How to get pregnant if your husband has a bad spermogram - what to do and how to treat it. Spermogram: is it possible to get pregnant? Who was able to get pregnant with a bad spermogram?

A spermogram is the first and simplest test that is recommended if a couple has been unable to conceive a child for a long time. The examination of a woman is more invasive and complex, so they usually start with a man. Analysis of seminal fluid shows a general picture of the condition of the male reproductive system. Often the result is a bad spermogram - what to do in this case?

Reliability of the result

A bad spermogram after the first test does not always reflect the real state of affairs. Drinking alcohol 3-4 days in advance, intense physical activity, caffeine, stress, toxic effects, overheating - all this can negatively affect the performance. The vast majority of sperm will be inactive, defective or in too small a quantity.

To get the most reliable result, it is necessary to exclude all factors that provoke negative changes in sperm and take a spermogram again in a month or two. In case of a serious illness or high fever, the test is taken after 3-6 months. If the spermogram is bad again, then you should consult a doctor (andrologist, reproductologist). There are family planning centers in almost every city. It is better to donate sperm where the semen is assessed according to current WHO recommendations, and the morphology of sperm is examined according to the Kruger criteria (staining of the specimen and 60x optical magnification).

Only a specialized laboratory for assessing spermatogenesis with high-precision equipment, staffed by professional embryologists and spermiologists, can carry out reliable morphological diagnostics of spermatozoa. “General” laboratories, where all types of analyzes are performed, generally do not have such resources; their studies, especially the morphology of sperm, give very approximate results.

A spermogram is informative if three conditions are met:

  1. Diagnostics are carried out correctly, clearly according to the protocol, using high-quality equipment.
  2. Indicators are studied in dynamics.
  3. At the same time, other parameters of the functioning of the male body are assessed.

Only based on the spermogram results obtained taking into account the above requirements, doctors can reasonably prescribe additional examinations and treatment.

Types of abnormalities in spermogram, treatment methods

What to do in case of a bad spermogram depends on the type of pathology and its severity. In some cases, to improve results, it is enough for a man to abstain from alcohol and smoking for several months, avoid the toxic effects of external factors, take vitamins (A, D, E (Enat), C, zinc), balance the diet, introduce seafood, nuts, mumiyo into the diet , dried apricots, increase physical activity, do not lie in a hot bath and do not visit the sauna. Drugs such as:

  • Speman;
  • Sperm Plant;
  • Carnicetine;
  • Spermstrong.

After some time, sperm motility will improve, their quality and quantity will increase.

But sometimes the causes of a poor spermogram can be diseases that require diagnosis and medical or surgical treatment. In order not to waste time and financial resources on purchasing and taking dietary supplements, you must immediately undergo several types of examinations in order to exclude serious pathologies. The standard list includes a blood test for sex hormones and ASAT, ultrasound of the scrotum, TRUS, palpation.

It should be borne in mind that pregnancy can occur even if a man’s fertility is low. Patients often tell doctors and write on forums: “My husband has a bad spermogram, but I got pregnant!” There is nothing surprising. Sperm parameters are very variable, so deviations may be present in one portion of seminal fluid, while in another, after some time, the parameters are already sufficient for conception. Spermogram standards are designed for the IVF protocol; small changes should not be mistaken for a serious pathology. Natural pregnancy is impossible only with critical values.

Few or no sperm

If there are less than 12 million sperm in 1 ml of seminal fluid, this is considered a deviation from the norm. In this case, you need to pay attention to the level of sex hormones: if little testosterone is produced, then the production of germ cells slows down. Treatment consists of solving problems with the endocrine system and using hormone replacement therapy.

The reasons for the absence of sperm or their small number in the seminal fluid may lie in cicatricial transformations of testicular tissue, which prevent germ cells from leaving the organ. There is a risk of scarring if a man has had a disease such as chlamydia. Inflammation of the epididymis also negatively affects the patency of the vas deferens and sperm production. In some cases, the resorption of adhesions is facilitated by medications (Longidaza injections), and microsurgery can help.

Lack of motile or living sperm

If sperm do not move at all (akinospermia), then pregnancy will not occur, since they have no chance of getting to the egg and inserting themselves into it. The causes of the problem may be the following:

  • internal intoxication with narcotic drugs, nicotine, alcohol, chemicals;
  • pathological processes of an autoimmune nature;
  • violation at the chromosome level;
  • inflammation;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

The easiest way to improve your sperm count in the first case is to give up bad habits, protect yourself from exposure to toxins at work, and take supplements that stimulate spermatogenesis. Sperm motility will gradually recover.

If sperm do not move at all (akinospermia), then pregnancy will not occur.

If a karyotyping test shows chromosomal abnormalities, then, for example, if Klinefelter syndrome is detected (chromosomal set 47 XXY), it will not be possible to cure a man. But in case of incomplete cell damage (mosaic), it is possible to extract live sperm from the testicle using the micro-TESE method and perform artificial insemination.

Exceeding the norms of leukocytes and erythrocytes

The presence of leukocytes in semen in quantities exceeding the norm indicates an active inflammatory process of the genitourinary system. This could be prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, tumors. Red blood cells can also be a sign of inflammation. Blood cells are also released due to the presence of stones in the prostate ducts.

Based on the results of the examination, drug treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the source of pathology.

Many sperm with pathological morphology

It should be noted right away that a “sick” sperm will not fertilize an egg, so you should not be afraid of conceiving a obviously sick child for this reason. If the husband has a bad spermogram and the woman becomes pregnant, this does not mean that the baby will be born defective. To identify the pathology of an apparently normal sperm, an in-depth study of chromatin fragmentation (the genetic material “packed” in the sperm) is required. There is no scientific data on the connection between poor morphology and congenital malformations of the fetus.

The Kruger norm of healthy sperm is 4%; if the result is significantly lower, then the likelihood of a natural pregnancy will be almost zero.

In the case where the structure of sperm is reversibly impaired, morphological indicators often improve after 2-3 months, with the exception of toxic effects, including those caused by the characteristics of the profession (solvents, gases, smoke). Regular intake of vitamins and el-carnitine has a beneficial effect on sperm parameters.

Fertilization by ICSI – introduction of a sperm into a previously extracted mature egg

Artificial insemination

Treatment, both medical and surgical, does not always lead to clinically significant results. There is still a bad spermogram, showing negligible chances of conceiving naturally. But often, even with normal sperm, pregnancy stubbornly does not occur, then it is advisable for couples to resort to one of the types of artificial insemination.

The most harmless way for a woman’s body to become pregnant without the direct participation of a man is insemination. This requires the presence of a normative percentage of live active sperm without morphological abnormalities, which are washed and introduced into the uterine cavity on a day of the cycle favorable for conception.

If the spermogram is so bad that active sperm are completely absent, then the couple has a solution in the form of fertilization by ICSI - introducing the sperm inside a previously extracted mature egg. This is one of the IVF methods used in the case of a complete inability of the sperm to independently overcome barriers (cell layers and membrane) to penetrate the egg. In classical IVF, the introduction of a sperm into an egg in a laboratory setting occurs without the intervention of specialists: in one test tube there are several full-fledged viable female and male germ cells.

Indications for ICSI:

  • pathologies of sperm, making their penetration through the barriers of the egg impossible;
  • thickened egg membranes;
  • immunological infertility (MAP test indicators exceed 50%);
  • failures after 2 or more classical IVF procedures.

ICSI is carried out using high-precision equipment by embryologists. A full-fledged mature egg and the most suitable sperm for fertilization are selected, which are injected with a microneedle directly into the cytoplasm of the female cell.

ICSI does not exclude congenital pathologies of the unborn child. If the husband has a bad spermogram or the couple has hereditary diseases in their family, then before the procedure it is recommended to undergo a medical genetic examination. Pre-implantation diagnostics of embryos before transfer will significantly reduce the risk.

There are cases when a man is not capable of fertilization either by ICSI or other methods (all sperm are dead, defective or completely absent), then donor sperm can help.

A bad spermogram is a relative concept in cases where there is at least a small percentage of live sperm. This diagnostic method is not comprehensive and does not determine the possibility of conception. Even if the spermogram is unsatisfactory, additional tests should be done, for example: MAR test, EMIS, sperm biochemistry, DNA fragmentation.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

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The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

If a woman does not have a health problem, her hormones are ideal, and her periods go by the clock, but conception never occurs, then in order to get pregnant, a man needs to take a spermogram. Then you need to decipher it together with your doctor and begin to find a solution to the problem.

If minor deviations are visible in the spermogram, for example, there are changes in the pH level or the ejaculate is too viscous, then it is necessary to exclude the presence of inflammatory diseases and processes in the future father. If such problems are identified, you just need to get cured. Although in the vast majority of cases, a healthy woman will be able to successfully conceive with similar spermogram indicators to a man.

If the sperm count is bad

If your husband has too little ejaculate volume, then the spermogram is really bad. The cause of this can be both inflammatory diseases and congenital pathologies. However, before you panic, you need to duplicate the tests. And in this case, the only answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the husband has a bad spermogram will be IVF.

Sperm concentration

Many women became pregnant when their husband’s spermogram was poor, when it was caused by a small concentration of sperm (approximately 20,000,000 per 1 ml of sperm).
Poor concentration can be caused by either an injury or a hormonal imbalance, which can be successfully treated.

Low sperm motility

Another indicator that indicates the quality of sperm is sperm motility. If they move little, then the chances of conceiving a baby decrease, and vice versa. Low sperm motility is influenced by bad habits, poor genetics and harmful working conditions. In this case, the couple is recommended to use
IVF in combination with the ICSI system.

The option of in vitro fertilization together with a sperm selection system is suitable for those couples in which the men’s sperm are practically immobile. Before IVF, it is necessary to conduct a full cycle of examination and stimulate both the man and the woman.

Elevated white blood cells

How to get pregnant if your husband has a bad spermogram with elevated leukocytes? In this case, it is necessary to identify an infection or disease of the genitourinary system (this is what leukocytes in semen indicate) and cure it.

Causes of poor spermogram

If we summarize all the information indicated above, the reasons for a poor spermogram are genetic abnormalities and previous injuries, inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as bad habits and difficult working and living conditions. However, regardless of the cause of a bad spermogram, you should not despair. It is necessary to minimize all unfavorable factors, cure diseases and duplicate tests. And in some options, it’s enough to just go on vacation and just enjoy life and intimacy.

Many men, after undergoing tests, have the following question: what to do if the spermogram is bad? This is especially true in cases where a young couple wants to have a child.

Surely many have heard the term “male factor”. This means that the reason for the absence of children in the family is directly related to the infertility of the man. In the first months of trying to conceive, it is too early to talk about such an indicator, but if more than a year has passed and the girl still has not become pregnant, you should consult a doctor and find out the exact reason. According to statistics, about 15% of young couples encounter difficulties conceiving. And in 1/3 of cases the cause is a man and his health problems. And in ¼ of all cases of infertility, the reason lies in women’s health.

Analysis for conceiving a child

A spermogram is an analysis of a man's sperm, which is carried out specifically to determine his ability to conceive a child. This is an indicator of health; thanks to the results of a spermogram, many diseases associated with the reproductive system can be diagnosed and the main cause of infertility can be determined.

If the result of this analysis is normal, it is enough to take it only once. But in cases where the spermogram is bad, then it is necessary to undergo examination several times. In this case, it is necessary to leave a gap between the tests from 1 to 3 months. Between receiving the results, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, the results of which will be visible when taking the next spermogram. The laboratory conducts research that determines the basic physical and chemical parameters of seminal fluid.

Preparatory activities

If you decide to have a spermogram done, then you need to know a few basic rules on how to prepare and what the process of taking the test is. So, first of all, a man needs to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3 days before visiting a doctor. The thing is that for a reliable result, at least 2 ml of ejaculate must be present in the sperm. And with regular and frequent sexual intercourse, the concentration of sperm decreases each time, which will affect the accuracy of the results. Therefore, if you want to find out the cause of infertility, you need to abstain for a few days and get a complete picture of your male health.

Before taking a spermogram, you must completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages and not visit baths and saunas. Any overheating and increase in temperature will affect the number of identified male pathologies in the genital organs.

So you've had a sperm test and gotten bad results. The question arises, if the spermogram is bad, what to do and how to treat the identified pathologies. To begin with, your doctor must set a date for you to donate sperm again, which is done after 2 months. The thing is that by this time the renewal of biological material in a man is completely completed.

Sterility is also an important factor when taking a spermogram. The following indicators may negatively affect the results:

  • the sterility of the vessel in which the sperm will be stored, otherwise there is a possibility of sperm death;
  • the absence of acids, water, foreign bodies, lubricant after a condom, vaginal fluid in the sperm, which can change the structure of the analysis.

It is for these reasons that the analysis is carried out directly in laboratories; a special sterile vessel is prepared for the liquid. At the same time, all its internal walls should not be covered with fingerprints or foreign substances.

When the analysis is completed, all that remains is to wait for the results of the spermogram, which will reveal the following main indicators and their norm:

  • pH level;
  • ejaculate volume;
  • leukocyte count;
  • degree of viscosity;
  • the ability of sperm to liquefy;
  • volume of rounded cells;
  • number of sperm per 1 ml;
  • total sperm count.

Actions in case of bad results

When obtaining the results of the analysis, it is necessary to compare the existing results and norms of indicators. For example, if there are minor changes in the consistency of the sperm, or if there is a slight increase (decrease) in the pH level of the sperm count, you should consult a doctor for further treatment. These deviations from the norm affect the likelihood of conception, so most often you will need to do additional tests for the presence of inflammatory processes and hormonal levels. To achieve normal levels, it is necessary to undergo at least drug treatment.

Some points in the spermogram and their interpretation.

Insufficient amount of sperm. This means that the donated seminal fluid contains a small amount of ejaculate; according to WHO standards, an insufficient amount begins with less than 1.5 ml for the entire volume. Most often, the cause of this situation is previous injuries or inflammation of the testicles, which leaves scars on the tissue.

Insufficient sperm count. A deviation from the norm is considered to be less than 12 million sperm per 1 ml. This picture is due to hormonal imbalance. Therefore, to eliminate the inability to conceive a child, it is necessary to conduct additional examinations and then prescribe treatment. Unfortunately, there are situations when the cause of a low sperm concentration is scars on the testicles. In this case, the problem cannot be eliminated in any way. Therefore, if you know about inflammatory processes or previous injuries, you should not delay treatment, otherwise the result will be infertility. In this case, only additional modern technologies can help, for example, IVF or artificial insemination.

Lack of sperm movement. It also happens that a spermogram indicates sperm immobility. Most often this is the result of an internal or external imbalance in the body. For example, mobility is affected by bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), constant exposure to vibrations, radiation, the presence of hereditary factors, problems with the immune system and hormonal levels.

In order to improve these and other indicators with deviations from the norm, in almost half of the cases it is enough to follow a correct lifestyle, give up bad habits, and review your daily diet. It is a good idea for every man who has problems with conception and men’s health to undergo treatment with stimulating therapy.

Treatment methods

In the treatment of infertility and male problems, all treatment consists of dividing it into basic methods and additional ones. The problem must be approached comprehensively and all causes of poor spermogram must be eliminated.

The main methods of treatment are prescribed to influence the source of the disease, for example, if correction of hormonal levels is necessary, then the emphasis is on drugs to stabilize it. If infections are detected in the reproductive system, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and other medications. Also, the main type of treatment includes surgery, which is used in rare cases.

93% accuracy

10 thousand

Of course, in each specific case, the doctor prescribes individual treatment based on the spermogram results. But there are some general rules that must be followed in any method of rehabilitation for men's health.

Treatment should always consist of a complex of drugs, some of which eliminate the cause of the disease, and others that stimulate general spermatogenesis. After the results of the first spermogram and further treatment, normal values ​​are achieved only after 70 days, therefore treatment is prescribed for a duration of 3 months. In this case, all medications prescribed by the doctor must be taken daily, without taking breaks. To see positive changes or absence of deterioration, it is advisable to repeat a spermogram after a month of treatment. The most important thing is to quickly decide to undergo the necessary research and course of treatment, and not postpone it indefinitely. Otherwise, the next spermogram will be worse than the previous one.

A spermogram is important when planning pregnancy. How to get pregnant with a bad spermogram? What should a spermogram be like to conceive a child?

The process of conceiving a child is increasingly becoming problematic for many couples, and the appearance of a long-awaited baby remains a dream. By going to the doctor and undergoing a whole bunch of tests, in half the cases it turns out that the woman has no health problems, and the reason for unsuccessful attempts to have children is that the spermogram is not at all suitable for conceiving a partner. Pregnancy may not occur if the spermogram is poor. That is why a spermogram is required for family planning if young people are interested.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a bad spermogram?

It all depends on the quality of the spermogram for conception, due to which a man’s fertility is determined. Back in 2010, the World Health Organization presented spermogram data in which the chance of getting pregnant naturally is high. However, today, infertility in men, unfortunately, is not so uncommon, so you should definitely consult a doctor and find out how to improve the quality of your sperm count for conception.

If your sperm count is bad, is it possible to get pregnant? Yes, it is possible if the indicators have only minor deviations. As a rule, the Ph level of the environment is disturbed or the viscosity of the ejaculate (sperm, seminal fluid) is exceeded. This is a consequence of any inflammatory processes in the body or minor diseases. Therefore, for a successful pregnancy, you just need to be cured by taking a course of medications prescribed by a specialist, and then the spermogram for conceiving a child will be much better. That is why, when contacting a family planning center, a spermogram is simply necessary if there are problems.

How to improve the quality of spermogram for conception

You can improve the quality of your spermogram using folk remedies for conception, but this takes time. Spermogram indicators for conception play a huge role, because conception with a poor spermogram is in some cases complicated by a small volume of ejaculate or a small concentration of sperm (less than 12 million in 1 ml). This can be caused by a hormonal imbalance or injury, which, of course, can be successfully treated and after that you can get tested again, because normal spermogram indicators for conception guarantee a positive result. In addition to all this, you can also find information on how to improve a spermogram for conception, read reviews and decide for yourself which method is best suited.

It is much more serious if elevated white blood cells or low sperm motility are detected. If male cells move slowly, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant naturally, and most experts advise resorting to IVF in combination with the ICSI system. Low sperm motility is associated with poor genetics or harmful living and working conditions, ecology and other reasons. In turn, a high content of leukocytes in semen indicates the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system that require immediate treatment.

Thus, the answer to the question of what is the probability of not getting pregnant if a bad spermogram does not depend on the reasons for the decrease in indicators below normal. Identifying and combating them becomes the basis of appropriate therapy. You definitely need to contact the family planning center to take a spermogram again.

What to do to improve sperm quality?

Many couples, after receiving the spermogram results, begin a course of treatment, since a normal spermogram is the best for conception. At the same time, ways to solve a problematic issue necessarily include a number of useful recommendations, the observance of which will increase the chances of conception:

  • To improve the quality of spermogram for conception, you just need to give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Proper nutrition will help increase the quality of sperm for conception. The diet should be discussed with a nutritionist, who will recommend what food to focus on to strengthen men's health;
  • Priority on a healthy diet, especially on foods high in zinc (lean beef and lamb, peanuts, sesame seeds, calf liver, pumpkin seeds, pollock);
  • Reduce heavy physical activity, but do not neglect an active lifestyle, many are looking for information on how to improve spermogram for conception using folk remedies and this method suits them too;
  • Do not become depressed and despondent, because your emotional state plays a big role in achieving a positive result. It is calmness that leads to the fact that after a while the spermogram is normal for conception, and a woman should in every possible way support her man in the fight against this problem and be sure to find out from the doctor what the spermogram should be for conception and go towards this goal.

Since ancient times, it was believed that if a couple does not have children, then the woman is to blame. Using modern diagnostic methods, it has been possible to establish that in approximately half of cases, infertility in a couple occurs due to the fault of the man. In this case, using a spermogram, doctors diagnose a deterioration in sperm quality.

For pregnancy to occur, a woman’s health alone is not enough. In order for sperm to penetrate the uterus, they must be mobile and have the correct shape. The ejaculate also has an important influence. Pregnancy with a bad spermogram rarely occurs, so a man must undergo treatment. Let's look at what a negative test looks like and what you need to do to get pregnant with a bad spermogram.

A spermogram is a modern method of studying ejaculate, which allows you to quickly and accurately assess the composition and quality of sperm. Using a spermogram, a laboratory technician can count the number of sperm, evaluate their external structure, mobility, and also check whether there are leukocytes, blood cells in the ejaculate, and evaluate viscosity.

Any deviation from the norm can cause problems with natural conception. Let's consider what results a patient can get after taking a spermogram:

  • normospermia - excellent result, sperm is of high quality, the man is ready to conceive;
  • normozoospermia - there are minor deviations that do not affect the process of conception;
  • leukocytospermia - there are too many leukocytes in the ejaculate, which indicates an infection;
  • oligospermia - very little ejaculate;
  • oligozoospermia - there are few sperm in the ejaculate;
  • necrozoospermia - there are no living gametes in the sperm;
  • azoospermia - there are no sperm in the semen at all;
  • asthenozoospermia - sperm are too slow;
  • akinozoospermia - all gametes are immobile;
  • teratozoospermia - many sperm with impaired morphology (structure).

It often happens that a man has several abnormalities in his spermogram results. Whether it is possible to become pregnant with oligoteratozoospermia depends on the cause of the disorder and how the man undergoes treatment. With this disorder, there are few gametes, and most of them are not capable of conception, since the morphology is impaired.

It is worth noting that the result may be bad if the patient did the tests incorrectly. If a man has abnormalities, then he must retake the spermogram, as well as undergo a comprehensive examination.

When taking the analysis, you need to consider several points. First of all, it is better to donate sperm in a clinic so that it can be sent to the laboratory immediately. Before the test, you should not have sex for 3 days to allow sperm to accumulate in the testicles. It is also prohibited to take a steam bath, lie in a hot bath, be exposed to stress, drink alcohol, or smoke. All these factors inhibit spermatogenesis and provoke a deterioration in the result.


Is it possible to get pregnant if your husband has a bad spermogram depends on the reason for this result. If there are very few gametes in the sperm, this may be due to hormonal disorders, in particular with reduced testosterone production. This occurs with endocrine pathologies, with varicocele. If we manage to normalize hormonal levels, then spermatogenesis will most likely be restored.

If there are no sperm in the ejaculate at all, this may be due to an adhesive process in the seminal ducts. Also, the cause may be retrograde ejaculation and severe pathologies of the testicles, in which sperm are not produced at all. If sperm do not enter the ejaculate due to adhesions, then you will be able to get pregnant. If there is a problem with the testicles and sperm are not produced, then you will not be able to get pregnant.

Those who became pregnant with a bad spermogram know that if the sperm are immobile or not alive, then this is a very serious violation. This can occur after chemotherapy, against the background of inflammatory processes, and endocrine disorders. In this case, you may not be able to get pregnant, or you may have to use ART methods.

If the results of the spermogram revealed too many gametes with poor morphology, then it will most likely not be possible to conceive naturally. This condition occurs when the body is exposed to various gases, chemicals, vitamin deficiency and problems with the organs of the reproductive system.

It is possible to accurately identify the cause of the pathology only with a comprehensive examination. A diagnosis cannot be made based on a spermogram alone, so the man will be sent to donate blood, urine, undergo a pelvic ultrasound and other necessary studies.


A fertility specialist should tell you how to get pregnant with a bad spermogram, since everything in this matter is individual. As a rule, patients are prescribed complex treatment that helps improve the quality of ejaculate, as well as eliminate the main cause of the disorder.

To eliminate the cause of poor spermogram, anti-inflammatory therapy, antibiotics are prescribed; surgery, chemotherapy, and prostate massage may also be indicated. For example, for STDs, antibiotics will be prescribed, and for varicocele, surgery, for prostatitis, anti-inflammatory drugs.

To improve sperm count, the patient is prescribed to lead a healthy lifestyle and take vitamins. A healthy lifestyle means proper nutrition, exercise, and giving up bad habits. proper conduct of sexual life, maintaining a psychologically stable state.

A man should not eat fatty, spicy, smoked, fried, or sweet foods. You need to avoid products with preservatives and other harmful additives, sweet soda, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Smoking and using drugs is strictly prohibited.

You need to have sex every 3 days, with the exception of periods of exacerbation of various diseases and a woman’s menstruation. It is necessary to avoid sexual contact with a non-regular partner, or be sure to protect yourself with a condom. It is advisable to avoid anal and oral contact, due to the increased risk of developing infectious diseases.

It is very important to exercise, but not too actively. Every day you need to do exercises focusing on the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, and buttocks to improve blood circulation in the genitals.

You need to avoid stressful situations, try to lead a measured life, and enjoy every day. It is also necessary to strengthen the immune system and try to avoid infection with viral and bacterial infections.

To improve sperm quality, doctors may recommend drinking the following dietary supplements:

  • Androdosis;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Verona;
  • Spermactive;
  • Folic acid;
  • Speman;
  • Profertil;
  • Spermaktin et al.

Currently, there are a large number of drugs for men aimed at improving sperm quality. If your husband has a bad spermogram, it is better not to self-medicate and not to buy medications on your own. Because vitamins will not be able to eliminate the true cause of the disorder, the patient will only waste time, and the pathology will progress.


Whether it is possible to get pregnant with a bad spermogram, it is impossible to say for sure. It all depends on whether the disorders in the man’s body are reversible, and whether he follows all the doctor’s recommendations during the treatment period. If a patient is diagnosed with chronic pathologies, then the quality of sperm can be improved for a while; with minor disturbances, after eliminating the cause, even a natural pregnancy is possible.

If the quality of sperm cannot be improved, then assisted reproductive technologies can help a couple conceive a child. In case of minor deviations, insemination is carried out, that is, sperm are injected directly into the uterus, and then they themselves reach the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg.

If the sperm are inactive, then insemination will not have an effect, since the gametes will not physically be able to reach the target. In this case, IVF is recommended. That is, the doctor takes the egg from the ovary and fertilizes it with sperm in a test tube.

In the worst case scenario, when sperm cannot break through the protective layer of the egg even in a test tube, IVF with ICSI can help. Then the doctor injects the male gamete directly into the egg, having previously selected the most viable one. There are additional methods that allow you to assess the quality of germ cells and resulting embryos, thus excluding abnormal and low-quality ones.

The embryo is transferred to the uterus 3-5 days after fertilization, when it becomes multicellular and is ready to attach to the wall of the uterus. IVF helps you get pregnant even with severe abnormalities in sperm quality. The only condition is the presence of at least a few viable sperm in the ejaculate or testicles.

If there are no sperm in the ejaculate, they can be collected by puncture directly from the testicle. If there are no living sperm at all, even in the testicles, then the patient will never be able to conceive a child. In this case, IVF with donor sperm may be recommended.

Thus, pregnancy with a poor spermogram is quite possible. But the couple needs to take responsibility for the planning process, undergo a full course of treatment, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, and also be determined to achieve a positive result.
