How to store cabbage, the best ways. How to store cabbage at home in winter How to properly store cabbage at home

Summer residents are often interested in how to store cabbage in winter. This interest is quite justified, because this vegetable comes in handy during the cold season, when many tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from it.

For short-term storage, lasting no more than 2 weeks, the variety does not matter. But the choice of cabbage heads for long-term storage for the winter needs to be approached more carefully. Heads of late-ripening varieties should be dense, without the slightest sign of lethargy, without cracks or damage, with stalks and outer leaves.

Late white cabbage harvested only before the first frost in dry, sunny weather. Harvesting must be done carefully, avoiding the heads of cabbage falling.

If the head has traces of insects and their eggs, it is not suitable for long-term storage. It is better to choose large, large heads of cabbage; small ones are stored much worse.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

To store in the refrigerator, the harvest must be prepared in advance. The heads of cabbage are removed from the garden, the stem is cut off and one layer of coarse outer leaves is removed. You should not completely remove the outer leaves, because it is thanks to them that the vegetable remains fresh for a long time. The prepared heads are washed under flow cold water to get rid of soil and small insects stuck between the leaves and wipe with a towel.

Cabbage can be stored in the vegetable compartment for a long time, after wrapping it in film, parchment paper or newspaper. These materials protect vegetables from premature drying and wilting.

You can store Chinese or cauliflower cabbage and kohlrabi in the same way, only it is better to wash them immediately before use. True, their shelf life is very short. Broccoli is placed in separate bags, but not closed. At the bottom of the vegetable compartment they spread damp cloth and place the vegetable on it. Loves this type of cabbage high humidity and can only be stored this way.

But still, all types of cabbage, except white cabbage, are best frozen.

On the balcony at home

In urban conditions, you can store cabbage on the balcony in winter. The main thing is that it is glazed and insulated so that there is no sub-zero temperature, otherwise the crop will freeze and be spoiled. The prepared heads are wrapped in paper or cling film and placed in suitable boxes or bags. Once every 4 to 5 weeks, it is advisable to check stocks for the presence of rot.

If all conditions are met, the harvest will lie on the balcony until the weather warms up.

However, when using cling film, you need to periodically check whether condensation appears between it and the head of cabbage. If water droplets are found inside, old film you need to throw it away, wipe the fork with a towel and wrap it in a new one.

How to dry cabbage for the winter

Dried cabbage does not lose its properties and can be stored for almost whole year. Dried vegetable mass will be much healthier than fresh forks, which for a long time lie in the vegetable store, losing their beneficial properties every month. In addition, dried products take up minimal space, which is especially important in apartments. Almost all types of cabbage dry well both in dryers and in the oven.

In the oven, the chopped vegetable mass is dried on baking sheets covered with parchment paper or silicone mats. Optimal temperature– 50 – 75°C.

If the oven does not have a conventional mode, the door must be opened slightly so that excess moisture. Cooked vegetables dry out and change color.

Such preparations are added to first and second courses and even to baked goods. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of dried cabbage is several times higher than fresh cabbage. It is best to store such preparations in jars or small bags made of natural fabric.

Storing sauerkraut at home

Cabbage can be stored not only fresh, but also sauerkraut, since with this processing method it does not lose its beneficial substances. Pickling – best option using loose, damaged and rotten heads that will not be stored all winter.

IN wooden barrels The products can be stored for 8 months, provided that the temperature does not fall below -1°C and rise above +4°C. IN glass jars In enamel containers, fermented vegetable mass can be stored much shorter. The best place for storing such preparations - a refrigerator, balcony or cold cellar.

If the shelf life of a snack is coming to an end, but there is no way to immediately use it for its intended purpose, you can simply freeze it. After defrosting, cabbage should be eaten immediately.

How to store in a cellar or basement until spring

Optimal storage conditions in the cellar are temperature within 0 – 3°C and humidity around 85 – 90%.

There are many ways to store crops:

  • Hanging. When harvesting vegetables, do not remove the roots, trunk and outer leaves. A hook is attached to the lower part of the trunk and the heads of cabbage are hung on a wire. Sometimes the heads are collected in bunches and hung from the ceiling several at a time. In this way, moisture gradually passes from the roots to the leaves, and the cabbage is well preserved.
  • Wrapping in paper. The stalks are cut off right next to the head. The heads are wrapped in several layers of paper and laid out on shelves, maintaining sufficient distance between them. True, sometimes because high humidity The outer leaves begin to rot and the paper sticks to them.
  • Using cling film. A more practical method compared to wrapping in paper. The film creates a moisture-proof barrier and protects the crop from drying out. Before wrapping, remove dry and loose leaves from vegetables. The cabbage needs to be wrapped correctly, very tightly, pressing every unevenness, in several layers. The wrapped heads are stored on basement shelves, in bags or boxes. But still, the crop is periodically inspected in order to detect rot in time. The rotten place is completely cut out, and the head is urgently eaten.
  • Clay chatter. The stalks are removed, and the heads of cabbage are coated with a clay solution and allowed to dry.
  • Use of sand. Pour a layer of sand 20 cm thick into a box or directly onto the floor of the cellar and stick the collected heads of cabbage with uncut stalks into it.

Preserving cabbage until spring is more than possible. It is better for just a beginning gardener to try several storage methods at once to determine which one is more suitable. Then this method can be used for years.

Cabbage can be stored for a long time in an extremely small temperature range from +0 to +5 °C. Ideal temperature – from +0 to +2 °С.

Cabbage is extremely picky about storage conditions.. At low temperatures it quickly freezes and loses its taste and benefits. If it is too high, it quickly deteriorates. Optimal humidity ranges from 80 to 90%.

Terms and Conditions

How to store cabbage in the basement in winter? Despite strict conditions, it is possible to store cabbage in the cellar. The main thing is to choose the right variety, the right cellar and comply with all the conditions.

Early cabbage, ripening in early to mid-summer, is not suitable for winter storage.

In order for cabbage to lie in the cellar for a long time and successfully, you need to choose late-ripening varieties. They ripen only towards the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The best for storing cabbage varieties:

  • Moscow late;
  • Wintering;
  • Amager;
  • Valentina;
  • Orbit;
  • Glory;
  • Turkiz.

These are late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties of cabbage. Their ability for long-term storage has been tested by many gardeners. How to store cabbage in the cellar in winter?

Declared shelf life of suitable varieties in the cellar from 3 to 4 months. If you follow all the recommendations, cabbage can last a little longer.

Preparing the vegetable

Cabbage harvesting should begin when cold weather sets in and temperatures drop below zero at night. To avoid studying extra work , it is better to harvest cabbage in dry weather. If the rains become frequent, then the heads of cabbage need to be dried.

When is cabbage supposed to be stored? in limbo, you need to dig up the crop with a leg. There is no need to remove many layers of top sheets. This can lead to rapid spoilage as the surface layers of the leaves act as a protective layer. For winter storage unsuitable:

  • very hollow, underdeveloped heads of cabbage;
  • cracked or rotting heads of cabbage;
  • frostbitten, severely damaged by pests or diseases.

Places and methods

It is better to store cabbage:

  • in the basement;
  • in the cellar;
  • in the basement of the house;
  • in the garage caisson.

There is not much difference between these places. The main thing is that the storage conditions are suitable.

Except temperature regime and air humidity, important absence of rodents. and - frequent guests, especially in the basement of a private house or cellar. Cabbage is their favorite delicacy.

How to properly store cabbage in the basement? You can learn about the method of storing cabbage in bags from this video:

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring? There are as many ways to store cabbage in the cellar for the winter as there are for no other vegetable. Cabbage is stored:

In cling film

How to store cabbage for the winter in the cellar in cling film? To store cabbage in film, you need to wrap each head of cabbage several layers. She tightly grips the cabbage, creating a kind of vacuum, waterproof. Moisture does not get on the head of cabbage, and it is stored longer.

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring in paper? Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers of plain paper. This allows them not to touch each other. However, if the paper will get wet, the cabbage will quickly begin to deteriorate. The wrapped heads of cabbage are placed in boxes or on shelves in the underground.

It is better not to use it for wrapping cabbage. old newspapers. They are suitable for these purposes, but the harmful substances that printing ink contains can be absorbed into the cabbage during storage.

In the clay layer

How to store fresh cabbage in a cellar for the winter in clay? An original and labor-intensive storage method. Every head of cabbage coated with clay(diluted with water) and dried until it hardens. The cabbage falls into a "clay ball" that protects it from external influences. The heads of cabbage are placed in boxes or on shelves in the cellar.

How to store fresh cabbage in the cellar in winter in boxes? The easiest way. Heads of cabbage are placed in wooden boxes and stored in the basement. The boxes must be wooden, with holes and open. This is not the most reliable way, since the heads of cabbage come into contact with each other and can easily begin to deteriorate.


The heads of cabbage are stacked on top of each other in a checkerboard pattern, forming "pyramid".

The point of the method is to pile the cabbage in a heap, but in such a way as to ensure minimal contact and maximum air flow.

Disadvantage of the method– if a head of cabbage in the bottom row goes bad, you will have to disassemble the entire “pyramid”.

Cabbage is stacked in boxes, but the space between the cabbages covered with sand. The method of storing cabbage in a cellar with sand is effective, but complex. Firstly, with the appearance of sand, dirt in the basement is guaranteed. Secondly, with a rich harvest need a lot of sand place it in the cellar, which is not always easy to do.

One of the most reliable ways. He has proven his worth many times efficiency.

Cabbage for storage in this way is dug up with the roots. By this very root-stalk they hang her on a rope to the ceiling of the basement. To do this you need enough high ceilings and specially prepared fastenings (hooks, beams, etc.).

An option for hanging cabbage in this video:

On shelves

Simple and simple way. Cabbage is laid out on shelves in the basement so that the heads of cabbage didn't touch.

How best to store cabbage in the cellar is up to you.

One of the options for preserving cabbage for the winter is to use it. On our website you will find a lot of proven recipes for preparing this product. For example, as well as cabbage, and.

Neighborhood with other products

A cellar designed for storing vegetables most often accommodates more than just cabbage. Everything that was grown during the season is stored in one place. Is it possible to store potatoes and cabbage together?

The most common is the neighborhood of cabbage:

  • co ;
  • with others .

Ideally, cabbage should be stored separately from other vegetables, but in practice this is difficult to achieve.

Shared Storage Rules cabbage with other vegetables:

  • the cabbage lies separately from them;
  • it is advisable to maintain a maximum distance between them;
  • You can’t put different vegetables together or mix them;
  • You cannot store healthy and disease-infected vegetables in the same room.

Step by step instructions

Storing cabbage in a garage pit:

  1. Dry if necessary and treat to remove unsuitable leaves.
  2. Wrap each head of cabbage in cling film.
  3. Place it in the garage pit.

Storing cabbage in a caisson:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Trim the stems, leaving only the heads.
  3. Clear the most upper layer leaves.
  4. Place in wooden boxes.
  5. Sprinkle with sand if possible.
  6. Place the boxes on the floor of the caisson.

To store cabbage in cling film you need:

  1. Dry the collected heads of cabbage if necessary.
  2. Peel the top one layer of leaves.
  3. Wrap each head of cabbage with several layers of film.
  4. Place in any convenient container or on shelves.

Storing cabbage with roots:

  1. Dig up the cabbage by the roots.
  2. Tie a rope to each head of cabbage by the leg.
  3. Hang the heads of cabbage from the ceiling of the cellar using it.

How to hang cabbage with roots - photo:

Storing cabbage heads:

  1. Harvest cabbage.
  2. Remove the stems, leaving only the heads.
  3. Remove the top layer of leaves.
  4. Place the heads of cabbage in boxes, on shelves or in a pyramid, and wrap in film if desired.

You will learn how to store cabbage in the cellar using a vacuum cleaner by watching the video:

Features for individual varieties

Most often, white cabbage is stored for the winter. However, there are many other types of cabbage that can be stored for the winter. Each of them has your secrets storage in cellars (subfloors, basements).

White cabbage

The most common variety of cabbage. It is grown with a large quantitative advantage over other species. Storage Features in the cellar:

  • Only late-ripening varieties are suitable for storage;
  • storage temperature from +0 to +2 °C;
  • demanding on storage conditions;
  • stored in different ways: from placing it in boxes to covering it with clay and is best stored in wooden boxes, sprinkled with wet sand;
  • can be stored for a maximum of 4-5 months.


All winter, unfortunately, the cauliflower collected in the cellar it's unlikely to be saved. It is not intended for such long-term storage.

However, a basement (subfloor) is a good option to extend the life of this type of cabbage.

Features of storing cauliflower:

  • stored in wooden boxes, covered with polyethylene (up to 2 weeks);
  • for long-term storage, it is grown in the cellar in specially prepared containers;
  • ideal storage temperature is from +0 to +2 °C.

Chinese cabbage

Storing this type of cabbage is complicated by the fact that it fades quickly. There is too much moisture in it, which can only be replenished with increased relative humidity.

You can store Chinese cabbage in plastic bags placed in boxes that need to be lowered into the cellar. At a temperature from +0 to +2 °С Chinese cabbage can be stored for about 3 months.

Red cabbage

How to store red cabbage in forks for the winter?

Cleaning should be done closer to the beginning of October. It is considered a good variety from a storage point of view. late-ripening "Gako - 741".

This type of cabbage is stored in much the same way as white cabbage. The best way to store it in the basement is to hang it from the ceiling by the leg.

Thus, almost all types of cabbage can be stored in the basement (cellar). This method is considered one of the best. If you follow all the storage rules, the cabbage will lie in the cellar all winter and end up on the table fresh and tasty.

General rules storage in the basement for all types of cabbage:

  • temperature mode from +0 to +5 °C;
  • humidity air within the range from 80 to 95 ° C;
  • absence mold, fungi in the cellar;
  • variety of storage methods;
  • safety from 2 weeks to 4 months depending on the type.

Storing cabbage sometimes involves a labor-intensive process of processing and preparation.

Bottom line worth the effort, since cabbage is a tasty and healthy vegetable necessary for consumption in winter time of the year.

Every housewife should know how to store cabbage in the refrigerator, on the balcony, cellar or other place accessible to her. Proper organization of storage will preserve all the vitamins and minerals, taste and presentation of the vegetable. In an unfavorable microclimate, the product will quickly wither or rot, losing its taste and beneficial qualities. Useful tips collected in the article will help you keep cabbage fresh for the winter.

Choosing a variety for storage

In order to preserve the harvest of white cabbage for a long time, it is important to choose suitable variety. Early types (“June”, “Early ripening”) are not suitable for long-term storage. They must be consumed within 2 months after ripening.

For storage choose mid- and late-ripening varieties. Their ripening period is 130-150 days and 150-180 days, respectively. Perfect option– varieties that ripen in late summer or autumn. This cabbage will keep well in the cellar or refrigerator. It is also suitable for creating home preserves (pickling, pickling).

From mid-season varieties cabbage “Aquarelle”, “Vyuga” and others are well preserved, and from the later ones - “Morozko”, “Amager 611”, “Krumont F1”, “Kolobok F1”, “Lezhkiy F1”, “Zimovka 1474”, “Prestige F1” and others.

Harvesting and preparing cabbage for storage

Cabbage should be harvested in mid-autumn - it all depends on the variety and ripening period. Pick vegetables on a sunny, dry day. Dig up the cabbage with a shovel, being careful not to damage the head and stalk.

A head of cabbage that has reached technical maturity is dense and even; at the top there is a spot of a lighter shade than the rest of the leaves.

IN middle lane cabbage is harvested for storage after October 8, in more northern regions - in the last days of September. Sometimes the heads of cabbage remain in the gardens until the first frost and, by the way, they tolerate them well. Cabbage (of the appropriate variety, of course), which has survived a short-term temperature drop to −5 ℃, can be successfully stored for up to 9 months or more. You just can’t remove it immediately after freezing. Experienced gardeners allow such heads of cabbage to “thaw on the vine” and then harvest them on the first dry and relatively warm day.

After harvesting, sort out vegetables, setting aside products with signs of rotting or spoilage. Separately fold the unformed heads of cabbage - they must be used first.

After sorting dry vegetables for two days under cover. The main requirement for drying is constant circulation. fresh air. After drying, you can store the vegetables.

In cabbage intended for fresh storage, be sure to leave a stalk 3-4 cm long and 2-3 cover sheets, which serve as protection for the fork. Without outer leaves, cabbage quickly deteriorates! If the heads of cabbage are stored hanging, the stalk is not cut off at all (it is left along with the root).

Shelf life

For many housewives, the relevant question is how long cabbage can be stored. It all depends on the variety and quality of the vegetable, as well as the chosen storage method:

For storage duration Vegetable growing conditions also influence. Heavy rainfall negatively affects the shelf life of the product, because the forks that have not yet formed crack and become loose. An abundance of fertilizers or their improper use reduces the shelf life. Be sure to take these factors into account when storing vegetables.

How to store cabbage at home in an apartment

In a refrigerator

At home, you can store white cabbage in the refrigerator. Dry the heads of cabbage well before storing. Select only dense, elastic vegetables, cut off most of the stalk (3-4 cm should be left), it is better to leave the upper leaves.

Wrap the prepared fruit in 2-3 layers of cling film. You can also fold the cabbage into plastic bags, but it is important to squeeze the air out of them as much as possible, creating a vacuum effect. Place the vegetable in the coolest part of the refrigerator.

In the freezer

You can store cabbage at home in freezer. Freezing will preserve the freshness of the product and its beneficial properties for a long time. In addition, frozen cabbage is a semi-finished product that significantly saves time during cooking. However, a frozen vegetable loses its crunchiness and original appearance and is suitable for preparing only some dishes.

To freeze cabbage, select whole and healthy fruits, wash them well and dry them. You need to cut the vegetable into pieces or finely chop it. Wrap large pieces in cling film, and place the chopped product in freezer bags or plastic containers.

For cabbage rolls, you can freeze whole cabbage leaves separately.

On the balcony/storage room

You can store cabbage on an insulated balcony or in a pantry. At the same time, do not allow it to freeze or significantly increase the temperature. To protect vegetables from exposure environment, wrap it in paper or cling film.


Cabbage is often used for preservation. Various vegetable salads are prepared from it with the addition of onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers and even mushrooms. Particularly popular sauerkraut. It can be served as a separate dish or used to prepare potato zrazas, dumplings, jellied pies and more. To learn how to properly ferment cabbage, watch the video:

You can read about how to pickle cabbage for the winter in this article.

Step-by-step recipes pickling cabbage with beets, you will find.

How to store cabbage in the cellar until spring

You can store cabbage until spring in the cellar at temperature −1…+1℃ and air humidity 85-95%. Creating a favorable microclimate will protect the vegetable from rotting and help preserve juiciness, taste and the whole range of nutrients.

Before storing cabbage in the cellar, thoroughly clean, ventilate and dry the room. If necessary, disinfect and destroy rodents and other pests.

There are different ways to store cabbage in the cellar. The choice depends on the amount of harvest, the size of the room and the preferences of the housewife.

An easy way to store in boxes. Before planting, cut off the stalks (3-4 cm should be left) of all heads of cabbage; do not remove the top layer of leaves. Place the cabbage in wooden boxes containing ventilation holes. Place the workpieces in the cellar, placing them on a stand or pallet. This will protect the product from excessive moisture and protect it from rotting.

Cabbage will help preserve maximum nutrients sand. Peel the heads of cabbage from the top layer of leaves (keep 2-3) and cut off the stalk (keep 3-4 cm). Place the products in a box and sprinkle each layer with sand, which must first be dried and calcined. This method is quite effective, although dirty.

You can store cabbage in the cellar in the form of a vegetable pyramid. Place a pallet or knocked down boards on the floor so that there is a gap between them. This will ensure air circulation and extend the shelf life of vegetables. Place the largest and densest heads of cabbage on them, then the medium ones in a checkerboard pattern and then the small ones. The result should be a stable vegetable pyramid.

You can save cabbage in paper. This method will provide thermal insulation and protect the fruits from moisture, light and contact with other vegetables. Wrap selected whole heads of cabbage in several layers of paper and place in boxes or bags. You can store such a blank in a cellar or basement.

Do not use newspaper to wrap cabbage. Printing ink contains harmful substances (such as lead) that can be hazardous to health.

Helps preserve cabbage cling film. Pre-sort the vegetables and remove the top leaves. Carefully wrap each head of cabbage tightly in film (in three layers). The created vacuum will protect the vegetable from pathogenic microorganisms, pests and negative environmental influences. Place the prepared vegetables on shelves in the basement or put them in boxes.

An unusual way to store cabbage - suspended:

  1. Nail it in the cellar wooden board and drive it into her side part nails at equal distances.
  2. Tie a rope to the stalk of each head of cabbage.
  3. Hang the cabbage on nails.

Such storage will ensure constant ventilation of the vegetables and prevent them from rotting. In addition, with this method it is convenient to monitor the condition of the cabbage and use first of all the one that has begun to lose its presentation.

Periodically check the crop and select heads of cabbage that show signs of rotting or spoilage. Rotten areas should be cut off and good part use in cooking as quickly as possible.


You can store cabbage fresh (at home or in the cellar), frozen or pickled. Watch the video to understand the nuances of preserving vegetables:

Young mother, wife and housewife. She prepares delicious and, most importantly, healthy meals for her household. Therefore, he searches and tests various options conservation beneficial properties fruits and vegetables at home. I am ready to share the experience gained and the results of experiments with readers.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. By properties and appearance they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is the rotted organic remains of the of different origins(spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year(if you really liked the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

"Frost-resistant" varieties garden strawberries(usually simply “strawberry”) need shelter just as much as regular varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners should remember that root system No one has ever managed to change the strawberries.

Convenient Android applications have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, collections useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their ripening and harvest on time.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is highest. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes the nutritional and health benefits of plant foods to be lost. As a result of the research, scientists found that the decrease nutritional value when frozen it is practically absent.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of multi-colored corn called Rainbow Corn. Grains on each cob - different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selection of the most colored ordinary varieties and their crossing.

White cabbage and cauliflower, along with potatoes and carrots, forms the basis of our vegetable table. However, it is almost impossible to find a fresh and dense head of cabbage on sale at the end of winter. Due to improper storage conditions, cabbage loses most of its vitamins, becomes loose and tasteless, and rotten forks lying sadly on the counter are not pleasing to the eye.

You should only buy cabbage in the store at the end of winter if absolutely necessary; therefore, it is much better to stock up on cabbage in the fall (buy at the market or harvest your own) and take care of storing it in cold period. Therefore, it is so important to know how to properly store cabbage in a basement or cellar in winter.

Best varieties for storage

Mid- and late-ripening varieties of cabbage are ideal for storage; their growing season (time of development and ripening) ranges from 90-100 days or more. Early ripening varieties that ripen in early to mid-summer are not suitable for storage in the cellar; they have loose heads of cabbage and will not lie well. It’s good to pamper yourself with this cabbage when there are practically no other vegetables on the table. Early ripening varieties are eaten within 2 - 3 months after cleaning. Usually this cabbage is eaten fresh.

To add cabbage to long-term storage you need to choose the right variety. Ideally stored varieties will be those that ripen at the end of summer or autumn (this vegetable is less dependent on the length of daylight hours, when compared with, say, carrots, photoperiodism is much lower - less than 12 hours). Such varieties will be well stored in the cellar, and they can also be used for home canning.

Late ripening varieties (well stored):

  • Wintering.
  • Moscow late.

Mid-season and mid-late varieties (can be stored, suitable for home preparation):

  • Golden hectare 1432.
  • Hope.
  • Present.
  • Kharkov winter.

Early ripening varieties (should not be stored, they are eaten fresh):

  • June
  • Precocious.
  • Number one Gribovsky 147.

If you don't know what type of cabbage you have (for example, you bought it at the market), pay attention to the shape of the head. Dense, round and slightly flattened medium-sized heads of cabbage are best stored, while loose and elongated forks will spoil much faster.

Harvesting and cellaring

If you are growing cabbage garden plot, then for you its storage will begin with proper harvesting. It is recommended to dig up cabbage in late summer or mid-autumn, depending on the variety.

The harvest is harvested in dry, sunny weather.

  1. We harvest correctly. It is advisable to choose a warm sunny day. The cabbage is carefully dug up with a shovel; the roots and stalks do not need to be cut off immediately, they only need to be cleared of lumps of earth.
  2. We remove the “substandard”. Harvest you need to go through again, clean the damaged sheets, leaving 2 - 3 coverslips. You can immediately sort out small, unformed heads of cabbage, since they will be eaten first. If the stalk has rotted or been chewed by pests, we remove the plugs. Don’t worry, if there’s quite a lot of “substandard” stuff, we won’t throw it away, we’ll just ferment it for the winter. In this form, it can be successfully preserved until spring.
  3. Dry it. Before storing the cabbage in the cellar for storage, the heads of cabbage need to be dried for a day or two indoors or under a canopy, and then, depending on the future storage method, you can either cut off the roots sharp knife, or leave them as they are.

In order for cabbage to be stored correctly in a cellar or basement and not rot for a long time, it is necessary to provide an appropriate microclimate. The temperature in the cellar in winter should not go beyond -1 - +2 degrees, and humidity should be maintained at 90 - 98%. In such conditions, the cabbage will remain fresh and juicy for a long time, and the leaves will not rot.

Make sure there are no rodents in your cellar. They will never refuse to eat cabbage. The walls, as well as the shelves in the basement, need to be thoroughly dried before storing the crop. It also wouldn’t hurt to treat them with an antiseptic; you can use whitewashing with a solution of quicklime, but fumigation with sulfur at the rate of 30 - 40 grams per 1 m2.

Don't forget to remove any debris and old remains of cabbage leaves, otherwise it will be much more difficult to keep the vegetables of the new harvest unspoiled.

Methods for storing cabbage

Let's look at several popular and accessible methods that you can put into practice.

In boxes

This is the easiest way to store cabbage in a cellar or caisson, although it is not the best in terms of efficiency. We completely cut off the stalks of the heads of cabbage, remove the spoiled leaves and put the cabbage in large wooden boxes. It’s good if the boxes are not solid, but with holes - then the air will circulate well. There is no need to close the lid. It is better to place the boxes not on the floor of the cellar, but on a small stand.

The drawers should have slots for air circulation.

Vegetable pyramid

If you decide to choose this method, you will need to build a wooden platform in the cellar with a height of 7 - 10 centimeters from the floor. There should be small gaps between the deck boards. We lay out the largest and best heads of cabbage on this area in a rectangle, lay out smaller heads of cabbage on them in a checkerboard pattern, and so on. You should end up with a cabbage “pyramid”. With this storage method, air will circulate well between the heads of cabbage.

You need to consume vegetables gradually by disassembling the pyramid, starting from the upper levels. You will immediately notice if one of the outer heads begins to deteriorate, however, to get it, most likely, you will have to disassemble the entire structure above it.

Cover with sand

One of the best ways to preserve vitamins and nutrients, although it is a little messy. In this case, the cabbage is placed in wooden boxes and sprinkled with sand, or a thick layer of sand is poured onto the floor of the cellar, and the heads of cabbage are placed in it.

Paper wrappers

In order to store cabbage in this way, each head of cabbage needs to be wrapped in several layers of soft paper, for example, newspaper. A layer of paper will prevent the heads of cabbage from touching, create additional thermal insulation, and protect from light and moisture. If you have a bunch of unnecessary newspapers accumulated at home, this is a great reason to use them, however, you should take into account that printing ink contains lead and substances harmful to health, so for the first layer that comes into contact with the head of cabbage, it is better to use plain white paper. Heads of cabbage wrapped in paper can be placed in bags and stored in a basement or underground.

Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers of paper.

Cling film

Most effective method storing cabbage in the winter in a cellar or basement. You need to buy several rolls of food at any hardware store. polyethylene film, then each fork should be tightly wrapped with several layers of film. Polyethylene adheres well and allows you to pack each vegetable carefully and efficiently, and is also characterized by hygiene and good moisture resistance. Place the heads of cabbage wrapped in film in a box or place them on shelves - In this form, cabbage can be preserved until spring.

Cling film in rolls is sold in many stores.

On a rope under the ceiling

This is the most effective and environmentally friendly way. If you are going to store cabbage in this form in winter, you do not need to cut off the roots. Nail a thick wooden board under the ceiling of the cellar, and the distance to the nearest wall should be at least 30 centimeters. Next, in lateral surface drive the boards with nails at equal distances from each other average size. The largest head of cabbage should go between the nails.

The heads of cabbage can be hung on a rope, or you can pierce the stalk and thread a wire through it.

Tie a rope to the stalk of each head of cabbage, and tie the other end of the rope to a nail. One nail - one head of cabbage. This storage method is ideal for cabbage - all the heads are well ventilated and do not touch each other, and you can remove any of them at any time, and if something starts to deteriorate somewhere, it is immediately visible to the naked eye. There is only one drawback to this method. How many heads of cabbage can be properly stored without touching in an average cellar? 10 pieces - 20?

You can use any of the above methods for storing cabbage in winter, but do not forget to properly prepare the cellar before planting the crop. This will allow you to enjoy fresh, juicy vegetables throughout the year!

But after 1-2 weeks it dries, sprouts, or begins to rot, mucus appears and bad smell. And then the entire harvest, which cost you a lot of effort, goes down the drain.

Just think! Purchase good seeds. Sowing seeds. Caring for seedlings. Planting seedlings and constantly watering them. Long-term control of weeds and white midges. Harvesting. And so, you have not yet had time to enjoy the beautiful and juicy heads, when they begin to rot in your cellar, on the balcony, or in the refrigerator. Sad, isn't it?

What you need to choose for storage only late ripening!!! varieties of cabbage, clear as day. Any late-ripening varieties that are grown in your region have good shelf life.

Method number 1. Storing cabbage in cellophane allows you to keep the heads of cabbage fresh until the next harvest!

A neighbor in the country shared this method with me. He was already despairing of keeping the cabbage fresh even until January. "How many different ways I tried it!,” he said, “he dug up heads of cabbage with roots, hung them in the basement, buried them with roots in the ground in the cellar, sprinkled them with chalk, wrapped them in newspaper…. Nothing worked, after a couple of weeks, or even faster, the cabbage began to sprout or dry out...” He then shared with me a method that I have been using for 3 years and which I am happy to share with you, dear readers.

  • Take a healthy head of cabbage without damaged leaves, without the slightest sign of spoilage.
  • Trim the stalk but leave a few green leaves.
  • Take feed chalk and powder the head of cabbage thoroughly on all sides with it.
  • Now take a plastic bag - use only food bags, under no circumstances should you take garbage bags - pour the same food chalk inside the bag.
  • Carefully place the processed cabbage head into a chalked plastic bag.
  • Take a bowl of water and immerse the bag with the cabbage head in it, but make sure no water gets inside. Our goal: to extract all the air from the bag and create some kind of tightness.
  • Twist the end of the bag so that the cellophane fits snugly around the head and tie it tightly.

Can be stored in a cellar or basement at temperatures from 1C to 10C.

You can also wrap the heads of cabbage tightly in cling film, but then the shelf life of the cabbage will be reduced.

Method No. 2 How to preserve cabbage until July 1 using ordinary clay?

Cabbage is stored in the cellar under optimal temperature (1-4C) and humidity (80-90%) conditions.

  • Take the clay and dilute it with water to the consistency of medium thick sour cream.
  • Carefully coat the head of cabbage with clay so that the leaves do not remain visible. Carry out this procedure with all heads.
  • Hang the heads of cabbage by the stalk, head down, until the clay hardens.
  • Then the cabbage can be placed in wooden boxes and taken to the basement or cellar for storage.

The dried layer of clay can be easily removed if necessary. The cabbage is kept fresh and juicy. It does not dry out, does not grow and retains all its beneficial substances.

Method No. 3. How to preserve cabbage for the winter using a vacuum cleaner?

In fact, the cabbage is wrapped in the same plastic bag that we talked about in method 1. But the main thing here is tightness. So that there is no oxygen in the bag, in which all sorts of painful microorganisms develop, rot, and the cabbage quickly deteriorates. By placing the head of cabbage in an airtight environment, you can keep it fresh for 12 months! What does the process look like?

  • Take a plastic bag, it is better that it is intended for food products
  • Place a head of cabbage with a small stalk in a bag.
  • Remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner tube.
  • Point the wand into the bag of cabbage and turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  • When all the air has been pumped out, twist the ends of the cellophane around the stalk and tie tightly with a rope.

At the same time, leave the stalk open.

Cabbage can be placed in boxes and taken to the cellar for storage. You can store it in the basement, in the refrigerator, or even on glassed balcony your city apartment.

Method No. 4. How to preserve cabbage “upside down” until spring?

This method is also good because it allows you to save a lot. free space on the shelves of your cellar or basement.

  • Dig up a rosette of cabbage with roots.
  • Tie a rope to the stalk.
  • Hang upside down from a beam or other structure attached to the ceiling.

    Method No. 5. Storing cabbage outside

    This method is ideal when there is no cellar, as it allows you to store cabbage right outside until spring! To do this, you need to take the following steps:

    • Dig a hole in the ground to a depth of 50cm.
    • Clean the heads of cabbage from damaged upper leaves, trim the stalk, leaving only 2 cm at the head.
    • Place the cabbage in a hole in the shape of a house.
    • Cover the top with healthy cabbage leaves, regular dry leaves, or dry, not rotten straw.
    • Sprinkle 10-20 cm with soil (the lower the temperature, the thicker the layer of soil required).

    If winters in your region are characterized by heavy snowfalls, then you can not sprinkle the cabbage with soil, but cover it with snow 90-100 cm thick.

    General rules for all methods of storing cabbage:

    • Only late varieties
    • Dry and healthy heads of cabbage
    • Storage temperature from 0C to 6C

    What methods of storing cabbage do you use?

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