How can you decorate a cut down tree in your dacha? How to decorate a stump in the garden. Stump flower beds. Ready-made garden figures

Hello, dear readers! If you are the happy owner of private land, then you probably strive to somehow improve your garden plot - plant incredibly beautiful flowers, fruit trees, bushes, etc. But what if you have no time? beautiful tree didn’t survive another season, and simply dried up?! Of course, it needs to be cut down or even uprooted. And if, after removing the missing tree along with its root system, there is not even a hint left on the site about the presence of a tree here, then after cutting down there will be an unflattering stump that will spoil the entire perception of the garden plot with its appearance. But you shouldn’t despair, such a stump can serve as an excellent decoration for the garden, you just need to decorate it correctly, and beautiful flowers will help in this matter. So, today the site “Comfort in the House” presents to your attention wonderful flower beds made of stumps, below you can study suitable photographs, and also learn about the secrets of creating such flower beds.

How to make a flower bed from a stump.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning that to create such an impromptu flowerbed, you should use an uninfected stump, inspect it, it must have a clear structure, without fungal formations, without settlements of ants or bark beetles.

So, the stump has been inspected, you can proceed directly to recreating the flower bed. We arm ourselves with a small hatchet and cut a hole in the center of the stump, adjusting the depth yourself. For example, if a stump is installed flower pot with a plant, then the depth of the hole should correspond to the height of the pot; if the plants are planted directly into the stump, then, in principle, there is no need to “gut” the stump particularly deeply. In addition to the hatchet, you can use a pickaxe, as well as a chisel.

When the desired recess has been recreated, it is necessary to treat the stump with an antiseptic and also coat it with varnish on all sides. Now we pour gravel stones into the hole for drainage, soil enriched with minerals, and plant the plant.

Suitable plants for a flower bed made from old hemp.

It is better to plant plants with a shallow root system in such a flowerbed, thus suitable: marigolds, geraniums, petunia, pansies, cornflowers, periwinkle, loosestrife, saxifrage, thyme, bells, hosts, asters, spirea, irises, heathers, heucheras. As well as any flowers suitable for recreating miniature gardens, you can read about this.

Sometimes one planted plant is not enough to fully satisfy the perception of the composition, so all kinds of ceramic figurines are also used, preferably not very large sizes, and garden lights working for solar powered. In addition, a flower bed made from a stump can also be supplemented with decorative soil - colored pebbles or whole tiny compositions, popularly called tiny gardens. The essence of which comes down to recreating in a container, simulating a full-fledged garden with dwarf trees, flowers, miniature benches, houses and other elements.

Well, for an even greater effect, you can also decorate the surrounding area around the stump by planting climbing plants, recreating the effect of a dry spring (a flowerpot lying on its side with flowers seemingly spilling out of it), creating a small pond, installing a fountain or recreating a rock garden. In this matter, it is very important to show all your creative potential, and then the stump, and the entire area around it, will be perceived as nothing less than 5+.

Where would such a flower bed look good?

Ideally best place for a composition based on a stump, the most viewed area is considered, so it will be great if the stump is located next to the gazebo, playground, garden swing, barbecue, garden furniture, swimming pool. But in no case should an improvised flowerpot made from a stump interfere with movement around the site; if you need to go around it every now and then, someone has tripped over it more than once, then it clearly does not belong here, and accordingly, efforts must be made to irrevocably remove it. remove along with the root system. Let it be better if the stump is part of a large, full-fledged flowerbed, and will be located either next to it, or even on it, somewhere on the side or in the center. By the way, so that the stump does not get out of the composition, the designers recommend planting around it the same plants that you planted in it.

Flowerbed from a stump, photo.

Below you can study a selection of photos demonstrating a wide variety of flower beds recreated in old stumps.

How else can you decorate a stump:

Furniture for a summer cottage made of logs:

Today we told you how to decorate a stump in the garden, take note of the ideas presented in this review, and go to the garden to transform an old stump. Agree, flower beds made from stumps look very impressive, but all you need to do is remove the core of the stump and plant it in beautiful plants, and now we see how, right before our eyes, the once dull stump “comes to life” and begins to play with completely new colors.

Most owners of personal plots would like to see a water corner in their garden - at least a small one, but still their own personal “lake”. In response to this request, ready-made structures for constructing express reservoirs from polymer materials. The task of those who want to have a pond is to dig a suitable hole and install a plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right container for a pond?

Zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other beneficial substances. Its dietary fiber adsorbs toxins and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an essential dietary product. Thanks to its delicate pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first complementary food for children. At the same time, zucchini is not that difficult to grow. But there are tricks that will help you get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

Growing crops with a long growing season through seedlings is a painstaking process that takes more than one month. And, you see, it’s incredibly disappointing when the results of our labors perish in a matter of days. It is very difficult for seedlings grown on a windowsill to adjust and get used to a new habitat, although the conditions open ground much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible to ensure that their survival rate approaches 100%.

When you want to plant and grow a low-maintenance garden, in which, even if you work, it’s not “until you drop,” then you have to look for suitable ornamental plants. Naturally, these plants should not be demanding on soil, watering, and resistant to diseases and pests. But, not only that, we also need them to be decorative! And if they also bloomed beautifully... And what do you think? There are such plants. We’ll talk about one of them today – holly mahonia.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet peppers - juicy, tasty and healthy. This dish is suitable for dietary and low calorie menu. Several thin slices of juicy meatloaf with salad fresh vegetables- what is not breakfast before a working day? You'll have to tinker a little with shaping the product itself, and then watch it cook for a couple of hours - the rolls can be steamed in baking bags or boiled in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 °C.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is widely distributed in the wild in regions with temperate climates ( middle lane Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as a fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

Among the plants, the very sight of which seems to transport us to a place filled with aroma. rainforests, quisqualis is one of the most “atmospheric”. This is a rare and valuable indoor and greenhouse vine. And although the plant has long been reclassified into the genus Combretum, it is very difficult not to recognize it. This steeplejack is unusual in every way. The favorite feature of quisqualis remains the inflorescences, in which graceful flowers change from snow-white to crimson-red quite quickly.

Fast and very delicious salad from cabbage and pork. Koreans prepare a similar salad, apparently our housewives spied this one from them delicious recipe. Indeed, this is a very quick dish to prepare, and even without much culinary experience, it is easy to prepare. Choose lean pork, shoulder blade or sirloin are suitable. It is better to cut off the lard. Early cabbage You can simply chop it, but I advise you to chop the winter one thinly, sprinkle it with salt and rub it with your hands.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place growing long years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on their site. But everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden are, as a rule, superior in taste and aroma to the greens of dill that grows on its own. In this article we will tell you how to have green dill in your garden beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg salad - a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for busy man. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths that can’t bear to wait for a fancy lunch. Stir-fry is a method of quickly frying vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Don't be upset if a wok is not among your kitchen utensils. A regular frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating will do too.

Among plants that boast variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and calathea arrowroots, and sometimes even of vriesea. True, it resembles the latter only in its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that it is impossible not to admire the beauty of their impeccable patterns and shine.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls made from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for dietary, vegetarian and lenten menus. Stuffed cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a Dutch oven or fried in a frying pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to separate it into individual leaves. The color of the leaves ranges from soft green to emerald.

IN winter time Every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flowers and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place it in the apartment required quantity seedlings in cups. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. Firstly, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

Are you the owner of a beautiful garden, designed according to all the rules of landscape design?

But suddenly they were faced with a problem: they had to cut down a dead or diseased tree. What to do with the remaining stump that spoils the appearance of the site?

Our advice: show your imagination, put in a little effort and turn an old stump into a bright and noticeable feature of the garden!

How can you decorate and use the remaining stump?

  • as a flower bed or flower stand
  • "fairytale" (forest) decor for the garden
  • as garden furniture
  • art object with decorative painting or mosaic
  • natural style with moss
  • garden lantern
  • support for climbing plants
  • paths and paths
  • grow mushrooms

flower bed

What could be more beautiful than a bright flowering flower bed in the garden? The stump left from the tree will become interesting solution in the design of a flower garden.

To do this, make a 10-20 cm recess in the central part of the stump (leaving about 8 cm sides). At the bottom of the recess, at an outward angle, drill several holes for water drainage. Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the depression (fine gravel is fine). Fill the hole with the required potting mix.

Choose plants that suit the style of your garden. These can be either flowering or herbaceous species.

Petunia, nasturtium, decorative strawberry and others climbing plants - great option for such a flower bed. A young tree or fern will look stylish.

Wildflowers are suitable for " wild garden" - these are cornflowers, tagates (marigolds), phlox. If you want to cover the entire stump, you can plant plants around it. Such a flowerbed will not go unnoticed.

Fairytale style

You can fantasize and experiment with a fairy-tale design, especially if the tree stump is located near the playground. You can make windows and doors, attach a ladder and a roof, put figurines of gnomes, butterflies, lizards, birds nearby - whatever your heart desires. You will get such a small magical island house, delighting both the kids and you.

You can also place a house or bird feeder on a stump, build a mini-lake by filling the hole with water and planting moisture-loving plants.

You can also use the stump as a stand for potted plants.

Wood is natural material, which tends to deteriorate over time. Therefore, for any use of the stump, pre-treat it to protect it from destruction using special means, paint or varnish.

Garden decor and sculpture

A single composition of stumps and various snags and branches remaining from the tree will look interesting and original.

Stump can serve as an excellent material for wood carving enthusiasts. Can be made amazing crafts: mushrooms, animal figurines, fairy tale characters or a garden scarecrow. There are many options for using an old stump. All of them are original and easy to implement. Fantasize, come up with something of your own, and such a problem as a cut down tree will turn out to be not a problem at all, but a work of art.

Mossy stump. If the stump is in a darkened and damp place, you can decorate it “antique” with moss. Moss can be cut from the forest or planting and “grow” it onto your stump. To get the moss established, water it with a cup of buttermilk. For intensive growth of moss, it should be moistened from time to time.

Climbing plants can be planted next to such a composition. This option is suitable for natural style. And it’s quite possible that your pet will really like it!

Decorative painting and mosaic

Try yourself as a decorative artist and paint the stump with a simple ornament. Such a masterpiece will look interesting on its own or can be used as garden furniture.

These can be stools or chairs with a back, stands for flowerpots or mini-tables for fruits and drinks. You can also attach a tabletop of any shape to a small stump, decorating it all, for example with mosaics or painting. Dining table ready. Simple, but tasteful. And most importantly, natural environmentally friendly materials

A stump can serve as an excellent platform for mind games. Draw multi-colored cells on the surface of the log house and free time You can play a game of checkers.

Often, when arranging the territory of a dacha, it is necessary to cut down trees that have either dried up or for some reason look bad on the site: they block the light in the windows of the house, drown out neighboring trees, etc. But even after the tree is removed, the problem does not disappear completely. After all, what remains is a stump, which is the more difficult to uproot, the larger the diameter it has and the more developed it was root system. However, there is a way out: any stump in the countryside can easily be turned into a masterpiece of decorative art.

Ways to decorate a stump

Like any creation of nature, a stump can have very different appearance, and this, in turn, opens up unlimited spaces for imagination. The most popular ways to disguise a stump as a decorative element include:

  • Painting a stump.
  • Decorating a stump with moss or flowers.
  • Transforming it into a stand for a pot of flowers, a table leg, an armchair, a pedestal for vases and sculptures, a fairytale castle.
  • Making a full-fledged table from a stump.
  • Decorating the stump with figurines or ready-made decorations.

Let's look at how to decorate a stump in more detail.

Painting a stump in combination with wood carving

Before you start working on an already uprooted stump, you need to stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • Saw.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Texture or other paint.
  • Brush.

Now let's get ready to decorate:

  • We clean the stump from many years of dirt deposits and remove the bark from it. Then we clean from loose wood and those areas that have already begun to rot and collapse.
  • We give the stump any shape that is attractive to us using a saw and leave it to dry. fresh air. However, the future craft should not be exposed to direct sun rays, otherwise the wood will most likely crack (at least 5-6 days).
  • Upon completion of drying, we again clean the workpiece from loose wood and fibers.
  • We choose paint to treat the stump and varnish to protect it from negative atmospheric influences. If you need the surface of the stump to be shiny and smooth, do not immediately use texture paint(for example, "Aquatex" or "Penotex"). But, on the other hand, such paints contain not only a coloring pigment, but also a varnish with an antiseptic, which significantly slows down the processes of wood decay. Those who are attracted by the natural shade of wood cover the stump with garden plot with regular varnish, but pre-impregnated with linseed oil.
  • When the blank, which in the future is destined to become decorative element on a personal plot, it will dry well, it should be thoroughly sanded. For these functions, sandpaper is often used, and the processing begins with sandpaper with a coarse grain, gradually moving to a finer one, which guarantees a smooth surface. The use of a grinding machine will significantly reduce labor and time costs, but for grinding hard to reach places it is of little use on a stump.
  • Then we paint or impregnate the workpiece (the latter if it has the shade of natural wood).
  • We transfer the workpiece to a warm and dry place for several days, avoiding, however, direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Let's start varnishing the stump. There should be at least two layers of varnish, and preferably even more, so that the surface looks glossy and shiny. When the varnish has dried, we install the workpiece in a permanent place.

Stump like a flower bed

Since wood is a natural material, the stump decor will look especially great if such a remnant of a large tree is turned into flower bed. To do this, take a hammer, chisel, earth and flowers.

This is one of the simplest and effective ways stump camouflage:

  • First you need to place soil into the hollow stump. If the core of the stump is still intact, you will need a hammer and a chisel, with which you can make a hole in the shape of a flower pot inside the future flower bed. More radical method making a wide depression in the stump is burning with kerosene. This option is permissible only if the thickness of the side wall of the stump exceeds 5-7 cm. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to save the stump after removing the core: it will crumble in your hands. Pour kerosene into a hollowed out wide hole and wait about 12 hours until it is well absorbed. Then add more kerosene, close it very tightly and wait 1-2 weeks. After this, the lid is removed and the kerosene is set on fire, thus freeing the stump from the core.
  • To prevent flowers from dying from waterlogging, ensure water drainage from the stump by making a small hole on the side in its lower part.
  • Now it is advisable to select flowers for planting in the stump. Plants will look impressive against the background of brown bark bright colors. When planting them, it is recommended not to forget about a sufficient amount of water and fertilizers. If you want to completely hide the stump from prying eyes, it is advisable to plant plants not in it, but around it.

A good addition to a stump-bed will be multi-colored pebbles laid out around it in intricate patterns.

Stump with moss decoration

Stylizing a stump “antique” with the help of moss will not require a lot of time and serious material costs.

However, it should be remembered that this is only possible if the stump is in the shade and in a sufficiently damp and humid place.

When planting moss:

  • Water the plant with a cup of buttermilk, then it will take root perfectly on the stump.
  • Constantly moisten the moss with water so that it grows more intensively.
  • Since moss tends to slide, it is advisable to plant climbing plants next to it.

Decorative design of a stump in a fairytale style

Not everyone knows how to decorate a tree stump in such a way that it becomes a gathering place for all the kids in the area. To do this, you need to show a little ingenuity and decorate a stump (or better yet, several stumps) as a fairy-tale corner. Among the tools and materials you should take a hammer, chisel, sandpaper, crayons, antiseptic, wooden boards, tow, chestnuts, white corks from plastic bottles, glue, cones.

  • First, we clear the stump of bark using a hammer and chisel. We insert the chisel between the bark and the wood itself and gently tap it with a hammer.
  • After removing the bark, sand the stumps using medium-grit sandpaper. Let's take it damp cloth and remove any wood dust that has arisen. We treat the wood with an antiseptic.
  • Then we paint the stump with brown paint. After drying, we glue tow and cones on top, which will be the improvised hair of our “goblin,” and to the side of the stump - chestnuts, imitating eyes. Under them we also horizontally glue a knot - the “mouth”, which we then paint with red paint. You should also glue the “whites of the eyes” - caps from plastic bottles - to the chestnuts, and a little lower between them, insert a “nose” knot into a recess previously made in the stump. Now the fairy-tale character is ready.

Another fairytale version- Baba Yaga's house. To do this, we take only a hammer, a chisel, wooden boards and nails. Then:

  • We chalk out the places where the door and windows will be located.
  • From pieces wooden board We make shutters and a door of a size corresponding to the size of the stump and paint them.
  • After drying, we nail the door and windows to the stump with nails (the heads of the latter are bitten off).
  • An additional magical atmosphere will be created by branches and driftwood, which are placed in picturesque disorder around the resulting house.

If desired, any stump can easily become a hero of your favorite fairy tale. The best things to make from it are various brownies, foresters, kikimoras, and mushrooms. Stumps turned into fly agarics look very bright and beautiful. This does not require any special qualifications: just take an old small basin, paint it in the appropriate red and white colors and put it on the stump.

Children's chairs, for example, are also easily made from stumps. They are made in this way: take a seat from old furniture, open it with varnish and attach it to the top of the stump using nails.

A stump in the shape of a fairytale castle will be a magnificent decoration personal plot. To do this, you don’t even need to peel it from the bark. The materials and tools used here are ordinary cutting board weird shape or a piece of chipboard, a piece of peeled tree trunk, moss or tow, or a wood carving kit. The work is carried out in this way:

  • A board or piece of chipboard is coated with a protective varnish and nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws to the cut of the stump.
  • A pre-cut piece of solid wood is screwed onto this base. wooden house. Its roof is decorated by gluing moss or tow on it, and patterns are applied to the walls using a wood carving tool. After this, the structure is varnished or painted in any color you like. Then the first inhabitants are moved into the house: figures of fairy-tale characters or animals (for example, for the visual embodiment of the fairy tale “Teremok”).

The simplest ways to decorate a stump

How to decorate a tree stump at the dacha, if complex work like wood carving, no time? For example, we cut upper layer bark, clean it with sandpaper and paint it in cheerful red, orange, yellow colors. After this, we cut out flowers from plastic bottles.

Then we cover them with a layer of paint and glue them to the cut and on the sides of the stump. Plants are planted around it so that such a composition looks like a real magical forest. Another interesting option- run a cable through the area, which is passed through a groove specially hollowed out in the stump (you should take care of good insulation), after which a light bulb is installed on the cut of the stump. This allows you to make a kind of lantern out of it. The same goal is achieved by painting the stump with luminous paint.

Tree stump table

A table made from an uprooted stump will turn out to be not only a decorative element, but also a completely functional piece of furniture for a warm family dinner in the fresh air. In the creative process we will need a chisel, chisel or pry bar, building level, plane, Grinder or coarse sandpaper, chisel, furniture stands or wheels, varnish, soft abrasive cloth. Now about the process itself:

  • Make sure that the stump is dry and the bark is coming away from it well, then, using a pry bar, chisel or chisel, completely remove the top layer of bark from the stump.
  • Now let's start leveling the future table. Using a level, check how flat the bottom surface of the stump is. If distortions are observed, the protruding edges are ground off with a plane.
  • The surface of the stump should be smooth, so it is treated sandpaper with coarse grain or grinder. When the cut becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, the stump is placed on its side and sanded on all sides in the same way.
  • We clean the cracks in the stump from dirt and dust with a small knife, but we try not to damage the texture of the wood, since knots and small cracks give it an original look.
  • After this, we process the recesses in the stump from the inside with sandpaper and finally remove the rot using a vacuum cleaner.

  • We screw furniture legs or wheels to the bottom surface of the stump, which can be easily purchased at any store. This is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to ensure good air circulation under the trunk: then it will be less susceptible to rotting.
  • Then we varnish the almost finished table. After the first layer has been applied, you should wait half an hour and sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper (preferably 320 grit size). In order for the table to last as long as possible, it is recommended to apply at least 4 layers of varnish to it, after each leaving the stump to dry for the period of time recommended by the varnish manufacturer.
  • On final stage the table does not require grinding, but to get rid of strong shine, use a soft abrasive cloth, which is passed over the entire surface of the stump. Our table is ready for tea!

A simpler version of a table made from a stump does not require similar procedures and removal of the stump from the ground. It remains in the same place where it stood, but a tabletop of any shape, made independently or purchased in a store, is screwed on top of it. A couple of old wooden stools or lacquered chairs will create a unique atmosphere home comfort while relaxing at the dacha.

Instead of a tabletop, sometimes a bird drinker or feeder is installed, for which the stump serves as a stand.

It happens that on summer cottage or stay in the garden. Some people prefer to uproot them, without even imagining what might come of them original item. In our article we will tell you what can be made from stumps and how to decorate them beautifully.

How to decorate

Exist different ways stump decorations. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular ones.

Ready-made garden figures

If you decide to decorate the stump garden figures, but you don’t have time to make them, go to a specialized store and choose any one to suit your taste. Today there is huge selection figures - landscape designers and entrepreneurs make good money from this. They are used as partial or complete decoration not only of stumps, but also of the entire summer cottage.

Important! Before you start shaping the figure, be sure to make a drawing according to which you will carry out the work. Otherwise, you can easily ruin the stump.

For example, a frog made of plaster will look original on a stump, as if observing everything that is happening around. Having “settled” a figure on the stump, you can also paint it - this will add brightness and originality to the composition.

Potted plants

An excellent solution is to decorate stumps in pots. They are placed around the stump, and the main flower is placed on top. If you decorate the stump with various butterflies and painted elements, you will get a very beautiful living composition.

Living plants

A stump can not only be a “stand” for a tree, it can completely replace a pot with it. This technique is used quite often in, since the final composition looks very original and interesting. In order to create such a masterpiece, you will need to get rid of the core of the stump. A pot with a flower is either inserted into the freed space, or it is filled with fertile soil, into which flowers are planted.

What can be done?

In addition to decoration, stumps can be an excellent material for making various furniture or figures. Let's look at what can be made from wood cuts.


If there is a thick tree on your summer cottage that you plan to cut down, do not rush to do it, it will make an excellent chair for relaxing.

Did you know? The largest sculpture made of solid wood is in China: it is a huge lion, whose length is 14.5 m, height 5 m, width 4 m.

Most optimal size The seat is like this: its height is 40–60 cm. However, it would be nice to make a chair with a back, so the back should be about 100 cm from the ground. At this height it is necessary to make a cut using a saw.
After this, at a height of 50 cm, it is necessary to cut the trunk by 2/3. Make the cut on the side where you plan to make the seat. Then you need to make a vertical cut to form the back.

So the draft version of our chair is ready! Now you need to do decorative finishing. To do this you will need a chisel, hammer, mallet, hacksaw, and grinder. Paint the finished chair bright colors or simply varnish, leaving beautiful cuts of wood.


Can be made from hemp original table. If the stump is large, then it will be enough to process it with tools and leave it as is. If you want to make a larger table, then the stump will serve as its base - the leg.

To do this, you need to stuff two planks perpendicularly onto the side of the stump. Four holders must be attached to them in pairs. As a tabletop, you can use boards, which should be fastened with special strips.
The tabletop does not have to be square, you can build round table. After you have made a square tabletop, drive a nail into the center and tie a rope to it. Tie a pencil to the second end of the rope - you will get a design that resembles a compass. Draw a circle and delete everything outside it.

At the final stage, you need to nail the tabletop to the base or screw it with self-tapping screws. When the work is finished, be sure to saturate the product with special protective equipment to extend its service life.

Fairytale castle

Crafts made from cut wood - very beautiful and original decoration any area.

When constructing such a craft, a stump can be used as the main part of the castle. It is on this that you can attach all the other elements of the composition.
For decoration, use a piece of fiberboard or plywood. To keep them tight, attach them to the stump using self-tapping screws. Remember that all materials must be processed special drugs which will protect them from rotting.

If there is a hollow or growth in the tree, do not be upset, these elements will be a wonderful addition to the composition. For example, a hollow can be a window from which small ladders will hang for the fairy-tale abodes of the castle.

Garden figures

If you or someone you know or relative knows how to use cutters at least a little, you can make beautiful figures from stumps.

Did you know? The oldest wooden sculpture in the world is the Shigir Idol. It is located in the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore. The age of the exhibit is 11 thousand years.

For example, you can cut out figures of birds and owls directly into the stump, which seem to be looking out of the hollow and watching the world around them.
A family of mushrooms cut from stumps will look very beautiful. Of course, this requires certain skills, but the result will be simply amazing.

If carving sculptures is too difficult for you, make garden figures more in an accessible way. For example, the same mushroom can be made in this way: the stump will be the stem of the mushroom - it should be painted with paints, and on top you can put an unnecessary basin on it, which will serve as a cap. Secure it with nails, paint it in the color of a mushroom, and that’s it - the craft is ready.
You can also make an unusual little man from a stump. Draw eyes and a mouth on the side, and insert a stick into the crevice as a nose. Decorate the top of the stump with ordinary
