How the Russian people are rebelling against Putin and what crazy things they did in the Kremlin. Putin faces palace coup

The storm is approaching.

“Save yourself, and thousands around you will drown”—this is the secret commandment of the oligarchy on board the Kremlin Titanic today. For example, Deripaska, who even has his real estate frozen in the US, has achieved the return of aluminum to every new house in the form of electrical wiring. A little more - and dentists will be obliged to insert aluminum teeth into Russians, and only aluminum panties of loyalty to the government will remain on sale from underwear. Each of those close to him, with desperate grasping movements, tears off pieces from the budget pie, hastily inflating a life preserver for himself, writes Alexander Sotnik for sotnik-tv.

The storm is approaching. The fuss behind the scenes is almost invisible even to inquisitive eyes, but the scraps of information flying out from under the carpet leave no doubt: there is serious squabbling going on there. They seriously hate each other there, but they shit on tiptoe and even swear in a barely perceptible whisper, so that snatches of phrases and echoes of scandals do not touch the ears of the average man who began to open his eyes after the deafening news about his pension being reduced. In order to drown out any rustle in the Kremlin, the sirens of federal TV channels are turned on at full power and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released hysterics with a full set of foreign policy dishes, which they bang so loudly that the ringing can be heard throughout the entire country.

The Russian Embassy in the UK called on the British government to “urgently clarify its position” on reports that the British military was preparing a cyber attack to cut off electricity in Moscow in the event of a Russian attack on a NATO member. This is one example of information noise organized in response to obvious news.

The Kremlin sends saboteurs to the West and encourages cybercriminals. His actions go far beyond political interests, increasingly crossing the red line, beyond which the front of a real war begins. And in the event of an actual invasion of the same Estonia, Britain will cut off power to the aggressor, depriving him of the ability to conduct military operations - up to complete paralysis.

The entire set of tools is openly outlined in the relevant NATO documents, and is no secret. But the fact of the matter is that the main thing for Moscow is to raise a howl in order to divert attention from the main processes taking place behind the Kremlin wall.

There, behind the battlements, the patchwork quilt of power is cracking with might and main. You are so animated that the devils in the Underworld are jealous of the intensity of passions. Chemezov confronts Zolotov, who kicks back with inept PR at the Kremlin walls, turning into a “call boy”; the media is leaking information about Sechin’s five-story apartment, not to mention the scattered fecal matter of the GRU that stained the uniform of commander Shoigu; Ramzan Kadyrov’s activity has acquired a new territorial scope, with a hint of preparations for an imminent separation from Russia. In the parts of the Sunzhensky region transferred from Ingushetia to Kadyrov, there are mothballed oil wells dating back to Soviet times, and given that Ramzan has already raked in the entire “oil industry” for himself, there are no such coincidences, and we are most likely talking about the accumulation of resources for further financial autonomy of this region. The Ingush are indignant and threaten a conflict, and if it breaks out in the Caucasus, it will be the beginning of the end of Putin’s empire.

Putin himself is practically already excluded from accepting important decisions, and its role is relegated to a decorative level. All he is allowed to do is appear in front of television cameras and pronounce delusional monologues that have nothing to do with reality. The array of claims from those around him against the “arbiter” is growing every day, and will not dissipate.

A dissatisfied population is grumbling from below, business is screaming from the side, being bullied by power connecting rods, foreign policy and sanctions pressure is pressing from above, and a self-fed insatiable lizard is looking into the Botox muzzle with bloodshot mugs. He looks and licks his lips.

The Kremlin towers began to move. Behind this process lies the general background of fatigue of the klepto-elites, the already everyday exhaustion of the population, and the extreme degree of irritation of the Western political establishment.

But don’t expect Special Caesar’s corpse to be dragged across Red Square. It will not happen. The coup, which is already in full swing sneaking through the Kremlin corridors, will be behind the scenes and even hybrid - like everything connected with the passing era of Putinism.

Everyone, of course, is concerned about the answer to the question “who instead of...?” But the process of the hybrid coup is not completed because final agreements have not been reached, and the decision on the “portrait” is secondary here.

Really, what difference does it make - who? The system will remain the same or, worse, even transform into an even more terrifying one. Unless, of course, it explodes from below. And “down there” everything is quiet for now. But this calmness only seems unshakable - until the usual portrait is taken in front of everyone. It is then that the factor of unpredictability of the masses can come into play: “There is no longer an intercessor, and there is no one to even kneel before!” The long-term promotion of Volodya’s special image can play a cruel joke on those who promoted it themselves.

A hybrid regime that wages hybrid wars will logically end in hybrid death. The only difference is that the consequences of the decline of the Putin era will result in Russia’s plunge into real and long-term darkness.

How and when will a “palace coup” be carried out in the Kremlin, - Rabinovich

13.10.2016 10:12

This will happen when, or soon after, ALL Western political leaders declare Putin unwelcome in their countries, even for a short state visit, when they ALL accuse him of war crimes, and say so either openly or using explicit diplomatic language.

Then the members of Putin’s organized crime group will finally understand that the billions and tens of billions of dollars that the Kremlin spends annually on bribing Western leaders and shaping pro-Putin public opinion in their countries no longer work, and their Fuhrer, Vladolf Putler, is no longer capable of protecting your organized crime group and represent its interests both inside Russia and outside. In this moment The Game Will Be Over.

Members of Putin’s organized crime group will offer the West a deck of replacement options, and, as a “transition period,” the West will be inclined to discuss such options. After all, during the “transition period,” the West will need to “talk to someone.” Sergei Ivanov, Nikolai Patrushev, Sergei Shoigu, Sergei Naryshkin and similar war criminals are excluded from replacement options by definition. All former KGB officers of the USSR are also excluded by definition. Dmitry Medvedev, Igor Shuvalov and - especially - Alexey Kudrin (and a number of others) are not excluded. Internal options plans to eliminate Putin can be very diverse, but most likely should include a joint conspiracy with Putin’s personal security. This may be problematic, but it will become inevitable at a certain stage of Putin’s “damage” not so much from the point of view of the West, but from the point of view of the members of Putin’s organized crime group themselves.

Putin has come a long way as a rising outcast. This path could have been much shorter if not for the stupidity, short-sightedness, cowardice and cynicism of Western leaders. A significant number of lives would have been saved if the West had taken much more decisive measures against the Russian under-Führer right when he was foaming at the mouth in March - October 2014, with fascist speeches about “Novorossiya”, drowned the east of Ukraine in blood and shot down Boeing flight MH-17.

Yes, this path was too long.

The first serious public political cold shower Putin received it in November 2014 at the G-20 summit in Brisbane from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Putin was the first to extend his hand to him, Harper accepted the gesture, but at the same time told the Russian under-Führer: “I think I should shake your hand, but I can only say one thing: you must get out of Ukraine.”

The host of that meeting, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who wanted his guests to focus on the economic problems of the world, then said: “Russia would be much more attractive if it aspired to become a superpower for the sake of peace, freedom and prosperity, without trying to recreate the lost glory of tsarism or the old Soviet Union.”

Exactly two years have passed. The US, UK and France have openly accused Putin and Russia, unfortunately represented by him, of war crimes. And, unfortunately, not for murder either. civilian population in Grozny, Tskhinvali or Donetsk. For the killing of civilians in Syrian Aleppo. For some reason, the stupidity, short-sightedness, cowardice and cynicism of Western leaders evaluate the lives of the children of Grozny, Tskhinvali, Donetsk and MH-17 differently than the lives of the children of Aleppo.

US Secretary of State John Kerry accused Russia of war crimes. If my memory serves me correctly, in the entire history of the United States not a single such high-ranking official of the US administration used such words in relation to Russian Empire, to the USSR and to Russian Federation.

The same words were directly used by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

Just last Saturday, French President Francois Hollande said that if one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council blocks the French resolution on Syria, this will discredit this country and make it responsible for the continuation of bloodshed in Aleppo.

The Russian Federation, on the orders of the Russian under-Führer, vetoed this resolution.

Immediately after this, the French leader noted that he “doesn’t know whether he should meet with the Russian president.” In diplomatic language this means: “Vladimir, you are completely UNWANTED on the territory of the French Republic.” In Russian it means something different. On the same day, France officially appealed to the International Court of Justice to investigate war crimes committed by the Russian Federation in Syria.

On October 11, 2016, British Member of Parliament Andrew Mitchell said that Russia had turned Syrian civilians into targets, comparing what was happening in Aleppo to the actions of the Nazis of Hitler's Germany during the Spanish Civil War. “We are witnessing events that would have been consistent with the behavior of the Nazi regime in Guernica in Spain,” said the British MP.

That's it, putler is over. Putin's organized crime group can no longer afford to have such a leader.

In March - October 2014, I publicly stated that the putler would hang himself, you just had to wait. He didn't even need help with this: there was no need to sell him a rope so that he could hang himself with it. The putler found the rope himself - exactly as I predicted then.

Now prominent members of Putin’s organized crime group, who were not directly involved in the war crimes of their boss, and who did not serve in the KGB of the USSR, have the opportunity to receive the West’s blessing for further dialogue and eliminate the Russian under-Führer. And I strongly recommend that they do this, because today two things are obvious:

(1) the putler is no longer suitable for protecting the interests of the organized crime group, and (2) the elimination of the putler removes the serious risk of a global catastrophe, which the sick, inflamed brain of the Russian under-Führer does not seem to exclude. Both factors are very strong to create the necessary and sufficient conditions for an urgent palace coup, as a transition period before the latest Russian revolution.

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Don't believe what happened to us coup d'etat and Putin no longer leads the country? Well, then see for yourself!

1. The Russian government has become the most anti-Russian organization. His economic bloc openly promises the collapse of the country - and, most importantly, it does everything for this. The industry is on its last legs - while huge amounts of money are being spent on obviously stillborn projects such as Skolkovo and Rusnano.

2. Why the Duma exists is no longer a secret to anyone: to steal and pass stupid laws that only worsen the life of the country.

3. A huge number of media feed on foreign grants, speaking and showing against us.

4. The immortal banker kahal, who seemed to have been defeated, was reincarnated in hundreds of new shoots that penetrated into all spheres of life without exception. Yes, there are no arrogant Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky. But instead of them there are quite correct-looking “patriots” who, with an expression of caring attention on their faces, are systematically destroying all the best that our fathers carefully created.

5. No more healthcare, no education, no science, no social support - and so on...

Everything, literally everything, is being done in order to bring the people to the extreme. The noose of negative information about football players, embezzlers, liars and thieves in government and local government structures is tightening around the necks of ordinary people. Every day there are new scandals and revelations. Obvious criminals not only avoid criminal prosecution, but are also appointed to their posts for another term, and even with gratitude and honors. Chubais, Serdyukov, Vasilyeva, Chaika’s children have already become the talk of the town. And “on the ground” people like them firmly hold power in their fist.

All talk about the fight against corruption sounds like a mockery of working man. And they are heard against the backdrop of calls for freezing wages and benefits and raising the retirement age. Against the backdrop of rising food prices and housing and communal services tariffs - and at the same time, reports of increased salaries for officials...

Isn’t it clear that all this is aimed at creating a revolutionary situation and a social explosion? And what happened in Ukraine before the Maidan is nothing compared to what forces are involved in Russia today. But in Ukraine everything was extremely clear: Yanukovych is sitting here, and he needs to be torn apart. Our situation is different.

There is no autocracy in the country. Yes, of course there was some kind of agreement - and at first it was respected, they did not touch those especially close to the banking kahal. But sensing danger to themselves, they violated the agreement and began to smash their opponents. As Khodorkovsky sat down, so it began. For some time, the squabble was not too dangerous for that clan, but one day, when Russia paid off its uranium debts and began to accumulate funds for the revival of the military-industrial complex, law enforcement agencies and other useful things, the clan became nervous.

Especially when Putin’s people became so greyhounds that they stopped following orders from overseas. And the liberal wing has already mastered its loot - how to report to customers? Well, it launched the white-flecked pro-estants and human rights activists into full swing.

Here they were unlucky again. The pro-government turned out to be more dexterous - and crushed the “swamp movement” without a trace. The security forces not only gained weight and a substantial treasury, but also united under one field marshal. Another round of purges has begun among the security forces and regional heads. Vasilyeva herself, the passion of Serdyukov himself, was put under house arrest and then camp arrest, with partial confiscation of what was stolen from her. Himself brought out on clean water Serdyukov almost sat down! It seemed that just a little more - and the enemy would be finished off!

But something went wrong, and the pro-presidential ones began to give up position after position. Vasilyeva was given back the confiscated goods, Serdyukov was given a good job...

The very fact of Kudrin’s return to politics is already a terrible loss. And he even stopped masquerading. Have you ever seen, in what other country is it possible for some retiree to offer early presidential elections and capitulation to the adversary?

What is the reason for such dashing courage of one of the leaders of the already retired clan?

It seems that the confrontation between the president and the liberal clan has reached a new, extremely dangerous level. History repeats itself - and we are again on the verge of civil war and new Western intervention under the guise of supporting democracy. Would you say this is impossible? After all, we have nuclear weapons! It is there, but using it, even for self-defense, is tantamount to suicide.

No in pure form events of 1917 and subsequent Civil War will not happen again with intervention. But the complex opposing groups will already have their own armed forces. Here's the news that shocked me to the core:

“On Sunday, June 19, on the Rossiya TV channel in the TV program “News of the Week” there was a story dedicated to the Chechen Republic. Among the achievements of the leadership of the Republic, journalists pointed out the construction of the International Center for the Training of Special Forces in Gudermes... Construction is being carried out with private money from Russian investors, without the participation budget funds and such security agencies as the GRU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

The special forces center, which has no analogues in the whole world, will receive the largest shooting range with an area of ​​4 thousand square meters. m., will have its own airfield, wind tunnel and a whole city to practice actions to identify and prevent terrorist threats...

A source close to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that questions began to arise regarding this construction..."

That is, the situation has gone so far that Russian security forces do not control the situation on their own territory. In response to the presidential national guard, an alternative one immediately appears, declaring war on the central government by the very fact of its emergence! This has never happened before in the history of Russia. And if even the well-functioning power machine of the President helplessly throws up his hands in response, only timidly making a reservation about some “issues for this construction project” - then what is this if not a coup d’etat?

How can all this end?

I’m afraid that those desperate heads who are used to fighting for their victory, sparing no one or anything, for the sake of overthrowing an undesirable person who has slammed the gates of heaven to Europe for them, will do anything. Don't believe me? Ask Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

And here it’s up to all of us whether we start looking for a scapegoat in the person of the president with his “millions of mistakes,” or whether we stand up to protect a man who is not omnipotent, alas, from the aggression of the said clan. I would like to remind those who blame Putin for everything that they themselves never tire of laughing, looking at Ukrainians blaming our president for all their troubles...

Blaming Putin alone for everything means not noticing that Russia still exists only because it was Putin who became at the helm of our country. Just imagine what would have happened to us if Yeltsin had been replaced by some Chubais, who directly said that we were not afraid of the loss of several tens of millions of people. Well, or someone like him. You need to realize that there is now dual power in the country - and clearly understand what comes from where.

Why is a question not only for Putin, but also for the people. It’s not Putin’s fault that the traffic cop is a bribe-taker, but the neighbor is an alcoholic. Those who surround us come into politics. If we are all more decent, politics will inevitably become cleaner. But while we yap at the authorities, and we envy them ourselves, dreaming of stealing something from the country, sending our children to even tiny officials, even with a small kickback - we are that rot that is gradually killing our country.

I do not rule out that Putin will leave if he sees that without making such a decision bloodshed cannot be avoided. Will choose a lesser evil than civil war and external intervention. And today he is being put in such a situation slowly but systematically.

You know that the United States is now transferring tactical equipment to NATO forces in Europe nuclear bombs? This is evidence of nuclear blackmail. USA is not afraid nuclear war, because they do not intend to untie it. It’s just that some stupid Polish or Bulgarian pilot mistakenly fires a tactical missile with a nuclear warhead towards Russia. The calculation is simple: to launch a massacre using nuclear weapons on foreign territory.

We will then have to answer the Bulgarians or Poles, and there, overseas, they will be eating popcorn in front of the TV and jumping up from the sofas like during a baseball game: “Oh my God! Oh my God!

Everything, no matter how sad, is leading to this. And our duty now is to help Putin regain all power in the Kremlin in order to avoid the worst scenario. But not with servile praise, from which there is zero benefit, or even a minus. And our firm civic position - and everyone knows perfectly well what it is and how it differs from the common current civil rot.

Based on materials from Andrey Kadykchansky

You know, dear friends, sometimes it is very interesting to read the foreign press. Especially when it comes to our country and what political processes, in their opinion, are taking place in Russia today. One of the Western resources not long ago published an article under the catchy title “There is no fifth column in the Kremlin? Think again!

IN this material author of the article on specific examples demonstrates how the fifth (public figures, liberal intelligentsia) and sixth (liberal ruling elite, pro-Western oligarchy) columns are trying to destroy all the president’s attempts to turn left - towards state sovereignty.

To achieve their goals, they do not disdain anything, and since these people are the real power in the country, they have ample opportunities to violate the laws of our country with impunity. Let's look at a few examples that clearly demonstrate how skillfully, cynically and cold-bloodedly these people work.

Information attacks on the state - at the expense of the state. You ask, that is, how is this?! So, listen carefully. You probably know such a radio station as “Echo of Moscow”. Yes, yes, this is the same opposition media that pursues an anti-state information policy. You will say - if their activities do not contradict the law - let them work and convey an alternative opinion to the masses, for good measure. It's like that. But have you ever wondered how they exist?

The fact is that the owner of this radio station is the state-owned (attention!) company Gazprom-Media. That is, they are pursuing an anti-state information agenda at the expense of... this very state. Stop! Do you experience cognitive dissonance? Moreover, as a recent investigation by journalist Ruslan Ostashko shows, the Ekho Moskvy radio station is a deeply unprofitable organization. And in order to artificially keep this media afloat, the state is forced to increase its funding every year.

According to the journalist, over the past three years negative financial balance“Echo of Moscow” has reached staggering proportions. Namely, as of:
December 31, 2015 – 38.5 million rubles;
December 31, 2016 – 79.8 million rubles;
December 31, 2017 – 159.3 million rubles.

It’s scary to imagine what this amount will be at the end of this year - is it really all 300 million rubles? That is, the state is doing everything possible to keep Echo of Moscow afloat, whose information policy is directed against this very state. Moreover, as it turned out, the very activities of this organization directly contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. The fact is that, according to paragraph 11 of Article 35 of Federal Law No. 208 “On Joint-Stock Companies”, if at the end of the second reporting year the value of the assets of a commercial organization is below the minimum authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, then this Joint-Stock Company subject to liquidation. Ekho Moskvy has been de facto bankrupt for a long time. But no one is going to shut down the enemy liberal media, and no one will come there to check. On the contrary, the native state will cover and throw money at next year. How is this possible?!

Pension reform as a powerful tool for undermining confidence in the president. The government's sensational initiatives on the need to increase the retirement age have been discussed for a long time. Attempts to carry out this reform in Russia have been made before, at least five or six times since the time of Yeltsin. President Putin himself put an end to this issue in 2005, when he stated that as long as he was president, there would be no increase in the retirement age. What happened now, will the president really not keep his word? The fact is that Putin personally did not issue such instructions and decrees. Of course, he is aware of the government’s initiatives, but note that the president himself remains silent. He has yet to issue a statement expressly endorsing the government's initiatives. As you know, our entire economic bloc is hardened liberals who frankly don’t give a damn about Russian citizens. Moreover, they act very cunningly - ministers come to Putin with papers and proposals, they say - here, we have found an option to increase payments and improve the social well-being of citizens. May I elaborate on this question, Mr. President?

Of course, Putin gives the go-ahead, but... Pay attention at what moment this happens - when the World Cup starts. That is, the most successful moment was chosen, when the population’s attention was focused on other things. But the president is also a person whose thoughts at this moment are also occupied with how to successfully hold the competition, how to adequately ensure security, and, after all, it is during this period that his work schedule includes an international tour (Austria - Beijing). There are attempts to obscure the attention of not only ordinary citizens, but also the head of state. Understand, dear friends, we are not trying to instill the old idea, like the owner of the Mausoleum, that “the king is good - the boyars are bad.” Of course, the president is aware of this entire situation. It’s not for nothing that Putin literally translated all significant political decisions into manual mode. At the same time, Putin is well aware that his snickering retinue has almost committed a political assassination attempt on the guarantor of the constitution. Research shows that 92% of citizens are against pension reform in its current form. Just in June, the president's rating fell by 9 percentage points. This is not a military conspiracy against the Russian President, but absolutely a political conspiracy that has taken place.

The enemy competently and very timely changed tactics. If all these four years they have been trying to influence the president by putting pressure on those around him, now they will put pressure on the common people. Being under powerful pressure from the global liberal elite, our Russian ruling elite will fully take out all its anger at you and me. And desperate, angry people, as you know, pour out their anger on the streets, often demanding the head of the Tsar. That's the whole idea. In the end, palace coups often pass unnoticed: a man lived and died. I was already old, anything can happen. Or maybe it’s the merciless Russian revolution - after which it’s impossible to put the country back together. So our Western partners have lost nothing. If plan A has failed, let’s put plan B into action. This is even better: Russia is too big and inconvenient. If it gets smaller, it will get easier. For them - all those who hate today's Russia, both in Russia itself and beyond its borders.

Taking a football club, castle or yacht from an oligarch is no longer effective. To take the last ruble from a pensioner, to empty the pockets of a simple worker - this is their new plan.

Increasing duties and rising fuel prices, increasing VAT and increasing the retirement age - all this is a powerful bombardment directly against the population. This is an attempt to stir up public sentiment, create enormous discontent with the authorities and roil the streets. How can one not recall the legendary phrase of the president at one of the government meetings in 2015, when he learned that electric trains had stopped running in the regions: “Are you completely crazy?!” And something tells us that, looking at everything that is happening now, Putin has the same words spinning in his head. It is obvious that the stakes have been raised and the game of destruction has begun. If Putin does not reconsider the initiatives of his subordinates and does not punish the authors of the so-called “pension reform,” then the consequences for the authorities and for himself will be the most severe. It is not surprising that Putin remains silent. Scouts are not characterized by demonstrative emotions. It’s just that very soon there will be a preemptive strike from the president, when much of what our liberal government is now proposing will be replayed. The liberals started their feasts too early - their joy is as premature as our sadness. Serious adjustments will be made in the fall, and then the first heads will roll.

Yes, Machiavelli was right. It is the retinue that makes the king. Only our ruler’s retinue is too thieving, vile, and hates his country and his people. Therefore, it’s time to deal with the boyars.

Some should be impaled, others sent into disgrace.

And further.
Under no circumstances should Putin trust them.
Not a single word from them.
Otherwise, one day he will hear something painfully simple and familiar:

And the king is naked...

The storm is approaching.

“Save yourself, and thousands around you will drown” - this is the secret commandment of the oligarchy on board the Kremlin Titanic today. For example, Deripaska, who even has his real estate properties frozen in the United States, has achieved the return of aluminum to every new home in the form of electrical wiring. A little more - and dentists will be obliged to insert aluminum teeth into Russians, and only aluminum panties of loyalty to the government will remain on sale from underwear. Each of those close to him, with desperate grasping movements, tears off pieces from the budget pie, hastily inflating a life preserver for himself, writes Alexander Sotnik for sotnik-tv.

The storm is approaching. The fuss behind the scenes is almost invisible even to inquisitive eyes, but the scraps of information flying out from under the carpet leave no doubt: there is serious squabbling going on there. They seriously hate each other there, but they shit on tiptoe and even swear in a barely perceptible whisper, so that snatches of phrases and echoes of scandals do not touch the ears of the average man who began to open his eyes after the deafening news about his pension being reduced. In order to drown out any rustle in the Kremlin, the sirens of federal TV channels are turned on at full power and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released hysterics with a full set of foreign policy dishes, which they bang so loudly that the ringing can be heard throughout the entire country.

The Russian Embassy in the UK called on the British government to "urgently clarify its position" on reports that the British military was preparing a cyber attack to cut off electricity in Moscow in the event of a Russian attack on a NATO member. This is one example of information noise organized in response to obvious news.

The Kremlin sends saboteurs to the West and encourages cybercriminals. His actions go far beyond political interests, increasingly crossing the red line, beyond which the front of a real war begins. And in the event of an actual invasion of the same Estonia, Britain will cut off power to the aggressor, depriving him of the ability to conduct military operations - up to complete paralysis.

The entire set of tools is openly outlined in the relevant NATO documents, and is no secret. But the fact of the matter is that the main thing for Moscow is to raise a howl in order to divert attention from the main processes taking place behind the Kremlin wall.

There, behind the battlements, the patchwork quilt of power is cracking with might and main. You are so animated that the devils in the Underworld are jealous of the intensity of passions. Chemezov confronts Zolotov, who kicks back with inept PR at the Kremlin walls, turning into a “call boy”; the media is leaking information about Sechin’s five-story apartment, not to mention the scattered fecal matter of the GRU that stained the uniform of commander Shoigu; activity Ramzan Kadyrov acquired a new territorial scope, with a hint of preparations for an imminent separation from Russia. In the parts of the Sunzha region transferred from Ingushetia to Kadyrov, there are mothballed oil wells dating back to Soviet times, and given that Ramzan has already grabbed the entire “oil industry” for himself, there are no such coincidences, and we are most likely talking about the accumulation of resources for further financial autonomy of this region. The Ingush are indignant and threaten conflict, and if it breaks out in the Caucasus, it will be the beginning of the end of Putin’s empire.

Putin himself has practically already been removed from making important decisions, and his role has been reduced to a decorative level. All he is allowed to do is appear in front of television cameras and pronounce delusional monologues that have nothing to do with reality. The array of claims from those around him against the “arbiter” is growing every day, and will not dissipate.

A dissatisfied population is grumbling from below, business is screaming from the side, being bullied by power connecting rods, foreign policy and sanctions pressure is pressing from above, and a self-fed insatiable lizard is looking into the Botox muzzle with bloodshot mugs. He looks and licks his lips.

The Kremlin towers began to move. Behind this process lies the general background of fatigue of the klepto-elites, the already everyday exhaustion of the population, and the extreme degree of irritation of the Western political establishment.

But don’t expect Special Caesar’s corpse to be dragged across Red Square. It will not happen. The coup, which is already in full swing sneaking through the Kremlin corridors, will be behind the scenes and even hybrid - like everything connected with the passing era of Putinism.

Everyone, of course, is concerned about the answer to the question “who instead of...?” But the process of the hybrid coup is not completed because final agreements have not been reached, and the decision on the “portrait” is secondary here.

Really, what difference does it make - who? The system will remain the same or, worse, even transform into an even more terrifying one. Unless, of course, it explodes from below. And “down there” everything is quiet for now. But this calm only seems unshakable - until the usual portrait is taken in front of everyone. It is then that the factor of unpredictability of the masses can come into play: “There is no longer an intercessor, and there is no one to even kneel before!” The long-term promotion of Volodya’s special image can play a cruel joke on those who promoted it themselves.

A hybrid regime that wages hybrid wars will logically end in hybrid death. The only difference is that the consequences of the decline of the Putin era will result in Russia’s plunge into real and long-term darkness.
