How to get rid of hogweed on your property? How to get rid of hogweed on your property: effective means How to get rid of hogweed on your garden plot

Hogweed is a very unpleasant and annoying weed. It dissipates quickly, and the seeds tolerate frost well. And because of the phototoxic properties of the juice, which causes severe burns.

Therefore, if you find this poisonous plant in your garden, organize a fierce battle for it!

What is the power of hogweed?

Despite the fact that this plant is an annual, it is very difficult to grow.

  • Hogweed grows very quickly - up to 10 cm per day.
  • Cutting the stem will not help; dormant buds will wake up (and attempts to bear fruit can last up to 15 years).
  • In adult plants, the root goes deeper than 30 cm.
  • Hogweed flowers can self-pollinate.
  • One plant can have up to 70 thousand seeds.
  • These seeds are toxic - they inhibit the growth of other plants (but do not try to fight other weeds with the help of hogweed).
  • And they are not afraid of frost.
  • Germination lasts up to 5 years.
  • In addition, seeds can be transported over vast distances: by wind, along rivers, by animals and birds. Therefore, do not be surprised if hogweed appears in your dacha, although it has not been observed anywhere nearby.
  • Even on cut unripe umbrellas, the fruits can ripen.
After such characteristics, this weed seems to be an immortal hydra, and the fight against hogweed seems endless, but it also has vulnerabilities.

But we recommend watching a fragment of the program “I Want to Know” with Mikhail Shirvindt about hogweed.

Weaknesses of hogweed

Knowing the weaknesses of the “enemy” can tell you how to get rid of hogweed on your site:

  • Like any plant, hogweed needs sunlight.
  • The weed does not tolerate stagnant water in the area.
  • It cannot reproduce by rhizome, which, however, is compensated by the number of seeds.
  • From under a thick layer of soil (30 cm or more), seeds can germinate extremely rarely.
  • The plant is annual.

Just looking at this list, you can find a way to remove this weed from the site. But remember the toxicity of Sosnovsky's hogweed and first familiarize yourself with the safety precautions.

Precautions when combating hogweed

You can read about the consequences of contact with Sosnovsky's hogweed in the article with a description. Due to the toxicity of the plant, full protective equipment is not only recommended, but mandatory!

  • Wear gloves and a mask. Protect your eyes too.
  • Clothing made of waterproof material is preferable.
  • It is advisable that the sleeves have elastic bands, so the juice will not flow into the sleeve.
  • Tuck your pants into your boots.
  • No T-shirts, shorts or sandals - you will spend a long time treating burns later.

Getting rid of hogweed on the site

For effective weed control it is better to use the methods below in combination and, preferably, before the hogweed blooms. And don't forget about overalls!

Digging up the root

This is the most effective, but also the most time-consuming method, because the roots can go more than 30 centimeters deep. And the “uncut” root, on which the buds remain, can produce new shoots.

Young plants can sometimes simply be pulled out by hand, especially from damp soil. Therefore, “pull out” weeds after rain or specially moisten the soil.

Cutting umbrellas

If the moment has been missed and the hogweed has already thrown away its umbrellas, but the seeds have not yet ripened, cut them off and burn them. As you remember, seeds can ripen even on cut stems.

A plant deprived of inflorescences can produce shoots again, so the procedure will have to be repeated periodically.

Burning dry plants

This is already an extreme measure when the seeds have begun to ripen. The fact is that during this period the stem of the hogweed dries out, which allows the fruits to be easily released and scattered throughout the world. So you can simply burn out an area overgrown with weeds. But remember this method will not give 100% results.

Treatment with chemicals

Most summer residents never resort to herbicides, as they strive for ecological farming. But you can use the traditional method of weed control - destruction with diesel fuel. Using a syringe, inject 2 ml of diesel fuel into the stem of the hogweed - this should destroy the plant.


This is an effective method for removing any weeds from a site, but it may take more than one year. Use this method better in spring, before the hogweed begins to actively grow. But you can resort to it in the summer, by cutting or bending the stems. A very dense black film (no thinner than 100 microns) is laid on top of the plants, which will block their access to light. This film must be pressed down on top with something: sprinkle with earth or construction waste. But, as you understand, during mulching the garden becomes inaccessible for any use at all.

Now you know how to deal with hogweed that has occupied your area. Don't forget your protective equipment and go into battle!

Hogweed - the largest, most viable and most dangerous weed found in the Moscow region and the regions closest to it. Leaves, inflorescences, stems, juice, dew from the plant and even its smell are toxic and can cause irreparable harm to health.

  • Hogweed increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Causes an allergic reaction.
  • Provokes photodermatosis.
  • It may cause the development of vitiligo, a local disorder of skin pigmentation due to the disappearance of melanin in it.
  • If it gets into the eyes, hogweed can cause damage to vision, including complete blindness.
  • Molecules of the hogweed odor, settling on the mucous membrane, in the larynx and lungs, can cause attacks of suffocation.
  • With large-scale damage to the body by poisonous compounds of the plant, death is possible.
As such, the juice and components of hogweed do not have any effect on the skin, that is, the liquid itself does not corrode it. Its harmful effect is made by sunlight, which triggers a reaction in furanocoumarins, compounds that are part of the hogweed poison, that is destructive to the epidermis. The burn can begin to appear either after 30 minutes or after a day or two, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the amount and concentration of juice and solar activity in the coming days.

If you find hogweed in nature, do not touch it and try not to get closer than 5 meters to it. Get as far away from dangerous place. If hogweed grows on or near your site, then the only option to get rid of it is to destroy it.

The fight against hogweed on the site is quite complicated for the following reasons:

  • The plant has a vertical root extending to a depth of 1 meter.
  • Under favorable conditions it grows at a speed of 10 centimeters per day.
  • Gradually develops immunity to the chemicals with which they are trying to destroy it.
  • The seeds ripen without nourishment from the stem, even on cut down drying shoots.
  • Seeds that fall into the ground can remain viable in it for up to 5 years.
  • The plant can postpone flowering to a later or earlier date if the external conditions do not satisfy it for some reason.
  • Hogweed reproduces and grows very quickly.

Gigantic sizes up to 6-8 meters in height, giant spreading leaves up to 1 meter long and toxic secretions make it impossible for most other plants to exist under or next to hogweeds - they take all the useful substances from the soil and block sunlight for the flora that is located lower, and in the Central region of Russia even some trees are lower, not to mention shrubs, herbs and flowers. Neither humans nor other plants can safely coexist with them, so the question how to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage never loses its relevance.

Ways to combat hogweed in a summer cottage

Digging and burning roots

Digging up roots at a depth of a meter is not an easy task, but until you remove or kill them all, hogweed will continue to grow. After removing the root, it must be burned, as well as all above-ground parts of the plant.

Trimming umbrellas with seeds

Umbrellas need to be trimmed strictly before they bloom, otherwise you will only encourage seeding.

Using black polyethylene film

In early spring, while still on the bare ground, a black dense film is laid. It does not allow the hogweeds to receive sunlight and they die. The method does not work on seeds, which begin to grow again after removing the film.

Replacement by other cultures

Lawn grass, feather grass, bluegrass, bamboo, reed, millet and other cereal plants can compete with hogweed and hinder its development. In some cases, it is possible to completely suppress the hogweed population, but it is impossible to predict in advance whether you will get such an effect.

Herbicide treatment

Chemicals for killing hogweed can be purchased at hardware and gardening stores. Carefully read the description of the drug, instructions for use before using it and strictly follow safety precautions. The most commonly found herbicides on sale are:

  • Ground from hogweed
  • Agrokiller from hogweed
  • Dr.Klaus weed concentrate
  • Octopus Extra
  • Hurricane Forte
  • Roundup
  • Glyphosate
  • Tornado
  • Glyfor
  • Deimos
All these ways to combat hogweed in a summer cottage potentially dangerous, since in each of them you will have to come into direct contact with the plant, which is already a health hazard. The only chance to avoid this contact is to entrust the work to SES specialists.

Fighting hogweed on the site: the best way

Since hogweed is an extremely viable and adaptive plant, its cultivation can take a long time, so when fighting hogweed on the site, the best way – combined. A combination of these methods will bring the greatest effect:

  • Order herbicide treatment at the SES - this is the safest and most quick method impact on the plant.
  • Dig up the remaining roots.
  • Burn everything that is part of the removed hogweed immediately, without leaving it to dry or rot in the compost heap.

These methods must be used together; only in this case will you be able to completely exterminate the hogweed on the site. Excluding at least one of them, you will delay the process indefinitely.

But the listed methods of combating hogweed do not provide immediate, absolute success and are quite labor-intensive, given the scale of distribution of this unpretentious and tenacious self-seeding poisonous weed.

In the last decade, scientists in many countries have achieved optimal and safe solutions through effective methods against the natural spread of any type of hogweed. We learned about one of them from the Gatchinskaya Pravda newspaper from the June 2016 issue, which reported the successful victory of the employees of the experimental station of the Agrophysical Research Institute, located in the village of Menkovo, over hogweed with the help of Jerusalem artichoke - useful in all respects, safe, an ornamental plant, the tubers of which can be eaten by humans and animals, and also used as a medicinal product.

During the Russian-Chinese practical conference “Jerusalem artichoke and its possibilities”, which took place in Menkovo, convincing achievements were demonstrated right on the experimental site during the intermediate experiment - hogweed retreated and remained only where Jerusalem artichoke did not grow, which was confirmed by photography with aircraft.

“The task has been set: to increase the planting area by more than 20 times, bring culture to the masses, create a market for healthy food products and put hectares of unused land into circulation. Including the replacement of Sosnovsky's hogweed with Jerusalem artichoke variety "Skorospelka". Thus, make a breakthrough in the agricultural sector.”

gently light green color, large leaves. How to remove hogweed from the site? May I help mechanical removal. The stems of mature plants should be trimmed. Young shoots are usually dug up by the roots at least 3 times during the summer season. Of course, the hogweed will not disappear immediately; it will take time to remove it.

Regular destruction of hogweed will allow you to solve the hogweed problem on your site once and for all. And in order to prevent the emergence of weeds, you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. It is prohibited to grow hogweed as an ornamental plant. The plant may look beautiful, but getting rid of it in the future will be problematic.
  2. You cannot bring soil to the site from the places where hogweed grew. Along with the soil, you can also bring the seeds of the plant.
  3. Constantly monitor the condition of the site, and destroy hogweed at its first appearance.

Regular control of hogweed will help to gradually completely destroy it. The basic rule is regular fight with weed. You should not expect that you will be able to remove the plant in just one procedure.

If a poisonous plant has infested a summer cottage, then urgent measures must be taken. In the fight, all means are good. There are several effective folk methods.

No method can provide a 100% guarantee. But you can find a better and more effective option for yourself.

This method is advisable to use to remove several bushes. On a large scale this method will be expensive.

This product can be used in different ways:

  1. Making saline warm solution and water the areas sown with hogweed;
  2. 1 sq. m add 1.5 kg of table salt;
  3. Cut off the stem of a poisonous plant and add salt to it.

Such actions help get rid of the problem.

You can destroy grass in your dacha using vinegar essence. Before performing the procedure, be sure to protect all areas of the body to avoid burns.

Carefully cut off the umbrellas and pour them into the stem table vinegar. Acid has a detrimental effect on hogweed. Over time, the plant dries out and no longer grows in the garden.

Some gardeners advise cutting down the weed, leaving 15-20 cm, and pouring vinegar essence into the tube. And we tie the stem itself with a plastic bag.

If folk remedies don’t help, but you don’t want to use chemicals, then this method will suit you. We will need regular diesel fuel.

To do this, we draw it into a syringe (2 cubes) and inject it directly into the stem of the plant. As a result, the weed will gradually fade. This way you won't break chemical composition soil and do not damage neighboring plants.

We dig up the grass by the roots when it dies. And in this place we plant peas or other legumes. This method helps to get rid of small quantity poisonous plant.

This method is constantly discussed on gardening forums. It will take time to completely destroy a harmful plant. At the beginning of the summer season, you need to dig up the place where the Hercules grass sprouts, and cover it with a thick dark film and secure it securely.

This grass needs sunlight and moisture to thrive. On hot days under fixed plastic film unfavorable conditions are created.

On next year in mid-summer we remove the bag, dig up the soil and plant any crops.

The earthen pear helps to cope with the problem. This was proven several years ago. Hogweed has a very powerful root system, so it quickly reproduces in the area. To breed this plant, you need to plant a crop that can displace it.

Jerusalem artichoke's roots reach several meters in length, so it copes well with the task. To do this, you need to dig up the hogweed and plant an earthen pear in its place. At first, single poisonous weeds may appear, but after 1-2 years, you will no longer see this grass on your site.

When destroying grass, do not forget to use protective equipment. This will avoid burns.

What is Hogweed Sosnowski?

Sosnovsky's hogweed: poisonous biennial and perennial; tall (up to 3 meters) and powerful - it drives out a large amount of green mass during the growing season. It blooms with large umbels of white or pink color and produces seed fruits once in its life cycle.

Wild hogweed is a biennial herbaceous plant, reaching two meters in height, blooms with white umbrellas, and is quite poisonous. Found in the foothills of southern Russia.

Hogweed Mantegazzi - especially poisonous perennial species, capable of reaching a height of 6 meters. Its distribution area is the Caucasus. It is capable of quickly capturing growing areas due to its powerful vegetative abilities. It blooms with white flowers, its fresh fruits are green.

Causes and conditions for the unwanted spread of hogweed in Russia

The appearance and widespread undesirable spread of hogweed in the USSR and Russia is associated with two reasons: with the phenomenal vitality and fertility of this grass through self-seeding, and also with the direct thoughtlessness of the initiators of its import and spread in our country.

Back in the 40s, on the initiative of Stalin, who learned that in North America This fast-growing and powerful plant is used to feed livestock; at that time, found only in the North Caucasus, hogweed was distributed everywhere and quite successfully, solving forage problems.

But with the collapse of the USSR and the collective and state farm system, the spread of hogweed got out of control. From a cultivated herb, hogweed has become a dangerous and aggressive weed, which has become difficult to deal with, prompting scientists to look for effective ways to combat it.

Recently, the fight against a dangerous species of hogweed in Russia has been carried out on an active and broad front. For those citizens who do not take the necessary measures to destroy hogweed on their plots, there are even fines.

The most accessible and inexpensive remedy is mowing a giant weed using a grandfather’s scythe in compliance with the rules personal safety, providing special waterproof clothing, a mask and goggles that can protect against pollen and sap of an insidious plant. You can only handle a mown plant while wearing waterproof gloves.

In addition, the process of mowing hogweed thickets should take place in the dark or in cloudy weather, preferably when high humidity air, that is, with heavy dew. Digging out its spring growth one by one gives good results.

Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear, or Jerusalem artichoke, was brought to Russia back in the 17th century, but, unfortunately, it did not receive worthy use and distribution. If, when introducing hogweed, its aggressiveness and toxicity were not taken into account, then the most positive qualities of Jerusalem artichoke were not taken into account.

Jerusalem artichoke is a decorative and useful plant in all respects, starting with its unpretentiousness and fertility, ending with its powerful sanitary properties. This wonderful plant absorbs carbon dioxide 2 times more powerful than a coniferous forest, releasing 3 times more oxygen into the air. It has no diseases or pests, and this plant is not afraid of weather vagaries.

This wonderfully healthy root vegetable has a set of macro-micro elements necessary for the human body, for example, iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, mineral salts and amino acids.

The upper part of these plants (tops) is mowed down to make green mass for feeding animals and birds before flowering, and the tubers (roots) are ready for harvesting and storage after the first frost, when all the beneficial substances from the “tops” pass to the “roots.”

Then the upper part, which has turned into dust, is mowed down, and the tubers in their best condition are dug up and used for human and animal food. Extracted root vegetables are consumed both raw and thermally processed.

An amazing thing about Jerusalem artichoke: recently it has been planted on lands taken out of crop rotation (in industrial zones, landfills, oil production sites, etc.), where soil fertility is restored after 3 years.

If you need to eradicate its planting, it is enough to plow twice at the seedlings (tested on 2 experimental hectares in the Kirov district of the Leningrad region). In individual areas, it is possible to lime Jerusalem artichoke by just digging up the seedlings.

Sosnowsky's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Mandenova) is a species of plant of the genus Heracleum of the celery (umbrella) family Apiaceae. Homeland - North Caucasus. The name was given in honor of the researcher of the flora of the Caucasus D.I. Sosnovsky.

Individual signs Characteristics
Lifespan Perennial plant up to 4 m high, lifespan up to 12 years
Growth conditions When the soil warms up in spring (up to 1...2 ℃), the seeds germinate at a depth of up to 5 cm. After two to three weeks, the height of the plant reaches 25-40 cm, and after 1-1.5 months - more than 1.5 m. gatherings tolerate frosts up to −10 ℃ (under deep snow up to −35… −45 ℃), resistant to high temperatures(up to 37 ℃) and massively appear even before the germination of other plants
Root system Taproot, the bulk of the roots are located at a depth of 30-50 cm, individual roots go deep into the soil up to 2 m
Bloom After the second year of life (can remain in the vegetative rosette phase for 2-4 years, and when unfavorable conditions- over 5-6 years). Blooms once in a lifetime, usually in late June - July, after which it dies
Peduncle Thick, hollow in diameter up to 15 cm and height 5 m or more. On one plant there are from 30 to 150 inflorescences, each more than 20 thousand seeds ripen
Flowers White, dioecious. In addition to cross pollination, self-pollination possible. Refers to honey plants
Stem and leaves The stem is furrowed and ribbed, rough, purple or with purple spots. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of round basal leaves on long petioles. In the second year, the leaves become pinnately lobed. up to 150 cm in length and 70 cm in width
Reproduction Exclusively by seeds. During the growing season, up to 40% of the seeds from the total reserve in the soil germinate, but after mowing or mechanical damage the weed can resume growth from underground buds. It spreads with the help of wind, water, animals, birds, transport and other means. Seeds remain in soil for more than 5 years
Biologically active substances Furocoumarins inhibit the growth of other plants and protect against insect pests. May cause burns upon contact with human skin under the influence of ultraviolet light.
Spreading Prefers wet fertile soil in well-lit areas: wastelands, fields, roadsides and banks of reservoirs, forest edges and clearings, next to silage pits

Causes of occurrence and danger of spread

Sosnovsky's hogweed was first described in 1944 by botanist I.P. Mandenova in Georgia. Came to the European part of Russia as ornamental plant thanks to its gigantic size and umbrellas of snow-white flowers. Subsequently, its selection was facilitated by such unique qualities as high feeding value, winter hardiness and productivity.

The low cost of cultivation and the high content of sugars and nutrients necessary for fattening farm animals turned out to be attractive. Therefore, in the post-war years it was actively grown as fodder crop throughout the European part of the USSR (even on the island of Sakhalin and in the current Komi Republic), as well as in modern countries of Eastern Europe, in particular in the Baltic states.

However, scientists have not paid enough attention to the toxicity of the plant, the juice of which contains biologically active substances - furocoumarins, which have photodynamic activity and increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Hogweed juice, when it comes into contact with human skin, under the influence of sunlight causes dermatitis similar to chemical burns; it is especially dangerous if the juice gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Pollen from hogweed flowers provokes allergic reactions.

The effect of furocoumarins is initially invisible. After contact with the plant (it is enough to touch the leaves or stem), a burn may occur an hour or more later, and then blisters form. The more light, the more aggressive the reaction. If hogweed juice gets on your skin, wash it with soap and water, wipe it with alcohol or cologne, avoid sunlight, avoiding it coming into contact with the affected areas of the skin, and consult a doctor if necessary.

The effect of toxic substances from hogweed on animals has been little studied. When it is introduced into silage in large quantities, the milk of agricultural cattle acquires a bitter taste and smell. essential oils.

In the 90s of the last century, due to the collapse of the agro-industrial complex, due attention was no longer paid to the cultivation of Sosnovsky's hogweed. As a result, the natural biodiversity of the landscape was disrupted and public health was threatened. Currently, methods have been developed at the federal level to combat this weed, including on personal plots of land.

Methods of eradication

It is impossible to remove hogweed from the site in a short time. The biological characteristics of the plant indicate that even after carrying out a set of protective measures, including folk (agrotechnical, mechanical) and chemical methods of eradicating the weed, it is necessary to control the vacated area for at least three years.

All work on the destruction of Sosnovsky's hogweed should be carried out in special equipment: safety glasses, a respirator, closed clothing with a hood, rubber gloves and boots.

Agrotechnical and mechanical

In small areas with single specimens they carry out following works:

  • dig out the weed root from the soil (from a depth of at least 10-15 cm), removing the growth point under a rosette of leaves below the root collar;
  • plants are mowed annually during the growing season to prevent flowering and seed ripening, and cut inflorescences are burned;
  • digging up the soil(late May - early June) and replacements are planted(cereals) or row crops (potatoes). When weed seedlings appear, they are pulled out;
  • mulch the soil with black plastic film at least 100 microns thick, which blocks the access of light to the weed. In the spring, while the plants have not yet begun to grow, the area is covered with film and fixed with ballast materials (bags of earth, bricks and other available means) at a distance of about 2 meters from each other. A month later, the shoots die and do not grow, but retain the ability to germinate again in the spring of next year. Therefore, in the summer, when they burn out, the film is removed and the ground is dug up;
  • cover the shoots weeds with a geo-canvas (geotextile material), clean soil is poured on top (the height of the backfill layer is about 5 cm) and lawn grass is densely sown, for example, a mixture of cereal seeds - to a depth of 2 cm. By the end of the season, a sod layer is formed that prevents the colonization of hogweed.


The most effective way to get rid of hogweed on a site is mowing, followed by twice treatment with glyphosate-based herbicides, with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Glyphosate-containing products do not have a destructive effect on hogweed seeds located in the soil; therefore, a single treatment will destroy only one generation of the population. To ensure complete destruction, the seedlings are treated again.

If the dosage of the herbicide is exceeded, the above-ground part of the plant simply burns, and the drug itself does not reach the root system, which leads to the appearance of young shoots from buds sleeping underground. To successfully fight and get the desired result, the chemical solution must enter the roots through vessels located in the leaves and stems.

IN " State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals", approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2018, Roundup is included in various forms and its analogues.

Along with Roundup, the following glyphosate-containing herbicides have been experimentally tested:

  • "Agrokiller";
  • "Glyfor";
  • "Glyphos";
  • "Zero Super";
  • "Sniper";
  • "Octopus";
  • "Hurricane Forte"

The use of herbicides in the fight against Sosnovsky's hogweed does not give quick results. The effectiveness of their action can be assessed after 30 days.

Reviews from gardeners

Nikolay, 71 years old, Samara

Our plot is only six acres and hogweed has been growing on it for three years. I fight it by cutting off the umbrellas and not allowing the seeds to ripen. The parent plant, having completed its mission, dies, and the seeds do not have time to disperse. I thought about a plant that could suppress hogweed: I scattered seeds of various weeds (burdock, bindweed, sow thistle, chamomile) in the thickets and planted raspberry bushes nearby. I understand that it will not be possible to get rid of this scourge forever in a short period of time, but I was pleased with the intermediate result.

Arkady, 59 years old, Priozersk

I began to take a closer look at hogweed only this year, when the “ownerless” weed behind my country fence exceeded a critical mass. Most likely the seeds were carried by the wind, since I had not noticed it nearby before. It is useless to remove it by force - its juice is very poisonous. I decided to “treat” the area with injections. A Janet syringe is best suited for this (it is used to wash the ears). It is reusable, can be sterilized, can be easily disassembled and, most importantly, is 250 ml. I take a hot saline solution into a syringe (3 teaspoons per glass of water) and make 3 injections into each hogweed stem-trunk (10 cm from the ground surface). At the same time, I observe personal safety measures - I dress according to all the rules of protection. I observe for two weeks, if there are no signs of drying out on individual specimens - it did not work, then I repeat the injections. As a rule, the effect is not bad.

Marina, 35 years old, Ukhta

In our village, hogweed is a common problem. Personally, he took over half of my plot. In early spring, they covered this place with thick black film and pressed it down with reinforcement and bricks along the entire perimeter. They were left in this state until the beginning of June next year. Then the ground was dug up and sowed with goat's rue. To increase germination on the day of sowing, goat's rue seeds were treated with nodule bacteria. The next year, when individual shoots of hogweed emerged again, the hat with umbrellas was wrapped in thick cellophane and tied at the bottom. In the fall, when the weed drops its seeds, we cut off the cap, poured Roundup into the hollow tube of the peduncle and waited until the plant began to dry out. Cut umbrellas were burned. Three years have passed since then, and each time I am convinced that we are on the right path.


Experienced specialists and gardeners share educational information about ways to eradicate thickets of Sosnovsky's hogweed in the following videos:

His main specialty is an accountant, so even at his dacha he strives for accuracy and achieving ideal order in everything. Preference is given to growing grapes. I am sure that the deeper you delve into gardening and gardening, the more you understand that there is no limit to perfection!

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Do you know that:

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

A new product from American developers is the Tertill robot, which weeds weeds in the garden. The device was invented under the leadership of John Downes (creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works in any weather conditions autonomously, moving around uneven surface on wheels. At the same time, it cuts off all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is the rotted organic remains of the of different origins(spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: the manure is piled up in a heap or pile, layered with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The pile is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer “ripens” within 2-5 years, depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

How to deal with hogweed?

In order to prevent the weed from spreading, you can trim its buds. Green ovaries are cut off from the central umbrella and those umbrellas that are located in close proximity. The remaining ovaries are cut off completely with the inflorescence.

It must be remembered that with this method of killing weeds, the skin should be protected as much as possible. Use gloves and cover exposed areas of your body. Otherwise, you can get burned by the poisonous juice.

Another way is to burn the plant. It is used before the fruit begins to ripen. Inflorescences are doused flammable liquid and set it on fire. Again, you need to be careful - when burned, hogweed releases harmful esters.

Since the war against hogweed is being waged on a global level, conventional measures may not be as effective, however, it is still better than doing nothing.

  • Mechanical methods
    . These are methods that do not require the preparation of special mixtures or the purchase of special drugs. Mechanical methods are entirely aimed at your physical strength, since you directly fight the pest.
  • Folk remedies
    . Making tinctures and mixtures with your own hands. In addition, sometimes these remedies include dusting with various natural remedies (for example, ash).
  • Chemicals
    . Sometimes this is the only effective way to exterminate pests, but not everyone likes it. The fact is that chemicals can damage healthy plants or make those that were treated unfit for food. However, this can only happen if it is processed incorrectly, in which case it is very important to follow the instructions directly.
  • Digging up weeds
    . This is a very labor-intensive and lengthy process, which also requires care (the seeds may scatter and digging up will be of no use). However, this is at the same time one of the most effective ways. If you dig up the weed directly from the roots, you damage the root system, making it more difficult for the hogweed to grow.
  • Cutting off the tops
    . Seeds grow at the top, which when scattered in the wind help to increase the weed population.
  • Burning
    . If 90% of everything that grows on your site is hogweed, and you want to save your garden, you need to burn it. True, in this case, you will have to burn everything that grows on the site. Of course, these are radical measures, but still, one of the most effective measures.
  • Mulching
    . The weed is dug up, a dark mulch material is placed on top, and cereals are planted on top. This is a rather labor-intensive process, but it can also bear fruit.
  • Systematic mowing
    helps to reduce the pest population on the site. Just take a scythe and cut off the nasty weeds.

Insecticides and other types of chemicals are powerless to control this weed. The only methods that can help you are injecting directly into the plant. For example, some use diesel fuel. Pour it into a two-cc syringe and inject it into the stem.

You can try this method with other chemicals, the main thing is that the solution is concentrated.

You can make a solution with the Tornado insecticide (costs about 50 rubles) and also inject it internally or pour it directly into the root system. Engine mixtures (oils or gasoline) may work. Use the same principle.

It is better to use chemicals in the spring, then they will have maximum effect.

Since there are no spraying or other special manipulations, it is important to remember only about your own safety measures. When near the hogweed, remember that the body should be as closed as possible.

In addition, you should know that the remaining seeds thrown out by the plant are not affected by any chemical, so you can only destroy what is growing right now.

If hogweed has become a real problem for you, there is help from professionals who, using comprehensive measures, destroy the weed.

Folk remedies

  • Vinegar and salt solution
    . You need to make a very concentrated solution and spray the weeds with it.
  • Sheep and goats
    . If you have not just a garden or dacha, but a plot of land, sheep and goats will be excellent enemies of hogweed. This weed is a real delicacy for them, so they will simply eat the annoying plant without any unnecessary inconvenience.
  • Boiling water
    . They say that if you constantly water this pest hot water- it will grow much slower, and then stop reproducing altogether.
  • Maintaining constant humidity
    . Hogweed hates humidity; this is a destructive environment for this pest. Therefore, you can water more frequently.

Usually, folk remedies interfere with the correct cultivation of cultivated plants. You can forget about a rich harvest while fighting the weed for about 4 years.

How dangerous is Hogweed for humans?

Every experienced gardener knows that it is urgent to remove hogweed from the site the first time it appears. It grows extremely quickly and can survive in all weather conditions. In addition, the plant is dangerous to humans and other crops, and also has other dangerous properties. These include:

  1. When hogweed juice gets on the skin, its protective layer is damaged. And exposure to ultraviolet radiation on damaged areas causes deep burns.
  2. If you inhale the vapors of the plant for a long time, you can get a serious burn to the lungs, as well as poisoning.
  3. In areas of land where hogweed grows, almost all crops die.
  4. Even after removing the hogweed stems from the soil, its seeds ripen and continue to be sown.
  5. Just one plant bush can produce 70 thousand seeds per season.
  6. Hogweed is able to grow until all the seeds are completely ripe. Even if you cut off the top or root, it will grow again.
  7. The hogweed bush is capable of dispersing its seeds within a radius of five kilometers. They are also transported over long distances by birds, people and vehicles.

Therefore, if you notice hogweed on your or a neighboring plot, you must immediately begin fighting it.

It is very important for us not only to know why Hogweed is dangerous for humans, but also to be ready to provide first aid to the victim for burns and an allergic reaction from contact with it.

The insidiousness of contact with this plant lies in the fact that the symptoms of poisoning appear after a period dangerous to human health, when the affected skin, under the influence of the poison, becomes defenseless against the sun's rays and literally burns after a certain time, because the victim feels obvious symptoms of poisoning: nausea, dizziness, headache pain and vomiting are sometimes too late. And even with timely help and treatment, there can be serious long-term consequences.

Recovery from hogweed poison is painful and lengthy. Burn blisters turn black and remain in this form for 3 to six months. As a result, rough scars may remain, and if the skin is deeply damaged, there may be repeated inflammation.

If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, blindness can occur, and a critical level of coumarin in the body can cause vitiligo disease. Hogweed poison is especially dangerous for young children, elderly people, people with weakened immune systems, and people with fair skin (redheads and blondes).

Preventing the occurrence of hogweed in a summer cottage

There is an opinion that to get rid of hogweed it is enough to mow it before the seeds ripen. Unfortunately, this method sometimes does not work - the weed is so tenacious. The seeds have wings and are easily carried by the wind.

Therefore, many methods of combating hogweed involve attempts to prevent the seeds from ripening. The ovaries are cut off or burned. If the seeds are still ripe, you need to try to dig up the weed. The shoots must be burned and after that the areas where the hogweed grows are inspected for some time. New shoots may appear on it. They must be destroyed.

Chemicals are an effective means of controlling noxious weeds. Manufacturers offer effective drugs. Before preparing such products, safety precautions must be observed. Wear gloves, goggles and work clothes. This will avoid burns from Sosnovsky's hogweed and chemicals.

The most effective glyphosate to help control perennial weeds. Before use, read the instructions on the package.

We dilute 60 ml of the product in 1 liter of water. We prepare the required volume. We spray the plants very carefully. Don't work against the wind. The product is safe for health, but if it gets into the eyes and respiratory system it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is not necessary to wet all the sheets, since Roundup will begin to have a detrimental effect on the root system over time.

A few hours after using the chemical, it begins to act on the root system. After three weeks, the leaves of the hogweed will turn yellow, after which the plant will die. To enhance the tornado effect, spray in warm weather.

Dilute the herbicide according to the instructions. Usually dilute 50 m per 3 liters of water. Use only clean water as tap water contains chemicals that may reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Urgent self-help in case of contact with hogweed

As with any resuscitation most important factor- provision of emergency and correct assistance even at home or hiking conditions, which can be expressed in the following activities:

  • determine the locations of damage from contact with hogweed;
  • exclude exposure to sunlight for at least two days;
  • Wash identified and even suspected skin lesions with running water and laundry soap;
  • treat burned areas with an alcohol-containing liquid (vodka, cologne, Eau de Toilette and the like); A pale pink aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin is suitable;
  • a good result will be obtained by using one of the anti-burn medications: panthenol, sodium usninate (on fir balsam), synthomycin liniment - strictly without the use of fixing bandages;
  • In case of damage to the mucous membrane of the eye, assistance is required urgently and first of all.

The beneficial properties of hogweed can also be noted. Like almost everyone poisonous plants, it can be used to prepare medicines for the treatment of gynecological diseases, nervous disorders, epilepsy, convulsions, muscle spasms, skin diseases, psoriasis, purulent wounds, dysentery, asthma, to stimulate appetite, but this is a matter for specialists. Handicraft in this direction can turn into disaster.

What does hogweed look like?

Hogweed likes to grow in moist soils. It can be found on the banks of water bodies. The weed is often found along field edges and in ditches. The plant can have different heights depending on age - from 50 to 250 cm.

The leaves come in different shapes and sizes, from large wide to narrow. Hogweed is easily recognized by its rather powerful appearance. The stems are thick and hollow inside, at the end there are inflorescences in the form of umbrellas of whitish or pink color.

The weed is easy to recognize by the following signs. Broken shoots emit an unpleasant, pungent odor, and many insects hover around the flowers. Bees love to collect hogweed pollen. There are often many flies around the plant.

How to remove hogweed using folk remedies

To get rid of hogweed on your site once and for all, you should simultaneously use several methods to combat it. The most effective means include:

These are the most effective methods for getting rid of hogweed on your site. However, when using them, it is necessary to follow the deadlines for destroying the plant, as well as protect the skin and respiratory tract from its poisons.

Before the advent of chemicals to kill hogweed, gardeners fought the weed using traditional methods. One of the most effective and popular is black film. She should cover the area of ​​soil on which the hogweed grows. Lack of access to the sun will eventually lead to the death of the plant.

It is also effective to combat hogweed with salt. This method involves watering an area of ​​soil with a warm saline solution. You can also simply sprinkle the soil with soil at the rate of 1.5 kg of salt per square meter soil.

You can also get rid of hogweed on your property using folk remedies using vinegar. This product is a good and affordable alternative to expensive chemicals. To prepare the solution, you need to mix a liter of water, a liter of vinegar, 2 sachets of citric acid, 50 ml of alcohol and 4 tsp.

You can get rid of hogweed using various chemicals. Herbicides are used from the moment new shoots appear. Treatment before flowering is required. Best result can be achieved with double processing.

After the first use of chemicals, about 20 days should pass. Some summer residents use a double dosage of herbicides against the weed. It is necessary to process not only the leaves, but also the rosettes of leaves and inflorescences. Particular care should be taken to apply chemicals to the main shoot.

Of course, there are minutes in this method of combating hogweed. Maybe Negative influence herbicides on other plants and soil.

To breed hogweed, you need to follow certain rules.

  • Do not mow the weed during or after flowering.
  • Mown shoots should be destroyed and not left in the same place. It is best to burn.

The history of the spread of hogweed is interesting because at one time this harmful weed was specially planted on land plots. Its seeds were specially brought from the Urals and Central Asia to be grown as an ornamental plant.

Hogweed attracted attention with its flowers and the size of its stems. But we must remember that this plant is dangerous for people. Thanks to the dispersal of seeds by the wind, it can grow in any area. When trying to get rid of shoots, the weed leaves burns on the skin.

For several decades now, most regions of our country have been solving one problem - Sosnovsky's hogweed. This is a plant that spreads with tremendous speed in summer cottages, meadows, forest edges, along roads and along the edges of fields.

And it must be said that fighting Sosnovsky’s hogweed is a rather difficult task. But it is necessary to fight it, since it has become a real threat to local flora and fauna, and to human health too. This weed causes painful burns upon contact.

Why is the fight against hogweed so important?

In Russia you can find about 15 species of this plant. Some of them grow up to 3 meters, and their main umbrella opens up to one meter. The leaves can also reach 2 meters in length. By the way, this is why the people called hogweed “Hercules’ grass.”

It is dangerous because it accumulates active furocoumarins, which cause deep dermatitis on human skin. It occurs according to the type of burns; cases up to III degree have been reported. There were even cases of death from numerous burns in young children.

How to deal with hogweed by trimming its flowers

This should be done only at the moment of budding and at the beginning of flowering. Everything is cut off - flowers, buds, and undeveloped green fruits. And although the method is effective, it is only suitable for destroying a small amount of weed.

How to deal with hogweed by mowing

The control method is quite effective, but there is one condition: the plant should not “grow” into the tube. In other words, this is done before flowering. After the first mowing, it must be repeated after 3 weeks. The main thing is to prevent the weed from blooming by removing all its shoots.

If for some reason the plant still produces a tube, then you need to take a shovel and cut off the hogweed at the very root. A capful of herbicide or vinegar should be poured into the resulting stump, then it should be applied to the plant. plastic bag and tie it with thread.

How to fight hogweed using a lawn

To begin with, all the weeds on the site are mowed down and a geo-textile is spread over them. A five-centimeter layer of soil is poured on top of it, on which lawn grass is planted. One important condition is that the soil for the flooring must be taken from an area where hogweed does not grow.

How to fight hogweed using black film

In the spring, when all the weeds have already sprouted, cover the entire affected area with black film (100 microns). Press it firmly on top with bricks or earth. Not only will light not penetrate through the film, but heating in the sun from below will create a greenhouse effect, which will also prevent hogweed and other weeds from germinating.

Gradually they will all die. In June, the film is removed, the ground is dug up and the planned plants can be planted. In the fight against hogweed, you need to follow one principle: it is better to destroy single plants than to fight a large number of them later.

One of weeds, which is being fought in many countries around the world, is hogweed. This is a large umbrella plant that grows very quickly, does not require any care and its peculiarity is that it can grow 10 centimeters in 24 hours!

Previously, hogweed was used as food, this was in very distant times, now nothing remains of these traditions. In addition, recently hogweed was grown to feed animals, since the cost is very low.

However, something went wrong and it began to grow despite the barriers. The biggest problem is that scientists still do not know how to completely get rid of hogweed; there is no specific remedy or comprehensive measures.

This weed is dangerous because it disrupts the general flora, displacing cultivated plants. Imagine what will happen if there is no longer room for ordinary plants and instead there is only hogweed around us.

In addition, it is dangerous for people
. The juice of this pest mixed with the sun causes huge burns. Sometimes these are small blisters, but most are 3rd degree burns. In children, when the affected areas of the body are too large, deaths have been recorded.

Hogweed juice has the ability to accumulate in the human body, causing vitiligo. And this disease is incurable. Cases of relapses have also been recorded, when the sun hit an already healed wound from hogweed and it became inflamed again.

What to do if hogweed juice gets on your skin? Wash the area immediately with soap and water. Then treat the areas with alcohol or potassium permanganate. Furacilin lotions are also effective. It is necessary to protect the affected areas of the skin from the sun's rays for several days.

Precautions when destroying hogweed

In order to destroy the plants once and for all, and also not to harm your own health, when fighting the weed, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not uproot or prune the plant in windy weather. The seeds will quickly spread throughout the entire area, and there is a higher risk of inhaling the poisonous hogweed juice.
  2. It is necessary to carry out measures to destroy hogweed in special clothing using personal protective equipment. If there are no such devices, you can get by with a gauze bandage, as well as closed clothing, over which a plastic raincoat is worn.
  3. Do not leave uprooted or mown plants on the ground. Hogweed is an extremely resilient plant, and its seeds ripen even without consuming nutrients and moisture from the soil.
  4. You should not carry out procedures to destroy hogweed during its flowering or fruit ripening period. This is ineffective. It is best to uproot or treat young plants.

Burns from Sosnowski's hogweed

Sosnovsky's hogweed poses a danger not only to the plants near it, but also to people, as it is poisonous. Its juice, when it comes into contact with the skin, increases susceptibility to ultraviolet rays, resulting in burns and an allergic reaction. But characteristic features do not always appear immediately.

In case of direct contact with the plant, immediate measures must be taken:

  • Wash the affected areas of the skin with warm water and soap;
  • Avoid exposure of the wound to sunlight for 2-3 days;
  • treat the damaged area with furatsilin or alcohol, then apply an anti-burn agent;
  • if necessary, take an antiallergic drug;
  • if the situation worsens, you should consult a doctor.

To avoid treating burns later, it is necessary to wear protective clothing, gloves and shoes. These precautions will help protect you from danger.

Hogweed is the most common weed. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out prevention against its occurrence in the same way as usual. Plant more trees- this will block excess sunlight, which hogweed loves so much. Also, keep the soil moist and do not allow the soil to dry out.

Don't forget about crop rotation and mulching. Use fertilizers and test the soil before planting.

Only in a well-groomed area there are no problems from weeds. Therefore, only with due attention to the site is it possible to avoid not only the attack of hogweed, but also other pests, both plants and insects.

Mechanical measures

Mechanical methods are mainly aimed at combating hogweed in small areas or single plants.

1. Pruning plants during budding and the beginning of flowering

The ego is the most effective way destruction of single hogweed plants in small areas. But it is also one of the most dangerous - it is easy to get severe dermatoses in different parts of the body. Experience has shown that the most effective way to remove flower stalks in such conditions is to trim them with an ordinary garden shovel placed on an elongated stalk to avoid contact with the plant.

Using the blade of a shovel, a peduncle or rosette of leaves close to the ground is trimmed. However, after 30–40 days, side shoots with umbrellas may appear from the buds located in the axils of the leaves below the soil surface.

This probability increases when using a lawn mower, which makes it difficult to cut flower stalks at the very surface of the soil. It is important to cut off the growing point of hogweed (these plants are characterized by geotropism - deepening of the growing point below the soil level), which the plants extend by 3-5 or 7-10 cm.

2. Digging

To destroy single plants or small populations, it is proposed to dig up the stem roots - a labor-intensive but effective method. It is advisable to use the method of digging up stem roots against young, non-flowering plants.

3. Incineration.

A very effective way to destroy hogweed seeds during their ripening period. It is important not to miss the moment of the event. It is better to carry it out before the fruits in the central, largest umbrella begin to fully ripen.

This method requires the utmost care and precision. Before setting fire, you can douse the plants with flammable liquid. During the burning period of umbrellas, it is important to take all precautions - after all, flammable essential oils will be released from the hogweed fruits.

It is important to observe fire safety and try to prevent plant juice from getting on exposed areas of the body and clothing.

4. Use of covering materials.

To combat hogweed, it is possible to use various dense covering materials. The canvas is spread over areas infested with hogweed. A layer of soil must be poured on top to both keep the material on the surface and prevent it from being broken through by hogweeds growing in the spring. Work in this direction may take from 3 to 5 years.

5. Mowing.

Mowing will be effective provided that it is carried out before the flowering of hogweed, and again, no later than 3-4 weeks after the first mowing. Only in this case is the destruction of all generative shoots bearing inflorescences guaranteed.

It is important not to let the plants bloom so that new seeds do not form. Mow once and in the middle of flowering will only promote further propagation of plants. It is not advisable to leave the mown hogweed at the mowing site and mow it during the seed shedding period, as this will lead to the plant being scattered over a larger area.

The positive result of repeated mowing of Sosnovsky's hogweed shoots is the restoration of the biological diversity of the plant community. It is proposed to cover the area with a dense geo-textile after mowing the plants.

Agrotechnical measures.

6. Weeding and plowing.

Small annual shoots of hogweed can be easily destroyed by weeding with thorns, as well as regular moldboard plowing. Hogweed shoots can appear not only in the spring, but also during the summer (due to the different quality of the seeds).

If plowing is possible, then it must be done several times during the growing season. The first plowing should be carried out shortly after the moment of leaving the field.

It is better to trim the roots of hogweed using flat cutters. The depth of treatment on the horizon is 5-10 cm. It is important to cut off the growing point of hogweed, which is 3-7 cm below the soil level.

If plants grow back from the roots after the first plowing, it is important to carry out the second treatment until the leaves unfurl and the inflorescences are brought to the surface.

To completely destroy all hogweed plants, plowing will need to be carried out over several years (depending on the contamination of the fields with seeds) - from 2-3 to 5-7 years.

In autumn, plowing in fields overgrown with hogweed cannot be carried out. Since this will contribute to the accumulation of seeds in the soil, and then the eradication of hogweed will last for several more years.

7. Use of remediators.

In fields where hogweed is destroyed, it is possible to introduce new plant species that can be used to restore the land. In this case, fast-growing and highly productive cereals (for example, brome) or legumes (goat's rue or galega) can be introduced into the fields.

Alternatively, to remove hogweed from fields, intensive cultivation of row crops (potatoes, for example) is possible.

Intensive plowing and frequent weeding are the way to destroy hogweed seedlings, a sharp reduction in the formation of seeds and re-seeding of fields.

Chemical activities

8. Treatment with herbicides.

The situation with Sosnovsky's hogweed has gone so far that we can only talk about its complete destruction in the area of ​​its secondary range, since the remaining plants are capable of epiphytically and very quickly restoring the number and size of the population.

Therefore, in the fight against Sosnovsky's hogweed, the greatest hopes are associated with the use chemicals protection. Currently, the most common chemical method for exterminating this species is the use of continuous action herbicides.

In publications devoted to the fight against Sosnovsky's hogweed, you can find recommendations on drugs and their consumption rates. For example, it is proposed to use: tornado, vr (500 g/l glyphosate additives) with a consumption rate of 3–4 l/ha with the addition of the herbicide magnum, vdg (600 g/kg) 0.03 kg/ha to enhance the effect;

Hurricane Forte, VR (500 g/l glyphosate additives) with a consumption rate of 3–4 l/ha with the addition of the herbicide Banvel, VR (400 g/l dicamba additives) to enhance the effect of up to 2 l/ha; Arsenal, VK (250 g/l) with a consumption rate of 2–5 l/ha.

On lands of non-agricultural use (lands of industry, energy, transport, communications) - and only there - it is proposed to use preparations based on active substance imazapyr, intended for the destruction of any weedy herbaceous vegetation and unwanted tree and shrub species. From chemical means of combating Sosnovsky's hogweed on personal plots It is recommended to use Roundup at a consumption rate of 80–120 ml per 10 liters of water, working fluid consumption – 5 liters per 100 m².

Treatment time is from the beginning of hogweed growth, and always before flowering. Treating plants with herbicides from the beginning of seed ripening is less effective. The effect can be achieved with two repeated treatments with a break between them of 45-60 days.

The use of any of the above methods requires regular monitoring of results and repeated activities over a period of three years. Required for success A complex approach, combining chemical and agrotechnical measures.

A short introduction...

Hogweed tormented me at the dacha. For many years, several times a year I have been trying to mow it, but to no avail. There are more and more of them every year. IN May holidays I decided not to mow, but to dig... not deep (half a shovel's length)... but just enough to dig out a rosette of roots (from which, when mowing, new leaves grow). The plant certainly won’t die, but I’ll see what the result is. I assume that the rate of germination of new leaves will be slower!
They write that it reproduces by seeds. But when “digging”, I noticed that the root goes not only vertically into the ground, but also horizontally. And on this root there are several more young hogweeds. So it also reproduces by the root system.

A 2-year-old is a Siberian hogweed, and Sosnovsky hogweed lives longer than 3-5 years. But both die when they bloom. (This is called a monocarpic plant) If the hogweed failed to bloom and produce seeds in time, it germinates again in the spring. (and this can happen up to 12 years)
Sosnovsky's hogweed is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest weed in the world. It is also, perhaps, one of the most prolific weeds: Czech researchers once counted 107,800 seeds in a hogweed plant!


FIRST AID for contact with hogweed...

Manifestations of hogweed juice upon contact with skin:

There is a direct relationship between the duration of skin contact with plant sap and exposure to sunlight. The longer the exposure time for both components, the stronger the burns (up to 3rd degree).
1. At the moment of contact, you may not feel anything.
2. Then itching and burning occurs (usually after 4 hours and persists for up to 3 days).
3. Then hyperemia (redness) of the affected area develops.
3. After contact with sunlight blisters appear.
4. Other symptoms may appear: weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, chills, fever.
5. As the wounds heal, peeling of the skin is observed (usually on days 12-17).
6. Hyperpigmentation (dark spots) then appears, which can last for several months and sometimes for a lifetime.
7. If the blisters become infected, ulcers appear in their place. They heal very slowly and leave behind white scars.

If, when fighting hogweed, the body does come into contact with the plant sap, then it is necessary:

1. Quickly remove the juice from the surface of the skin by blotting it with a napkin or handkerchief (a piece of absorbent fabric), being careful not to smear it.
2. Cover the affected area of ​​the body from sunlight (clothing, bandage) in order to safely get to the place of assistance.
3. All further actions must be carried out out of sunlight!!!
4. Rinse the affected area running water with soap, you can add a little soda. Then treat this area with an alcohol-containing solution. In this case, furocoumarin dissolves and is easier to remove.
5. Lubricate the contact area with any anti-burn product (Panthenol spray, sea buckthorn or fir oil, Rescuer balm).
6. Cover the burn site with a bandage, thereby protecting you from exposure to UV rays.
7. Avoid contact of the affected skin with sunlight for at least 48 hours - during this time the furocoumarin bergapten, which has penetrated the skin, will lose its damaging properties.
8. Within 5 days, take a course of an antihistamine (Telfast, Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenkarol, etc.).
If the resulting blisters are not opened, they last for 2-3 weeks, then gradually dissolve, leaving brown spots. When an infection occurs, the blisters turn into ulcers, followed by the formation of long-lasting wounds.

By the way, St. John's wort also contains similar photosensitizing substances. That's why it was called that by the people.
When it is eaten by domestic animals, the substance enters the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and nose of domestic animals through the bloodstream. Severe sunburn occurs.
St. John's wort is not dangerous for humans, because... When brewed as tea, photosensitizing components do not pass into an aqueous solution. But, if you use St. John's wort tincture in alcohol solutions, it is already possible to get sunburned.

What not to do:
1. Pop blisters. This slows down the process of skin restoration, promotes infection and significantly lengthens the healing process.
2. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with urine, fat, milk, and vegetables. This can lead to wound infection.
3. Apply earth, clay, raw vegetables. In addition to the infection, you can also get tetanus (a serious infectious disease).

P.S.: The most dangerous infections by hogweed occur upon contact with wet skin and in sunny weather. On a cloudy day, the concentration of essential oils and furocoumarin (bergapten) in the plant juice is higher (since there is less evaporation).

The following text will be copied from the Internet... I chose more acceptable options for myself. Read, choose, try...
The neighbors suggested this method. For when there is no chemicals at hand. The hogweed is cut down and a kettle of boiling water is poured onto the rhizome. They say it significantly slows down development, and sometimes even kills it.

A thick bag placed on the inflorescence and tied at the bottom helps prevent hogweed from becoming infested. If you cut off the inflorescences ahead of schedule, the hogweed will produce new ones, but otherwise it will not react. After stable frosts, cut off the bag of seeds and burn them.

Spraying with diesel fuel on sunny days was a good experience. Naturally, this can be done while you are small. The result was that it turned yellow and dried out, only holes remained in the ground. The only thing you need to understand is whether the diesel fuel decomposes in the ground.

Kerosene is also good, hogweed rots on the vine.
Just where to get more kerosene and cheaper, it is still more environmentally friendly than diesel fuel.

Hogweed began to develop behind our plot; we simply mowed it down, but after a few days it was right there. Someone told my father how to kill him. We need to let it grow so that a tube forms, then we mow it down and pour a good handful of salt into this tube (my father sprinkles iodized salt) and you can forget all about the hogweed. We succeeded. Hope this helps you.

My friend defeated this scourge by transplanting raspberry bushes into the hogweed thickets, which easily took root and strangled the uninvited aggressor.

Black film. Effectively destroy hogweed in the garden.
In the spring of the first year, cover the area overgrown with hogweed and intended for a vegetable garden. black film thickness of at least 100 microns. The film needs to be pressed on top; the hogweed will try to sprout and lift or tear it. (Well, personally, my garden is full of all sorts of things that can be pressed down on the film, or, in extreme cases, sprinkled with earth)
Due to the fact that the film is black, light does not penetrate through it needed by plants and at the same time, the ground beneath it becomes very hot in the sun. In this mode, hogweed spends a huge amount of resources trying to germinate. Eventually using them all up and dying off.
In the second year, at the beginning of June, we remove the film. We dig up the ground and plant what we planned. It is in the first ten days of June: in May, all the hogweed remaining under the film will try to ascend and by June will have died safely.

By the way, this method will destroy not only hogweed, but also all the weeds in your garden in the selected area. Its only drawback is time: the film must lie on the site for a year - from the spring of the first year until the first ten days of June of the second.

Application of herbicides (Trademarks “Roundup”, “Tornado”, “Hurricane”, etc.)
The doses (concentration) of herbicides used to treat hogweed should be double or even triple those prescribed in the instructions for the corresponding type of herbicide. The effect can be achieved with two repeated treatments with a break between them of 15–20 days.
When treating hogweed with herbicides, you need to ensure that the drug gets not only onto the leaf surface, but also flows down the petioles into the leaf rosette; and moisten the generative shoot and inflorescences (umbrellas, if they are developed by the time of treatment) quite generously with the herbicide.
On the other hand, you can’t get too carried away with herbicides, because... overdose will lead to a decrease in soil fertility.
You can add a little liquid detergent to the chemical solution for better adhesion.
