How to install a skin for minecraft on a server. Where to put skins for Minecraft? How to install a skin in Minecraft

The set of skins in the original Minecraft is very limited. But in the public domain you can now download a wide variety of skins for your character in the game. The new skin will work in any game mode and even in multiplayer and all players will see your new, original skin. The process of installing them for a licensed Minecraft versions and for pirates they are different. Be careful.

Installing player skins on licensed Minecraft

  1. Download one of your favorites. It is also possible on our website.
  2. Unpack it (if it was in the archive) and rename the skin file to char.png.
  3. Open the folder %appdata%/.minecraft/bin
  4. We find the minecraft.jar file there and open it with one of the archivers. We use 7Zip. Through it: right mouse button on the file - 7Zip - Open archive.
  5. We copy our skin there (drag the file into the archive) with replacement.
  6. We close the archiver and if we ask “Save” we answer “Yes”.
  7. Launch Minecraft and check if the skin is installed.

How to install a skin on a pirated version of the game

  1. Again you need to download the skin.
  2. Unpack again if it is in the archive and rename the file to char.png.
  3. Go to the %appdata%/.minecraft/bin folder again.
  4. Open the minecraft.jar file with the archiver.
  5. In this file we find and open the mob folder.
  6. And copy (drag and drop) our new skin file into this folder.
  7. Close and save.
  8. We launch the game and check the success of the actions.

When installing a skin using one of these methods, only you will see the changes, and when playing on , those who have the default skin installed for you will look the same as you. How to install a skin on Minecraft so that everyone can see it? You also need to buy the game. Then log in to the official website using your username and password. Open your profile. Find the skins upload form, click “Browse”, select the char.png file and upload to the server. And finally save your profile. Now in the game you will not look like everyone else and these changes will be visible to everyone.

If you launch the game through one of the , then the path to the desired file may be different and the file itself may have a different name. For example, when playing through the path for Windows 7 it will look like this: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.7.4 and the file itself will be called 1.7.4.jar. Accordingly, you need to open this file with an archiver.

Hello to all Minecraft players! I want to tell you, my friends, how to install a skin in minecraft. Dear Minecrafters, like-minded people in the game, which, I am sure, will never get boring or boring. I want to address those players who have been in the game for a very long time and can be considered “natives” of the world of Minecraft. It’s no secret that over time in the game we want to stand out from the mainstream, and installing a new skin will help us with this. Next we will look in detail at everything connected with it.

So what does it mean: Persian skin in Minecraft?

This is his appearance, the way we see ourselves in a single-player game or in a multiplayer game: other players see us. Standard look: familiar, of course, to everyone, a handsome square man - our beloved Steve!

You can, of course, continue to play with him and not change anything in his appearance. But for certain reasons, we will someday want to change it to our liking. The standard one has a very small resolution of 64x32 and it seems almost impossible to draw anything spectacular on it. But if you use so-called HD skins with a resolution of 1024x512 (or for example 850x425), such as this one " iron Man":

This whole process is roughly similar to assembling a paper construction kit, where you first need to color the parts, then bend them and glue them together. Something similar happens with the skin. The game, in a similar way, bends the drawing into a 3D model of a man. By the way, this allows us to change literally everything in appearance: face, clothes, that is, armor, coats of arms.

Then, using your own imagination and abilities, you can get the image we need in any graphic image editor. And now we will look in Minecraft the way we would like. This is what “iron man” looks like in the world of Minecraft:

How should skins be installed?

To install the skin we need, we need to perform a number of actions in a certain sequence, namely:

  • find and download a skin you like, you can do this here (link), where there are a lot of interesting and rare solutions.
  • rename the downloaded file to char.png
  • go to the folder where the game is installed and open the minecraft files
  • open the file: minecraft, jar, find the mob folder there and install there with replacement, our file is char.png

Everything is not as complicated, my friends, as it may seem. But, after “suffering” a little, we will get aesthetic pleasure from our own “look” in the world of Minecraft.

What installation options are there and what are the advantages or disadvantages of each?

Let us consider, dear readers, what methods we have if we need to change standard view our character for something more interesting and consistent with our views about the inhabitant of the Minecraft world.

  1. The most common and, if you want, honest way: buy a “license” on the website and install it on your computer:
  • in this case, you will be able to play wherever you want, both official and pirated.
  • installation occurs with a simple click of a button
  • your skin will be seen not only by you, but also by all other players wherever you play.
  • one of the disadvantages: the key is expensive and not everyone has access to it.
  • A more democratic way is to patch the minecraft. jar, as we described above (with video!)
    • it is free and absolutely accessible to everyone
    • you can choose the image to your liking
    • but only you can see it, other players will only see your standard view
  • Register on the server under a “foreign” nickname. The essence of this method is that you find the skin you like on the page " minecraft skins with nicknames" of the site (link) and when registering on the desired server, write exactly this nickname.
    • it's also free and other players can see it
    • and if you do not take into account the moral aspect this method, then other disadvantages include the fact that you do not have the opportunity to change it at will, and also, it can change against your will.
  • You can find and register on a pirate server, some of which provide a skin system on their server. There you can install it from your account.
    • at the same time, it is also free, other players can see it, but only on this server
  • And finally, a cool way for those who don’t want to bother with the technical side at all(thanks to ErickSkrauch for the reminder) - install the skin through special skin systems, for example or All necessary instructions are given in the services themselves.
    • for free
    • quite simple and convenient, no need to touch the technical side at all
    • One of the disadvantages is the need to attract a third-party service, and this is always not possible in the best possible way affects stability (you never know what they will have with services there)

    This is how things are, we think everyone will find the best way for themselves. Well, you can always find the skins themselves in our section

    "Minecraft" is a word that represents the current generation. Like the classic and nostalgic game "Doom", which attracted all the attention of gamers in the dashing 90s, this project is in similar demand, but only at the present time. Today the reader will learn about how to put a skin in Minecraft, but first, a little about it has become widespread due to its gameplay, unlike others, which opens up for the user enormous possibilities for interacting with the interactive world.

    A wide range of created objects, a variety of landscapes and climates, the change of day and night, the presence of underground and - all this gives the game even greater ambience and attractiveness. But the developers still didn’t mention one thing. The main character's appearance remains unchanged throughout. And in multiplayer mode, a slight irritation is caused by the uniformity of all the characters on the server. Hence the need arose to create different visual designs for the main character in order to at least somehow differ from each other and diversify the gameplay. How to install a skin in Minecraft? Read the instructions below and you will not have any questions on this topic.

    Fast and easy

    This process does not cause serious difficulties if you know where to go and what to open. The first thing you need to understand is what skin you want to install on your favorite “Minecraft”. Today their variety is truly great and multivariate. Skins in Minecraft are an image file in the ".PNG" format, which can be found on many sites dedicated to this game to one degree or another. There are quite a large number of Russian-language sites that incorporate many mods and visual designs. How to install a skin in Minecraft? The first thing you need to do is download it. I think there should be no problems with this action. Just find the site you like, select the most attractive skin on it and click the “Download” button. A window will then open asking you to select the destination for the saved file. Having successfully completed this operation, you can begin to directly replace the standard skin with a fresher and brighter one. To do this, you need to go to Start and turn your attention to the search bar, enter the following there: “%Appdata%” (without quotes). Press the "Enter" key. A window will open with many folders, select the top one called “.minecraft” and open it. Here we are in the root folder of the game, which is fundamental to any process related to changing the game. The “bin” folder we need is located here, which contains the treasured “minecraft.jar” archive. It needs to be opened using Again, you can download it from almost any site dedicated to programs and utilities for PCs.

    How to install a skin in "Minecraft" using the WinRaR archiver? Having opened it, you need to find the “mob” folder, in which the “char.png” file we need will be located. All that remains to be done is to replace it with a new file downloaded from the Internet, having previously assigned it the same name. That's all, you can launch your favorite game and enjoy the new appearance of the main character. Thus, installing a skin in "Minecraft" is quite simple process, requiring the user to know where the desired archive is located, as well as the ability to use the archiver.

    Surely every Minecrafter is tired of running around with Steve's skin and they would like to change their appearance to a more pleasant one. Our article on how to install a skin on Minecraft will help you with this. By the way, most often players ask the question of how to install a skin on a pirate minecraft, and it is based on this question that we will explain this simple process.
    So, let me remind you that there are 3 options for installing a skin in Minecraft and 1 is a little similar to the installation, or you can say that it is a scam.

    Method one

    First way- replace the image of the standard skin directly in Minecraft itself. This option is suitable for those who want to see their skin, but not show it to others. Of course, it would be ideal if your appearance was visible to other players when using this method, but alas, each method has disadvantages.
    1. Prepare a skin, it should be named “steve.png”
    2. Let's go to the game folder (.minecraft);
    3. Open the versions directory;
    4. Create a copy of the version you are playing on and name it adding “skin” at the end (Example: 1.8.1skin);
    5. Go to this folder and rename the 2 files located there, also adding “skin” at the end;
    6. Using an editor, open a file with the extension .json and in the second line in quotes, also add “skin”;
    7. Open the .jar file and delete the “META-INF” folder;
    8. Open the folders assets\minecraft\textures\entity there and move the prepared skin.
    *When installing or other mods that change minecraft, steps 4, 5, 6, 7 are skipped.

    Method two

    Second way- play on servers with your own launcher and, accordingly, with your own system of skins. This method has virtually no disadvantages, since your skin will be visible to all players on the server, and changing it will be convenient and easy. personal account on the project website.
    For example, you can try this on our industrial server. A small disadvantage of this method is that you have to download a client in which you are prohibited from making any changes; everything is downloaded in a few clicks automatically.

    Method three

    Third way- buy licensed Minecraft. This option will allow you to play on both pirated and licensed servers, using a skin that everyone will see. Changing it is again very easy, in your personal account on the minecraft website. To implement this method, you will need money for a key or game account.

    Method four

    Another method can include skins by nicknames. This option will force you to select a nickname that has a skin that suits you. In order to install a skin by nickname, we look for the desired nickname with a suitable skin on the Internet or in our article skins by nicknames in minecraft.

    Playing with a standard skin is boring and uninteresting for many, so you should think about installing your own skin. This instruction describes this process in full, which by the way will not take more than five minutes, and will delight your skin for a long time. Of course, you must use our launcher; you can download TLauncher from the main page of the site.

    All skins are absolutely free - installation and use in our launcher!

    You must register on the site so that you can subsequently use the specified data for authorization in the launcher. Go to the registration page and enter the required data in the fields.

    After registration, you will find yourself in your profile, from where you can not only install the skin, but also the cloak (only for Premium users).

    By clicking the "Upload skin" button, you can select a skin file from your computer. We recommend using the size 64x32 (unless, of course, you purchased Premium, with which you can install HD skins, that is, high-resolution skins). In addition, you can choose from our catalog, they are all beautiful.

    We launch our favorite TLauncher, which you have already downloaded, and check the box next to “Accounts”. Click on the tab with accounts, in your case it says “No accounts”, a list will open from where clicking the “Set up accounts” button will go to the authorization page.

    On this page, enter your data specified during registration - Login/Email address and password. Click the "Save" button to log in.

    If authorization is successful, then home page launcher you will see your login with the TL icon. Now select from the list any version with the TL icon (Which means that this version supports our skin system) and launch it. Your skin will already be in the game!

    Possible problems with TLauncher skins:

    Question: Is it free?

    Answer: Yes! You can register and install your own skin absolutely free. Only if you want Cloak and HD Skin, you need TLauncher Premium.

    Question: I don’t see my skin!

    Answer: Most likely, you did not complete one of the instructions. Usually the problem is that you launch the version without the TL icon or are not logged into the launcher through your website account.

    Question: I see my skin, but my friends don’t, what should I do?

    Answer: You and your friends must use the same skin system, that is, give them a link to download this launcher and create an account on the site according to the instructions above!
