How to create a slight slope. Cottage on a slope (35 photos): dealing with steep slopes. Manufacturing of supporting structures and solving the problem of excess moisture. Floating Gardens and Nature Views

Nature is harmonious in any manifestation. If you get a plot of land on a slope, don’t be upset; there are many original ideas for its design. Landscaping the site is accompanied by impressive labor and material costs, but the result can evoke the admiration of the most sophisticated connoisseurs of landscape design. The main thing is to find optimal ways strengthening slopes, taking care of the drainage system and choosing a floristry concept.

Features of an uneven area

Properly design the site without preliminary design almost impossible. The level of complexity of slope development work directly depends on the angle of inclination. Small differences in heights can be completed with your own hands; it is better to entrust the plan for strengthening a slope with a large angle to specialists.

Familiarization with characteristic features inclined terrain will help you navigate when drawing up a site development project:

The choice of material for geoplastics and slope strengthening depends on the subsequent use of the site. If we're talking about regarding the construction or design of terraces, it is allowed to fill the bottom layer with construction waste. Gravel and crushed stone are used in the middle layer; sand is added when soil moisture is high. For landscaping upper layer formed from fertile soil.

Slope strengthening

The design of the site is preceded by work to strengthen the slopes. This will prevent the development of destructive processes and damage to individual elements of landscape design. Landscaping of slopes is carried out using gabions, concrete blocks, lawn gratings, geotextile fabric, logs and stones. What material to use to design the slope depends on a number of characteristics of the site:

  • proximity of location groundwater;
  • geological soil indicators;
  • angle of inclination of the site;
  • the force of soil pressure on future supports;
  • the presence of a body of water nearby and the risk of the area being washed away.

Analysis of the totality of all factors will identify the area that needs to be strengthened and give an idea of suitable material for site design.

Comment! It is enough to decorate a slight slope with shrubs and trees that have a developed root system. The large angle of inclination forces one to think about improving the slopes by terracing or laying geotextile fabric.


A simple option for arranging a slope with your own hands is to plant plants with well-branched roots. This method is acceptable for small areas with a slight slope. Initially, it is better to decorate the area with a geogrid, which serves as a reinforcing structure. Trees and shrubs planted in cells, due to the dense interweaving of the root system, prevent soil erosion or landslides.

It is preferable to decorate an area with a slight slope with the following vegetation:

  • dwarf spruce or mountain pine;
  • hawthorn;
  • creeping juniper;
  • hornbeam and hazel;
  • broom and willow;
  • Chinese blackberries and lilacs.

In addition to small trees and shrubs, the following will help to beautifully decorate the landscape of a site on a slope and at the same time fix the soil:

  • fescue;
  • cornflowers;
  • daisies;
  • clover;
  • buttercups;
  • bluegrass.

Photo examples will give an idea of ​​the options for how to design a slope.

Arrangement of fences

An effective way to decorate a slope is the construction of all kinds of fences. The materials used are limestone, sandstone, concrete plates and brick. The main advantages of the method:

  • effective resistance to destructive factors;
  • ease of care;
  • long period of operation;
  • no barriers to vegetation development.

The construction of fences is carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • a solid foundation is required;
  • fence height - at least 1 m;
  • thickness is calculated in proportion to height and is 1/3;
  • the order of arrangement of the terrace is from bottom to top;
  • it is preferable to design a cascade design;
  • the vertical plane of the fence should have a slight inclination towards the slope.

Attention! The installation of fences and terraces is accompanied by mandatory registration drainage system. Otherwise, streams of water will quickly wash away the reinforcing structure.

You can decorate a site to strengthen the slope with logs that are dug into the ground. The material is less durable than stones and bricks, and therefore requires pre-impregnation with various protective compounds.

Geotextiles and geomats

You can effectively protect an inclined area from deformation if you cover it with geotextiles. The material is produced in rolls and consists of polypropylene and polyester fibers.

A popular option for landscaping slopes is the laying of geomats. The waterproof product consists of polypropylene grilles. The material is characterized by the following properties:

  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • not afraid of significant changes in temperature;
  • absence of toxic substances;
  • does not collapse under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of installation.

The presented options for arranging a landscape with a slope can be done with your own hands or by inviting a team of specialists. The speed of work and the design estimate will increase at the same time.

Terracing the site

Most often, to strengthen the slope, people turn to the idea of ​​creating terraces. Before the start of construction, at the design stage, be sure to study the following information:

  • about the characteristics of the soil;
  • about the water supply of the site;
  • take into account the location of outbuildings;
  • plan a place where it is better to design a recreation area;
  • take into account the location of the inclined section relative to the sides of the horizon.

Advice! It is preferable to design the terraced slope with cascades and chaotic ledges. From straight and long retaining walls Landscape design gurus recommend refusing.

The slopes are supported by walls made of concrete and brick, wood and stone. Landscape craftsmen follow one rule: on steep slopes, retaining walls are constructed using cement mortar, on flat areas dry masonry will be sufficient. Gabions are another one practical option arrange a site with a slope.

When arranging terraces, the project necessarily includes the design of paths or paths that curve picturesquely on the slopes. A high rise cannot be achieved without steps or a full-fledged staircase.

Landscape design on a site with a slope includes many original ideas. The process of arranging flower beds with your own hands is extremely exciting. They can intertwine with beds vegetable crops, picturesque shrubs and other decorative elements. How to apply own plot- the owner or an invited specialist decides. The presence of a drainage system is an important condition for the durability of the structure.

Arrangement of the drainage system

Spring floods and seasonal rainfall are serious enemies of sloped areas. Most reliable option To solve the problem of soil erosion and damage to the integrity of the terrace structure - install a drainage system on the site.

There are several ways to arrange a drainage system. Sites with slight slopes usually have simple drainage. To do this, at the stage of strengthening the slope, the presence of layers that allow moisture to pass through well is provided. They include:

  • coarse sand;
  • fine gravel;
  • broken bricks and other materials.

It is preferable to design a plot with a steep slope complex system, where the presence of plastic drainage pipes and filtration holes is provided. At the stage of arranging drainage, it is recommended to simultaneously design an irrigation system.

Designed drainage systems can be open or closed type. In the first case, the decorative component of landscape design comes to the fore, while the second method saves space. The water flowing down the gutters can be transformed into a picturesque waterfall, and at the bottom you can create an artificial pond.

Advice! The design is practical when the drainage system is combined with a water storage tank. In the future, it is used for automatic watering of the site.

Recommendations for the design of paths, stairs and lighting

It is impossible to imagine the landscape design of a site on a slope without landscaped paths. Besides practical function- to ensure comfortable movement, they successfully cope with the task of connecting the terraces together into a single harmonious picture. In order for the decorated path to create a single ensemble with the fortifications of the slope, it is recommended to make it from the same material as the terrace.

A vivid perception of a clear picture is possible if you decorate the paths with large elements, be it natural stone or tree cuttings. There are also nuances when choosing a shape: winding lines artificially hide the steepness of the slope, serpentine emphasizes the peculiarity of a site with a slope.

Shrubs and low trees will help you admire the landscape if you plant them in the bends of paths. To safely use a path with a steep slope, you will definitely need a ladder. Its width must correspond to the width of the path and be at least 0.6 m. The number of steps on the stairs depends on the steepness of the slope on the site.

Designers suggest dividing a large number of steps with a platform. It is advisable that it be located at the bend of the path. If the area is of sufficient size, it is recommended to decorate it with a bench. A decorative flowerpot or an elegant statue will effectively complement the landscape design of a slope. It is preferable to make a staircase in a shady area from light-colored building materials.

Important! The beauty of the landscape should not interfere with the safety of movement around the site. Paths and stairs must be made of material that does not slip after getting wet.

If the stair step has an inconvenient height for climbing, it is better to design the structure with railings.

Lighting remains an important element of site design. Turning on the lights in the evening not only contributes to comfortable movement along the slope, but also creates a unique romantic atmosphere. Design a lighting system for large plot It's quite difficult to do it yourself. It is better to invite a specialist to draw up a project, which is translated into reality at the stage of arrangement of the slopes.

Floristry concept

Plot on a slope - perfect place to design a landscape with a mountain landscape. Location relative to the cardinal points plays an important role in this matter. The northern slope is in an advantageous position. Moisture-loving plants that fully develop in the shade will take root here. It is preferable to decorate the slope area on the southern side with flora familiar to high temperatures and lack of moisture.

Advice! An important condition is the flowering period. Plants are selected in such a way that the slopes of the site remain attractive throughout the warm season.

Suitable for spring:

  • crocuses;
  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips.

In summer, the plot can be registered:

  • primrose;
  • marigolds;
  • peonies;
  • delphinium;
  • irises;
  • lilies;
  • gladioli.

It is difficult to imagine an autumn landscape without dahlias, asters, and chrysanthemums. The choice of flowers largely depends on the region where the site is located and the characteristics of the soil. It is possible to make caring for flower beds easier if you decorate them with perennial plants.

The concept of planting trees and shrubs is largely determined by the location of the house on a site with a slope. Usually housing is located at the highest point. Trees should not cover the structure; it is better to surround it with ornamental shrubs. Boxwood, juniper and magnolia will help add sophistication to the landscape.

If there are financial opportunities, the territory is decorated with waterfalls or a pond is created below.

Creating a landscape design for a site on a slope has its own subtleties, features and limitations. In this article we will talk about how best to decorate the site and develop original design. The main nuances of creating a design will be described, which elements are best to use and how to develop a site layout.

Strengthening the area

The slope on the site can be beaten different ways and this will add a special zest. However, it is very important to remember that the main task when developing such areas is to strengthen the soil. If this is not done, then over time the soil will begin to move due to the load and all buildings will be destroyed. In addition, there is no need to plant tall trees in such an area; in a strong wind they can be uprooted. Another important step is to create a high-quality drainage system.

Landscaping of the territory begins with strengthening all slopes. For this purpose they can be used different designs and technology. Blocks, cobblestones, lawn gratings, biomats, wood and gabions are used as reinforcement elements. A qualified specialist will be able to develop the best, most effective and correct strengthening system.

Blocks, cobblestones, wood and gabions are used to strengthen slopes

To do this, he carries out special calculations taking into account certain factors:

    location groundwater;

    pressure soil on a slope;

    corner tilt;

    danger washing away plot;

    characteristics soil;

    fortification zones and materials for work.

It is worth noting that small slopes can be strengthened by shrubs and various trees with big system roots. If the slope is large, then geotextiles or terracing are used. Plants must be planted in special separate cells, which act as reinforcement for the structure.

Pictures of the design of a site with a slope show that a fence using stones, slabs and other similar materials is often used to strengthen the area. This method has its advantages. This is the resistance of the structure to external factors, the absence of the need for plantings, and durability. But a number of important technological requirements must be observed.

Base in in this case must be made very durable, the height is not less than a meter, and its thickness is 1/3 of its height. A drainage system is required, construction is carried out from the bottom up, the structure must be cascading, and there must be a slight slope towards the slope.

You can add originality and a natural look to the site using logs or stones. After studying the soil characteristics, they need to be dug into the ground. A drainage system is also required here. A similar solution can be used on slopes of different sizes.

Modern technologies involve the use of geotextiles. It is waterproof, plastic, protects the soil from freezing, is resistant to damage, prevents the soil from mixing when water drains, and is very easy to install. You can also use special gratings called geomats. The material is UV resistant, unaffected by various chemicals, easy to install, resistant to temperature changes, and maintains the natural beauty of the area.

Drainage system

Setting up a drainage system for landscaping an uneven, sloping area is an important step. Thanks to this system, soil damage will be significantly reduced.

The drainage system can be of two types:

    Open. Gutters are installed on the surface through which water flows. With their help, you can make a pond, fountain or even a decorative waterfall on the site.

    Closed. Tubes with special slots through which water penetrates are placed along the area underground. In this case, integrity is maintained upper layers soil, and the system itself allows you to save space on the territory.

The choice of system option depends entirely on various characteristics soil and personal preferences of the owner of the site. Internal system used for sandy light layers, external - for rocky areas. In general, gutters made of rubber, metal or plastic are used to arrange the system.

Metal gutters last the longest, rubber is highly flexible, and the most inexpensive option is plastic. When laying drainage, pipes are installed not only into the slope, but also reinforcing materials so that the water passes to the designated place.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most . In the filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Design solutions

Options for landscaping a site on a slope are varied and very interesting. It is the slope that opens up unique perspectives and opportunities that cannot be achieved on a flat area. However, in this case, more time and money are required, so the design must be thought out as carefully as possible. All work must be performed by specialists. The characteristics of the soil are considered, much attention is paid to the placement of buildings and distribution into zones. Only then is the location of stairs, terraces, retaining walls, and so on thought through.


When working with a site on a slope, it is worth abandoning straight and long retaining walls. This solution leads to the feeling of creating a huge staircase. In this case, it is better to use cascading terracing or creating chaotic ledges.

Between the terraces themselves, winding paths and paths are made; on steep climbs, several steps are made. Also, on steep slopes it is better to prop up the walls using cement mortar, and on flat slopes, dry masonry is sufficient. Rounded shapes will create smooth and less catchy transitions. At the same time, terraces can have different functional purposes.

In some areas you can arrange shrubs, beds or flower beds. And the winding paths will help create the overall picture. For wet soils You will need crushed stone drainage, which is poured 10-15 cm wide between the soil and the wall. To ensure the water exits outside, pipe trimmings are used. If protective measures are not taken, the structure will soon begin to collapse.

Stairs and paths

These elements are mandatory when creating landscape design on a site with a slope and developing a harmonious connection of zones and terraces. To ensure that everything fits well, it is better to use the same material as for the terraces. The brightness and visibility of paths can be ensured by large decorative elements.

Winding paths will help visually reduce the steepness, but the serpentine option will only emphasize this feature plot. All curves are well emphasized by evergreens, shrubs and small trees. On a steep slope, a ladder is required. Its minimum width is 60 cm, and can be the same width as the path.

To avoid a large number of steps, platforms are used; it is advisable to make them in places where the direction of movement changes. If the length and width of the platform are large enough, then you can install a bench or some kind of decorative element. In shady places, it is recommended to make stairs from light-colored materials, but be sure not to be slippery in any weather. Additional lighting is installed.


In the planning of a site with a slope, floristry plays a very important role. The best option for such areas there will be a mountain theme. It is important to consider the location of the site itself relative to the cardinal directions when choosing plants:

    North side in solving this issue has its advantages, since here you can use plants that are not afraid of shade and love moisture.

    For south side you need to choose plants that are not afraid of drought, Sun rays and high temperature.

All plants that are planted on the site must have different period flowering. To facilitate the work and maintenance of flower beds, it is worth planting perennial plants. Trees must be planted according to strict rules:

    When the house is located in top point Tall trees and shrubs can be planted near it, but they should not cover the house itself.

    Less tall plants sit lower, these can be flower beds and evergreen shrubs.

When choosing any plantings, it is necessary to take into account the region of location and the climatic features of the site.

Video description

In the video you can see beautiful garden on a sloped area:


Design creation landscape plot with a bias has its own characteristics, advantages and difficulties. When carrying out work and developing a design, it is necessary not only to correctly, but also to competently develop the layout of the zones. It is very important to ensure good protection soil from possible erosion with a high-quality drainage system. You can make your site more comfortable and safe with the help of strong and durable retaining walls, which can be design element. It is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists, which will ensure the comfort and safety of your stay.

Advantages and disadvantages of a site on a slope, rules for planning a problem area, placement functional zones, basic techniques for landscaping.

Advantages and disadvantages of a site on a slope

Many people prefer to purchase only horizontal plots of land for their summer cottages, counting on their ease of operation. However, plots on slopes provide more opportunities for the formation of original appearance and embodiment non-standard ideas. Therefore, you should not be upset if you have at your disposal an area located at an angle to the horizon.

Its undoubted advantages include the following:

  • Cottages on a slope are always different from each other.
  • Proper arrangement of the site will allow you to obtain a picturesque example of landscape art.
  • By placing the house at the very top, you can view the entire territory from the window.
  • On such land it is possible to build design elements that are inaccessible to flat areas - an alpine slide, a waterfall or a cascade.
  • If the slope is directed south, you can harvest a good harvest of fruits and vegetables due to better sun exposure.
However, such plots have quite a lot of disadvantages:
  1. It is difficult to grow a lawn on a steep slope.
  2. The arrangement will require significant financial investments.
  3. It is necessary to water the plantings frequently, because... Water does not stay well on the slope.
  4. Buildings are built only on top, due to the danger of erosion of the foundation.
  5. Unstable areas may slip.
  6. Moving on sloped terrain is tiring.
  7. Small children should not play on steep slopes.

Creating a project for a site with a slope

Landscaping begins with analysis various indicators, which will allow you to create an optimal layout of elements and develop a sequence of construction work.

The following characteristics need to be assessed:

  • Surface relief. The location of zones (residential, recreational, garden), placement of communications, etc. depends on it.
  • Dimensions and geometry of the site. This characteristic influences the planning style.
  • Possibility of leveling the territory using terracing.
  • Soil type. It is often necessary to import fertile soil for growing vegetable and garden crops.
  • Depth of groundwater. Information is needed to create a drainage system to drain rain and flood water.
  • Predominant wind direction. Ignoring this factor can lead to the death of green spaces that do not survive well in very cold or very hot weather. It is necessary to select appropriate plant varieties or provide protection from winds.
  • The location of the inclined area in relation to the cardinal directions and the illumination of the area. Characteristics have a great influence on crop yields. You need to choose the right plants.
  • Systems of measures to strengthen soil on slopes. These include planting vegetation with an extensive root system that creates turf, mechanical strengthening of the soil, and planting plants with strong roots.
The result of the analysis of the information received is the creation of a project for a site with a slope, on which the following must be indicated:
  1. Houses and additional outbuildings (showers, gazebos, garage, etc.). The main object on the territory is residential premises. The breakdown of the allotment begins with it.
  2. Rest zone. The placement depends on the decision of the dacha owner to concentrate entertainment areas in one place or scatter them throughout the dacha.
  3. Enclosing fence. A hedge of 2-3 rows of trees or trimmed bushes looks beautiful.
  4. Territory for vegetable garden and garden. Sites for them are prepared depending on the steepness of the slope.
  5. Terracing or other methods of leveling the surface. The resulting flat areas are used as lawns, and swimming pools are installed in the hollows.
  6. Underground and aboveground communications.
The optimal arrangement of zones is one in which 9-11% of the territory is allocated for buildings, 65-77% for gardens and vegetable gardens, and 11-16% for paths, stairs, and access roads.

The plan is drawn up in a regular, landscape or mixed style. Best suited for angled areas landscape style, in which the elements are arranged freely and naturally. Regular and symmetrical shapes are excluded, which adds to the attractiveness of the dacha. Regular style designed for flat areas, and mixed combines the features of the first two.

The diagram is drawn at the selected scale, usually 1:100. Divide the sheet into 1x1 cm squares, each of which corresponds to 1 m2 of area. Orient the sketch according to the cardinal directions. Cut out figures of buildings from cardboard on the same scale (residential building, shower, garage, front garden, garden, etc.) and place them on the plan at your discretion, taking into account building codes and other requirements. We recommend indicating entrances and exits to buildings to avoid bitter disappointments. After obtaining satisfactory results, you can begin work on landscaping the dacha.

The landscape of a site with a slope is formed according to its own rules. Each zone is located depending on its purpose, size, terrain, etc. Often the arrangement of the territory is influenced by the possibility of creating terraces - horizontal platforms that are easy to operate.


Leveling is usually carried out on slopes with a slope of more than 15 degrees. If the slope is slight, no surface modifications are required. In areas with an average slope, you will need to build supports for the terrace. If the angle is very large, serious construction works using heavy equipment. The number of platforms and their sizes depend on the angle of inclination. Stairs are used to move from one level to another.

Terracing begins with determining the steepness of the slope and is carried out in several stages:

  • Marking horizontal areas. Their dimensions should be such that the elements of the site - a house, a flower bed, a vegetable garden - can be freely placed. They can be arranged in different sequences - in one row, in a checkerboard pattern, asymmetrically, it all depends on the wishes of the owner.
  • Formation of horizontal platforms. Work starts at the top, gradually moving down to the base. The cut soil is moved to the lower areas. Typically, the height of the walls of the structure does not exceed 0.6-0.8 m, and the width - 4-5 m. On small plots, 2-3 levels are equipped, on large ones - from 5 or more.
The terraces are supported by vertical walls. When constructing them, the following must be taken into account:
  1. The partitions are subject to overturning and shearing forces, so the structure must withstand such loads. To increase the strength and durability of the walls, a foundation is needed, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the partition, as well as on the characteristics of the soil.
  2. In order for the support to withstand large vertical loads, a drainage system is created that prevents the base from being washed away by water.
  3. When building using the “dry” method, sprinkle the stones with soil and seeds. After a short period of time the wall will have a very beautiful view. But without cement mortar, the protective structure does not withstand the large amount of water that appears on the site during rain or melting snow.
  4. Brick walls are very beautiful and durable. Partitions can be made blank, sparse, winding or zigzag, etc.
  5. Wooden structures look very beautiful, but their service life is short, even after treatment with special preparations.
  6. Walls made of concrete can be built up to 3 m high, which is much more than those made of stone or brick (0.8 m). It is possible to use ready-made panels or pour formwork.

Residential and auxiliary buildings

Erect buildings on sloping areas hard enough. This requires a large amount of work to be done on the basement and underground parts of the building. Ideally, the building should protect the area from prevailing winds and not obscure green spaces.

During construction, use our recommendations:

  • Place buildings in such a way that there is the shortest distance between them.
  • It is recommended to build houses in the north or northwest of the plot.
  • If the site is facing south, build the house at the very top. If to the east and west - also above all elements of the dacha, at its northern border.
  • If the territory slopes to the north, erect the building in the middle of the plot, closer to the western side.
  • In any case, do not build a house at the bottom of a slope to avoid flooding. The façade of the building must face the street.
  • Often 5-7 m of free space is left between the building and the road, which is filled with flowers and low shrubs.
  • The location of the windows is important. Openings facing southeast and southwest provide illumination throughout the day, while openings facing north create shading that cools the room in hot weather.
  • By the size of the shadow cast by the house, you can determine the geometry of the recreation area and car parking.
  • The gazebo is usually located in the very beautiful place, With good review. The children's playground is located on the lawn under the windows of the room where adults most often gather in daytime. A barbecue area is left on the edge.
There are several techniques for building a house on a slope. The horizontality of the building is ensured by a high base, in which case the natural slope is preserved. In the basement you can place a garage, shed, kitchen. The area under the building is leveled by filling or pruning.

Green areas

Plantings look especially beautiful on sloping terrain.

Plants are planted according to certain rules:

  • Vegetables and fruits are grown on sunny side where they take root well.
  • Do not plant trees closer than 5 m from buildings so that they do not become damp from lack of light.
  • On the north side of the building, plant spreading fruit trees - apple trees, pears. You can also place an apple and cherry tree on the east side of the building. In this case, in summer there will be a large shaded area near the house.
  • Plant shrubs near the garage, as well as around compost heaps and other unsightly places.
  • On the south side of the house, plant heat-loving plants - grapes.
  • Grow vegetables in the middle of the area where there is no shade. Provide the same conditions to the flower garden.
  • Avoid tall bushes along the edges of the garden; they give a long shadow. You can grow raspberries on the south side of the garden; they provide almost no shade.

Creation of a drainage system

The layout of a site with a slope must necessarily indicate a drainage scheme, which is necessary to maintain a constant water balance and quickly remove rainwater and moisture that appears in the spring when the snow melts. Danger from excess moisture consists in the formation of gullies.

The steeper the angle of inclination, the faster the water will wash it away. Even small streams eventually wash away deep gullies, which leads to the formation of deep ravines. The installation of drains begins after the completion of the construction of the main buildings, communications, and green plantings.

Drainage can be open or closed. The last option has an advantage, because saves usable area. Access roads and paths can be arranged above them.

The drainage system is a system of trenches and receiving collectors. Highways are dug along the slope. The most effective option is considered to be one in which the ditches are arranged in a herringbone pattern. In this case, additional outlets are adjacent to the central trench, which removes moisture outside the site or into the receiving collector.

The depth of the trenches is 0.3-1 meter. The bottom must have a slope of at least 2 mm over a length of 1 m. Cover it with sand in a 10 cm layer, then cover it with geotextile overlapping the walls. Pour crushed stone on top in a layer of 15-20 cm.

Place pieces of perforated paper on the prepared pillow. drainage pipe and connect them together. Cover the pipe with crushed stone and cover it with geotextile. Fill the remaining space with sand or soil.

Decorating the site

The multi-level arrangement of individual sections allows you to implement original ideas. A good option for non-standard territory it is considered alpine style with a lot of rough stones and bright colors.

Using these elements, you can solve the following problems:

  1. Design of zones;
  2. Strengthening the soil with boulders;
  3. Snow retention;
  4. Decoration of the site.
On a sloping plot, plants are planted according to certain rules: the higher the place, the lower the plants. At the top there should be low-growing species, at the base there are trees and tall bushes, which allows you to visually level the plot.

There should be no free clearings left in the dacha. Fill the strips with lawn or ground covering plants that prevent soil from being washed away. You can grow a lawn on a sloping slope.

Track layout

To move around the site, consider the location of the paths.

They are subject to the following requirements:

  • The width of the paths and the height of the steps throughout the entire area should be the same to avoid injuries when ascending and descending. To smooth out differences in the heights of the paths, make them winding.
  • The maximum permissible angle of the path is 45 degrees. With these parameters, be sure to make a railing. Make treads 25-30 cm wide, risers 15 cm high.
  • If the plot of land has a large slope, be sure to provide rest areas on the stairs, after which the direction of movement should change.
  • Considered the most affordable wooden staircase. In this case, the riser is made of boards secured on the sides with pegs, and the tread is formed by compacted soil.
  • A staircase made of brick, stone or concrete will be more durable. In the latter case, use formwork.
  • A section of stairs with 10 steps or more should rest on a concrete base that will prevent it from slipping.
  • The dimensions and shape of the stairs depend on functional purpose site and do not necessarily meet accepted standards.

Slope strengthening

To prevent the soil from sliding, the soil must be strengthened. The following methods are used for this:
  1. Natural fortifications. Used at small angles (up to 15 degrees). It is recommended to plant areas on slopes with creeping plants, and near the base with lilac, rose hips, and willow. The roots of these plants intertwine and form a strong frame.
  2. Use of geomaterials - geotextiles or geogrids. The material is laid on the surface and covered with soil. After a short period of time, a layer of turf and other vegetation appears, which reliably prevents the soil from sliding. The service life of the geomaterial is more than 50 years.
  3. embankment. This is the creation of barriers from soil, which is taken from the base and poured on top of the slope. Used on large areas, because... takes up a lot of usable space. Periodically, soil must be added to increase the height of the embankment.
  4. Retaining walls made of wood or stone. They not only strengthen the slopes, but also create convenient terracing. Most often, this method is used on hilly areas with any elevation difference. Partitions up to 0.8 m are easy to build yourself. Massive walls that can withstand heavy loads are built using heavy equipment.
  5. Gabions. These are special factory-made structures filled with pebbles, stones and other materials. If the contents are sprinkled with soil, in the spring shoots will appear above the structure, which will camouflage it.
Watch a video about a sloped area:

A dacha plot, located at an angle to the horizon, is not attractive at first, with the right approach will become a beautiful and comfortable recreation area. For getting good result it is necessary to study the features of using the problem area, which should be taken into account at the stage of developing a project for the arrangement of a summer cottage.

Do not be upset, you are faced with opportunities that are not available to owners of ordinary plots. Your imagination and our advice will help you create an original and original example landscape design.

Positive and negative aspects of a site on a slope

To begin with, I would like to list all the advantages of the sloping location of the land:

  • competently and beautifully designed, such a territory can become an extraordinary and picturesque example of landscape art;
  • the plot on the slope is perfectly visible in its entirety, so from the windows of the house you can contemplate all the design elements in the garden;
  • such land is a great place to create an alpine slide, waterfall or cascade;
  • if the dacha is located on the south side of the hill, its territory will be illuminated by the sun as much as possible, and this is an excellent prerequisite for good growth green spaces and high yields crops

However, in addition to the advantages, a cottage on a slope also has disadvantages:

  • on land with a fairly steep slope it is problematic to plant a lawn;
  • registration of such a site will require significantly higher costs than in the case of a flat location of the territory;
  • planted crops will need frequent watering, since water in the soil will not stay long, flowing down the hill;
  • plants on the northern slope may receive insufficient heat and light, which will cause poor flowering and low yields;
  • the foundation of a house located in the middle or at the bottom of a hillock runs the risk of being flooded with water;
  • unstable areas of soil can lead to erosion and landslides;
  • daily movement on the slope is physically tiring;
  • Small children should not play on steep hills, so care must be taken to ensure their safety.

Features of designing sloping land plots

Dachas located on a slope are different from each other. All of them are distinguished by different elevation changes, which makes their landscape unique and original. In this regard, the design of each such site has its own planning solutions and decorative elements. There are certain features in the design of sloping lands:

  1. It is considered optimal if the building on such a dacha is located on top of a hill. This arrangement greatly simplifies working with the terrain.
  2. The layout of a site on a slope must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the soil and technical features water supply You also need to take into account the location of the slope relative to the cardinal directions and the wind rose.
  3. First of all, you need to plan the location of utility structures and recreation areas, and only after that decide on the position of all other structures: terraces, stairs, retaining walls and other elements.
  4. All measurements and calculations must be carried out with special attention and care - this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.
  5. While studying landscape design on a slope, you should be careful with the lower layers of soil. They should not be moved or interchanged as this may lead to soil erosion, which in turn will create a hazard for garden buildings.

Plot on a slope, landscape design

The significant slope of the dacha area creates the preconditions for the designer’s flight of fancy. The height difference can be beautifully played up when designing a site, which will subsequently give an interesting, unusual and unique result.

Too steep a slope makes it difficult to move around the area and creates inconvenience in everyday life. In order to solve such problems and make living in the garden comfortable, terraces, retaining walls and stairs need to be built on the slope. Among other things, you should pay attention to soil moisture. In areas with a slope, the ground is usually drier and for good plant growth in such a garden it is worth paying attention to Special attention irrigation systems. To avoid flooding of buildings with storm water, drainage must be laid on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the various landscape design activities:

Terracing the site

For landscaping with a slope of more than 15°, a technique such as terracing is perfect - creating special horizontal platforms reinforced with walls. The size of the plot and the degree of its steepness directly affect the number and height of terraces. The platforms communicate with each other using stairs that are harmonious in appearance with the retaining walls.

Creating terraces requires significant work, time and money, but the effort spent will not be in vain: over time, your dacha will become a model of beauty and comfort. Before zoning a site using terraces, it is better to consult with specialists, inviting them directly to the work site. Their advice should help you achieve these basic goals:

  • protection of soil from soil erosion and creation optimal system removal of unnecessary moisture;
  • ensuring convenient and safe movement of the owners of the dacha along the slope;
  • creation of recreation areas, gardens and vegetable gardens on the site;
  • construction of high-quality and reliable retaining walls;
  • arrangement of space for relaxation in a comfortable place.

Terracing of the site is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, determine the degree of steepness of the slope. To do this, the height difference is divided by the horizontal base indicator.
  2. After this, the locations of the terraces are marked on the site. The size of each site should be sufficient to accommodate a house, outbuilding, garden, flower bed or bed.
  3. Then geoplastics is carried out - the artificial creation or change of the terrain. In this case, the upper terraces are built first, gradually going down. The land cut from above is the basis for creating underlying platforms. The height of the terraces can reach 1.5 meters, but do not forget that creating high retaining walls will require considerable financial costs.

Building terraces is a creative endeavor. You can arrange them in one row, in a checkerboard pattern or asymmetrically - the choice depends on the desire of the land owner. The design of a site on a slope, the photo of which is presented below, is an example of asymmetrical terraces:

Creating retaining walls

Retaining walls are not only a way to strengthen terraces, but also a decorative element. What subtleties need to be taken into account when constructing these structures?

  1. In order for the wall to look harmonious and fit into the overall design of the site on the slope, carefully select the materials for its creation and take into account the stylistic direction of the garden. For example, in country style Retaining walls made of beams or logs will fit perfectly. Suitable for a garden in a modern style brick decoration with forged iron elements, and an area with an emphasis on natural beauty will look wonderful framed by natural stone.
  2. Materials for creating retaining walls can be very diverse. For small structures, sheet metal, wood, stone or reinforced concrete are suitable. Metal and wood must be treated with paint or varnish to protect them from moisture.
  3. The stone wall can be laid dry or using cement mortar to secure it. In the first case, the height of the structure should not exceed 1 m; it is better to lay higher walls on the mortar.
  4. Another material for creating retaining walls is concrete blocks. The structure made in this way must be protected from moisture in places of contact with the soil. You can also do exterior finishing walls using paint, tiling or natural stone.
  5. So that the wall stands firmly and lasts for a long time, at the beginning of its creation, a reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is laid.

Creation of a drainage system

Dacha plots with a slope are susceptible to soil washout due to spring floods or heavy rains. In order to avoid such a nuisance, drainage is laid on the territory. This is a system of pipes made of metal or asbestos cement, which are laid at the bottom of the wall. Sometimes pipes are replaced with filtration holes.

Water from the drainage system can be put to good use. For example, accumulate it in suitable containers and water plants or filter it for a pool, if there is one on the site.

Construction of stairs

As a rule, in areas with a large slope, terraces are connected to each other using stairs. They not only make movement around the dacha comfortable and convenient, but are also an element general design. In order for these structures to fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the garden, you need to pay special attention to their construction.

  1. The dimensions of the steps do not necessarily have to meet accepted standards.
  2. An affordable option could be a staircase made of wooden blocks or boards. In this case, the riser is made of a board mounted on an edge, secured on the sides with wooden pegs, and the tread is tightly compacted soil.
  3. More expensive, but also more nice option the staircase will be made of stone, brick or monolithic concrete. In the latter case, you need to additionally make wooden formwork.
  4. If the stairs are too steep, a comfortable handrail should be installed on at least one of its sides.
  5. If there are too many steps, it is better to divide them into flights of 8-10 pieces, between which there will be areas for rest during the ascent. For more comfort Benches can be placed between the spans.

The area on the slope, the photo of which can be seen below, shows an example of a staircase made of stone:

Creating a garden on a sloped plot

Since the sloping area provides an excellent viewing platform, a beautiful garden on it will look especially impressive. Alpine slide, various flower arrangements, artificial waterfalls and cascades - all these opportunities open up to the owner of a plot on a slope.

Often the soil of the hills contains a large number of stones and very thin layer fertile soil, but this problem is completely solvable. Stones can be used as natural material for the design of retaining walls, and land plot cover the slope with a layer of imported black soil.

Ideas for designing a relief area

  1. You can grow a lawn in a relief dacha. If the slope of the terrain is too steep, this will be quite difficult to do, but on a sloping slope the grass and plants will be established quite well and will have a spectacular appearance. If the territory is designed in the form of terraces, then there will be no difficulty in growing a lawn. Stepped platforms covered with a terry green carpet will look impressive when viewed from above.
  2. Sloping terrain is excellent soil for creating a rock garden - a decorative garden made of stones. You can also place a rock garden or simply beautifully decorated flower beds here. All planted crops will grow wonderfully on a slope if horizontal holes are made under them, reinforced with sides. Plants will feel even better on terraces, and height differences will provide beautiful game sun and colors.
  3. An artificial pond is another trump card of a site on a slope. Waterfalls, cascades and streams will beautifully fall from the top of the hill, and a quiet, cozy lake can be located on the terrace area.
  4. Paved platforms and stairs meandering like serpentines among the greenery are an important decorative element of the overall composition.
  5. To decorate the slope, you can use junipers and ground cover crops. They are able to grow over the territory like a motley carpet, and also successfully hide construction defects.

Do not be upset, you are faced with opportunities that are not available to owners of ordinary plots. Your imagination and our advice will help you create a distinctive and original example of landscape design.

Positive and negative aspects of a site on a slope

To begin with, I would like to list all the advantages of the sloping location of the land:

  • competently and beautifully designed, such a territory can become an extraordinary and picturesque example of landscape art;
  • the plot on the slope is perfectly visible in its entirety, so from the windows of the house you can contemplate all the design elements in the garden;
  • such land is a great place to create an alpine slide, waterfall or cascade;
  • if the dacha is located on the south side of the hill, its territory will be illuminated by the sun as much as possible, and this is an excellent prerequisite for good growth of green spaces and high crop yields.

However, in addition to the advantages, a cottage on a slope also has disadvantages:

  • on land with a fairly steep slope it is problematic to plant a lawn;
  • registration of such a site will require significantly higher costs than in the case of a flat location of the territory;
  • planted crops will need frequent watering, since water in the soil will not stay long, flowing down the hill;
  • plants on the northern slope may receive insufficient heat and light, which will cause poor flowering and low yields;
  • the foundation of a house located in the middle or at the bottom of a hillock runs the risk of being flooded with water;
  • unstable areas of soil can lead to erosion and landslides;
  • daily movement on the slope is physically tiring;
  • Small children should not play on steep hills, so care must be taken to ensure their safety.

Features of designing sloping land plots

Dachas located on a slope are different from each other. All of them are distinguished by different elevation changes, which makes their landscape unique and original. In this regard, the design of each such site has its own planning solutions and decorative elements. There are certain features in the design of sloping lands:

  1. It is considered optimal if the building on such a dacha is located on top of a hill. This arrangement greatly simplifies working with the terrain.
  2. The layout of a site on a slope must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the soil and the technical features of water supply. You also need to take into account the location of the slope relative to the cardinal directions and the wind rose.
  3. First of all, you need to plan the location of utility structures and recreation areas, and only after that decide on the position of all other structures: terraces, stairs, retaining walls and other elements.
  4. All measurements and calculations must be carried out with special attention and care - this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.
  5. When landscaping on a slope, you should be careful with the lower layers of soil. They should not be moved or interchanged as this may lead to soil erosion, which in turn will create a hazard for garden buildings.

Plot on a slope, landscape design

The significant slope of the dacha area creates the preconditions for the designer’s flight of fancy. The height difference can be beautifully played up when designing a site, which will subsequently give an interesting, unusual and unique result.

Too steep a slope makes it difficult to move around the area and creates inconvenience in everyday life. In order to solve such problems and make living in the garden comfortable, terraces, retaining walls and stairs need to be built on the slope. Among other things, you should pay attention to soil moisture. In areas with a slope, the ground is usually drier and for good plant growth in such a garden it is worth paying special attention to irrigation systems. To avoid flooding of buildings with storm water, drainage must be laid on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the various landscape design activities:

Terracing the site

For landscaping with a slope of more than 15°, a technique such as terracing is perfect - creating special horizontal platforms reinforced with walls. The size of the plot and the degree of its steepness directly affect the number and height of terraces. The platforms communicate with each other using stairs that are harmonious in appearance with the retaining walls.

Creating terraces requires significant work, time and money, but the effort spent will not be in vain: over time, your dacha will become a model of beauty and comfort. Before zoning a site using terraces, it is better to consult with specialists, inviting them directly to the work site. Their advice should help you achieve these basic goals:

  • protecting the soil from soil erosion and creating an optimal system for removing unnecessary moisture;
  • ensuring convenient and safe movement of the owners of the dacha along the slope;
  • creation of recreation areas, gardens and vegetable gardens on the site;
  • construction of high-quality and reliable retaining walls;
  • arrangement of space for relaxation in a comfortable place.

Terracing of the site is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, determine the degree of steepness of the slope. To do this, the height difference is divided by the horizontal base indicator.
  2. After this, the locations of the terraces are marked on the site. The size of each site should be sufficient to accommodate a house, outbuilding, garden, flower bed or bed.
  3. Then geoplastics is carried out - the artificial creation or change of the terrain. In this case, the upper terraces are built first, gradually going down. The land cut from above is the basis for creating underlying platforms. The height of the terraces can reach 1.5 meters, but do not forget that creating high retaining walls will require considerable financial costs.

Building terraces is a creative endeavor. You can arrange them in one row, in a checkerboard pattern or asymmetrically - the choice depends on the desire of the land owner. The design of a site on a slope, the photo of which is presented below, is an example of asymmetrical terraces:

Creating retaining walls

Retaining walls are not only a way to strengthen terraces, but also a decorative element. What subtleties need to be taken into account when constructing these structures?

  1. In order for the wall to look harmonious and fit into the overall design of the site on the slope, carefully select the materials for its creation and take into account the stylistic direction of the garden. For example, retaining walls made of beams or logs will fit perfectly into a rustic style. For a modern style garden, a brick design with forged iron elements is suitable, and an area with an emphasis on natural beauty will look wonderful framed by natural stone.
  2. Materials for creating retaining walls can be very diverse. For small structures, sheet metal, wood, stone or reinforced concrete are suitable. Metal and wood must be treated with paint or varnish to protect them from moisture.
  3. The stone wall can be laid dry or using cement mortar to secure it. In the first case, the height of the structure should not exceed 1 m; it is better to lay higher walls on the mortar.
  4. Another material for creating retaining walls is concrete blocks. The structure made in this way must be protected from moisture in places of contact with the soil. You can also decorate the exterior of the wall using paint, tiling or natural stone.
  5. In order for the wall to stand firmly and last for a long time, at the beginning of its creation a reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is laid.

Creation of a drainage system

Dacha plots with a slope are susceptible to soil washout due to spring floods or heavy rains. In order to avoid such a nuisance, drainage is laid on the territory. This is a system of pipes made of metal or asbestos cement, which are laid at the bottom of the wall. Sometimes pipes are replaced with filtration holes.

Water from the drainage system can be put to good use. For example, accumulate it in suitable containers and water plants or filter it for a pool, if there is one on the site.

Construction of stairs

As a rule, in areas with a large slope, terraces are connected to each other using stairs. They not only make moving around the dacha comfortable and convenient, but are also an element of the overall design. In order for these structures to fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the garden, you need to pay special attention to their construction.

  1. The dimensions of the steps do not necessarily have to meet accepted standards.
  2. An affordable option could be a staircase made of wooden blocks or boards. In this case, the riser is made of a board mounted on an edge, secured on the sides with wooden pegs, and the tread is tightly compacted soil.
  3. A more expensive, but also more beautiful option would be a staircase made of stone, brick or monolithic concrete. In the latter case, you need to additionally make wooden formwork.
  4. If the stairs are too steep, a comfortable handrail should be installed on at least one of its sides.
  5. If there are too many steps, it is better to divide them into flights of 8-10 pieces, between which there will be areas for rest during the ascent. For greater comfort, benches can be placed between the spans.

The area on the slope, the photo of which can be seen below, shows an example of a staircase made of stone:

Creating a garden on a sloped plot

Since the sloping area provides an excellent viewing platform, a beautiful garden on it will look especially impressive. An alpine slide, various flower arrangements, artificial waterfalls and cascades - all these opportunities open up for the owner of a plot on a slope.

Often the soil of the hills contains a large number of stones and a very thin layer of fertile soil, but this problem is completely solvable. Stones can be used as a natural material to design retaining walls, and the land plot itself on a slope can be covered with a layer of imported black soil.

Ideas for designing a relief area

  1. You can grow a lawn in a relief dacha. If the slope of the terrain is too steep, this will be quite difficult to do, but on a sloping slope the grass and plants will be established quite well and will have a spectacular appearance. If the territory is designed in the form of terraces, then there will be no difficulty in growing a lawn. Stepped platforms covered with a terry green carpet will look impressive when viewed from above.
  2. Sloping terrain is excellent soil for creating a rock garden - a decorative garden made of stones. You can also place a rock garden or simply beautifully decorated flower beds here. All planted crops will grow wonderfully on a slope if horizontal holes are made under them, reinforced with sides. On the terraces, plants will feel even better, and elevation changes will provide a beautiful play of sun and colors.
  3. An artificial pond is another trump card of a site on a slope. Waterfalls, cascades and streams will beautifully fall from the top of the hill, and a quiet, cozy lake can be located on the terrace area.
  4. Paved platforms and stairs meandering like serpentines among the greenery are an important decorative element of the overall composition.
  5. To decorate the slope, you can use junipers and ground cover crops. They are able to grow over the territory like a motley carpet, and also successfully hide construction defects.

You can learn more about designing a cottage on a slope by watching the following video:
