What questions can you ask a friend when communicating? Top interesting questions you can ask a pen pal: list. To know better

Interaction between people is not always easy, and this especially applies to communication between girls and boys. It’s easy to scare off a young man you like with an unsuccessful question or a question asked at the wrong time.

And if you change the topic in a timely and correct manner, you can improve relationships and learn more about the person. Questions also allow you to move the interaction in the right direction and state your intentions.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what you can ask guys depending on the characteristics of your relationship with him.

When dating, it is very important to make an impression and be remembered. To do this, you should use original questions, showing imagination and humor. For example:

  1. Tell me, is your mother looking for a daughter-in-law?
  2. Your face seems familiar to me. I think I saw you in a dream last night. Take a closer look, maybe you saw me too?
  3. I think my parents will like you. Would you like to check it out?
  4. You look like the man of my dreams. Can you help me verify this?
  5. I wanted to meet you as soon as I saw you. What do you think about that?
  6. I really liked you, but I'm in a hurry now. Maybe you can leave me your phone number so I can call and meet later?

This may scare some guys away, but it allows you to “weed out” those who are too shy and boring. Although, if a girl prefers modest guys, then she should focus on her target category and not ask too piquant questions.

To meet such people, a simpler and more direct manner of communication is suitable. You can simply offer to get acquainted, saying about your liking.

In any case, you need to speak kindly and with a smile, and not be afraid of refusal.

If something doesn’t work out, it’s not a big deal. The young man I met was not the last one on the planet.

To generate interest

You can interest a young man with provocative questions. This allows you to get to know him better and at the same time draw attention to the girl’s appearance or personal qualities. Options:

  1. Do you like my eyes (hair/figure)?
  2. Do you think I look good?
  3. Have you already heard that this haircut (mustache/clothing color) suits you very well?
  4. I think we have a lot in common. Shall we check?
  5. I would like to fall in love with you. What do you think of this idea?
  6. Are you a good kisser?
  7. Do you go on dates often?

In order to captivate a guy, you should pay attention to his life, interests and hobbies. This will allow you to get to know him better and reveal to him your attractive features.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account its character. Modest guys are scared off by frank formulations, liberated ones are attracted.

When communicating via SMS

Nowadays such communication is very popular, so you need to be able to build it competently. Some people generally find it easier to communicate by correspondence. At the same time, we manage to get to know each other and get closer. Suitable for conversation:

  1. What are your plans for the evening?
  2. What are you doing now?
  3. How was your day?
  4. Have you seen the movie (insert title)/read this book (title)?
  5. I would like to update the playlist. Maybe you can recommend some good tracks?
  6. I would like to spend an unusual evening. Maybe you have some ideas?
  7. I haven't been to the cinema for a long time. Won't you join me?
  8. We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's fix this?

When choosing a topic for conversation, you should focus on the information that already exists. You can discuss the guy’s hobbies, lifestyle, work, daily activities, etc.

While talking on the phone

During a telephone conversation, you can communicate on different topics. It is worth showing interest in a man’s life, work, affairs, hobbies. You can ask about plans for the evening or weekend and offer to organize something together. It is advisable to have a clear idea of ​​what to say and ask so that the pauses do not drag on.

You also need to take into account the mood of the interlocutor and immediately make sure that the conversation does not distract him.

Normal conversation with a guy

After the acquaintance has taken place, and there is a certain interest on the part of the man, you can talk about different topics. This will help you identify common hobbies and learn more about life and character. Therefore, it is worth discussing various things, for example:

  • favorite season;
  • clothing styles;
  • attitude towards alcohol and cigarettes;
  • sport;
  • rest;
  • books;
  • movies;
  • food preferences;
  • dreams;
  • work, etc.

It is important to observe the reaction of the interlocutor. Some topics may be unpleasant, and having noticed this, it is better to talk about something else so as not to offend the person and not destroy the emerging mutual understanding.

What to ask on a first date

A poorly chosen topic of conversation during the first date can lead to no further meetings. Therefore, it is very important to know what to ask. Good options:

  1. What do you prefer to do in your free time?
  2. What activities bring you joy?
  3. What do you think a girl should do?
  4. Do you travel often? Where did you last visit?
  5. How can you be surprised or shocked?
  6. Do you like reading? What books do you prefer?
  7. Can you tell us about the brightest moment of your childhood?

On a first date, you should not talk about too personal things. It should be used to get to know the guy as a person and evaluate your feelings during interaction.

How to find out more information about your chosen one

To build a relationship with a person, you need to learn more about him. This can be done on the first date as well. Questions such as:

  1. What time of day do you like best?
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. You're a night owl or an early bird?
  4. Do you like sport? What types do you prefer?
  5. What is your relationship with your parents?
  6. Do you like your job?

Such information will allow you to get an impression of a man’s life and his habits. By owning it, you can further build harmonious communication.

How do you know if he likes you?

Women often need to find out how a man treats them. You can find out by asking directly, but sometimes it’s not easy to decide. For such cases, leading questions are suitable.

It is worth asking whether the guy finds the girl attractive, whether he likes her figure, eyes or hairstyle.

You can give a compliment by speaking approvingly about your appearance or behavior. A sympathetic man will respond in kind.

But you can’t rely only on words. People adhere to certain forms of politeness that make it difficult for a young person to say anything negative. Therefore, behavior needs to be assessed.

If you like a guy, what should you ask?

In this case, it is important not to scare off with excessive activity. But at the same time, it is worth demonstrating interest in him by asking questions about life, hobbies, habits and tastes.

You must listen to the answers carefully in order to be able to use the information received in the future. Young people are flattered by the interest in them, as well as by the fact that the girl remembered his story.

Tricky questions

They are suitable for intriguing a guy and showing him the ambiguity of his personality. They should not be asked at the first meeting, but after communication has been established, they can be used to spice up the interaction.

With a catch

Such questions should be asked if the guy has a developed sense of humor. He will be able to appreciate them. This will also allow you to learn more about him. You can ask about:

  • school nicknames;
  • funny cases;
  • childhood fears;
  • bad habits;
  • features of his character;
  • secret desires, etc.

It is necessary to understand that such a conversation must be two-way. It is likely that the man may respond by asking similar things about the girl, and you need to be prepared for this.

What will confuse you?

Questions that require active thinking and frankness are suitable for communication between people who know each other well. If the communication does not last long, then it is better to stay closer to safe topics. But once sympathy has formed, such conversations add spice. These include:

  1. Do you think we could be a good couple?
  2. Do you find me attractive?
  3. Do you think we're sexually compatible?
  4. Can you imagine me as your wife?
  5. What flaws are there in my character?

These and similar questions are not always answered truthfully - usually people prefer to laugh it off. But even in this case, you can draw conclusions from the conversation, as well as add frankness to it.

Questions for male friends

In friendships everything is very simple. You can ask guys from your friends any questions, ask for help, ask for advice. The only thing you need to remember is that annoying invasion of personal space is unpleasant, and you should be tactful. You can talk with friends about:

  • affairs;
  • work;
  • studies;
  • sports;
  • music;
  • movie;
  • books;
  • religion;
  • politics;
  • dreams;
  • relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

The better people know each other, the more frank the communication can be.

To talk with your boyfriend

If you have a good relationship with the young man, extreme frankness is allowed. You can discuss any topic with him, almost like with a friend.

But still, we must take into account that excessive frankness destroys romance, so sometimes communication should be built in the form of flirtation.

Romantic issues

With their help, you can understand how a man feels about romance and what he associates with it. It's worth asking about:

  • pleasant gifts and surprises for him;
  • ideas about the ideal date;
  • romantic actions;
  • love at first sight;
  • fidelity, etc.

Young people tend to hide the romanticism of their nature, so you will have to wait for the right opportunity for such conversations.

About love and relationships

For relationships to develop, you need to know what their participants want from them. This can be determined by asking questions about:

  • children;
  • ideas about family life;
  • distribution of responsibilities;
  • betrayal;
  • habits and foundations, etc.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to understand how seriously a man takes family relationships, whether he wants them with this girl, and whether their views on this area are similar.

Frank questions

Sex is one of the key areas of interaction between a man and a woman. For harmony in this area, you need to know about each other’s preferences and desires.


Most men like talking about intimate relationships. And from them you can learn more about the characteristics of the chosen one. Therefore, there is no need to be shy.

When appropriate, you can ask a young man about his sexual experience, the most vivid erotic impressions, fantasies and unexpected actions.


This type of question requires caution because it is not always clear-cut. But if there is a sexual relationship between people, it is worth asking them in order to better understand each other.

It is advisable to find out the guy’s attitude towards various sexual practices, role-playing games, erotic lingerie, contacts in unexpected places, etc.


With such conversations, you can reveal the secret inclinations of your loved one. Therefore, it makes sense to inquire about the characteristics of his first sexual experience, fantasies, attitude towards adult films, and erotic experiments.

You can also find out which women a young man considers sexually attractive, what actions he likes, and which ones he finds repulsive.

Unusual questions for a guy

These are questions that force you to open up from an unexpected side and show innovative thinking. These include conversations about:

  • ideals;
  • sexual minorities;
  • travel;
  • mysticism;
  • unrequited feelings, etc.

In these cases, you need to be careful not to offend the man. But to get closer, you need to discuss topics that require frankness and sincerity.

Questions on social networks

  • hobbies;
  • places he visited;
  • films;
  • books;
  • attitude towards online dating and experience in this area.

The topic can be varied, depending on whether the guy is in the mood for interaction. With a successful combination of circumstances, you can communicate on all the topics listed above on a social network.

Helpful information

Communication will be more successful if you follow certain rules:

  1. Adhere to etiquette standards.
  2. Don't be annoying.
  3. Avoid harsh statements.
  4. Change the topic of conversation if it is unpleasant to the interlocutor.
  5. Use a sense of humor.

Communication is an unpredictable process, so it is difficult to provide clear guidelines. It is necessary to take into account the man’s behavior and adapt to it in order for the acquaintance to take place and develop further. With some people this works, with others it doesn't. If things don’t work out with someone, don’t be upset and look for the problem in yourself.

What questions can you ask a guy while meeting or on a date? What to ask a guy, what topic to start a conversation about when meeting? These 20 interesting and funny questions to ask a man will help you out.

Why is the topic of questions for guys so popular? Yes, because by skillfully asking the right questions you can encourage a man to be frank, and this will help determine his attitude towards you.

Of course, the soul of a man is darkness. But they can also be illuminated with a ray of knowledge if you know what questions you can ask guys and which ones you can’t. At the beginning of dating, it is best to communicate on proven, calm general topics, avoiding disputes and conflicts. But the better a girl gets to know her new acquaintance, the more intricate questions she can ask him. And by his reaction - how willingly he will answer her, explain his position, he will be able to determine his attitude towards her (whether he likes her or not).

However, getting a guy to have a frank conversation is not an easy task. After all, for this he must begin to trust you. After all, the fear of getting psychological trauma, another stab in the back, or running into betrayal holds men back. Therefore, they try to appear indifferent and uninterested.

To break the ice in a relationship and become closer to each other, try to carefully ask the guy what he likes and what he doesn’t. In return, be willing to share information about yourself. Otherwise, it will turn out to be a one-sided game, and this is already alarming and discourages any desire to continue communication.

A list of questions you can ask a guy to get to know him better:

  1. What city are you from? This question can be asked to a guy to start a conversation, in order to somehow relieve the awkwardness. The theme of origin is quite impersonal, on the one hand, because you can talk about your hometown, some childhood memories. On the other hand, this is a deeply personal question that shows the guy that you care about him. Usually in response to it you can hear a story about your family, school, studies, friends.
  2. What films do you like to watch? Everyone watches films. Even those individuals who claim that they don’t watch TV at all, they watch movies on the Internet. Therefore, anyone can talk on this topic for hours, talking about their favorite film masterpieces, actors, and genres. By being interested in the topic of cinema, you can actually learn a lot about the person you are talking to. For example, a lover of horror films and thrillers craves an emotional shake-up in real life. The romantic nature watches melodramas and love comedies. A real man chooses action films and life stories.
  3. Do you love sports? Usually men breathe unevenly in the direction of sports. They like football, volleyball, boxing, biathlon, triathlon. And if they don’t like anything from this list, it means they like to ride a bike, walk or work out in the gym. It's a rare guy who won't be able to say even a couple of interesting phrases about sports. After all, sports games are team games in which there is a clear leader and everyone else. Why is it worth asking a guy how he feels about physical activity and sporting events? Because based on his answer you can tell whether he is a team player and a good family man. If he likes team sports, such as football or hockey, then he most likely has many friends and good family relationships. And if he chooses solitary sports, such as cycling or swimming, then this means that he most likely prefers a solitary lifestyle. Although, of course, such a division is conditional.
  4. Do you read books? And if you are reading, which ones? Well, what other questions can you ask guys on the first date, so as not to be branded as the first fool and to show off at least some intelligence? Moreover, this is by no means an idle question, but an interesting one for the development of your future relationship. So, for example, if a man loves fiction, novels, fiction, descriptive literature, then he perceives the world creatively. And this means that he will lie to you with inspiration - a lot and beautifully. And if a guy has read 2 books on literature in his entire life, and even then in parts, but he knows the technical manual for operating and repairing a car from cover to cover, then there is a chance that he will be faithful and honest with you. But again, all this is not a guarantee. In life, everything is more individual and complex.
  5. What do you do? What is your occupation? This question should be asked to a man as delicately as possible, without a mercantile shine in his eyes. Ask a guy about his profession out of interest in what he does, and not wanting to know how much money he earns a month? If the interlocutor feels a financial interest in your matter, then he will lose trust and respect for you as a girl with whom he can have a serious relationship. If you ask a guy this interesting question diplomatically, then the answer to it will help you understand the level of ambitions and aspirations of your counterpart, determine his priorities in life, plans for the future and what he represents as a person in the present. If a person is now most passionate about his career, then it is best not to count on a serious relationship with him right away. And if he has already decided on a job, has settled down, and is not fighting to the death with his competitors, then perhaps he can find a place for you in his schedule.
  6. Do you like to eat delicious food? What dishes exactly? The theme of food is a win-win. Unless, of course, you are dating a boy model who dreams of losing another 10 kilograms of weight. Men love to eat and love to talk about what they love to eat. Yes, yes, the way to the heart of an ordinary man still lies through his stomach. And the ability to cook deliciously will be a plus on your resume as a potential bride. If you invite a guy home for a date, be sure to ask him what kind of food he prefers and try to prepare for him a luxurious romantic dinner, after which his mouth will spread into a smile of pleasure.
  7. Do you like animals? Which ones? There are men who don't like animals. But they don't even really love themselves. Usually guys, when asked about their favorite animals, answer that they like cats or dogs, birds or rats - or something like that. Tell him about your preferences, tell him a few heartfelt stories about your relationship with your pets. Or remember a few funny, really cool jokes on this topic. This will bring you closer.
  8. What kind of music do you prefer, in what style? Everyone loves music, but everyone loves different music. Asking a guy about his musical preferences should touch a nerve. After all, music and love are almost equivalent concepts. After all, when there is no love in a person’s life, music replaces it. And even when love is born in a man’s heart, it is music that accompanies its brightest moments. A man may like chanson, pop, rock or metal. If his hobbies are unfamiliar to you, then asking him to listen to his favorite music is an excellent reason to gently invade his inner world. If you have managed to win at least a drop of his trust with previous not funny, but meaningful and interesting questions to the guy, he can invite you home to listen to his favorite band. Do not rush to accept this invitation, because... this can reveal your great interest in the guy and ruin the beginning of the acquaintance - too fast sex does not contribute to the development of full-fledged, great love at the early stage of communication. Thank them and say that next time, definitely. And ask the guy to do something nice for you - let him tense up and record you a CD with his favorite songs. If he does this for you, it will mean your small victory, because... Not for every girl a man will sacrifice his time and music discs.
  9. Ask your guy a personal question: What kind of ideal partner does he imagine? We need to find the courage to ask him what qualities he values ​​most in girls? What should a girl be like for him to want to date her? This is valuable information because... will give you an idea of ​​whether you have a chance for a future with this man. From his answers you will find out who he is looking for and what he wants from a relationship. You can even jokingly ask: “Can I pretend to be your ideal partner? Do I have too many shortcomings? Instead, open up your thoughts about how you imagine the ideal guy of your dreams. This will be an important stage in your mutual knowledge.
  10. What is your hobby, what do you do in your spare time? Our passions reflect who we are. They help us let off steam, relieve tension, and give vent to emotions.
  11. Do you believe in God? The question of piety and religiosity is very important. He will help the girl draw conclusions about her partner’s spirituality and whether he has at least some moral principles.
  12. What do you love most about yourself? This question to a guy will allow him to show all his boastful egoism and perform an act of narcissism right before your eyes. A narcissistic man will definitely fluff his tail and begin to praise himself like a rare commodity. And a normal, reserved interlocutor will honestly tell not only about his merits, but also tell about some of his shortcomings.
  13. How do you feel about outdoor adventures, camping, mountaineering? Is he an adventurer at heart? Are you ready for adventure? How does he react to difficult life situations - does he run away from them or is he not afraid of them? This topic can be developed for a very long time and productively, because Even non-extreme individuals love forests, nature, rivers, seas and oceans, in general - relaxation. But active or passive is another question.
  14. What is your greatest achievement in life? This question is worth asking a guy to find out from him whether he has achieved anything significant in life? Did he have any victories that he can already be proud of? Or does he simply float with the flow of life and does not resist obstacles?
  15. Please answer the question about your romantic relationships in the past - did you love? Why did you break up? Each of us has a past. You don’t ask a guy about how many partners he had before you. Are you just wondering if he loved, if he had a deep, long, serious relationship - or is he incapable of great love? His answers will let you understand whether you can count on something more than just sex in a relationship with him.
  16. What don't you like about yourself? Is there anything you would like to change about yourself? Every person has shortcomings - without them, all the advantages would have no value. Our flaws make us unique, they make us different from others. They spur us on to perfection, awaken the desire to become better, more honest, kinder, softer, more tolerant. Be sure to ask your guy this question if you are planning a future with him. Since if a person does not see flaws in himself and/or does not want to change himself at least a little, it will be very difficult to become a happy woman with him, if not impossible. Smart people never stagnate - they always change and strive to become better.
  17. Do you have a best friend or girlfriend? Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Ask what a guy likes about his friends? Why does he communicate with them? How long does their friendship last? Did his friends betray him? And did he forgive them? A person chooses his best friend himself - he himself determines whether he wants to rely on the support and opinion of this person or not.
  18. What is the wildest thing you have done in your life? You can ask guys different questions, some you don’t need to ask, but you should definitely ask about what the craziest thing he did in his life and why. After all, with its help you will understand how impulsive, unbridled, cruel or romantic the man is sitting in front of you. In addition, this will help you and your interlocutor plunge into his past, which means that it will provoke memories of pleasant moments of his life for you, and, as it were, make you involved.
  19. What would you do if you became completely invisible to people for one day and could move freely in space and time without restrictions? This is the most interesting question a guy can ask on a date, believe me. It makes you think. And to get to know a man very well is to identify his weaknesses. If he answers it in detail and in detail, it means that he is almost in your hands. Whatever the answer to this question is, this is the essence of this man. He can be noble and vile, turn out to be a thief or a sinner, a gambler or a deceiver, doubting himself and striving to correct his past mistakes...
  20. Describe yourself in just 1 word. Let him sum up your interview in one phrase, in a word. Describes himself harshly and harshly. Will be able? Would you like it? Thanks to these questions, which I recommend asking guys already on the first or second date, you will be able to get to know your interlocutor well, determine the degree of psychological, social, and even biological compatibility with him.

What to ask, what to answer - each of you chooses for himself. But these questions for guys and their answers will help you understand whether it’s worth meeting again - or whether it’s better to end the relationship at this stage, so as not to waste your time and nerves.

  • What do you prefer to eat in dumplings – the filling or the dough?
  • Have you ever picked flowers from city flower beds for a girl?
  • Have you been to a nudist beach?
  • Do you like walking in the rain?
  • What did you most often demand from your parents as a child?
  • Have you tried drinking beer with sour cream?
  • If you found a bag of money in the bushes that was stolen from a bank, what would you do with it?
  • Do you listen to the songs of “Buranovskie Babushki”?
  • Do you live according to Feng Shui?

What can you do with your eyes closed?

  • Can you fit six chicken legs in one sitting?
  • Do you listen to Armenian radio?
  • For what money would you agree to work as a stripper in a ladies' club?
  • How else have you used condoms other than their intended purpose?

Interesting questions for a man that perplex him

  • How hard is it to “get” you?
  • Is it possible to curl hair with hunting cartridges?
  • How long has it been since you shouted the word “busy”?
  • Is rest at the expense of a woman acceptable to you?
  • Can you juggle words?
  • What determines the length of the black streak in life?
  • How big can your impudence be?
  • Would you rush to save a drowning woman?
  • Is toilet a cultural word in your opinion?
  • How does a bull match a cow?
  • Do you like to solve crossword puzzles - quickly or slowly?
  • How strong is a woodpecker's beak?
  • When you choose a gift for a woman, do you look at high or low prices?
  • Do you tell your parents about all your girlfriends?
  • Who should obey whom - the husband's wife or the husband's wife?

How long can you stay awake?

  • Why is the line so long?
  • Can gymnastics tape be used as toilet paper?
  • Do you know where Krivokolenny Lane is?
  • How many centimeters can you stretch your smile?

Interesting questions for a man, list of the best

  • How fast can you run?
  • Does the deathly silence in the forest scare you?
  • Do you like cucumber pickle?
  • Did you sleep in class?
  • How many travel bags will all your belongings fit into?
  • Do you get up to the refrigerator at night?
  • Have you run out of fuel in your car while being far out of town?
  • Have you been invited to a white dance?
  • Have you thrown eggs at passers-by from the window of a multi-story building?

Have you eaten lilac flowers with three or five petals while making a wish?

  • Do you iron your panties?
  • Have you found money on the street?
  • Why do gorilla have such wide nostrils?
  • Have you seen how owls blink?
  • Who has a longer sting - a wasp or a bee?
  • Why don’t very fat people’s mugs crack, as in the famous saying?
  • Is there a movie that you would watch countless times?
  • What song do you know all by heart?
  • Would you like to be beautiful or sexy?
  • What do you mean by living for yourself?

Would you admit to your girlfriend that you cheated on her?

  • How many words do you use when speaking in 1 minute?
  • What do you think about when you look at the sky?
  • Are you arguing with yourself?
  • What song do you sing in the shower when you shower?
  • How wet was your landing if you were skydiving?
  • How many times a day do you look at your watch?
  • What would make you excited right now?
  • At what age did you realize that you had become an adult?
  • Have you ever jumped over a blazing fire?
  • Do you often hiccup loudly?
  • Can you not talk for a week?

Have you ever spied on someone?

If previously it was believed that dating sites were the lot of losers and old maids, now a huge part of life is spent online. People fall in love, build relationships, break up, post photos from weddings and christenings... Therefore, if you have an interesting fan on social networks, why not try to turn sweet communication into something more?

To make this plan a success, we will tell you what questions you can ask a guy via correspondence and how to interest him from the first message.

What to ask a guy in a text message and how to do it right

The reason for correspondence can be a like on a photo, a clash in an interest group, the presence of mutual acquaintances offline, and a thousand other reasons.

His “hello” may be expected, or it may be a pleasant surprise.

Whatever scenario turns into reality, you want not only to show your interest, but also to learn more about the interlocutor, to understand what kind of person is hiding behind the screen. How he laughs and gets angry, how real his photos are (or staged), why he even decided to start a virtual acquaintance...

But before you pour out a stream of questions on the guy, remember - on the Internet, as in real life, there are certain unspoken rules. And breaking them often means being left with nothing.

So remember:

– no one likes intrusiveness, which makes a person feel awkward and come up with the “correct” answers to the questions asked. Do not turn communication into an interrogation, because the points that interest you can be clarified not immediately, but over time in the process of correspondence;

- don’t try to be better, prettier, smarter, sexier, more original, etc. Behavior that is unusual for you, pompous phrases, photoshopped photos betray themselves as a lack of “soul” - and who would want to communicate with an ideal robot? Therefore, be yourself, don’t try to adapt to everyone you meet. After all, as you know, for every hunter there is his own beast;

– publish your own good quality photos on your profile, don’t hide behind pictures – such actions reveal a fake, with whom hardly anyone wants to communicate;

- write correctly. Of course, complex phrases taken from the pages of scientific works of the past will scare off even a fighter for the purity of speech, but the banal absence of spelling and grammatical errors will only work in your favor. And don’t hide your emotions under monosyllabic “aha”, “meh”, “ok”, write in such a way that a stranger sees you as a real interlocutor with his own opinion and outlook on life;

– end the conversation in such a way that the guy wants to continue the conversation.

How to get a guy to like you via pen pal

First, critically evaluate your page - how interested would you be in such an interlocutor? Look through the photos (not only the latest avatars, but also the archived ones, which you yourself have long since forgotten), flip through the audio recordings, read the available information in the profile. And if incriminating evidence, strange entries of unknown origin, errors and typos are found there, it is better to spend half an hour and bring your “Internet face” into proper shape.

If a guy is attracted to your page, try to create a positive first impression. But don't overdo it - if you've had a rough day, it's better to be honest about it than to pretend to be Miss Fun. The interlocutor is not an idiot. Even if he does not recognize an outright lie, the chill and tension between you is guaranteed for a long time.

An important point is to correctly bypass the “slippery” places in the conversation. If the topic is unpleasant to you, it is better to honestly say that you do not want to discuss this issue now than to try to make a forced joke or clumsily change the topic. The guy will like appropriate directness, but trying to get out of the quagmire will, at best, make you laugh, and at worst, make the guy lose interest in you.

How to interest a guy by correspondence

To prevent the conversation from becoming boring, add a touch of interest to it. For example, offer to have a conversation in an “either-or” format. Such games help not only to have a good time, but also to find out the type of temperament of your interlocutor. For example, questions like “mountains or beach”, “racing car or Mercedes S-class”, “redhead or brunette” will help you get to know the guy better, his inclinations, attitude to risk, etc. After all, a direct question can be answered with a “comfortable answer”. "response, but the one veiled under the game often receives a more overt return.

Another way to interest a guy is to skillfully ask for his opinion, show interest in his hobbies, and ask for advice. It’s especially cool if you’re smart and ask him about something you haven’t discussed yet. Look at his photos, look for pages on other social networks, don’t be lazy to look for photos with him - such materials sometimes provide more information than correspondence. And the more original you ask the question, the more interest you are guaranteed.

What to talk about with a guy by correspondence

Of course, being original in an intimate area is unacceptable. Just like joking or teasing a guy. It will be better if you leave questions about his exes and sexual preferences for the future, when you have every right to ask such questions. For now, be content with general topics: travel, books, films, friends, family, hobbies, dreams, interests, work (study). Such discussions can give a basic description of any person.

Correspondence with a guy: examples of questions

  • Which dreams have you already made come true, and which ones are you planning in the near future?
  • What do you do in the evenings after work?
  • An action you are proud of?
  • What's your bravest move?
  • What were you like as a kid?
  • How do you dream of spending your old age?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • What countries do you dream of visiting?
  • Favorite movie, TV series, book, super hero?
  • What is your relationship with your family?
  • Are there any brothers or sisters?
  • How do you feel about children?
  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • What did you dream of being when you grew up?
  • Do you like spontaneity?
  • What's your best birthday ever?
  • Do you have a lot of friends? Tell us about them.
  • Can friendship exist between a guy and a girl?
  • What wish would you ask to be granted right now?
  • What do you like about girls?
  • What can't you stand?
  • What clothes do you prefer?
  • Can you cook?

How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence

The most important “beacon” that will help you understand a guy’s attitude is his readiness and desire to correspond. If he is waiting for an online meeting, writes to you first, is not late at the agreed time, and is not too inclined to say goodbye, most likely he likes you.

What is also important is how willing he is to share intimate things with you. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait for confession - a story about how the day went can mean more than a confession of something supposedly very personal. Ask about his mood, ask questions about relationships with friends, funny things that happened at work, and note whether the guy is ready to share a part of himself with you.

The same applies to you - if a guy talks about himself and makes no attempt to get to know you more deeply, you are looking at a typical narcissistic talker.

Flirting can be seen in his tone: the guy is clearly not indifferent to you if he praises you, gives you compliments, wishes you pleasant dreams in the evening and a good day in the morning. He can send virtual gifts, delight you with funny emoticons, make surprises, that is, show his attention in all available ways. Caring, the desire to protect and advise is also important - it is characteristic of any man in love.

Just in case: how to send a guy off by correspondence

Sometimes the reason for wanting to stop correspondence can be the guy’s obsession, sometimes it can be boredom and coldness, sometimes it can be a mismatch of characters, tastes and interests. In any case, you shouldn’t delay, hoping that tomorrow he will definitely change.

If you don’t even want to start a dialogue, it’s time to end it.

Honestly write to the guy that you don’t want to communicate with him anymore, that real life means more to you than letters on the monitor. Stop showing interest, because the flirtatious “we need a break from each other”, on the contrary, fuels the hunter’s instinct in the male soul.

In general, the simplest, most honest and effective way to stop communication is the “spam” or “black list” button. Everything else is half measures.

Conduct correspondence only with those who are interesting, with whom you would communicate in real life. And be yourself as usual, don’t pretend and don’t hide behind a fictitious personality. And, you know, if you had to figure out what questions you could ask a guy via correspondence, most likely, this is simply not your person.

Let's face it - we all love shortcuts. We like it when everything comes easy. Both in work, money, and in relationships.

Many of us often take them for granted. Without even realizing that The relationship between a man and a woman is something that should be carefully worked on.

If you don't, you can fall into the trap of a "lazy" relationship that just exists instead of thriving and making both partners happy.

Now answer honestly, how are you doing with this? You may have been dating or married for several years. It is not so important.

Something else is more important. If your feelings are sincere, the desire to become closer to a man, to know and understand him is a completely natural phenomenon. And under no circumstances should it be ignored.

Otherwise, at a certain point you will realize that your relationship has become “lazy” and no longer brings the same joy.

How to dodeeper

Quite a lot of couples prefer to ignore the small troubles that arise every day, using the principle of “hiding the garbage under the carpet.”

Here they are, but we covered them up - and it seems like they are no longer there!Why sort things out if you can just pretend that nothing happened and everything is fine again? It is impossible to develop relationships between a man and a woman this way.

All relationships begin with gradual learning about each other . During this period, minor quarrels often occur due to mutual misunderstanding. And that's okay.

After all, this is one of the ways to understand what kind of person your partner really is, and how to make your relationship deeper.

It is important during this period to learn how to solve problems that arise, and not hide them “under the rug.” But there is another way to go deeperrelationship between man and womanand building mutual understanding.

It's incredible, but even 30 minutes a week allocated for this activity can properly develop relationships with a guy and a girl.

Do not believe? Try it just once and see what comes of it.If you don't like it, no one can force you to do it again.

But such an exercise can move your relationship from the state of being a “lazy relationship” to.

As a result, you will no longer be tempted to hide “garbage under the rug” and leave problems unresolved. You will learn to reduce them to a minimum.

So, here are the 9 questions that will help you do
relationship between man and womandeeper if they ask them to each other and answer them honestly.

  1. Can I make you feel even more comfortable with me?

This is a great question to ask both in relation to your time spent, personal communication, and intimacy.

Ask him what he wants. What makes him especially pleased is when he is next to you.
Maybe lie silently for a few minutes, deeply inhaling your scent.Or he needs hugs as an expression of love.Or establishing eye-to-eye eye contact is enough.

  1. Are you satisfied with our sex life?

But you should not directly ask a man whether he is satisfied with his sex life together.It’s better to sometimes try to gently bring him to the topic of novelty in your general sex life.

Ask him what else he would like to try, what interests him.Also offer your options. Surely, you also have desires in this regard.

It is important to remember that this question is appropriate to ask if
relationship between man and woman have already switched to .
If you are just starting to date, it is not relevant. It's better to put it off for the future.

  1. How can I better support you in life?

In principle, there is a possibility that he is satisfied with everything anyway. But this happens quite rarely.Therefore, in most cases, this question can strike the right chords in your partner’s soul and awaken in him the desire to talk about his desires.

Maybe it will be something simple, but a little unusual like: “I want the reason for every time I wake up in the morning to be a sweet kiss from you. It can really lift my mood for the whole day.”

It could be something more.

For example - “Although we agreed that we would take turns cooking, I have a hard week ahead at work and I will most likely have to stay late for a long time and return late.Could you take over the cooking duties during this time?”

As a result, the relationship between a man and a woman becomes much stronger and stronger after each similar case of mutual assistance.

  1. Did I accidentally do something that was unpleasant to you?

Your man's answer to this question may well surprise you.For example, you thought that everything was fine between you. But after the conversation, moments came up that were not always pleasant for your man. Be careful.Listen and don't interrupt.

If your partner decides to answer this question, it will be a brave act. After all, with his story about what exactly of your actions caused him pain, what he is disappointed with, he can cause some pain to you.

It may be very difficult for him to come clean.
After this, sincerely thank him for his revelation and ask for forgiveness if you feel guilty or awkward.
You can promise to improve and not let this happen again. Your man will be pleased.

  1. How should I behave when you come home from work?

Of course, it is not advisable to ask this question directly. But you can carefully guide a man to answer it.

Why is this necessary? A man may want something specific that you will never guess. What is important to him as a man.

Maybe he wants you to ask how he spent his day at work.
Or maybe he needs a little mental rest, and your best gift for him after a hard day at work will be half an hour of absolute silence.

By fulfilling this request, you will be a few steps closer to understanding his inner world.

By the way, from this question it might seem to you that I am describing
who sits at home, waiting for his arrival.This is not entirely true.

You remember that at the beginning I recommended asking these questions to each other?

For example, how to cheer you up at the end of a hard day if you also work.

How to behave with a man: what motivates him to be with you:

  1. Is there a type of physical contact that will help you feel more loved?

Now we are talking not only about types of sexual contact (we have already discussed this above).

Perhaps there is some kind of physical intimacy that he lacks.Maybe he likes it when you play with his hair. Or he likes it when you come up and hug him from behind.

There can be many options, because each individual relationship between man and woman unique. And to find out about them, you just need to ask.And then implement them more often.

  1. Are we close enough (from his point of view)?

Our individual needs may change from day to day.Maybe your partner has been under serious stress all week and now needs more care, compliments and support.

Or, on the contrary, he is now rapidly climbing the career ladder, is constantly busy and needs more free time and personal space.

Asking for more independence does not mean that he has begun to love you less, but for affection and care, that he is weak. People simply have emotional needs that are determined by the presence of various events in their lives.

And the better you learn to satisfy his needs and tell him about yours, the deeper your relationship will become.

  1. Do you have experiences that make you feel stressed? Can I help you deal with them?

The answer to this question will provide an opportunity to understand what problems he has to face.

This may be unpleasant for both of you, but otherwise you will not be able to understand and help him.You can rephrase the question to make it sound softer and more appropriate.

Anything that falls under the category “How can I help you in your business?” adds depthrelationship between a man and a woman.

  1. What topics and in what situations do you find it difficult to talk about? How can I support you in these moments?

This question can be asked every couple of months. Every person has his own “cockroaches in his head” that make him feel vulnerable in various situations.

Maybe he is very uncomfortable when you publicly criticize him, even as a joke.
Or he shuts down emotionally when you start discussing the topic of sex.

Perhaps there was some mishap in the bedroom that left him feeling extremely embarrassed and ashamed.
There is no need to “get into the soul” and beg him for answers to these questions, as during an interrogation. Try to find out his desires from a position of love and respect for him as a man.

The most effective way to put things in order in a relationship

I don’t want you to think that I recommend focusing around the clock on solving all of your partner’s problems. He himself should be interested in developing a relationship with the girl.

In no case! Let me remind you again that this is just a tool to help you understand each other better.

Also, don't ask all the questions at once. Assess the situation and choose the most suitable ones.

He will give more detailed answers to some of them, less to others. He may ignore several questions altogether because he considers it inappropriate to answer them. Take it. Give your man time.

These questions provide an opportunity to start a dialogue within a couple, which few can boast of having. Exactly relationship between man and womanare transferred to a completely different, qualitatively new level.

There are a lot of things that can be hidden “under the rug.” But These 9 questions are the most indispensable tools that will help you extract everything, even the smallest troubles.

Get rid of all the accumulated “garbage” to make you a truly close and happy couple.

I believe that you will succeed!And one more thing: you know that you can always count on my support and advice?

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