What documents are needed to open a vegetable stall. Display in the vegetable department of a minimarket: competent display of vegetables and fruits

IN modern conditions, when competition from huge supermarkets is very high, small stores have less and less chance of finding a consumer for their goods. It is necessary to make sure that the consumer, out of the entire mass of similar trading establishments, pays attention to yours. And what distinguishes him from others is his appearance, convenient location, friendly staff, price policy, and just a large assortment and quality of goods. Before opening a store, you need to have a more or less clear plan of action. We propose to consider these issues using the example of starting a business in vegetables. And even though at first glance it seems that the sale of vegetables and fruits can in no way compete with a large supermarket, this is not so.

Always a quality product

So, how to open a grocery store? We propose to discuss this issue and describe in more detail the action plan for achieving the task.

Being a regular customer of any large supermarket, everyone has probably paid attention to the unattractive appearance of some products in the fruit and vegetable department. Of course, among the rotten apples and potatoes, blackened bananas and tomatoes with dark spots, there are also beautiful fruits and vegetables. But, as a rule, there is not always a desire to purchase them, despite their pleasant appearance. After all, everyone understands that either this product was brought from abroad, which affects its price, or it was grown in greenhouse conditions, which affects its taste.

All this forces many people (usually residents of large cities) to purchase vegetables and fruits at markets or in specialized stores. After all, this is where you can buy high-quality and fresh goods, and even at an attractive price. Unlike supermarkets, in such retail outlets products do not sit out for a long time; the assortment is constantly updated and replenished with fresh products. It is important that in such stores the only product group is fruits and vegetables, and the store owner must ensure that only the best goods are sold. The buyer must be sure that no greenhouse cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes will be sold to him.

Very important point is a competent, thoughtful and correctly drawn up plan for your business. It will help you wisely distribute your forces to overcome all difficulties and go through all stages of organizing a business.

The content of the business plan includes the registration process individual entrepreneurship- this will be the second step towards organizing the store’s activities. Then it is necessary to obtain permission from all regulatory organizations: fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station. This will take a lot of time, perhaps even up to several months. And as soon as the entire package of documents is received, you can safely move on to the next step.

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Premises and location of the grocery store

There are many options for where you can locate your grocery store. Not the best of them would be renting premises near the market or a point on the street, or in a pavilion. Competition in such places is usually very high. It would be much more logical to open a store, for example, in residential complex. The best option is to open a store on the ground floors residential buildings, especially if there are public transport stops nearby. It will be very profitable solution question, because many people, returning home from work, will not miss the opportunity to buy the vegetables or fruits they need: it’s both convenient for them and beneficial for you.

A business plan for a vegetable store always takes into account the most optimal area premises for its placement. The issue of the premises itself must be decided based on the assortment. But it is necessary to take into account that the store area cannot be less than 50 square meters. m. The moment of organizing goods is very important. There are two ways. The first of them is a traditional store, in which the buyer contacts the seller directly to purchase the desired product. The second way to organize goods is to operate a store like a mini-market. Here, vegetables and fruits are in some kind of container and are located in the store hall. The buyer independently takes the goods that he likes, and only at the checkout the seller weighs it and pays the client. This method It is more profitable for the organization, due to the fact that it allows you to serve more clients in the same time. This is undoubtedly a huge plus, since people do not like to wait and prefer to choose the products they like.

The business plan must necessarily include the costs of the necessary equipment, such as, for example, refrigerators, display cases, counters, scales, etc. On average in Russia, the price for a complete set of equipment is approximately 3.5-4 thousand USD.

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Supply organization and assortment

It is the assortment that can greatly influence the success of any store, including a vegetable store. The larger the assortment, the higher the demand. When choosing an assortment, you should not limit yourself to traditional fruits and vegetables. The abundance of various fruits, vegetables and berries cannot but delight the buyer. It is very important that your store’s assortment includes a variety of Exotic fruits and vegetables such as, for example, avocado, mango, papaya, grapefruit, etc.

The business of selling fruits and vegetables involves searching for reliable suppliers. Finding good suppliers is very difficult. But there can be no other option. It would be much smarter to choose the difficult path, but at the same time gain respect from your clients, and, accordingly, good profits, than the easy path, due to which you can get rich quickly enough, but then face such difficulties that may force you to leave this business .

It is very important to be confident in your supplier and the quality of the goods supplied. A properly developed business plan always takes into account the supply of only quality products. It is necessary to meet with potential suppliers, find out all the information about the product: where it comes from, in what conditions it was grown, etc. Ideally, if possible, taste the products in person and only after all this place an order.

Those planning to start a business quite often cannot choose a niche. For some, the process takes a long time, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Look around not as a consumer, but as a business-minded person. You will see many common businesses that are easy to start and make good money. For example, selling fruits and vegetables is a business that is easier to start than it seems.

Starting investments: RUB 143,000 The number of employees: One
Planned income per month: 150,000 rub. Market competition: High
Approximate monthly expenses: 90,000 rub. Payback: Three months

This niche may seem boring or uninteresting to many. But even this business can be developed, scaled, or marketing tools can be applied to it. You should see in this business not only a point for selling vegetables and fruits, but an opportunity for a good start. Include related products in your assortment.

Main products:

  • vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beet, onions, garlic);
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes).

Additionally you can sell:

  • bread;
  • canned food;
  • sunflower oil.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

Essentially, starting this business is very easy. You need to find an area where to place a stall. In addition, you can rent a room, but as statistics show, it is best to place a small kiosk in the center of a residential area. Next, you need to find suppliers of the goods. These could be local farmers or wholesalers.

Stages of opening a vegetable kiosk:

  1. Search for territory.
  2. Buying a kiosk.
  3. Registration and coordination of all nuances.
  4. Installation point of sale.
  5. Hiring a salesperson.

Registration and preparation of documents

Little documentation is needed. Just register as an entrepreneur, indicating in the field of activity “ Retail" To install a vegetable stand, you will need permission from the authorities, an individual entrepreneur license and a certificate from the fire inspectorate.

Search for premises

It is best to purchase a kiosk. But if this is not possible, you can rent it. It should play the role of a warehouse for goods.

Purchase and installation of necessary equipment

No equipment is needed for such a business. The only thing needed is the stall itself and the boxes. It is advisable to purchase a new frame. Inside it, at your discretion, you can equip electricity to be able to trade in the evenings. It is advisable to use boxes same size and colors so that the display of goods has an aesthetic appearance.

What do you need:

  • kiosk (RUB 45,000);
  • boxes (RUB 5,000);
  • table (RUB 1,000);
  • shelves (RUR 2,000).

Photo gallery “Equipment for a vegetable kiosk”

Display boxes (RUB 5,000)

Kiosk for storing vegetables (RUB 45,000)

Shelves for drawers (RUB 2,000)


Considering the fact that most of these kiosks are located in residential areas, your clients will be the same people. You can entice them to shop with you rather than at the supermarket with the help of service. It should be based on your salesperson's friendly approach to everyone. Be interested in people's health, opinions about taste, in general, take more feedback.

Promotion and advertising

Financial plan

Trade in vegetables and fruits as a business is not a particularly expensive area. Most of the investment may have to be spent on permitting the installation of a retail outlet and purchasing the first batch of goods. You can keep track of expenses and profits using a standard table. Accounting in this case is very simple, everyone can understand. To increase profitability, it will be enough to monitor suppliers’ prices and make a large assortment.

How much finance is needed:

  • equipment (RUB 53,000);
  • territory rental (RUB 50,000);
  • Consumables(RUB 15,000);
  • seller (RUB 25,000).

Total: 143,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Risks include low traffic capacity of the area in which it is located. vegetable shop. Before you start coordinating with local authorities, find out how many people go to the in the right place. The convenience of this niche lies in its compactness and mobility. If there are few buyers, the shop can be opened without special effort move to another location.

The department selling vegetables and fruits is key for most small format stores, as it belongs to the essential categories. Thanks to the proper display of goods in the Vegetables and Fruits department, it is possible to increase the influx of customers into the store and stimulate the turnover of vegetables and fruits. With the help of a well-thought-out planogram for the vegetable department, you can attract customers to the grocery store.

To understand the features of literate displays of vegetables and fruits, it is important to understand how these products were sold before the emergence of modern format trade. That's right! They were sold at the markets!

Now this original format of trade is popular in many countries. Remember how vegetables and fruits are laid out at the market and everything will become clear!

Several principles that are used in bazaars:

  • The goods are laid out in bulk
  • One title laid out in a wide display
  • The product is posted for direct access to customers.
  • The counter looks bright and beautiful
  • The goods look fresh.

Let's transfer this experience to modern stores.

Convenience stores are characterized by the fact that they small area it is necessary to present a large number of products. In this regard, vegetables and fruits have to be laid out as compactly as possible. It is also worth mentioning that in most cases, vegetables and fruits should be placed in refrigerated equipment.

If you have a counter store, then two options can help you displays in the vegetable department. It has been noticed that in the counter format, display in a regular gastronomic showcase with duplication along the back line on the spread or on racks with mesh shelves works well. This provides an array of layouts and clear organization department. Inside a refrigerated gastronomic display case, vegetables and fruits can be laid out either already packaged (on a tray) or in trays, emphasizing that the product is sold individually, by weight. Another display option can be implemented at the counter - a la market collapse. This method is only good for stores targeting economical customer segments.

If you have a minimarket or supermarket, then it is optimal to install a refrigerated slide and camber. This department is traditionally located at the very beginning of the store, which stimulates the turnover of vegetables and fruits and has a positive effect on general level sales in the store.

General rules for displaying vegetables and fruits:

  • Lay out by type of product - divide the department into vegetable and fruit zones, then inside according to the type of vegetables or fruits. This means that it is recommended to place all root vegetables in one compact zone, apples in another, and greens in the third.
  • The most profitable products for you should be at eye level.
  • Perishable goods in the refrigerated area.
  • The display should be clearly visible as customers move, and a quick glance should catch the main product blocks of the display.
  • The display must be beautifully designed, the equipment must be spotlessly clean, and the products must be clean and neat.

For beautiful design The vegetable department produces a lot of goods: wicker baskets, plastic baskets, trays, artificial greenery, which is used to decorate walls and equipment. Great solution There will be the use of dummies of vegetables and fruits, since plastic vegetables and fruits do NOT spoil and help decorate any equipment at your request.

If your store is focused on the middle or high segment, then it is recommended to use shelf systems that allow you to optimize the space on the shelves.

To increase sales, proper presentation of price tags is necessary. The main feature is that the price tag should be large enough to be noticeable against the background of bright vegetables and fruits. If you have sales in the fruits and vegetables department, then it is recommended to use information systems. Hanging information systems with A4 frames are more often used. The most common length of such a system with A4 plastic frames is 2 m. Hanging system with A4 frames is appropriate for self-service when using cambers (A4 frame on cambers). At the counter, price tag holders are used on the edge of the tray or price tags placed on the back line racks. It is better to use a wider price tag bar (price tag holder for shelves or 60mm mesh).

Have questions. Consultations with an expert and master classes on display, affordable for most stores. Contact us!

One of profitable options creation own business– opening a point for selling vegetables and fruits. In order to ensure the success of the endeavor, a business plan for a vegetable store is created, which includes basic data about the stages of opening and development of the project.

Where to begin

The first step when developing a business plan for a fruit and vegetable store is to find a supplier: it is important that the purchased products are of high quality. It is better to create a small store that sells only natural vegetables. This is due to the fact that people are trying to acquire tasty and healthy foods, which are grown without special additives. This explains the popularity of small shops selling fresh vegetables and fruits.

A small range of goods is compensated by a markup. The advantage of business is that you can set the price by increasing your own remuneration from 30 to 250%. If a product is damaged or a certain type is poorly sold, you can change the price and compensate for losses.

First you need:

  • obtain permission from the fire department;
  • draw up documents that are submitted to the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Obtaining documents and permits usually takes 2-3 months. When a business plan for a vegetable store is drawn up, the costs that will go towards equipment are also taken into account. approximate cost a set of equipment is about 5 thousand dollars:

  • scales;
  • showcases;
  • lari;
  • slides;
  • refrigerators, freezers.

What to consider when planning

To competently draw up a business plan for a vegetable store, you should carefully consider important details. First of all, think about where the store will be located. The best option is the purchase (rent) of premises in a residential area: this way your store will be close to the majority of customers, because few people are comfortable purchasing vegetables far from home.

The area should also be taken into account. Minimum size premises should be 50 square meters. The rental cost is 1-2.5 thousand dollars per month.

The store must have the following premises:

  • utility room;
  • bathroom;
  • shopping room;
  • stock.

The formation of the assortment is carried out gradually so as not to spend too much money on products that do not sell. If you sell exotic vegetables in a residential area, then most likely they will not be popular.

To find out what is bought most often and what the standard assortment should be, it is worth visiting other vegetable stores that are already operating for a long time. The number of species sold should not be less than 70.

An entrepreneur needs to think about how to get ahead of competitors. You shouldn’t open a store next to other similar shops, but it’s profitable to open a store next to a grocery outlet that specializes in selling all food products except vegetables.

Personnel selection

When choosing Special attention attention should be paid to their communication skills. This is due to the fact that regular customers Usually they are older people who like to talk while choosing a product. But attention to each client should not distract from responsibilities and reduce the speed of work.

The seller must create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere for all visitors. If employees meet the described requirements, then almost all customers can become permanent.

It is also necessary to hire a loader and an accountant. From one to three people are hired for the sales position. The monthly wage fund will be about 1 thousand dollars.

Purchase of goods

First you need to consider several options and choose more than one supplier. This will allow you to determine the quality of the product and find out where the cost of vegetables is the most favorable. Only after several purchases will you understand who is better to work with on a regular basis.

The daily cost of purchasing vegetables will be approximately 10-15 thousand rubles, which should also be written down in the business plan of the vegetable store. The goods must always be fresh, because many fruits and even vegetables do not last long.

Summing up, you can get the total investment volume - about 22 thousand dollars. But it can differ significantly depending on the planned assortment and the cost of renting retail space.

Business from scratch - how to write a business plan: Video
