How to make a stone fence with your own hands? Do-it-yourself stone pillars for a fence How to make a fence from stone

Currently, there is a huge variety of materials and technologies for the construction of fences. Stone is considered the most durable of all. It produces reliable, textured and durable fencing. You can hire craftsmen to build such a fence, but why overpay if you can easily build it yourself? Let's understand the intricacies of the process.

Pros and cons of stone fences (table)

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The service life of a stone fence is at least half a century. It all depends on how responsibly you approach the masonry process.Some types of stones have a very high price.
Stone is an environmentally friendly and safe raw material, as it is a natural material.A stone fence is very heavy, so its construction will require a solid and powerful foundation.
Wide price range, which depends on the type of stones and their fractions.
Fireproof material.
It is easy to install.
Thanks to the aesthetic properties of the stone, the fence will blend perfectly with any landscape.
Stone can be combined with other materials.

Types of stones

Fences made of stone began to be built a long time ago. Since ancient times, such fences have protected people's homes. Modern builders and landscape designers often take natural materials as their main raw materials.

There are a huge number of types of natural and artificial stones on the market, from which you can get confused. Right choice stone - very important point. With its help you can emphasize the style of your site.

  1. Cobblestone. It is otherwise called boulder stone. Is the most common and affordable option thanks to different factions. Despite the fact that it is simple, its strength is higher than that of other types. The disadvantages include it grey colour, which is not to everyone's taste. The red-brown color of cobblestone is less common.
  2. Gravel. Also considered a popular option. Fences made from it can take any shape. The combination of coarse and fine gravel allows you to create original fences. Fine gravel can be filled iron frame. For creating strong fence, gravel is combined with brick.
  3. Dolomite stone. It has a flat shape, different sizes and thickness. The place of its extraction is mountain quarries. This is a natural stone High Quality. A fence constructed from it will be durable and attractive.
  4. Limestone. There are shell rock, marble-like limestone and bryozoan. It is soft, so it is easy to handle. This is an ideal option for beginners. Its disadvantages include the fact that it absorbs moisture. To prevent it from destroying the stone, it is necessary to pre-treat it with a water repellent.
  5. Sandstone. The use of this stone for the construction of fences has been going on for a considerable number of years. This is a durable, frost- and moisture-resistant stone.
  6. Booth. It is mined from sandstone, limestone and dolomite. Irregular shaped stone. Its edge can be from 15 to 50 centimeters. They not only build fences from it, but also decorate them.
  7. Fake diamond. Recently, its popularity has been growing due to the fact that it is much cheaper than natural. Most often it is made from concrete with the addition of pigments. Finished copies are practically no different from their originals.

Combining stones with other materials

The original combination is a combination of wood and stone.

Thanks to these natural materials, the fence fits harmoniously into environment. True, making such a fence is quite difficult. Special skills and preliminary development are required.

Gabions have been very popular lately.

Translated from French it means “stones in a net”. The basis for such a fence is a mesh of thick metal wire. Fine and medium gravel is poured into it. In addition, fragments of bricks, rubble and other stones are often poured into it. The fence can have any shape. The end result is an attractive and durable fence.

The combination of stone and brick is the most popular fencing option.

The fence turns out to be presentable, durable, resistant to temperature changes and weather conditions.

Preparatory work

TO preparatory work may include the design and acquisition of all necessary tools and materials. The fence design and all the necessary calculations can be done using special online programs from open sources. The choice of material depends on your financial and taste preferences. Descriptions of the most popular ones are above. And the tools you will need are a concrete mixer, a tape measure, a shovel, a trowel, a building level, pegs and a rope.

Preparatory work also includes clearing the area, leveling the soil and marking. The latter is carried out by driving in pegs and stretching a rope between them along the perimeter of the future fence.


As mentioned earlier, a stone fence has an impressive mass, so the arrangement of the base must be approached with all responsibility. A solid reinforced strip base is ideal.

The width of the foundation should be 150 millimeters greater than the width of the future fence. The height of the base is at your discretion. The main thing is that it should not be lower than 100–150 millimeters.

Support pillars

The “sliding formwork” method is used to construct the pillars. The optimal dimensions for supports are considered to be 30x30 or 40x40 centimeters. The formwork is assembled from boards and secured with self-tapping screws.

Ideally, give each tier a day to dry before laying the next one. This way the pillars will be more durable.

Laying out spans

After the base and pillars are built, you can begin to build the spans. Optimal size stones for them are usually considered to be 200–250 millimeters. Thanks to their not too large mass, they are easier and more convenient to work with. Large stones can be broken with a hammer or crushed with a hammer drill. The stones are held together using a thick mortar made from sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1, respectively. Adding dry dye to the mixture will allow you to get seams of a different color than the solution.

First you need to apply a cement solution to the foundation. Then lay out the stone elements symmetrically along both edges of the span. To make it easier to navigate the masonry, the section is marked with a stretched thread.

Lay out the entire bottom row of the section. Fill all the gaps between the edges. The flat side of the stone should face up. Before you begin laying out each subsequent row, as in the case of building pillars, leave the masonry for a day to dry. Use a bandage when laying out rows.

Finishing work

To give the fence a more attractive appearance, it is necessary to unstitch the seams.

The seams are convex, shallow and deep. The latter option visually makes the masonry more voluminous.

To work on the seams, you will need a scraper, a wire brush and a piece of foam rubber.

It is easiest to unstitch the seams approximately 3-4 hours after the laying is completed. Later, the cement mortar becomes tight and difficult to joint.

  1. First you need to clean the stones and seams using a wire brush.
  2. Use a scraper to create neat grooves in the seams, the depth of which should not exceed 1–2 centimeters.
  3. Then the fence must be washed. This is done using foam rubber, a brush and 30 percent hydrochloric acid. At the same time, do not forget about safety measures - use protective gloves.

As additional decorative elements you can use forging or let it grow along the fence climbing plants and so on. It all depends on your imagination.

How to make a gabion fence

Fences made of gabions (stones in a grid) are rapidly gaining popularity among others. There are a number of advantages that contribute to this:

  • Such a fence reliably protects from wind and street noise.
  • Hides your personal life from prying eyes.
  • The fence is visually attractive.
  • Withstands heavy loads.
  • Easy and simple to install.
  • Economical and durable.
  • It tolerates temperature changes and any weather conditions well.
  • Such a fence can be erected on any terrain.
  • It can be filled with different materials.

How to choose a grid?

In order for such a fence to be as durable as possible, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the selection of materials. There is a wide variety of mesh for fence construction, which have different shapes and cell size. Most often, a chain-link mesh is used, which can be tensioned or sectional. The cells in it come with round, square and other cross-sections.

When choosing a grid, do not go wrong with the size of the cells. Stones should not fall out through them.

DIY construction stages

The foundation for a gabion fence is made according to the same principle as described above. Make the posts in the same way as for the previous fence. The distance between them should be no more than 5 meters. As soon as the base and supports have completely hardened, begin installing the gabions.

First you need to form a frame from the mesh. Place the rolls on the ground, unroll them and level them. Carefully secure the mesh to the supports and foundation.

The last step is to fill the grids with stones.

Video: building a fence from gabions

Video: the main points of laying rubble

A stone fence will become a reliable protector of your dacha. It will serve you very well for a long time. Its construction is a simple process. By following the recommendations and advice described above, you will not have to spend money on workers. You can handle this work quite independently. Good luck!

Stone fence looks more impressive and solid than other types of fencing. Designs from natural materials are distinguished by high levels of strength and reliability.

However, fences made of natural stone are much less common than, for example, wooden or metal fences for dachas with brick pillars. This is due to the fact that natural materials and work on the construction of exclusive structures are more expensive.

Another important factor- high time costs. Even a team of professionals will need a lot of time to erect the fence.

The process can be speeded up by making a fence from stone panels and blocks. The resulting structure imitates natural materials. But the design will only seem natural from afar. Up close, stone panels and blocks for fence posts will immediately give the appearance of “hack work.”

In this article we will look at the features of constructing natural stone fences. You will learn what materials are used to make supports and sections and how professionals work. If you wish, you can build such a fence yourself.

Types of stone fences. Popular combinations

Exist various options stone fences. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Fences made only of stone are rare.

Photo No. 1: stone fence

The construction of such fences requires a lot of time and money. Combinations of stone pillars and sections made of wood or metal are more popular. Such structures are cheaper and erected much faster.

Wooden fence with stone pillars

A wooden fence with stone pillars is the beauty and environmental friendliness of natural materials. With proper care, the sections will last a long time. Wood will require periodic processing protective compounds and paint and varnish materials.

Photo #2: wooden fence with stone pillars

Metal fences with stone pillars

Metal fences with stone pillars are reliable and durable. The buildings look impressive and perfectly protect the territory. The structures last for decades without the need for maintenance or repair.

Most often, sections are installed from Euro picket fences, corrugated sheets and forged elements. There are some very interesting combinations.

Photo #3: metal fence with stone pillars

Stone pillars for a fence. Selection of materials

Stone fence posts are made from various varieties of this natural material.

  • Granite. Durable and expensive stone. It is difficult to process and is used mainly for finishing. Granite will effectively complement a metal or wooden fence with brick pillars.

Photo No. 4: fence with granite finishing

  • Cobblestone. The most popular material. Advantages: prevalence and low cost. Most often, gray and red-brown cobblestones are used when constructing fences. The results are reliable and beautiful designs.

Photo No. 5: gray cobblestone fence

  • Gravel and pebbles. Due to the fine fraction, these materials are used mainly for finishing. Large stones can be placed in the net. The result is an inexpensive and interesting fence.

Photo No. 6: fence made of stones and mesh

  • Dolomite. The material is flat stones of yellowish, white, gray or Brown. Dolomite is used both for the construction of pillars and sections, and for finishing.

Photo No. 7: dolomite fence

These varieties are the most popular. In addition to them, when constructing fences and finishing posts and sections, limestone, sandstone, rubble stone and artificial analogues of natural materials are used.

How to make a stone fence

Construction of a stone fence is a complex and long work, requiring knowledge and experience. Even a team of several people will require an enormous amount of time to erect a fence. However, if you still want to do the installation yourself, please read the instructions below.

The construction process is divided into several stages.

1. Marking the territory

This stage involves stretching the rope around the perimeter of the fence. Mark the installation locations of the pillars.

2. Foundation construction

You will find detailed information about the construction of a monolithic strip foundation on our website.

The most suitable base width is 30 cm. In the places where the pillars will be, install metal profile pipes.

3. Preparatory work

While the foundation is hardening, sort the purchased stones by size. This will speed up the process of erecting the fence.

4. Laying stone fences (pillars)

Laying stone fences involves the use of floating formwork. To speed up the construction process, all pillars are erected simultaneously.

Make required amount collapsible formwork made of boards and self-tapping screws (for each pillar - 2 pcs.). Inner dimensions- 30*30 (according to the width of the foundation).

Once the frames are ready, follow the instructions below.

  1. Install the formwork.
  2. Lay the first layer of stones. They should fit as closely as possible to each other and to the formwork.

Photo No. 8: laying the first row of stones

  1. Pour in a thick solution so that it fills all the voids.

Repeat steps 1-3 for all fence posts. After this, secure the second formwork to each support with self-tapping screws and lay the next rows of stones in the same way.

Photo No. 9: laying the second row

After a day, the lower parts of the formwork can be removed and the construction of the next layers can begin.


  1. In places where the joists are attached, it is necessary to release metal corners. They need to be welded to the pipes.
  2. Immediately after removing the formwork, fill any voids found with mortar. Expand the dried seams with a drill and a wire brush.

Photo No. 9: support at the stage of construction of the 8th row

After all the pillars have been formed, take care to protect them from atmospheric precipitation. Perfect option- metal or plastic caps.

According to rough estimates (if all the pillars are erected at the same time), installing such supports for a stone fence will take 19–20 days.

DIY stone fence. Installation of spans.

Build a stone fence with your own hands different ways. There are three options for performing spans:

  1. sections without plinths;
  2. stone plinths + sections made of wood, corrugated board or other materials;
  3. masonry.

The last two options involve the use of formwork, the height of which is equal to 1/3 of the future height of the plinths or spans.

The stones are laid in layers. Each row should dry for at least a day.

During the filling process, the formwork remains in place. It is moved higher only a day after laying the top layer.

Making a beautiful, and most importantly, strong and durable fence with your own hands is easy and simple. All you need is desire and knowledge - and you can easily build the fence of your dreams.

Natural stone is considered the best material for building fences and fence posts; such types as dolomite, large pebbles, rubble, sandstone, and large pebbles are suitable. Stones for pillars should be smooth and with an average size of 10-20 cm.

Fence made of wood and stone

Laying the Basics

Most often, the sliding formwork method is used to make stone pillars. Before starting their laying, it is necessary to make a wooden formwork, twisted with self-tapping screws with internal dimensions of 30x30 cm. Before starting work, remember that the laying of such supports is carried out horizontally and is controlled using a level. This construction operation is best carried out in the summer, when the air will be dry, and therefore cement and other mortars can set and harden more quickly.


First, prepare the foundation: dig a trench about 80 cm deep (for soil freezing) and about 50 cm wide (the width depends on the width of the pillar itself). A foundation for stone fence posts is necessary, even in the place where you plan to install a gate - here you also need to dig a trench and fill it with concrete.

Carefully measure the distance from support to support, where each of them will be placed, do not forget to release the rods from the reinforcement. The foundation itself must first stand for about three days and only then can you begin laying the fence.

Step by step guide

We are offering to you step by step guide with the addition of a photo on how to make fence posts from stone.

The price of decorative stone for fencing may vary depending on the material. They can be made from both rare and common and available materials. It all depends on your capabilities and wishes regarding the appearance and execution of the fence. But rest assured that this design will create a great look, highlighting the beauty of your landscape.

If, when creating a fence around a house, its protective functions are important along with its respectable appearance, then it is better to give preference to stone. This is the oldest building material created by nature itself. A stone fence has many advantages and deserves to be discussed in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages

All the advantages of a fence made of stones around the house can be manifested when it is constructed according to the rules using high-quality cement mortar. The advantages of a stone fence are as follows:

  • practically unlimited service life;
  • environmental friendliness and safety of raw materials;
  • a wide range of stone prices, allowing everyone to choose an option that suits their budget;
  • absolute non-flammability, frost resistance, low water absorption and the ability to protect the area from street noise;
  • installation does not require the use of expensive equipment;
  • a stone fence around the house will easily fit into the design of the site, made in almost any style, and will look great against the background of the surrounding landscape.

Stone fencing also has disadvantages. There are few of them, but they are significant. Firstly, construction is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. Secondly, due to its heavy weight, it requires a strong foundation. This will make construction even more expensive and increase its time.

About the types of stone for a fence

The choice of material in this case is the main factor determining the price of the structure. When erecting a stone fence around the house you can use:

  1. Ordinary cobblestone. The cheapest, but very durable. You can find it literally under your feet, but in this case you will have to be content with the gloomy gray of its structure. It will cost a little more to buy a special red-brown cobblestone. It has a more regular rounded shape and will add an attractive texture to your fence design.
  2. Pebbles are not used often because they are too small in size, and for this reason it is quite difficult to work with. Typically, coarse pebbles are used to build stone fences, and the corners and base of the fence around the house are laid out of brick. It will give the structure the necessary strength.
  3. Dolomite is a durable, but easily processed stone obtained by blasting. Next, the rock is polished, thanks to which the stone and buildings made from it acquire an elegant appearance. It perfectly complements the design of both the house and the site.
  4. Limestone. This type of stone attracts with its availability and ease of processing. But we must not forget about its shortcomings. It has a porous structure and easily absorbs moisture, which, freezing and thawing, will quickly destroy the fence. To prevent this from happening, the surface of the limestone is treated with water repellents.
  5. Sandstone is many-sided and varied; it can have a polished or hewn surface. Beautiful, durable, frost-resistant and practically non-absorbent material.
  6. Rubble stone is the name given to the fragments of the most different breeds, which differ in size. A fence made of rubble stone around the house will look especially neat from rubble stones measuring 20-40 cm.
  7. Flagstone is a variant of wild stone. These are also rock fragments, but, unlike rubble, they have a flat shape. Only an experienced craftsman can build a fence from this material, since it must be carefully sorted by size.
  8. Granite is the most durable, most beautiful and most expensive. Not only the material, but also the work with it will be expensive. The stones are usually large in size and have to be broken and then adjusted to size according to overall design fencing.
  9. Marble competes with granite in cost, is not inferior to it in strength, but is easier to process. Marble rubble fences around the house are almost eternal structures that can last for several centuries, remaining just as elegant and durable.
  10. Artificial stone is an excellent option for those whose wallets cannot support the purchase of natural stone. In essence, it is concrete, but in appearance and in terms of performance, it is no different from natural stone except for cost.

After choosing the material, construction should begin. Building a stone fence with your own hands is a long and difficult process. It will require both patience and knowledge of the main stages of construction.

Pouring the foundation and preparing the stone

First, the site is marked, in which the points where the corner posts will stand are determined and marked with pegs. Then twine is stretched between the pegs, and places for row posts are marked. The distance between them should not exceed 3 m.

Next, a trench is dug, the width and length of which is determined by the width and length of the future fence, from 50 to 70 cm deep. In the places where the pillars will be located, holes are dug to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. In them, they are installed and fixed vertically on a crushed stone cushion. metal pipes with a diameter of 4 to 10 cm - supports for future pillars.

The boards are used to create formwork into which reinforcement is placed. On both sides near it, stakes are driven in every 1-1.5 m and connected by transverse beams. They will protect the boards from deformation when pouring.

The foundation is poured with a concrete mixture the consistency of thick sour cream. It consists of cement M300 or M400 - 1 part; sand – 2 parts; crushed stone - 4 parts. The foundation should be slightly above ground level, otherwise water after rain and melting snow will accumulate along the fence, erode the soil and cause mold to appear on the stones!

After pouring, the concrete must be pierced, covered with PET film (for more uniform drying), and wait about 2 or 3 weeks. This is necessary for the mixture to harden and gain the required strength.

The stones are sorted by size and color, and large cobblestones are broken. The smoothest fragments and stones, the shape of which is close to rectangular, are put aside; they will be used for the construction of pillars. When the material has been sorted and the foundation has gained the required strength, then it’s time to proceed to the most important stage.

Construction of pillars

When using processed rectangular stone, the fence is laid using the same technology as brickwork. This is the so-called plank masonry. There is also an improved plank masonry, for which ideally shaped material is used. But more often, home craftsmen use unprocessed stone, the shape of which is far from perfect. Rubble or “wild” masonry is used for it.

The simplest is the sliding formwork method. It allows you to create smooth, beautiful pillars from stones of different sizes and shapes. minimal costs time. In this case, two modules assembled from boards in the shape of a hollow parallelepiped are used as formwork for the supports of a fence made of stones. Its internal dimensions are equal to the parameters of the future pillar, and its height is no more than 50 cm. The modules should be easy to disassemble, so it is better to use self-tapping screws for fastening.

Prepare concrete mortar from the following ingredients: cement - 1/3 of a bucket; sand – ½ bucket; gravel ½ bucket. Add enough water to obtain a thick mixture that holds its shape well.

One of the modules is installed strictly horizontally so that the support pipe is in its center, and stones are laid around the perimeter. In this case, you must try to place them so that the gaps between them and inner surface the formwork was minimal, and the stone itself was laid as tightly as possible. After the first row is laid out, it is poured with concrete. Next, the second row is laid out and so on until the formwork is completely filled. The concrete must be pierced to get rid of voids.

Now secure the second module to the first module with self-tapping screws, check that it is horizontal and continue working. A day later, when the concrete has hardened, the lower formwork is disassembled, removed, reassembled, attached to the upper edge of the second module, and so on until the very top of the column.

Do not forget about the mortgages to which the sections will subsequently be attached.

While the solution is hardening on the upper sections of the support of the fence made of stones, below you can already begin finishing works. For them you will need a stiff brush, a piece of foam rubber and a scraper - a metal tool with a sharp tooth at the end. The work itself is as follows:

  • existing voids are filled with cement;
  • when the cement hardens, use a brush to clean the material from excess solution;
  • the seams are cleaned, and they are jointed with a scraper, that is, grooves of the required depth (about 1 cm) are made, which will give the pillar relief and a more attractive appearance;
  • Using a piece of foam rubber, the stone is finally washed off.

Don't put off unstitching too long! Over time, the solution will harden and it will be difficult to do it.

After the pillar is completely ready, its top must be covered with a metal cap, tiles, decorative stone - any material that can provide the pillar with protection from moisture.

Installation of sections

There are options here. Experienced craftsmen they stretch twine between the pillars, which serves as a guide for them. Place a layer of cement on the foundation and lay out the first layer of stones, trying to place them with the even side facing out, then fill them with concrete. When it hardens, apply the second and subsequent layers.

If there is not enough experience, then it is better to build sections in the same way as pillars - with the preliminary construction of formwork. The process is the same, only now it is not necessary to try to lay the stone close to the boards. Small unevenness in the laying of spans of stone fences is quite acceptable. Consider some nuances:

  • if round stones are used, then formwork, alas, will not help, and the work will have to be done “by eye”;
  • concrete is poured in layers, each layer should harden depending on the weather from one to two days;
  • don't do it right away high formwork– you will not be able to pierce the concrete efficiently – it is better to build it up gradually;
  • do not forget to check the verticality and horizontality of the structure;
  • so that all sections have the same height, on last stages laying sections, measure them with a tape measure and select stones the right size;
  • immediately unstitch the seams, as when constructing pillars.
  • Be sure to cover the top of the section with a gable metal roofing or tiles for waterproofing.

Now all that remains is to concrete the area along the fence at a slightly inclined angle so that water does not accumulate there, and look with pride at the work of your hands.

A little imagination

Today you can build a fence from fashionable torn stone, highlighting the design of the space around the house and bringing it closer to natural style. To make it from ordinary cobblestones, just split the stones with the edge of a sledgehammer. The result will be flat, easy to lay and beautiful design material.

You can build a gabion. This French word literally translates as “stone in a net.” That is what he is. A mesh of the desired configuration is simply created and natural material of the required size is poured into it. This type of fence is easy to create, original design, practicality and low maintenance in the future.

Those who would like to build a fence around their house with an exclusive design can create entire pictures on their fence.

Our distant ancestors always knew exactly what kind of fence to build around their home. And this is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds - fragments of stone fences. It is this reliable, durable, time-resistant material that is ideal for fencing modern buildings.

Currently construction market offers consumers widest choice materials from which the fence of a private house can be constructed. In order not to get lost in this variety, first determine for yourself what type of materials you prefer. If you choose a stone, you must understand what its strengths and weaknesses are.

Advantages of stone for building a fence:

  • strength: resistance to impact natural phenomena and to physical impact;
  • availability of certain types of stone (for example, cobblestones);
  • the ability to combine a variety of materials with masonry and create original structures;
  • a stone fence is very beautiful and increases the status of the owner of the house;
  • a stone fence will serve for many years;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of stone for building a fence:

  • labor intensity of construction;
  • higher financial costs compared to other materials;
  • need for a foundation.

Having made the final decision to build a permanent stone fence, you should choose from two types. There are:

  • fence made of natural (natural) stone;
  • fence made of artificial (decorative) stone.

Stone fence: varieties of natural materials

Natural stone is quite expensive, so it would be a good idea to ask what types of stone are common in your region of residence and what properties they have.

Dolomite. It is extracted in quarries using the blasting method. This explains the appearance of the material - plates of various thicknesses and sizes. Subsequently, the dolomite undergoes additional processing and polishing. The undoubted advantage of dolomite is that it can be given absolutely any shape. When building a fence from dolomite, you can choose either free-form or geometric masonry.

Granite. It is mined in the form of blocks and plates. The stone has high strength, durability and high water resistance, and has a rich range of colors: black, red-burgundy and white-gray shades. The characteristic granularity of the granite texture is given by inclusions of various minerals. After processing, it can acquire a different texture - from rough (absorbing light) to polished. Rarely used in the construction of fences due to its very high cost.

Limestone. This rock is of organic origin, which consists mainly of calcium carbonate. The stone is durable, highly durable, has a uniform structure and is easy to process. However, its use in construction is limited by climatic conditions: when low temperatures And high humidity it quickly collapses. Limestone varies in structure:

  • marble-like (as an intermediate link between limestone and marble);
  • dense (has a fine-grained structure, frost-resistant forms are found);
  • porous - consists of individual spherical grains of limestone (a subspecies of porous limestone includes shell rock, oolitic and pisolite rocks, and some others).

Cobblestone. This is the name given to natural stone that has a round shape. Typically, cobblestones are represented by rocks such as diorite, quartzite and basalt. This type of stone is most often used in the construction of fences and fences. Cobblestone is widespread throughout our country, has natural strength and good workability. It has an affordable price compared to other natural stones. Its size varies from a large potato to the size of a watermelon. Larger cobblestones are called boulders.

Pebbles. It is extremely rarely used independently in the construction of fences due to its very small size. It is a natural round-shaped stone that is formed under the influence of wind and water. Some types of pebbles are produced by crushing and grinding (for example, marble or granite pebbles).

Stone fence: features and types of rubble

Rubble stone (rubble) is large, always irregularly shaped fragments of mountains or rocks. The length of the edge of a rubble stone is from 15 to 50 cm. Rubble is distinguished by the type of stone (limestone, dolomite, cobblestone, sandstone, less often granite) and by strength (low, medium and high).

According to their shape, bottles are divided into:

  1. Flagstone(sawed quarry). It is a polygonal tile with a rough surface. Its thickness varies from 1 to 7 cm. Slabs up to 2.5 cm thick are convenient for constructing a fence from rubble stone.
  2. Bedbed. It is represented mainly by rocks such as limestone and sandstone. The slabs are more than 7 cm thick.
  3. Ragged Stone(wild) - usually a three-dimensional polygonal slab. Thanks to the rough relief surface and richness color range, torn stone is often used for the construction of various structures, including fences.

Stone fence: varieties of artificial stone

Artificial (decorative) stone for fence construction is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it is much more affordable than natural stone. But not everyone can appearance distinguish natural stone from high-quality decorative stone.

There are only 3 main types artificial stone:

  1. Porcelain tiles. Its production uses clay and mineral additives, which are pressed under very high pressure and then fired. The finished product most closely resembles ceramic tiles. It is durable and resistant to temperature changes. External texture varies:
  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • embossed;
  • covered with glaze.
  1. Agglomerates. The main component for their production is polyester resin. Various fillers in the form of stone chips are added to it: granite, marble, limestone. This type of artificial stone is used mainly for decorating furniture and interior items.
  2. Artificial stone based on concrete. In its production, various fillers from crumbs, pumice, expanded clay, coloring pigments, etc. are used. This artificial stone is made in two ways:
  • vibration casting method (the mixture is poured into molds resembling an impression natural stone, followed by vibration compaction);
  • vibration pressing method ( concrete mixture, poured into a mold, is subjected to vibration and a certain pressure).

The so-called concrete-based vibrocompression method is used to produce french stone. A French stone fence is easy to manufacture and construct. In essence, the “French” is a hollow wall block. The top is covered with waterproof materials. Fences made from such artificial stone are quite durable (they last 50 years or more) if a high-quality solution was used in their manufacture.

Stages of building a fence made of natural stone

Preparatory stage

  • drawing up a plan and estimated budget;
  • determining the construction site of the fence;
  • marking the construction site (using pegs you need to mark the line of the future fence, as well as gates and gates);
  • purchase of stone and other building materials(taking into account accurate measurements of the future structure).

Laying the foundation

Fences made of natural stone are built only on strip foundation, which is based on brick or reinforced concrete blocks. This is necessary so that the structure, the weight of which is large, is reliable and durable. The stages of building a foundation for a stone fence are as follows:

  • dig a trench 35-50 cm wide (15 cm wider than the fence itself) and 70 cm deep (if a fence is planned to be more than 2 meters high, then the depth is increased in the ratio: 10 cm per 1 m of fence);
  • determine the location of the support pillars (in increments of 2.5-3 m) and erect them according to one of the methods described below;
  • pour crushed stone or sand (3-5 cm) onto the bottom of the finished trench;
  • compact the layer;
  • lay a frame made of reinforcement (diameter 10-14 mm);
  • install formwork from edged boards(install supports approximately every meter, and place crossbars on the vertical posts);
  • fill the trench with prepared mortar (grade 300 cement, gravel and sand) or brickwork;
  • To protect the foundation from moisture, install a blind area (a kind of threshold with a slope from the structure). Water flowing down the blind area will not accumulate at the base of the fence;
  • The foundation should dry for about 2 weeks under the film.

Installation of support pillars

Support posts for a stone fence are no less important part construction than the foundation: it is on them that the bulk of the spans will rest. Considering that a fence made of natural stone is a massive structure, it is better to use concrete support pillars:

  • ready-made supports of factory production;
  • pouring supports, which are special forms for pouring mortar;
  • self-production of formwork for support pillars.

Ready-made support pillars require significant financial investments. They are installed on a pre-prepared brick base directly into the poured concrete.

Block supports do not require large expenditures and are easy to construct. They are different sizes, configurations and textures. In addition, the structure of block supports is convenient for running cables for lighting or video surveillance.

Installing concrete support pillars is simple:

  • string hollow blocks onto reinforcement bars fixed in the foundation;
  • fill the cavity with the prepared cement mortar;
  • ensure that the seams between the blocks do not exceed 11 mm;
  • When the solution hardens, the support column is completely ready.

You can also build support pillars for a stone fence yourself in the following way:

  • foundation cups (a concrete cube with a hole in the middle) are poured into the trench;
  • reinforcement is installed in the middle and fixed with mortar;
  • prepared square formwork (height and width 30-40 cm) is installed on top of the foundation glass;
  • A layer of stones is placed tightly together inside the formwork (with the flat side facing out). If necessary, the shape of the stones can be adjusted with a hammer;
  • stones are filled with cement mortar (1 bucket of cement + 3 buckets of sand + ¼ bucket of glue);
  • the actions are repeated until the selected height of the support column (they should be 15-20 cm higher than the spans);
  • the finished supports are left to dry for 1-2 weeks;
  • Special caps are installed for decoration and removal of precipitation.

Construction of spans

Laying spans is the most critical stage in the construction of a stone fence:

  • prepare a solution of cement and medium-sifted sand in a ratio of 1:3 (it should be thick enough and not spread);
  • if these stones are relatively not large sizes, then between support pillars install formwork boards;
  • if the stones are large, a guide thread is stretched between the pillars;
  • a solution is placed on the foundation;
  • the stones are laid symmetrically on both sides of the span, and the voids between them are filled with mortar;
  • after laying the first row, it is allowed to dry and harden for a day;
  • the laying of stones in subsequent rows must necessarily be tied (when each upper stone rests on 2 or 3 lower ones, covering the seams between the lower stones);
  • for laying the last row, stones must be chosen the same in height;
  • The top row is covered with slabs (70 mm high) or screed with concrete mortar.

Joining seams

The seams between the masonry are divided into deep and shallow. Deep seams add volume to the stone fence. For the seam removal procedure, you must have in stock:

  • scraper (a strip of metal 150 mm long, 4 mm thick and 2.5 mm wide, which ends in a “tooth” 20 mm high and 10 mm wide);
  • foam rubber scraps;
  • flat wire brush.

The seams should be unstitched no earlier than 3-4 hours after laying, before the mortar becomes too tight:

  • using a wire brush, the masonry and seams are cleaned from excess bonding mortar;
  • Using a scraper, the grooves of the desired depth are cleaned (it will look beautiful rectangular shape grooves);
  • The jointing process is completed by washing using pieces of foam rubber, a brush and a solution of 30% hydrochloric acid.

Natural stone fence: photo

Artificial stone fence: photo

Construction of a stone fence: video
