What is another name for the attic? Meaning of the word attic. Attic - general concepts


m. space, from the ceiling or slope to the roof; ceiling, top, underroof. Attic in a barn, stable, hayloft. Linen was stolen from the attic. It caught fire in the attic, under the hog. He has an attic without a top; one rafter is missing, stupid, not everyone is at home.

A living room, a light under the roof, an attic, a tower, a teremok. I live in an attic, in an attic.

Cabin below deck, on ships; arch. fences in the bow and stern, on the shnyaks, for stowing fish; south Novoross. bow of the ship, below deck, forecastle;

arch. fish storage on the shore in tops, in sheds, sheds. On that falcon ship there was an attic, in the attic there was a conversation (gazebo), the fish tooth is dear, Kirsha. Attic housing. - fish, arch. salted not in barrels, but in the chests of the boat, in the attic. The attic mouse of the underground (cellar) is not a sister. Attic dweller, attic dweller, attic dweller.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


attic, m. (Turk. cardaq).

    Covered space, the space between the ceiling and the roof of a house. The laundry is hung in the attic. Attic in a barn, stable.

    Svetelka, living space under the very roof of the house. Live in the attic.

    trans. Head, mind (colloquially vulg. joke). His attic is not in order.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. The room between the ceiling and the roof of the house. Live in the attic. Rise for an hour

adj. attic, -aya, oh. Attic floor. Attic window.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. The space between the ceiling and the roof of a house.

      Living space under the very roof of the house.

  1. trans. up-down Head, mind, mind.


Attic (film, 2005)

"Attic" is a horror film filmed in 2005 by Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa.

Examples of the use of the word attic in literature.

And several years ago, one old Altai communist, who returned from Magadan, told me that his friend, dying in a barracks, said that these documents were on attic one of the Biysk houses.

“If we fail with acrobatics,” Anders said a little later on attic, - you will have to return the money for the tickets.

Stop, wait, Arkhipov shouted from below, but Dima was already waist-deep in the window - attic long and narrow, the light barely reaches the end - like your carriage.

“Here,” Astro still said calmly, pointing into the depths attic where it was dark.

All family goods, all family heirlooms attic also, of course, irretrievably lost.

In the middle attic A rather steep staircase led to a belvedere, the entrance to which was covered by a hatch.

Augusta got it from attic taking the thickly stinking roots of tobacco, and while I was drying the wet leaves on iron stove While I was crumpling them, sneezing and rolling a cigarette, my head became clearer.

At the very entrance to attic Fingerless encountered a blue-eyed stranger holding a rifle with a telescopic sight, muzzle down.

Already with attic The numismatist watched as Parshin had a long, emotional conversation with the foreman, then a truck drove up, the ill-fated concrete mixer was loaded into it and taken out of the yard.

He circled around attics, rummaged through chests with his grandfather’s clothes, looked at medals green with oxides, Moorish blades, fingered with questioning fingers the vests of thin calico, undoubtedly worn by a newborn, but it is unclear whether years or centuries ago.

Various types of workers were doing something for a long time attic front house, where Belshazzar went early in the morning.

When smoking one sniper out of the house, he sat on attic- two militiamen died: they were kicked out front door, and she was stretching.

In the attic, which occupied the entire attic, right next to the window, Hartz placed a canvas.

Sitting in a small room on attic, he spent a lot more money and time than he could afford, making new cutting apparatus and new fittings for microscopes, grinding rock plates to almost transparent thinness and giving the preparation for research special beauty and nobility.

And the grymza and his son will not move until we get to attic“, she said confidently.

The space between the surface of the covering (roof), external walls and ceiling top floor. Source: SNiP 2.08.01 89*: Residential buildings 3.10 Attic The space between the ceiling of the upper floor, the building covering (roof) and the external walls, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Husband. space, from the ceiling or eaves to the roof; ceiling, top, underroof. Attic in a barn, stable, hayloft. Linen was stolen from the attic. It caught fire in the attic, under the hog. He has an attic without a top; one rafter is missing, stupid, not everyone is at home. |… … Dictionary Dahl

- (Persian and Turkish cardak). 1) guardhouse on four pillars near the Hungarian border. 2) the space between the ceiling of the upper floor and the roof in houses. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ATTIC pers.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

attic- ATTIC, a, m. 1. Head, brains, mind. What are you thinking with your bald attic? What do you think you think about this? 2. Top chest pocket. Bald attic joke. address (not necessarily to a bald person). The attic leaked (or leaked, went) at... ... Dictionary of Russian argot

ATTIC- ATTIC. The installation of an attic in the house makes it easier to supervise and maintain the roof structures. The attic space must be illuminated (for ease of use) and have good ventilation to preserve the wooden parts of the roof. Lighting and ventilation... ... Concise encyclopedia household

ATTIC, attic, husband. (Turk. cardaq). 1. Covered space, the room between the ceiling and the roof of the house. The laundry is hung in the attic. Attic in a barn, stable. 2. Svetelka, living space under the very roof of the house. Live in the attic. 3. transfer Head, mind... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Pominalka, brains, attic, mind, attic, head, head, turnip, crock, ceiling, teapot, baklushka, pot, ceiling, skull, kumpol, attic, birdhouse, tambourine Dictionary of Russian synonyms. attic 1. attic space / living space: ... ... Synonym dictionary

attic- The space between the roof surface, external walls and the ceiling of the upper floor. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] attic A room located in a building between the attic floor and the roof, the height of which ensures the passage of people... ... Technical Translator's Guide

ATTIC, huh, husband. The space between the ceiling and the roof of a house. Live in the attic. Climb up an hour | adj. attic, oh, oh. Attic floor. Attic window. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (northern) the first compartment from the stern of the shnyaki (small fishing vessel), tightly closed with a hatch. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

Attic- ■ How good you feel there at twenty years old! ... Lexicon of common truths


  • Attic. Only physics, only hardcore! , Pobedinsky Dmitry. Do you know what time is? How did you come up with string theory? Which chemical element- the largest in the world? But Dmitry Pobedinsky, physicist, popular video blogger and regular author...
  • Attic. Only physics, only hardcore, Dmitry Pobedinsky. Do you know what time is? How did you come up with string theory? Which chemical element is the largest in the world? But Dmitry Pobedinsky, physicist, popular video blogger and regular author...


Solar laundry

Typical roofs in the Faroe Islands. The plant layer serves as thermal insulation.

Roof- the upper part of the building for protection from rain and snow; The outer surface of the roof usually slopes towards the outer walls. According to the shape of the roof slopes, there are: single-pitched, gable and hipped; the upper edge of the roof is called the ridge. The roof consists of an outer shell - the roof and an internal roof support - rafters.

Dome and conical roofs : used to cover buildings with a circular outline in plan.

Flat roofs are most widely used in both civil and industrial construction. Unlike pitched roofs, on flat roofs are not used as roofing pieces and sheet materials. Here, materials are needed that allow the construction of a continuous carpet (bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer materials, as well as mastics). This carpet must be elastic enough to withstand temperature and mechanical deformations of the roof base. The thermal insulation surface, load-bearing slabs, and screeds are used as the base.

Russian standards

Regulatory requirements in Russian Federation To modern roofs are contained in a large number of documents, and some of these documents are already morally outdated, but, nevertheless, have not been canceled. Design should be carried out taking into account the instructions and limitations of current standards:

SNiP 2.08.01-89, 1995 “Residential buildings”;
SNiP 2.08.02-89 " Public buildings and structures";
SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings»;
SNiP 31-03-2001 “Industrial buildings” Replaces SNiP 2.09.02-85*
Put into effect on January 1, 2002 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated March 19, 2001 N20;
SNiP II-26-76 “Roofs” ( new edition this SNiP was developed in 1999, but has not yet been introduced);
SNiP II-3-79*, 1996 “Construction heating engineering”;
SP 31-116-2006 “Design and installation of roofs made of copper sheets”;
SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings»;
SNiP 21-01-97 " Fire safety buildings and structures."


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Attic” is in other dictionaries:

    Attic- the space between the surface of the covering (roof), external walls and the ceiling of the upper floor. Source: SNiP 2.08.01 89*: Residential buildings 3.10 Attic The space between the ceiling of the upper floor, the building covering (roof) and the external walls, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Husband. space, from the ceiling or eaves to the roof; ceiling, top, underroof. Attic in a barn, stable, hayloft. Linen was stolen from the attic. It caught fire in the attic, under the hog. He has an attic without a top; one rafter is missing, stupid, not everyone is at home. |… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Persian and Turkish cardak). 1) guardhouse on four pillars near the Hungarian border. 2) the space between the ceiling of the upper floor and the roof in houses. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ATTIC pers.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    attic- ATTIC, a, m. 1. Head, brains, mind. What are you thinking with your bald attic? What do you think you think about this? 2. Top chest pocket. Bald attic joke. address (not necessarily to a bald person). The attic leaked (or leaked, went) at... ... Dictionary of Russian argot

    ATTIC- ATTIC. The installation of an attic in the house makes it easier to supervise and maintain the roof structures. The attic space must be illuminated (for ease of use) and have good ventilation to preserve the wooden parts of the roof. Lighting and ventilation... ... Concise Encyclopedia of Housekeeping

    ATTIC, attic, husband. (Turk. cardaq). 1. Covered space, the room between the ceiling and the roof of the house. The laundry is hung in the attic. Attic in a barn, stable. 2. Svetelka, living space under the very roof of the house. Live in the attic. 3. transfer Head, mind... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Pominalka, brains, attic, mind, attic, head, head, turnip, crock, ceiling, teapot, baklushka, pot, ceiling, skull, kumpol, attic, birdhouse, tambourine Dictionary of Russian synonyms. attic 1. attic space / living space: ... ... Synonym dictionary

    attic- The space between the roof surface, external walls and the ceiling of the upper floor. [RD 01.120.00 KTN 228 06] attic A room located in a building between the attic floor and the roof, the height of which ensures the passage of people... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    ATTIC, huh, husband. The space between the ceiling and the roof of a house. Live in the attic. Climb up an hour | adj. attic, oh, oh. Attic floor. Attic window. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (northern) the first compartment from the stern of the shnyaki (small fishing vessel), tightly closed with a hatch. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

If a residential building has a pitched roof, then a space will be formed under it, which can be called an attic or attic. You need to know the difference between an attic and an attic. This is necessary not only to understand the functionality of the under-roof space, but also to ensure that you do not have problems during the registration of the house, since the total and living area of ​​the house can differ significantly depending on the purpose of the space under the roof.

An attic in a private house is an opportunity to expand the living space. This concept is clearly explained in SNiP number 2.08.01-89. It is this document that the BTI relies on when registering and re-registering a residential building.

In accordance with SNiP, the attic floor is an additional warm living space that is located in the space under the roof. They can be completely limited to stingrays hipped roof or only two slopes and gables of the building. The attic is different from attic spaces the fact that the height of the wall from the level of the floor surface to the line of its intersection with the slope cannot be less than 1.5 m. If the walls are much higher, then this is already a full second floor, and lower walls can only be in the attic. The permissible ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.

The next difference attic floor from the attic is that these are living spaces, and therefore they must be heated, which requires thorough insulation of the roof structures. It is equally important that these rooms need good ventilation and natural light, so the attic must have a sufficient number of windows.

Important! Even an ordinary attic can be converted into a full-fledged attic. To do this, its walls need to be sewn up along the frame so that the line of intersection with the slopes is at least 1.5 m. It is also necessary to thoroughly insulate the roof structure and install attic windows.

The main advantage that an attic gives to home owners is additional living space without extra costs for the construction of another floor. It has been proven that the cost of such space in a house is 50% less than when constructing a full second floor. The thing is that the cost of insulating a roof structure is much less than the cost of erecting the walls of another full tier.

Attic space

In the minds of many people, the attic should differ from the attic in that it is a space under the roof, littered with unnecessary rubbish. However, in SNiP, an attic is a room under the roof of a house, which is limited by enclosing structures (walls and slopes), is unheated and is not intended for living.

There is also the concept of a technical attic. It is allowed to install technological equipment, pave engineering Communication. Unlike the attic floor, the attic does not have strict requirements regarding the height of the ceilings, the distance from the floor to the line of intersection of the walls with the slopes.

There are two types:

  • Cold. In this case thermal insulation materials are laid only in the ceiling of the last residential tier.
  • Warm. It is insulated not only in the interfloor ceiling, but also in the roof structures. Also additional source heating such a room can serve warm air, which rises from the lower floors through the ventilation system and freely passes through the attic space.

The attic is not only additional storage space in the house. It serves as a kind of heat insulator, because living rooms will be separated from the cold air outside not only by enclosing structures, but also by air in attic space.

It’s worth knowing: a house with an attic is much warmer than buildings with an attic-free roof. That is why, in the conditions of our harsh winters, it is reasonable to build residential buildings with pitched roof and the attic.


Let’s summarize and clarify what the difference is between attic and attic spaces:

  1. The attic performs secondary functions and is used as extra space storage or for installing equipment and laying communications. The attic floor is used for permanent residence.
  2. Attic spaces can be warm (but without heating) and cold; attic spaces require thorough insulation and heating.
  3. There are no requirements for the design and shape of non-residential space. Living rooms under the slopes have strict restrictions: their height must be at least 2.5 m, and from the floor to the line where the slopes join the walls must be at least 1.5 m.
  4. The costs of furnishing a residential floor are significant compared to the costs of constructing an attic.
  5. The attic tier requires the installation of full-fledged windows for lighting and ventilation of the premises. For a non-residential floor, it is enough to make a couple of small dormer windows to ventilate the space under the roof.
  6. The area of ​​the attic floor is included in the total and living space at home, which cannot be said about the non-residential space under the slopes.

There is no point in saying that one is worse than the other, since the attic system, if desired and has the means, can be converted into a full-fledged living space. It is only necessary to insulate the roof system, hem the ceiling and sew up the walls so that they meet regulatory requirements.

Therefore, we can say that when constructing a private house and arranging a pitched roof system it is worth making sure that in the future you have the opportunity to convert the attic space into residential attic rooms. This will allow you to minimal costs, without moving out of your home, expand your living space.

Hip– triangular hip slope or hip roof from the end of the building.

Hip (hipped) roof- the roof of a rectangular building with four slopes, two of which are trapezoidal (along the long slopes), two are triangular (along the short slopes). All 4 slopes of a hip roof are triangular.

Endo?va (groove)internal corner, formed at the junction of two slopes. They converge at the valley precipitation, which exposes it to significant loads. This places increased demands on both roofing material, and to the quality of manufacture of the valley itself.

Cornice– a horizontal profiled projection that supports the roof and protects the building from precipitation.

Eaves overhang- the lower edge of the roof along the perimeter, protruding beyond the plane of the external walls.

Horse– the upper horizontal edge of the roof.

Counter-lattice– bars installed along rafter leg under the sheathing and used to secure the waterproofing film.

filly- a piece of board that extends the lower end of the rafter leg to accommodate the roof overhang or continuous sheathing lying on the eaves.

Roof– the upper fence (shell) of the roof, directly exposed to atmospheric influences. Protects the building from penetration of atmospheric precipitation. It consists of a waterproofing layer and a base (sheathing, continuous flooring), laid over the load-bearing structures of the roof.

Roof– the upper enclosing part of the building. It consists of a load-bearing part that transfers the load from snow, wind and the roof’s own weight to the walls or individual supports and the outer shell - the roof.

Sill– horizontal (lying) beam. The purpose is to distribute pressure on the ceiling.

Attic- a floor in the attic space that is formed entirely or partially by the surface of a sloping roof.

- a rafter beam that serves as a support for the rafters and is intended to distribute the load. Located on the top edge of the walls.

Mezzanine– superstructure small height above the part, usually central, of a low-rise residential building, which has own roof, towering above the general one.

Lathing- beams or boards attached to the rafters and serving as the basis for the roofing.

Roof base– the surface on which it is laid roof covering. Usually performed in the form of sheathing or continuous flooring.

Parapet– a solid wall of small height installed along the edge of the roof, etc.

Run– horizontally located beam. The purlin is an additional support for the rafters.

Ribs– intersections of slopes forming inclined lines.

Rigel– horizontal element building structure. In roofs it connects rafters.

Eaves– external bottom band roof slope protruding beyond the outer contour of the wall.

Scat– edge, inclined surface of the roof.

Dormer windows– openings for lighting and ventilation of attic spaces, as well as for exits to the roof.

Rafters- roof elements that serve as support for the roof. The upper ends of the rafters are spliced ​​together at an angle, and the lower ends rest on external walls building. Basic structure for pitched roof.

Slope- indicator of roof steepness.

(front side) - the completion of the facade of a building, limited by cornices. A pediment that lacks a horizontal cornice is called a gable.

Gable overhang- the inclined edge of the roof above the wall of the building.

Ridge- the line of intersection of two slopes forming an external inclined angle.

Attic- this is the space between the roof and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Tong- the top of the end wall of a building, which has an acute-angled shape and is located between two slopes of the roof, but, unlike the pediment, is not separated by a cornice.

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