How to plant a money tree flower correctly. Caring for a money tree at home. Location and lighting

The article discusses the main methods vegetative propagation Crassula cuttings and leaves with rooting in a soil mixture or aqueous solution.

Crassula belongs to the succulents. Numerous species are found in many regions of the world as single and perennials herbaceous, bushy and tree-like forms (from 0.3 to 5.0 m). They can be grown with equal success in open ground and indoor spaces.

Biological features

Crassula or Crassula is popularly called the money tree due to the similarity of the leaves to coins. The leaves are simple, round, succulent, shiny, densely covering the stems of the bushy plant. Blooms small flowers white, pink, yellowish flowers, collected in small umbrellas. When grown in room conditions color is rare, due to lack of lighting. The root system is powerful and forms aerial roots.


Crassulas are sun lovers. All year round need bright lighting. For normal growth and development in summer, an air temperature of +12-+18*C is sufficient. In winter, during the dormant period, minimum temperature is +7*C. Watering is moderate when the top layer (up to 3 cm) of soil is dry. By autumn, watering is reduced and winter period the plants are not watered. During the growing season they like to spray with warm, settled water. Fertilizing is carried out with special fertilizers for succulent plants.

Crassulas are easily propagated vegetatively by cuttings, individual leaf blades and seeds. Propagation of Crassula by seeds does not convey the properties of the plant, is quite difficult to work with and is used much less frequently than vegetative propagation.

Propagation by cuttings

To propagate Crassula from cuttings you need:

  • inspect the plant and select a fairly developed shoot measuring 10-12 cm,
  • Carefully separate from the mother plant and leave to dry for a day.

You can root cuttings in 2 ways - in water and in soil.

Rooting cuttings in water:

  • on the petiole separated from the mother plant, we tear off the lowest leaves,
  • put the prepared cuttings aside,
  • fill the container halfway with water, add root to speed up the formation of roots,
  • we strengthen the cutting in the container so that it does not “drown”,
  • place the container with the cutting so that the leaves do not fall under the straight lines Sun rays.

After 2-3 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings. The plant is ready for permanent planting.

Rooting cuttings in soil:

  • prepare pots for planting. Wash the old ones with soap and disinfect, soak the new ones in boiling water,
  • Place drainage from shards and sand at the bottom of 7-8 cm of the pot, fill 0.5 volume of the pot with soil mixture,
  • soil mixture prepared from clean garden soil and sand in a 1:1 ratio,
  • Make a shallow hole in the pot with a pencil and place the prepared cutting there,
  • pour the soil mixture into the pot (do not compact it!), not reaching the top edge 1-2 cm,
  • Water moderately, carefully along the edge of the pot when the top layer of the soil mixture dries out. Excessive moisture causes the death of the cutting.

On next year the cutting is transplanted permanently. During rooting, you cannot change the location of the rooting cutting.


Reproduction of the fat plant by leaves, as well as by cuttings, can be carried out in water or soil mixture.

Rooting a leaf in water:

  • To root in water, carefully separate the lower, well-developed leaf of the crassula and leave it in the shade for a day,
  • prepare a flat container or bottle and immerse the leaf with its lower end in water with a root of 0.5 cm,
  • move to a warm, bright place without direct sunlight,
  • When the roots appear, carefully transplant into a shallow bowl for greater development of the root system, and after a month into a 5-7 cm pot.

Rooting a leaf in the soil:

  • Place peat with sand or wet moss in a bowl, moisten it with a solution of water and roots and dig in the bottom part of the leaf (about 1/3). Do not allow excess water, the leaf will rot,
  • cover the buried leaf with a glass, creating greenhouse conditions,
  • Ventilate the greenhouse several times a day (several minutes, slightly opened),
  • spray finely with warm water when the top layer of artificial soil dries,
  • Provide support for the sheet.

Rooted cuttings and leaves are transplanted into large containers annually for the first 3-4 years.


Crassula propagation by seeds is carried out much less frequently. To obtain an adult plant, propagation of the fat plant by seeds takes a longer period and more time for care. Seed propagation is used mainly by breeders to obtain varieties and hybrids and is practically not used at home.

For amateurs, propagation by seeds at home is carried out as follows:

  • washed and disinfected bowls are filled with a soil mixture of leaf soil and sand, 1.0:0.5 parts, respectively,
  • Crassula seeds are very small. They are sown on the surface of the soil mixture and sprinkled with sand,
  • moisturize and cover with glass to create greenhouse conditions With high humidity air,
  • The bowls are ventilated daily.
  • upper layer the soil should remain moist (not wet),
  • after 2-3 weeks, seedlings appear,
  • for picking seedlings, prepare a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand (0.5:1.0:0.5, respectively),
  • seedlings are planted in bowls with a moist soil mixture and placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight,
  • When the picks reach 5-7 cm, they are transplanted into 5 cm pots with light soil. During the engraftment period, the air temperature is maintained at 15-18*C.

Thus, fat plants can be propagated quite easily and quickly vegetatively by cuttings and leaves. Rooting of cuttings and leaves can be done in water or soil mixture. Seed propagation at home is impractical.

And, if it is shaded, move it to a more illuminated place. Best place Crassula at windows facing south or southeast.

If stopping watering has no effect on the plant, you can try to replant Crassula. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and inspect the root system. Cut off all rotten roots, air dry the cuts and sprinkle them with crushed charcoal. Trim dried and rotten shoots.

Prepare new pot for a plant. You can use the old one for transplantation, having first washed it and treated it strong solution potassium permanganate. Place a layer of expanded clay or any drainage at least two centimeters thick at the bottom of the pot. Place a layer of soil mixture for succulents or soil made up of equal parts of sand, leaf and turf soil on top. Add to the soil charcoal.

Plant the pruned Crassula into a new pot and place it in a lighted window.

If your fat plant's leaves have begun to fall off and the trunk has become thin and thin, the plant is not getting enough light. Place the pot in a brighter place. If this is not possible, use additional lighting fluorescent lamp. To form a more luxuriant crown, pinch the tips of young shoots.


  • Rules for caring for a fat woman

Monetary tree- a plant of the Crassulaceae family, which is very popular in our country. It is unpretentious, beautiful and is even considered a tree of happiness. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, this plant brings financial well-being by attracting money into the home. In addition, the leaves of this tree have medicinal properties. Therefore, if the fat woman begins to get sick, wither and wither, this causes anxiety and fear. But by properly caring for it, you can quickly bring it back to life.


If you notice signs of rotting (leaves become limp and wet brown spots appear on them), stop watering the tree. Try to carefully remove it from the pot, removing as much soil as possible. Trim off any rotten roots and leave the tree with no big amount land to dry. When all the soil is dry, plant it back and water less often. Check the soil is dry before watering. To do this, dip your finger into the ground - if the soil has already dried to the depth of one phalanx of the finger, then you can water it a little. Lack of watering leads to the appearance of brown dry spots on the leaves.

If he is sick, he may need it. This is especially important if large plant in a small one, since its substrate is quickly depleted. Use complex universal fertilizers, highly soluble in water, and feed the plant once a month. Replant the tree in a larger pot if it feels cramped.

The money tree does not like drafts, so ventilate the room carefully in winter. Make sure that the plant is not in a draft, as this may be the cause of the disease. If the tree is drying out, place it in a windless place, but be sure to ventilate the room. Low temperatures tolerates it well.

Helpful advice

Don't water Money Tree too much cold water, because of this it may shed its leaves.

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  • money tree withers

Behind everyone indoor flowers careful care is required. Each plant is unique, beautiful and has its own special meaning. For example, it is believed that the Crassula ( monetary tree ) is a symbol of good luck, happiness and money. The owner of such a tree will certainly attract joy, success and luck into his home. Money care tree m is not difficult, but very often you can encounter such a problem as falling leaves. This can happen for several reasons.

Firstly, this improper watering. The plant does not like to be flooded, but it is also impossible to leave the soil dry for a long time. IN summer time Crassula needs to be watered every day or every other day, depending on the soil. The main thing is to ensure that the roots are not flooded and the water does not stagnate. in autumn tree It is recommended to water once a week. IN winter time even less often. In order for the water to flow freely, place drainage on the bottom of the pot. With abundant watering, the leaves are completely green and unchanged. And in case of infrequent watering, the leaves may turn yellow, dry out and curl into a tube. Secondly, tree does not like direct sunlight. If the plant stands under the bright sun all day, the leaves will heat up and lose their appearance and they will fall. To prevent this from happening, do not place your plant on a sunny window or during bright sunshine, close tree a landscape sheet or a regular newspaper. Another reason for leaves falling may be cold tap water. Do not water the plant with tap water. It is best to pour water into bottles and let it sit for several days. As a preventive procedure, falling tree water with warm water from the shower. Be sure to ensure that water only gets on the leaves and not in the pot. Another reason could be an excess of mineral salts in the soil or in fertilizing. To avoid this, it is enough to transplant the plant into new soil. It is very good to add crushed charcoal to the soil. In addition to all this, the fat plant can shed its leaves during severe climate changes. For example, if the plant stood in the sun all the time, and then it was moved to a cool place. Prolonged heat and drafts can also cause leaves to fall. And lastly, tree begins to shed its leaves if it finds itself in abnormal conditions or begins to get sick. Reproduction of fatworts occurs through leaves. And therefore, the plant, starting to get sick, tries to throw off completely healthy leaves in order to produce young shoots.

Crassula (Crassula), popularly called the money tree, like all representatives of the succulent genus, is unpretentious indoor plant. For good growth it needs light sandy soil and infrequent watering. If the fat plant doesn’t like something, it immediately reacts, the leaves become wrinkled and the plant drops them.

Reasons for dropping leaves

Often, it is the owners’ excessive efforts to care for the plant that leads to it beginning to shed its leaves. Crassula - it needs rare, but quite abundant watering. In summer - once a week, after the earthen ball has completely dried out; in winter, watering should be reduced to once a month. With excessive watering, the roots and trunk of the plant begin to rot; it is often almost impossible to stop this process. The only way out is to cut the cuttings and grow a new plant.

Crassula can begin to shed its leaves even if there is a lack of moisture. They become wrinkled and the plant sheds several leaves every day. The way out of this is quite simple - water the fat plant and pinch the branches. The plant will produce new shoots and begin to bush.

Another reason is insufficient lighting. Crassula is a light-loving plant, but it should be protected from direct sunlight, as it can get burned and, as a result, lose its leaves. Pick her up sunny place and try not to rearrange.

Also, the fat woman does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes very well. However, in winter, a decrease in temperature for the fat woman is desirable in order to provide it with a period of rest. At the same time, you need to reduce watering the plant.

How to grow a beautiful and healthy fat plant

Choose a small pot for the plant. Crassula has superficial roots, so it does not need a large container, otherwise the soil will turn sour, as a result of which the roots and trunk of the plant may rot and you will lose it.

Plant the fat plant in loose, light, breathable soil. Use ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents and mix it with leaf humus in a ratio of 2:1.

Since the fat plant really does not like stagnant water, ensure good drainage. Place a layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom of the pot.

Place the plant in a sunny place, but keep in mind that the fat plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Water with warm, soft water (boiled or settled), watering should not be frequent, only after the earthen clod has completely dried. In winter, watering should be reduced to once per month.


  • Why do the leaves of the Crassula fall off?

The teachings of Feng Shui can be perceived in different ways - believe or not believe in its postulates, but to attract wealth you just need to start a small money tree. In Feng Shui, talismans made by yourself (from beads with Chinese coins), as well as living money trees grown with your own hands, work equally well.

Crassula arborescens (oval) - these are the plants that are grown to attract financial well-being. The small swollen leaves of the tree are very similar to coins. The tree is placed in the money sector, but it should be taken into account that the plant requires a very bright location (direct sun).

Can buy ready plant at a flower shop, but it’s best to take cuttings and grow the crassula yourself. It is very important to grow a money tree yourself; it is believed that a gifted tree will not bring any wealth to its owner.

The branches of the tree are decorated with coins and red ribbons to increase the power of the talisman. A few coins can be buried in the ground, or even better, put them at the bottom of the pot when planting - Chinese coins can increase the power of a money talisman.

Important! A sick tree is not capable of attracting wealth, so it is necessary to carefully care for the talisman, observing all the rules of agricultural technology.

Crassula arborescens – botanical information

Crassula belongs to the large family Crasulaceae, which are naturally distributed in South Africa; several species grow on the Arabian Peninsula.

All Crassulas have thick, swollen leaves, round in shape. All parts of the plant contain high levels of lead. The flowers are small, white (there are varieties with cream, blue, and red flowers), star-shaped with five petals.

IN indoor floriculture Crassula oval and other tree-like plants are cultivated - perennial plants up to 1.5 meters high. The leaf blades of these plants have an oval, round, ellipsoid shape; sometimes the green leaves have a purple or red border.

To grow successfully indoors, the plant requires a sunny location and infrequent watering. Fertilizer – ready-made compositions for cactus crops.

Planting a living talisman of monetary well-being correctly

To plant a money tree, a cutting or small layer taken from a growing Crassula will do. If it is not possible to cut off cuttings, take several mature leaves - the plant grows well from leaves.

Crassula belongs to succulent plants, so you can plant cuttings or leaves directly into the ground, but some prefer to first wait until roots form, for which purpose the cuttings are placed in water for several days.

The pot for planting is chosen to be wide in shape (a bowl or square ceramic pots are ideal).

Important! For the money talisman to work, you need to select pots a certain color. The whole range of brown, black, burgundy, silver or gold colors is ideal.

The container prepared for planting Crassula should be filled with suitable soil - the easiest way is to buy regular soil for cacti at any flower shop. But it is not forbidden to make a soil mixture yourself from turf soil; small quantity leaf soil; sand, it is useful to add humus to the mixture (100 g per 1 kg of finished soil) and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.

A drainage layer of expanded clay, gravel or coarse sand is placed at the bottom of the pot.

Advice! A few coins (usually 6), which are placed at the bottom of the container, will help activate the money tree pot. Coins are chosen in the currency of the country where you live.

The pot is filled with soil, into which the cuttings are planted. After planting, be sure to water the plant. It is important to remember that the plant has a small root system from weak and thin roots, and the crown has a lot of weight, especially when the fat plant matures. You should choose ceramic containers for planting to prevent the pot from tipping over.

Crassula care

Crassula at home has the ability to grow very strongly, this is a good sign for a money talisman - the more branches, the more opportunities for attracting wealth.

The formation of the crown must begin as early as possible - to do this, I pinch the growth point. For uniform growth of the crown, it is important to periodically turn the pot with the plant towards the light.

The money tree should be replanted annually, and the pot should be a little larger each time.

Important! You cannot transplant Crassula into a large container immediately, as this may cause the roots to sour.

The optimal temperature range for Crassula is from +18° to +25°C; in winter, the temperature can be lowered to +10-15°C, but in this case watering is reduced. Crassula adapts to any room temperature, but you need to monitor the condition of the plant to eliminate all possible problems.

The plant does not need regular spraying, so you should wash the leaves (or wipe them with a damp sponge) only when dust accumulates on the leaves.

How to grow a money tree: video

This plant is one of the brightest talismans that brings wealth and success to the house. Its scientific name is Crassula, but popularly it is simply called Crassula or money tree.

The plant has a quite memorable appearance: it has a thick tree-like table and small round sinewy leaves that resemble green coins. However, a money tree will bring wealth to your home only if it grows well, does not get sick and has a healthy appearance.

To do this, you need very little - to know how to care for a tree. It is believed that the fat woman becomes so close to the one who cares for her that she begins to get sick if the “owner” suffers in any way (psychologically or physically) and may even die.


Even a person who has never done this can plant and grow a money tree. Crassula takes root well both as a small shoot and as a leaf.

The shoot should first be kept in water a little so that the roots grow, but you can immediately stick it into the ground - it will take root anyway. The soil for planting should not be loose. A mixture of turf and leaf soil, to which coarse sand or humus should be added, is excellent for this plant.

Be sure to place small pebbles or medium-sized expanded clay on the bottom of the pot. This layer will provide drainage and prevent the accumulation of excess moisture. The shoot should be planted in moist soil.

Make a small depression in the ground and stick the shoot into it, then lightly press the soil around it. For better germination, you can cover the pot with a transparent cap, creating greenhouse conditions for the shoot.

Lighting and temperature

The money tree loves light, but in the summer it must be hidden from the sun's rays, otherwise the leaves may get burned. In order for the fat plant to be beautiful and even, it should be turned evenly towards the sun as it grows. In summer, the tree can survive high temperatures, but in winter it is better to prevent the plant from overheating, without exposing it to temperatures above 15 degrees, as it must prepare for spring.

Based on this, the pot with Crassula should be placed on the north side of the house away from heating elements. For the same reason, it is better not to keep the plant in the kitchen.


The money tree loves water as much as it loves light. During the growing season, the plant should be watered abundantly. In winter, on the contrary, be careful as the soil dries out.

Stagnation of water is very dangerous for this plant, as it leads to rotting of the roots, as a result of which the plant inevitably dies. Remember that it is very easy to save a fat plant from drought, but a flooded plant cannot be revived.

All that can be done is to tear off the cutting from the tree and start growing it again. Spraying is not typical for this plant; you just need to wipe the leaves from the dust that constantly accumulates on them. The tree should also be provided with air baths, periodically ventilating the room or taking it outside if conditions permit. Tap water should not be used to water the Crassula tree, as it contains a lot of chlorides.

Top dressing

The plant is fed during the period of active growth from April to September once a month. Without this procedure, the leaves of the tree will become small, its crown will become impoverished, in general, you will not look at the plant without tears.

It is recommended to use liquid plant fertilizers, as they are convenient to use and easier to absorb by the flower. It is important to feed the tree with fertilizers mineral based. In this case, fertilizing should be applied exclusively to moist soil.


The money tree should only be replanted if the pot has become clearly too small for it. This usually happens once every 2-3 years, sometimes longer, and is due to the peculiarity of the plant - the root system of the Crassula is not capable of supporting a large tree in a small pot, the plant will fall and be damaged. Therefore, initially choose a deep and fairly heavy pot for the tree, commensurate with the size of the flower. The soil for replanting should consist of light, nutritious leaf or turf soil with the addition of a small amount of clay or sand.


  • If in the summer the plant suddenly dropped its leaves, it means that you did not water it enough or watered it with too cold water. Also, the consequences of insufficient watering can be dark, wrinkled leaves that have lost their shine. Pale and withering leaves indicate excess moisture. If you notice brown soft spots on the leaves, ventilate the plant more often and treat it with an antifungal agent. Rotting of the base of the stem is a sign of root rot, with which is very difficult to fight. In this case, only radical measures. All rotten parts should be removed, the plant should be transplanted into a new pot and clean soil. If most of the tree is damaged, all that remains is to cut off the top and grow the flower again. If the stem of the tree is too long and deformities are visible on it, it means that the fat plant does not have enough light. If this happens in winter, you are most likely over-watering the soil.

How to properly plant a money tree shoot?

tasya2 2 years ago

Do I need to wait until it sprouts roots or can I plant it in the ground right away?

Pew pew 2 years ago

I don't know much about flowers. But the money tree has been growing for me for the second decade, in my opinion.))) I was given a sprout, torn from a tree by an acquaintance at work.

I kept it in water until the roots grew, then I bought a pot, put some special soil for such a flower in it (I consulted a flower shop) and just planted the sprout there. Very soon a decent tree grew from it. And I tore sprouts from it several more times - for my friends and acquaintances. Everything was settling in perfectly.))

When I was gardening at home Money Tree, I just tore a leaf off a flower at work and stuck it in the ground at home, watered it regularly, and after a couple of weeks it safely sprouted a new shoot. It seems to me that this plant is not whimsical and does not require special tenderness.

comment2 years ago

How to plant a money tree at home? It is generally accepted that a money tree growing in your home can bring good luck to your home, just as the owners of an apartment will never need financial resources))) Botanists, however, do not know such a plant, but “common Crassula” successfully replaces his - small bonsai with fleshy leaves. It is not difficult to grow this plant, as it is completely unpretentious and does not require special care.

And if you can also create more comfortable conditions for it, then it can even bloom. According to Feng Shui, it is generally accepted that a money tree that suddenly has buds promises quick luck, unexpected success, and increased finances)) Crassula can be propagated both by cuttings and leaves.

You just need to pinch off one of them from an already mature plant, dry it a little in the air, and then plant it in another pot. The pot can be covered plastic film until the shoot takes root - do not forget to ventilate it at least once a day, lifting the film for a while. Since the “Feng Shui zone of wealth” of the apartment is located in the south-eastern part of it, it is recommended to place the tree there.

It is best to provide the plant with diffused sunlight as lighting, since when exposed to direct sunlight, the fat plant will get sick and very soon shed its leaves. As for watering, it is important to take into account that under no circumstances should the money tree be flooded - it will die. Watering should be done moderately, based on how the top layer of soil dries out.

It would be very useful to spray the leaves of the crassula from a spray bottle at least once a month, especially in summer period. But in winter, you should either stop watering completely, or water only very rarely. According to Feng Shui, an adult plant is tied with a red ribbon, thus decorating the trunk of the tree, and the leaves are also decorated with small coins.


Planting a money tree brings good luck

Proponents of Feng Shui claim that there is a tree that attracts financial well-being and good luck. It’s called the money tree. This plant is known all over the world, and every nation has its own name for it.

For example, for the Poles it is a tree of happiness, in the Czech Republic its name is home tree, and in Slovakia it is called family. In the homeland of Feng Shui - in China, the role of the money tree (by the way, they call it the bread tree there) is Pachira aquatic.

And in Western countries, this role was entrusted to Crassula, or the common crassula. But for the magic to really work, you need to know how to plant a money tree and how to properly care for it. It is very important to do everything with your own caring hands.

Below, you will learn about the features of planting and growing this plant.

How to plant a money tree shoot?

Feng Shui advises to “steal” a leaf or cutting to plant a money tree. Before planting, it is advisable to dry the plucked shoots a little - literally a few hours.

A low, wide pot is suitable for Crassula - ideally, the diameter of the pot should be equal to the diameter of the crown of the tree, this will ensure its stability. It is better to plant a money tree in not too loose soil - the following mixture is best suited: leaf soil, turf, coarse sand and humus. You can simply use a mixture for succulents or a universal one.

It is advisable to fill the bottom of the pot with 2 cm of drainage, which will protect the roots from rotting - this can be expanded clay or small pebbles. All the same feng shui supporters recommend putting a few coins at the bottom of the pot. First, lightly moisten the soil and make a small depression in the center of the pot.

Place the shoot in this hole, dig it in and lightly press down the soil around it. If you organize a kind of greenhouse for the planted shoot, covering it with film or a transparent cap, the plant will germinate much faster.

But do not forget to ventilate it daily. Crassula does not grow very quickly, so it is enough to replant it every 2 years, preferably in early spring. This plant can reproduce by leaves, cuttings or seeds.

True, the seeds are quite difficult to obtain, because the fat plant rarely blooms at home, and it will be no less difficult to germinate these seeds. Your tree will be more comfortable if you leave a little old soil at the roots when replanting.

If some of the roots are rotten, cut them off and dry the plant for 24 hours. Crassula leaves are fragile, so try to replant it more carefully. During the period when the plant grows quickly (April-September), it needs to be fed approximately once a month.

Then your tree will have a rich crown and large leaves. Liquid fertilizers on a mineral basis, Crassula absorbs better and is more convenient to use. Fertilizer should be introduced into moist soil.

Crassula care

Crassula is a succulent, it has a hard stem that resembles a tree trunk and fleshy, rounded leaves. While the tree is still young, its stem is green, but with age it becomes covered with thin bark and acquires a grayish tint.

Money Tree. That same shoot is a continuation.

Crassula leaves are dark green with a silvery tint. This small plant native to Africa, where several more varieties can be found. Naturally, planting a money tree is not enough; it is important to care for it properly.

It is very unpretentious. And if Crassula grows in comfortable conditions, it can please you with its flowers, and Feng Shui supporters consider this a symbol of especially great luck. Best of all, the money tree grows in the zone of wealth - in the southeastern part of the apartment.

Crassula does not like full shade and direct sunlight, therefore, the best lighting for this plant will be partial shade. It's even better if you rotate the plant from time to time so that all its leaves are evenly illuminated.

In winter, it is better to remove the plant away from heating radiators and maintain the temperature in the room where the plant is located at no higher than 15 degrees. Crassula likes moderate watering - just monitor the condition of the top layer of soil - water when you see that this layer has dried out. In winter, it is better not to water this plant at all, or do it very rarely.

Crassula is afraid of excessive moisture - this causes its roots to rot and the plant to die. For watering, use only filtered water. Great benefit brings monthly spraying of Crassula leaves. At the very least, make sure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves.

It is also very useful to sometimes ventilate the room, or even better, take the tree outside. When the tree grows, tie a red ribbon on it and decorate it with a few coins, for more attraction wealth.

Crassula diseases

Like any houseplant, Crassula can get sick. Below are the main problems that the plant may encounter and how to solve them:

  • If you notice that the leaves of the Crassula have faded, wrinkled and darkened, or maybe even fallen off, this can only mean one thing - you watered the plant too rarely, or used too cold water for watering. If, on the contrary, you water the Crassula too often, then its leaves will turn pale and wither. Soft brown spots on the leaves indicate a lack of fresh air. It would be a good idea to treat the plant with an antifungal agent. If you notice that the stem from below has begun to rot, you should cut off all the rotten parts and replant the plant in clean soil. A stem that is too long and ugly indicates insufficient lighting or excessive watering in the cold season.

Now you know how to plant a money tree and how to properly care for it. If you follow all the recommendations, the tree will grow well and bring good luck and financial well-being to your home.

How to transplant a money tree: secrets of successful cultivation

  • Transfer rules

The Crassula plant is popularly called the money tree. According to Feng Shui philosophy, this flower can bring wealth and good luck to the home.

That is why it can increasingly be found on the windowsills of city apartments. In order for the talisman to really work, it must be grown independently from one single twig or even a leaf. This will not be difficult to do, because this plant completely unpretentious: it quickly produces roots, takes root successfully and does not require special care. Today we will talk about how to properly plant a shoot and how to replant it in the future. After all, as the money tree grows, like any indoor plant, it needs to be moved to a new, more spacious place of residence.

Landing rules

It's best to borrow a cutting or a leaf from the rich, successful people, then their financial well-being will definitely pass on to you. This must be done secretly - the money tree cannot be given as a gift. Or pay the owner of the plant, even a purely symbolic amount.

Cut the stalk sharp knife, it is desirable that the shoot you choose has 2-3 pairs of leaves. Let it dry for a couple of days. Now you have two options: plant the cutting directly in the ground, covering it with a glass container (to create a greenhouse effect), or leave it in a glass of water until it sprouts roots.

It is better to choose the second landing method. This way the money tree plant will take root in the soil faster. For faster appearance of roots, dilute a special powder in water - root.

It can be purchased at any flower shop. If you can’t get a shoot, don’t despair. A money tree can be grown from one single leaf. It also needs drying, like the cuttings, and time for roots to appear.

By the way, it is better not to put the leaf in water, but to immediately plant it in a small pot, after dipping it in the root. Don’t forget to cover the seedling with a glass cup or a small jar. There is no need to remove the container for watering; just add water to the pan as needed.

As soon as the seedling sprouts a new leaf, the “greenhouse” can be removed. To replant a money tree, you can use ready-made universal soil or a mixture intended for cacti and succulents. The first pot for the plant should be small and shallow.

Be sure to add drainage to the bottom to regulate humidity when watering. The tree should be watered as the soil dries out. In summer - 2-3 times a week. In winter, once is enough. Try to accurately determine the watering and do not flood the plant.

Otherwise, the roots will begin to rot, and the flower will die without having time to bring financial well-being to your home.

Transfer rules

Transplanting a money tree should only be done in the spring. When exactly? End of April - beginning of May - optimal time for relocation.

Since the fat plant grows slowly, it should be moved to a new pot no more than once every two years. But here everything also depends on the conditions of keeping the flower: if it has enough light, water and fertilizer, then after a year the old pot may turn out to be small.

In general, look at the situation. As soon as you notice that the tree has become crowded, feel free to replant it. As mentioned above, you can use a ready-made soil mixture to plant a money plant. Or you can cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to mix part turf soil, three parts leaf soil and one part sand. We also add a couple of handfuls of ash, clay and humus.

Also, do not forget about drainage, for which you can use expanded clay. The pot should be one size larger and deeper than the previous one. It is worth saying that the root system of the fat plant does not grow too much, so the planting container should not be very deep.

But it must be wide enough and stable, because as the plant grows it acquires a large number of dense leaves, and its trunk becomes woody. An ordinary plastic pot may not hold the entire weight of the money tree, so it is best to give preference to a ceramic or clay container. So, the pot has been selected and the soil has been prepared.

You can do the transplant. Pour drainage into the selected pot (a layer of 1-2 centimeters), add soil on top - so that it fills a quarter of the container. By the way, you can place a few small coins at the bottom, this way you will activate the positive energy of the plant.

We hold the container with one hand, and with the other, grasping the trunk, carefully pull out the flower. Shake off the soil from the roots.

You shouldn’t be too zealous - nothing bad will happen if old soil remains between the roots. Place the money tree exactly in the middle of the pot and add more soil. Do not compact it too much; it is better to add more on top as needed.

Immediately after transplanting, water the plant well, and subsequently do not forget to loosen the soil to allow air to pass to the roots. If the weather permits, you can leave the tree on the balcony or veranda.

Just do not allow direct sunlight to fall on it, otherwise the leaves may get burned. Well, now you know how to properly transplant a money tree and when is the best time to do it. Now all that remains is to channel his energy in the right direction.

To do this, hang several Chinese coins on the tree, previously tied with red thread or ribbon. And place the pot with the plant strictly in the south-eastern part of the apartment. It is this direction that affects financial well-being.

At least that’s what it says in Feng Shui. We hope that our article will help you grow a healthy money tree, and the number of its leaves will be commensurate with the amount of money in your family!

Crassula and Crassula are the names of the same plant, which we Slavs better know as the money tree. This indoor flower is popular in many countries, and each nation calls it differently: in the Czech Republic - “home tree”, in Poland - “tree of happiness”, in Slovakia - “family tree”.

There is a belief that the fat woman brings wealth and well-being to the house. But at the same time it is stated: in order for a plant to perform its functions as a talisman to the maximum, it should not be purchased from someone, it must be grown with one’s own hands.

How to plant money tree shoots? What are the rules for caring for them? All this is discussed in this article.

Based on the information offered here, anyone can grow a beautiful indoor plant in their home.


Crassula, or Crassula, is a representative of the genus of succulents. This is an ornamental deciduous plant, although at home it blooms very rarely. The money tree is native to Africa.

Its varieties in wildlife There are several hot countries. Most common among amateurs indoor flowers in our country, the tree crassula (Crassula arborescens) and the silver crassula (Crassula argentea). We will learn about what this plant looks like and how to plant a money tree correctly from the next part of the article.


The structure of the fat woman resembles a tree. While the plant is young, its trunk is green. Over time it becomes covered thin layer bark and acquires gray shade like any other tree. The leaves are fleshy and dense.

This is explained by the fact that, like all succulents, this type of plant collects moisture in them. The color of Crassula's leaves is dark green, with a silvery tint.

Their shape is oval or round, which is associated with coins, which, in fact, explains the popular name of the plant. On the leaves of the Crassula, along their edges, small shoots with roots appear from time to time. They can be removed and replanted in the ground.

If this is not done, the shoots fall under the trunk and take root on their own at the foot of the plant. How to plant money tree shoots? All recommendations on this matter are given below.

Let's read and find out.

Features of reproduction

Crassula can be propagated in several ways: cuttings, leaves and seeds. The last method is the most labor-intensive. As already mentioned, this plant very rarely blooms at home, so collecting seeds from it is practically impossible.

But even if you succeed, it will be even more troublesome to germinate them. But if you really want to get Crassula from seeds, try it.

By investing a certain amount of time, effort, patience and diligence, your work will yield results - small green cuttings, which will subsequently turn into a large and beautiful tree. A fat plant grown from seeds with your caring hands will certainly bring happiness and wealth to your home. It is much easier to propagate a money tree with shoots or leaves, which is what novice gardeners are recommended to do. We will discuss the rules for performing these procedures in detail below.


How to plant money tree shoots: a guide to action

So, in your hands is a freshly cut twig or leaf from it. What to do next? You can immediately plant them in the prepared pot.

But to know for sure that the plant will take root, it is better to place the shoot in a container with clean water and wait until it sprouts roots. Buy the soil for planting Crassula that is recommended for cacti. Or universal.

You can cook it yourself. To do this you will need turf soil and sand (1 part each), leaf soil (3 parts), a pinch of humus, ash and brick chips.

All of these components are thoroughly mixed and poured into a pot, at the bottom of which there is drainage. It is advisable to prepare a ceramic or clay pot, but if you don’t have them, you can also use a plastic one. It is better to choose a container large sizes and deep so that the root system develops well and can hold a fairly heavy plant. How to plant money tree shoots?

Place soil (1/2 part) at the bottom of the container, where there is already drainage. Place money tree cuttings in a container. Holding them with one hand, fill the soil around them with the other.

Make sure that the seedling, if there is only one, is in the middle of the pot. When planting several shoots at once in a long container, place them at the same distance from each other.

When the shoot is planted, water it with water at room temperature. If you have sprouted not a whole cutting, but a leaf, or you want to plant a “baby” shoot that has fallen from an adult plant, then pour all the prepared soil into the pot, and then make a small depression in it . Place a small shoot there and cover it with soil.

You have learned how to plant a money tree. Next, we’ll look at the rules for caring for it.

In the warm season, Crassula needs to be watered frequently. In winter, this is done as the soil dries out, about once a month. Be careful not to overdo it with water, because excess moisture will cause the plant to begin to rot from under the roots and die.

It is not necessary to spray the fat plant every day, but it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth once a week. The temperature in the room where the plant is located should not be higher than 22 degrees. The fat woman loves light, but it must be protected from direct rays of the sun.

Signs and superstitions

Everything is clear about how to plant a money tree. Further we're talking about about folk beliefs associated with this plant. One of them is as follows. To keep good luck and money in the house, you should not give a plant you grew with your own hands to a stranger.

Whether this is true or not, no one can say for sure. People's opinions on this matter are divided. Some confirm this fact, citing the fact that they have already tested the effect of the sign from their own experience.

Others say that if you give a fat woman to a person with all your heart, then you will be rewarded for your kindness and generosity with even greater happiness and wealth. Therefore, whether it is possible to produce money tree shoots is up to you to decide.

If you think about a gift in the form of this plant in advance, you can specially plant a cutting and grow it by the desired date. This will not harm your own tree in any way, and there will be no loss of prosperity and good luck in your home.

Secrets of growing a money tree

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that the money tree brings good luck in material affairs and the growth of family well-being. However, for this very luck it is necessary to properly care for the plant.

By the way, in appearance, fat women can differ strikingly from each other, depending on the species. They can be not only tree-like (with a clearly defined trunk), but also bush-like, ground cover, and hanging forms.

But most often, in the vastness of our country, a tree with oval leaves and a thick trunk is lovingly grown, as in the photo (scientifically “krasula ovata”), and this is what we will talk about.

Proper care - 6 main secrets

Caring for a fat plant is not at all difficult, you just need to remember where this houseplant comes from and create conditions as close as possible to its native ones, taking into account its growth period (spring and summer) and dormant period (winter and autumn).1. Watering

How often to water a money tree? It came to us from the southern regions of Africa, and therefore does not allow excess moisture. In spring and summer, it needs to be watered about 1-2 times a week, in winter and autumn - even less often. It is important to monitor the soil before watering - it must be dry. There is also no need to allow it to dry out, but there should be no water remaining in the tray of the pot. The soil should only be slightly moistened.

2. Lighting

Light is very important for a plant, but it should not be placed under the scorching rays of the sun.

The optimal place for it is on the windowsill in the south-eastern part of the house: here there will be enough sun, but it will not be constantly hot.

In spring and summer, it is better to take Krasula to Fresh air- for example, on the floor of the balcony so that the sun does not touch the leaves, and in cold weather - place it on the south side.

3. Soil and fertilizing

Since Crassula is a succulent (which also includes cacti), it is advisable to choose turf soil, although universal soil is also quite suitable.

You can also suitable soil create it yourself by making a mixture of turf soil, sand, leaf soil and humus in proportions 4:1:1:1. When planting or replanting a plant, drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, for example, from brick chips or pieces of coal.

And for more magic money tree, you can put a few coins at the bottom.

For feeding, universal fertilizers or special additives for succulents are often used. As when caring for other plants, it is better to fertilize Crassula after watering for better absorption of nutrients.

In spring and summer, fertilizing can be done once a month, and in autumn and winter, during the so-called dormant period, two to three times less often.

4. Temperature

The optimal temperature for a money tree is the range from +18° to +25°C. In autumn and winter, the temperature can be reduced to +10-15°C, or even +6°C. In general, Krasula tolerates any room temperature, but you need to monitor its condition in order to notice the slightest problems of the plant.

5. Humidity

There is no need to constantly spray the plant; its leaves do not need it. You can wipe the leaves as needed damp cloth or a napkin, since dust really “loves” to sit on its leaves, which look like coins.

If humidity is not so important for the fatty, then regular ventilation is necessary. In summer, you can take Crassula to the balcony or garden. When ventilating rooms, it is important to avoid drafts that can harm the plant.

6. Choosing a pot

The dishes in which the money tree will “live” are very important. A pot of the wrong size can slow down the growth of the Crassula or even stop it altogether.

For the money tree, it is better to choose a stable, wide and low flowerpot, because it has a shallow root system. The width of the pot should be equal to or slightly larger than the crown of the tree.

Money tree flowers - truth or myth?

Some lucky people saw the Crassula bloom. Its flowers are small, light in color (white, white-green or white-pink depending on the variety) and have a sweet scent. Flowering continues for several months during the growth period.

Among those in the know, there is a sign that the flower of the money tree promises material profit.

However, it is not often possible to see Crassula flowers in ordinary indoor conditions. What mainly prevents the plant from flowering in our climate zone is the lack of daylight (after all, in the tropics the days are much longer).

Did you know that it blooms for the first time no earlier than 7-10 years of age?

What needs to be done for the tree to bloom?

  • Firstly, it is important to follow all the recommendations for growing and caring for the fat plant and notice the slightest changes in its condition.
  • Secondly, you shouldn’t expect the tree to start blooming in the first years after planting. Some notice the first flowers 7 or even 10 years after cultivation, and some do not achieve flowering at all, although they care for the fat plant according to all the rules.
  • Thirdly, many people notice that Crassula flowers appear after some stress or shaking for the plant. Some people don’t water it at all for a while or place it at the wrong temperature. The first watering after a month's break or placing it in optimal temperature conditions can bring the desired effect - a kind of gratitude from the plant. But there is always a danger of drying or freezing it, so such methods should be treated with caution.

Crassula transplantation and its propagation

Crassula is usually replanted in the spring. Mature plant need to be replanted annually or every two years.

After purchasing, the young tree can be replanted within a few weeks, as soon as the plant gets used to the house.

Before transplanting a money tree, select a pot or flowerpot and place drainage in it, then fill it with soil. In order for the plant to tolerate replanting faster and better, it is advisable to “transfer” the Crassula along with a lump of earth at the roots, and then add fresh soil to the pot. Care is important here so as not to accidentally damage branches or fragile leaves.

If rotten roots are noticeable during replanting, which indicates excessive watering, they need to be cut off and the plant dried, leaving the roots exposed for about a day.

Do you want to plant and grow a tree yourself?

This is done either by planting seeds in the ground, or using cuttings:

  1. The seeds are placed in clay bowls with holes in the bottom for air circulation. After this, they are covered with film or glass. Care consists of daily airing the container with seeds for half an hour and spraying the soil with water as it dries. Sprouts will appear in two weeks.
  2. It is much easier to propagate Crassula from cuttings. You can immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, or you can first put them in water until the roots appear. The finished cuttings are rooted approximately 6 cm deep into the prepared soil. A pattern has been identified between the timing of planting and future flowering. By planting the cuttings from March to April, there is a greater chance that the Crassula will bloom later. Planting a money tree in July reduces these chances.

Watch the video on how to plant Crassula correctly. It's better to see once than to read ten times:

We form a chic crown and trunk ourselves

In order for the trunk to “grow thick” and harden, it is important that only one shoot is grown in a pot.

To make the money tree look like a tree, and not like a shrub with many thin stems, you need to start shaping the trunk and crown.

If the tree is purchased as an adult, most often the trunk is already thick and woody. But you still need to shape the crown - regulate its splendor and height.

So that the branches do not begin to bend down due to rapid growth thin stems up you need to pinch the fatty.

It’s better to start doing this with early age so that there are no stumps left from already formed branches.

If you have to cut already mature branches to give the desired shape to the plant, you can sprinkle the broken area with cinnamon powder or activated carbon.

Pinching is very simple. After waiting until 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on one branch, you need to find a new bud between the last pair. It needs to be carefully plucked out: with nails, fingers or tweezers. After this, two or even three kidneys appear in place of the removed kidney. This means that the tree has begun to branch. If one kidney appears again, the procedure should be repeated.

In order for the money tree to grow and branch symmetrically, you need to periodically turn the pot with the other side towards the light source.

What can harm a fat woman?

Despite the ease of care, the plant will not tolerate a lack of attention. Is your tree withering or losing leaves? This means that it got sick due to poor care.

Diseases and their causes:

  • From a lack of light, the plant can develop a long, ugly-shaped stem and then die. Therefore, it is very important to place it on the windowsill, especially in dark rooms.
  • Due to excess moisture, the leaves darken, fall off or change color, which indicates fungal diseases of Crassula. This can also happen if you water it with too cold water. If the leaves become dry brown spots- On the contrary, there is not enough water.
  • Detected rot at the base of the stem indicates rotting of the root system, when it is necessary to take extreme measures: cut off the top and grow the tree again.
  • Pests rarely attack the Crassula, but if necessary, conventional means can be used to get rid of specific pests. Mealybugs are the most common cause of problems. You can remove it with a cotton swab and alcohol or treat it with insecticides for succulents.