How to choose wallpaper for a room. Which wallpaper to choose for different rooms Which wallpaper is the best in quality

Did you know that wallpaper was invented by the ancient Assyrians. Of course, they were very different from those that decorate your home today, but the very idea of ​​​​creating decorative colored stripes for gluing them on the wall belongs to this particular people, who lived a thousand years BC. The first wallpapers were pieces of fabric painted white or black. Yes, they were gloomy and boring, monotonous and ridiculous, but these nondescript scraps were capable of radically changing the situation ancient dwelling, transform it and add fresh emotions to the “interior”.

Modern wallpapers are no match for ancient ones, however, looking at the huge assortment of this finishing material, you can’t help but think: “How lucky the ancient Assyrians were - they didn’t have to think about what wallpaper to choose and how to do it, because their imagination was only enough to come up with two types of trellises - black and white.”

Selecting the type of wallpaper

It is impossible to give a complete classification modern wallpaper, because every year their types and types are becoming more and more numerous, however, it is quite possible to highlight the main criteria for distinguishing them from each other.

By appearance Wallpaper can be classified as follows:

  • Smooth
  • Embossed. The pattern on such wallpaper is convex or concave both in appearance and to the touch. It is clearly visible and gives the canvas a special chic and grace. In turn, embossed wallpaper can be corrugated or embossed.
  • Imitating texture various materials. Outwardly, such wallpapers practically do not give themselves away - they can so accurately convey the beauty and naturalness of tiles, bricks, plaster, metal and other finishing materials that it is impossible to distinguish “who is who.”

Depending on the level of moisture resistance, wallpapers are divided into:

  • Classic wallpaper that does not have any protective top layer and does not require any cleaning except dry cleaning.
  • Moisture-resistant wallpaper that can be washed with a slightly dampened cloth or sponge without the use of cleaning agents or detergents.
  • Washable wallpaper that can withstand both dry and wet cleaning using detergents.
  • Super-washable wallpaper, which differs from the above types in that it can be washed not only with a sponge, but also with a brush, and the cleaning procedure can be carried out even every day.

According to the degree of density, wallpaper can be divided into two types:

  • Lightweight - their weight does not exceed 110 g/m².
  • Heavy - the weight of such multi-layer trellises can exceed 110 g/m².

And depending on the type of base and manufacturing technology, wallpapers are classified as follows:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • non-woven.

It’s strange, but when wondering what wallpaper to choose for your home, anyone will remember not fashionable glass wallpaper, but classic paper wallpaper, the kind that adorned the walls of apartments during the Soviet era. Thin, inconspicuous strips of paper, falling apart in the hands from paste, were considered a luxury in those years. Today this type wallpaper has not lost its popularity and even managed to earn points for its benefits.

The grayish trellises were replaced by paper wallpaper modern type. Now they even have their own classification. Simplex and duplex - this is how modern paper wallpapers should be divided.

Simplex is a classic single-layer paper wallpaper with a pattern printed on it.

Duplex is a two-layer analog having a paper base and decorative coating with an image.

Naturally, the second type of wallpaper is somewhat stronger than the first, but, nevertheless, paper wallpaper is not distinguished by high levels of strength and moisture resistance, one can even say that they do not possess them at all. In addition, paper fades very quickly in the sun and practically does not hide the imperfections of the walls and the entire room as a whole - cracks, unevenness and other flaws will not disappear, but will become even more noticeable.

Having so much in your arsenal negative traits, paper wallpaper can still proudly make a statement in apartments where there are small children and animals. You don’t mind drawing on cheap trellises with pencils and paints, gnawing them with your teeth and tearing them with your claws - they can always be replaced without spending a fortune.

Vinyl wallpapers

This type of wallpaper boasts the presence of two layers - a fabric or paper base and a decorative layer of polyvinyl chloride with a pattern applied to it. It is thanks to the top layer that vinyl wallpapers can resist dirt and mechanical stress, although they still cannot be saved from the teeth and claws of a cat or dog.

There are quite a lot of types of vinyl wallpaper and it’s not a fact that in a year or two there won’t be even more of them. In the meantime, progress has stopped at the following:

  • compact vinyl - wallpaper that imitates heavy materials, such as plaster, stone, brick, textiles. They tolerate mechanical stress well, have high strength indicators and are unpretentious in operation.
  • heavy vinyl - wallpaper, most often used in rooms with not very smooth walls. Due to its density and variegated pattern, such wallpapers perfectly hide surface irregularities and flaws.
  • vinyl wallpaper with chemical embossing is a finishing material suitable for apartments located on the sunny side. It does not fade in the sun and can withstand wet cleaning using detergents.
  • silk-screen printing - smooth wallpaper with a shine reminiscent of silk. This type of vinyl wallpaper is advisable to use on perfectly smooth walls.

Fiberglass wallpaper is all the rage. This modern finishing material differs from its “brothers” in that it is based on woven fiberglass threads, which transform seemingly regular wallpaper into a real fortress, strong and reliable.

Advantages of fiberglass wallpaper:

  1. Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic
  2. Fire resistance
  3. Non-toxic
  4. High strength and resistance to mechanical stress (dog fangs, cat claws, etc.)
  5. Durability (30 years is not the limit for them)
  6. Cost-effective (glass wallpaper can be painted up to 20 times during its entire “life”)
  7. Huge assortment

In addition, fiberglass wallpaper allows the walls to “breathe”, thereby preventing the appearance unpleasant odor dampness and mold. And thanks to strong reinforcing fibers, they reliably protect walls from cracking and the formation of various defects.

Fiberglass wallpaper is distinguished only by appearance. Thus, the most popular are “models” in “herringbone”, “matting”, “rhombus”, however, at the request of the client, almost any design can be applied to the surface of the material.

This type of wallpaper is made not from paper, but from non-woven fabric - a material with a fine texture and smooth surface. Its basis is viscose, which gives the wallpaper strength and elasticity. Despite this, non-woven trellises do not shrink and do not stretch at all when glued to the walls.

In addition, such wallpaper can be painted, and many times. It was the latter fact that turned non-woven wallpaper into the No. 1 finishing material in the whole world, because by gluing it once, you can change the color of the walls at least every year. And when you get tired of them, you can easily tear them off, and the surface will remain absolutely clean.

But that's not all - adhesive composition, applied to reverse side canvas allows you to save a lot on glue, because it only needs to be applied to the walls.

Non-woven wallpaper comes in two types:

  • with vinyl coating
  • completely non-woven.

The former differ from the latter in that their top layer is a thin vinyl film with microscopic pores that allow the walls to breathe. In addition, such wallpapers have a clean White color without the slightest hint of any shade.

Fabric wallpaper is made from paper or non-woven fabric with various woven materials applied over the base layer. It can be silk, linen, velor, felt and even jute. Such wallpapers are environmentally friendly and original.

Textile wallpaper comes in two types:

  • thread
  • solid

There are also seamless wall coverings that are made from very dense fabrics. A room “covered” in this way looks like a monolith - the walls have a perfectly even coating, no joints or seams are visible anywhere. Although there is still one seam, but experienced master will try to hide it out of sight.

Textile wallpaper has a number of undeniable advantages over traditional wall finishing materials. They are chic, luxurious, exclusive, original and unique. Such an interior will undoubtedly attract attention. In addition, the fabric is an excellent sound and heat insulator.

Textiles also have their disadvantages. First of all, it is unstable to dirt and dust and is quite expensive.

Choosing the wallpaper color

If you can decide on the type of wallpaper quickly enough, then problems usually arise with its color. They are associated, first of all, with a huge assortment of this type of finishing materials, and only then with a banal ignorance of the basics of interior design. In fact, everything is simple, even elementary. To get started, you can watch a short video that will help you navigate the sea of ​​shades and colors.

There are three main criteria by which the choice of wallpaper shade should be made:

  1. level of natural light in the room
  2. functional purpose of the room
  3. room size and configuration

And now in more detail about each of the criteria.

Natural light level

Of great importance when choosing the color of finishing materials, in particular wallpaper, is the number of windows in the room and the side on which they face. Rooms located on the south side of the house are usually bright. Therefore, for their finishing it is preferable to use gray, green, blue shades, which allow you to visually expand the space and “cool” the interior a little. Dark rooms It is recommended to use light wallpaper in warm colors - light beige, lemon, golden tones are ideal for small and poorly lit rooms.

Functional purpose of the room

For each room you should select your own wallpaper, because all rooms in the apartment are individual and differ in their functionality.

So, for corridors and hallways, wallpaper in dark shades with a moisture-resistant surface is suitable. In these rooms, the likelihood of contamination is quite high, so the walls should be protected with durable wallpaper that can withstand wet cleaning. As for the color scheme, dark blue, brown, burgundy colors will come in handy. They will hide particles of dust and dirt that accidentally fall on the surface of the wall.

For the living room you can use both light and dark shades wallpaper, however, it is worth considering that this room is actually the face of the apartment, so the choice of color must be approached with all responsibility. It is advisable to choose wallpaper to match the furniture, or furniture to match the wallpaper - this way the interior will look much more expressive.

Choosing wallpaper for a children's room is the most difficult thing, because a child is an unformed personality, which means he is very susceptible to any outside interference. Kids will be happy to see bright characters from their favorite cartoons on the walls of their rooms. For teenagers, we can recommend light, non-aggressive shades, so as not to distract the child from studying.

Room size

The smaller the height of the walls and the area of ​​the room, the lighter it should be Decoration Materials, used in repairs. Wallpaper for such rooms should be chosen in warm, pastel shades, either without a pattern or with small, barely noticeable patterns.

For large, spacious rooms with high ceilings An ideal option would be with wallpaper in rich colors or with a bright, large pattern. This will give the room solemnity and at the same time soften its configuration a little.

Some useful tips at last

  1. Don't just focus on the roll. The wallpaper looks different on a roll than in real life. Unfold it and hang it so that you can evaluate the quality of the wallpaper, its color and texture.
  2. Pay attention to the interesting combinations invented by the store's designers. Large chain companies strive to make it easier for customers to choose and offer ready-made sets of background wallpaper, borders and fabrics for decorating windows and furniture.
  3. Combine correctly. If you decide to decorate your room with wallpaper yourself, but don’t know what colors can be combined with each other, opt for pure background wallpaper. Canvases without a pattern, but with a beautiful texture, can be easily complemented with a border, which will give the wallpaper a bright, expressive character or, on the contrary, soften the interior.

There are many nuances, but once you understand them, you can special labor choose exactly those wallpapers that will not only highlight the advantages of your apartment, but also hide its shortcomings.

Have you decided to add variety to the interior of your apartment? Then we guarantee that it will turn the apartment design upside down, and you will feel like you are in a completely new place. Let's decide how to choose wallpaper so that this “new-old place” is still cozy and comfortable.

What types of wallpapers are there?

First of all, you need to understand the wide variety: consider all types of wallpaper. Let us list them in order and briefly consider each type.

  • Paper are the simplest and most affordable solution. Despite all their simplicity, they still remain “number one”. They are easy to stick, but have a number of disadvantages compared to other types: they are vulnerable to sunlight and fade quickly. Over time, if you used a bad layer of glue, it may appear as yellow spots. They rush faster than others. The service life is very short - up to 10 years. But don’t despair. After all, if you like to frequently change the interior of your apartment, then in the next 10 years this is what will most likely happen.

    In addition, such repairs will cost you little due to the low cost of the material. Plus, paper ones are considered environmentally friendly and completely safe for human health. There are two more “subspecies”: double laminated (when the pattern is obtained in the form of a deep relief) and foam wallpaper, when a layer of foam is applied on top, which also allows the wallpaper to “breathe”. If you often do repairs and want to save money, then this option is just for you!

  • Vinyl are also among the most popular among buyers. Wallpaper breathes, is highly durable and resistant to moisture. Thus, among the subspecies we can note such as vinyl with silk-screen printing and vinyl foam. The first ones are a silk fabric finish. They can be different in thickness and texture (both smooth and rough). Foamed panels, due to their structure, quietly hide minor unevenness in your walls.

  • Non-woven cost much more than others. This is where the disadvantages of this type end, and a number of advantages open up: ease of gluing (the glue is applied to the wall, not to the wallpaper), ease of removal from the walls, the ability to paint with acrylic paints, high strength, you can hide flaws on the wall. Besides, .

  • Glass wallpaper, like non-woven ones, are also resistant to fire. They are designed for washing, are environmentally friendly, safe for human health, and will not harbor mold or mildew. They are very durable and difficult to scratch. But there is one controversial drawback: some people claim that glass dust is released, so they need to be covered with a coat of paint.

  • Textile are real art. Having the same non-woven fabric at the base, the front side of such wallpaper is covered with woven materials such as silk, velor, etc. They are very original and safe for human health. There are two subtypes of textiles: solid and thread. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high price, as well as the equally high possibility of contamination and difficulty in cleaning.

There are several other types of wallpaper, such as washable and liquid. You can find out more about them in other articles on our website.

Different rooms - different wallpapers

Wallpaper for the kitchen

Are you wondering which wallpaper to choose for your kitchen? For this room, the best ones are those that can be washed and brushed. Pay attention to the labeling of the wallpaper packaging. Everything is listed there helpful information. Wallpaper for the kitchen should be moisture resistant and breathable. So, for example, vinyl ones will fit here. Among the colors we can note bright ones: yellow, orange, green, which increase a person’s appetite. You should not glue ones that will hurt your eyes. The color red can actually cause aggression.

Wallpaper for the hallway

Consider the fact that the hallway is one of the most polluted places in the apartment. The same paper ones should not be glued here, since they cannot be washed or cleaned. Try to find cork ones. They are easy to wash, they breathe and are absolutely harmless. Cheap options include paper ones coated with laminated film. They can also be washed if necessary. Liquid? Why not. They are applied to the wall according to the same principle as plaster. They will hide the unevenness of the walls, while being in no way inferior in beauty to “real” wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the hall

For the living room, you should try to choose not the most cheap options. Here you receive your guests, whom you certainly want to surprise with the beauty of your apartment. Textile ones are suitable here. Choose the color of the wallpaper so that it fits into general interior. But you shouldn’t buy wallpaper of the same color as the furniture, curtains, carpet - don’t overdo it, otherwise the room will be monochromatic and unsolemn.

Wallpaper for children's rooms

Must be approached with extreme caution. It is best to consult with a child psychologist to find out what color to choose for your child and what the design should be. As for the material, you need to choose one that is absolutely harmless to health, made from natural raw materials. Chalk ones are good, on which the child can draw. Do not forget about the practicality of the choice: the child grows, his tastes and preferences change. In addition, if the child is small, he will in any case try to use the walls as his favorite “album” for drawing.

Wallpaper for the bathroom

If you are faced with a choice of wallpaper, then you should consider that this is the most “damp” room in the house. So, any washable ones with increased moisture resistance are suitable here. In general, think a few more times before you decide to wallpaper your bathroom. Tile is best suited here, since wallpaper can swell and peel, even when using the most expensive materials!

Tricks for choosing wallpaper

Properly selected wallpaper will help you visually transform the room. Be sure to check out the list of all kinds of “cunning moves”:

  • In southern rooms you should glue wallpaper in darker colors, which will add a little coolness to the room in sunny weather.
  • In rooms located on the north side, hang wallpaper in light colors, which will add a little warmth to the room in frosty weather.
  • Vertical stripes increase the height of the ceiling, while they reduce the length of the room.
  • Horizontal stripes increase the length of the room, but reduce the height of the ceilings.
  • A large pattern on the walls makes the room smaller - use it in cases where you want to make the room a little smaller.
  • A small pattern enlarges the room, so it should be used for small rooms to visually make them larger.
  • If the room is poorly lit, you should not use dark color scheme; the best option would be light colors.
  • If you have a dimly lit room, cover the wall that receives the least amount of sunlight in a lighter shade.
  • When covering an entire apartment, you shouldn’t make it monotonous, but sharp contrasts won’t come in handy either.
  • The bedroom is one of the cleanest places in the apartment, so you can stick any option here.
  • If you want to increase the height of the room, then in addition to vertical stripes, you need to ensure that the ceiling is lighter than the walls.
  • If you want to slightly lower the height of the room, then in addition to the horizontal stripes, make the ceiling darker.
  • If there are a lot of photo frames and paintings on your walls, then you should choose wallpaper of the same tone, and you should not give preference to a large pattern.
  • Don't forget to buy a spare roll, because if something happens, in two to three years you simply may not find the option you need.

Video on how to choose wallpaper


On this general instructions the choice of wallpaper for the apartment runs out. If you want to learn how to choose wallpaper for a specific room or read more about each type, then check out other articles on our site. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them using the form below!

– the most popular types of coating used both in residential buildings as well as in commercial buildings. It is between them that repair organizers most often choose, trying to purchase inexpensive, but at the same time material of satisfactory quality. And often this choice is where the whole renovation project comes to a halt. To make the task a little easier for consumers, as well as to figure out what kind of wallpaper you should buy for your home, we suggest you familiarize yourself with this material.

Definitions of non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, how they differ

Before moving on to choosing a coating, it is worth defining the terms and finding out what is called non-woven wallpaper and what is called vinyl wallpaper, and what is the fundamental difference between these categories.

Non-woven wallpaper is made from cellulose fiber; in essence, it is compacted processed paper.

In terms of basic characteristics, they are close to natural fabric, as well as the densest paper counterparts - they provide free air exchange of walls, have high strength, durability, and meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Vinyl wallpaper is made from synthetic raw materials - polyvinyl chloride (an analogue of plastic).

They often have a fabric or paper bottom layer, and are only covered with a synthetic film on top. This type is good for its invulnerability - the samples practically do not burn, are not afraid of water, and it is very difficult to damage them. Vinyl wallpaper as a type combines several types of materials. This group includes:

  • heavy vinyl;
  • structural;
  • compact vinyl;
  • silk-screen printing;
  • hot stamped samples.

By its texture, as well as color scheme vinyl and non-woven. Embossing, imitation of tiles, wood, three-dimensional designs - all this is found today in each of the above types. And, of course, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper as a type have their pros and cons, which would be useful to understand for those who make a choice between them.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven fabrics

Wallpaper made from non-woven wallpaper has a huge number of advantages, which gives reason to classify it as one of the most successful purchases for renovation. The advantages of wallpaper are:

  1. Long service life of non-woven samples without loss of their original properties. Over the years, this coating does not fade or deteriorate. Manufacturers guarantee owners 10 years of worry-free operation.
  2. The material has higher strength when applied correctly than paper or fabric counterparts.
    The coating does not need to be removed during subsequent repairs. It is enough to replace upper layer non-woven wallpaper for a new one, and the job will be done. This move guarantees a quick completion of the repair and low costs for its implementation.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper forgives minor flaws in wall treatment. Small cracks, uneven surfaces - all this will be invisible under heavy material.
  4. This type of wallpaper can be used for painting. The coating allows you to implement not only primitive design ideas, but also full-fledged drawings.

As for the disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper, these include the high cost of high-quality product samples, as well as certain difficulties in. The fact is that according to the technology, non-woven fabrics need to be well saturated with glue before installation, otherwise the heavy fabric will not provide an even coating and will not hold. It is also worth remembering that non-woven samples are easy to damage. Innocent games of children, scratches from the claws of your pets - all this will very soon turn your covering into tow in accessible places.

Pros and cons of vinyl

It is not without reason that vinyl wallpaper enjoys the reputation of being one of the most popular types of coating. Their advantages include:

  • Low cost (this is what many buyers focus on when choosing this product);
  • Durability;
  • Easy to install;
  • Wide range of products with different textures and colors;
  • Versatility in use - such samples can be freely mounted not only in the hallway, but also in the kitchen, and even in rooms with low temperatures;
  • Resistant to dirt, easy to clean - many stains can be removed from this coating using only a damp cloth.

Among them:

  • Non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Artificial wallpaper It is not recommended to install it in the nursery, as well as in the bedroom - they may not in the best possible way affect health.
  • Poor air conductivity of the coating;
  • Possibility of allergies.

There is an opinion that everything is unhealthy, but in reality this is not the case. The vast majority of modern material samples are produced according to eco-standards. They no longer contain toxic substances, and the perforated surface ensures normal air exchange to the walls. So we can only talk about the dangers of these models conditionally.

Having understood all the features of these types of coating, you can finally move on to the question - which one is better. The decision to make is not so easy.

Which ones are better and which ones are of higher quality for an apartment?

Since vinyl and non-woven wallpaper have approximately the same number of advantages (which, moreover, overlap), it can be very difficult for the buyer to choose a specific type of coating. A few tips can make his task easier:

  1. When choosing a material, always take into account the characteristics of its operation. So, if you do not have the opportunity to constantly clean and vacuum non-woven analogues, it is better to abandon them. Otherwise, an allergy from dust accumulated in the coating will very soon make you disappointed in the purchase.
  2. Be sure to consider the type of room in which you are going to do the tiling. It is important to know which ones are in the hallway and in the bedroom. Vinyl wallpaper will work well in the kitchen and hallway, while non-woven wallpaper belongs in the bedroom. This application is due to their basic characteristics.
  3. Pay attention to the humidity level in your home. If it is high, you need to use non-woven fabric - otherwise moisture will begin to accumulate under the covering.
  4. Check the condition of the walls. If they are already prone to fungus, you should not cover them with vinyl - such a decision can only aggravate the situation.
  5. Do you have any allergies? Vinyl wallpaper should not be installed in a home where there are people suffering from asthma or other upper respiratory tract diseases.
  6. Can you afford renovations on a large budget? Non-woven wallpaper itself is more expensive than even the most fashionable vinyl samples. Add to this the increased consumption of glue and you will understand that the event is not planned to be cheap.

When comparing these two materials, you need to remember that after completion finishing works Vinyl and non-woven wallpapers of proper quality look almost the same in the interior. Therefore, when selecting samples, the buyer should rely on sanitary, hygienic and other operational requirements.

Those same buyers who just can’t make a decision in favor of one option or another can choose non-woven wallpaper for vinyl based. They combine the qualities of these two types and, perhaps, their only drawback can be considered a greatly reduced color range.

Despite its advanced age, wallpaper is very popular. Modern materials allow you to create wallpapers with qualities much better than their predecessors. The prototype of such decoration can be considered the one used to decorate the walls of the room. Then they began to produce paper wallpaper of various qualities. And now they are increasingly using synthetic materials. The advantage of this finish is that it is quite simple.

Very often, people stick wallpaper in their apartments themselves, without needing the services of specialists. The advantage of finishing with wallpaper is that it is relatively inexpensive and easy to change.

Wallpaper for different rooms in the apartment

Depending on which room will be decorated, choose different wallpapers. They can be made of different materials.

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • interlining.

There are also wallpapers made using fiberglass, but they are used for pasting public places. The exception is the design of a room in high-tech style. In this case, fiberglass wallpaper is used.

A special type of wallpaper, usually embossed, is designed for painting. Paint is applied to the wallpapered wall. This material can be repainted several times, updating the repair.

The pattern on the wallpaper can also be very diverse. They are chosen by the quality of the material and the design, depending on the chosen style.

Wallpaper for the living room

In this front room, they always try to use the highest quality materials. If the hall is decorated in traditional style, then wallpaper with large beautiful design. It fits well to heavy wooden furniture and a large chandelier.

Including a variety of photo wallpapers with cartoon characters. Children really like it when the room is decorated this way.

Older children prefer one with a picture of the city.

Of course, the wallpaper for this room should be completely environmentally friendly. The best option is a paper or vinyl sticker.

It should be taken into account that small children love to draw on the walls. Therefore, it is best not to cover the nursery with expensive material until the child grows up.

Wallpaper for the office

In this room they use a large pattern. Wallpaper is often combined with wood or PVC panels.

The design of the office can be described by the word “solidity”.

It is necessary to take into account that if the office is large, then wallpaper with a large pattern is suitable, and if it is small, then with a small one.

What else do you need to know about this finishing material?

Paper wallpaper

They can be smooth or embossed. It is not recommended to stick embossed ones in rooms where there are various particles. For example, in the kitchen. The embossing quickly becomes dirty, and paper wallpaper can no longer be washed. They are also made from two or three layers of paper.

Wallpaper becomes thicker and stronger, but gluing it becomes more difficult. Embossing hides wall imperfections. If the walls are not too smooth, embossed material is used.

Vinyl wallpapers

When making them, the paper is glued onto PVC film. The material becomes stronger and can be wiped with a damp cloth. If such a material imitates fabric, then it is called silk-screen printing.

This is achieved by adding silk thread to the vinyl. glued using special glue.

Non-woven wallpaper

They belong to the category of expensive material and are often used to decorate living rooms and offices. They are also called textile wallpaper. Non-woven fabric is a non-woven fabric on which a pattern is applied.

This fabric is made by pressing fibers of polyester, viscose and acrylic. Velor wallpaper also belongs to this type.

Among the exotic materials for wallpaper, we can recall.
