Interior doors made of two halves: a special component that plays a decisive role. Roto door - an innovation in the world of doors Do-it-yourself Roto door

Modern technologies set new trends in our world. This applies to any area of ​​a person’s life, even something as simple as choosing and installing a door. Just a few years ago, swing and sliding structures were considered the most convenient and functional. But each of them had its drawbacks. A door with a new rotating mechanism has appeared on today's market, which combines practicality and style, which is important for the modern user.

Features of doors with a rotating mechanism

Roto-doors appeared on sale not so long ago, but there are already a huge number of fans of this mechanism. So what attracts buyers to this new product? Let's start with the fact that the door got its name from the word “rotor”.

To save space in an apartment or house, a rotary door was developed

A rotor is a rotating part of a mechanism or machine.

The uniqueness lies in the special mechanism by which this type of door operates. When closed, a rotary door is no different from a standard swing door, but at the moment of opening it not only moves perpendicular to the doorway, but also rotates around its axis. Thus, the canvas stops across the opening, saving free space. In addition, such a door can open in any direction: away from you or toward you. The mechanism works easily and smoothly, without making any extraneous noise.

The door's operation is based on a retractable rotary mechanism, which radically changes the position of the door during its opening and closing.

Operating principle of the rotary door

The rotary mechanism includes two main parts:

  • guide block;
  • lever system.

The main parts consist of the following elements:

  • guide;
  • upper arm;
  • top bar with carriage;
  • support rod;
  • bottom bar;
  • lower lever.

The door structure is supplied high-quality fittings which is strong and durable

The upper part of the door frame is equipped with a guide with grooves, which has a built-in rotary hinge that moves using a roller. Thanks to the hinge, the door leaf easily rotates and moves along the guide. A lever is mounted in the lower part of the door, which is connected to the upper mechanism using a rotation axis. It is mounted in the door frame post. The lower lever ensures reliable fixation of the blade in a vertical position at the time of opening or closing. The rotary mechanism is quite complex; to assemble and install it yourself, you need to study its design in detail. However, the doors that are on the market are sold with an already assembled mechanism, which makes installation into the opening easier.

Advantages and disadvantages of rotary doors

Doors equipped with a rotary mechanism have a lot of advantages:

  1. The most important advantage of rotary doors is space saving. To open such a door, it will take twice less space compared to a swing door. This advantage is especially valuable in apartments and other small spaces.

    To open a standard swing door, you will need a space equal to the width of the door; in the case of a rotary door, the opening dimensions will be reduced by more than half

  2. Ease of installation. Due to the fact that the design goes on sale with a fully assembled rotating mechanism, even an inexperienced craftsman can install such a door.
  3. Versatility. The design can open in any direction, which makes it functional and easy to use.

    When choosing a door leaf, it does not matter whether the door is left or right

  4. Reliability of fixation. Thanks to a high-quality magnetic lock, the door closes tightly.

    As a rule, all fittings are cut in and installed in production using a special professional tool, which greatly simplifies the installation of such a door, ensures reliability and long-term operation

  5. Long service life. The door leaf will not sag or deform, since the rotation mechanism eliminates this possibility.
  6. High heat and sound insulation. The presence of special brush-type seals ensures heat preservation and prevents the penetration of extraneous noise into the room protected by the rotary door.

    The black stripes of the brush seal are clearly visible on the light end of the door leaf

  7. Easy to use even for people with disabilities disabilities.

    The wheelchair will move freely through the rotary doorway, since there are no obstacles in the form of thresholds

  8. Varied design. The appearance and style of the door can be matched to the design of any room. They can be deaf or with glass, bright colors or shades that imitate wood, be decorated with drawings and other decor, or have a laconic appearance.

    Glass rotary doors can visually expand the space of a room

There are only two disadvantages of rotary doors:

  1. High price. The most significant disadvantage is the high cost of doors with a rotary mechanism, this is due to the fact that such doors are manufactured using high-quality innovative equipment.
  2. Limited door leaf weight. Due to the fact that the rotating mechanism is not capable of supporting very heavy structures, solid wood doors cannot be installed on it.

Video: advantages of rotary doors

Types of rotary doors

The classification of rotary doors can be carried out according to three main criteria. According to the material from which they are made, they are distinguished:

  • doors made of polyvinyl chloride;

    Door with PVC coated can even be installed in the bathroom

  • MDF;

    The door made of MDF panels has a fairly lightweight structure

  • glass;

    The glass installed in the door can be transparent, frosted, decorated with a pattern or mosaic

  • light wood panels.

    A door made of wood looks stylish and luxurious

You can also purchase combined types of rotary doors, for example, MDF panels with glass inserts.

According to the door mechanism, they can be:

  • mechanical;
  • automatic (the price of a door with such a device is many times higher than with a mechanical one).

By number of sashes:

The size of the rotary door is standard: the width of the door leaf can be made in the range of 40–90 centimeters, but the height is always the same - 210 centimeters.

The design of doors with a rotating mechanism can be any. Available for sale huge selection colors and textures of these products, so that, if desired, each buyer will find a door leaf that satisfies his needs. In addition, rotary doors can also be made to order according to a drawing or drawing provided by the customer.

When ordering a rotary door with a wide leaf, make sure that the rotation mechanism is reinforced

For which rooms are rotary doors suitable?

Doors with a rotating mechanism can be installed in any room, but only inside the building. For entrance structures they are not suitable due to the fact that they do not have increased protection, such as safe doors. However, at the entrances to shopping centers, clinics, office buildings quite often you can see automatic rotary doors: four-leaf glass rotating structures.

Automatic rotary door moves without human assistance

If we talk about interior options for rotary doors, they are ideal for narrow, cramped corridors, small rooms and other uncomfortable spaces. After all, the main advantage is saving space. Such a door will take up 50% less space than a regular swing door. But this does not mean that you cannot install a rotary door in a room with sufficient area. After all, it is in no way inferior in functionality to any other type. door designs, and for some it even wins.

The rotary door mechanism is designed in such a way that the door leaf stands across doorway

Depending on what material the rotary door is made of, it can also be installed in rooms with high humidity. For example, a PVC structure can be installed in both the bathroom and the kitchen.

PVC film is a completely moisture-resistant material

The only thing that can stop a buyer from installing a rotary door is its price. One door structure will cost at least 40 thousand rubles. Apart from this financial limitation, there are no other obstacles to installing a roto door.

Photo gallery: rotary doors in interior design

Narrow vertical lines on the roto-door will visually raise the ceiling higher Furniture and interior items can be placed next to the rotary door without fear of being hit by the door Glass insert visually expands the walls and gives the room extra space The rotary door has a stylish appearance: it is worthy of becoming the decoration of the exquisite interior premises Interesting door designs are obtained by combining different textures: for example, triplex with a matte film surrounded by a frame made of veneered MDF is perfect for most interiors The rotating mechanism is universal and can be used for door leaves made of many materials that are not very heavy

Installation of revolving doors

As mentioned earlier, a rotary door can be installed by any craftsman who has at least once encountered the installation of a conventional swing structure. Since the rotation mechanism itself has already been assembled and installed, the specialist only needs to fix the blade in the doorway.

You can always use the services of installers who will perform quick installation

If you doubt your abilities or have never encountered the installation of door structures, then it is better to seek help from professional craftsmen.

Any set of rotary doors is equipped detailed instructions for installing the door leaf. It is important to strictly adhere to it and follow the stages of work, which can be divided into four components:

  1. Checking the delivery set.
  2. Preliminary work with the door opening.
  3. Installation of door structure.
  4. Adjusting the installed blade.

For proper and high-quality installation of the door, it is necessary that all components are in place:

If all components are in order, then you can proceed to preparing the doorway. You need to make sure that it is level vertically and horizontally. This can be done using a building level. The space between the box and the opening should be minimal - no more than five millimeters.

If the apartment is undergoing renovation, then it is better to prepare the doorway for rotary doors before finishing walls After all, it must exactly match the size of the door frame.

Uniform thickness of the wall is also an obligatory factor when preparing the opening. If you neglect this point, then later problems may arise with the installation of the box and trim.

After carefully preparing the doorway, you can begin installation.

Before installing the door, you should familiarize yourself with the names of the various parts of the rotary mechanism

Video: assembling the roto-mechanism

Installation stages

The installation of revolving doors can be divided into five stages:

  1. Customization of components. The guide must be cut from the side designated by the manufacturer in accordance with the dimensions of the opening. Drill holes for mounting. Cut off the cover of the guide structure from the marked side.

    There is a mark (arrow) on the guide showing which side you can use to reduce the size.

  2. Installation of the door frame. Insert it into the opening and secure it with wooden wedges. Fill the space between the box and the opening polyurethane foam. After it hardens, secure the guide to the door frame.

    After assembling the guide, the mechanism must be lubricated

  3. Installation of canvas. Attach the lower and upper strips and brushes. Install the axial rod in the profile, fix the “shoulders” on it. Attach the mounting brackets to the case and insert the axle. Attach the extensions to it and secure the mounting strips. Fix the axle on the box.

    All parts must be fixed with self-tapping screws and not have free movement except along the guides

  4. Adjustment. There is a locking screw at the top of the roto mechanism. With its help, the verticality of the canvas is adjusted according to the level. Rotate the screw using the hexagon, which is included in the door package.
  5. Installation of platbands. Cut them to the required length. They are secured using special grooves.

    The covers are secured with bolts

Video: detailed overview of rotary door installation

Operation and repair of revolving doors

Doors with a rotating mechanism do not require special operating rules. A possible methods care depends on the material:

  1. To clean a PVC-coated door from dirt, a soft cloth and soap solution will be enough. Do not use products containing acetone, solvents or alcohol.
  2. Glass doors are cleaned using special means, which contain ammonia.
  3. Solid wood doors are cleaned with a special solution, which is prepared from water and alcohol in a ratio of 9 to 1, respectively.
  4. MDF doors are cleaned in the same way as PVC doors- using soapy water.

For any type of structure, abrasive powders should never be used: they can scratch the surface of the door, thereby ruining it appearance.

A special product will help mask the scratches that appear on PVC, MDF and solid wood doors. furniture wax. You just need to choose the right one to match the tone of the canvas.

Scuffs and small scratches will also help eliminate furniture marker

Deep scratches are repaired using wood putty, sandpaper and varnish:

  1. Apply a layer of putty to the dent.
  2. After it dries, sand the surface with sandpaper.
  3. Apply paint coatings to match the door leaf.

For solid doors, use products designed for wood, laminated or veneered surfaces

To prevent the rotary mechanism from breaking down prematurely, do not hang heavy objects on door handles, and also do not allow children to hang or ride on them. If you follow these simple rules, the rotary door will delight you with excellent functionality and aesthetic appearance for many years.

Video: how to repair a scratch on a door

Today, manufacturers are able to offer customers a huge selection of interior doors. But among this diversity, one model stands out, which has recently become increasingly popular. This is the door with rotary mechanism, capable of taking a leading place in the apartments of most people. And all thanks to its characteristics and design solutions.

What is a roto door?

So what is a revolving door? This is an interior canvas that, when opened, can use half the space occupied by itself. The design allows it to rotate around its own axis, taking a position at the slope of the opening and moving in the opposite direction. This type of door mechanism makes opening easy and the usable space large.

In what rooms are they used?

The use of doors with a rotary mechanism is possible in any room. But for certain residential buildings, these products are a real godsend, and in some cases, salvation. So, in small apartments Ah, there is a constant shortage of usable space. At standard version With an interior door, people experience significant inconvenience because it is impossible to place anything near the entrance. And using a rotary blade, you can expand usable area.

Roto door is used to expand the usable area

An important role is played by interior rotary doors in apartments where people with disabilities live. Due to circumstances, such owners experience great difficulty when it is necessary to open and close doors behind them when moving from one room to another. But if you install a rotary mechanism, the process will be greatly simplified, and a person will be able to move freely wherever he wishes.

In children's bedrooms, where silence must be maintained while the child sleeps, the installation of rotor blades also plays a positive role. Thanks to the silent operation of the rotor, no one will disturb the children's rest.

Design and principle of operation of the mechanism

As part of the rotary door mechanism available:

  • Swivel joint;
  • Guide;
  • Steel support rod;
  • Upper and lower arms;
  • Magnetic lock;
  • A platform with a carriage placed on it.

There is a steel rod inside the leaf that allows the sash to rotate in any direction. Planks are attached to it, one of which has a carriage installed. Thanks to this mechanism, the canvas moves freely to various distances within the guide.

Rotor system design

The lower and upper arms support the leaf and are responsible for the vertical position of the door. Thus, the fittings work to open and close the opening, moving the canvas in different directions, leaving it in a strict position. The presence of a special magnetic lock adds convenience. It firmly fixes the sash in closed position, making the opening securely closed.

Types of doors

Manufacturers offer two types of rotary doors for purchase:

  1. Single-sex.
  2. Double-field.

Roto doors can be with one leaf or two

In the first option, there is only one sash in the opening, on which a rotor mechanism is installed on one side or another. This canvas can open only along one wall. The double-leaf version has two doors that can open equally in either direction. When entering a room, a person has the opportunity to use part of the block or open it completely. In this case, the door will open like a book, which is familiar to most owners of apartments and houses.

The second indicator is the material from which the door leaf is made:

  • Trees;
  • Glass;

There may also be a combination of different materials.

The most important indicator when choosing a material is weight. The lighter the canvas, the longer the rotary mechanism will last. The best option are lightweight doors made of composite.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any product, interior paintings with a rotary mechanism have their pros and cons. Among the advantages should be highlighted:

  • Fixing the canvas with a magnetic lock;
  • Saving free living space;
  • Ease of use for anyone, including those with disabilities;
  • The entrance side can be any, which means the door can be opened in both directions;
  • Silence;
  • Hermetic closure of the canvases.

Fixing the sash and sealing it in the closed position allows you to use such interior elements not only as decoration, but also to create beautiful relaxation rooms with their help. Rotor system door opening is a real godsend for people with disabilities. Due to circumstances, they are not always able to cope with a regular canvas, since its radius of movement is too large. But when using a rotary mechanism, the problem of independent movement from one room to another disappears, since the doors can be opened in any direction and with a smaller amplitude.

Roto door leaves open in any direction

Among a large number positive points should also be pointed out negative sides question. Namely:

  • Less durability;
  • Use only light sashes;
  • The width of the opening must be at least 80 cm.

A large number of small elements that make up the rotor mechanism quickly become unusable compared to conventional hinges. In addition, the device can withstand limited weight. If it is exceeded, mechanical wear will become incredibly fast and the rotor will not be able to perform its functions.


When purchasing revolving doors, any home craftsman will be interested in the question of whether they can install it themselves. And such blocks can be installed independently, provided that you have a tool and clearly follow the instructions.

Preparatory work for the doorway

Before you install door block with a rotary mechanism, it is necessary to prepare the opening for future installation. The peculiarity of this operation is that all planes must be strictly vertical, and the width of the passage must not deviate by more than 5 mm. If the doorway does not meet the required parameters, it is necessary to reconstruct it.

The doorway must be adjusted to the level

The correctness of preparation is constantly regulated by the building level and tape measure. Ideally, you want to achieve a clear rectangle with 90-degree angles. In this case, installation will be easy, and the quality of the work performed will be as high as possible.

Installation procedure

When the opening is completely ready to receive the rotary door, you can begin installing the block. To do this, you need to cut the guide exactly to the size of the top strip of the box. This element has a mark showing which side can be used to reduce the size.

Guide assembly

After assembly, the mechanism must be lubricated.

Mechanism lubrication

Next you need to drill holes for the screws. When they are ready, you can attach the guide to the door frame. The block itself is installed using special mounting strips. They are set strictly according to the level, repeating the rectangular opening. This will allow you to accurately align the box, maintaining perfect verticality.

Attaching the guide

When the installation process is completed, the block is firmly fixed and moved to the door leaf.

Canopy Canopy

You need to insert a steel support rod into the sash and attach strips and levers to it. Everything must be fixed with self-tapping screws so that the parts do not move freely except along the guides.

Installation of platbands and linings


This is no less important process than installing the block. For convenience, the mechanism has several adjustment bolts that will allow you to adjust the blade in all directions. The task of adjustment is to achieve an ideal door rebate.

The door should have equal gaps on all sides

It should have equal gaps along the entire length, as well as from the top bar of the box and the floor. If the blade cannot be adjusted immediately, this may be due to improper installation of the structure. In this case, there are two options left:

  1. Reinstall the door block.
  2. Find the middle position of the canvas.

The first option is rarely used, so you should use the available adjustment to find the sweet spot.

The door is a necessary component of the interior, which today is represented by a wide variety of options. Interior designs classified according to the material from which they are made, appearance, color and functioning mechanism. A popular and ergonomic option is the rotary mechanism. His distinctive feature It also creates an extraordinary appearance that complements the modern interior.

Roto doors are sliding or tilting structures that are easy to use

Important! The roto mechanism is a universal option that will easily fit into any room. Feel free to give preference to this design if originality and comfort are important to you. The sliding mechanism is more practical than swing doors, which is why roto models are in demand today.

What is a roto door?

Doors with a rotary mechanism are a design with an action that resembles both a swing and a sliding door. The main advantage is the ability to open in both directions at once. At the same time, it is possible to save useful space, which is important in a cramped apartment.

The rotating mechanism for the doors itself is designed, so such doors are sold as a set, ready for the installation process. This is convenient, since there is no need to independently search for the appropriate components. Installation of the mechanism is simple if you follow the instructions, so you can do it yourself, which saves money.

Roto models are a kind of hybrid of other designs.

They resemble pendulum doors, as they open in both directions. The roto-door leaf moves to the side, making the passage in the doorway as wide and free as possible. This is the prerogative of book models and sliding mechanisms. In the closed position, such products can easily be confused with swing ones. At the same time they provide high level sound and heat insulation.

The rotating mechanism works easily and silently, and installation is done by hand. This is achieved thanks to the presence of rollers moving along a special upper groove. The very principle of operation assumes that when opening the door rotates around its axis, moves to the side, but does not go beyond the inner frame.

Finished models are sold in standard sizes. This makes it easy to install them in the required opening. If required, you can leave individual order on the design and get a model made according to personal preferences. The structures are divided into double-leaf and single-leaf. The specific choice is selected according to the width of the doorway.

Advantages and disadvantages of roto models

The rotary-folding mechanism for rotary doors has both advantages and disadvantages. There are many more of the former, which is why such designs are valued. Among the advantages are the following:

  1. The ability to install it yourself without any difficulties or pitfalls during the installation process.
  2. Practical design. When open, the rotary door extends beyond the frame by no more than 30 cm, which is convenient when there is not enough space.
  3. Versatility of use. The models look appropriate both in apartments with a lack of free space and in country houses.
  4. Ease of use. It is manifested by the ability of the structure to open in both directions, and sometimes this cannot be avoided.
  5. High thermal insulation performance. This guarantees the preservation of the microclimate in a particular room.
  6. Excellent sound insulation. It allows you to enjoy comfort and silence, which is why these door models are installed in the bedroom or nursery.
  7. Resistance to drafts. Thanks to the magnetic lock, the door prevents spontaneous opening and provides excellent tightness of the rebate.
  8. No sagging even when installing it yourself. This is a common problem with swing models, which is solved here at a high level.
  9. Easy to open for both right-handers and left-handers.
  10. Ability to comfortably use the door for people with disabilities.
  11. It is recommended to mount the mouth model in narrow rooms where installation of other doors is impossible or difficult.

The design also has a number of disadvantages. The main one is high cost. This indicator is determined by the build quality, material and presence of decor. However, in any case, the model is not cheap. If you plan to install a roto-mechanism on heavy doors, it's not always easy. It may be necessary to strengthen the mechanism to ensure normal and complete operation.

In addition, be sure to take a closer look at the aesthetic side of the model. Not in all cases it will become a harmonious addition to the interior style. IN classic interiors A rotary door can look awkward if you are careless when choosing a design.

The mechanism is ideal for modern interiors, decorated in modern and minimalist styles

Attention! Despite the apparent complexity of the door mechanism, it is simple to install. Installation is easy to do yourself if you prepare a minimum of tools. No special skills or knowledge are required for this.

Choosing material

One of the important indicators when choosing a rotary mechanism is the door material. This mechanism is installed on doors made of the following materials:

  1. Glass.
  2. Tree.
  3. MDF or chipboard.
  4. Combined options.

Of course, each of them has own shortcomings and advantages, which is important to consider when choosing the preferred option.

Roto doors are chosen in accordance with the design of the room. It is important to consider the appearance, shape, material and design

Wooden doors are made of solid wood or veneer. They can be presented as a solid version or glazed. The choice is impressive and is selected according to personal preferences. Among the advantages wooden doors distinguished by environmental friendliness, cleanliness, safety, high heat and sound insulation, luxurious appearance. However, the material is susceptible to rotting, insects and moisture if there is no appropriate treatment with impregnations.

MDF is a kind of analogue of wood, affordable. He has high performance indicators and guarantees long service life. PVC - a budget option, which is best not used for installation in children's or bedrooms. This is explained by its toxicity when purchased from unverified manufacturers. Glass looks luxurious and interesting. It is reliable, durable and has virtually no flaws.

Wood is one of the best options choice

When choosing a rotary mechanism for doors, consider your own preferences and wishes. Despite the ease of use, the design is not cheap. Therefore, minor mistakes can spoil the impressions of the purchased door and disappoint during operation. Right choice guarantees that the design will look interesting and will definitely please you.

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When asked which door is more suitable than others for small and cramped spaces, many of us answer: a sliding door or a folding door. But most of the respondents are simply not aware that new ones have appeared today unique systems - sliding doors roto.

They are so convenient, functional and original that saving space is not the only argument in favor of purchasing them.

Installation of rotating doors

A unique roto mechanism was proposed and patented by the famous Russian company"Sofia." Today they are produced by several manufacturers.

The rotating mechanism is equipped with a roller that easily moves along a special groove in the upper part of the box, ensuring easy and silent opening and closing. The door rotates around its axis, simultaneously moving to the side, but remains inside the frame.

Dimensions and design

Ready-made revolving doors are available in standard sizes, but if necessary, they can always be made to order to fit a ready-made individual opening. Moreover, it can be either single-leaf or double-leaf.

As for the design, they can be made of any material, including glass, solid wood, MDF (see), plastic, etc. Moreover, almost any canvas that suits you in size and design can be equipped with a rotating mechanism.

Fittings and accessories

The fittings for them include, in addition to a rotary-sliding mechanism, a special magnetic lock with a handle and a brush seal.

As a rule, all fittings are cut in and installed at the factory using special professional tools, which greatly simplifies the installation of such a door in place and ensures reliability and long-term operation.

Advantages and disadvantages of rotary doors


  • In the form of a rotational one, you can perform any interior door , except all-glass.
  • Doors are supplied fully equipped, with assembled mechanisms, which reduces time and labor costs for their installation.
  • Rotary doors are universal- can open in both directions.
  • Thanks to the original magnetic lock, the door is securely fixed in the frame and does not open due to drafts.
  • Narthex Density and, accordingly, heat leakage and protection of the room from penetration into it extraneous sounds and dust, is ensured by a brush seal.
  • The door can be used in very small and narrow spaces: thanks to rotary mechanism V open position it extends less than half into each adjacent room.
  • Ease of use for people with limited mobility.
  • Ease of use for both right-handed and left-handed people.
  • No sagging- the main problem of swing doors.

You can see for yourself the convenience, functionality and ease of use of such systems by watching a video about rotary doors or by personally contacting a salon that sells and installs them.


Despite a lot of advantages, rotary doors also have some disadvantages, which it is better to know about in advance.

  • High price- perhaps the main, but temporary drawback. Today, doors with a rotating mechanism are ultra-modern and, like everything new and super fashionable, they are not cheap. However, the high cost also depends on quality materials, used for the manufacture of mechanisms that must withstand significant loads.
  • If you like exclusively massive doors , which are heavy, it is also better to abandon the rotary mechanism, since its service life may not be as long as expected.
  • Finally, this modern solution Not suitable for every interior style. If your apartment is decorated in a deliberately rustic (Provence) or, on the contrary, luxuriously antique (Baroque, Empire) style, then rotating doors will bring obvious disharmony to the interior.

Installation of revolving doors

People who are accustomed to doing a lot of things with their own hands are, of course, concerned with the question of whether such doors can be installed independently. In principle, it is possible, especially if the door was ordered from a good company and is already equipped with all the necessary fittings and detailed instructions. But it’s still better not to risk the guarantee and a lot of money paid for the product, and hire professionals.

But it is necessary to properly prepare the opening for installation and supervise the work of specialists.

Preparing the opening

As is the case with almost everyone else door systems, rotary doors are installed in a fully formed opening upon completion of finishing work.

What does it mean:

Checking the completeness

The rotary door kit should include:

  • A ready-to-install door leaf with an embedded magnetic lock and production-made technological holes and grooves.
  • Ready to assemble door frame with built-in mechanism.
  • Brush seal.
  • Telescopic platbands.
  • If necessary, a set of extensions for finishing wide slopes.

Which design is preferable in terms of space saving?

Objectively, it is movable, but often the planning solution suggests the choice of a rotational scheme. Let's continue the comparison. Ease of use.

To move a sliding door, you need to apply a little force, but in an unusual direction, so the process of opening and closing sometimes seems inconvenient and lengthy.

The rotary door opens very easily, in any direction - towards you and away from you, and in the closed position it is fixed with a magnetic latch. It can be given the highest score for ergonomics. Possibility of choosing a canvas. You can equip almost any canvas with a roller suspension mechanism.

It is only desirable that there is no protruding decor on it, which requires increasing the distance from the wall and complicates the installation of seals. There are special kits for all-glass doors on sale.

The roto-mechanism can only be attached to wooden parts strapping. Solid (bottom to top) inserts made of glass and thin-layer materials do not allow its installation.

The door leaf slides sideways, towards the jamb, along a guide rail mounted in the top beam of the frame. At the same time, the sash rotates 180° around the middle vertical axis. The mechanism ensures easy opening in both directions

Soundproofing of roto doors

For easy sliding of the door leaf of both sliding and revolving doors, a small gap is required around the perimeter of the door leaf, therefore, from the point of view of insulating sounds and odors, they are inferior to swing models.

Mortise mounts help partially correct the situation brush seals, thanks to which structures with non-standard opening isolate airborne noise with a strength level of 20-25 dB at mid frequencies (calm speech).

The type of panel is also of great importance: solid panel provides a gain in sound insulation of about 2 dB compared to glazed panel (glass 4-5 mm thick).

Difficulty in installing rotary doors.

Roller suspension mechanisms have long been popular, and the nuances of their installation are well known to installers from specialized companies. In principle, he is able to cope with the task and House master. The design forgives minor flaws when preparing the opening, but often requires adjustment later.

The installation of a rotary door can only be entrusted to experienced specialists who have thoroughly studied all the features of the system. Mandatory requirement - correct geometry opening (equal diagonals).

Cost of rotary doors.

The rotary door mechanism is more complex and more difficult to install, so such a design will cost about 30% more than a sliding one.

Expert opinion:

Interior rotary doors have come into use recently, but have already gained wide popularity as perfect solution for small apartments. Traditional swing structures create inconvenience in narrow corridors and cramped halls, and door leaves Roto-systems save precious centimeters and allow you to rationally organize space. In addition, rotary doors help solve the problem of lack of space for opening the doors in closely spaced openings. The mechanism eliminates collision and damage to the canvas. It is also important to note that, thanks to the original opening pattern, roto-models will become a significant element of the interior.

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