Traffic rules circle work program. Circle "traffic rules". Long-term lesson plan

Work program of the traffic rules club

« Young pedestrian»

Group leader:

Maryina - Starkova S.G.

2017-2018 academic year year

Summary: A traffic rules class is held once a week, duration 20 minutes, 4 lessons per month, for a total of 30 lessons. The program describes a course to familiarize children of the senior and preparatory school groups to school age from 5-7 years old with traffic rules. It will help teach preschoolers basic street behavior skills and conscious actions in a given situation.

Explanatory note

Every year the number of cars, buses, and trolleybuses on city streets increases. Motorcycles and others Vehicle. Man is accustomed to fast movement. IN the shortest possible time we strive to get to the place we need, we complain if a car or bus is moving slowly, we demand speed, speed, speed...

When we become passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time we ourselves are pedestrians on the streets of cities and towns. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust fumes.

IN modern city We must strive to ensure that the increase in the vehicle fleet does not interfere with the normal life of a person, his work and rest. Scientists, builders, technicians, and employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate are now working on this problem. Special research centers have been created to combat air pollution in cities, new highways with underground passages for pedestrians are being built, old highways are being improved to avoid “traffic jams” - a large accumulation of cars, to create maximum transport convenience and safety for pedestrians. Employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate constantly monitor traffic and compliance with traffic rules.

But much of the organization of order and traffic safety on the streets also depends on pedestrians.

It is no secret that the increase in the vehicle fleet has increased the possibility of road accidents. Often, even minor violations of traffic rules by a pedestrian, or the inattention of people on the streets, lead to serious consequences, costing the lives of themselves, the driver and passers-by who happen to be nearby.

Hundreds of thousands of people die under the wheels of cars around the world! And among the victims of road accidents, a significant percentage are children.

The focus of the program is social and pedagogical: conditions are created for the child’s social practice in his real life, accumulation of moral and practical experience.


According to statistics, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and adolescents occur annually on the roads of our country. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society, requiring a solution with the general participation of teachers, parents and children.

Every adult should know the rules of the road for pedestrians and raise disciplined pedestrians in their children. After all, the rules of the road are the same for children and adults.

Therefore, the main task of parents and teachers is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing forms of education, to convey to children the meaning and the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content.

It is important that when transitioning from kindergarten to school, the child can easily navigate the immediate spatial environment, be able to observe and correctly assess road situations, and have the skills to behave safely in these situations.

The “Young Pedestrian” circle activity program is designed to ensure that children successfully learn the rules of the road, learn why they need to follow the rules of the road, be able to navigate traffic situations, and apply their knowledge in practice. The Young Pedestrian program is work for the future. The sooner we teach children a culture of behavior on the roads and streets, the fewer unpleasant incidents there will be on the roadways.

This Program is compiled on the basis of traffic rules, as well as on the basis of the Program of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”.

This program describes a course to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road.

Purpose of the program: systematize children's knowledge of traffic rules, instill skills of correct behavior on city streets, in the yard and public transport, observe and consciously comply with traffic rules.


· cultivate a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

· to develop a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

· develop motivation for safe behavior;

· develop preschoolers’ ability to navigate traffic situations;

· to form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

· develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street and in transport.

· develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

· teach basic traffic rules;

· provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

· teach correct behavior on the streets, using acquired knowledge on this issue;

· to develop in preschoolers stable skills in observing and following traffic rules (traffic rules);

Expected results:


Mastery basic rules behavior on the road;

Analysis of readiness to solve road transport situations;

Formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

Development of creative abilities;

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest.


Formation of a culture of behavior in the process of communication with the road;

Instilling sustainable skills for safe behavior in any traffic situation.


Formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s own and others’ actions;

Development of a negative attitude towards traffic violations.

Monitoring of the level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in road safety is carried out 2 times a year: intermediate - in October, final in April, May in individual and subgroup form.

The implementation of this program is designed for 2 years of study with children of the senior and preparatory school groups and will allow them to obtain a systematic understanding of the dangers on the road and predicting dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior taking into account their capabilities. The program includes both group and individual lessons, as well as public events.

The “Young Pedestrian” work program is implemented in two directions:

Educational activities with students

Interaction with parents is the activity of children – teachers – parents.

The implementation of educational activities involves the implementation of the following algorithm:

Directly organized educational activities are implemented integrated into the educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “ Artistic creativity" -1 time per month.

Organization of the educational process:

Subgroup (up to 12 people) with a differentiated approach when choosing teaching methods depending on the capabilities of the children. The activity takes place in an entertaining, playful way.

Club activities are held once a week. The duration does not exceed the time provided for by the physiological characteristics of the children’s age and the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms”:

20 – 25 minutes - senior group (5 -6 years old),

25-30 minutes – preparatory group (6 – 7 years).

Circle activity mode

Total number of hours per year – 33 hours per year senior group, 35 hours in the preparatory group.

Number of hours per week – 1 hour.

The frequency of classes is once a week for 20 minutes in the senior group, once a week for 30 minutes in the preparatory group.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Reading fiction, Artistic creativity.

Principles of program implementation :

1. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach, i.e. taking into account the personal, age characteristics of children and the level of their mental and physical development.

2. The principle of interaction “children - road environment”.

The younger the child is, the easier it is to develop social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. The plasticity of a child’s nervous system allows him to successfully solve many educational problems.

3. The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences: traffic accidents.

Preschoolers should know what consequences may await them in the road environment. However, one cannot overly focus their attention on this alone, because... instilling fear of the street and the road can cause a reverse reaction (the temptation to take risks by crossing the road or uncertainty, helplessness and the usual situation on the road will seem dangerous to the child).

4. The principle of age safety.

From early childhood, children should be constantly explained the essence of phenomena in the road environment and the danger of moving objects. It is necessary to form, develop and improve perceptions of a dangerous road environment, to show specific safe actions to get out of a dangerous situation.

5. The principle of social security.

Preschoolers must understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is controlled by the traffic police.

6. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education.

This principle is implemented when children understand the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, a positive example from adults is needed, therefore, it is necessary to educate the parents of children.

The work of teaching children safe behavior skills on the streets should under no circumstances be a one-time event. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly.

Club activities consist of various types of activities:

· teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

· independent work (studying illustrations and completing assignments);

· practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and safe behavior skills on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games (role-playing, with rules, didactic, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

The circle is conducted in an accessible and fun way that stimulates the development of interest. The gaming technologies used in the program provide the child with the opportunity to engage in practical activities in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is developed and improved.

Main activities:

· Creation of conditions; work with children; working with parents.

· Resource support for group work:

1. Traffic corner in a group room (tabletop)

2. Center “Traffic Light” in the building of the preschool educational institution.

3. Visual material:

Transport of various functional purpose;

Board and printed games;

Didactic games on traffic rules;

Posters, illustrations, story pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport”;

Road signs.

4. Methodological tools.

5. Library of the School of Traffic Light Sciences.

Stages of implementation of the work system:

Stage I – senior group (children 5-6 years old);

Stage II – preparatory group (children 6-7 years old).

Work with children

When constructing a group activity to study traffic rules, one should keep in mind three aspects of interaction with the city’s transport system:

· child is a pedestrian;

· child – passenger of public transport;

· child – driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, sled, rollerblades, etc.)

Methods and methods of teacher activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by children:

· practical (various exercises with models, with game material of vehicles, making models, activities in the traffic rules corner, model of the road to kindergarten);

· visual (studying the rules on models, monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

· verbal (as a presenter - instructions, conversations, explanations); video method – ICT (viewing, training).

· methods of forming the consciousness of the individual, aimed at the formation of stable beliefs (story, ethical conversation, example);

· methods of organizing activities and forming experience of social behavior (educational situation, training, exercises, road traps);

· methods of stimulating behavior and activity (competition, encouragement).

Forms of control: testing, competitions, quizzes, games.

LG Municipal preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 4" Golden Cockerel "


according to traffic rules “Young pedestrian”

for children of senior and pre-school preschool age groups (5-7 years old)

Developed by the teacher:

Maryina - Starkova S. G.

2017-2018 academic year year

2018-2019 academic year year

Annex 1

Long-term planning in the senior group


Cognition – Development of constructive activity Subject: "Transport"- teach how to create familiar types of transport from construction or waste materials, and reinforce traffic safety rules.

Targeted walks, observations

A targeted walk along the street adjacent to the kindergarten: to consolidate knowledge about transport and road signs.

“How drivers work”: consolidate knowledge about driver work; explain why the driver must monitor his health and undergo a medical examination.

"The Road to the Emerald City": consolidate knowledge of the shape, color, content of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Hospital": Drivers undergo a medical examination before the trip.

Game situations

« Strange driver": show what can happen if the driver has difficulty hearing or cannot distinguish traffic lights, clarify where he can get help.

Other forms of working with children

Making a street model, playing it out.

Working with parents

Teach children to talk about the place of their walk: where and with whom they will play;

Constantly remind your children that they should not approach unfamiliar cars, open them, take something, or get into them - this is dangerous!


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Our village"- clarify ideas about your native village: streets, modes of transport, road signs; encourage you to remember the rules of culture of behavior in in public places.

Targeted walks, observations

Observation of children's games: discussion of the correct choice of place for games.

Conversations, looking at illustrations

"Safety on the street"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in the yard, when walking on the sidewalk, when crossing the roadway, at a bus stop, in transport, when riding a bicycle.

Didactic games, exercises

« Who knows his village better"- clarify knowledge about your native village and means of transportation around it.

Role-playing games

"Street"- road traffic with an intersection and traffic lights.

Game situations

"We're walking down the street"

Motor activity

P/i “Who can assemble a traffic light faster” - an exercise in running in different directions, acting on a signal, consolidating the knowledge of colors and the sequence of traffic lights.

Other forms of working with children

Watching a video.

Working with parents

When crossing the roadway, draw children's attention to stopped vehicles and hidden dangers;

Hold your child's hand.


Direct educational activities

Reading fiction. B. Zhitkov's story “What I saw”- consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Subject: "Street"- learn to make paper crafts by folding, combine them into a common composition, play with them, and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Targeted walks, observations

The purpose of a walk to an intersection is to teach children to determine the speed of transport and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Subject: Rules and road safety"

« Arrange the signs according to shape"; “Find the odd one by color, shape, content”: consolidation of knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- there are many cars for different purposes in the garage; Drivers take documents from the dispatcher, receive an assignment, refuel the car at a gas station, and carry passengers.

Other forms of working with children

Making gas station attributes for the game “Street” (pump, hose, dial)

Working with parents

When walking on the sidewalk, teach your child to walk calmly, next to an adult, on the side opposite the roadway.


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: “Compiling stories from pictures in the manual “Road Rules and Safety” movement" - to develop the skills of writing a story based on a picture, to consolidate knowledge about behavior on the road.

Artistic creativity- Drawing. Subject: "Pedestrians walk down the street"- encourage people to convey impressions of their surroundings (at home, transport); consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion, observing the proportions of the figure and body parts.

Targeted walks and observations

Observing how adults cross the road with strollers and children: pay attention that at this time you cannot be distracted or play pranks.

« We cross the roadway"- consolidate the rules of behavior when crossing the road at a zebra crossing or sign.

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic and pedestrian traffic is regulated by a traffic light; mothers with strollers and older children cross the street.

Game situations

"Be careful"

M. Ilyin, E. Sigal “Cars on our street”

Other forms of working with children

Watching the film strip “Traffic Light Mysteries”

Working with parents

Teach children to give up their seats to the elderly, women, and girls on public transport;

Teach them to behave calmly in transport, not to walk around the cabin unless necessary, and to maintain cleanliness.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - Drawing. Subject: "Traffic signs"- exercise children in drawing with various visual materials, conveying the form and content of signs; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs.

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories based on painting "City Street"- learn to write a descriptive story using precise words to refer to objects; consolidate knowledge about the rules of movement and behavior of pedestrians on the street.

Cognition – Development of elementary mathematical concepts. Subject: "Where will you go and what you will find"- learn to navigate in space in accordance with road signs “Move straight”, “Move to the right”, “Move to the left”, “Circular traffic”.

Targeted walks, observations

The purpose of the walk to the “Podsinsky Ring” is to give the idea that this is a large intersection, to introduce the “Roundabout” sign

"Where cars are repaired"- clarify knowledge about vehicle repair shops, introduce the sign “Car Maintenance” and the game actions “inspecting the car”, “tightening the nuts”, “washing”.

Didactic games and exercises

"Guess what's changed"- encourage to see changes in the spatial arrangement of transport and signs on the street.

"Go and collect"- consolidate knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- movement along the street in accordance with traffic lights, the role of which is played by the child.

Game situations

"How to proceed"- consolidate knowledge of the actions of pedestrians and vehicles at certain traffic lights.

G. Tsyferov “Fairy tales on wheels”

Other forms of working with children

Making attributes for board game“Build a city” (houses, transport, trees)

Working with parents


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: "Street"(using construction kits, paper, waste material) - clarify the location of houses, green spaces, roadways and sidewalks.

Communication. Subject: Compiling the story “My Street”- learn to compose a consistent story according to a diagram, use existing knowledge about traffic rules.

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk along the street: encourage you to see how the vehicle slows down and continues to move by inertia (ice)

"Rules of conduct in transport"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in public places: give up your seat, do not walk around the salon, maintain cleanliness, leave independently after adults

Didactic games and exercises

"Build a City"- consolidate knowledge about parts of the street, traffic movement along city streets, making turns and driving in circles in accordance with road signs.

Role-playing games

"Street"- propose to combine with the games “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”

Game situations

"Grandma on the other side of the street"- practice correct behavior: do not break away from your mother’s arms, do not run towards your grandmother

Other forms of working with children

Entertainment "Traffic light"

Working with parents

Together with your children, determine a safe place in the yard for skiing or sledding;

Check if your child knows his address and his parents' last name, first name, and patronymic in case he gets lost


Direct educational activities

Communication. Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting by V. Gerbova “An Incident on the Bus”- practice composing a plot story based on a picture, using personal experience

Artistic creativity – Drawing. Subject: "My favorite street"- consolidate the ability to depict objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the topic; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules for vehicles and pedestrians

“We will help in any way we can”- teach to notice the difficulties of others on the street and in transport and strive to help them, show where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is located, give up a seat in transport, etc.

Didactic games and exercises

« Collect the sign" - consolidate knowledge about road signs, their color and shape, learn to collect them using Dienesh's manual

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers take exams on knowledge of traffic rules in the game “Traffic Light School”

Game situations

“Granny got on the bus”, “The kid demands a seat window"

S. Marshak. Bad story

Other forms of working with children

Making attributes for the game "Street"

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the roadway following the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign or at the “zebra crossing”;

Teach children to cross the road calmly, in a straight line, and not to run.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity – Application. Subject: " Pedestrians walk down the street"- learn to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage the creation of a collective composition, supplement it with details, reflecting impressions of the surrounding world

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories from personal experience “How I went to kindergarten with my mother”- learn to write a story on a given topic

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to the roadway: show how cars slow down in rainy weather and how dangerous it is for pedestrians

"How to Cross the Street"- establish traffic rules according to the sign

Didactic games and exercises

Lotto “Find a match for a sign”- consolidate knowledge of road signs (color, shape, content)

Role-playing games

"Street"- association with the games “Atelier”, “Shop”

Game situations

"Dangers on the Road"

D. Denisova. How to cross the road

Other forms of working with children

Entertainment "Parsley on the street"

Working with parents

Think over and find the safest route from home to garden;

Convince your child that he needs to call “02” if he gets lost, but you can’t play with the phone;

Conversation with parents about traffic rules

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity – Application. Subject: "Street"- encourage the creation of a collective composition, conveying a certain road situation

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "City Street"- encourage to reflect impressions of the environment; depict parts of the street, transport, signs, pedestrians

Targeted walks, observations

Monitoring pedestrians crossing the roadway

« What drivers should know and be able to do"- clarify knowledge about transport and traffic rules, the driver’s health status

Didactic games and exercises

"Finish the car"- practice solving problem situations when traffic is moving

Role-playing games

"Street"- trucks and cars drive along the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk; drivers take care of their vehicles

Motor activity

Riding a scooter - teach children to push off with their right and left feet

N. Nosov. Car, D. Denisova. How to cross the road

Working with parents

Parent meeting: “Measures to prevent child injuries”

Appendix 2

Long-term planning in the preparatory group


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "Street"- consolidate the ability to reflect impressions of the surrounding world in a drawing, depict a sidewalk, a pedestrian, a pedestrian crossing, trees, flowers, traffic lights, signs

Targeted walks, observations

Target walk to crossroads

"Two traffic lights"- clarify ideas about the purpose of different traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing

"Railway transport and its dangers"- consolidate ideas about railway transport, introduce the signs “Railway crossing with and without a barrier”, clarify the rules of conduct near the railway

Didactic games and exercises

"Sort it into groups"- consolidate the ability to differentiate prohibitory, warning, directional signs and service signs

Role-playing games

"Street"- cargo and passenger cars driving along the street, pedestrians walking along the sidewalk. Cars obey the traffic light signals, pedestrians pay attention to the pedestrian traffic light

Game situations

"Put up the signs"- practice in correct location signs on the street

Motor activity

Playing football - reinforce the knowledge that you can only play in a specially designated place

S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa is a policeman. My street

Other forms of working with children

Making a pedestrian traffic light from waste material

Working with parents

Go with your child to an intersection where there are two traffic lights;

Establish rules for crossing the roadway;

When sending your child for a walk outside, check with him about the place of play.


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Topic: “Transport” - improve the ability to create buildings using different geometric figures; consolidate knowledge of modes of transport

Cognition - Social world. Subject: Meeting with a traffic police officer– introduce road patrol workers to the work, instill respect for their work

Targeted walks and observations

Targeted walk along the street: consolidate knowledge of the culture of behavior when walking on the sidewalk

"Who regulates traffic"- consolidate knowledge about traffic lights, clarify ideas about the work of a traffic police officer

Didactic games and exercises

"Highway"- consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic police officers monitor order on the roads, check drivers’ documents

Game situations

“To whom do the signals tell what?”- consolidate knowledge of traffic controller signals

Ya. Pishumov. Talking machine, N. Nosov. Policeman

Other forms of working with children

Filmstrip “Wonderful Gift”

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the road only where both sides of the road are clearly visible.

Teach your child the rules for providing first aid. Help yourself and others by following the rules of hygiene and sanitation


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Writing a story based on reference words(road, pedestrian, sign, car) – learn to write a creative story from personal experience

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to a stop: watch people cross the roadway

"Dangerous objects on the road"- give an idea that stones and glass should not be thrown onto the roadway, this is dangerous for drivers and pedestrians

Didactic games and exercises

"Red Green": teach to classify the actions of exemplary pedestrians (green circle) and traffic violators (red circle) using illustrations

Role-playing games

"Street"- traffic police officers monitor the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Game situations

« I got off the bus and saw a friend on the other side of the street": establish rules for crossing the roadway

Ya. Pishumov. Look, guard.

S. Mikhalkov. Bad story

A. Severny. Traffic light

Working with parents

When traveling in public transport, show children how best to take a stable standing position;

Introduce children to the emergency exit sign


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories in a series pictures "Bus"- learn to see the logic of plot development from a series of pictures, to compose a coherent, sequential story based on them

Targeted walks, observations

Target walk to the stop: watch passengers boarding and alighting

"If you are polite"- consolidate knowledge about the need to help the elderly, give up your seat in transport

Didactic games and exercises

“How the lion cub ended up in the hospital”- improve the ability to arrange pictures in a logical sequence of events and compose a coherent story based on them

Role-playing games

"Street"- road traffic involving cars, pedestrians, and a traffic controller who regulates traffic

Game situations

“The bunny is going to visit you, tell him the way"- learn to compose a story, including road features and road signs as movement guidelines

Other forms of working with children

Video "Lessons while driving"

Working with parents

Do not allow children to sled down a slide whose descent faces the roadway of a yard or street.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityDrawing. Subject: "We're going on a tour of the street"- encourage you to reflect impressions in the drawing

Communication. Subject: Making up the end of the story "How do we cross the street"- consolidate the skills of writing a creative story, encourage you to come up with different ways to cross the roadway

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted sledding trip outside the site - clarify the safe place for sledding

"Useful signs"- give an idea that road signs should not be damaged, this can lead to accidents

Didactic games and exercises

“Make a story about the sign”- learn to compose short stories about road signs, describing their color, shape, purpose

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers and pedestrians follow traffic rules, a traffic police officer checks drivers’ licenses

Game situations

“Where do you play hockey, answer quickly, children?» - clarify knowledge of the place for games and the danger of running out onto the roadway

V. Semerin. Prohibited - allowed

Other forms of working with children

Production of pedestrian certificates

Working with parents

Do not allow children to ski on a hill whose slope opens onto the roadway.


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Inventing a fairy tale about following traffic rules - “In the city” traffic light sciences"- learn to come up with a fairy tale on a given topic, describe events and their consequences, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules

Artistic activity – Drawing. Subject: "Traffic"- strengthen the ability to portray different types transport, convey the features of the road situation

Artistic creativity - Application. Subject: "Our town"- cut out houses and vehicles of different configurations, using various technical techniques, create a plot composition

Targeted walks, observations

Targeted walk to the bus stop – clarify the rule: you cannot pass traffic in front or behind

"How to walk down the street"

Didactic games and exercises

"Road certificate"- consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to compose an image of 8-10 parts

Role-playing games

"Street"- combine with the games “School”, “Library”

I. Leshkevich. ABC of safety

I'm Akim. Street

Other forms of working with children

Audio recording “Adventure in the City of Singing Traffic Lights”

Working with parents

Questioning parents


Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: " Traffic light"- learn how to make a toy from waste material, supplement the work by drawing details

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Exemplary pedestrian"- consolidate knowledge about the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street

Targeted walks and observations

A targeted walk to school is to consolidate knowledge about the school, introduce the “Children” sign

"Signs in a triangle"- provide knowledge about the purpose of warning signs

Didactic games and exercises

"Three Letters"- identify the ability to navigate in the surrounding space

Role-playing games

"Street"- drivers drive along the streets, paying attention to road signs

Game situations

"Polite Children"- walking on the sidewalk

Other forms of working with children

Filmstrip “Along the Street, Along the Pavement”

Working with parents

Parent meeting with children “Road Rules and Safety”


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Composing stories “My the path from the house to the garden"- learn to write a descriptive story along a safe path to the garden, using a route diagram

Artistic creativity – Drawing. Subject: "Dangers All Around Us"- encourage you to reflect on the impressions received in class

Targeted walks and observations

Monitoring the space reserved for pedestrian movement

"Exemplary Passenger"- establish rules of behavior in transport

Didactic games and exercises

"People on Road Signs"- consolidate knowledge about road signs with images of people

Role-playing games

"Street" - promote unity various games into a single plot

Ya. Pishumov. The best transition

Other forms of working with children

KVN on traffic safety rules

Working with parents

Reinforce with children the rules of behavior in recreation areas

Direct educational activities

Cognition – Development of constructive activity. Subject: "Street"- consolidate skills in working with paper, promote the creation of a collective composition

Communication. Topic: Compiling stories based on a set of toys: a car, a doll with a bandaged hand, a ball - learn to compose a coherent, sequential story according to plan

Targeted walks and observations

Observations of crossing the road outside of signs and road markings

“Who do we call an exemplary pedestrian” - to consolidate the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the streets

Didactic games and exercises

"Find the Difference"- learn to compare “Pedestrian crossing” signs

Role-playing games

« Street"- reinforce compliance with traffic rules when riding a bicycle

N. Konchalovskaya. Scooter

Other forms of working with children

A trip outside the village - to practice the practical application of traffic rules knowledge

Working with parents

Parents' meeting - "Children's safety on the roads"

Literature and Internet resources used:

1. -street traffic rules

11. Evdokimova E.S. Pedagogical support for families in raising a preschooler. – M.: 2005.

12. Lessons on traffic rules. //Ed. Romanova E.A., Malyushkina A.B. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

13. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions: Methodological aspect. – M.: 2005.

14. Kozlov A.V., Desheulina R.P. Work of a preschool educational institution with the family. Diagnostics, planning, lecture notes, consultations, monitoring. – M.: 2000.

15. Nekrasov Zaryana and Nina. Safe from birth to school. – M.: Sofia LLC, 2008.

16. Poddubnaya L. B. Traffic rules. Senior and preparatory groups. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”, 2007.

17. Startseva O. Yu. School of road sciences: prevention of children's road traffic injuries. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

18. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

1. E.P. Arnautova. – M.: “AVIKO PRESS”, 2000;

2. “Soon to school. Traffic rules for children of preschool and primary school age”, Compiled by D. Maidelman. – Rostov n/a: Donpechat, Lyceum, 1994.

3. Amos D. “Katya got lost,” Petrushka, 1997.

4. Bedarev O. “If ...”;

5. Berestov V. “About cars”;

6. Borovoy E.V stories from the series “Do you know?”;

7. Galpershtein L. “Tram and its family”;

8. Dorokhov. A, "Passenger";

9. Emelyanova O. “Road rules for children” (children’s poems about road safety rules);

10. Leshkevich I. “Ice”;

11. Mikhalkov S. “Loafer traffic light.” M., 1987.

12. Mikhalkov S. “My street”, “Bad story”;

13. Nosov N. “Car”.

14. Fireflower E. “Who Starts the Day”;

15. Pishumov Y. “My car”, “ABC of the city”, “Song about the rules”, “On our street”, “All the boys, all the girls...”, “This is my street”;

16. Prokofieva S., Sapgir G. “My friend is a traffic light.” M., “Let the child grow up healthy.” 1980.

17. Semernin V. “Prohibited - Permitted”;

18. Tumarinson G. “New road adventures of Pinocchio.” – L, 1989.

19. Usachev A. “House at the crossing”;

20. Shalaeva G.P. , “New rules of behavior for well-mannered children.” – M.: Eksmo, 2004.

21. Shorygina T.A. "Cautious Tales". – M.: Prometheus, 2003.

22. Elkin G.N. “rules for safe behavior on the road.” Useful tips for pedestrians. Basic road signs. Behavior in public transport. - S.-Fri.: Litera. 2008;

23. Yurmin G. “Curious Mouse”;

Sakharova Elena
Club program for introducing traffic rules to children of senior preschool age “Traffic Light”

Explanatory note

According to Federal Law "About safety traffic» basic principles of safety traffic are: priority of life and health of citizens participating in traffic, over economic results economic activity; priority of state responsibility for ensuring security traffic over the responsibility of citizens participating in traffic; respecting the interests of citizens, society and the state.

IN Russian Federation number of accidents involving children aged up to 14 years old per 10 thousand units of transport is almost 10 times higher than in the UK, 30 times higher than in Italy and 20 times higher than in France and Germany.

The current situation with children road– transport injuries, according to estimates of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, indicates children's ignorance of traffic rules(hereinafter referred to as traffic rules) and inability navigate the road correctly, which is insufficient attention to the problems of preventing childhood injuries, primarily on the part of educational authorities. Despite the fact that in Russia there are a number of regulatory documents, obliging educational institutions to carry out consistent preventive work on studying Traffic rules, the results of the control and analytical work of the State Traffic Inspectorate in large cities show that more than half road– transport accidents occur due to the fault of children, violating rules behavior on the streets and roads.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2009 No. 86 - Federal Law “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Laws” should influence the situation. offenses».

The program is intended for preschoolers, And directed to provide additional training on studying Traffic rules and their practical application.

Relevance programs

Teaching safe behavior, instilling psychological resistance to dangerous situations, discipline, caution, and observation.

Form ideas. Teach compliance with traffic rules. Expand and consolidate acquired knowledge.

Target programs

Purposefully to form a culture of behavior and observance among the younger generation traffic rules, introduce to universal human values ​​- life and people's health, enter preschooler into the world of relationships between driver and passenger, where knowledge about behavior, observance and implementation of traffic rules takes place.


1. Introduce safe behavior preschool children on the streets, familiarization With various types transport - trucks and cars, trams, trolleybuses, buses, - with regulation traffic on city streets, settlements;

2. Assimilation of norms and rules of conduct, manifestations of tolerance for antisocial behavior;

3. Formation children skills and abilities to monitor road situation and anticipation of dangerous situations, the ability to circumvent them;

4. Instilling discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, culture of behavior, exposure to road transport process.

The program is focused:

To ensure the safety of a child 5-7 years old, individualization of personality through awareness child's needs, capabilities and abilities,

Promotes the development of personal qualities that will help them adapt to road environment,

Helps children acquire certain behavioral skills, experience, and development of communication children,

Formation of skills of a value-based attitude towards both one’s own and other people’s lives;

Development program material;

Develop educational activity and independence;

Develop the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions;

Ability to use acquired knowledge in practice;

Features of the organization of the educational process

1. The child gains knowledge, skills and abilities in a playful way.

2. The main form of organization is circle.

3. Subgroup form of training – 8-10 children.

4. The duration of the OOD is 25 minutes.

5. OOD mode – once a week.

Provides for further development of knowledge about compliance with traffic rules. At the same time this program discloses in a way that is accessible to children level of contradiction in relationships "Driver-pedestrian" and ways to resolve it. Students learn about real problems that people face; that knowledge and observance traffic rules -

necessary condition for preservation health and life. Along with this, it contributes to the formation of children

respect for common law roads, both in your city, and in the country, on the whole planet. Children preschool

age acquire certain skills that allow them to participate in practical activities.

Principles of training

The basis circleThe work is based on the following didactic teaching principles:

The educational nature of education;

The scientific nature of the transmitted information;

Systematicity in organizing classes;

Availability of the material being studied age of pupils;

Visualization of training;

Individual approach to students.

The nurturing nature of education

Provides children with the opportunity to assimilate world experience and study the patterns of social development. Forms a scientific worldview. Educates moral qualities. Develops morally and aesthetically. The scientific nature of the transmitted information. Promotes correct reflection of reality, the more clearly expressed in educational activity of representations about real objects, the more understandable for children taught material.

Systematicity in organizing work mug

Justified age and psychological characteristics children, therefore, teaching educational material sent mainly on the formation cognitive activity .

Availability of the material being studied

The material must be available to this group children, match them age and level of development. A sign of accessibility to education is the connection between the acquired knowledge and those enshrined in students' minds.

Individual approach.

Knowledge in the educational process is acquired individually by each child. During the work, the teacher has the opportunity to work with a group and individually with each person. Individual differences children speed up or slow down the learning process Various methods, forms, means of teaching work programsallow extensive use of modeling: creating graphic and dynamic diagrams that help children understand and articulate rules and standards of acceptable behavior. Program provides for the teacher's story, which should be vivid, emotional, awakening interest in the material being studied, facilitating its assimilation.

Content programs provides ample opportunities for implementing a differentiated approach to children during education. Program also provides for the use of additional materials for study, which will allow greater consideration of individual characteristics children and develop their interests and abilities, form a culture of behavior.

Structure programs.

Consists of educational blocks: theory, practice. The content is combined into blocks, each of which implements a separate task. All educational tasks involve not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of practical experience.

Practical tasks.

Promote the development of children creativity, ability to create situations

happening in everyday life develop imagination and thinking. Based on practical work

lies in performing creative tasks to create such situations. Children of this age capable of emotional

figurative level, carry out the proposed tasks.

Expected results

Know the norms and street rules;

Be able to show tolerance towards antisocial behavior;

Be able to anticipate and avoid dangerous situations that arise road.

Content mastery involves two levels of educational achievement: basic and advanced. Requirements for these levels are determined in accordance with the educational mug program.

This program will provide an opportunity to achieve successful results in training and education of disciplined participants traffic, and will also help reduce the level of childhood injuries. Form representations children about road safety. Teach compliance with traffic rules. Expand and consolidate acquired knowledge. This knowledge will help children protect health and possibly life.

Educational and methodological support

Development centers

Theater Center; - design center; - art center; - physical activity center; - traffic rules center.

Technical training aids

Record player; -CD and audio materials; - computer.

Visual - didactic material

Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue, scissors, brush, album sheets;

Attributes road patrol service: rods, helmets, signs;

Transport for various functional purposes (cargo and Cars, buses, trains, fire and postal vehicles, etc.);

- Traffic lights, figures of people (pedestrians, drivers);


Scene pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for role-playing games, games of traffic controllers, drivers and pedestrians (rod, whistle, cap, etc.);

- Road signs.

Didactic games:

1. "Our street"

2. "Put road sign»

3. "Teremok"

4. "Guess what sign"

5. "Types of intersections"

6. "City Street"

7. "Forbidden - allowed"

8. "Collect traffic light»

9. “What do the signs say?”

10. “Where is the sign hidden?”

Methodical techniques:


Role-playing game;

Didactic games;

Reading and memorizing poetry;

Examination of illustrations;



Target walk to a specially equipped site.

In the learning process children traffic rules You cannot limit yourself to just verbal explanations. A significant place should be given to practical forms of training: observation, excursions, targeted walks, during which children learn in practice rules for pedestrians, are watching traffic, consolidate previously acquired knowledge.

Carrying out targeted walks and excursions with children along the streets at different times of the year, observe how pedestrians and transport interact, pay attention children for such important points for safety movement: like lighting, weather conditions, condition roads, number of pedestrians, their physical activity (walking or rushing, running across the road or calmly walk along the passage).

In winter, pay attention to slippery the road: you may slip and fall; it is difficult for the driver to stop the car (even after he presses the brake, the car slides and drives a few more meters).

Visualization of learning.

Illustrations, diagrams, tables, photo and video materials are used to help children freely imagine the subject being studied. This contributes to better assimilation of the material presented.

Working with parents

1. Consultations “What parents should know when they are on the street with their child”, "Be polite - rules behavior in public transport", "The safety of your children in your hands» , “Parents are an example for children» etc. 2. Visual information "Safety on road» , “We study and follow traffic rules together with children”, “The child is in the car!”, "typical mistakes when crossing streets and roads» etc. 3. Group meeting on familiarization with a work plan to prevent children road– transport injuries. 4. Participation in drawing competitions, crafts on traffic rules, children's parties.


Program content

Cooperative activity

b TB instruction.

1. « Walk around the city»

Target: consolidate concepts "Roadway", "Sidewalk", "Crosswalk", "Dividing strip". Introduce concepts"Border", "Safety Island" and their purpose. Practice the ability to navigate the neighborhood closest to the kindergarten, and understand this scheme. 1. D/i "Our street". Conversation “Pavement for cars, sidewalk for pedestrians”.

2. Discussion on the topic “What is the danger of vehicles standing on the roadway?”

3. P/n "Orientation".Looking at illustrations.

4. Conversation “The roadway. Sidewalk. Safety island".

5. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Walking with Care", A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island", V. Golovko « Traffic rules» , S. Mikhalkov "Our street".

6. Collective application "The street where I live".

b 2. « Traffic light»

Target: consolidate knowledge of signals traffic light: red, red and yellow at the same time, green flashing, green, yellow. Introduce with additional sections traffic light: arrows right or left, their purpose and rules crossing the roadway according to their signals. Practice the ability to start driving on a green traffic light only, making sure that all cars have stopped. 1. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light, having additional sections with arrows”, “What is the danger movement pedestrian following an authorized signal traffic light»

2. P/n « Traffic light» , p/n "The quieter you go, the further you'll get"- practice walking and running, stopping at a signal traffic light. Reading by V. Kozhevnikov « Traffic light» .

3. Modeling « Traffic light» . Making layouts traffic light.

5. Modeling situations on a mock-up of an intersection and city streets.

b 3. « Road signs»

Target: consolidate knowledge about the purpose road signs. Introduce road signs"Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", "Parking area", "Telephone", « Go straight, right, to the left", "Food station". Continue to develop the ability to pay attention to road signs and take into account their purpose.

1. D/i "Guess what sign" Reading I. Gurin "The Tale of road signs» , G. Tsyferova "Fairy Tales on Wheels", Ya. Pishumov "It's just a sign".

2. Examination of illustrations, posters with road signs. Conversation "Our Helpers"(familiarity with the signs "Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", « Go straight, left, right» .

3. D/i "Who will name more road signs» , logic exercise “How does one picture differ from another?”

4. Modeling on a street layout « Place road signs correctly» .

5. Drawing "Signs traffic» .

b 4. "Transport"

Target: to develop the ability to navigate the variety of vehicles in your neighborhood (ground, railway) . Introduce with warning signals given by drivers, rules of cycling. Clarify knowledge about the work of a driver.

1. Conversations about what kind of passenger transport children use with their parents. Examination of illustrations of various types of transport.

2. Reading M. Ilyin "Cars of our street", N. Nosov "Automobile".

3. Discussions on topics “The dangers of slow moving traffic”, “What is the danger of vehicles passing by you?”

4. Conversation « Rules for cycling» . Reading M. Ilyin "Tales of Machines".

5. Designing various types of transport from a construction set "Lego".

6. Drawing "The bus travels along road» .

b 5. " Rules path, roadside"

Target: to form childrenunderstanding the meaning of new words: sidewalk, pedestrian track, roadside; skills of disciplined behavior, ability to anticipate danger; cultivate observation and caution. Expand knowledge children about road signs and their purpose.

1. Reading a poem by O. Bedarev "The ABCs of Security", S. Mikhalkov "Walking with Care".P/i "Go".

2. Conversation on the topic “ Rules behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian path, roadside", « Rules for cycling» . Reading S. Volkov "About Traffic Laws» .

3. Modeling on a street model of various situations during transition roads.

4. Drawing road signs regulating cyclist movement».

b TB instruction.

6. "Traffic Controller's Signals"

Target: Give an initial introduction to the job of a traffic policeman. Build skill recognize traffic controller gestures, their correspondence to signals traffic light.

1. Conversation about the work of a police officer. Di "Gestures of a traffic controller"- display of traffic controller signals.

2. Reading and discussing the story Dorokhova"Power Wand", Ya. Pishumova "Guard".Looking at illustrations. Reading works.

3. Modeling of regulatory situations movement guard - traffic controller. Memorizing a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Guard".

4. Paper construction "Traffic Controller's Rod".

T 5. "We are passengers"

Target: create knowledge rulesuse of public transport: where to wait for the shuttle bus, the behavior of passengers when boarding, during movement and when exiting transport, cultivate a culture of behavior in transport.

1. Discussion on the topic “On what roads Are public transport stops more dangerous - narrow ones or wide ones? Looking at illustrations, posters, books.

2. Conversation "ABOUT rules behavior in public transport". Reading

S. Mikhalkov "Bad Story".

3. Simulation of travel situations in transport - “Grandma got on the bus; woman with heavy bags; woman with baby." Making riddles about transport, road signs, traffic light.

4. Collective production of a street model to simulate situations traffic.

b 6. "We are pedestrians"

Target: expand knowledge children about the rules of behavior on the street. Introduce with the responsibilities of pedestrians, traffic rules pedestrians on the sidewalk and crossing the roadway in groups and individually.

1. Discussions on topics “Which vehicle is more dangerous than the others?”, “What is the danger if a child runs across the road Reading

S. Volkov "About Traffic Laws» .

2. Quiz "Best Pedestrian". Simulation of situations on the layout "Arrange correct signs»

3. Reading by D. Denisov "How to Cross the Street", Memorization of T. Shorygin « Traffic light» .

4. Application "Pedestrians walk down the street"- practice the ability to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage the creation of a collective composition, reflecting impressions of the surrounding world.

J 9. "Crossroads"

Target: consolidate the concept "Crossroads", generate knowledge rules crossing the intersection. Introduce with cross views stkov: four-sided, three-sided, multi-sided. Exercise the ability to apply personal experience in joint gaming activities.

1. Conversation "Dangerous Crossroads"- expand knowledge about the features movement transport and pedestrians at the intersection, give an idea of "controlled intersection", O rules of movement pedestrians and cars using traffic light. Di "Crossroads".

2. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light, having an additional section with an arrow? Reading

D. Denisov "How to go the road» , "A. Dorokhov"Green, yellow, red".

3. Entertainment “Who is the most literate?”- strengthen the ability to navigate road using knowledge traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations.

Used Books

1. Program education and training children in kindergarten"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa. Ed. "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2015

2. Avdeeva N. N. Security. Tutorial on the basics of life safety children of senior preschool age. – St. Petersburg. Childhood - Press, 2007.

3. Poddubnaya L. B. Traffic Laws. Older and preparatory group. Ed. "Corypheus", Volgograd, 2027

4. Solomennikova O. A. Education and training in older kindergarten group. Program and methodological recommendations. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2006.

5. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old. Ed. shopping center "Sphere", Moscow, 2008

Explanatory note

Club work is devoted to current problem - training preschool children traffic rules.

Recently, there has been a growing trend in the number of children and adolescents who cause road traffic accidents. Therefore, the problem of child road traffic injuries is still active.

To prevent the growth of children's road traffic injuries, it is necessary to teach preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the street and develop special skills in them. If an adult can control his behavior on the street, then for a child this is very problematic. Preschool children are characterized by syncretism of perception, i.e. it is not the child who controls the situation, but the situation captures the child so much that he does not notice the surrounding reality and is often exposed to danger. This is confirmed by statistics. The main cause of accidents over the years has been crossing the road in an unspecified place in front of nearby traffic. Road accidents have increased due to children's failure to comply with traffic light requirements. Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. The fee is very expensive and not justified in any way. A child getting into a traffic accident is a tragedy: even if the child survived and did not receive a road injury; after all, the moral and psychological shock that he experienced at the same time traumatizes him for life.

Target- systematize children’s knowledge of traffic rules, instill skills of correct behavior on city streets, in the yard and public transport, observe and comply with traffic rules.


  1. Teaching preschool children the rules of behavior on the streets, familiarizing themselves with various types of transport - trucks and cars, trams, trolleybuses, buses - with regulating traffic on the streets of the city and populated areas;
  2. Mastering norms and rules of behavior, showing tolerance for antisocial behavior;
  3. Formation in children of skills and abilities to monitor the road situation and anticipate dangerous situations, the ability to avoid them;
  4. Instilling discipline and conscious compliance with traffic rules, a culture of behavior, and restraint in the road transport process.

Children's age: 5-6 years.


Verbal explanations: conversations, stories, reading fiction;

Practical forms of training: observations, excursions, targeted walks (including to a specially equipped area) during which children learn in practice the rules for pedestrians, observe road traffic, and consolidate previously acquired knowledge;

Examination of illustrations;

Organization of didactic and role-playing games;

Productive activities: drawing, appliqué (for consolidation).

Forms of organization: collective, group.

Volume: 36 hours, once a week, duration 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

  • Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue, scissors, brush, album sheets;
  • Attributes of the road patrol service: batons, helmets, signs;
  • Transport for various functional purposes (trucks and cars, buses, trains, fire engines and postal vehicles, ambulances, etc.);
  • Traffic lights, figures of people (pedestrians, drivers);
  • Posters;
  • Scene pictures reflecting traffic situations;
  • Attributes for role-playing games, games of traffic controllers, drivers and pedestrians (rod, whistle, cap, etc.);
  • Road signs.

Software and methodological support:

Didactic games:

  1. "Our street"
  2. "Put up a road sign"
  3. "Teremok"
  4. "Guess what sign"
  5. "Types of intersections"
  6. "City Street"
  7. "Forbidden - allowed"
  8. "Assemble a traffic light"
  9. “What do the signs say?”
  10. “Where is the sign hidden?”

Expected results:

1. Level of formation of ideas

  • about vehicles;
  • about the street (types of intersections);
  • about the rules for crossing the roadway.

2. Knowledge of road signs:

  • warning;
  • prohibiting;
  • information and guidance;
  • service marks.

3. Level of cultural behavior of children

  • on the street;
  • in transport.

4. Knowledge of the rules of conduct on the railway.

Calendar and thematic planning mug

Lesson topic



Program content Material
1. Conversation on the painting “City Street”. Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “My Street” Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, types of transport, and traffic rules; learn to conduct a conversation, answering the teacher’s questions, and ask questions about the content of the picture; develop active speech of preschoolers.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, painting “City Street”

2. « What is transport? Application “What kinds of cars are there?” 2

Expand children's knowledge about types of transport, compare by appearance

Illustrations depicting transport; for applique

3. Walk « Transport monitoring." 1

Strengthen children's knowledge about transport and traffic rules; develop observation skills; broaden children's horizons.

1. “In public transport” Introduce children to the rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport

Scene pictures with rules of behavior in urban transport, pictures depicting transport.

2. “What dangers await us on the streets and roads.” Drawing “Be careful on the road!” Reading a story

N. Nosova “Car”.

Form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment; analyze typical mistakes in the behavior of children on the streets and roads; establish rules of behavior on the street.

Scene pictures of dangerous situations, N. Nosov’s story “Car”; for drawing: landscape sheet, brush, water jar, watercolor

3. Walk « I am a pedestrian"

1 Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules. Teach how to walk on the sidewalk and cross the street correctly and safely.

1. Road signs." Reading V. Kozhevnikov “Song about the rules”

Give children knowledge about road signs; teach to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; develop logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment around children.

Poem by V. Kozhevnikov “Song about the rules”, set of posters “Road ABC”, envelopes with cut signs.

2. "Traffic light". Application “Three eyes of a traffic light”.

Give children a new concept - “traffic light”, explain its light signals and teach them how to safely cross the street when the traffic light is green; develop observation and logical thinking.

Set of posters “Road to the green light”; circles cut out for the game in red, yellow, Green colour;for applique: blanks of colored thick paper, glue, scissors, napkin.

3. Walk “Observing the operation of a traffic light” (on a specially equipped site). 2

Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights; to form the concept that you can only cross the street when the traffic light is green; raise an attentive pedestrian.


1. “Rules of behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian path.” Reading “The ABC of Safety” by O. Bedarev

To form in children an idea of ​​the meaning of new words: “sidewalk”, “pedestrian path”, “sidewalk”; teach the rules of disciplined behavior, the ability to anticipate danger; cultivate observation and caution.

Illustrations on the topic, O. Bedarev’s poem “The ABC of Security.”

2. “Fencing of dangerous areas on the pedestrian part of the street”

Introduce children to dangerous situations that may arise in certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street and with the corresponding precautions; to tell about in various ways fencing hazardous areas sidewalk.

A set of posters “The ABCs of a young pedestrian”, pictures of dangerous zones on the pedestrian part of the street.

3. Walk “Walk of a pedestrian in winter time of the year".

Systematize children’s ideas about the methods and features of movement of people and vehicles in winter on slippery roads; develop observation and attention; expand your horizons.
1. “Features of driving on a slippery road.” Drawing “Caution, ice!” Experience “rolling an eraser on a dry and wet board.”

To consolidate children's knowledge about the peculiarities of human and vehicle movement on slippery roads in the winter season; introduce the properties of a slippery road and the impossibility of braking in time; clarify children's ideas about the behavior of rubber on a slippery road.

Illustrations about the rules of behavior on the street in the winter season; for experience: eraser, board, piece of ice; for drawing: album sheet, brush, water jar, gouache.

2. “Where you can and cannot play.” Reading S. Mikhalkov “Ice”

Give children an idea of ​​dangerous and safe places to play in the yard; teach them necessary measures precautions.

Illustrations on the topic.

3. Walk. Topic: “The dangers of our yard”

Discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard; develop attention and caution.


1. “What is a pedestrian crossing.” Application “Pedestrian crossing”

2. “How to cross the street correctly.” Reading O. Bedarev “If”.

3. Walk “Our Street”

Repeat and consolidate knowledge about the roadway and the rules for driving on the sidewalk, pedestrian path and shoulder; form an idea of ​​pedestrian crossings; cultivate discipline in observing the rules for crossing streets and roads.

Continue to introduce children to the street and its features; expand your horizons; raise a disciplined pedestrian.

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the street; develop observation and caution; cultivate discipline on the road.

Pedestrian crossing illustrations; for applique: blanks of colored thick paper, glue, scissors, napkin.

A set of posters “The ABCs of a young pedestrian.”


1. “Riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skates).” Reading M. Druzhinin “Our friend is the traffic light. Rules for riding a bicycle"

2. "Influential wand." Reading S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”

Consider various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle, scooter, or roller skates; teach children the correct behavior in such situations.

Give an initial idea of ​​the work of a police officer; explain under what conditions his work is needed, what his gestures mean; learn some traffic controller movements; cultivate respect for others, the ability to be polite and attentive.

Illustrations on the topic, a set of posters “Road to green light”, road signs “Bicycle path”, “Cycling prohibited”,

Rod; image of streets, crossroads of the city; image of a traffic controller in different positions, road signs; traffic light layout.


1. “Who can you turn to for help if you are lost on the street?”

2. “Do you know your address, phone number, can you explain where you live?”

3. Entertainment “Journey to the land of road signs.”

The child must learn that if he is lost on the street, then he cannot turn to any adult for help, but only to a policeman, military man, or seller; develop attention, memory, caution.

The child must remember and firmly know his address or at least be able to identify landmarks that will help him find his place of residence; expand your horizons; develop attention, caution, memory.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road, traffic rules; expand your horizons; raise a disciplined pedestrian.

Subject pictures depicting various situations.

Subject pictures depicting various situations.

Total: 36


1. T.F. Saulina Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road

2. N.V. Elzhova Traffic rules in kindergarten: developmental environment and methodology for introducing children to traffic rules, long-term planning, lesson notes.

3. T.A. Shorygina Conversations about traffic rules with children 5-8 years old.

4. A. Bochko Traffic rules.

Work program of additional education teacher “Young traffic inspectors”

Explanatory note.
The problem of children's safety, especially the preservation of their life and health, is relevant against the backdrop of the ever-increasing traffic intensity on the country's roads. Every year in Russia there are more than 200 thousand road accidents, in which more than 30 thousand people die and 260 thousand are injured. 25 thousand road accidents occur with the participation of children. Most of the authors of the road safety program believe that the main reason for the large number of road accidents involving children is their lack of knowledge, skills and habits of safe behavior on the roads. However, it can only be considered as one of the main reasons. We believe that sufficient attention is paid to this problem in preschool institutions and primary schools. But why is the number of road accidents involving children steadily increasing? It is at the age of 11-15 that a child begins to question the authority of adults and the rules of behavior that he adhered to until recently.
Therefore, at this age, cases of demonstrative violation of traffic rules are not uncommon. Especially during mass events.
Another important reason is the violation of road rules by adults, especially drivers in the presence of children, so the implementation of this program is only possible in close cooperation with the parents of students. During adolescence, children begin to distrust teachers and educators and increasingly trust leaders who may be among their peers or older children. It is also very important to identify leaders and involve them in DDTT prevention efforts. Leaders can be heads of sports sections, clubs, musicians, etc. These teachers also need to be involved, because if a child trusts a person, then he will trust the information that he gives.
The program is designed for junior and average age. Implementation period 3 years.
Program goals:
- education of children’s safe behavior skills on the street and improvement of children’s road transport culture;
-protecting the life and health of young citizens by preventing road accidents;
-preparation of confidently organized young traffic inspectors for campaigning, propaganda, and information activities for safe road traffic during the summer holidays.
- expand and deepen knowledge in the field of traffic rules; history of the development of the automobile, traffic police, the basics of medical training;
- to develop children’s road safety skills.
- create favorable conditions for the formation of a creative personality;
- develop creative and thinking abilities;
- promote the development of spiritual and physical qualities personality.
- cultivate the culture of road users;
- promote the development of children's initiative and children's self-government;
- to form a respectful attitude towards personal health as an individual and social value.
Basic principles of program implementation:
- complexity of interaction between traffic police officers, educational institutions all types, parents, medical institutions for the purpose of preventive measures;
- consistency in learning the rules of safe behavior on the face, taking into account age and psychological characteristics children;
- practical use of traffic rules knowledge in life;
- differentiation in determining the goals, objectives, means and expected results of preventing child road traffic injuries;
- variety of activities, including social, psychological, educational aspects.
The detachment of young traffic inspectors is a voluntary association of schoolchildren in grades 2-5 who have shown an active interest in studying and promoting traffic rules.
The content of the program is addressed not only to children, but also to teachers and parents, and is aimed at enhancing the study of traffic rules with subsequent application on city streets. Complies with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Convention “On the Rights of the Child”, the Model Regulations on the Establishment of Additional Education for Children, the current Traffic Rules, and is based on the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, and the Regulations on the Youth Detachment. The program takes into account age characteristics students, real regional conditions.
The volume of the program is 472.5 hours (1 year - 157.5 hours, 2 year - 157.5 hours, 3 year - 157.5 hours). The topics and sections of each year of study are closely interrelated. Each subsequent year of study is designed taking into account the previous one. The 1st year group is recruited without requirements for basic knowledge, classes are held for everyone. In the spring-autumn period, classes are mainly held outdoors (depending on the weather), with the exception of lectures, the days of which mostly fall in the winter.
Over the course of 3 years, students not only learn the rules of the road, but also learn to provide first aid medical care in case of road traffic accidents, are involved in events related to the promotion of the Rules, conduct patrols on the city streets, participate in the work of the propaganda team, making games, visual aids. Elements of play are included in almost every activity.
The activities of the team of young traffic inspectors include games, conversations, publishing wall newspapers, drawings, meetings with traffic police officers, medical workshops, training cyclists, tests, questionnaires, and excursions around the village.
Having mastered this program, a teenager can successfully continue his studies at a driving school.


1 year of study.

meetings with
traffic police
92h 56.5h 9h questionnaire, testing,
Total: 157.5 hours
2nd year of study.
Academic discipline Theory Practice Excursions, Types of control
meetings with
traffic police
79.5 hours 60.25 hours 17.75 hours questioning, testing,
application of knowledge in practice

Total: 157.5 hours
3rd year of study.
Academic discipline Theory Practice Excursions, Types of control
meetings with
traffic police
94h 55.75h 7.75h survey, testing,
application of knowledge in practice
Total: 157.5 hours
Calendar and thematic planning (1 year).

1 Introduction to educational program. Safety precautions. Theory 2.25
2 Excursion to the neighborhood “Safe approaches to school” Excursion
3 The road and its elements. Traffic lanes. Theory 2.25
4 Crossroads and intersections of roadways. Theory 2.25
5 Insufficient and limited visibility. Permitted maximum visibility. Theory 2.25
Topic: “About the work of the traffic police” 2.25 hours
6 From the history of the creation of the traffic police and juvenile police units. Meeting with a traffic police inspector Theory, Conversation with a traffic police inspector 2.25
Topic: “Road signs” 15.75 hours.
7 Road signs. History of road signs. Groups of road signs. Theory 2.25
8 The meaning of signs for pedestrians. Places for installing road signs. Theory 2.25
9 Excursion around the microdistrict “The meaning and installation locations of road signs” Excursion 2.25
10 Studying road signs. Informational and indicative. Prohibiting. Theory 2.25
11 Studying road signs. Prescriptive. Warning. Theory 2.25
12 Studying road signs. Signs of service, priority and special requirements. Theory 2.25
13 Studying road signs. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Traffic signals and traffic controller gestures” 15.75 hours.
14 Traffic light. Traffic signals. The meaning of traffic lights. Theory 2.25
15 Main types of traffic lights. Traffic light regulation. Theory 2.25
16 Transport traffic lights. Traffic lights regulating the movement of trams and fixed-route vehicles moving along a dedicated lane Theory, practice 2.25
17 Traffic light. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
18 Traffic controller gestures. Traffic controller gestures for trackless vehicles and trams. Theory, practice 2.25
20 City tour “Types and meaning of traffic lights” Tour 2.25
Topic: “Types of intersections” 6.75 hours.
21 Types of intersections. Theory 2.25
22 City tour “Types of intersections” Excursion, practice 2.25
23 Types of intersections. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Road markings” 9 hours.
24 Horizontal road markings. Theory 2.25
25 Road markings. Vertical markings. Theory 2.25
26 Pedestrian crossings and stopping places for route vehicles. Theory 2.5
27 Road markings. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.5
Topic: “First aid” 24.75 hours.
28 Basic rules for first aid to a victim. Theory 2.25
29 The concept of wounds and dressings. Types of bleeding and their characteristics Theory 2.25
30 The concept of wounds and dressings. Types of bleeding and their characteristics. Practice 2.25
31 First aid for injuries, burns, frostbite. Theory, practice 2.25
32 First aid for sunstroke and heatstroke. Theory, practice 2.25
33 First aid for bites by poisonous snakes and insects. Theory, practice 2.25
34 First aid for burns, frostbite, sunstroke and heatstroke, bites from poisonous snakes and insects. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
35 Medicines. Use of medications. Theory, practice 2.25
36 Use of medicines. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
37 Travel first aid kit. Theory, practice 2.25
38 Providing first aid. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Road rules for pedestrians and passengers”
18 hours.
39 DDTT analysis. Analysis of specific cases of road accidents and their causes in the area. Theory 2.25
40 Traffic rules. General provisions. Basic concepts and terms used in the Rules. Theory 2.25
41 General duties of drivers. Documents of the driver/vehicle owner Theory 2.25
42 Responsibilities of pedestrians, pedestrian traffic in populated areas and beyond, the movement of organized groups of children. Theory 2.25
43 Basic responsibilities of passengers. Theory 2.25
44 Traffic management. The subject of organizing traffic, transport and pedestrians. Theory 2.25
45 Study of the composition, size of vehicle movement, flows. Practice 2.25
46 Traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers. Conversation with a traffic police inspector. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Subject: " General device bicycles. Requirements for cycling" 15.75 hours.
47 Traffic rules for cyclists. Cyclists move in groups. Theory 2.25
48 Bicycle structure. Bicycle equipment. On technical requirements for bicycles. Theory, practice 2.25
49 Moped and motorbike. Theory 2.25
50 Rules for cyclists passing uncontrolled intersections. Theory 2.25
51 Bicycle structure. Bicycle equipment. Technical requirements for bicycles. Practice 2.25
52 Requirements for cycling. Conversation with a traffic police inspector. Practice 2.25
53 General arrangement of bicycles. Requirements for cycling. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Preparing for the competition. 22.5 hours.
54 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
56 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
57 “Medical training” Theory 2.25
58 “Medical training” Theory 2.25
59 “Medical training” Practice 2.25
60 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
61 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
62 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
63 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
Topic: “Speeches by the propaganda team of the YID detachment, testing school students on traffic rules” 13.5 hours.
64 Speech by the propaganda team of the YID detachment. Rehearsal, performance 2.25
65 Speech by the propaganda team of the YID detachment. Rehearsal, performance 2.25
66 Speech by the propaganda team of the YID detachment. Rehearsal, performance 2.25
67 Testing, questioning (based on parallels) 2.25
68 Testing, questioning (based on parallels) 2.25

70 Summing up the year. Conversation 2.25
Total: 157.5 hours.

Calendar and thematic planning (2nd year).

No. Topic Type of lesson Hours Date of implementation Date of adjustment
Topic: “Traffic rules, general provisions, basic concepts and terms" 9 hours


Topic “Controlled and non-regulated intersections” 11.25 hours
5 Types of intersections. Rules for vehicles passing through controlled intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
6 Rules for vehicles traveling through unregulated intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
7 Sequence of vehicles passing at intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
8 Types of intersections. Rules for vehicles passing through intersections. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
9 Tour of the village “Types of intersections” Excursion, practice 2.25
Topic: “Traffic signals and traffic controller gestures” 20.25 hours.
10 Traffic light. Traffic signals. Theory 2.25
11 Main types of traffic lights. The meaning of traffic lights. Theory 2.25
12 Traffic light regulation. Transport traffic lights. Theory 2.25
13 Traffic lights regulating the movement of trams and fixed-route vehicles moving along a dedicated lane. Theory, practice 2.25
14 Traffic light. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
15 Traffic controller gestures. Theory 2.25
16 Traffic controller gestures for trackless vehicles and trams. Theory 2.25
17 Traffic controller gestures. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
18 City tour “Types and meaning of traffic lights.” Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Practice, excursion 2.25
Topic: “Road signs” 20.25 hours.
19 Road signs. History of road signs. Theory 2.25
20 Groups of road signs. The meaning of signs for pedestrians. Theory 2.25
21 Excursion around the village “The meaning and installation locations of road signs” Excursion 2.25
22 Studying road signs. Informational and indicative. Theory, practice 2.25
23 Studying road signs. Prohibiting. Theory, practice 2.25
24 Studying road signs. Prescriptive. Theory, practice 2.25
25 Studying road signs. Warning. Theory, practice 2.25
26 Studying road signs. Signs of service, priority and special requirements. Theory, practice 2.25
27 Road signs. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Practice 2.25
Topic “Rules for using passenger transport” 4.5 hours
28 Rules for the use of passenger transport. Theory, practice 2.25
29 Rules for the use of passenger transport. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25

30 Stop, parking. Theory 2.25
31 Vehicle movement. Theory 2.25
32 Parking and movement of vehicles. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Bicycle, moped. Movement requirements" 11.25 hours
33 Bicycle structure. Bicycle equipment. Technical requirements for bicycles. Theory, practice 2.25
34 Traffic rules for cyclists. Cyclists move in groups. Theory 2.25
35 Rules for cyclists passing through intersections. Theory 2.25
36 Moped and motorbike. Technical requirements for a moped. Requirements for driving a moped. Theory, practice 2.25
37 General arrangement of bicycles. Requirements for cycling. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Medical training” 11.25 hours.
38 Basic rules for first aid to a victim. The concept of wounds and dressings. Types of bleeding and their characteristics. Theory 2.25
39 First aid for burns, frostbite, sunstroke and heatstroke, bites from poisonous snakes and insects. Theory, practice 2.25
40 Medicines. Use of medications. Theory, practice 2.25
41 Travel first aid kit. Theory, practice 2.25
42 Providing first aid. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic “Insurance Fundamentals” 6.75 hours
43 Basic concepts of insurance. Theory 2.25
44 Insurance. Theory 2.25
45 Insurance. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Preparing for the competition. 27 hours.
46 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
47 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
48 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
49 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
50 “Medical training” Theory, practice 2.25
51 “Medical training” Theory, practice 2.25
52 “Medical training” Theory, practice 2.25
53 “Medical training” Theory, practice 2.25
54 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
55 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
56 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
57 "Figured driving". Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Theory, practice 2.25
Topic “Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B” 18 hours
58 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
59 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
60 Study of examination tickets for traffic rules of categories A, B. Theory 2.25

63 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
65 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic “Study of changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation” 2.25 hours
66 Study of changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. Theory 2.25

69 Testing, questioning (based on parallels) 2.25
Summarizing. 2.25 hours.
Total: 157.5 hours.

Calendar and thematic planning (3rd year).

No. Topic Type of lesson Hours Date of implementation Date of adjustment
Topic “Traffic rules, general provisions, basic concepts and terms” 11.25 hours
1 Introductory lesson. Safety precautions. Theory 2.25
2 Tour of the village “Safe approaches to school.” Excursion
3 From the history of the creation of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Judicial Inspectorate units. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Theory 2.25
4 Traffic rules, general provisions, basic concepts and terms. Theory 2.25
5 Responsibility for violation of traffic rules. Theory 2.25
Topic “Controlled and non-regulated intersections” 13.5 hours
6 Types of intersections. Theory 2.25
7 Tour of the village “Types of intersections” Excursion, practice 2.25
8 Rules for vehicles passing through controlled intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
9 Rules for vehicles traveling through unregulated intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
10 Sequence of vehicles passing at intersections. Theory, practice 2.25
11 Types of intersections. Rules for vehicles passing through intersections. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Traffic signals and traffic controller gestures” 20.25 hours
12 Traffic light. Theory 2.25
13 Traffic signals. The meaning of traffic lights. Theory 2.25
14 Traffic light regulation. Transport traffic lights. Theory 2.25
15 Traffic lights regulating the movement of trams and fixed-route vehicles moving along a dedicated lane. Theory, practice 2.25
16 Traffic light. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
17 Traffic controller gestures. Theory 2.25
18 Traffic controller gestures for trackless vehicles and trams. Theory 2.25
19 Traffic controller gestures. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
20 City tour “Types and meaning of traffic lights.” Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Practice, excursion 2.25
Topic: “Road signs” 24.75 hours
21 Road signs. History of road signs. Theory 2.25
22 Groups of road signs. Theory 2.25
23 The meaning of signs for pedestrians. Places for installing road signs. Theory 2.25
24 Excursion around the village “The meaning and installation locations of road signs” Excursion 2.25
25 Studying road signs. Informational and indicative. Theory, practice 2.25
26 Studying road signs. Prohibiting. Theory, practice 2.25
27 Studying road signs. Prescriptive. Theory, practice 2.25
28 Studying road signs. Warning. Theory, practice 2.25
29 Studying road signs. Signs of service, priority and special requirements. Theory, practice 2.25
30 Studying road signs. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
31 Studying road signs. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
32 Road signs. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Practice 2.25
Topic “Rules for using passenger transport” 2.25 hours
33 Rules for the use of passenger transport. Theory 2.25
Topic “Parking and vehicle traffic issues” 6.75 hours
34 Stop, parking. Theory 2.25
35 Vehicle movement. Theory 2.25
36 Parking and movement of vehicles. Repetition of theory, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic: “Bicycle, moped. Movement requirements" 15.75 hours
37 Bicycle structure. Bicycle equipment. Theory 2.25
38 On technical requirements for bicycles. Theory, practice 2.25
39 Traffic rules for cyclists. Cyclists move in groups. Theory 2.25
40 Moped and motorbike. Technical requirements for a moped. Theory 2.25
41 Requirements for driving a moped. Theory, practice 2.25
42 Rules for cyclists passing through intersections. Theory 2.25
43 General arrangement of bicycles. Requirements for cycling. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic “Traffic, towing and transportation of people by vehicles” 11.25 hours
44 Traffic on tram tracks. Theory 2.25
45 Traffic on railways and highways. Theory 2.25
46 Priority of route vehicles. Theory 2.25
47 Towing of motor vehicles Theory 2.25
48 Transportation of people. Theory 2.25
Topic: “Medical training” 6.75 hours.
49 Basic rules for first aid to a victim. Theory 2.25
50 Travel first aid kit. Medicines. Use of medications. Theory, practice 2.25
51 Providing first aid. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Topic “Insurance Fundamentals” 6.75 hours
52 Basic concepts of insurance. Theory 2.25
53 Insurance. Theory 2.25
54 Insurance. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Preparing for the competition. 11.25 hours.
55 “Traffic Rules” Theory, practice 2.25
56 “Medical training” Theory, practice 2.25
57 “Erudite” Theory, practice 2.25
58 “Figured driving” Theory, practice 2.25
59 "Figured driving." Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Theory, practice 2.25
Topic “Study of changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation” 2.25 hours
60 Study of changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. Theory 2.25
Topic “Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B” 11.25 hours
61 Study of examination tickets for traffic rules of categories A, B. Theory 2.25
62 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
64 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
65 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Theory 2.25
66 Study of exam tickets for traffic regulations categories A, B. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Repetition of theory, practice, test of knowledge 2.25
Speech by the propaganda team. Testing. Questioning. 6.75 hours
67 Speech by the propaganda team of the YID detachment. Rehearsal, performance 2.25
68 Speech by the propaganda team of the YID detachment. Rehearsal, performance 2.25
69 Testing, questioning (based on parallels) 2.25
Summarizing. 2.25 hours.
70 Summing up the year. Meeting with the traffic police inspector. Conversation 2.25
Total: 157.5 hours.
Thematic plan for 1 year of study.

No. Topic Number of hours
total theory practice
1. Traffic rules, general provisions, basic concepts and terms. 11.25 9 -
2. About the work of the traffic police. 2.25 1.25 -
3. Road signs. 15.75 13.5 -
4. Traffic signals and traffic controller gestures. 15.75 11 2.5
5. Types of intersections. 6.75 2.25 3.25
6. Road markings. 9 6.75 2.25
7. Providing first aid. 24.75 9.5 14
8. Traffic rules for pedestrians and passengers. 18 13.5 2.25
9. General arrangement of bicycles. Movement requirements
on a bicycle. 15.75 7.75 8
10 Preparation for the competition. 22.5 9.25 11
11. Meetings with traffic police inspectors. eleven
12. Speech by the propaganda team. Testing. Questioning. 13.5 - 13.5
13. Excursions. 8 - 8
14. Summing up. 2.25 2.25 -
Total: 157.5

Summary of the 1st year program.
Analysis of children's road traffic injuries. Analysis of specific cases of road traffic accidents and their causes in the area.
Basic concepts and terms used in the Rules.
Responsibilities of pedestrians, the movement of pedestrians in populated areas and outside, the movement of organized groups of children.
Traffic signals. Main types of traffic lights. The meaning of traffic lights.
Road signs. Their story. Groups of road signs. The meaning of signs for pedestrians. Places for installing road signs.
Start of movement. Giving a turn signal. Movement speed. Overtaking.
Traffic rules for cyclists.
First aid: concept of wounds and dressings; types of bleeding and their characteristics. First aid for burns, frostbite, sunstroke and heatstroke, bites from poisonous snakes and insects.

Conversations “My friend the bicycle”, “Learning the ABCs of the road”, “Red, yellow, green”, “History of the traffic police”.
Questionnaire among students, teachers and parents.
Excursions to the car park, traffic police.
At the end of 1 year of study, children should know:
- basic provisions, road signs;
- types of intersections;
- brands of domestic vehicles;
- rules for pedestrians, passengers, cyclists.
At the end of 1 year of study, children should be able to:
- provide first aid;
- drive a bicycle;
- carry out layout of vehicles on a mock-up;
- participate in the performances of the propaganda team.
YID members are brought up:
- disciplined;
- responsible;
- independent;
- show a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism.

Thematic plan for 2 years of study.
In the second year of study, the most capable students can, under the guidance of the head of the association, carry out activities to promote traffic rules among junior schoolchildren, participate in regional competitions of YID units. The program and plan of the second year of study are determined taking into account the interests and aspirations of students and can be varied in content.

No. Topic Number of hours
total theory practice
1. PPD, general provisions, basic concepts and terms 9 5.75 -
2. Controlled and unregulated intersections. 11.25 3 7.25
3. Traffic lights and traffic controller gestures. 20.25 12.25 6.25
4. Road signs. 20.25 9.5 7.5
5. Rules for using passenger transport. 4.5 1 3.5

7. Bicycle, moped. Movement requirements. 11.25 4.5 4.75
8. Medical training. 11.25 6.75 6
9. Basics of insurance. 6.75 4.5 2.25
10 Preparation for the competition. 27 12 13.75
11. Study of examination tickets for traffic rules of categories A, B. 18 15.75 1.25
12. Study of changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. 2.25 2.25 -
13. Speech by the propaganda team. Testing. Questioning. 6.75 6.75 -
14. Excursions. - - 6.75
15. Meetings with traffic police inspectors. - - 4.25
16. Summing up. 2.25 2.25
Total: 157.5

Summary of the 2 year program.
Studying the history of the traffic police.
Road traffic injuries. The main causes of accidents with children. Analysis of specific cases.
Pedestrian on the road. Responsibilities of pedestrians.
Passenger. Rights and obligations of passengers.
Road markings, their importance for regulating vehicles and pedestrians. Horizontal and vertical markings.
Traffic controller signal. Practicing the ability to navigate according to the commands of a traffic controller.
Requirements for the movement of cyclists. Inspect the bike before leaving. Places for bicycles. Figured bicycle driving.
Location of vehicles on the roadway. movement of vehicles. Rebuilding vehicles.
Overtaking. Stopping and parking. Stopping ban. Driving through intersections. Unregulated intersections.
Providing primary care: concepts of fractures, types of transport tires, concept of traumatic shock, preventive measures to prevent shock, dressings. Classes are conducted with the participation of a medical professional.

Meetings with traffic police inspectors.
Questioning, testing.
Conversations in sponsored classes “Safe Wheel”, “Traffic Light is Our Friend”, “Traffic Experts”, “We are Pedestrians, Passengers”.
At the end of the second year of study, children should know:
- passage of controlled and unregulated intersections;
- groups of road signs;
- rules for using passenger transport;
- Additional requirements to the movement of cyclists;
- work of a traffic controller.
At the end of the second year of study, children should be able to:
- patrol the streets and dangerous intersections of the village;
- provision of primary care in case of road accidents;
- perform figure driving on a bicycle, assemble and disassemble a bicycle;
- use the skills and abilities of safe driving on the street;
- act as judges at bicycle races;
- conduct games, conversations, perform with the propaganda team;
- participate in regional competitions.
YID members are brought up:
- proactive;
- creative thinkers;
- active in public affairs;
- seasoned.

Thematic plan for 3 years of study.
The 3-year training program provides for independent implementation of preventive measures with children, the work of instructors, and participation in zonal and regional competitions of youth youth groups.

No. Topic Number of hours
total theory practice
1. PPD, general provisions, basic concepts and terms 11.25 9 -
2. Controlled and unregulated intersections. 13.5 5.25 7.25
3. Traffic lights and traffic controller gestures. 20.25 12.25 6.75
4. Road signs. 24.75 13 11.75
5. Rules for using passenger transport 2.25 2.25
6. Issues of parking and movement of vehicles. 6.75 4.5 2.25
7. Bicycle, moped. Movement requirements. 15.75 11 5.5
8. Movement, towing of mechanical vehicles
funds and transportation of people. 11.25 11.25 -
9. Medical training. 6.75 3.5 3.25
10. Basics of insurance. 6.75 4.5 2.25
11. Preparation for the competition. 11.25 5 6.25
12. Study of changes to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. 2.25 2.25 -
13. Studying exam papers. 11.25 9 2.25
14. Excursions. 6.75 - 6.75
16. Meetings with traffic police inspectors. eleven
17. Speech by the propaganda team. Testing. Questioning. 6.75 - 6.75
18. Summing up. 2.25 1.25 -
Total: 157.5

Summary of the 3-year program.
Responsibility for violation of traffic rules. Administrative responsibility. Civil and criminal liability.
The state of road safety in the region, region.
Movement on tram tracks. Traffic of slow moving vehicles.
Motorcyclist on the road. Traffic rules for motorcyclists and mopedists. Additional requirements for the movement of motorcyclists and mopedists.
Stopping and parking. Prohibited stopping and parking areas.
Driving through intersections. Controlled and unregulated intersections.
The advantage of the tram.
Movement across railway tracks. Forced stop at a crossing.
Driving on the motorway. Order of movement. Priority of route vehicles.
Towing of motor vehicles. Prohibition on towing.
Transporting people on a bus, in the front seat of a car, on the back seat of a motorcycle.
Providing primary care: for compression, bruises, dislocations, sprains; rules for applying sterile dressings; transportation of victims. Classes are conducted with the participation of a medical professional.
Insurance Basics: compulsory insurance vehicle owners, motor insurance, health insurance, property insurance, their structure and application procedure. Classes are conducted with the participation of a specialist from the Budennovsky district insurance company.
Patrolling the city streets.
Meetings with traffic police inspectors.
Questioning, testing, conducting quizzes, competitions on the history of the Jewish movement, traffic rules, history and modern life State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Russia and the Stavropol Territory.
Issue of wall newspapers, zippers, “Safety Instructions”.
Conversations in sponsored classes, kindergarten “Your Friend the Bicycle”, “Home - School - Home”, “Knot for Memory”, “School of Traffic Light Sciences”.
Speech to teachers and parents with abstracts on traffic rules.
At the end of the third year of study, children should know:
- Federal Law “On Road Safety”, liability for violations of the Road Traffic Rules;
- history of the traffic police, the Yuidov movement, road signs;
- additional requirements for the movement of motorcycle and moped drivers;
- priority of vehicles on the roadway;
- movement across railway tracks and highways;
- exam tickets for traffic rules;
- changes in traffic rules of the Russian Federation;
- basics of insurance;
- contents of a car first aid kit, purpose of the funds included in it, rules for providing first aid in case of a traffic accident.
At the end of the third year of study, children should be able to:
- carry out mass propaganda work among primary schoolchildren and kindergartens;
- prepare abstracts and present them to parents;
- patrol the streets of the village;
- provide first aid for injuries, use a first aid kit;
- ride bicycles on the roads in compliance with traffic rules;
- apply self-preservation techniques in case of possible involvement in traffic accidents and emergency situations as a passenger in a vehicle.
YID members are brought up:
- citizens of high general culture;
- individuals capable of self-determination and self-realization;
- collectivists;
- focused on future work in internal affairs bodies and the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Predicted results.
As a result of training, students should become competent, conscious road users who not only do not get into traffic accidents themselves. but also help friends and acquaintances become attentive pedestrians; acquire knowledge, skills, and safe behavior on the street and roadways; can provide feasible first aid.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.
For the successful implementation of the program, it is necessary to have a selection of fiction and methodological literature, a subscription to the Good Road of Childhood newspaper, desktop and methodical games according to traffic rules, methodological developments, video materials, bicycles, computer, auto town in the village, media games. The set goals can be achieved only if there is close contact with the city administration, school, traffic police officers, and parents.

Methodical work.
Acquaintance and study of new literature on traffic rules. Studying articles from the newspaper “The Good Road of Childhood.”
Studying the teaching experience of other leaders of YID units.
Conducting analytical and research work on the achievements of pupils.
Development and organization of games, quizzes, conversations with children.
Publishing wall newspapers, organizing drawing and poster competitions.
Meetings with traffic police officers, insurance company employees.
Testing and questionnaires for students, teachers and parents.
Organization of excursions. Practical use Traffic rules

Working with parents and the public.
Personal acquaintance of the head with parents, communication with them by phone, individual conversations and consultations.
Assisting class teachers in organizing and conducting public events.
Introducing the head to the students’ school affairs.
Constant contact between the manager and traffic police officers, communication with colleagues.
Speech at school-wide parent meetings of traffic police officers with information about the state of children's road traffic injuries in the region, district, city.

Public events
Conversations: “My friend is a bicycle”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Home - school - home”.
Trainings to develop children's abilities, study of interpersonal relationships.
Participation in school, city and district competitions on traffic rules according to the plan.
Participation in health days. Questioning among students, teachers, parents. Speech before teachers, parents, students with abstracts: “Transport psychology”, “New Traffic Rules”, “Pedestrian on the road”, “Pages of the history of the traffic police”, “Learning safe behavior”.
Cooperation with the press: the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood”, the regional newspaper “Budennovsk Today”.

1. Arkhipov E.M. For health on a bicycle. - M., Soviet sport, 1992.
2. To help the leaders of the YID detachments. - Stavropol, 1990
3. Changes in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. - “STOR” newspaper. Newspaper for adults, 2006
4. Changes in the basics of insurance. - “STOR” newspaper. Newspaper for adults, 2006
5. Guidelines UGAI Department of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Territory. - Stavropol, 1987
6. We teach road safety. - Stavropol, 1997.
7. Sample programs of additional education. - Stavropol, 1997, 2000, 2004
8. Rublyakh V.E. Traffic rules 7-8 grades. -M.: Education, 1985.
9. School training room on traffic rules. - Traffic Police Department of the Stavropol Territory, 1991.

Recommended reading for schoolchildren.
1. Good Road of Childhood. - M., 2010 - 2016
2. Around the corner - a new turn. - Stavropol: State Traffic Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Stavropol Territory Administration. Education Department of the Stavropol Territory Administration, 1996.
3. Malov V.I. I'm exploring the world. Cars / Children's encyclopedia. M.: 000 "AST Publishing House", 2002.
4. Traffic rules for students. - M., 2002
5. "STOR" newspaper. Newspaper for adults. - M., 2002-2005.
6. Examination tickets categories A-B. Comments on them. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. –M., 2001
7. Andrew Nachum adventures of the wheel / Encyclopedia for children. - M., “Behind the wheel”, 1997.


The norms and rules of human behavior on the road are absorbed, assimilated and implemented throughout his entire life activity from the moment he first goes outside.

Receptivity to knowledge is especially high in childhood. The skills acquired in childhood are developed and become sustainable. By developing and enriching the life experience of children, it is possible to achieve significant results in their mastery of basic concepts, abilities and skills, which will further contribute to improving the level of culture of their behavior on the city streets. For this purpose, a “Pedestrian Club” was planned at the stage of primary and secondary preschool age. Its goal is to form the foundations of correct behavior on the roads, assimilate norms, traffic rules and adequately respond to situations arising in road conditions.

The proposed thematic plan for the “Pedestrian Club” is a platform on which the process of educating a competent and cultural road user is subsequently built. This is one of the most important intermediate links in a child’s passage from the stage of unconscious mastery of road traffic culture to the stage of its conscious application.

Perspective plan for the “Pedestrian Club”

End of table.

Lesson number

Conversation “Information about roads”

1. Give children the concept of “crossroads” -

2. Consolidate knowledge about the names of city streets.

3. Develop observation skills

Conversation “Traffic signals”

1. Teach children to distinguish traffic lights.

2. Strengthen children’s ideas about the street and roads.

3. Cultivate interest in listening, develop speech

Conversation “Traffic Signals”

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic controller gestures.

2. Reinforce the concept of “regulator”.

3. Nurture organization in children

Conversation “Responsibilities of pedestrians”

2. Strengthen children’s knowledge about road signs.

3. Cultivate friendly feelings

Conversation “Road Signs”

1. Teach children to distinguish road signs.

2. Strengthen children’s knowledge about traffic lights.

3. Develop the ability to behave correctly on the roads

Conversation “Rules for crossing streets and roads”

1. Teach children to cross the road correctly.

2. Develop attentiveness in children.

3. Cultivate interest in the activity

Conversation “Responsibilities of passengers in public transport”

1. Teach children the rules of behavior in public transport.

2. Cultivate determination

Conversation “Introduction to the movement of organized columns”

1. Teach children to listen.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Cultivate curiosity in children

Conversation “Rules of cycling”

1. Teach children the rules of cycling.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Raise smart and observant pedestrians

Parent conference “Preventing childhood injuries is the task of the family and the public”

1. Strengthen parents’ knowledge about traffic rules.

2. Develop imagination and invention in parents joint evenings— KVNakh according to traffic rules

Approximate content of conversations of the “Pedestrian Club”

Lesson No. 1. Why you need to know and follow the traffic rules

Transport carries various goods necessary for factories, factories, construction sites, and delivers passengers home, to work, and on visits. The streets of our cities live in a certain rhythm. And for this, in order not to disrupt this rhythm and operating mode of transport, all drivers and pedestrians must comply with the Traffic Rules.

Ignorance and failure to comply with these Rules often lead to accidents and accidents. Due to road accidents, transport schedules are disrupted, the delivery of goods to important facilities is delayed, but the worst thing is that people die and suffer as a result of accidents.

Some children grossly violate traffic rules, run across the road in front of nearby vehicles, play games on the roadway, cling to cars and get injured.

To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, you need to know and follow the traffic rules, carefully monitor your surroundings and obey traffic lights.

Control questions

1. What is the role of transport in the life of the country?

2. Why do accidents happen on the roads?

3. What do you need to know and do to ensure safety?

Lesson No. 2. Information about roads, intersections and roadway markings

A road is a designated lane intended for traffic. Roads are dirt, gravel and asphalt (concrete). They can also be two-way or one-way. On two-way roads, traffic moves in two directions.

directions, and on one-sided ones - in one direction. In our country, traffic and pedestrian traffic is on the right.

The road consists of a carriageway and a shoulder. The roadway is intended for traffic. The curb is for stopping, parking vehicles and for pedestrian traffic. An intersection is a place where roads intersect.

Markings are lines, inscriptions and other markings on the roadway. Marking lines are painted with white or yellow paints. They serve to facilitate orientation for vehicle drivers and pedestrians. The center line - a white line running down the middle of the roadway - serves to separate oncoming traffic. It can be intermittent or continuous.

Pedestrian crossings are indicated by wide solid lines that are drawn on the roadway parallel to the center line.

Control questions

1. What is a road?

2. Which intersection is called controlled?

3. What is the purpose of the center line?

4. How are pedestrian crossings marked?

Lesson No. 3. Traffic signals

Traffic lights are used to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The traffic light has 3 sections - 3 signals, they are located from top to bottom: red, yellow, green.

Red signal - prohibits the movement of vehicles. Yellow - prohibits pedestrians from crossing the street and vehicles from entering the intersection. Pedestrians who were on the roadway must finish crossing or stop at a traffic island. The green signal allows the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

If a traffic light is equipped with an arrow in the direction of vehicle movement, then traffic is allowed only when it is turned on.

Control questions

1. Location of traffic lights.

2. The meaning of each traffic light signal.

Lesson No. 4. Traffic controller signals

The traffic controller’s signals are the position of his body, gestures with his hands and his staff. All traffic participants are required to obey traffic controller signals, as well as traffic light signals.

If the traffic controller stands with his left or right side to the pedestrians, his arms are extended to the sides or lowered - this corresponds to a green traffic light, and movement through the roadway is permitted.

If the traffic controller raises his hand or baton, this corresponds to a yellow traffic light. In this case, pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the streets. If this signal catches a pedestrian at an intersection, then he must walk to the sidewalk.

If the traffic controller is facing pedestrians with his back or chest with his arms outstretched or lowered, crossing the roadway is prohibited.

If the traffic controller pulled right hand forward, this means that pedestrians can cross the roadway behind the traffic controller.

At an intersection where traffic is regulated simultaneously by a traffic light and a traffic controller, you must follow the traffic controller’s instructions.

Security question

What gesture of the traffic controller corresponds to a green, red, yellow signal?

Lesson No. 5. Road signs

To ensure traffic safety, road signs are installed on the roads.

Road signs are divided into 4 groups: warning; prohibiting; prescriptive; index.

Warning signs are in the shape of a triangle and are colored yellow with a red border. Signs in this group warn drivers and pedestrians.

Prohibition signs are round in shape, painted yellow and have a red border around their circumference. Apply

these signs in cases where it is necessary to establish some kind of restriction.

Mandatory signs - signs round shape And blue color. The symbols on them are white, they allow movement only in the indicated directions.

Indicator signs are rectangular and blue. They report on the peculiarities of the road situation or inform about the location of the objects indicated on these signs along the route.

Road signs are installed on columns and poles so that they are better visible at night.

Control questions

1. What groups are road signs divided into?

2. Purpose of road signs.

Lesson No. 6. Responsibilities of pedestrians and rules for avoiding stopped vehicles

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks or footpaths and keep to the right.

In cases where there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or shoulders or it is impossible to move along them, you need to walk along the edge of the roadway and only in one row.

You cannot walk on the left side of the sidewalks towards the flow of pedestrians in groups of several people in a row. You cannot stop in groups on the sidewalk, it interferes with traffic.

Drivers of cars and buses can overtake each other and go around standing cars. Vehicles must be passed from behind. The tram cannot be passed from behind, it must be passed from the front.

Control questions

1. What are the rules for pedestrian traffic?

2. Why standing cars do you need to go around the back?

Lesson No. 7. Rules for crossing streets and roads

For safer crossing of the roadway, pedestrians are allocated certain places: underground passages, pedestrian crossings, marked with lines, markings, clear signs, and road signs.

Pedestrians should only cross the roadway pedestrian crossings, in places marked with markings or road sign"Crosswalk".

Before you start crossing the roadway, you need to make sure it is completely safe: first look to the left, and in the middle of the road to the right. If traffic moves from right to left, then when crossing the street you need to look to the right. You need to cross the roadway calmly, slowly, in order to see approaching traffic.

You cannot cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

Control questions

1. How is a pedestrian crossing designated?

2. How should you cross a two-way or one-way road?

Lesson No. 8. Responsibilities of public transport passengers

Each passenger is obliged to comply with the rules for using public transport. You are allowed to wait for the bus only at the landing areas, and where there are none, on the sidewalk opposite the stop.

It is allowed to enter the bus at stops only through the rear platform, and to exit through the front platform, so as not to disturb other passengers and not to delay traffic. On buses, children must give up their seats to adults and be polite.

Passengers can enter and exit passenger cars only from the sidewalk, and into the back truck- through the back door.

Passengers are prohibited from opening the doors until the transport stops completely and standing at the doors. It is prohibited to ride on the running boards.

Control questions

1. Through which door should you enter the bus?

2. What are the rules for boarding and disembarking passengers?

Lesson No. 9. Movement of organized columns

Movement of groups of children is permitted only on sidewalks or pedestrian paths. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children walking in columns must not break ranks. There should be accompanying persons in front and at the end of the column. They are required to have red flags and lit lanterns in the dark.

Control questions

1. Where should organized columns cross the street?

2. How should children behave in a column?

3. What attributes should accompanying columns have?

Lesson No. 10. Rules for riding bicycles

A bicycle is a convenient and most common form of transport. Teenagers under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride bicycles on streets and roads. The bicycle must have sound signal. The cyclist must have a document confirming knowledge of traffic rules and a bicycle license plate. Bicycles are allowed to ride on the roadway only in one row, at a distance of no more than one meter from the right edge of the road. Cyclists are allowed to ride on the side of the road. A cyclist is not prohibited from turning, but before turning, he must give a warning signal: extend his arm to the side or raise it up, bent at the elbow. A cyclist is prohibited from:

Drive on sidewalks.

Drive without holding the steering wheel.

Transport passengers.

Transporting cargo.

Control questions

1. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the road?

2. How should a bicycle be equipped?
