How to find water at your summer cottage for digging a well. How to find water for a well: using various methods Finding water for a well on a site

Groundwater is available even in deserts, therefore, it can be found in any part of the land near your house or cottage. If you dig deep, sooner or later moisture will appear. But this search method is not justified. It is also unwise to use superficial groundwater, lying at a depth of 2.5-3 m. This is due to the fact that they mainly consist of rainwater and melted snow. In addition, the level of groundwater directly depends on precipitation, so during a drought they can go to depth. Therefore, searching for water on the site requires certain knowledge.

Why do you need a well?

It is human nature to desire to drink clean, fresh water. Even with a centralized water supply, many summer residents still think about how to find water for a well. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, centralized water supply in villages often works intermittently. Secondly, many country farms supply water at certain times of the day. And the last, most significant reason is the quality of water, which is several times higher than tap liquid that gives off rust.

Occurrence of water reserves

There are water-resistant layers in the ground, consisting mainly of clay. They do not allow moisture to pass through, holding it at certain levels and not letting it pass to the surface or deep. Between the waterproof layers there is a sand layer. This is where the reserves are concentrated. clean water, which they strive to reach by digging a well.

Water: the relationship between quality and depth

You can stumble upon groundwater already at a depth of 3 m. But it is important to know that it is categorically unsuitable for drinking. Due to their close location to the soil surface, they get various pollution, starting with rainwater and ending sewage, chemicals and other contaminants. Another drawback is instability: they depend on precipitation, so in the hot season the water level drops significantly, and it may disappear completely. In this case, summer residents face the possibility of being left without water until the fall. Experts have a term for such water resources - perched water.

It is recommended to search for water for a well at a depth of 15 m, because approximately at this level there are continental sands containing huge reserves of water. The sand layer is an ideal natural filter that purifies water from almost all contaminants.

Methods for searching for “water” places

It is not necessary to search for water on the site with the help of specialists - you can do it yourself. Previously, people determined the location of aquifers by observing nature and animals. Also used practical methods based on the use of special devices.

How to find water for a well in the fog? According to this method, in the early morning or evening you need to walk around the area and inspect it. In places where the high waters are located as close as possible to the surface, fog forms.

The depth of the aquifer is determined by its consistency: the thicker the fog, the closer the moisture is to the surface.

How to find water for a well by watching animals

Animals are also excellent indicators of water availability. For example, when water is close, field mice will not make nests on the ground, but will move them to tree branches.

If the owner of the property has horses, then in the hot season it is enough to simply watch them. For example, in places where the aquifer is relatively shallow, they hit the ground with their hoofs. Dogs, in turn, in places with high humidity digging holes. So they try to “cool down,” that is, reduce the overall body temperature, since moisture cools the ground when it evaporates. That is why animals look for such places.

Poultry will also tell you how to determine the location for the well. For example, a chicken does not lay eggs in places with high humidity, but a goose, on the contrary, looks for places where water-bearing veins intersect.

In the evening, when it becomes less hot, you can watch the behavior of midges. It huddles in heaps over areas of high humidity.

Plants - indicators of moisture

Certain plants are also excellent moisture indicators. Previously, they were used to successfully determine the depth of groundwater. Moisture-loving plants never grow in places where the aquifer is at great depth. When sorrel or nettle grow on a plot of land, this is a clear sign of the presence of surface groundwater.

Moisture-loving trees include alder, willow and birch. Their crowns can tell you how to find water underground: the aquifer is usually looked for in the direction in which the crown is tilted. Apple and cherry trees are good indicators of the presence of groundwater. They never grow in moisture-saturated places. This is due to the fact that their fruits will rot due to its excess, and the tree itself will often get sick.

Practical Methods: Glass Jars

In the morning glass jars placed throughout the land plot (neck up). After 24 hours, look at which of them have formed condensation. It is he who will tell you where the aquifer is closer: the more there is in the jar, the closer it is.

Using moisture accumulators

The method works fully when there has been no rain for several days and the soil is dry. Dry salt is poured into a clay pot (unglazed), weighed, and these readings are remembered. After this, it is wrapped in gauze or spandex and buried in the ground to a depth of 50 cm. After 24 hours, the pot is removed and re-weighed. The greater the difference between the “dry” weight and the resulting weight, the closer the aquifer will be. Instead of salt, you can use crushed red brick or silica gel in the same way.


Since ancient times, people have known how to look for water for a well using a fork-shaped willow frame. The “device” can also be made from hazel or cherry. It allows you to find out the boundaries between rock structures, thereby determining the location of water. At the same time, not all dowsers know their job well and overestimate their capabilities. Therefore, it is better to ask for help from an experienced dowser who has many years of successful experience in searching for water resources.

When searching for water using this method, it is important to remember its specifics and some nuances:

  • The movement of the frame indicates the boundary of the structures, but this does not always indicate that water is located in this place. The frame may indicate a simple displacement of the earth or engineering communications located nearby.
  • The willow frame may not respond at all to a uniform water layer.
  • The effectiveness of the technique is often minimal in places close to areas with dense buildings and a developed system of underground communications.
  • If in one area the opinions of dowsers regarding water resources differ, this means that certain problems will arise with the search for water.

Pits and wells

Drilling pits and wells is the most reliable and common method of detecting water. Finding water for a well using this method gives the most accurate result, but it is quite expensive. Exploration drilling gives a clear understanding of the following:

  • soil thickness;
  • quantity and quality of water;
  • the depth of its occurrence;
  • slabs and boulders along the way of well construction;
  • total well costs.

Finding an aquifer on several acres of land is a great success. This will allow you not to dig up fertile soil throughout the entire territory, saving time and money.

Intelligence from neighbors

Talking to your neighbors can provide a lot of insight useful information. First of all, you need to know:

  1. How deep is their well? It would be advisable to focus on this indicator on your plot of land.
  2. Is there a lot of water in the wells and how stable is its level? If it is constantly changing and depends on weather conditions, this indicates that the aquifer is located deep, and it is rare in these places.
  3. What is the design and type of wells of your neighbors? They recommend borrowing their experience. This is due to the fact that the optimal type and design of a well for a particular area is chosen over several years, based on the experience of predecessors.

We should also not forget that, according to the law, the depth of the well should not exceed 20 m. Otherwise, it is necessary to create a project and coordinate it with the relevant regional services, as well as architects. To simplify this process and save your time, it is recommended not to dig a well deeper than 20 m.

To understand how to find water for a well, you need to familiarize yourself with the material and choose the appropriate method.

In this article we will look at how to find water for a well, so as not to make a mistake with the place where it is built. Because a lot of effort is required and it will be incredibly disappointing for oneself if it turns out that there are no H2O deposits in the chosen location.

General provisions

There are three possible options for the location of groundwater:

  1. Verkhovodka. These are peculiar surface accumulations of liquid, which are usually formed due to heavy precipitation atmospheric precipitation. Consequently, they usually disappear during the dry season. A three or four meter layer of soil does not provide protection from pollution, so such a source is not potable.

  1. Groundwater. In the ground at a depth of 10-15 meters there is usually a hard layer of clay, which retains the moisture that accumulates in the sandstone above. In some places along the fault, the moisture level is so high that entire underground lakes are formed. Having a sufficient level of filtration and protection, such water is quite clean and tastes good.
    This is what you should be looking for when choosing a location for your well.

  1. Artesian waters. These are incredibly deep deposits, from 50 m to 300 m, located between two impermeable layers of clay and limestone. The liquid contained in them has a very high level of purification and protection from any external sources pollution. A well drilled into such an aquifer also has high performance.
    The selling price of such H2O production is very high, and in addition, special drilling equipment and the help of specialists will be required.

Finding water

The most accurate way to find out about the presence of an underground source is to conduct reconnaissance. But this is a rather expensive undertaking and even it needs to be carried out in the most likely place for H2O deposits. In order to find water for a well, many methods, different in nature and effectiveness, have been used for many centuries. Let's look at the most common ones:


The fog, formed due to the abundant moisture coming out of the ground, swirls or spreads near the grass itself. Where it is most abundant, there is an underground source closer to the surface. So, by making morning or evening observations of this atmospheric phenomenon, we can detect the approximate location of our target.


How to find a vein for a well based on animal behavior?

Our ancestors also noticed the following features:

  • Field mice do not settle in wet ground. So, if you notice their holes, you can safely move on - the water is too deep here.

  • A horse, when in need of a drink, hits the ground with its hoof where it senses an imminent opportunity to quench its thirst.

  • On a hot day, a dog digs a hole to hide in the dampest place.
  • The chicken avoids running in places where there may be an underground source.
  • But the goose, on the contrary, strives to cross water-bearing veins.

  • Midges choose the most humid place to form their “columns” in the evening.


Moisture-loving plant crops will not be able to grow without the appropriate conditions, and those loving a dry climate will die in swampy areas. This is a clear rule of survival among wild plants. So they are a fairly accurate indicator of the occurrence of groundwater.

So the presence of coltsfoot, hemlock, nettle or sorrel indicates high level soil moisture in your area. And alder, willow and birch will indicate the desired direction by tilting their crowns.

Glass jars

The instructions for using such an extraordinary method are as follows:

  • We prepare glass jars of the same volume.
  • We place them on the site with our own hands with the outlet to the ground in the evening.
  • In the morning we check for condensation in them.
  • The greater its quantity, the closer the location of groundwater.

Aluminum frame

Very interesting way, which helps both to find an old well and a place for a new one:

  • We take two aluminum wires.
  • We bend them at an angle of 90 degrees so that one of the sides is 15 cm.
  • We insert them with the other sides into hollow wooden tubes. In this case, they must be turned away from each other.
  • Let's walk with them around the site.
  • In a place where there is an underground source, they will interbreed. If you pass by what you are looking for, the ends of the wires will turn exactly in the right direction.
  • As you move further, you will find that your indicators have returned to their original position.
  • Then go back and walk where the wires cross, perpendicular to your previous route. If the result is repeated, you can begin land work.

Advice: to obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to use not one, but at least 2-3 of the above methods for finding groundwater.
This will greatly increase the success of your event.


If you dig a well in a randomly chosen place, this can lead to disastrous results, a lack of water. All the work and expenses will then be in vain, and this will not bring you one step closer to the implementation of your own water supply system. Therefore, you should use various methods to find underground sources.

Centuries-old observations of our ancestors provide an impressive arsenal suitable ways. These include the natural phenomenon of fog, animal behavior, plant placement, collecting condensation in glass jars and the use of aluminum frame. When you achieve the required results, you can carry out exploratory drilling to be sure.

The video in this article will show you Additional materials related to this topic.

Carrying out search work guarantees a positive result.

Availability of a well personal plot is a vital necessity. Even if you have a car, it is extremely inconvenient to deliver water to your dacha in cans and bottles. Digging a well is quite a feasible task, but here you need to arm yourself with knowledge, since you will have to master methods for determining where exactly to look for water and how to correctly position the well shaft in terms of sanitary norms and rules.

It is recommended to start searching for water in a well site by examining the area for the presence of springs and springs. Do your neighbors on the property have a well? The presence of both of these signs indicates that aquifers can be found on your site. You can also study where aquatic indicator plants grow. For example, the abundance of woodlice indicates the close occurrence of groundwater. Designate the proposed search area in accordance with sanitary standards distance from the septic tank.

ATTENTION! In areas with a slope, you need to look for water for the well in its lowest part.

What horizons are suitable for a well?

When searching for water for a well, they stop at either high water or groundwater aquifers.

  • Soil water or perched water Suitable for technical and agricultural needs, but completely unsuitable for drinking. They can be found at a shallow depth of a meter and a half, especially if the area is low-lying or is located in close proximity to a river or stream.
  • Groundwater start after one and a half meters. While soil waters are not filtered, spilling between loose-grained layers of the earth, groundwater is held between layers of water-resistant loam and clay, rocks, limestone, and layers of sand. These multi-level layers are good natural filters, purify water and make it suitable for drinking, and do not allow harmful pollutants to enter the aquifer.

If you decide to make a well not only for household needs, but also to provide for the family drinking water, you should take groundwater no higher than 10 meters, but the ideal option is a well fifteen meters deep.

Layers of soil, sand, stones, clay form an internal structure with gaps and cavities different sizes, in some places the voids are very narrow, and in other places bends are created, like lenses or dips, which are filled with groundwater. These places have an abundance of water, and in narrow interlayer cavities the volume of water is minimal.

Groundwater and soil waters have no pressure; only in rare places, groundwater aquifers, sandwiched by impermeable layers, can be characterized by small pressure values.

FACT! Groundwater has an undeniable advantage. They are not only clean, but also access to them is stable, unlike perennial water, the volume and presence of which directly depend on the amount of precipitation and time of year. Also, the perched water is easily contaminated by the leaching of fertilizers from agricultural land during periods of snow melting or heavy rains.

What are the sanitary requirements for the location?

The water intake point should be located at least fifty meters away from toilets and cesspools upstream of the groundwater flow. Otherwise, there is a high possibility of mixing harmful substances into the water and contaminating it with pathogenic bacteria.

This is the optimal distance. If the personal plot of an ordinary summer resident is four hundred square meters, densely planted and built up, then such a norm is difficult to achieve. In this regard, there is an opinion that it is quite enough to make a well away from the toilet and cesspool about 8-10 meters.

INTERESTING! If the soil on the site is clayey, then such distance should not bother you at all. Especially provided that you take all possible measures to insulate the walls of the well, also constructing an upper protective well ring that protects the water from possible contamination during rains and spring melting, when water flows can flow into the well from the surface of the earth.

According to regulations, when looking for a place for a well, you should avoid:

  • Frequently flooded areas.
  • Wetlands.
  • Close proximity (less than 30 meters) to public roads and highways.

How to find water yourself?

Eat different ways and methods for determining groundwater on a personal plot. This folk signs, monitoring natural features and the dowsing method, based on the intuitive sensations of the person himself. All these options were widely used earlier in the absence of others, but in our time, in terms of its effectiveness, the scientific approach to the issue has firmly taken precedence. This includes seismic exploration, the use of barometers and other instruments.

Traditional methods

These are the most simple methods water search based on centuries of experience.

Observations of natural phenomena

In the warm season, in the early morning hours or in the evening, observe where the fog is thickest. The thicker the fog cloud, the closer the groundwater. This observation is justified by the fact that fogs are formed from earthly moisture, and in places where subsurface water accumulates, the fog is usually thicker; it literally swirls from the soil in such areas and spreads along the ground.

Observation of animals and insects

Dog owners may notice that their pets, in the heat, dig holes and lie down there to cool down. Animals feel where it is coolest, and therefore more wet places. This temperature feature is also caused by the proximity of aquifers.

Midges and various midges also sense such places; they gather in flocks and swarm in the late afternoon where there is increased soil moisture.

Plant observation

Plants, like natural phenomena, and animals and insects can help in finding water to dig a well. The presence and proximity of aquifers can be judged by the following grasses, shrubs and trees.

  • Hemlock, an abundance of nettles, thickets of sorrel and coltsfoot can be found precisely on consistently moist soil fed by groundwater.
  • Birches, willow bushes, and alder love humidity and grow well only in places rich in water.
  • But the apple tree or cherry trees They do not like wet soils, and their presence indicates that water cannot be found nearby. Of course, we are talking about healthy and abundantly growing trees. If the trees are sick and frail, the possibility of finding water-bearing veins is higher.
  • find the aquifer veins above.

The depth of the water layer is determined by plants:

  • Sandstone reeds, for example, can tell you that the water is a meter or three from the surface.
  • The reed suggests an aquifer at a depth of one and a half to five meters.
  • Wormwood from three meters to seven meters deep.
  • Licorice from one and a half meters to ten.
  • Alfalfa is from one and a half to two, but sometimes up to 15 meters.

Dowsing method

This method is trying to be tied to scientific field, which is fundamentally wrong. From this point of view, the previous information is much more useful than this method. However, he has his fans and for good reason. The emphasis is on the presence of energy information fields in the surrounding reality various types and a person’s ability to sense these fields.

In the old days, the method had no competition and no alternative, now the possibilities of science are very high, and this entertaining method is still firmly one of the first in the popularity ratings. It would not be true if we said that the dowsing method is ineffective at all, but its infallibility does not correspond to reality either.

Since it is not always possible to use expensive services for searching for water resources in the soil, you can try it. It is better if you make an initial determination of the search location using tests with plants and animal behavior. Analyze the area from the point of view of geologically expected aquifer zones (the presence of lowlands, ravines, proximity to water intake points and springs).

Dowsing technique using aluminum frames


  1. The total length of the aluminum rod is about 90 cm, its diameter must be at least 3 mm.
  2. Having measured 15 cm from the edge, you need to bend the rod at a right angle.
  3. Insert the short ends into the tubes; any option will do for this.
  4. The diameter of the tube should be such that the rods rotate freely and move, but not at an angle.
  5. Take tubes 0.5 mm wider than the diameter of the aluminum wire.
  6. You need to make two such bent rods and insert them into the tubes.

Using frames to find water

Aluminum frames are held in both hands.

At the same time, it is very important to tune in to the search process. Let go of everything and wonder about the location of the water, completely shifting your attention to the frame.

Your hands should not be too tense; too much relaxation will also ruin the process. It is necessary to reach some golden mean.

The frames should become an extension of the person, a part of his attention, his being. It's like a kind of meditation with concentration on a specific task.

When the desired feeling of immersion and concentration occurs, a person should begin to slowly move around the site, snake-like across its entire area, testing the territory.

At the stage of finding the aquifer zone, a marking stick is driven into the area of ​​land indicated by the frame.

It is believed that in places where there is water, the frames come into active motion.

Using a framework to determine the depth of a water resource

  1. From the marking peg, the footage is laid out using a tape measure in a straight line on the surface of the ground.
  2. Next, they begin to determine the depth of the aquifer. To do this, they slowly walk along the laid out building meter with frames, testing at what depth the water lies.
  3. The mark at which the frames become active and begin to spin and sway from side to side is considered a measure of depth.

Alternative methods

In this case, a number of methods are used aimed at measuring the humidity level in different points plot. Where there are aquifers, the humidity is significantly higher. To do this, use silica gel, brick, salt, earthenware or glass jars.

Method using desiccants

  1. Take a moisture-absorbing substance, for example table salt, silica gel.
  2. The substance is dried in an oven, poured into a dried, unvarnished clay container, wrapped in a piece of natural fabric.
  3. All this is weighed on precise scales.
  4. Usually about a dozen such testing “devices” are prepared. Each one should be signed so as not to make a mistake when re-weighing.
  5. Next, the containers are buried at a depth of half a meter to a meter in the ground.
  6. After 24 hours, the weight is re-determined.

IMPORTANT! The more the weight of the indicator increases, the higher the probability of the presence of water at a given point.

Manipulations with brick, lime and salt are done exactly according to the same principle.

Glass jar method

  1. Dry glass jars without lids are placed upside down throughout the water search area.
  2. After a few hours, the jars are inspected.
  3. Where severe moisture has occurred inner surface cans, a high percentage of condensate has accumulated, water is expected to be found.

Scientific ways

The most reliable methods for exploring water in a personal plot are scientific methods. All of them are based on physical principles.

Spectral seismic exploration

An impact influence on the earth's surface is organized and a special seismic-sensitive device records response impulses and oscillatory signals.

This information is entered into a computer and, using a specially created program, calculations are made about the probable location of the water. Seismic instruments allow you to scan the bowels of the earth, identifying their structure, bends, layers, the presence of voids, as well as the level of occurrence of aquifers.

The method is very expensive and is only suitable for search activities in large-scale projects.

There is also a set of existing geophysical data about certain areas; these inquiries can be made with the help of specialists in the field of hydrogeology and geophysics, they can also help in finding water.

Manual drilling

Use garden auger manual type, with a diameter of thirty centimeters. Test wells are made from five to ten meters deep. After inserting the drill into the soil, deepening the auger, remove the soil every 15-20 cm and inspect it in order to protect the drill from breakage and check the moisture level as an indicator of the proximity of the aquifer.

The method is effective and, unlike seismic exploration, accessible to private individuals. The percentage of accuracy and efficiency here largely depends on the professionalism of the driller.

How to determine the depth of groundwater in a site using a barometer?

The method can be applied in cases where there is a well or water source, river, or pond a short distance from your site.

  1. Record the barometer readings near such a place.
  2. Then determine the barometer reading at the point where you intend to dig the well shaft.
  3. Calculate the difference in the resulting data using subtraction.
  4. Now convert the coefficient to meter, where each division on the barometer scale will be counted as one meter.

It is to this depth that the well hole must be dug in order to reach the aquifer vein.

Water permeates the entire earth's crust, filling huge spaces and small gaps, cracks, interlayer cavities. It is everywhere, but at different depths and in different volumes. To find this gift of life, people use different techniques and scientific developments.

The undoubted priority is to achieve science, but if you are a keen person and love experiments, or there are reasons from the point of view of saving money, you can try alternative methods.

For a relatively small amount, you can order work on reconnaissance search for water using a drilling machine, the cost will be no more than a thousand per meter of passage. Or spend a day searching on your own using a garden drill.

Find water and correctly determine the optimal location for a well or for a well of any type on garden plot possible in several ways. To correctly find the aquifer in the soil, both technical and proven over the years are used folk remedies.

At what depth can drinking water be found?

The most dense and slightly permeable layers of water, which are contained on summer cottage, alternate with loose and porous soil. A horizontally located waterproof layer, which is located at a sufficient depth, directly underground - an aquifer, composed of fatty clay, and the main aquifer with the accumulation of water in a usable quantity is located slightly lower.

To choose the optimal depth at which suitable groundwater flows and to correctly search for an aquifer, you need to take into account some natural factors, since there are many aquifers, and their depth, quantity and fullness directly depend on the characteristics of the geological structure:

  • groundwater lies above an aquitard located close to the surface;
  • above individual aquitards, perched water can accumulate, which is best for digging Abyssinian wells;
  • in the central part of our country, groundwater is most often located with a depth of 5-40 m;
  • groundwater is most often of low quality and is characterized as unsuitable for food purposes;
  • between the aquitards, at a depth of 15-60 m, there is an aquifer of interstratal waters with fairly high quality characteristics and slight seasonal fluctuations in filling;
  • The main type of interstratal water is represented by artesian water-saturated layers at a depth of 50 meters and is characterized by a constant filling level and high quality.

Of course, the highest quality drinking water can be obtained from the purest artesian sources, but when digging such sources one must count on high financial costs. Groundwater, especially high water, is not the most best source water supply, therefore, in order to improve the organoleptic properties of such water, it will be necessary to use a filtration system.

It is also important to remember that the maximum depth of a well from concrete rings are approximately fifty meters, since at high rates the structure may become jammed by large soil stones. Thus, the optimal depth of the water supply source can be determined taking into account the technical capabilities, soil structure and qualifications of the work performer.

How to find water on a site using frames (video)

The best ways to find water in your garden

To search for a place to build an aquifer with your own hands, it is very great experience not required. In this case, it can come to the rescue folk method

or simple technical devices made independently.

How to search for water using copper wire With the help of copper wire, water-bearing veins are searched quite often. Such a dowsing frame is an L-shaped bent wire with sides measuring 25 and 15 cm. For free rotation in the hand, the short ends of the wire must be inserted into wooden tubes. When located above the aquifer, the frames rotated 180 degrees close

, which allows not only to determine the location of groundwater, but also its boundaries.

Plant Tips In the presence of close water, the vegetation has a brighter color and richer. The main natural landmarks are willow, willow and wild sorrel, which most often grow above the water vein. You can also assume the depth of the aquifer from the following vegetation:

  • cattail - up to a meter;
  • sandy reed and black poplar - up to three meters;
  • sucker and reed - up to three to five meters;
  • wormwood paniculata - up to seven meters;
  • whose brilliant one is up to eight meters.
  • naked licorice, sand wormwood and yellow alfalfa - up to ten meters.

Uses of willow vine

The water finder should hold the ends of the slingshot with his index fingers under the branches. In the process of slowly walking around the area, the upper part of the slingshot barely tilts down or rises a few millimeters up, which indicates the presence of an underground water vein.

Exploration drilling

Ground water exploration is one of the most promising methods for obtaining reliable information about the presence of an aquifer.

Exploration drilling is carried out using compact drilling rigs or using a hand drill. Among other things, it is possible to preserve landscape coverage and, in the shortest possible time, obtain data not only on the depth of water, but also to study the structure of the soil at the location of the planned water supply source.

Observations of weather and animal behavior A thirsty horse kicks its hoof, and a dog digs the ground above a water source with its paws.

A hen will not lay eggs in damp places, but a goose looks for damp places to lay eggs. Also, the presence of high-lying water can be indicated by accumulations of mosquitoes and midges after sunset, thick fog and very heavy morning dew both on the grass and on objects.

Finding water for a well (video)

How to determine water quality The soil and groundwater in our country are contaminated in large quantities with waste, which cannot but have a negative impact on the quality of water extracted from wells and wells. To protect your health, it is necessary to check the liquid from the water supply source.

  • . At home, testing a sample taken is performed as follows:
  • heat a liter of water to a temperature of 20 o C and check for the absence of taste and odor; Without unpleasant odor
  • clean, odorless and tasteless water should not have even slight staining or cloudiness, and a drop of water applied to the glass after drying should not leave streaks;
  • The degree of hardness is checked by boiling water and assessing the amount of sediment. The presence of a dark gray color of sediment indicates an excess amount of iron oxides in the water. The presence of a light yellow precipitate allows us to conclude that there is a significant amount of calcium salts and various oxides.

If there are the slightest deviations from the norm, then it is advisable to order a chemical, bacteriological and microbiological examination of the sample in the laboratory. It is important to note that samples obtained from groundwater are slightly cloudy, which is due to saturation with iron oxide and salts. Transparency indicators in laboratory conditions are determined by a colorimeter.

Criteria for choosing a site for drilling a well and digging a well when several sources are detected

In the Moscow region, publicly available water supplies are at the level of the first limestone. As a rule, in the southeast the layer lies at a depth of 30-70 meters, and in the north and northwest it is already within 70-100 m. If a well is drilled on the “second limestone”, then, most likely, After inspection, the well will be plugged, and a fairly large fine will be imposed on the owner, since such sources of water supply require the preparation of special documents.

To obtain quality drinking water in large quantities, it is necessary to draw up a package of documentation and coordinate actions with Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations:

  • appeal to the regional Ministry natural resources to consider the possibility of drilling an artesian well;
  • visit to the site of the proposed drilling by a commission, which includes hydrogeologists and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • If there is a positive answer in the conclusion, a license is issued in accordance with the Law “On Subsoil” in the presence of a certificate for the right to use land plot land, cadastral plan and master plan for subsequent development with determination of the location of the proposed water supply source and sanitary protection zone.

To obtain a license, you need to agree on the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal in the regional water department, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, after which a well design contract is drawn up, which is transferred to the SES. If the package of documents is collected correctly, the drilling license can be obtained within three months. After drilling, you will need to issue a passport for the water supply source based on state acceptance permits and state geological examination.

How to dig a well (video)

Despite the fact that drilling an artesian well is accompanied by a lengthy collection of documents, obtaining your own source of water is a popular and very popular event in our country, as it allows you to obtain an uninterrupted and high-quality water supply.
