How to cook semolina porridge step by step recipe. Semolina porridge - the best recipes. How to cook semolina porridge. Semolina porridge without lumps: step-by-step recipe

You can very easily and quickly prepare semolina porridge without lumps, thick or thin. The consistency will depend entirely on the proportions of the ingredients. People have loved this delicacy since childhood. But not every housewife knows how to properly cook porridge from semolina in milk so that there are no lumps in it. This delicacy is best consumed before lunch. And all due to the fact that it contains a high carbohydrate content.

What are the benefits of the dish?

Semolina porridge does not contain a large amount of fiber or vitamins, but it does contain easily digestible protein and carbohydrates. It has the ability to energize the body for the whole day. This particular product is recommended for people who have stomach problems or a weakened gastrointestinal tract. It has an enveloping property, which is why it helps to calm exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Being a source of calcium, this porridge helps strengthen teeth and bones. It is indicated for people with chronic fatigue and kidney failure. After serious illness or surgery, as well as during rehabilitation or physical exhaustion, experts recommend using this particular product. And it is also hypoallergenic.

But you need to remember the fact that this product is quite high in calories. It is for this reason that overweight people need to eat it, adhering to the dosage.

How to properly cook semolina porridge with milk

Porridge is prepared in several ways. Each of them contains different additional ingredients. This dish should be cooked in enamel pan with thick walls or non-stick coating.

This dairy dish cooked in a slow cooker will also have an excellent taste. In this miracle device it will be cooked at the optimal temperature.

At the discretion of the housewife and her family, you can add a variety of dried fruits or fresh berries: prunes, dried apricots, raspberries, apples, raisins and others. It is best to add salt and granulated sugar at the end, and then wait for the mass to boil. The butter must be placed on a plate before serving.

To prevent lumps from forming, the mixture must be constantly stirred.

The cereal should be poured in a thin stream into the milk, which has already boiled. When falling asleep, you need to vigorously stir the mass using circular movements.

In order to avoid the appearance of lumps, it is necessary to pour the cereal into the milk, and not vice versa (fill it with liquid). You can use a sieve for this purpose. With its help, the cereal will disperse throughout the entire perimeter of the liquid and there will be no lumps.

To prevent a crust from forming on the surface of the dish, you need to lightly sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Although if the porridge is cooked correctly, then there should not be such a crust.

In what proportions should you take water, milk and semolina to make the porridge tasty? This question interests many housewives. Depending on how thick the porridge you want, the ratio of products changes at your discretion. It is necessary to take into account the ratio of semolina porridge cooked in milk. This affects the overall calorie content of the dish. This factor should be taken into account Special attention people who watch their figure. If you want the porridge to be more nutritious, add more sugar or cereal.

There are several different opinions regarding the cooking time for this dish. It varies from 10 to 40 minutes. The more time you cook this delicacy, the more viscous it will be in consistency.

Recipes for making semolina with milk

There are many recipes for making this delicacy with milk. Taking into account your and your family's wishes, you can change the taste by adding dried fruits, honey, chocolate or sugar. In addition to the usual sweet dish, some housewives cook it with the addition of salt.

Consistency of semolina porridge finished form It can be thick, liquid or even mousse-like.


In order for the porridge to have a liquid consistency, you need to add a small amount of cereal to the milk. Low-fat or whole milk is suitable for cooking. It can be store-bought or homemade. If your milk begins to spoil, then after it boils, curd flakes will appear. It will no longer be suitable for cooking. The cooking time for liquid porridge is approximately 20 minutes.

What ingredients are needed to prepare one serving:

  1. Fresh milk - 250 milliliters.
  2. Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Semolina - 1.25 tablespoons.
  4. Butter - 5 grams.

Thick semolina porridge - how to cook correctly

In order for the consistency of the dish to be thick, you need to take large quantity cereals Take into account the fact that the longer it simmers, the greater its viscosity will be. This delicacy can also be prepared using baked milk. This will make it even tastier. The approximate cooking time for this porridge is 25 minutes.

You will need the following products:

  1. Semolina - 50 grams.
  2. Fresh milk - 500 milliliters.
  3. Salt - 2.5 grams.
  4. Butter - 20 grams.


  • Pour the liquid into the pan and bring it to a boil.
  • After boiling, add semolina and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Add salt and simmer over low heat for 7 minutes.
  • When you serve the dish, put butter on the plate.

Porridge cooked with water and milk

This cooking option is the most common. The dish has a moderate amount of calories. It is recommended to add fruits or dried fruits to this delicacy according to your desire and taste. You can take figs, dried apricots, prunes or raisins. And very often they add here different kinds nuts: cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts and others. They will increase the nutritional value of food. Approximate cooking time is 30 minutes.

In order to prepare such a delicacy you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Fresh milk - 250 milliliters.
  2. Drinking water - 50 milliliters.
  3. Dried fruits - 30 grams.
  4. Cereals - 30 grams.
  5. Table salt - 0.5 pinch.
  6. Sugar - 0.5 tablespoon.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Pour cold water into the bottom of the pan and heat it up.
  • Pour fresh milk here and add cereal.
  • Place the washed dried fruits in a saucepan with the mixture that is being cooked. After the mixture boils, add salt and granulated sugar.
  • Turn off the heat and cover the mixture with a lid so that it can brew.

Porridge with condensed milk

Even the pickiest baby will love this delicacy. It is prepared without adding granulated sugar. And all for the reason that condensed milk is already sweet. This dish is high in calories, so this product is best consumed for breakfast. You can add butter, but it will only saturate your dish even more.

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

Preparation includes the following stages:

  • Pour water into a saucepan and heat it.
  • Add condensed milk to the container with liquid.
  • Salt the mixture and add the cereal (stirring constantly).
  • As soon as the mass thickens, you need to turn off the heat and let the delicacy brew for some time.

Porridge with milk powder

This porridge is no different from regular porridge. If you only have powdered milk at home, then you can also use it to prepare the perfect tasty treat without lumps. The main difficulty in the cooking process is to achieve homogeneity of the mass. To enhance the taste, you can add jam, chopped fruit or chocolate at the hostess’ request.

In order to cook such porridge you will need the following products:

  1. Powdered milk - 2.5 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 300 milliliters.
  3. Semolina - 35 grams.
  4. Salt - 0.5 pinch.
  5. Sugar - 1.25 tablespoons.
  6. Chocolate, jam and fruit - to taste.

Cooking stages:

  • The water should be heated to 40 degrees.
  • Pour the powder into a separate container and pour water into it in a thin stream. All this is done with gentle stirring until a liquid consistency is achieved.
  • After this, the mass is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  • After boiling, add cereal, table salt and granulated sugar into the liquid.
  • In this mode, the porridge must be cooked for 7 minutes, and then turn off the heat.
  • When you serve the dish to the table, you can diversify it with various sweets.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

To prepare this porridge you will need:

The cooking method is as follows:

  • The cereal is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water and fresh cold milk.
  • Throw in granulated sugar, butter to taste and salt.
  • Close the multicooker lid and turn on the “milk porridge” mode.
  • After this, we wait until the device reports readiness.

How to cook semolina porridge with milk? Many people know the answer to this question. After all, this is where the morning of most children and adults begins. It should be noted that not every child likes to eat this dish for breakfast. This is often due to the fact that the semolina porridge was prepared incorrectly. So, it may turn out to be too thick or, conversely, too liquid, with lumps, bland, etc. To prevent such mistakes when creating a tasty and nutritious children's breakfast, we will present to your attention several ways of how to properly cook semolina porridge with milk .

Useful properties of the dish

Before you learn how to prepare semolina porridge with milk, you should talk about its beneficial properties.

Semolina is the only grain that is digested only in the lower part gastric tract. This is where it is digested and completely absorbed. Thus, moving throughout the intestines, it cleanses it of existing mucus and removes all excess fats. In this regard, it is recommended for use by those who have obvious problems with the digestive tract.

Semolina is a product that is obtained by processing wheat grains. Its composition is quite diverse. Thus, the mentioned product contains protein, minerals, as well as vitamins B and PP. Although it should be noted that their concentration is slightly lower than in other cereals.

There is practically no fiber in semolina. Moreover, 2/3 of it consists of starch. Thanks to this, this porridge is prepared quickly and turns out very tasty and satisfying.

How harmful is semolina porridge for a child?

The high gluten content and the presence of carbohydrates are the main factors that make such porridge beneficial for adults and harmful for small children. Thus, gluten, created by the protein gliodin, can easily cause allergies. Moreover, excessive consumption of gluten can cause the development of celiac disease. It should also be noted that such porridge contains phytin, saturated with phosphorus, which, when reacting with calcium, prevents the absorption of the latter. And to replenish mineral reserves, the parathyroid glands extract it from the bones, which is very harmful for the growing body. That is why semolina milk porridge should not be present in the daily diet of a small child. To obtain useful substances, it is enough to consume it two or three times a week.

Semolina porridge with milk: recipe

There are few ways to prepare this dish. It can be made with milk, water or using both ingredients. It should also be noted that many housewives prepare semolina porridge not only for kitchen stove, but also in a slow cooker, oven and even in a double boiler.

So, before you cook semolina porridge with milk using a regular kitchen stove, you should purchase the following products in advance:

  • fresh village milk - 2 faceted glasses;
  • granulated sugar - ½ large spoon (add to taste);
  • fine salt - ¼ dessert spoon (add to taste);
  • drinking water - ½ faceted glass;
  • semolina - 3 large spoons;
  • butter - 30-47 g (add to taste).

Cooking process

How to cook semolina porridge for a child for breakfast? To do this, use a small thick-walled pan. You need to pour some drinking water and fresh village milk into it. Next, the dishes with the contents need to be placed on the stove and brought to a boil. At the same time, you should carefully monitor the milk so that it does not “run away.” After this, you need to pour semolina into the boiling liquid. Moreover, it is advisable to do this gradually so that lumps do not form in the porridge.

Cooking duration

Proper semolina porridge should be cooked for about 15 minutes (after the dairy product has directly boiled). During this time excess moisture will evaporate, and the semolina grains will completely boil, making the dish even more tender and tasty.

Final stage

After the semolina swells, forming a not very liquid, but not too thick porridge, you should add salt and granulated sugar to taste. Moreover, this should be done before removing the dish from the stove. After all, if you add all the necessary spices at the very beginning of cooking, you risk getting over-salted or over-sweetened porridge. This is due to the fact that during heat treatment the milk and water will certainly evaporate a little.

Finally, a small amount should be added to the prepared semolina porridge. butter, close the lid and leave for 5-9 minutes.

Proper serving for breakfast

After the specified time, semolina porridge should be mixed well with melted butter, and then served with tea, fresh bread and a slice of cheese.

Cooking porridge in a slow cooker

Semolina in the Polaris multicooker it turns out even more delicious than on the stove. This is due to the fact that such a kitchen device has special program, which is called “Porridge”. When this mode is turned on, the milk dish will simmer at low power, but under high pressure. This will ensure that you get a very tasty and nutritious, and most importantly, healthy porridge, which can satisfyingly feed all family members.

So, semolina porridge in the Polaris multicooker. Ingredients:

  • fresh village milk - 3 faceted glasses;
  • semolina - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - add to taste;
  • fine salt - add to taste;

Cooking process

Before preparing semolina porridge with milk, you should thoroughly wash the container from kitchen device, and then pour regular drinking water And milk product. Next, you need to add a sufficient amount of cereal, salt and granulated sugar to the base. After mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, close them tightly, and then set the milk porridge mode. Moreover, the multicooker must set the time independently. Typically this is 20 minutes.

Features of cooking porridge in a slow cooker

What is the difference between cooking semolina porridge in a slow cooker and creating it on a regular kitchen stove? This question is of particular interest to those who want to purchase such a device, but doubt that it will ever be useful. The fact is that when preparing semolina porridge on the stove, you will have to not leave it a single step. Otherwise, you risk getting a lumpy and burnt milk dish. If you use it for cooking semolina special device, then you should stir the contents only once, after 7-8 minutes. In the future, the multicooker will do everything for you. Moreover, such porridge will turn out much tastier.

Final stage

After liquid semolina porridge with milk is ready, you will hear the corresponding sound signal. The thickened milk dish should be thoroughly mixed, add fresh butter to it, and then turn on the heating mode and keep in it for about 5-8 minutes.

How to properly serve it for breakfast?

Semolina porridge should be served warm or hot for breakfast. It must be placed in a deep plate and sprinkled with ground cinnamon on top. In addition to this dish, you can present a sandwich, which is made as follows: you need to take a thin slice of fresh white bread, spread butter on it, and place a slice of hard cheese on top. It is also recommended to serve hot, strong, sweet tea with breakfast. Bon appetit!

Semolina porridge in the oven

Surprisingly, semolina porridge can be made not only on the stove or in a slow cooker, but also in the oven. True, this dish is more like a casserole. However, it can also be served to your child before school as a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

To prepare semolina porridge in the oven we will need:

  • fresh village milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 1 faceted glass;
  • fine sugar - 2 large spoons or add to taste;
  • dark seedless raisins - 120 g;
  • fine salt - 1/3 dessert spoon or add to taste;
  • drinking water - 1 faceted glass;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch (add to taste in the finished dish);
  • fresh butter - 45-55 g (add to taste).

Cooking porridge on the stove

Semolina porridge with milk, the recipe for which we are considering, should turn out to be quite thick. After all, in the future it will be served to the table in the form of a casserole. Thus, you should pour fresh village milk into a thick-walled pan, bring it to a boil, and then pour in semolina, salt and granulated sugar in a thin stream. Next, the fire must be reduced to a minimum. It is advisable to cook the porridge until it thickens, stirring it regularly with a large spoon.

After the dish is completely prepared, remove it from the stove, add butter and cool at room temperature.

Shaping the dish

While the milk porridge is cooling, you should separate the whites and yolks into different dishes. In the last ingredient you need to add a large spoon of granulated sugar and dark raisins steamed in boiling water. As for the proteins, they need to be cooled and then beaten with a mixer until fluffy. Next, the cooled semolina porridge must be thoroughly mixed together with the yolks and raisins. You should also add whipped whites there. As a result, you should have a thick, creamy mass.

Cooking porridge in the oven

After the base is ready, it must be placed in a mold generously greased with butter. It is recommended to bake semolina porridge in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for half an hour.

Serve it right for breakfast

The casserole prepared in the oven will serve as an ideal alternative to the usual liquid semolina porridge made on the stove or in the slow cooker. After all, your child will definitely not refuse such a tasty, sweet and nutritious dish. It is advisable to serve it warm. Additionally, it is recommended to pour semolina porridge casserole with dark raisins with sweet syrup, honey or jam. Bon appetit!

Calorie content of semolina porridge

Supporters healthy eating, as well as people who are prone to gaining excess weight, very often talk about the dangers of semolina porridge. They explain their extremely negative position by the fact that such a dish is high in calories. But in fact, semolina is quite difficult to classify as a product with increased energy value. After all, its calorie content is only 98 kilocalories per 100 grams.

So, why do many nutritionists do not recommend consuming semolina porridge while losing weight? The fact is that this dish contains quite a lot of carbohydrates. And, as you know, it is this element that contributes to excess weight gain. However, in in moderation it will not be able to harm your figure.

It should also be noted that the calorie content of this dish increases significantly by adding various components to it. Thus, porridge cooked with full-fat village milk, flavored with fresh butter, granulated sugar, jam, preserves, honey, condensed milk, etc., really affects your figure, especially if this set of products is consumed every day and before bed. That is why nutritionists recommend cooking cereals exclusively with semi-milk and without adding sugar. Of course, it’s quite difficult to call such a dish very tasty. However, it is precisely this that can maintain your refined figure and bring maximum benefits to the body.

To cook delicious semolina porridge yourself, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Semolina porridge will not burn during heat treatment if it is cooked not only with milk, but with the addition of a small amount of drinking water.
  • Semolina porridge will turn out much tastier if you cook it over low heat for at least ten minutes.
  • The proportions of semolina porridge with milk should be as follows: for 1 glass of liquid product there should be 1 incomplete large spoon of cereal. If you want to get a thinner or, conversely, thicker dish, then this amount should be increased or decreased.
  • You can add not only a piece of butter to the finished porridge, but also any dried fruits, fresh berries or fruits.

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How to properly cook semolina porridge step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand. step by step process preparations.

We hope you liked our article on how to properly cook semolina porridge and now having all the necessary ingredients you can easily prepare it at home.

Even more delicious recipes:

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How to cook semolina porridge correctly, how to cook semolina porridge with milk, semolina porridge in a multicooker Polaris, semolina porridge with milk recipe

This mess has firmly secured the title of democracy. It seems impossible to spoil it! To make it liquid, you can simply add more water or milk, and at the very end of cooking, if it suddenly thickens. For greater thickness, you can cook longer, and you will get what you need! Semolina porridge with water and milk is so unpretentious that most of us have no idea how to cook it correctly. But in ancient Rus' it was considered a whole art! And not by chance.

Manna from heaven or food for feasts

Perhaps the expression “manna from heaven” came to us from the Bible. But in Russian culture it was fixed specifically in relation to semolina porridge. Before the Soviet period, it was considered not just a “delicacy”, but food for holidays and feasts. In the 12th century, the word porridge, which referred specifically to semolina, was associated exclusively with ceremonial feasts. Cereals were not available to the common people, so only a few knew how to make semolina porridge.

The reason for such a narrow distribution was the technique of cereal production. Or rather, flour, because semolina is a product of wheat processing. It is ground finely and passed through a sieve. The smallest grains are sifted out and packaged like flour. And the slightly larger ones, which do not pass through the sieves, are selected and called semolina.

So, in the 12th century, which dates back to the first mention of the product in Russian chronicles, grinding technology was very expensive. It remained so for an extremely long time, until the Soviet period, when there were many mills and bread became the “property of the people.” Since then, semolina has become popular among people, but the traditions of its preparation have not been preserved. That's why they cook it the way it needs to be cooked. According to culinary theorists, for example, the famous Russian historian and culinary specialist William Pokhlebkin, completely losing both the taste and benefits of the product.

Subtleties of cooking

How is semolina porridge cooked? You don’t need to think that the question of how to cook delicious liquid semolina porridge is extremely simple or akin to art. There are several subtleties that are important to consider. Thanks to their observance, the dish will turn out without lumps and without that same hated “foam” that everyone remembers from childhood.

  • Proportions of semolina porridge with milk and water - basis good food . To make it moderately liquid, you should use 100 grams of cereal per 500 ml of water (milk).
  • Pour the cereal through a sieve. This way you will prevent the appearance of lumps in the dish. Semolina should be scattered over boiling liquid and stirred vigorously.
  • Stir continuously. This is important so that the grains do not stick together into lumps and the porridge does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  • Cook quickly. When asked how long to cook semolina porridge, professional chefs answer: no more than two minutes! Pour the cereal into the pan, stir vigorously and turn off after 2 minutes. Then cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. It is under the influence of steam that the porridge should reach readiness. By the way, its temperature is higher than the liquid itself when boiling, due to which the grains will swell faster. You can serve the porridge 10 minutes after the “steam bath”.
  • Add additional ingredients after the porridge is ready. Good choice For breakfast, you can cook semolina porridge in milk and add butter, honey, fruit or bananas to it. Each ingredient goes well with delicate taste main product. But perhaps, having cooked the porridge correctly, you won’t even want to flavor it with anything other than butter!

That same hated foam on the surface of the porridge appears due to prolonged cooking. While the cereal boils, the starch and protein in it are destroyed, which then float to the surface. This product is no longer available useful vitamins and valuable protein, its consistency is too thick and the taste is lost. Therefore, do not exceed the time for keeping the cereal on the fire!

Delicious recipes

The unpretentiousness of the product is manifested in the possibility of preparing it on a gas stove, in a microwave, in absolutely any container; porridge is prepared with any additives. But only in a saucepan and under the influence of its own steam does the cereal arrive perfectly and acquire the optimal consistency. The grains in it remain intact, distinguishable, and the taste is rich and rich.

But if you don’t have the time or desire to heat the milk on the stove or stir the porridge, you can use the microwave. The simplest recipe for liquid semolina porridge is to mix a glass of cold milk with two teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, add 2 tablespoons of cereal and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. After the signal, add a piece of butter and leave for another 1.5 minutes. The quick dish is ready.

We will try how to cook semolina porridge correctly, using the advice of professional chefs. This way we will find out what the true taste of cereal is, which in Rus' was considered the food of the rich and “manna from heaven.”

With milk

A wonderful dish for children's breakfast, which will take a minimum of time to prepare.

You will need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour the cereal into a sieve, gradually “disperse” it over the pan, stirring continuously.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a towel.
  5. After 10 minutes, add a piece of butter and sugar, stir and serve.

Porridge is prepared in the same way using water; after cooking, it can be flavored not with sugar, but with salt and onion frying. This breakfast may seem unusual, but it was in this form that cereal was often served in old Russian cuisine.

With banana

This version of semolina with banana will diversify the children's menu. And perhaps it will reconcile adults with it, in whose memory semolina remains an unloved porridge from the kindergarten cafeteria.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • bananas - 2 medium-sized fruits;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Remove the butter and leave to soften at room temperature.
  2. Boil the milk, reduce the heat and gradually add the cereal. Stir for 2 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, stir, remove from heat, leave covered.
  4. Beat bananas with butter.
  5. Pour the banana mixture into the porridge and mix.

This recipe is delicious and healthy. A banana will fill your breakfast with valuable elements, because it is rich in potassium and vitamins. The fruit is well digestible and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time.

With strawberry

In the summer, you can try cooking semolina with fruits or berries. Strawberries are an excellent choice for porridge. You need a lot of berries to give the dish a rich taste. We’ll also increase the amount of sugar, because strawberries can give the cereal an unpleasant sourness.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pour the cereal into boiling milk. Leave on low heat for a couple of minutes, stirring continuously. Turn off the gas and cover the porridge with a lid.
  2. Grind sugar with strawberries. It is convenient to beat the mixture in a blender.
  3. Pour the strawberry mixture over the porridge placed in portioned bowls. Serve warm.

This dish can be an unexpected delicious dessert for children's table. You can decorate it with whole berries when serving.

Now you know what semolina porridge is made from and what are the rules for its preparation. We hope delicious and useful product will appear on your table more often!

The taste of semolina porridge is familiar to every child and adult. Some people claim that it is useful. And some, on the contrary, consider it harmful to the body. But despite this statement, all grandmothers and mothers cook this porridge for their children and grandchildren.

Semolina does not contain many vitamins, but it contains carbohydrates and protein. Having eaten this porridge in the morning for breakfast, you have enough energy for the whole day.

This porridge is recommended for those people who have stomach and kidney problems. It is also useful for the person who has undergone surgery. This is due to the fact that it has the ability to envelop the walls of the stomach and is hypoallergenic.

Semolina porridge contains a lot of calcium, and it strengthens bones and teeth. But semolina also has a drawback - it is high in calories. If you are predisposed to excess weight, then such porridge is contraindicated for you.

But not every housewife knows how to cook semolina porridge with milk correctly. This is especially true for young and inexperienced mothers.

There are many recipes for preparing this childhood dish. Let's look at them and Let's learn how to cook porridge tasty and without lumps.

General cooking rules:

  • This porridge can be prepared with whole milk or milk with the addition of a small amount of water.
  • The container for preparing semolina should have a thick bottom.
  • Semolina should be added only when the liquid boils.
  • Sugar, salt, and butter are also added to the porridge.
  • This dish can also be prepared with the addition of berries, fruits, jam or nuts.
  • Semolina can be prepared with milk powder or condensed milk, previously diluted with water.
  • You need to add a little cereal: seven parts liquid and one part cereal.

Milk semolina porridge without lumps

The porridge prepared according to this recipe is medium thick without lumps.

To prepare this porridge you will need:

  • Milk - one glass.
  • Semolina - four teaspoons.
  • Sugar – two teaspoons.
  • Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon.
  • Butter – level tablespoon.
  1. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan and put it on the stove to boil.
  2. Mix the cereal with sugar and salt. Mix everything well.
  3. As soon as the milk boils and begins to rise, start pouring in the prepared cereal. In this case, the milk must be stirred all the time.
  4. Cook the porridge after boiling for no more than three minutes. After this, turn off the heat under the pan. Cover the container with a lid and let the porridge stand for another fifteen minutes.
  5. You can apply the porridge. Don't forget to add butter. Bon appetit!

Milk semolina porridge with water

This porridge is familiar to all children who go to kindergarten or school.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • Milk - one glass.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.
  • A small piece of butter.
  • Semolina - two tablespoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. First you need to pour water into the pan. Place the container on the stove.
  2. Add milk to the water.
  3. Salt and add sugar.
  4. Wait for the liquid to boil. As soon as it starts to rise, reduce the heat under the pan.
  5. Pour in the cereal with one hand, and continuously stir the liquid with a spoon with the other. This is necessary so that lumps do not form.
  6. Cook the porridge after boiling for no more than three minutes. After this, turn off the stove and add butter.
  7. The finished dish should sit for about ten minutes.
  8. Now you can put on the porridge and eat.

Apple semolina porridge

To prepare you will need:

  • Semolina - two tablespoons.
  • Butter.
  • Sugar – one teaspoon.
  • Apple juice - two glasses.
  • One chicken egg.
  • Lemon.
  • Raisin.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour apple juice into a saucepan and place it on the stove.
  2. As soon as the juice boils, pour the cereal into it. In this case, the liquid must be stirred all the time.
  3. Add raisins, sugar and lemon zest to the porridge.
  4. Cook the porridge for no more than three minutes.
  5. Add the egg to the porridge and mix it thoroughly.
  6. If desired, you can add apple slices.
  7. Place the dish on plates and add butter.

Semolina porridge on soaked cereal

It is necessary to soak the cereal before cooking so that lumps do not form.

To prepare this porridge you will need:

  • Milk - one and a half glasses.
  • Semolina - three tablespoons.
  • Butter.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour cold milk into the pan. Add sugar and salt to the liquid. Stir.
  2. Now add the cereal and leave it to steep for about five minutes.
  3. After this, the whole mixture must be mixed and the pan should be put on the fire.
  4. After boiling, the porridge should be cooked for no more than two minutes.
  5. Now you can put the porridge into plates, add butter and eat.

Semolina porridge with cranberry juice

To prepare this porridge you will need:

  • Water – two and a half glasses.
  • Cranberries - one glass.
  • Semolina - four tablespoons.
  • Cream - half a glass.
  • Salt and sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the berries, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Place the remaining berries without juice into the pan, add water and put the pan on the fire.
  3. As soon as the water boils, turn off the stove and strain the broth.
  4. Add salt and sugar to it and put it back on the stove.
  5. Add semolina to cranberry juice. Stir the mixture with a whisk until no lumps remain.
  6. As soon as the water boils again, add liquid semolina to it.
  7. Cook the porridge for three minutes.
  8. Remove the porridge from the stove and let it sit for ten minutes.
  9. The semolina should be very thick.
  10. Cut it into pieces, pour cream over them and you can serve.

Milk semolina porridge in a slow cooker

To prepare porridge in a slow cooker, use a special measuring cup to measure food.

To prepare porridge you will need:

  • Cereals - half a glass.
  • Milk - two glasses.
  • Water – one and a half glasses.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar – two teaspoons.
  • Butter.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour milk and water into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Stir everything thoroughly.
  4. Add butter.
  5. Select the "multi-cook" mode. Set the temperature to 90 degrees and time to 20 minutes.
  6. After the time is up, let the porridge brew for ten minutes.
  7. Now you can lay out the semolina on plates. If desired, you can also add butter.

Jellied milk semolina porridge

To prepare semolina you will need:

  • Milk - one and a half glasses.
  • Butter.
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of cereal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Add semolina to the remaining cold milk.
  3. Add salt and sugar to hot milk, and then add butter.
  4. When the milk begins to boil and rise, the soaked semolina must be mixed and added to the boiling milk. Do not forget to stir continuously.
  5. Cook the porridge for no more than five minutes.
  6. Stir the porridge, turn off gas stove and let it sit for ten minutes.
  7. Add butter and place on plates. Bon appetit.

Semolina porridge with milk powder

To prepare this porridge you will need:

  • Semolina - half a glass.
  • Powdered milk- five tablespoons.
  • Sugar - three tablespoons.
  • Water – 500 milligrams.
  • Salt and butter.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour dry milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add salt, sugar, semolina there.
  3. The mixture must be mixed well so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Now pour water into the saucepan in a thin stream. In this case, you must constantly stir with a spoon or whisk.
  5. Place the pan on the stove and wait until it boils. Don't forget to stir the porridge so it doesn't burn.
  6. After boiling, the porridge should be cooked for no more than three minutes.
  7. Remove the pan from the stove. Add butter and let the porridge sit for about five minutes.
  8. Now you can apply and eat. Bon appetit.

Eat a few tricks things you should know:

  • Most children do not like porridge because of the foam that forms on the surface. To avoid this, sprinkle hot porridge with sugar.
  • Semolina porridge can also be prepared with baked milk. This dish turns out to be unusual and tasty.
  • If the porridge has thickened, it can be cut into small portions. Fry the pieces in butter, pour jam over them and serve. It turns out very tasty!
  • If a child refuses to eat regular semolina, then you can add whipped cream, berries, raisins, vanilla, nuts, and chocolate to it. He won't be able to resist this dish.
  • Instead of butter, you can add ghee to the semolina porridge.


From the video you will learn how to prepare delicious semolina porridge without lumps.

During times Soviet Union For many people, their mornings began with porridge. Why is semolina porridge for breakfast, which many compatriots have loved since childhood, so unpopular around the world? In this article we will try to clarify this issue and talk about all the intricacies of its preparation.

100 grams of semolina (cereals made from wheat) contain more than 70 grams of carbohydrates, about 10 grams of proteins, 1 grams of fat, 4 grams of dietary fiber. It contains vitamins E, PP, B, thiamine, folic acid etc., minerals contain Ca, K, Mg, S, P.

Some nutritionists and dietitians proclaim that semolina porridge is very healthy, but many strongly advise against eating it. It is undeniable that it provides invaluable benefits for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

The benefits of semolina porridge

  1. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, semolina envelops the intestines, can relieve spasms and pain, heal cracks, therefore it is prescribed for inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, but the porridge should be boiled in water, without adding salt or sugar.
  2. Semolina porridge is a wonderful remedy for cleansing the body, because it absorbs toxins if consumed on an empty stomach.
  3. After operations, serious illnesses, or when the body is weakened, it is prescribed so that the patient can quickly regain strength. Thanks to a small number It provides energy and is absorbed better than other porridges during this period.
  4. It is good to use it when renal failure and for weight loss, because it can get rid of fat and mucus.
  5. How to cook semolina porridge to maximize its benefits? Remember that with prolonged cooking, the beneficial substances of the cereal disappear. The maximum cooking time is 2 minutes.

Harm of semolina porridge

  1. If you regularly consume several servings of semolina per day, then due to the high phytin content, calcium will be excreted from the body and this can lead to insufficient development of muscle tissue, joints, spine, the appearance of rickets, convulsions, spasmophilia, obesity, osteoporosis, disruption of the heart muscle. , worsening blood clotting.
  2. Another disadvantage of semolina is its high gluten content. Since some people are intolerant to it, it can thin the intestinal walls, disrupt the absorption of nutrients, and lead to allergies and stool disorders. These symptoms are caused by gliadin, a fraction of gluten. If it regularly enters the gastrointestinal tract, the intestinal villi die, colitis, gastritis, etc. develop. For the same reason, it is not recommended to prepare it for a child under 1 year old.

How to cook semolina porridge without lumps - useful tips

How to cook semolina porridge correctly? Experienced chefs share their secrets with you.

  1. Key rule: semolina should be added to water or milk when the liquid has boiled, in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Some cooks recommend pouring the cereal into the pan in pinches, just as you usually add salt.
  2. Proportions are “our everything”: for half a liter of water or milk, take 100 grams of semolina to achieve the ideal thickness - not runny and not too thick.
  3. Before adding milk, rinse the pan thoroughly cold water, you can add an ice cube to it so that the porridge does not burn to the walls and bottom.
  4. To avoid the appearance of lumps, you can pour the cereal through a sieve.
  5. A simple method will prevent the formation of lumps - slightly moisten the cereal in cold water and immediately pour boiling water over it.
  6. The cooking time after the liquid boils and the cereal is poured in is about 120 seconds.
  7. Sugar and salt are added to the porridge at the moment of boiling, and the finished dish is seasoned with butter.
  8. After turning off the heat, you can season the porridge with oil and wrap the container in a towel and steam for 8-15 minutes.
  9. Have any lumps appeared? Will help out Appliances: Whisk the porridge until they disappear and the porridge becomes airy.
  10. The choice of additive ingredients is wide: from pieces of fresh fruit, berries, steamed dried fruits to a handful of seeds, candied fruits, nuts, a few spoons of honey, jam, confiture or preserves. Children will surely enjoy experimenting with different tastes - create with them.

The most delicious food recipes

IN European countries semolina is used in cooking different dishes, which serve as excellent desserts. In Italy, durum wheat flour is purchased to make pasta, gnocchi and even pizza.

In Asia, semolina is used to make sweets with almonds and pine nuts, in Turkey it is a component of halva. An original dessert is popular in Finland - cooled semolina porridge, whipped with several fresh berries. In India, a traditional holiday dish is semolina sweets, and in Lithuania - bubert - a pudding based on semolina brewed with boiling water.

How to cook semolina porridge with milk? If possible, it is better to use a mixture of milk. If semolina is cooked in baked milk, its aroma takes on a creamy note.

To obtain medium-thick porridge, add 6 tbsp to every 1000 milliliters of milk and water mixture. l. decoys. So, for each glass of milk, take a heaping tablespoon of semolina, as well as a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, your favorite berries and butter, varying the amount to your own taste.
Rinse the pan in ice water, bring the milk to a boil, add salt and granulated sugar. Pour the semolina in a very thin stream, without ceasing to stir. Cook for about 5 minutes until the cereal swells completely. Add butter and stir, then transfer to a plate and sprinkle with berries.

On the water

To prepare porridge with water, you will need 2 tablespoons of semolina per glass of water. They should be poured into boiling water in a thin stream, constantly stirring the porridge, and cook for about 7 minutes (otherwise there will be no useful substances in such porridge).

Then add sugar, salt, you can season the dish with dried fruits or grated apples, pears, and butter to your liking.

With berries

Half a liter of milk is brought to a boil and 100 grams of semolina are poured through a sieve. Stirring constantly, cook the porridge for no more than 2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and put a piece of butter and a couple of tablespoons of sugar into the pan.

With pumpkin

The pumpkin is cut into small pieces and boiled in water for a quarter of an hour. Then the water is drained and the pumpkin is pureed using a masher or blender.

Add hot milk to the puree and bring to a boil. Add semolina in a thin stream and stir continuously. Salt and add sugar to taste. Cook over low heat for another 7 minutes.

For 1 liter of milk you will need 60 grams of semolina, 50 grams of butter, 3 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and 2 bananas.

Soften the butter, bring the milk to a boil, add salt, sugar, and leave to simmer for 2 minutes. Turn the heat to low, pour in the semolina in a thin stream, stirring the milk continuously for about 3-5 minutes. Peel the bananas, beat with oil in a blender, add a couple of spoons of porridge and beat until smooth.

Pour this puree into the porridge, stir and invite everyone to the table, this simple dish is delicious to eat warm.

With chocolate

Pour milk into boiling water and stir, add salt and sugar.

Without waiting for it to boil, pour in the cereal in a thin stream, stirring constantly, especially near the walls of the pan. Turn the heat to the lowest possible level and stir continuously for about 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, add butter, and leave covered for 10 minutes to let the porridge settle.

Divide into portions and sprinkle each with a teaspoon of cocoa. “Chocolate” semolina porridge is ready.

In a slow cooker

You need to measure out half a cup of semolina, 3 cups of water and 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt and sugar to taste.

Follow the step-by-step algorithm, and the porridge in the cartoon will turn out stunningly tasty. Grease the sides of the bowl with butter. Pour semolina, salt and sugar into it, put a piece of butter. Pour in milk and water and stir. Water is needed to prevent milk from forming lumps.

Cover with a lid and activate the optimal mode in this case – “Extinguishing” for half an hour. Judging by the reviews of experienced housewives, lumps may form in the “Milk porridge” mode, and when stewing, the grains become completely boiled.

If the instructions say that this program requires extinguishing for an hour, set the time on a timer or alarm clock. Open the lid periodically and stir the contents of the bowl to prevent lumps from forming. After 30 minutes the dish is ready.

Its grade depends on the brand of semolina: T (hard; for desserts, minced meat, soups), M (soft; for baking pancakes, casseroles, thick porridges) and MT (mixed). Semolina is distinguished from wheat cereal by the size of the grains: 0.25-0.75 mm in diameter each. The brand of cereal affects the quality of the entire dish as a whole.


Some people think that there is no simpler dish than semolina porridge, but there are nuances in its preparation. In this article, we covered the secrets of cooking it, and now you know how to cook semolina porridge without lumps. You have the opportunity to prepare interesting desserts based on it, for example, cold pudding; its taste is not inferior to the famous panna cotta.

Get creative, good luck to you!
