How to clean glass lids. How to clean glassware from grease, carbon deposits and deposits. Cleaning grease from cast iron cookware

Fat deposits affect not only the appearance of the dishes, but also their functionality. Due to the appearance of soot, food begins to burn, and the remains of old fat spoil the taste of the finished product. In addition, unkempt kitchen utensils look unattractive. Experienced housewives are struggling with the problem, developing effective ways. Effective remedies include soda, vinegar, salt and other improvised means that are available in the kitchen.

Method number 1. Lemon acid

  1. Wet the pan big amount boiling water Prepare a mixture of baking soda and citric acid, mixing the ingredients in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the product to the internal and external parts, leave for 1 hour. If necessary, add water to the bulk mixture to obtain a slurry. She will hold up better.
  3. Within 60 minutes, the fat will begin to move away from the walls of the dish under the influence of chemical reaction. When the specified time has elapsed, scald the frying pan with boiling water and wipe with a sponge.
  4. Evaluate the result and repeat the procedure if necessary. Finish cleaning by washing with scouring powder or dish gel.
  5. An analogue of citric acid is citrus fruit juice. It must be mixed with soda until a paste is formed. Then the walls of the dishes are lubricated with the composition.

Method number 2. Salt and soda

  1. This method is rightfully considered the most budgetary, because listed components are available in every housewife's kitchen. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities, dilute with water to obtain porridge.
  2. Scald the frying pan with boiling water. Scoop up the product with a foam sponge and spread the paste over the walls with greasy deposits. Leave for 1 hour; to enhance the effect, you can wrap the dishes in cling film.
  3. When the time is up, wash off the excess product with boiling water. Scrub the outside of the pan with an iron sponge and the inside with a soft cloth. If the result is poor, the procedure can be repeated.
  4. If the plaque is too strong, you need to use soda without salt. To carry out the procedure, take 900 g. product, dilute with 1 liter of water, pour into the cavity of the container. After 2 hours, wash as usual with detergent.

Method No. 3. Dry mustard

  1. If the old fat deposit is not too dense, you can use mustard powder. Place the dishes to be cleaned on the stove. Heat to maximum heat, scald with boiling water.
  2. Pour several packets of dry mustard into the cavity, pour hot water and leave for 3 hours. Stir the mixture periodically and try to scrape off the fat with a wooden spatula.
  3. After the specified period, wash the dishes in the usual way, evaluate the result. If you are not satisfied with it, perform the manipulations several more times.
  4. To clean glassware or ceramics, use a 1 liter solution. boiling water and 250 gr. mustard powder. The container is filled with the composition and then infused for 24 hours. During this period, all the fat will peel off, you can easily remove it.

Method number 4. Vegetable oil and soap

  1. If the fat deposit is relatively fresh, prepare a hot mixture. To do this, grate or otherwise grind half a bar of tar soap and pour in 100 ml. boiling water
  2. When the shavings dissolve, pour in 60 ml. vegetable or corn oil. Stir, now add the amount of soda that will bring the product to the state of porridge. As a rule, about 200 grams are required.
  3. Scald the dishes with boiling water and spread the mixture over it. Place the container on the fire, heat it up, turn off the burner. Wait about 45-60 minutes, then remove the loose plaque with a sponge.

Method No. 5. Glue and laundry soap

  1. Fat removal is carried out by boiling. To do this, you need to prepare a wide enamel basin or bucket in which the frying pan will be placed.
  2. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Add 175 ml. PVA glue, mix. After 2 minutes, pour in the shavings of one block laundry soap, stir again until smooth.
  3. When soap base dissolves, place the dishes with the coating inside. Cleaning does not take place immediately; the cooking time is 2.5 hours, and for complex stains - from 3.5 hours.
  4. Add hot water periodically if it boils over. The pan should sink in the liquid. When the specified time has expired, turn off the burner. Remove the dishes, clean the deposits with a sponge and dishwashing gel.

Method number 6. Soda

  1. Prepare a wide basin or bucket that can be placed on the stove. Pour boiling water into the cavity, add soda at the rate of 1 liter. liquid accounts for 70 g. bulk composition. Therefore, if 10 liters are poured into a bucket. water, you need to add 700 gr. soda
  2. Place the dish with the solution on the fire, bring to a boil, and place the frying pan inside. Carry out the digestion for 1-1.5 hours. When the time is up, remove the bucket from the heat.
  3. Take your time to remove the frying pan; let it sit in the solution until the liquid cools. After this, take out the dishes and remove the grease with a paste of soda and water.
  4. Rinse the container with hot water and wash with liquid. If necessary, repeat the procedure, increasing the amount of sodium bicarbonate to 80 g. for 1 l.

Method No. 7. Table vinegar and citric acid

  1. The technique is designed not only to remove old fat deposits, but also to remove yellowness from the walls of food containers. To start manipulating, pour 1 liter. water into a saucepan, put on fire.
  2. When the first bubbles appear, pour in 150 ml. vinegar solution with a concentration of 6-9%, add 30 g. citric acid. Stir the mixture until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Turn off the burner and place the pan into the hot mixture. Soak for 1-1.5 hours, during which time the fat will partially come off. If it is not completely removed, scrape off the residue with a hard sponge.
  4. There is also an abrasive treatment. To do this, you need to prepare a paste mixture of vinegar and citric acid. Scoop it onto a sponge and wipe off the grease mechanically. Finish cleaning with regular dishwashing.

Method No. 8. Vinegar and baking soda/salt

  1. As can be understood from the name of the method, the product is prepared from table or apple cider vinegar(9%) in combination with soda or salt. Regardless of this, preliminary preparation is necessary.
  2. First, soak the pan in hot water with the addition of dishwashing gel, leave for 50-60 minutes to remove the fat. After this, combine baking soda or salt with vinegar to form a paste.
  3. Rub the product onto the outer and inner walls of the dish and wait a few hours. Next, try scraping off the fat with a sponge; if necessary, scald the pan with boiling water. Finish cleaning with standard washing.

Consider options for removing old fat using citric acid, baking soda, PVA glue, salt, table vinegar. If desired, combine the options you like with each other. Take precautions to protect your skin and respiratory tract.

Video: how to clean dishes from grease and burnt marks


Snow-white, shining with cleanliness, like in a picture from a glossy magazine, the toilet is the dream of every housewife. After all, we know firsthand how quickly this public space gets polluted. Yellow or black spots, heavy dirt and unpleasant odor. How to clean it inside and out? All problems and ways to solve them will be discussed in our article.

All cleaning products can be divided into folk and professional ones. At a time when there was no abundance of goods household chemicals, our grandmothers used available means, many of which are now found in well-known branded cleaning products. It also happens, on the contrary, that a professional product that has a different purpose suddenly turns out to have good cleaning properties and is immediately adopted by enterprising housewives as a cleaning product.

Let's consider the most effective and popular means.

Folk remedies for cleaning the toilet from heavy dirt

Recently, many housewives are returning to old, proven over the years, folk remedies. Their main advantage is accessibility and environmental Safety. Most often, such products are found in every home. But, even if they are not available, you can purchase them at your nearest store for little money.

Baking or soda ash

Has cleaning and disinfecting properties. Absorbs unpleasant odors. In addition to cleaning the surface of the toilet, it helps eliminate operational blockages in the water seal and sewer pipes. An effective product for regular cleaning and prevention.

Mustard powder

Dry mustard copes well with grease deposits on the surface of the toilet bowl, eliminating yellowness and dirt. Effectively used to clean the bowl and prevent blockages in the water seal and pipes.


An effective remedy for eliminating yellow plaque and unpleasant odor. Deletes body fat on inner surface and in pipes. You can use a combination of salt and soda to clean and prevent blockages. A mixture of salt and turpentine, diluted to a paste consistency, removes rust well.


Excellent detergent and antibacterial agent. To clean and remove yellow deposits, it is better to use undiluted vinegar. Vinegar essence will help deal with severe stains.

  • Apply vinegar to the inside surface. It is best to do this in the evening, before bed.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, use a brush to clean off any remaining yellow residue.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Vinegar works well when combined with baking soda and salt.

  • Mix one glass each of salt and baking soda.
  • Apply the resulting powder to the inner surface.
  • Sprinkle vinegar on top. The most convenient way to do this is with a spray bottle.
  • Leave for half an hour. The baking soda mixed with vinegar will begin to sizzle. Some of the contaminants will be removed during this reaction.
  • Clean any remaining dirt with a brush.
  • Rinse.
  • Citric acid or juice

    It copes well with limescale and has antibacterial properties. Effectively removes blackness on the surface of the toilet bowl and prevents it reappearance. A solution of citric acid can be made at the rate of 1 tablespoon of acid per 1 liter of water. For heavy pollution you can use a more concentrated solution.

    In some especially difficult cases It is advisable to rub the stain with a slice of lemon, leave for a few minutes, and then rinse with water.

    Lemon juice also perfectly freshens the air in a room, in no way inferior to professional air fresheners. But at the same time it is a natural and environmentally friendly product.

    Coca Cola

    This product will surprise those who do not yet know about the excellent cleaning properties of this drink. But it is so. Carbonated drinks Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, Sprite effectively clean limescale on a surface.

  • Apply a small amount of Coca-Cola or other drink onto a contaminated surface.
  • Clean the dirt with a brush.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • All the described means do not change the structure and color of the material from which plumbing fixtures are made. And therefore suitable for both white and colored toilets.

    Professional products for effective toilet cleaning

    The advertising-filled airwaves and the abundance of household chemicals on store shelves have made professional cleaning products very popular. After all, as the brochures say, all you have to do is buy, apply, and the result is guaranteed. True, the products do not always meet the stated requirements, but one cannot help but admit that the undeniable advantage of professional products is simplicity and ease of use.

    If you decide to use professional household chemicals for cleaning, carefully read the instructions for use. The products may only be used as described in the instructions. Cannot be mixed and used at the same time different means. IN best case scenario A neutralization reaction may occur and no remedy will work. At worst, the consequences will be unpredictable. Please pay attention to safety requirements. As a rule, you need to wear rubber gloves when working with professional products. In some cases, a protective mask or respirator is required.

    Table: Review of household chemicals for cleaning toilets

    Video: Toilet cleaning products

    How to clean a toilet

    Cleaning the toilet can hardly be called a pleasant event. However, this must be done regularly to maintain cleanliness at all times.

    Be sure to follow safety precautions while working.

  • Use long, durable rubber gloves. They will protect the skin from unwanted contact with chemicals and the surface being treated.
  • Provide good ventilation toilet room. The fumes released by chemicals not only have an unpleasant odor, but also cause great harm health.
  • If necessary, use a protective mask or respirator.
  • How to clean the lid and seat

    For hygienic cleaning, use mild detergents. Treatment should be carried out with a household sponge or cloth. Do not use abrasives or hard brushes, which can damage upper layer surfaces and will ruin the appearance of the headset.

    To remove yellowness and urinary stone Vinegar and baking soda can be used effectively. And you can also use professional cleaning products, for example, CILLIT or Domestos.

  • Place baking soda on a napkin and apply evenly to stains.
  • Apply a second layer of vinegar.
  • Leave for half an hour or longer.
  • Wipe away dirt with a cloth.
  • Rinse off the product with clean water.
  • How to clean the bowl and the area under the rim from yellow deposits

    Of the professional products, Toilet Duck is well suited for these purposes. It has a convenient packaging with a curved spout and cleans dirt well.

  • Apply the product evenly to the surface, starting from the area under the rim. This is the area that is most susceptible to contamination.
  • Close the lid and leave for half an hour.
  • Clean with a brush or the hard side of a household sponge. For the area under the rim, it is convenient to use a special brush with a curved handle.
  • Drain the tank while continuing to scrub the surface to remove any remaining cleaning agent.
  • For general cleaning, treat outer part soap solution and then rinse with water.
  • You can effectively remove yellow plaque using vinegar and soda. Coca-Cola will also cope well with this task. Methods of application are described above.

    How to clean the drain hole from heavy dirt

    Most effective means Baking soda, salt and mustard are used to remove contaminants in the drain hole. You can use either one of these products or a mixture in any proportion.

  • Pour one glass of product into the drain hole and stir well with a brush.
  • Leave for several hours. This is convenient to do in the evening before going to bed or in the morning before leaving for work.
  • Clean the dirt with a brush or stiff brush.
  • Rinse.
  • Diluting the cleaning agent in the drain water makes the method less effective for very heavy stains. If the contamination remains, to remove it you will need to remove the water and repeat the cleaning procedure.

    How to remove water from a toilet

  • Drain all water from the tank.
  • Using a small container, scoop the water from the drain hole into a bucket. You can use a cap from a cleaning product package as a container.
  • Remove remaining water that is difficult to remove with a cap using a sponge.
  • How to remove sand from the bottom

    Sometimes sand accumulates at the bottom of the toilet. It can be removed without scooping water from the drain hole.

  • Using a brush, stir the sand into the water.
  • Quickly, without allowing it to settle, drain the water from the tank.
  • The water in the drain hole will be renewed. Some of the sand will go down the drain.
  • Repeat the procedure several times.
  • How to clean the drain hole from blackness

    Blackness on the surface is caused by bacteria black mold. The mold itself is easily removed; you just need to wipe the surface with a sponge or cloth. But after a while she appears again. To completely remove blackness, you can effectively use citric acid or professional product with disinfectant properties, for example Domestos.

  • Use a brush, brush or cloth to remove black deposits from the surface of the toilet bowl.
  • Rinse thoroughly by draining the tank.
  • Pour 1-2 sachets of citric acid into the drain hole.
  • Leave the product on for several hours.
  • Clean the surface again.
  • Rinse.
  • How to clean a toilet flush tank

    Due to constant contact with water, limescale deposits form on the inner surface of the drain tank. You can remove it using the method described above using baking soda and vinegar or professional cleaning products.

  • Shut off the water supply to the drain tank.
  • Drain the tank.
  • Treat the inside of the tank and the drain mechanism with a cleaning agent.
  • Leave it for a while.
  • Clean off dirt with the hard side of a household sponge.
  • Open the water supply valve to the drain tank.
  • Fill the tank with water and flush it 2-3 times.
  • Video: How to clean a toilet flush tank

    How to clean a toilet brush: a simple and effective way

    Let's consider a method of cleaning the brush together with the toilet, that is, without making separate efforts to clean the brush.

  • Treat the inside of the toilet with a cleaner. For example, you can use Domestos.
  • Leave for 15 minutes.
  • Clean the toilet with a brush.
  • Without draining the water or rinsing off the cleaning agent, place the brush into the toilet drain hole.
  • Leave for several hours.
  • Clean the surface of the toilet bowl again with a brush.
  • Wash the toilet and brush by draining the water from the tank.
  • Video: How to clean a toilet correctly


    To keep the toilet clean for a long time, it is important to preventive actions and follow the basic rules:

  • Use the toilet as intended. Do not pour food or household waste into it; there are special containers for this. For example, poured borscht will create a greasy deposit on the surface and speed up the clogging of the water seal and sewer pipes.
  • Flush the toilet after every use. You shouldn’t accumulate in the toilet what your body has gotten rid of.
  • Using a brush, clean the surface of the toilet from adhering waste immediately, without allowing it to dry.
  • If the seat gets splashed during use, immediately clean it up. It is better to use damp bactericidal wipes for this.
  • Treat the surface with a cleaning product at least once a week.
  • Make it a habit to flush hot water down the toilet once a month. This will reduce fat deposits on the surface and prevent operational blockages in the toilet and pipes.
  • If water is constantly flowing in the toilet, adjust the float in the flush tank or make repairs. This will reduce mineral deposits on the surface of the toilet.
  • Secure a container with special tablets or stickers under the toilet rim to soften water, disinfect and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Use the means and methods described in the article to regularly clean the toilet and prevent contamination, and you will not have to change the plumbing, and your “white friend” will gratefully shine with cleanliness.

    A frying pan after frying, a saucepan with “running away” broth, plastic containers for packing food for a picnic or lunch - with insufficient care, all of these kitchen helpers a deposit that is difficult to wash off is formed, which spoils both the appearance and functionality of the dishes. But there are several proven ways to wash a frying pan from old grease, a saucepan from drips, and return plastic to its original color. We'll talk about them today.

    Main secret proper care It’s simple to the point of banality - dishes need to be washed immediately after use. Hot water, a sponge and a grease dissolving agent are the three pillars that keep our pans and pots perfectly clean. Even if you don’t want to wash it right after a delicious meal, just soak the dishes in warm water with a small additive detergent to prevent fat from drying to the walls.

    If you wash the frying pan every time after use, carbon deposits will not appear.

    On a note! After washing, do not forget to dry the frying pan or pan with a dry towel - this will help avoid corrosion, streaks and stains.

    But how to clean plastic dishes, the same lunch boxes or thermal containers that we use for picnics, snacks on the road or at work? After all, they are designed for conditions where there is no access to the usual kitchen devices. The answer is simple: immediately after use, remove any remaining food and grease by rinsing the container cold water or wipe with a paper napkin. And, of course, don’t forget to wash it thoroughly with a cleaning product when you get to the kitchen. Otherwise, a yellow coating of ingrained fat will appear on the plastic, and you will have to work hard to return the original color.

    Soot on frying pans is formed from the combustion of fat and soot

    Note! Fight with not yet old fat You can use vinegar, mustard powder, citric acid and salt. These products clean and degrease surfaces well.

    Methods for removing old fat and carbon deposits

    If you do not wash off oil splashes that get on the walls of pots and pans in time, over time they will burn over the fire and the walls of the dishes will become covered with black soot. Here a soft sponge will not help - you will have to use other means, kitchen and even construction equipment.

    Mechanical cleaning

    You can deal with the problem mechanically, using a knife, a metal or hard synthetic scraper and hot water. The same dishwashing liquid or cleaning abrasive powders will help speed up the process.
    Cast iron, aluminum, steel

    dishes without plastic or wooden parts You can preheat it in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees or over an open fire. When the fat deposits are burned, all that remains is to clean the surface of their remains (of course, after it has completely cooled).

    The most radical and quick way, wash the dishes from old grease, which has already turned into multi-layered carbon deposits - cleaning using a drill or grinder with a special wire brush attachment. True, this method is effective only for “grandmother’s” frying pans and pots made of thick-walled cast iron - modern thin and light cookware is too easy to damage. But no chemistry!

    Important! Clean frying pans with ceramic or Teflon coating in an abrasive way only possible with outside so as not to damage the non-stick layer. But aluminum cookware generally does not like mechanical intervention, except incandescence.


    Any household chemicals store will have a whole arsenal of special products with which you can easily solve the problem of how to wash grease from a frying pan at home, for example, Shumanit, Master Cleaner, Dr. Beckmann. Just remember to carefully study the label - it contains recommendations for use and types of surfaces for which this product is suitable (or strictly contraindicated). chemical composition.

    Grease remover for stubborn carbon deposits

    To clean a frying pan or pan, just apply the product to problem areas, rub a little with a soft sponge, wait the specified time, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. If the multi-year fat layer is too thick and firmly ingrained, you can leave the frying pan or saucepan with the applied product for a couple of hours or overnight, just wrap it in an airtight plastic bag to avoid breathing fumes. True, it is better to conduct such experiments on the same cast iron or thick-walled steel utensils without coloring.

    With the help of chemistry, fat quickly dissolves and is easily removed

    Important! All chemicals have an aggressive effect on the skin, so be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves before working. It is advisable to work in a ventilated area, and ideally in a respirator.

    Traditional recipes for fighting old fat

    Not all surfaces can be cleaned with aggressive chemicals or mechanical action (the most capricious are ceramic and Teflon). But there are also more gentle remedies that you can prepare yourself. In addition, the ingredients for most of them can be found at home, which means you can save money.

    Laundry soap

    One of the best and time-tested ways to wash a frying pan from grease inside, was inherited by modern housewives from Soviet times. To prepare this home remedy You will need 72 percent laundry soap and water.

    To clean the inside of the frying pan, we proceed in stages:

    1. Grind half a bar of soap on a grater.
    2. Pour the shavings into a frying pan and fill with water.
    3. After the soap solution boils, turn the heat to low and leave for 25-30 minutes.
    4. Then turn off the heating, close the dish with a lid and let it cool.
    5. Drain the cold solution and wash the walls of the pan under hot water using a regular sponge.

    How to clean a frying pan with laundry soap

    The same laundry soap can also be used to remove multi-layer carbon deposits from the smoked sides of the outside of the dishes. To enhance the anti-fat effect, in addition to a bar of soap, you will also need a tube of silicate glue and soda ash. All ingredients dissolve in hot water. The main thing is to choose a container that will fit the entire frying pan or saucepan.

    Preparing a solution of soap, soda and glue

    After boiling, the solution with the dishes should be kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with the soaking pan and let stand for 1-2 hours so that the carbon deposits soften thoroughly. After such a “bath”, it can be easily removed with the hard side of a washcloth or a dull knife.

    Note! This product can be used for Teflon and ceramic cookware - it does not damage the coating. But do not forget to turn on the hood and open the window when working - solutions based on laundry soap have a very unpleasant odor.

    Vinegar and citric acid

    Using these products, you can not only clean a pot or frying pan from grease, but also remove yellowed deposits from plastic containers. You will need a liter of water and a small container. After boiling, add half a glass of table vinegar and a tablespoon of citric acid to the water. Soak the greasy dishes in a hot solution and leave for 45-60 minutes. After this, even old fat can be easily scraped off with a hard washcloth.
    Places where grease is strongly ingrained can be sprinkled with baking soda and vinegar. As a result of the reaction, foam is formed, which will help remove carbon deposits.

    Vinegar effectively fights fat deposits

    Note! This product should not be used on aluminum cookware, and on Teflon and ceramic - only for cleaning the outer walls (if they are uncoated).

    Soda and salt

    These products will surely be found in the kitchen of any housewife. With their help, you can not only prepare delicious dishes, but also clean your dishes efficiently. One of the most budget ways Wash the outside of the pan from grease - use salt and soda as an abrasive powder. They remove small dirt, thin grease and carbon deposits well; you just need to rub the damp walls with small granules, let them sit for a couple of minutes and rinse under warm water.

    Salt and soda act as an abrasive powder

    Salt or baking soda can also be used to clean the inside of dishes, but you need to be careful on coated pans. Simply sprinkle the powder onto the walls moistened with water and gently wipe with a soft sponge without pressing. And after a couple of minutes, when the granules dissolve, wash in the usual way.

    On a note! Salt cannot cope with complex layers, but soda can do it. You just need to use not ordinary food grade, which works more like an abrasive, but calcined one. It is dissolved in warm water, where dirty dishes are soaked for a couple of hours.

    How to restore dishes after cleaning

    Many people have probably noticed that food sticks to frying pans that have been thoroughly washed free of grease during the first frying. The reason is that when cleaning, a layer of oily film that protects from burning is also washed off. Therefore, before delighting your household with culinary masterpieces prepared on updated utensils, this protection should be restored.

    We offer 2 simple ways to choose from:

    • Pour coarse salt into the bottom of the pan and heat over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the granules (they can be reused). Wait for the dishes to cool, rinse and put back on the fire, but without any filler. When the pan is hot enough, grease the bottom vegetable oil using a silicone brush and leave to cool. For a better non-stick effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure three times, removing the previous oil layer with paper napkins and heating the pan again.

    Cleaning a frying pan with salt

    • To restore cast iron and steel pans without wooden handles or other flammable elements, you can use the oven. To do this, the dishes, already cleared of carbon deposits, are heated for 40 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Then take it out, coat it with any vegetable oil and put it back in the oven, raising the temperature to 230-250 degrees. After an hour, take out the pan, cool it and grease it again with oil.

    Oiling a frying pan

    On a note! Oil treatment will not only restore the non-stick layer, but also protect the cookware from rust.

    Video: how to clean a frying pan from old fat and carbon deposits

    Now you know how to clean a frying pan from old grease and how to return your kitchen utensils to their original shine. But if none of traditional ways didn’t help, perhaps you should seek help from a cleaning specialist or... buy new dishes.

    Despite the fact that plastic is considered a fairly unpretentious material in everyday life, you should not use products containing coarse chemicals when cleaning. abrasive particles or alkaline substances, as well as hard sponges, sponges and metal brushes.

    These devices will only scratch plastic surface, will spoil the appearance of the product and give free rein to bacteria, which will begin to accumulate in grooves and microcracks.

    How to wash plastic dishes

    To wash plastic dishes, you will need warm water, regular dishwashing detergent, or liquid soap. Remember, not all plastic is resistant to boiling water: if the water temperature exceeds 60-70°C, a “mesh” of cracks is likely to appear on plates, bowls and containers.

    Products made from heat-resistant plastic can be sent to dishwasher, but only if a special icon on the bottom of the vessel informs about this possibility.

    Dishwasher safe symbol on plastic utensils

    Remove dried food from plastic as follows: soak the dishes in warm water, adding a couple of drops of detergent. It only takes half an hour for the leftover food to go away.

    What confuses housewives most is not grease (it just washes off the walls without any problems plastic dishes), but an unpleasant odor that eats into the surface. Try to get rid of the smell using one of the following methods:

    1. Pour 1 cup into container warm water and ¼ cup of 9% table vinegar, a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent. Close the container with a lid, shake vigorously for a minute, and leave for an hour. Next, drain the water and rinse the dishes with cold water.
    2. Has a similar effect baking soda. Dilute baking soda with warm water to form a paste and apply the resulting mixture to the walls of a bowl, plate or ladle. Leave it overnight and rinse with cold water in the morning.
    3. Coffee beans, wood or wood are considered good absorbents. Activated carbon. Place 5-6 grains or “charcoal” tablets in a container, leave under a tightly closed lid for two hours until the smell passes into the absorbent.
    4. Rub the inside of the container lemon juice(or just a lemon peel), leave to air for two to three hours. At the end of the procedure, rinse the dishes with water.
    5. Vanillin will also help (do not confuse it with vanilla sugar). It is enough to fill the vessel with water and add one or two pinches of aromatic powder there, and “seal” tightly. After two to three hours, rinse the container.

    How to wash a plastic barrel (tank or canister) from dirt and mold

    Washing a plastic drinking canister or tank is a labor-intensive task, but among home remedies there are “helpers” who can cope even with such a task. challenging task. All methods combine the action of cleaning agents, disinfectants and mechanical cleaning.

    Technology: pour one of the products suggested below into a tank or barrel, close the lid and shake well (twist or roll). The smallest particles will polish the container from the inside, and the active substances will destroy accumulated bacteria.

    To make the process more efficient, fill the barrel not completely, but about a quarter. After cleaning, do not forget to rinse the container with cool water and dry naturally.


    • Baking soda is a mild abrasive that also effectively fights microorganisms. For 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of powder is enough.
    • As an alternative to soda, use clean (calcined) sand, sawdust, coffee grounds, millet (at the rate of 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water). For added effect, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
    • A saturated (bright pink) solution of potassium permanganate not only disinfects the surface, but also removes the pronounced “swampy” smell.

    Tanks, barrels, and canisters must be cleaned of accumulated dirt, sediment and mold (green) at least once every 2-3 months.

    Cleaning a plastic kettle from scale and dirt

    9% table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) will help to clean a plastic kettle from scale and a layer of dirt. lemon acid(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), potato or apple peelings (a couple of medium potatoes or small apples per 1 liter of water are enough).

    Method: pour water into the kettle, add the “active” agent, bring to a boil, and then let it brew for 30-60 minutes. Pour out the mixture, go over the inside of the kettle with a clean soft sponge and rinse the dishes well with cold water.

    Cleaning other plastic products and furniture

    Plastic combs require not only constant cleaning, but also disinfection. Citric acid can handle these tasks quite well. ammonia or table vinegar 9%

    Prepare a soap solution, add 1 tbsp. spoon of product (per 1 liter). Soak the comb for an hour and then wash with plain water. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will also destroy bacteria: keep the comb in it for an hour.

    To wash plastic products such as children's toys (cubes, cars), soak them in a solution of laundry soap. Use a preliminary soak (for half an hour) and an old toothbrush - dirt in small recesses and joints will disappear without a trace. Once the procedure is completed, rinse the toys under running water and leave to dry naturally.

    In a similar way, you can clean and plastic furniture. Just instead of soaking, thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface with a sponge soaked in soapy water, then rinse with water and dry with a clean rag.

    The plumbing fixtures of our time are characterized by convenience, ergonomics and variety. appearance. But it all has one thing in common, namely the formation of urinary stones. These deposits cause housewives a lot of trouble, not to mention the fact that they create the appearance of neglect in the bathroom. How to deal with limescale and urolithiasis? This will be discussed in this publication.

    Where does the problem come from?

    The appearance of urinary and limescale deposits is inherent in any plumbing product that is used frequently and regularly. Both types of pollution do not form at one moment, but gradually, month after month.

    Unsightly deposits are the result of improper use of the toilet, in particular, untimely flushing, defects in the ceramic or porcelain surface and insufficient hygienic cleaning.

    The fact is that human urine has a specific mineral set, and if you do not train yourself to constantly drain it after yourself, then these very minerals form layers of urinary stones. Over time, they harden and are no longer easy to clean with a standard toilet brush.

    A similar situation arises with lime deposits. But the speed and intensity of its formation depends not only on the above factors, but also on the quality composition of the water.

    How to deal with common stains?

    If cleaning the entire surface of the toilet is an indispensable item in the weekly cleaning of the apartment, then eliminating urinary stones will not be particularly difficult.

    In this case, you can use regular vinegar:

    • First you need to pour a glass of vinegar into a separate container, cover it with a lid and heat the liquid to 40 degrees;
    • Then it should be poured into the toilet, and either 2 tsp should be added there. baking soda, or a similar amount of iodine;
    • Then the toilet is covered with a lid and left until the morning. The next day it will be enough to simply rinse it well with water.

    The next “food” option for how to clean a toilet from urinary stones yourself is to use citric acid.

    You need to deal with it as follows:

    • Take a couple of packets of powder and pour them into the toilet;
    • The plumbing lid slams shut all night;
    • Then it will be enough to just go over the plaque with a brush and rinse the compact bowl well.

    If necessary, the entire procedure can be repeated several times in a row, which is completely harmless to sanitary ware.

    If all that has been done does not have the desired effect, then the problem can be eliminated using a specific cleaning agent:

    • The cheapest option would be to use regular white. Before you pour a whole bottle of this liquid into the toilet, you need to completely empty it of water. This is done using vantose;
    • Silit, Domestos or granular Mister Proper will be able to solve the problem of how to clean the toilet seat from a slight deposit of urinary stone. They will not cope with more complex deposits.

    Whatever industrial product is chosen, it must act according to a single rule: the compact must be dried, chemicals are added to it, and the layers are acidified throughout the night (this is in the ideal case).

    Then the dirt is carefully scraped off with a wooden or plastic spatula, and finally the sanitaryware is polished with a hard brush.

    What to do with old plaque?

    It also happens that an apartment purchased or donated has plumbing fixtures that are in a completely deplorable state. And until a new compact is purchased, you have to independently solve the problem of how to clean the toilet rim from the old urinary stone. What can you do?


    • Oxalic acid can clean sanitaryware in no time, but you need to work with it extremely carefully, observing the rules of personal protection. The powder is collected on a sponge and evenly distributed over the most contaminated areas of the ceramic, although it can simply be poured into a bowl and washed off after a couple of hours. All this is done with hands wearing rubberized gloves;
    • You can get rid of old deposits using electrolyte - a liquid that is poured into batteries. When using it, you need to not only wear rubber gloves, but also a respirator, goggles and even overalls. All this is necessary to prevent poisoning from toxic and heavy fumes. By the way, the electrolyte should be poured very carefully, avoiding splashing, and washed off after 15 minutes;
    • It may seem strange and even scary, but the next sure-fire option for how to clean a toilet lid from limestone or urinary stone is our all-loved Coca-Cola. Thanks to observations and experiments of people, it was found that this foreign drink perfectly destroys any deposits and contaminants formed on sanitary ware. To do this, simply pour it into a bowl and wash it off after 3-4 hours, remembering to use a brush.

    Having decided to clean the lid or rim of your toilet using industrial household chemicals, you need to pay attention to its quality composition.
