Flowerbed flowerpot from an old refrigerator. Beautiful flower beds at the dacha with your own hands, photo. Flower beds made from old tires

Unconventional uses of ordinary things - great idea decoration of the garden, dacha. Unnecessary, lost value, appearance objects can get a second life, turning into an attractive element of garden decoration. Flowers are a wonderful decoration in themselves, and when placed in beautiful, original flower beds flower arrangements, will become the highlight of the garden.

The article presents some ideas on how to interestingly make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, what available materials to use, how to arrange front gardens beautifully, practically, and inexpensively.

Interesting ideas flower beds at the dacha

There are many ideas for decorating a dacha. Folk craftsmen sometimes create amazing jewelry from old, unnecessary items and scrap materials. We can say that there are as many decorative flower beds as there are summer residents.

Thanks to the creativity of decorators (mostly amateurs), many old things find their “second life” in the country. Therefore, you should not throw away unnecessary old tires, boxes, leaky galvanized buckets - many things can still become useful!

Standard pots are becoming a thing of the past. True creativity knows no boundaries except imagination. To create a flowerbed with your own hands, use a variety of materials:

  • tires, old tires;
  • hollow trunks of old felled trees;
  • cans;
  • old barrels;
  • gutters;
  • cars;
  • plastic bottles;
  • bricks, stones left over from dismantling old buildings;
  • boxes.

Tire flowerbed

Tires are often used to create colorful flower beds. This idea is suitable for beginners to make interesting products from old tires, but it will require force and skill. There are 2 tire layout options:

  1. On the ground. If the tire is placed on the ground, it is enough to fill the center of the tire with earth and plant flowers. The outer side of the tire is painted with any paint, matching the color to environment, design of neighboring buildings, garden furniture. With tires you can organize flower beds in various compositions, giving free rein to your imagination.
  2. Hanging. A hanging tire is placed on the wall of a house, a tree, and earth is poured into the bottom. Flowers that grow freely hanging down should be planted in a hanging tire. The paint is chosen arbitrarily, sometimes the surface is not painted at all.

How to make from tires flower beds photo, video

Decorative birds, animals, other tire products

Tires in the garden can turn into beautiful swans. To make original flower beds you will need:

  • a little imagination, desire;
  • old tire,
  • dye;
  • fertilized soil;
  • seeds, flower seedlings.

Such tires will decorate your summer cottage in an original way and serve as the basis for creating small flower beds.

Video - how to make original flower beds from tires with your own hands

Beautiful flower garden made from bottles

A bottle fence will beautifully limit a flower bed. You will have to collect a sufficient number of bottles. The bottles need to be turned upside down and placed tightly next to each other, burying the neck down into the ground, defining the boundaries of the flower beds. Old bottles will help create a unique mini-fence.

Stone fencing

Various large stones lying around on the site, found in nature, are often used as a fence. The stones need to be beautifully installed, possibly secured with mortar. The stones will help you create a beautiful fence for your flower garden that has a natural look. Similarly, to create flower beds different shapes, can be used old brick, tiles left over from old dismantled buildings.

Flower garden in a bucket, old watering can

Shoes can become original pots, which can be painted and placed in the garden, planting flowers in them. How flower beds can stand out to others unnecessary items household items that, despite their unsuitability, receive a second life:

  • old boxes,
  • wash basin,
  • bath,
  • bike.

A flower garden organized in an old bucket looks harmonious on a summer cottage. The bucket needs to be donated new life, painted with paint. The finished bucket needs to be buried in the ground, good drainage should be made at the bottom, or the bottom should be removed completely.

Old furniture

A good auxiliary material for creating an original flower garden is old furniture, for example, old chair. Old furniture needs to be cleaned of paint and refreshed by painting it with any paint you wish. A pot of flowers is inserted into the leaky seat. The original decoration can be easily rearranged to any place, depending on:

You can use not only old unnecessary chairs, but also a chair made with your own hands from branches cut from old trees in the garden.

Flower beds in old drawers, cabinets, plumbing fixtures

The cabinets are like flowerbeds, the bathtub filled with flowers - original ideas, bringing a lot of ingenuity to the garden, color variety. Various decorative items will help complement the design:

  • small stones collected from the site;
  • decorative figures;
  • umbrellas;
  • cute trinkets that have nowhere to store and would be a shame to throw away.

Garden decorations from old shoes, baskets, broken pots

Using shoes to decorate a dacha is quite unusual way diversify the terrace, fence, garden. An old leather shoe will serve as a container for planting flowers, ornamental plants.

Unusual flower beds from old shoes, photo

You can use an old wicker basket for a flower bed. Decorative decoration fits perfectly into a country-style garden, giving a positive, warm character to the cottage. It is easy to move a wicker flowerbed to another place, hiding it from rain, hail, strong wind, and hiding young flower seedlings from the rays of the scorching sun.

A simple flower garden from an old basket, photo

Old broken, cracked vases and ceramic flower pots are useful in the garden, from which you can create fancy compositions with flowers, climbing and creeping plants.

Beautiful flower beds from scrap materials, photo

Interesting gabion flower beds can be created using wire mesh and pebbles, creating fancy shapes, filled with soil.

In the trunks of old trees

Old tree trunks are great for landscape design, will serve as a wonderful decorative flower garden.

Original flower beds in old tree trunks, photo ideas

Logs from thick tree trunks and branches harmonize perfectly with the landscape of the dacha and create a warm, homely atmosphere. Fallen trunks, stumps, and piles of cut branches can be used to create beautiful flower beds. Using an electric saw, a tree trunk can be easily cleared of branches before it dries and cut into thick pieces.

Application wooden blanks you can find different ones, depending on the size, diameter of the bar, stump:

  • Stumps with a diameter of 35 centimeters are used as stools and tables.
  • Rotten stumps are the basis for stylish flower beds.
  • Stumps, branches with a diameter of 8-20 cm, especially deciduous trees (oak, beech, hornbeam, elm, black acacia, ash, maple, walnut, pear) should be cut into pieces 10 cm long, then use them to create a wooden path in the garden from scrap materials.
  • Thin pieces wood with a diameter of 3-8 cm from twigs, branches - an ideal material for fences; you can use them to make the borders of garden paths, the palisade of a stylish flower bed.
  • The remains of the branches should be cut into small pieces, used as mulch, compost, and covered with them on the surface of the flower bed, garden paths, following the example of decorative colored bark.

If the trunk has an attractive shape, you can use it as a sculpture. Before this, the trunk should be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a wood preparation, preferably linseed oil, resin. The inside is filled with earth, plants are planted - then it becomes an original flower pot. You can place containers with flowers inside the stump, then it will turn into a flower bed.

From pallets

Original flower beds can be made from popular pallets. Euro pallets are sold in every city and town and are used in warehouses for delivery and transportation of goods. We sell new and used pallets. This material often used to create furniture and decorative accessories. Old pallets will have to be cleaned and painted.

You can attach flower pots to the pallets. Having made a small reconstruction, attaching the bottom, you can pour soil into the resulting containers and plant flowers - petunia, geranium.

Flower beds made from pallets, photo


Thus, from old things, broken pots, and other improvised materials, you can organize unique flower arrangements that make the area beautiful, cozy, and conducive to a pleasant rest. By making beautiful flower beds, at the same time we will give a second life to many old things, save a lot of money, and get a lot of pleasure from creativity.

What can you make from an old basin and a couple of rusty buckets? Of course, a flower garden, and not just any flower bed, but such a work of art. The trick of the design is that the buckets seem to hang in the air. Interesting solution, so surprised looks from passers-by are guaranteed.

It is better to take buckets with a holey bottom. Firstly, excellent drainage, secondly, it is easier to work with such material, you don’t have to drill anything, poke it with a screwdriver and the hole is ready, and thirdly, “naturalness” is in fashion now, so if this flower garden made from old buckets claims to be art, then rust is just that.

So, you need to prepare several buckets and a basin.

  • You need to choose a place in advance; this design is not transportable.
  • Then you need to calculate the locations for the holes in each container through which the steel pipe will pass
  • Drive the pipe into the ground and cement it.
  • Place the lower container and fill with soil.
  • Compact it tightly, as it will serve as the foundation.
  • We place buckets on the pipe at an angle, filling them with soil as we go.

That's all, all that remains is to select the varieties of flowers so that they are ironed picturesquely, hanging a little from the buckets. It’s better to choose different ones for each container, it’s more beautiful and practical; in the upper part it’s better to plant those that don’t require watering, otherwise you’ll have to walk with a stepladder.

Anyone can plant flower beds on their own property or just near the entrance. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the store, buy quite expensive garden decorations. With a little imagination and in capable hands You can create flower beds from any things that have fallen into disrepair.

Flower beds made from old tires

Using leaky tires to plant flowers is perhaps the most common way to set up flower beds. You can simply paint the tires with multi-colored paints, randomly placing them around the area, or you can create a small pyramid-flower bed. To create the greatest effect, tires should be taken different sizes.

In addition to the usual round flower beds, if desired, you can make a flower with bent petals from tires, the core of which will contain fresh flowers, you can make a bird, snails, or a crocodile.

Flowerbed from a car

If you have an old and completely unnecessary car, you can use it to make a custom flowerbed for your garden. Here detailed instructions"how to make a flowerbed from old car“, where the whole process is described in detail. Here are some ideas for inspiration that you could implement at your dacha or country house:

Flowerbed from a car

Flowerbed from a car

Flowers in the car

Car with flowers

Flowerbeds from an old sink, bathtub or toilet

An old bathtub can be easily used to create small pond Location on. To do this, you should first dig a hole the size of the bathtub and dig it into the ground. You can grow aquatic plants in a pond.

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If you don't want to bury anything, place the bathtub in the center of the area, paint it brightly and plant it with colorful flowers. You can take not only upright plants, but also creeping plants that will hang beautifully along the edges. The same fate awaits an old sink or toilet. Believe me, your guests will be delighted with your creativity.

Flower beds made from old shoes and clothes

Do not rush to throw away shoes that are leaky or simply out of fashion. Low-growing flowers, such as daisies, look great in women's dress shoes with high heels; shoes can be placed on small elevations (for example, stumps) throughout the area.

Brutal men's boots, ankle boots or lace-up boots will look good at the dacha in ethnic style, and the older and scarier the boots, the greater the contrast with the beautiful flowers you will get. Attach your shoes to the fence wooden wall at home or in a barn, place pots of petunia, begonia, and marigolds inside.
Rubber shoes of different sizes and colors can be hung in a row on wooden fence, required condition– the flowers in the boots should also be different.

Flowerbed of shoes

Flowerbed of rubber boots

Hanging club

If you don't want to scatter your shoes around the area, you can collect old shoes, sandals and boots together and place them on old bench or shelf, paint it in contrasting colors. The more different the shoes are from each other, the better the effect.

Hang an old hat upside down, plant a climbing plant in it, and you have a stunning vase. An old leather bag hung by the handles also looks great with flowers inside.

Flower beds made from old furniture and equipment

Usage old furniture for setting up flower beds is limited only by your imagination and the size of the dacha.
Old beds with metal or wooden slatted headboards look unusual; you can build a large flower garden on them, all the plants will be in one place and play main role in decorating the site.

Related article: French style garden

Flowerbed from a chest of drawers

Flowerbed from a bed

Flowerbed bed photo

Flowerbeds of chairs and benches

Old wooden benches or benches will serve as an excellent stand for colorful flower pots.
Bright climbing plants can be grown in old wooden chairs. For these purposes, you should remove the seat and place a large pot of soil inside (round or square - see for yourself). Plants will fill not only the space above the seat, but also climb along the back and legs of the chair, forming a colorful carpet. Another option is to hang the chair with its legs up, securing it to the wall of the shed. So you can get one or two shelves for climbing plants depending on the design of the chair.

Flowerbed from a bench photo

Making a flowerbed from a chair

Flowerbed on a bench

Flowerbed from a chair photo

Musical flowerbed in the piano

An old piano looks very original, with pots of flowers nestled under its lid.
Old chests of drawers and cabinets will find a second life on your site. Pull the boxes halfway out and place potted plants in them or plant them directly inside. The same thing awaits speakers, a typewriter, an old stereo, a computer keyboard.

Flowers in old buckets, basins, barrels and watering cans

Old watering cans, buckets and barrels, painted in bright colors and planted with plants, look very organic at the dacha.

Flowers on wheels: a flowerbed made from a cart, wheelbarrow and bicycle

Using old carts to decorate your garden has long been a classic. Combined with a wicker fence and clay pots they will give the garden a Russian flavor.

Flower bed from a cart

Flowerbed from a wheelbarrow

Flowerbed from a cart

Red flowerbed-cart

To create more modern style A bicycle will do. Place baskets of flowers on the trunk, seat and steering wheel, and your dacha will look a la Provence.

A real owner always wants to make his summer cottage even better. The organization of order is akin to art - an endless search for perfection, an ideal to which one can only strive.

Despite the fact that the ideal is most often unattainable, you still need to continue to get acquainted with more and more new examples of arranging your site.

1. Vertical bed

Original vertical beds, which can be made from unnecessary bicycle wheels and strong rope, are perfect for growing climbing plants, will help save space and become unusual detail vegetable garden

2. Bench with a canopy

An original bench with a canopy that can be made from an old one
wooden barrel, metal rods and thick fabric, will become a wonderful place to relax and a real decoration of the country porch.

3. Carrying

A convenient carrier for grass, firewood or any other materials, which can be made from any thick fabric and two wooden sticks or plastic pipes.

4. Waterer

It is not at all necessary to spend money on buying a special nozzle for a garden hose, because something similar can be made from any plastic bottle. You just need to make a few small holes in it and attach it well to the hose using clamps.

5. Blooming chair

From several cinder blocks you can make an original garden flowerbed chair, which will become a wonderful place to relax and a real highlight of the garden.

6. Mini greenhouse

CD boxes can be used to create small greenhouses to protect seedlings from cold and wind.

7. Joint protection

A convenient knee support that will help protect your knees and joints from excessive stress during seasonal work.

8. Hand protection

Sleeves made of dense elastic fabric will protect your hands from scratches, cuts, irritations and insect bites, which are difficult to avoid when working in the garden.

9. Rainwater catcher

Using clamps and vinyl fabric, you can make a wonderful device that will catch and transport rainwater from the drain directly into the garden, thereby saving on watering.

10. Table caps

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Do you like to have dinners and picnics? open air? Be sure to take care to protect products from dust, dirt and insects. This can be done using several homemade or purchased mesh caps.

11. Border

The brick left over after construction is an excellent material for creating decorative borders, which will make the landscape stylish and neat.

12. Old chest of drawers

Don't rush to throw it away old chest of drawers, better use it to create original flower bed. Just place it in the center of the garden, cover it with drawers earth and plant flowers.

13. Fence decor

Original flower pots made from old throwaway shoes will help decorate an unsightly lattice fence. So original solution will make even the simplest fence unique.

14. Flowerbed in a trough

Do not rush to throw away things that can no longer be used for their intended purpose, because even from an old rusty trough you can make a magnificent flower bed that will become a spectacular detail of the landscape.

15. Hearth

From an old aluminum trough and brick you can build a comfortable and neat hearth, which will become not only a functional component of the site, but also its decoration.

16. Natural mosaic

River or sea ​​pebbles can be used to decorate empty areas between flower beds and beds. Against the background of such a “mosaic”, flowers and greenery will become even more attractive.

17. Shower stall

An unusual and very practical shower stall, which can be made from a large wooden barrel - perfect solution for a country house.

18. Place to rest

A charming place to sleep and relax in the shade of trees, which you can make yourself from wooden planks, light fabric and old bed.

Original landscape decorations are always very expensive if you buy them in stores or order them from craftsmen. By showing your imagination and putting in a little work, you can make unique decor yourself. It won't cost a penny. Moreover, you will finally get rid of unnecessary things and dispose of leftover building materials after renovation. All in your hands. If they are gold, then even trash will turn into charming and completely functional country decorations. Give your junk a wonderful new life!

You can start with the simplest thing - crafts from old things that have served their purpose. Surely everyone at their dacha has a lot of items about which they say: “There is no need to store it, but it’s a pity to throw it away.” These can be various containers - buckets, watering cans, rusty barrels, as well as children's toys, old clothes, shoes, furniture. Each of these things can become a nice landscape decoration and “work in a new specialty” for at least one, or even several seasons.

The easiest way is to make flower beds from trash. Let's look at a few ideas.

For example – small flower pot from children's ball. All you need is an old ball, a tool that will be convenient for cutting it, and a little patience.

To make such a pot, you just need to wash the rubber ball, carefully cut it in the middle and make small holes in the “bottom” of the new container. Option - do not make holes in the ball, but use it as a stand-pallet for a small flower pot

The second option is flower beds in old containers. For small flower beds, aluminum and plastic basins and watering cans are useful. If you find a barrel, it is a real treasure. You can make a funny figurine out of it. In addition to the barrel itself, you will need paints and brushes.

This non-trivial decoration is very easy to make. old barrel you need to clean off the rust, paint, paint, fill with soil, plant flowers in it. All!

Another option for designing a container is fabric or burlap. Basins and barrels do not need to be painted, but covered with old fabric. If it is monochromatic, then a funny pattern would be appropriate.

These figures are made from ordinary barrels covered with burlap. The container is simply “placed” in a bag of a suitable size, the canvas is pulled and secured. It looks like a tall pot. To bring it to life, just paint a face and put a “belt” made of old rope on the figurine

Stands for flowerpots can be made from old furniture - chairs with backs, small armchairs or ordinary stools.

Thus, a chair with a back gives plenty of room for imagination. It can be used as a stand for climbing plants or flowerpots. To do this, a hole is cut in the seat. required diameter, the “frame” and the back are painted, a homemade or ready-made flowerpot is installed

The seat can be replaced with geotextiles, where soil can be poured and mosses and climbing plants can be planted. Long stems will braid and hide the back and legs. The result is an interesting floral decoration that can be placed in a gazebo, next to a pond or in the middle of a broken flower bed. In the same way, you can use the headboard from an old bed or other similar object.

Unnecessary clothes and shoes can also be used as flower pots. All you have to do is sew the legs of old jeans, fill them with soil and hang them up - you’ve got a ready-made flower garden. True, it will not last long, but it will be useful. An excellent garden decoration would be a “flower pot” made from an old sneaker or boot.

Torn sneakers don’t have to go to the landfill. Fill them with soil and plant bright flowers. They will please the eye all season long

Use old clothes for! Stuffed animals have not been used to scare away birds for a long time, but they may well become the highlight of the landscape. To create such a figurine, you will need pants, a shirt, any headdress, a small packing bag or pillowcase, stuffing material, and sewing supplies. The frame can be made from two bars - long and short.

On a long bar you need to fill a short one at a height of 1.7 m (you will get something like a cross). Packaging white bag or the pillowcase should be stuffed with straw or nitron and shaped into a ball. This will be the head of the scarecrow. She is impaled on the top of the pole.

All that remains is to attach it and paint it with markers to make a face. Hair can be made from ropes or straw. Now all that remains is to “dress” the stuffed animal in a shirt and pants, pin them together with pins and stuff them with stuffing. On the head - a hat.

If not suitable materials to create scarecrow hair, you can use regular plastic bags. They are simply cut into strips and attached to the fabric head with sewing pins

To complete the look, you can make a scarecrow “hands” from old gloves or mittens. If the scarecrow is made not just for decorative purposes, but to combat birds pecking at the crop, you can add a “frightening effect” by attaching old CDs to the figurine’s hands. When the wind blows, they will rotate, shine and drive away birds.

The video presents the best decorative stuffed animals that can only be found on the Internet. Perhaps you will be inspired by the ideas of their creators:

How to make a pond from an unnecessary bathtub?

All or almost all summer residents dream of having a pond on their property. Even the smallest artificial pond seems like an oasis of coolness in summer heat. You can buy a ready-made container at a specialized store, or you can use old bath, remaining after repair. By ennobling her natural stone and by planting greenery around the pond, you will create a real masterpiece.

If you simply bury the bathtub in the ground and decorate it with flowers, it will look relatively nice, but will not cause delight. But if you collect the stones left after constructing a well or pit, and line unnecessary plumbing fixtures with them, you can simultaneously get rid of the bathtub, not remove stones from the site, and at the same time get a luxurious landscape decor. As a binding material for laying stone, you can use a cement frost-resistant mixture for outdoor work.

Work order:

  1. You need to dig a hole the size of the bathtub, install plumbing and cement it.
  2. When the cement platform with the container is ready, a decorative stone slide is laid.
  3. The remaining stones are placed around the makeshift pond and cemented.
  4. When the cement dries, water is filled into the bath or left empty to collect rainwater.

After all, the area around the stone pond is decorated with vegetation, flowers, benches are installed, or left in its original form.

The finished pond retains the shape of the bathtub. If desired, it can be modeled using stones. It is best to choose a shape that will allow you to conveniently clean the pond from debris and dirt.

Swan flowerpot made of bottle and putty

Near the stone pond you can place a pair of wonderful swans, for the production of which you will need construction waste and two 5-liter plastic bottles.

A cut bottle will serve as a frame for the swan's body. square shape, which is filled to make it heavier cement-sand mortar or any other filler. The neck is made of a metal rod. It is bent in the shape of a number 2, inserted into the neck of the bottle and secured.

The neck is one of the most difficult parts. To securely secure the rod, you can use tile adhesive. And for proper finishing neck putty, a regular medical bandage will be useful. It is wetted and wrapped around each new layer, pressing it to the base

Pieces of mesh, cut to the shape of the wings, are attached to the bottle. The finished frame is finished with putty. The most difficult thing is to form the neck and head from putty; you will have to be patient so that they turn out beautiful and smooth.

The tail is made from a piece of the same mesh and putty. When the craft is completely dry, it needs to be sanded sandpaper and paint, and take the weighting material out of the bottle to create a depression.

A swan figurine is not a simple decoration for a garden or artificial pond. You can plant plants with a shallow root system in it. The result will be a beautiful flowerpot, ideal for installation near a stone pond from a bathtub

What can be made from construction waste?

After the renovation is completed, there is always a lot of different waste left. Almost all of them can be used for landscaping the site. Even construction waste is not useless.

For example, tiles removed from a wall in a kitchen or bathroom can be used to create beautiful garden paths or borders. Used drywall or plastic is quite suitable for creating useful and aesthetic crafts.

Option #1 – drywall and plywood

Drywall, plywood, OSB boards – universal materials. Cutting them into pieces the right size and fastening mounting profile, you can create amazing beautiful flowerpots, equip, make useful things to decorate the gazebo, durable.

This charming little cow is made of plasterboard. To make it, you just need to form a square flowerpot from plasterboard, attach a muzzle, paint it and install it on the legs of an old stool

Option #2 – tin and stainless steel

You can create a mass from tin and stainless steel interesting crafts. Pieces of material suitable for making garden lamps, ashtrays, urns, hanging containers for seedlings or flowers. Even tin cans of paints and adhesives can be used.

You can see what a lamp made from a jar looks like in the video:

Option #3 – lumber

Anything will do on the farm, especially if that “everything” is leftover lumber. Timber, slats, boards are perfect for creating containers, boxes, shelves, racks, systems vertical gardening, stands.

Previously used parquet board can become a charming horse container if you add a funny horse face and a mane of twigs. The figurine can be painted or varnished

Option #4 – thermal insulation materials

Remains of foil insulation are useful when creating. They can be used to finish outside sculptures The foil surface reflects beautifully in the sun and makes the craft stand out against the background of the garden. However, for insulation there may be more practical application– thermal insulation of greenhouses, utility rooms.

The video below shows ideas for crafts made from foil or foil insulation:

Option #5 – battle and remaining bricks

Brick and building blocks can be used even if they are split. These are ideal materials for the construction of fences, borders, and flower beds.

Fairytale castles and columns and lamps will look great in the garden. Brick can be used to lay out the bases for a durable table and benches in the gazebo.

Brick can be used for zoning the territory of the site. Fencing separates flower beds from garden plants to focus on the decor

Even more decor ideas: video examples

Human imagination is limitless, and many summer residents have learned to usefully use the most unnecessary, at first glance, materials. Check out their experience:

Has junk accumulated in your apartment? Don't leave it alone square meters, take it to the dacha! Bottles, tiles, old pants, construction waste, waste - there is a place for everything here.

Bulk materials will become wonderful sculptures, and bottles will become real palaces. Even garden decor It will only last one season, you will be pleased to look at it. If he lives longer, you will have a reason to be proud of your golden hands. Don't miss this chance!
