster grout is a plastic mass that is easy to distribute along the seams


This material sets quickly, so you need to add more liquid to the mass. Do not prepare too much grout; it is better to dilute a small amount, gradually treating each subsequent area.

To strengthen the composition and make brittle gypsum resistant to mechanical stress, add a little slaked lime as a plasticizer. The output will be something similar to liquid dough. This mixture will begin to set after the first five minutes.

Gypsum grout is prepared in small portions, since it hardens very quickly


This is another popular variation of tile grout that you can make yourself. It is made from clay dough of various colors with the addition of lime and a small amount of cement. It is very convenient to work with such a mass.

In addition to these types of mastics, it is possible to make others at home, for example, liquid glass grout with glitter. Mix these two ingredients and get to work.

Experiment, and if the seams fail, replace the mastic with a store-bought one.
