Swimming in polluted water is hazardous to health. Convulsions and hypothermia. Why is swimming in cold water dangerous? When is it time to see a doctor

Basically, a variety of intestinal infections and skin diseases are caught in the water, which are caused by all possible types of microorganisms.

Summer is the peak incidence of such infections in the middle lane. Indeed, protozoa, pathogenic fungi, helminths (worms), various bacteria live in beach sand.

Mikhail Lebedev, Medical Consultant, Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD), Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Rospotrebnadzor

We know that "before everyone was swimming, and there was nothing." If you think so too, just look at the list of surprises waiting for you in the water.


Giardia are the simplest microorganisms, of which there are quite a few around us. In places where feces and sewage enter the water, there are even more of them. They cling to us if we drink contaminated water or swallow it while bathing. Nothing happens immediately after the swim, the first signs appear after 1-2 weeks.

Symptoms are typical for all intestinal infections: diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain. The danger is severe dehydration. Treated with antibiotics and diet.



Who once had rotavirus (aka intestinal flu), he hates fast diets. Diarrhea, vomiting, high fever and a complete lack of energy are signs of an infection that can be caught in the water. There are vaccinations for the virus, but there is no specific treatment, which means that you can only endure and mitigate the symptoms.


Hepatitis A and E are viral infections that are transmitted through drinking water. Basically, of course, residents of hot countries suffer from them, but we also suffer from them. About what hepatitis is and how to protect yourself from them, we already.


This is a particularly dangerous infection and one of the global problems of the world. It seems that cholera is ill only in hot countries with a low sanitation culture, but in fact, cholera pathogens are regularly found in Russia. Epidemiological situation on cholera in the world in 2005-2014. In fact, cholera in most cases is treated quickly and easily, and its main danger is dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

Dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis

These are different diseases with different pathogens, but with generally similar symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and fever. There are slight differences between them, but they are not fundamental. The main thing is that all these diseases are dangerous in the same way that cholera is dangerous: dehydration and all its serious consequences. They are also treated according to the same scheme: restoration of water balance, antibiotics and intestinal sorbents.


A dangerous bacterial infection that is transmitted from animals affects the liver and kidneys. It starts with headache, fever, abdominal pain. Other symptoms are red eyes and jaundice. It can end very sadly. Bacteria enter the blood more easily through wounds and mucous membranes.

Bather's itch

Other infections

These are not all diseases that are transmitted through water. In the middle lane it is difficult to meet typhoid fever or the causative agent of trachoma (this is a disease that affects the eyes). But in warm regions they are in considerable quantities. Worm infestations are rarely transmitted when swimming, but in dirty waters there is a chance to pick them up.

What can not get infected in the water

One of the most common horror stories, which many continue to believe in, is the chance to get gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia or others while swimming, Mikhail Lebedev notes. But this is a myth. If you just swim and do not have sex in the water, you will not get infected with specific infections.

STIs are transmitted only from person to person and it is through sexual contact. Moreover, it is impossible to catch hepatitis B or HIV infection when bathing.

Mikhail Lebedev

Fear number two - to catch a cold something, such as kidneys. This fear has little basis. Our body temperature is maintained from the inside, and if the body is supercooled from summer bathing, then the whole body. Hypothermia can become an additional factor for the development of diseases, but definitely not the main one.

Without comorbidity, this is quite difficult. But hypothermia when bathing can be one of the reasons for the development of cystitis.

Alexey Moskalenko, pediatrician at DOC+ service

How to swim without getting sick

All the horrors described above do not mean that it is not necessary to climb into the water at all. It is enough to follow the rules of bathing.

The place for swimming should be clean at least visually, and even on the shore. Still water is much more dangerous than running water. Do not go into the water among the thickets of swamp plants, knee-deep in mud.

If you want to swim in an artificial reservoir where the water is renewed slowly (in a pond or a ditch) and in which a lot of people bathe, then it’s better to find another place: too many infections are transmitted from person to person through close contact, when it’s warm and wet around. Do not swallow water when swimming.

The sand on the beach is not treated with disinfectants, therefore, at a depth of 5–6 centimeters, it is the most favorable environment for various microorganisms (mainly pathogens of fungal infections). Wet sand is especially dangerous.

Mikhail Lebedev

You should not build castles and dig up to your head in the sand if there are wounds on the skin.

After swimming, take a shower if there is one on the beach, and if there is none, wash your hands, face and feet. No clean water? Take wet wipes and liquid bottles with you. Take a shower when you get there.

In any case, remove wet swimwear and swimming trunks, change into dry clothes while you rest between swims.

How to understand that you can not swim

When you see control signs near a river or pond, do not swim there.

Remember that city fountains, in which water circulates in a closed system, from which animals drink and in which the homeless bathe, is a very, very bad place to swim.

With the onset of summer, people are in a hurry to go to nature closer to a river or lake. What could be better than a dip in the cool water and wash away the accumulated fatigue? However, do not forget that swimming can be hazardous to health, since many water bodies are heavily polluted. What diseases can be obtained by plunging into the river and how to protect yourself from them, we will consider in this article.

What can you "pick up" in a lake or river?

Residents of coastal cities and towns are very lucky. Sea water, saturated with salts and other trace elements, destroys almost all pathogens and swimming in the sea is absolutely safe. As for fresh water in rivers and lakes, in the summer it becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and microbes. For a person, this can result in serious skin and intestinal diseases. In addition, the eyes and mucous membranes may be affected. The most common diseases that can easily be "caught" in fresh water include:

  1. "The Bather's Itch"- a non-dangerous, but extremely unpleasant disease, manifested by swelling of the skin, itching and rashes. Infection occurs by contact with the skin of schistosome larvae, which are carried by ducks and mollusks. In rare cases, the help of a doctor is required, most often the disease goes away on its own.
  2. Intestinal infections. These include dysentery, adenovirus, etc. The most dangerous disease is cholera. The virus can end up in water bodies due to sewage runoff into water.
  3. Rotavirus is the most common cause of prolonged and severe diarrhea in children. Primary infection can be dangerous, repeated infections are no longer so acute.
  4. Leptospirosis. Despite the fact that the disease is common in Asian countries, it can also be picked up in Russia. Infection of water bodies occurs due to rats. The virus enters the human body through damaged skin and mucous membranes. You can get sick even if you accidentally swallow contaminated water. Symptoms of the disease are fever, pain in the joints and muscles. If you suspect leptospirosis, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Worm invasion. It is quite difficult to get this disease through swimming in reservoirs, but such cases sometimes happen. The peddler of infection are ducks and stray animals bathing in reservoirs.
  6. Viral hepatitis A. It causes severe intoxication of the body and affects the liver.
  7. Diseases of the eyes and ears. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis or otitis externa can easily be obtained by swimming in water.
  8. Diseases caused by the protozoa Acanthamoeba and Negleria. Such a disease can end with inflammation of the membranes of the brain. The favorite habitat of protozoa is warm stagnant water.

In what situations should you see a doctor after swimming?

It is important to immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms of malaise appear immediately or a few days after swimming in a river or lake:

  • the temperature has risen;
  • nausea, vomiting or loose stools appeared;
  • headaches appeared;
  • rashes or itching appeared on the skin;
  • reddened and watery eyes;
  • ear hurt.

Drops in the nose will cope with a slight runny nose, and fermentation in the stomach and nausea will be stopped by probiotics and enterosorbents. But do not abuse self-medication and it is better to turn to specialists.

How to swim without getting sick

Despite the large number of diseases that can be obtained simply by swimming in a pond, you should not refuse trips to a river or lake. You just need to follow the basic rules:

  1. The bathing area should not be dirty. Stagnant water with mud or algae is a breeding ground for bacteria.
  2. When swimming in artificial reservoirs where water renewal is slow (pond, pit, etc.), you should choose a place where there are the fewest people. A large number of infections can be transmitted from others through close contact in a warm and wet environment.
  3. Do not swallow water while swimming.
  4. The sand located on the beach, at a depth of 5-6 cm, is a favorable environment for the development of pathogens. Do not dig into the sand if there are wounds on the surface of the skin.
  5. After swimming, you should take a shower immediately on the beach. Wash hands and face well. If the beach is not equipped with showers, you can use wet wipes or antiseptics.
  6. After bathing, you need to take off your wet clothes and change into dry clothes.

On the website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Sanitary and epidemiological situation section, a complete list of beaches allowed for swimming is presented. Before choosing a holiday destination, it makes sense to look at this site.

How to understand that you can not swim

Do not deny yourself a full-fledged beach holiday on the banks of a river, lake or pond. In order not to face the unpleasant consequences of such a pastime, it is enough to follow simple rules and carefully choose a place that will be safe for swimming.

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Fun and useful activity. But there are some health risks associated with swimming in polluted sea waters.

What health risks are present in sea water?

Most waterborne diseases are associated with faecal contamination from humans or animals. The main diseases caused by bathing in water contaminated with faeces are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and respiratory infections of the ear, throat and nose.

Why can coastal waters suffer from faecal pollution?

"Direct sewage discharges, sewage runoff and sewage run off streets and farmland (often via streams and rivers). And then that water can affect coastal water quality," says Thomas Bell, director of the Maritime Society's Coastal Pollution Division. protection (MCS) in the UK.

The degree of pollution from these sources varies from one beach to another, depending on the proximity of sewers and the type of wastewater treatment that is used.

The weather also affects pollution

Bathing water quality drops 24 to 48 hours after heavy rains, says Andy Cummins, campaign manager for Surfers Against Wastewater in Britain. This is because mixed sewer overflows, which carry excess sewage from sewage treatment plants to rivers and seas to prevent flooding, operate most frequently during thunderstorms. There is also a strong possibility that the sea will be affected by polluted crop discharge waters after heavy rains.

"To minimize the risk of swimming in polluted water, choose beaches that have a blue flag or are recommended by health authorities," says Bell. "If there was heavy rain, stay out of the water for at least 24 hours." Even on a beach that meets EU minimum mandatory standards and is rated good, there is a 12%-15% chance of disease-related sewage contamination, Bell said.

  • Do not swallow sea water or water from coastal streams.
  • Avoid splashing seawater or water jets into your mouth.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water so that any wet sand is washed out of your hands before eating.
  • Follow beach safety guidelines.

In most cases, any infection (such as indigestion) will be mild and treatable. However, if the symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

blue flag scheme

The blue flag only includes beaches that meet the highest standards. The flag is awarded annually to beaches that meet high management standards, promote environmental protection and have achieved high water quality standards in the previous summer season. The Blue Flag is therefore another important indication of good bathing water quality.

In the summer heat, one really wants to plunge into cool water, so few people pay attention to the cleanliness of the reservoir. However, swimming in polluted water can lead to sad consequences.

We have collected 10 signs that you should not swim in a pond or lake.

1. Presence of waterfowl

The first signs of cercariae may be rashes that look like insect bites. Then bubbles filled with liquid appear, the skin begins to itch severely. Without treatment, erysipelas may develop. Particularly dangerous in terms of infection are places near the coast, which are well warmed up and overgrown with algae.

2. Blooming water

Carriers of cercariae, snails, breed in the mud and on the surface of aquatic plants. Such reservoirs are usually shallow, the water in them warms up well and is teeming with a variety of bacteria, including pathogens of enterovirus infections, salmonellosis, poliomyelitis, dysentery, leptospirosis, hepatitis A and other contagious diseases.

3. Traces of livestock

Very often, cows, horses, and small livestock are brought to small reservoirs located near villages for watering. In such places, the coast is covered with hoof marks, and the water is polluted with animal feces and there is a high probability of catching an intestinal infection or helminths. There is a similar risk when swimming in water bodies located near livestock farms.

4. Presence of industrial enterprises and drain pipes nearby

5. Proximity to a garbage dump

This is perhaps the most dangerous neighborhood. During rains, a huge amount of dirty water flows into the reservoir, in addition, various garbage gets into it. When bathing, you can pick up not just a banal indigestion, but also a serious infectious disease.

6. Laundry is washed in a pond or cars are washed

On the banks of a village pond or lake, you can meet people washing clothes, cleaning carpets or washing cars. In this case, the water is contaminated with bacteria or chemical compounds. It is easy to catch an intestinal infection or get allergic dermatitis.

7. Logs and driftwood sticking out of the water

If snags or sticks stick out of the water, you should not enter it. Under water, it is easy to run into a snag and get a laceration, and sometimes a fracture. You should also be careful if trees or bushes grow close to the shore. Their roots or fallen trunks may be in the water, which creates a risk of injury.

8. Noisy companies with boats

Noisy companies often rest on the shore of the reservoir. In wild waters, where there is no separate area for swimming and services that keep order, such vacationers can ride motor boats or boats while intoxicated. Their inattention and errors in management lead to injury to bathing people.

9. Sign "Swimming is prohibited!"

Just like that, no one will put such a sign. This means that in this place the water is heavily polluted and there is a risk of catching an intestinal infection. The ban can also be for other reasons: accumulation of debris at the bottom, the place where boats are cruising, strong undercurrent, etc. In any case, swimming near the sign is dangerous for health, and sometimes for life. You can check the list of water bodies where swimming is allowed on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

10. Fountains - where you definitely shouldn't swim

The fountain is not a place for bathing at all, the water in it is far from clean, as it circulates through a closed system. That is, from the fountain to the tank and back to the fountain without any cleaning. In addition, garbage is often thrown into the fountains, homeless people wash in them and orphaned animals drink.

Basic safety rules for swimming in water bodies

  • Still water is always more dangerous than running water. In the river, the water is constantly changing, there are no conditions for the reproduction and accumulation of bacteria. And in stagnant water bodies, the risk of catching any disease is very high.
  • Wherein not only water is dangerous, but also sand- at a depth of 5-6 centimeters, an excellent microclimate is created for microorganisms, because it is warm and humid there. Do not bury yourself in the sand on the beach or allow children to build sand castles if the purity of the water and the coast leaves much to be desired.
  • Even swimming in a visually clean pond, try do not swallow water and do not allow it to enter the nose, and after the swim, rinse with clean water or at least wipe the skin with a damp cloth.
  • Costs avoid crowded beaches: the more people, the higher the risk of infection. It is best to swim only where there are specially equipped beaches, and the water meets sanitary standards.

Ekaterina Kushnir, higher medical education

Illustrations: Julia Prososova

Our expert - therapist Irina Vechnaya.

Ducks are flying

If you see a family of ducks swaying peacefully on the surface of the pond, it is better to refuse to swim. The fact is that cute birds can act as a carrier of a very unpleasant disease - cercariasis, which is popularly called bather's itch.

To relieve symptoms, antihistamines are usually prescribed, the skin is wiped with salicylic alcohol solution, vinegar, acidified water or lemon juice.

The risk of catching cercariasis is especially high in reservoirs with stagnant warm water covered with duckweed.

Cows went to water

If there is a farm near the pond where you plan to swim, and cow cakes are found on the shore, it is better to refrain from swimming. In such reservoirs it is easy to pick up an intestinal infection. All it takes is a sip of water.

Typical symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Often they are accompanied by increased body temperature. At the first signs of an intestinal infection, drink activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and try to drink more. As a drink, it is better to use salted water (1 part salt to 10 parts water). Dry fruits of bird cherry and blueberries will help to cope with mild diarrhea, however, if we are talking about serious infections (stool more than 5 times a day, vomiting more than 3 times a day), you cannot do without the intervention of a doctor. The fact is that intestinal disorders can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. In the first case, it is useless to drink antibacterial drugs, and in the second they are necessary. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment.

Brooks murmur

If summer cottages are located in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir, carefully inspect the shore for sewers leading to water. If they are present and a specific sewer smell emanates from the pipe, swimming in such a reservoir is fraught not only with intestinal infections, but also with hepatitis A. The incubation period of the disease is from 14 to 28 days, the symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea, dark urine and jaundice. Adults usually tolerate the disease worse than children. There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A, but this does not mean that you can do without the help of a specialist. Patients require detoxification therapy and the appointment of hepatoprotectors to maintain the liver. Recovery is slow and may take several weeks.


Garbage on the shore or a landfill nearby is the most dangerous neighborhood for a reservoir. Garbage can become not only a source of intestinal problems and cause allergic reactions, but also attract rats. And these rodents serve as carriers of a very dangerous infection - leptospirosis. You can get sick by accidentally swallowing water contaminated with microorganisms. Symptoms of the disease: high fever, muscle and joint pain, vomiting, jaundice. Do not try to treat yourself, consult a doctor immediately. Leptospirosis is deadly!

Willows by the pond

Trees leaning directly above the water, although they do not pose a danger of infection, can also harm the bather. Broken branches, snags at the bottom can lead to injury. Therefore, when swimming in such reservoirs, care should be taken, especially if the water is opaque.

Shouldn't you be afraid?

Bathers have several common fears, some of which are completely unfounded. However, there are also well-founded fears. Let's try to deal with real and fictional dangers.

Get a sexually transmitted infection. Neither chlamydia, nor gonorrhea, nor syphilis, nor HIV are transmitted through water.

Catch a fungus. In water, this danger does not threaten you. True, fungal spores may well remain in the beach sand, on platforms and stairs leading to the water, or on sun loungers. Therefore, if there are a lot of people on the beach, it is better to refrain from walking barefoot, put a litter on a sunbed or on the ground, and when you get home, take a shower and treat your feet with any antiseptic solution.
