Metal barrel as an element of landscape decor. What you can make from an old wooden barrel with your own hands (44 photos) What you can make from old wooden barrels

I always want to decorate my garden or dacha plot in such a way that it would be pleasant for myself and I could surprise my neighbors! How do you think barrels can be used in the country?

Of course, the first thing that comes in response is:

- gather rainwater. This is of course very important!! The water given to us, how can we not use it in a good way. Well, of course, the barrel needs to be decorated so that you can admire it!

Can be done summer house for a faithful watchman.

A house for children who love to play mother and daughter. Such cozy house, with windows and curtains, and decorate it with a beautiful pattern.

For relaxing in the garden, it’s really possible to make such a waterproof garden furniture. You can come up with many design options for such furniture, I offer options that I found on the Internet.

To collect green mass from summer cottage for the formation of organic fertilizer.

Planting vegetables too a good option! Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, strawberries are great options for growing vegetables and berries in no longer needed metal barrels. And the barrels can also be painted!!

The flowerbed is a locomotive, I think that not many people can see such a use for a barrel. And it's good fun for kids too!

A wonderful cabinet for storing dishes and an option to prevent rodents from accessing food supplies!

Outdoor barbecue.

Lamps, if the barrels are not standard, but smaller. Drill holes using a drill according to the design you came up with, apply paint, install electrical equipment and the whole dacha will glow in the evening!

A small pond for a summer residence.

- container for swimming!

So you got acquainted with the proposed options and found out what can be made from barrels in the country.

And how to decorate barrels used for irrigation is in the article.

What can you make from an old wooden barrel if you have one? To be honest, there are a lot of ideas, so there is room to expand in terms of imagination and decor of your room. Let's look at the options for crafts made from such a barrel.

How to use a wooden barrel in the interior

So, you found it at home old barrel, but it’s a shame to throw it away. Well, what should we do with it? Here are a few ideas that you can apply to your interior.

  • The next option is table, including coffee table. There are two ways in which you can fulfill your idea. They will consist in choosing the design of a wooden barrel table, which will depend on whether you cut the barrel lengthwise or crosswise.

    When cutting crosswise, it will be lower, and vice versa. By the way, in addition to such a table, you can make legs, straight or curly, according to your desire.

  • You won't believe it, but you'll do great. barrel cabinet where you can store anything you want. These cabinets fit in any corner of your home, including the living room and bedroom.
  • A separate option would be barrel cabinet under the sink. You can make it so that it will hide all the pipes, but will be functional for home life. For example, you can attach a shelf to such a cabinet and store everything related to kitchen utensils there.
  • A harmonious element of the interior will be shelf from part of a barrel, which can be hung in the kitchen, living room, bedroom or hallway. This will turn out to be both a wonderful part of the room decor and a functional part of the house, on which you can put photo frames and other trinkets.
  • Umbrella stand. A barrel that will serve as a place where you can put umbrellas or canes. Usually such a barrel is located in the corridor. For example, during rain, in order not to carry wet things or an umbrella further, they leave them in a barrel.
  • Place for a pet from a wooden barrel. Believe it or not, the barrel will serve as an excellent bed, though not for a person, but for his beloved pets. It’s very stylish and cozy, and most importantly, the animal has its own separate corner where it can spend time.
  • What to make from a wooden barrel at the dacha with your own hands

    We have already looked at what ideas can be used for the interior of the house, now we move on to our yard.

    Those who live in private houses or have their own dacha can safely use old barrels in the interior of their land plot in the country.

    Read also: How to use metal barrel in the country

    Here are ways you can use a barrel in your dacha.

    Master class “Painting a barrel” with your own hands

    There is an option to simply place a regular old barrel in one place or another, depending on how you want to use it. But you can approach the issue quite creatively and paint the barrel yourself at home.

    Specifically, this master class will describe the step-by-step painting of a cheerful, bright barrel for a garden or yard.

    First of all, you will need to get everything necessary materials. We will need:

    • Sandpaper (coarse).
    • Brushes.
    • Pencil
    • Solvent or white spirit.
    • Dye.
    • Primer.
    • Directly the barrel itself.

    Step 1

    To begin with, we need to imagine already ready-made option barrels and what we would like to see on it. Accordingly, think over the color scheme and the drawing itself. Also think about where our barrel will be located, and what idea it will convey.


    Well, the preliminary draft is ready, you can little by little proceed to the next step.
    It will consist of preparing the barrel for painting. To do this, wash it thoroughly and remove it where necessary. upper layer wood using sandpaper.
    It is important to note that this is done if you have firmly decided to paint the barrel in any of the colors. Theoretically, there is an option to leave it in its natural role or restore it, but this is already in other versions of master classes. Apply primer and proceed to the next step.


    Now let's start working with paint. Will need to paint first internal part barrels. To do this, we use the color of paint in which we want to see our creation.
    In order not to breathe in the paint itself and its fumes, it is worth considering the option of lengthening the brush.

    Once the process is complete, we leave our barrel until all the paint is thoroughly dry, then move on to the next step.


    The most interesting and creative moment in creating our painted barrel. When all the layers of paint have dried, we can begin drawing the cherished design that we came up with in advance, or as we go along.

    For example, it could be a face that will be separated by stripes on a barrel. The nose and eyes are done in one section, and the mouth in another. Here you can do whatever you want, because our face can have both the correct outline and a caricatured version. Try different designs until you settle on one specific one. Paint it in the desired way color scheme and let dry.


    Well, our barrel is ready! Now it needs to be placed in a place where it will please the eye.

    This could be a hidden face peeking out from the bushes or an accent accessory that will be located in the most visible place. You can use it as you wish, so everything is in your hands.
    By the way, you can come up with a whole composition that will harmonize and decorate your patio or garden. After all, you can paint not only a barrel, but also garden tools, flower bed, old tires, etc.

    As you can see, a wooden barrel will come in handy in any case, because it can be used in many ways and for a variety of purposes. various options interior It is so versatile that it can turn into a mini bar, table, cabinet, shelf and even a pet bed. It will also be indispensable for the interior of the garden, in which it will show off and please the eyes.
