Lunar days, the moon without a course is single. Moon without a course, single Moon, Moon in free movement, ineffective Moon: what to do and what not to do. The concept of what a Moon without a course or Idle Moon is

Moon without a course, single Moon, Moon in free motion, ineffective Moon - this is the name in astrology for the period of time when the Moon, having made the last exact major aspect before leaving the sign in which it is located, follows until the end of this sign without forming another exact major aspect before the Moon moves into the next zodiac sign.

Our consciousness is designed in such a way that it cannot continuously closely monitor the surrounding reality; at times it switches off “to rest” from a few seconds to several minutes, and at this time we, deep in ourselves, occupied with extraneous thoughts, are completely defenseless against external danger.

It has been noted that such blackouts most often occur during periods Moons without course. It’s good if you are sitting at the TV, reading a book or sleeping at this time - the Moon without a course will pass over you without any trace. But God forbid, at this moment you cross a busy intersection or are driving in difficult traffic...

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from a few minutes to a whole day. If you are aware of it in advance, you either consciously avoid dangerous situations at this time, or through an effort of will you concentrate your attention on what is happening around you - and then everything will be fine.

Under the Moon without a course, a person seems to be under the emotional influence of the last lunar aspect and is often divorced from reality. This is a time of uncertainty in the development of the current situation, when a person is weakly connected to it and has not decided on the direction of his actions.

During the Moon period without a course it is advisable

  • refrain from making serious decisions. These decisions either are not implemented at all or will lead to a completely unexpected result. Judgments at this time are likely to be erroneous, and decisions are based on misconceptions or based on unrealistic premises, since some important facts, relevant to the matter, escapes our attention. It is curious that impractical people most often choose the period of the Moon without a course for their decisions.
  • do not start new things (for example, registering a business or opening an enterprise) and things that are aimed at specific results.
  • . Expenses and investments made during this time turn out to be ineffective, or the money remains unused. do not schedule during the Moon without a course of important meetings, surgical operations, dates and marriages.

Delays, delays and complications are becoming common; problems arise out of nowhere. During the Moon without a course, many people feel scattered, unsure, and lost the thread of thought.

What to do when the Moon has no course

During this time, you should stick to the routine activities planned earlier. They go well, but often require subsequent correction. The best activity during these hours is subjective, spiritual, self-improving, but not material. This is a time to take a break from work, relax, and concentrate on your spiritual growth. The moon without a course gives us the opportunity to look around and then breathe new life

in everyday affairs. Since with the modern pace of life it is impossible to completely avoid making decisions during the period of the Moon without a course, you need to stick to the least important trends of the day or try to make a decision at least an hour before the Moon enters the period without a course.

(Based on materials

Each line of the “idle Moon” calendar indicates the date and time of the beginning of the Moon without a course, and, separated by a dash, the date and time of the end of the “idle” Moon (Moscow time).

The Moon calendar without a course for 2018 takes into account the main aspects of the Moon with the septenary planets in the geocentric coordinate system.

01.01.2017 02:38 - 01.01.2018 11:10
02.01.2018 14:08 - 03.01.2018 10:22
04.01.2018 21:52 - 05.01.2018 11:12
07.01.2018 05:52 - 07.01.2018 15:14
09.01.2018 19:14 - 09.01.2018 23:05
11.01.2018 17:55 - 14.01.2018 22:42
17.01.2018 09:31 - 17.01.2018 11:32
19.01.2018 14:52 - 19.01.2018 23:26
22.01.2018 04:13 - 22.01.2018 09:27
23.01.2018 18:30 - 24.01.2018 16:39
26.01.2018 06:18 - 26.01.2018 20:40
27.01.2018 16:33 - 28.01.2018 21:57
30.01.2018 19:42 - 30.01.2018 21:53

Moon without course in January 2018

01.02.2018 08:00 - 01.02.2018 22:13
03.02.2018 10:07 - 04.02.2018 00:47
05.02.2018 18:34 - 06.02.2018 06:56
08.02.2018 10:18 - 08.02.2018 16:53
10.02.2018 12:15 - 11.02.2018 05:21
13.02.2018 02:42 - 13.02.2018 18:11
16.02.2018 00:06 - 16.02.2018 05:42
18.02.2018 01:14 - 18.02.2018 15:05
19.02.2018 18:19 - 20.02.2018 22:12
22.02.2018 14:46 - 23.02.2018 03:07
24.02.2018 08:57 - 25.02.2018 06:06
26.02.2018 20:17 - 27.02.2018 07:42

Moon without course in February 2018

01.03.2018 02:14 - 01.03.2018 08:57
03.03.2018 02:51 - 03.03.2018 11:20
05.03.2018 03:01 - 05.03.2018 16:23
07.03.2018 11:55 - 08.03.2018 01:03
10.03.2018 03:55 - 10.03.2018 12:52
12.03.2018 12:00 - 13.03.2018 01:44
15.03.2018 10:33 - 15.03.2018 13:12
17.03.2018 16:12 - 17.03.2018 21:57
19.03.2018 02:47 - 20.03.2018 04:07
21.03.2018 20:21 - 22.03.2018 08:30
23.03.2018 20:08 - 24.03.2018 11:53
26.03.2018 03:59 - 26.03.2018 14:45
28.03.2018 11:34 - 28.03.2018 17:30
30.03.2018 07:58 - 30.03.2018 20:52

Moon without course in March 2018

01.04.2018 21:30 - 02.04.2018 01:57
03.04.2018 19:06 - 04.04.2018 09:55
05.04.2018 16:32 - 06.04.2018 21:01
08.04.2018 17:14 - 09.04.2018 09:50
11.04.2018 05:09 - 11.04.2018 21:40
13.04.2018 14:27 - 14.04.2018 06:26
16.04.2018 04:58 - 16.04.2018 11:51
18.04.2018 01:06 - 18.04.2018 15:02
18.04.2018 23:57 - 20.04.2018 17:26
22.04.2018 15:41 - 22.04.2018 20:09
24.04.2018 06:44 - 24.04.2018 23:40
26.04.2018 12:47 - 27.04.2018 04:13
28.04.2018 20:17 - 29.04.2018 10:11

Moon without course in April 2018

01.05.2018 05:56 - 1.05.2018 18:19
03.05.2018 00:59 - 4.05.2018 05:06
06.05.2018 09:20 - 6.05.2018 17:48
08.05.2018 15:51 - 9.05.2018 06:11
11.05.2018 12:02 - 11.05.2018 15:40
13.05.2018 19:31 - 13.05.2018 21:15
15.05.2018 23:30 - 15.05.2018 23:43
17.05.2018 21:19 - 18.05.2018 00:47
20.05.2018 00:15 - 20.05.2018 02:11
21.05.2018 06:29 - 22.05.2018 05:03
23.05.2018 10:12 - 24.05.2018 09:52
25.05.2018 00:28 - 26.05.2018 16:39
28.05.2018 20:27 - 29.05.2018 01:29
29.05.2018 17:20 - 31.05.2018 12:26

Moon without course in May 2018

01.06.2018 19:58 - 3.06.2018 01:06
04.06.2018 08:10 - 5.06.2018 13:53
07.06.2018 09:36 - 8.06.2018 00:26
09.06.2018 22:38 - 10.06.2018 07:04
12.06.2018 06:29 - 12.06.2018 09:53
13.06.2018 22:44 - 14.06.2018 10:20
15.06.2018 09:09 - 16.06.2018 10:21
18.06.2018 06:26 - 18.06.2018 11:40
20.06.2018 13:51 - 20.06.2018 15:29
21.06.2018 23:31 - 22.06.2018 22:11
24.06.2018 17:01 - 25.06.2018 07:29
26.06.2018 11:50 - 27.06.2018 18:52
28.06.2018 22:13 - 30.06.2018 07:37

Moon without course in June 2018

02.07.2018 01:57 - 02.07.2018 20:31
03.07.2018 23:21 - 05.07.2018 07:50
07.07.2018 10:10 - 07.07.2018 15:51
09.07.2018 19:10 - 09.07.2018 19:58
10.07.2018 20:24 - 11.07.2018 20:59
13.07.2018 05:48 - 13.07.2018 20:31
15.07.2018 02:12 - 15.07.2018 20:31
17.07.2018 13:50 - 17.07.2018 22:42
19.07.2018 22:53 - 20.07.2018 04:13
22.07.2018 12:18 - 22.07.2018 13:12
24.07.2018 11:22 - 25.07.2018 00:49
26.07.2018 13:04 - 27.07.2018 13:41
29.07.2018 12:25 - 30.07.2018 02:28

Moon without course in July 2018

01.08.2018 01:43 - 01.08.2018 13:54
03.08.2018 05:52 - 03.08.2018 22:51
06.08.2018 02:47 - 06.08.2018 04:32
07.08.2018 10:54 - 08.08.2018 07:01
09.08.2018 06:44 - 10.08.2018 07:18
11.08.2018 12:58 - 12.08.2018 06:59
14.08.2018 07:37 - 14.08.2018 07:57
16.08.2018 10:56 - 16.08.2018 11:54
18.08.2018 18:07 - 18.08.2018 19:45
21.08.2018 02:47 - 21.08.2018 07:00
23.08.2018 17:19 - 23.08.2018 19:56
25.08.2018 07:39 - 26.08.2018 08:32
28.08.2018 16:54 - 28.08.2018 19:35
31.08.2018 02:04 - 31.08.2018 04:30

Moon without course in August 2018

02.09.2018 08:56 - 02.09.2018 11:02
04.09.2018 09:38 - 04.09.2018 15:03
06.09.2018 15:43 - 06.09.2018 16:54
08.09.2018 16:31 - 08.09.2018 17:29
10.09.2018 18:12 - 10.09.2018 18:20
10.09.2018 22:34 - 12.09.2018 21:15
14.09.2018 11:54 - 15.09.2018 03:45
17.09.2018 02:16 - 17.09.2018 14:07
19.09.2018 20:11 - 20.09.2018 02:52
21.09.2018 20:14 - 22.09.2018 15:27
24.09.2018 08:26 - 25.09.2018 02:04
25.09.2018 13:14 - 27.09.2018 10:16
29.09.2018 01:37 - 29.09.2018 16:26
30.09.2018 18:39 - 01.10.2018 21:00

Moon without course in October 2018

30.09.2018 18:39 - 01.10.2018 21:00
03.10.2018 11:34 - 04.10.2018 00:12
05.10.2018 14:34 - 06.10.2018 02:19
07.10.2018 17:03 - 08.10.2018 04:10
09.10.2018 06:47 - 10.10.2018 07:09
12.10.2018 02:13 - 12.10.2018 12:53
14.10.2018 03:59 - 14.10.2018 22:17
17.10.2018 00:50 - 17.10.2018 10:36
19.10.2018 15:28 - 19.10.2018 23:20
22.10.2018 02:48 - 22.10.2018 09:58
23.10.2018 16:58 - 24.10.2018 17:33
26.10.2018 17:50 - 26.10.2018 22:41
28.10.2018 07:38 - 29.10.2018 02:27
31.10.2018 05:32 - 31.10.2018 05:42

Moon without course in November 2018

02.11.2018 07:31 - 02.11.2018 08:48
04.11.2018 10:27 - 04.11.2018 12:01
06.11.2018 11:19 - 06.11.2018 16:02
08.11.2018 13:42 - 08.11.2018 21:59
11.11.2018 01:00 - 11.11.2018 06:55
13.11.2018 09:32 - 13.11.2018 18:45
15.11.2018 22:05 - 16.11.2018 07:41
18.11.2018 11:05 - 18.11.2018 18:56
20.11.2018 18:45 - 21.11.2018 02:43
21.11.2018 14:55 - 23.11.2018 07:10
25.11.2018 04:03 - 25.11.2018 09:38
27.11.2018 07:16 - 27.11.2018 11:35
29.11.2018 11:17 - 29.11.2018 14:08

Moon without course in December 2018

01.12.2018 17:34 - 01.12.2018 17:49
02.12.2018 11:31 - 03.12.2018 22:55
06.12.2018 00:53 - 06.12.2018 05:49
07.12.2018 10:21 - 08.12.2018 15:01
10.12.2018 23:39 - 11.12.2018 02:39
12.12.2018 20:37 - 13.12.2018 15:40
15.12.2018 14:50 - 16.12.2018 03:44
18.12.2018 05:28 - 18.12.2018 12:37
20.12.2018 03:42 - 20.12.2018 17:34
22.12.2018 08:41 - 22.12.2018 19:28
24.12.2018 11:37 - 24.12.2018 19:58
26.12.2018 00:37 - 26.12.2018 20:50
28.12.2018 19:27 - 28.12.2018 23:23
30.12.2018 13:14 - 31.12.2018 04:23

(to the coordinates of your city with the necessary corrections for latitude, longitude and local time)

Moon without a course = A hopeless undertaking

There are periods of time when a person fails in the implementation of even well-thought-out and well-organized plans. Agreements concluded during such periods are not fulfilled; businesses soon go out of business, marriages don't last long, and the trip doesn't bring the expected results.

In astrology, these times are known as the moon's "off course" periods.

Rarely does a single astrological factor have such a large-scale and comprehensive influence. As a rule, astrological influences are very individual, but the effect of the “single” Moon is felt by everyone. Even the simplest everyday issues cannot be resolved immediately. For example, a purchased item turns out to be useless or is found to be defective. Each of us has found ourselves in a similar situation at least once in our lives. Why is this happening?

Secrets of the Single Moon

Moving at the highest speed of all celestial bodies and transferring light from one planet to another, the Moon is ineffective at certain times. This time lasts from the moment the Moon completes its last aspect in a sign until it moves into the next sign. Such “jogs” of the Moon “on Idling“happen quite often and have varying durations, but during each period the same inefficiency accompanies the actions of all people on planet Earth.

Periods of the moon “without a course” are characterized by inconsistency of events and a feeling of being cut off from reality. At this time, a person is absent-minded, unsure of himself, too trusting, indulges in daydreams and stops paying attention to what is happening around him.

The time of the moon “without a course” is unfavorable for those matters that are aimed at specific results. This list is quite diverse: sending important messages, applying for a competition, performing surgical operations, finding employment in new job, registering a business and opening an enterprise, buying a car or other property, declaration of love, marriage and many, many others.

Usually, everything that begins under the Moon “without a course” is subsequently not translated into reality - promises are not fulfilled, feelings are not reciprocated, letters are lost, contracts are terminated, applications are not accepted, the purchase turns out to be useless or defective. The astrological rule says: if you want an important thing to happen, do not start it during the Moon period “without a course”; if you want it to go well - .

Every cloud has a silver lining, or the benefits of the moon without a course

The periods of the “idle” Moon also have positive sides. This time is suitable for spiritual practices. It is worth directing energy to those areas of life in which a person strives to get out from under the yoke of matter, gain freedom, feel the flight of thought - you can stay at home, read a book, listen to music. If you can’t devote this time to rest, then it’s better to do normal everyday activities that don’t require special attention, which can be performed “on autopilot”.

If you purposefully want something not to happen, you should also take advantage of the “idle” Moon period. For example, to avoid close attention to documents or a report, send them for verification under the Moon without a course (however, you should not write reports during the idle Moon!). During the same periods, you can put forward ideas or proposals that you would not like to implement.

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The fastest celestial body in the earth's sky, the Moon sometimes finds itself in such sections of its own orbit that, although they pass within certain zodiacal houses, do not relate to any of the planets of the solar system.

The state of the “empty” Moon sometimes lasts for several hours, and sometimes for a whole day, bringing confusion into the fate of people and entire states.
The fact is that the Moon without a course preserves and carries with it a situation associated with an aspect that has already passed; it does not correspond to the current situation. After all, one favorable moment has already passed, and another has not yet arrived.

Under the influence of the “empty” Moon, a person is forced to perform untimely actions that are more appropriate bygone time. He falls out of a situation that continues to move forward without stopping. This is a time that is unnecessary and impossible to resist. It is better to go with the flow and wait for the unfavorable period to pass.

The moon without a course is the worst time to start any important business, be it getting a job, opening a business, starting a trip, getting married (or dating), performing a surgical operation, purchasing real estate, buying things, etc.

The beginning of any business initiated during the period of the Moon without a course will have an outcome far from expected. The purchase will turn out to be unsuccessful or unnecessary, the marriage will be short-lived, the trip will be pointless or dangerous, the business will be unpromising, etc.

Astrological statistics show that when the Moon is in the “out of course” position, the number of unexpected failures in work increases, the number of nervous breakdowns increases, and many absurd decisions are made. During these periods, it is advisable to refrain from difficult work.

The moon without a course is a fairly common occurrence. “Why don’t we usually notice it?” you ask. Yes, because at this time you are not doing anything that requires attention, caution, concentration: you are sleeping or talking on the phone, maybe having dinner with your family or watching a movie in the cinema.

So, you should not start any new business or start new projects. If you can’t relax and unwind, then it’s better to do something familiar that doesn’t require much concentration. Finally, put off purchases, especially expensive ones. You may miss something important, overlook an annoying defect, or buy something that will break as soon as the warranty expires.

However, the Moon without a course also has its positive sides. For example, if you submit tax documents to the inspectorate and do not want to be checked, choose the moment of the Moon without a course for this. However, keep in mind that your documents submitted at this moment may even be lost.

In general, the time described is excellent for starting things that should not have a long history and continuation.

If you are going to commit an act that is undesirable for you, but you do not want people’s attitude towards you to change after it, then the Moon without a course is the most suitable moment.

The main thing is to remember: no matter what you start, you shouldn’t expect results.

To determine how negative the Moon without course is at any given moment, it is important to take into account many more different things, primarily its position in the zodiac constellations.

If the “empty” Moon is in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Pisces or Sagittarius, then the situation is not so problematic and you can expect success in business, especially those on which you have been working hard for a long time.

But the Moon without a course, passing through Capricorn, Gemini or Scorpio, has a very negative impact. And here it is better not to take risks even in small things.

The Moon without a course for 2017 is calculated for Moscow (GMT+3), to find out when the Moon will be without a course in your city, compare your time with Moscow (i.e. subtract or add the difference with Moscow).

Moon without course in January 2017

Moon without course in July 2017

02.01.2017 10:58 - 02.01.2017 12:5704.01.2017 19:14 - 04.01.2017 19:20

06.01.2017 21:41 - 06.01.2017 23:18

08.01.2017 5:23 - 09.01.2017 1:06

11.01.2017 0:38 - 11.01.2017 1:49

12.01.2017 14:34 - 13.01.2017 3:08

14.01.2017 18:17 - 15.01.2017 6:52

17.01.2017 9:09 - 17.01.2017 14:16

19.01.2017 11:55 - 20.01.2017 1:09

22.01.2017 4:24 - 22.01.2017 13:45

24.01.2017 20:33 - 25.01.2017 1:43

27.01.2017 10:18 - 27.01.2017 11:37

29.01.2017 8:52 - 29.01.2017 19:10

31.01.2017 20:36 - 01.02.2017 0:46

02.07.2017 16:16 - 02.07.2017 19:5905.07.2017 4:34 - 05.07.2017 8:08

07.07.2017 17:12 - 07.07.2017 20:44

10.07.2017 5:12 - 10.07.2017 8:35

12.07.2017 15:40 - 12.07.2017 18:51

14.07.2017 20:00 - 15.07.2017 2:52

17.07.2017 5:19 - 17.07.2017 8:04

19.07.2017 9:11 - 19.07.2017 10:31

21.07.2017 8:41 - 21.07.2017 11:09

23.07.2017 9:05 - 23.07.2017 11:33

25.07.2017 12:22 - 25.07.2017 13:32

27.07.2017 9:31 - 27.07.2017 18:37

30.07.2017 0:30 - 30.07.2017 3:23

31.07.2017 14:10 - …………………

Moon without course in February 2017

Moon without course in August 2017

31.01.2017 20:36 - 01.02.2017 0:4602.02.2017 19:50 - 03.02.2017 4:50

05.02.2017 1:41 - 05.02.2017 7:44

07.02.2017 1:53 - 07.02.2017 10:03

09.02.2017 1:00 - 09.02.2017 12:41

11.02.2017 8:52 - 11.02.2017 16:52

13.02.2017 15:36 - 13.02.2017 23:43

16.02.2017 4:54 - 16.02.2017 9:41

17.02.2017 22:38 - 18.02.2017 21:52

21.02.2017 2:37 - 21.02.2017 10:08

23.02.2017 6:24 - 23.02.2017 20:17

25.02.2017 21:11 - 26.02.2017 3:24

28.02.2017 2:08 - 28.02.2017 7:52

……………. - 01.08.2017 15:0104.08.2017 0:38 - 04.08.2017 3:37

06.08.2017 12:22 - 06.08.2017 15:15

08.08.2017 22:07 - 09.08.2017 0:56

10.08.2017 16:38 - 11.08.2017 8:22

13.08.2017 11:01 - 13.08.2017 13:40

15.08.2017 4:15 - 15.08.2017 17:06

17.08.2017 16:38 - 17.08.2017 19:13

19.08.2017 18:17 - 19.08.2017 20:55

21.08.2017 21:30 - 21.08.2017 23:25

23.08.2017 23:02 - 24.08.2017 4:04

26.08.2017 8:39 - 26.08.2017 11:53

28.08.2017 12:38 - 28.08.2017 22:47

31.08.2017 7:42 - 31.08.2017 11:18

Moon without course in March 2017

Moon without course in September 2017

02.03.2017 5:18 - 02.03.2017 10:42

03.03.2017 18:20 - 04.03.2017 13:05

06.03.2017 11:22 - 06.03.2017 15:54

08.03.2017 17:59 - 08.03.2017 19:45

10.03.2017 20:05 - 11.03.2017 1:07

13.03.2017 5:36 - 13.03.2017 8:28

15.03.2017 13:05 - 15.03.2017 18:11

18.03.2017 0:56 - 18.03.2017 6:00

20.03.2017 13:37 - 20.03.2017 18:31

22.03.2017 16:20 - 23.03.2017 5:28

25.03.2017 8:56 - 25.03.2017 13:06

27.03.2017 13:19 - 27.03.2017 17:11

29.03.2017 15:07 - 29.03.2017 18:48

31.03.2017 2:12 - 31.03.2017 19:40

02.09.2017 19:30 - 02.09.2017 23:06

05.09.2017 8:15 - 05.09.2017 8:28

06.09.2017 23:29 - 07.09.2017 15:01

09.09.2017 18:52 - 09.09.2017 19:22

11.09.2017 3:54 - 11.09.2017 22:29

13.09.2017 21:35 - 14.09.2017 1:12

16.09.2017 0:23 - 16.09.2017 4:09

18.09.2017 3:55 - 18.09.2017 7:52

20.09.2017 8:30 - 20.09.2017 13:06

22.09.2017 16:04 - 22.09.2017 20:40

24.09.2017 10:33 - 25.09.2017 7:01

27.09.2017 14:08 - 27.09.2017 19:24

30.09.2017 3:13 - 30.09.2017 7:40

Moon without course in April 2017

Moon without course in October 2017

02.04.2017 17:43 - 02.04.2017 21:27

04.04.2017 23:45 - 05.04.2017 1:13

07.04.2017 3:16 - 07.04.2017 7:20

09.04.2017 11:21 - 09.04.2017 15:34

11.04.2017 21:19 - 12.04.2017 1:42

14.04.2017 7:17 - 14.04.2017 13:27

16.04.2017 21:26 - 17.04.2017 2:04

19.04.2017 12:57 - 19.04.2017 13:52

21.04.2017 21:23 - 21.04.2017 22:43

24.04.2017 0:34 - 24.04.2017 3:32

26.04.2017 0:53 - 26.04.2017 4:56

28.04.2017 4:18 - 28.04.2017 4:39

30.04.2017 0:28 - 30.04.2017 4:48

02.10.2017 14:13 - 02.10.2017 17:26

04.10.2017 10:19 - 04.10.2017 23:40

07.10.2017 1:38 - 07.10.2017 2:56

08.10.2017 16:45 - 09.10.2017 4:44

11.10.2017 1:24 - 11.10.2017 6:38

13.10.2017 7:00 - 13.10.2017 9:41

15.10.2017 8:27 - 15.10.2017 14:19

17.10.2017 14:27 - 17.10.2017 20:35

19.10.2017 22:12 - 20.10.2017 4:41

22.10.2017 14:35 - 22.10.2017 14:57

24.10.2017 19:44 - 25.10.2017 3:12

27.10.2017 8:22 - 27.10.2017 15:59

29.10.2017 19:22 - 30.10.2017 2:46

Moon without course in May 2017

Moon without course in November 2017

01.05.2017 23:23 - 02.05.2017 7:12

04.05.2017 7:35 - 04.05.2017 12:46

06.05.2017 15:42 - 06.05.2017 21:20

09.05.2017 1:59 - 09.05.2017 8:00

11.05.2017 0:42 - 11.05.2017 19:59

14.05.2017 5:14 - 14.05.2017 8:37

16.05.2017 13:22 - 16.05.2017 20:50

19.05.2017 3:33 - 19.05.2017 6:52

21.05.2017 6:39 - 21.05.2017 13:11

23.05.2017 9:59 - 23.05.2017 15:33

24.05.2017 22:08 - 25.05.2017 15:15

27.05.2017 9:18 - 27.05.2017 14:24

29.05.2017 9:59 - 29.05.2017 15:12

31.05.2017 14:14 - 31.05.2017 19:16

01.11.2017 0:07 - 01.11.2017 9:43

03.11.2017 6:03 - 03.11.2017 12:46

05.11.2017 12:28 - 05.11.2017 13:26

07.11.2017 13:39 - 07.11.2017 13:44

09.11.2017 8:14 - 09.11.2017 15:29

11.11.2017 11:55 - 11.11.2017 19:41

13.11.2017 18:45 - 14.11.2017 2:26

16.11.2017 3:50 - 16.11.2017 11:19

18.11.2017 14:42 - 18.11.2017 21:59

21.11.2017 3:26 - 21.11.2017 10:14

23.11.2017 13:33 - 23.11.2017 23:14

26.11.2017 5:37 - 26.11.2017 11:04

28.11.2017 15:09 - 28.11.2017 19:30

30.11.2017 21:37 - 30.11.2017 23:38

Moon without course in June 2017

Moon without course in December 2017

03.06.2017 0:48 - 03.06.2017 3:04

05.06.2017 11:57 - 05.06.2017 13:46

07.06.2017 3:35 - 08.06.2017 1:59

10.06.2017 9:20 - 10.06.2017 14:36

12.06.2017 21:45 - 13.06.2017 2:45

15.06.2017 8:40 - 15.06.2017 13:17

17.06.2017 14:33 - 17.06.2017 20:55

19.06.2017 22:42 - 20.06.2017 0:53

21.06.2017 7:26 - 22.06.2017 1:44

23.06.2017 21:45 - 24.06.2017 1:07

25.06.2017 21:44 - 26.06.2017 1:06

28.06.2017 0:12 - 28.06.2017 3:41

29.06.2017 23:34 - 30.06.2017 10:02

02.12.2017 4:53 - 03.12.2017 0:21

04.12.2017 22:13 - 04.12.2017 23:37

06.12.2017 20:56 - 06.12.2017 23:37

09.12.2017 1:40 - 09.12.2017 2:08

11.12.2017 6:02 - 11.12.2017 8:01

13.12.2017 15:27 - 13.12.2017 16:59

15.12.2017 4:42 - 16.12.2017 4:07

18.12.2017 16:10 - 18.12.2017 16:33

20.12.2017 18:37 - 21.12.2017 5:29

23.12.2017 13:12 - 23.12.2017 17:42

25.12.2017 5:48 - 26.12.2017 3:27

27.12.2017 23:57 - 28.12.2017 9:23

29.12.2017 17:01 - 30.12.2017 11:31

Moon without GMT course

Calendar time according to Greenwich Mean Time is GMT. For Moscow you need to add +3 hours throughout the year. And for Kyiv, for example, you need to add +2 hours in winter, and +3 hours during summer time

Moon without course in January 2017

02.01.2017 08:00 – 02.01.2017 09:58
04.01.2017 16:15 – 04.01.2017 16:21
06.01.2017 18:43 – 06.01.2017 20:19
08.01.2017 02:24 – 08.01.2017 22:07
10.01.2017 21:40 – 10.01.2017 22:50
12.01.2017 11:35 – 13.01.2017 00:09
14.01.2017 15:18 – 15.01.2017 03:53
17.01.2017 06:11 – 17.01.2017 11:17
19.01.2017 08:56 – 19.01.2017 22:10
22.01.2017 01:25 – 22.01.2017 10:46
24.01.2017 17:34 – 24.01.2017 22:44
27.01.2017 07:19 – 27.01.2017 08:38
29.01.2017 05:53 – 29.01.2017 16:11
31.01.2017 17:37 – 31.01.2017 21:48

Moon without course in February 2017

02.02.2017 16:51 – 03.02.2017 01:51
04.02.2017 22:43 – 05.02.2017 04:45
06.02.2017 22:55 – 07.02.2017 07:04
08.02.2017 22:01 – 09.02.2017 09:42
11.02.2017 05:53 – 11.02.2017 13:53
13.02.2017 12:38 – 13.02.2017 20:44
16.02.2017 01:55 – 16.02.2017 06:42
17.02.2017 19:39 – 18.02.2017 18:53
20.02.2017 23:38 – 21.02.2017 07:09
23.02.2017 03:25 – 23.02.2017 17:18
25.02.2017 18:12 – 26.02.2017 00:25
27.02.2017 23:09 – 28.02.2017 04:53

Moon without course in March 2017

02.03.2017 02:20 – 02.03.2017 07:44
03.03.2017 15:21 – 04.03.2017 10:07
06.03.2017 08:23 – 06.03.2017 12:55
08.03.2017 15:00 – 08.03.2017 16:47
10.03.2017 17:07 – 10.03.2017 22:08
13.03.2017 02:37 – 13.03.2017 05:29
15.03.2017 10:06 – 15.03.2017 15:12
17.03.2017 21:58 – 18.03.2017 03:01
20.03.2017 10:39 – 20.03.2017 15:32
22.03.2017 13:21 – 23.03.2017 02:29
25.03.2017 05:57 – 25.03.2017 10:08
27.03.2017 10:20 – 27.03.2017 14:12
29.03.2017 12:08 – 29.03.2017 15:49
30.03.2017 23:13 – 31.03.2017 16:41

Moon without course in April 2017

02.04.2017 14:44 – 02.04.2017 18:28
04.04.2017 20:46 – 04.04.2017 22:14
07.04.2017 00:17 – 07.04.2017 04:21
09.04.2017 08:22 – 09.04.2017 12:35
11.04.2017 18:20 – 11.04.2017 22:43
14.04.2017 04:19 – 14.04.2017 10:28
16.04.2017 18:27 – 16.04.2017 23:06
19.04.2017 09:58 – 19.04.2017 10:53
21.04.2017 18:24 – 21.04.2017 19:44
23.04.2017 21:35 – 24.04.2017 00:34
25.04.2017 21:54 – 26.04.2017 01:57
28.04.2017 01:20 – 28.04.2017 01:40
29.04.2017 21:29 – 30.04.2017 01:49

Moon without course in May 2017

01.05.2017 20:24 – 02.05.2017 04:13
04.05.2017 04:36 – 04.05.2017 09:48
06.05.2017 12:43 – 06.05.2017 18:21
08.05.2017 23:00 – 09.05.2017 05:02
10.05.2017 21:44 – 11.05.2017 17:01
14.05.2017 02:15 – 14.05.2017 05:39
16.05.2017 10:23 – 16.05.2017 17:51
19.05.2017 00:34 – 19.05.2017 03:53
21.05.2017 03:40 – 21.05.2017 10:12
23.05.2017 07:00 – 23.05.2017 12:34
24.05.2017 19:09 – 25.05.2017 12:16
27.05.2017 06:19 – 27.05.2017 11:26
29.05.2017 07:00 – 29.05.2017 12:13
31.05.2017 11:15 – 31.05.2017 16:17

Moon without course in June 2017

02.06.2017 21:50 – 03.06.2017 00:05
05.06.2017 08:58 – 05.06.2017 10:47
07.06.2017 00:36 – 07.06.2017 23:00
10.06.2017 06:21 – 10.06.2017 11:37
12.06.2017 18:46 – 12.06.2017 23:46
15.06.2017 05:41 – 15.06.2017 10:19
17.06.2017 11:34 – 17.06.2017 17:56
19.06.2017 19:43 – 19.06.2017 21:54
21.06.2017 04:26 – 21.06.2017 22:45
23.06.2017 18:47 – 23.06.2017 22:08
25.06.2017 18:46 – 25.06.2017 22:08
27.06.2017 21:13 – 28.06.2017 00:42
29.06.2017 20:36 – 30.06.2017 07:03

Moon without course in July 2017

02.07.2017 13:18 – 02.07.2017 17:00
05.07.2017 01:35 – 05.07.2017 05:09
07.07.2017 14:13 – 07.07.2017 17:46
10.07.2017 02:13 – 10.07.2017 05:36
12.07.2017 12:42 – 12.07.2017 15:52
14.07.2017 17:02 – 14.07.2017 23:53
17.07.2017 02:20 – 17.07.2017 05:05
19.07.2017 06:12 – 19.07.2017 07:32
21.07.2017 05:42 – 21.07.2017 08:11
23.07.2017 06:06 – 23.07.2017 08:35
25.07.2017 09:23 – 25.07.2017 10:33
27.07.2017 06:32 – 27.07.2017 15:38
29.07.2017 21:31 – 30.07.2017 00:24
31.07.2017 11:11 – …………………….

What is a Moon without a course or a single Moon? The term “Moon in free pass” is sometimes used. Everything is very simple here. Moving through the signs of the Zodiac, from time to time the Moon does not make major aspects to any planets. These periods are called "Moon without a course." In astrology there is such a thing as aspects - this is an arc between two points, a certain degree correspondence, for example, the conjunction of the Moon with Mars. The Moon moves through the Zodiac sign and “communicates” with other planets through aspects, but there comes a time when it will not make any aspects until it moves into new sign, will not interact with anything. These time periods are called the Moon without a course.

Moon calendar without course by year

The moon is one of the most rapidly changing factors that affects literally everything. When buying socks or ordering something online when the Moon is in free motion, be prepared for surprises. There is no point in buying any things on the Moon without a course. You will either stop liking them or you will not use them in the future. If you agree on something with someone on such a Moon, most likely it will either be postponed or change. During the period of the single Moon, people are more likely to be late. And not only at meetings, but also at airports and train stations, situations of confusion and disorganization often arise; a business started on such a Moon may end in an unexpected result.

But what can you do effectively on the Moon without a course? Finish it! Do what you always do - routine things, but at the same time be concentrated and attentive. You should not start important matters at this time, get married, buy houses and apartments, submit documents anywhere (unless you need them to get lost or the processing to be delayed). Be attentive to any calculations, driving a car, internal reactions to external stimuli. Control your mind so as not to get into a ridiculous situation. During the Moon without a course, try not to perform operations, not to start important things, concentrate on your work, since this period, as it were, “discourages” a person. Well, socks and tights bought on the Moon without a course don’t last long.

A moon that has “lost its course” is often called “idle.” This is a difficult time for both creative people and practicing technicians. On the days of the moon “without a course,” caution and foresight will not hurt anyone, because these periods are characterized by best case scenario lack of results in the work started, and in the worst - complete collapse. What does the Moon “without a course” mean, and what should you not do on such days, you will learn from this material.

What are the Moon and planets “without a course” in astrology?

Moon “without course” is a tricky time. In “unlucky” hours we find ourselves as if without a guardian angel, we can make miscalculations and mistakes. During these time periods, you should not start important things, take risks, plan or bet on anything. At best, what has been started will end in “nothing”, i.e. will not lead to the desired results. Moon “without a course”, “idle” Moon, “idle” run of the Moon, Moon in free movement, “untravelled” Moon…. So what is the Moon “without a course” from an astrological point of view? All these terms mean that the Moon has not yet entered the next sign of the Zodiac during the indicated periods of time and, at the same time, no longer has major aspects (relationships) with other planets.

It is important to track periods of the Moon “without a course”, especially those coinciding with other “pressing” factors, such as perigee, apogee of the Moon, perihelion of comets, eclipses of luminaries, orbital influence (plus or minus a day) of the new moon and full moon. And also we must certainly take into account the temporary coincidence of the Moon “without a course” with Mercury “without a course”, because Mercury is in our real life is responsible for decision making, logic, and the ability to mentally respond to everything that happens.

In addition to the position of the Moon “without a course,” other planets may also be such. The only difference is that the Moon gives a general influence on everything that happens; it has a wider scale of action. Planets “without a course” play their “unhelpful” role only in the area for which they are directly responsible, providing, to one degree or another, the likelihood of stupid mistakes, inappropriate and even inadequate actions. During periods of the Moon and any planet “without a course,” it is necessary to completely exclude activities associated with risk.

Mercury "without course"- a kind of “stepping stone” for people of mental work, for those working in transport, in educational and public institutions, people in business, trade and where manifestations of sociability, sociability, and intelligence are necessary. During this “no course” planet, unrest most often occurs, errors in calculations, reports, decision-making, planning, disruptions in transport operations occur, and there is a high probability of clashes against the backdrop of misunderstanding and poor organization. Information at this time may be lost, ignored, distorted or misunderstood.

Whenever we hear about another horrific story, the question immediately arises: how could this even happen? And this suggests that what happened most likely refers to the tricks of “unlucky” planets.

Venus “without a course” is unfavorable in matters of relationships, beauty and finances. During such periods, you should not get engaged, purchase expensive jewelry, undergo plastic surgery, or participate in auctions.

Mars “without a course” is unfavorable where physical strength, dexterity, courage, and truly masculine qualities are required. For example, you should not hold sports competitions, as the results will not correspond to the truth. There is a high probability of physical injury, excessive energy consumption, and disproportion to one’s capabilities. On the days of “unlucky” Mars, it is undesirable to go to the mountains, practice new complex skills, or hunt (especially if during these hours both the Moon and Mercury are “out of course”).

Please note that the overlap of a pair or three planets “without a course” is considered the most dangerous in astrology, especially the overlap of the “untracked” Moon and Mercury.

What can and cannot be done on the days of the Moon and Mercury “without a course”

Remember that during the periods of the Moon and Mercury you cannot:

  • conclude contracts, sign important documents;
  • make large investments, buy expensive things, especially those designed for long term operation;
  • start something new and little-known;
  • make suggestions, ideas;
  • lend something;
  • plan for this time important events, such as surgery, marriage, etc.;
  • do everything that you don’t want to redo later, and in the worst case, “screw up”;
  • be disorganized, relaxed, irresponsible.

Periods of “no course” can be favorable for creative people who are not tied to results and patterns. You can, as they say, accidentally fall into a “channel” and get something “nonlinear” that runs parallel to you.

What can you do during periods of the Moon “without a course” from an astrological point of view?


  • engage in creativity and that which is safe, that is “for the soul” and not necessarily for benefit;
  • engage in everyday, routine activities without elements of risk.

Need to:

  • try to double-check everything and, if possible, not lose vigilance and control in everything;
  • During periods of the Moon and Mercury “without a course”, especially carefully observe safety rules in everything.
